Rochester Walks for Peace Week 2: Firsthand Accounts
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This Saturday about 35-40 activists walked from Norton st. and Clinton ave. to Cafe Underground Railroad on W. Main st. as part of the second out of four walks for Rochester Walks for Peace. The march slowly wound its way through the city, with walkers stopping frequently along the way to engage local residents.
The aim of the march was to forge connections between the Anti-war community and communities in the city. The march was truly inspiring and well received. There will be 2 more walks this month, the next one will happen Saturday the 16th, 1:30pm, starting at the corner of Hudson Ave. and North St.
Along the way I talked with folks marching about where the idea came from, what were the goals, what connections they saw between the war and our city communities and finally what the response was to the walk.
Overview of the Walks
Audio Interviews: Background and Goals (mp3)Audio Interviews: Background and Goals (ogg vorbis)