Local Groups call for Friday afternoon demonstration against Ret. General Tommy Franks
This Friday, retired General Tommy Franks will be speaking at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. RIT Anti-War and other local groups are calling for a protest to address the crimes against humanity that he oversaw as commander of the Invasion of Iraq.
Demonstators Demand an End to Corporate Media Black out of US Electoral Fraud
A rally was held Wednesday night to call attention to the corporate media black out of Electoral Fraud in the 2004 Presidential Election. About 100 demonstrators picketed, held signs, and listened to speakers in Downtown Rochester, across from the Democrat and Chronicle Buiding on Exchange Street.
Another Call To Action: It Is Past Time To Teach Racist Bar Owner A Lesson In Economics 101
Because of City Councilman Adam McFadden's courageous stand on behalf of the local Black Community, and his stand against individual and institutional racism and police brutality --- an Alexander Street bar owner and reported white supremacist, Ronnie Davis and his allies are engaging in conscious, systematic, calculated, coordinated efforts to destroy Councilman McFadden's political career.
To the Viktor Go the Spoils
Americans would do well to listen to listen to thousands of Ukrainians protesting a stolen election, even though they’re shouting in a foreign tongue and it would likely be hard to literally understand them but the message should still be able to be discerned anyway.
Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every
Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous
movement happening across the United States that literally astounded
me. There are protests and marches in every major city in
the country.
Local Groups Call for EMERGENCY RALLY Against the US Attack on Fallujah
Bush won the election and now he is on the rampage. Fallujah, a
city in Iraq about the size of Rochester, is a hotbed of resistance to
the US occupation. Earlier this year, the resistance kicked US troops
out of the city. Now, as punishment for the people of Fallujah's
defiance, the US is trying to recapture their city. American planes
bombed Fallujah every single day for weeks. Now, 10,000 Marines are
fighting Fallujah's residents in the most intense urban combat since
the Vietnam War. In the re-invasion, the US destroyed a hospital and
killed countless numbers of people. Bush won't stop there--the US
wants to use Fallujah as an example, and take back all of the cities
that the occupation has lost control of.
Cleveland Reportback
In Cleveland we were impressed with the huge, coordinated efforts of the
Election Protection Coalition. We visited the Cleveland headquarters and
followed election protection volunteers to polling sites in East Cleveland,
near Shaker Heights.
Commentary: Why are we reliving issues of 1964 in 2004?
With a little help from mainstream, mass media, you can fool some of the people some of the time
We felt that it was important to submit this article in order to debunk the half-truths and lies published in an article written by Rochester City Council persons Lois and Ben (See their Oct 20 editorial below).
PepperBall guns, Bean Bag Projectiles and Tasers, seem to be a good idea at first. They have been used to take down knife wielding hostage holders and neutralize would be suicide victims all over the country. They give officers a chance to leave their guns in the holster and defuse dangerous situations without killing.
Background on Emerson Student killed by Police
"Million Worker March" a Spirited Success
Oct. 17, 2004 was an historic day for Labor. The Million Worker March (MWM) brought a progressive blueprint for change to Washington, D.C. In front of the Lincoln Memorial, the organizers’ central message rang out loud and clear: “The Labor Movement will follow its own independent agenda to restore America!†They also blasted the AFC-CIO’s boss, John Sweeney, and his cronies, for boycotting the event.