Ansar Mahmood Deported After 31 Months; A Pizza Delivery Man from Pakistan who took a snapshot in front of reservoir
After thirty-one months in detention, Ansar Mahmood was deported by the United States government. He was flown out of JFK International Airport on a Pakistan International Airlines commercial flight accompanied by two guards. Because Mr. Mahmood was not informed of his exact deportation date ahead of time and because his telephone privileges were suspended at the time he was notified of his deportation, he was unable to contact his friends and supporters to tell them of his deportation until he was already at the airport. This meant that the people he had adopted as his American family and friends were unable to wish him good-by either at the airport or even on the telephone.
Area Groups Organize to Participate in Actions against Republican National Convention
A number of local groups are organizing transportation to New York City for the upcoming actions during the Republican National Convention (RNC). Poor People United (PPU) is planning to participate in the Bushville Tent cities during the week preceding the RNC, the August 30th March for Our lives and other events. The group will hold a planning meeting Thursday August 19th. Call 585-464-8965 or 585-464-0186 for more information on the Poor People United mobilization.
The Propaganda Box
The daily routines of waiting bus riders and passers-by at the Liberty Pole have been altered a little bit lately, courtesy of the Propaganda Box - a red, white and blue crate housing a television and DVD player playing independently produced documentaries and videos in a continuous loop out to the street.
Democrats VS AIDS Activists in Pennsylvania
AIDS activists from Rochester and Penn State were pushed and had a sign ripped from their hands by a rabid Kerry campaign volunteer in Greensburgh, PA on Saturday. The demonstrators were seeking to pressure John Edwards and John Kerry to speak substantively on the global AIDS pandemic and to tell the public how they plan to improve treatment and care for people with HIV around the world.
Boston: This is what Democracy looks like
How do I describe the sense of dread that crawled under my skin as I observed that there were only two entrance/exits to this long narrow cage enclosed with two chain link fences, covered with a mesh net, topped with two rolls of razor wire...
The Lizard Strategy, Or how to defeat Bush without losing our souls
"Now we get to go out and lie to our members once again," a union staffer recently complained to me. She was referring to the 2004 presidential election, and her frustration is understandable. Like most of organized labor she, and her union, are convinced that the Bush administration must go, and that the only way to make that happen is to persuade their members, and millions of traditional non-voters, that Senator John Kerry represents their interests. This is a thankless and difficult task since, like the sister says, it's a lie.
Conventional Wisdom, July Rochester IMC Screening
The Rochester IMC July Screening will feature two half-hour documentaries dealing with People's actions against the 2000 Democratic and Republican National Conventions as well as 3 short "newsreal" style documentaries produced by members of the Rochester IMC video group. Immediately following the screening, a facilitated discussion on reactions to the videos and planning for actions at the 2004 conventions will take place.
When: Sunday July 11, 2004, 3-5pm
Where: Public Market, All Purpose Room
280 North Union Street, Rochester for more
detailed directions.
Rochester Peace Activists Honor War Dead
Rochester, NY, peace activists joined together on Memorial Day, 5/31/04, to honor all the recent war dead -- American, Iraqi, Afghani.
Candlelight Vigil for Mahmood at INS Detention Center
More than 20 people gathered on short notice to show solidarity with Ansar Mahmood at a candlelight vigil held in front of the INS Federal Detention Center in Batavia Thursday night. The vigil was called after Mahmood's request to remain in the United States was turned down on Tuesday. A request to speak to Mahmood was rejected. However, guards at the gate said they would pass on the group's good wishes to him.
Homeland Security Decides to Deport Ansar Mahmood
The Department of Homeland Security has decided to reject Ansar Mahmood's request for deferred action status, meaning that he will be deported from the country (background).
Despite large showings of public support, William Cleary, the northeast Field Director of Homeland Security sent a letter to Ansar saying that his request for deferred action was rejected because, "by law, your conviction has defined you as an 'aggravated felon' and your removal is in the best interests of national security."
(letter, commentary)
A peaceful vigil to recognize Ansar Mahmood's struggle to stay in America is happening Thursday, July 1st 9pm at the Batavia INS Detention Facility