The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY Closed by City for Controversial Art Installation
(Troy, NY) An art installation closed by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute last Thursday (March 5) was shut down by the City of Troy this morning (March 11), a day after it re-opened at The Sanctuary for Independent Media.
Wafaa Bilal's "Virtual Jihadi" piece is the centerpiece of a month-long celebration of art, freedom and democracy at The Sanctuary for Independent Media, which features by Iraqi-born digital media artist Wafaa Bilal, culture jammers The Yes Men, film maker Pam Yates and the Critical Art Ensemble's Professor Steve Kurtz. The City of Troy's order to close The Sanctuary for Independent Media jeopardizes the entire "Art, Freedom, Democracy" series, which focuses on government intimidation and censorship under the guise of counter-terrorism.
The City of Troy cited code violations as the reason for their action, less than 24 hours after an inspection by code enforcement and fire officials cleared the building for use.
More information will be posted at The Sanctuary for Independent Media's website ( as it becomes available.
Additional Information: From Hudson Mohawk IMC: Wafaa Bilal: Speech in a Democracy | From Troy City Officials Wield Building Code to Shut Down Game Art Exhibit | ACLU May Sue Troy, NY in Game Controversy… | After Booting Controversial Game Art Exhibit, RPI Goes After College Republicans
Rochester Indymedia Is Back!
Hey Everybody! Rochester Indymedia has been missing you, but now it's back up and running!
You can read the entire story by clicking the "More" link below…
Dick Lucas of the Subhumans: A Rochester Indymedia Audiophile
The Subhumans (UK) were in Rochester, NY for a concert on September 26, 2007 at Waterstreet Music Hall. Dick Lucas, of the Subhumans and Citizen Fish, found time in his schedule to answer some questions for Rochester Indymedia. Specifically, Dick discusses the early days of his music, independent art, current politics, the antiwar movement, and new the Subhumans record Internal Riot.
Special thanks to Dick, Sean Sessler for setting up and conducting the interview and Andy Dillon for taping it.
Listen to the interview hosted by
Additional Information: Citizen Fish / Subhumans official DIY website | MySpace: Subhumans UK | City Newspaper: PUNK: The Subhumans | wikipedia entry for the Subhumans
Thousands Flood Streets of Syracuse Demanding End to Iraq War!
Over 2,500 people marched through the streets of Syracuse, NY on September 29th to call for Immediate Withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. Billed as, 'Soldiers and Civilians Speak Out!', members of Iraq Veterans Against the War lead the march.
This march was unique, not only because it was the largest in upstate New York since the Vietnam War, but because it brought soldiers, students, labor and the mainstream city groups together in a way not seen enough in today's antiwar movement. Groups like Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace, the Green Party and SEIU 1199 came together to demand Immediate Withdrawal of US troops, funding for vets when they get back, reparations for the Iraqi people, and funding for healthcare.
Initiated by the Ft. Drum chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War, organizing involved 10 cities, and many individuals, over a 2 month stretch, through weekly conference calls, a website hosted by the Syracuse Peace Council and a face-to-face meeting at Rochester's Antiwar Storefront. The result was mobilization from all parts of New York state and a great openness to not only discuss the war, but the health care crisis, the devastation of our inner cities, the poor treatment of our veterans, and the racist scapegoating of Arabs and Muslims here in the US. Read the full article here.
RIMC photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Army Recruiters at SOTA
Yesterday I passed by School Of The Arts and witnessed 2 Army recruiters in camouflague uniforms talking to a student in front of the building. I shot two photos of the recruiters and then left. As I rode by again later they were gone and I spoke to a vice-principal who I told about the incident. I said that I had a photo of recruiters and that they should not be recruiting on school property and he agreed. A woman cop stated that she knew the girl and that she was already signed up to go so it was okay. I stated that whether she was or not that they should not recruit on school property. I also stated that she could also change her mind. I have contacted the City School District but they were not available for comment (Legal Dept.)
An interview with Howard Eagle - activist and candidate for school board
This is the second time veteran social studies teacher with the Rochester City School District and political activist - Howard Eagle is running for school board.
Click the More button below to read the whole interview.
This article is not a Rochester Indymedia endorsement for Howard Eagle.
The Adventures of Bikepooling!
Adam Durand is a bike commuter, filmmaker, and animal rights activist. Caitlin Holcombe is a bike commuter, craftmaker, and human rights activist. Together they form a bike commuting duo! They collaborated on this essay about their adventures in bikepooling. [Special thanks to Adam, Caitlin, and (“The single greatest achievement on the inner tubes!â€) for allowing us to publish this piece. Ed.]
