Indy TV #14 Gene Baur, Author of New Book: Farm Sanctuary
Gene Baur, cofounder of Farm Sanctuary, recently stopped by RCTV for a interview with Indy TV.
"In Farm Sanctuary, Baur Provides a thought provoking investigation of the ethical questions involved in the production of beef, poultry, pork, milk and eggs- and what each of us can do to stop the mistreatment of animals and promote compassion. He details the triumphs and the disappointments of more the twenty years on the front lines of the animals protection movement."
Protests at the Democratic National Convention
Protests against the Democratic Party began Sunday in Denver Colorado, home to this year's Democratic National Convention. A huge array of groups are organizing this week to fight for peace, the environment and human rights, to fight against against racism, borders and political prisoners, and to show their opposition to the Democratic Party. The convention and protests will go from August 24th to the 28th.

On Sunday activists organized a "Funk the War" / Reclaim the Streets action. The unpermited march snaked through the streets of Denver. It disbanded several times when police cornered protesters only to come together again and start anew. (text report) (personal account) (video coverage)
Yesterday, the events started off with a march to demand the release of political prisoners (report). An anti-capitalist march that started during the evening was surounded by police, with many arrests being made (report).
Ongoing Coverage
Rochester Indymedia plans to highlight events as they occur using our razorwire at the top of the page. The razorwire will link to stories as the are posted to the various websites covering the events.
Also check out these websites for up-to-date info:
Sun and Solidarity: Day of Action Against Electoral Politics, Syracuse, NY
On August 10th 2008, participants in the Syracuse Solidarity Network, an affiliate of the North East Anarchist Network, took part in the National Day of Action Against Electoral Politics. To build support and momentum for the protests against the Democratic & Republican National Conventions, in Syracuse, New York we held a small un-permitted solidarity rally, distributed literature and had a community picnic/potluck.
Indy TV #13 Rebecca Newberry on Queer Politics and GAGV Projects
#media_2376;left# This week on Indy TV Rebecca Newberry, special projects coordinator from Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley (GAGV), joins us. She discusses two of special projects that GAGV has taken on, Campus Out and a Queer Homeless/ Runaway documentation project, as well as many other issues.

Rochester Walks for Peace Week 3
The third week of Rochester Walks for Peace made it's way through the city this Saturday, walking the entire length of Hudson Avenue from North to Titus. Irondequoit United Church of Christ sponsored the walk and provided space, food and refreshments to walkers at the end.
One noticeable difference this week was that people passing us by were much more eager to support the walkers by honking in support, waving and stopping their cars to get our flyers. People were supportive in previous weeks as well, especially after talking with the walkers, but this week it seemed like people jumped on supporting the walk as soon as they saw the banners and heard the chants.

Win Without War Panel Discussion
Panel and Discussion with Tom Andrews and Retired Brigadier General John Johns, as part of the Win Without War nationwide "General's Tour"
August 20 at 7PM
First Universalist Church, 150 South Clinton Avenue
Tom Andrews & General John Johns will address current US policy toward Iran, based on their years of experience within Iran and the Middle East. Their position is that without a reversal in policy, there can be no progress in resolving issues with Iran or in achieving stability in Iraq and the Middle East.

Community Comes Out to Protest ESL's Sponsorship of Lonsberry
A huge crowd turned out for at ESL on State street this Thursday to protest their sponsorship of the Bob Lonsberry show. Demonstrators swarmed around the entrance to the ESL branch and made it clear that they did not want their money being used to sponsor his racist, sexist and classist statements.
At the peak of the demonstration there were about 50 people in front of the branch. Over the course the hour a total of 70-80 people showed up. Folks picketed in front of the entrance to ESL chanting, “Don't give in to racist Fear! Lonsberry's not welcome hereâ€, and giving out fliers about the campaign to passersby.
Rochester Walks for Peace Week 2: Firsthand Accounts
This Saturday about 35-40 activists walked from Norton st. and Clinton ave. to Cafe Underground Railroad on W. Main st. as part of the second out of four walks for Rochester Walks for Peace. The march slowly wound its way through the city, with walkers stopping frequently along the way to engage local residents.

The aim of the march was to forge connections between the Anti-war community and communities in the city. The march was truly inspiring and well received. There will be 2 more walks this month, the next one will happen Saturday the 16th, 1:30pm, starting at the corner of Hudson Ave. and North St.
Along the way I talked with folks marching about where the idea came from, what were the goals, what connections they saw between the war and our city communities and finally what the response was to the walk.
Overview of the Walks
Audio Interviews: Background and Goals (mp3)Audio Interviews: Background and Goals (ogg vorbis)
Click the "More" link for more audio, pictures and commentary from the march
Indy TV # 12: Interview with the directors of Shutdown
This week on Indy TV, the Barefoot host interviews filmmakers Helia Rasti and Jonathan Stribling-Uss about the movie Shutdown. The two activist - documentarians were in town in July to screen the movie. The event drew an enthusiastic crowd, and generated a lot of thought-provoking discussion.
"SHUTDOWN documents a piece of the continuous struggle towards social justice. Using the March 20, 2003 occupation and disruption of the San Francisco Financial District as a case study, the film casts a thoughtful eye on one of the most successful actions of the current anti-war movement, facilitated by Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW). Created to gain insight, inspire, and draw lessons the movie tells the story of how social justice organizers and everyday people came together to plan and shut down the financial district of a major US city."

Anti-Racism Movement protests ESL, Bob Lonsberry
In response to WHAM’s (radio 1180) continued denial of accountability and refusal to have local, right-wing, radio talk show host Bob Lonsberry removed from their programming for making racist, sexist and generally derogatory remarks, Rochester’s Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) has begun a grassroots campaign to boycott all sponsors of the Bob Lonsberry show. On Saturday, June 26 ARM held the first of many visual demonstrations intended to do just that—to quite literally hit WHAM and its sponsors where it hurts: the bank.
Related: Rochester Anti-Racism Movement | Weekend Events: Demonstrate at ESL to Fire Bob Lonsberry | Myra Brown; Organizer with Rochester ARM (Anti-Racism Mov't) | Fight to Remove Bob Lonsberry Continues - Join Us | Rochester's Anti-Racist Movement Visits WHAM | Lonsberry's Racist, Sexist and Classist remarks | Mayor Remarks Get Bob Lonsberry Fired From WHAM, Rochester
Video: Indy TV # 10: Myra Brown; Organizer with Rochester ARM (Anti-Racism Mov't)