Carpooling attempts to mitigate the problems inherent with using automobiles — fuel costs, environmental impact, traffic congestion, and parking space; to name a few. Commuting by bike eliminates these problems altogether instead of merely reducing them, so at first glance bikepooling may seem unnecessary. But bikepooling shares carpooling’s benefit of social interaction and brings a whole other set of benefits to the table — increased visibility on the road, improved respect from other road users, and cooperative adventuring. If driving a car is a passive, rote task; and riding a bike is about actually living your life; then bikepooling is a way to share the daily adventure of bike commuting with someone, to learn how to be safe and fun together, to try new routes and get into the groove of familiar ones, to laugh and play together while being ambassadors for a safer, cleaner, happier city. Read the full account here!
Additional Information: Making the Switch by Adam Durand |
ADAPT Confronts Rochester Bus Company: Lower the Rates or Face Our Fury!
Approximately 40 disability rights activists from ADAPT attended the August 2, 2007, meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA).
RGRTA's Board was scheduled to review a proposal from the CEO to expand the service area of Lift Line, the paratransit complement to the fixed route buses, at a substantially increased cost. Riders living in or traveling to the expanded service zone would be required to pay $6.00 in addition to the distance-based fare for the ride. For the vast majority of rides, this means $8.50 ONE WAY!
While many people felt that this fare was unreasonably high, the disability community had been looking forward to an opportunity to discuss the proposal's strengths and weaknesses. What we got instead was a sham of a public hearing, held on July 26, 2007. Some riders received no notice whatsoever. Some riders received notice too late. Blind riders received print letters that were of no use. The hearing was not even advertised on the RGRTA website until the day of the event. And, adding insult to injury, the hearing conflicted with a huge event arranged by the Center for Disability Rights to celebrate the 17th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
With all this in mind, ADAPTers were very interested in the presentation that would be made to RGRTA's Board and the Board's actions on the proposal. Read the rest of the article here.
Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Additional Information: Rochester Center for Disability Rights | Jumping in: A blog post about the RGRTA from The Roving Activist’s Blog
Three Detained While Six Occupy Kuhl's Office in Fairport
Fairport, NY—Today, August 6, at 11:30AM, six anti-war activists, associated with the Declaration of Peace Campaign and the Occupation Project, occupied the congressional office of Randy Kuhl (R-NY) demanding an immediate end to the war in Iraq. A simultaneous action occurred in Bath, NY at Kuhl’s Southern Tier office where demonstrators were arrested.
The staff assistant for Kuhl, Robert Quinn, seemed overwhelmed by the intrusion of anti-war demonstrators and news media—both independent and corporate. He said he wasn’t able to do any work as his office was completely filled with activists. When questioned about whether the police would be called, he responded by saying that there were “no current plans.â€
Outside the office, 30 people assembled around noon with anti-war/â€support the troops†signs and banners lining Main Street outside of Kuhl’s office located in Packett’s Landing. (photos: 1 | 2 | 3)
The situation became tense when an irate Mr. Welker of Welker Property Management Inc. called the police to remove demonstrators from his property. Within a few hours—at the property owner’s persistence—three activists on the outside were detained and charged with trespassing. One activist had her camera confiscated and another had his camera inspected and photos reviewed before it was returned to the owner. (photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)
Around 7:00PM police entered the Kuhl office and told the six activists that they were under arrest and would be going to Monroe County Jail. Police started handcuffing one occupant when they asked the others if they didn’t mind just leaving in their escort without cuffs. Those inside agreed. Once everyone was outside, the police locked the door to Kuhl’s office and told them they were free and to have a good night—much to the chagrin of activists. (photo: activists released)
9/17/07 UPDATE!: Not Guilty Plea For 3 Activists
Audio: These interviews were played in Kuhl's office.
Video: Anti-War Protesters Demonstrate at Kuhl's Fairport Office
Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Additional Information: Six Occupy Kuhl's Office in Fairport | 2 Anti-War Supporters Currently Detained | 9/11 activist arrested at anti-war action | BREAKING — Sit-in at Kuhl’s office | “They chose to do this†| Anti-War Activists Denied Access to Elected Representatives in Federal Building | Peace Activists Occupy Federal Building!
7/20-7/22: Beyond the Binary: a weekend of fabulous workshops and films tackling gender assumptions
On July 20th, 21st, and 22nd the Ad Hoc Coalition of Radical Gender Activists is facilitating a weekend long collection of workshops, films and performances that question and provoke the manifestation of gender.
Our culture’s prevalence of hate crime and gender biased violence sends the message that freedom of expression can be deadly and misinformation surrounding sexual orientation and gender expression can be fatal. It is our responsibility to combat this message with one of hope, inclusion, knowledge and understanding.
“Beyond the Binary†is focused on exploring that message, and empowering ourselves to challenge our notions of gender and socialization, and be fancy and fabulous in the process.
For more information check out our MySpace or email
All locations are wheelchair accessible. Click here for schedule of events.