What happens if there is another stolen election?
After witnessing the government’s attack of protesters and citizens peaceful acts of civil disobedience in St. Paul, MN. This writer has serious questions about the militarization of US streets. With two previously stolen Presidential elections and the reports of caging, purging of voter rolls, long lines at voting stations and other forms of voter suppression will the citizens of the US take to the streets if the outcome of the election again is questionable.
Local Activist Protests for His Right to Vote
Kenneth Barksdale is one of the millions of US citizens that will not be able to vote in this election because he is on parole. However, he is definitely not going to let his voice go unheard. Barksdale stood in front of the Federal Building in chains, with a sign saying "Negro Slave For Sale", to draw parallels between slavery and the current US prison system. In the video (see below) Kenneth explains why he went out, what he thinks of the current political scene and his views on our criminal justice system.
Indy TV # 17: An Interview with Barry Lynn
In this episode of Indy TV Rev. Barry Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, discusses the Religious Right and it's influence in politics, government, the US military and public schools. Are you concerned about the United States becoming a Theocracy, that science is being undermined by Christian fundamentalism, that 40% of science teachers limit or do not teach evolution? If these issues concern you or you just want to learn more about about the importance of separation of church and state, then this is a show you should watch.
IVAW Violently Attacked by Police at Debates
While the spectacle of the presidential debate unfolded inside Hofstra University last night, members of Iraq Veterans Against the War attempted to get answers for their questions from the candidates. A contingent of veterans in dress uniforms and combat uniforms, supported by anti-war protesters, attempted to enter the building and get Obama and McCain to address the issues of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The veterans were met by riot police as well as police on horseback who promptly arrested leaders of the protest. When members of the crowd began to push harder for the members of IVAW to be allowed to participate, chanting "Let them in", police responded by using their horses to push the crowd back. After a tense standoff for five minutes, police again used their horses to attack the crowd. This time the several people were knocked over and some were trampled by the police horses, causing serious injuries. Among the injured was Army Sergeant Nick Morgan who suffered a broken cheekbone and a Rochester activist."Neither of the candidates has shown real support for service members and veterans. We came here to try and have serious questions answered, questions that we as veterans of the Iraq war have a right to ask, but instead we were arrested. We will continue to ask these questions no matter who is elected. We believe that the time has come to end this war and bring our troops home, and we will be pushing for that no matter what happens in this election." said Jason Lemieux, a former Sergeant in the US Marine Corps who served three tours in Iraq, and member of IVAW.
The questions IVAW wanted to ask were:
- (To Obama): "As President of the United States of America, are you prepared to back up your own words [about the illegality of the Iraq War] and the U.S. Constitution by supporting service members refusing to participate in what you describe as an illegal occupation?"
- (To McCain): "What promises are you willing to make, as a veteran, as a senator, as a presidential candidate, to the veterans of the United States, to prove that you will ensure the V.A. is fully funded, staffed and capable of preventing troops from suffering as they are now?"
More Coverage: NYC Indymedia, Infoshop.org/Rochester Indymedia, IVAW
Poverty and Violence: Assault on Human Rights – Workshop/Conference Friday 10/17
Since 2000, Rochester ranked 11th in the entire U.S. for childhood poverty rates and, more recently, first in New York State. In 2005, Rochester was “Murder Capital†of New York State on per capital basis with 54 homicides. Somehow, the self evident connection between these reports is all but lost in our public discourse and the city’s response to crime in Rochester. The upcoming Poverty and Violence: Assault on Human Rights conference on Friday, 10/17 at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church on 141 Adams St. seeks to correct this.
North East Winter Soldier Video
I was among the hundreds of people who attended North East Winter Soldier Saturday at MCC and was completely blown away. The event featured members of Iraq Veterans Against the War sharing the experiences they had while serving in the Iraq war, why they joined the military and what they have experienced since coming home. The stories they told were simultaneously haunting and and inspirational. Click on the links below to see videos of the soldier's testimony, I can't recommend them enough.
Bryan Casler |
Robynn Murray |
Geoff Millard |
Christopher Grohs |
Tim Braley |
Immediately following the soldier's testimony, members of the audience marched out of MCC and to the VA to demand better health care for veterans. Amazingly, the VA is closed on Saturdays and leaves veterans to fend for their, in terms of health care, over the weekend.
Approximately 200 people took part in the loud, energetic march. Young people from SDS, CAN and other groups took the lead, starting some great chants. The march quickly overflowed the sidewalk into the street, taking over a lane of E. Henrietta road, then the entirety of Westfall. Cars stopped were largely supportive of the crowd, with people inside nodding their heads, pumping their fists and honking to the beat of the chants.
After stopping at the VA, the plan was to simply walk back to MCC, but the group didn't settle for that. Instead the chants began again and the march took back to the streets, this time taking up the entire 5 lanes of E. Henrietta road.
North East Winter Soldier
IVAW's North East Winter Soldier in Rochester
North East Winter Soldier will feature the testimony of numerous members from Iraq Veterans Against the War, along with a number of amazing speakers from around the country such as:
- Tod Ensign - Director of Citizen Soldier and author of "America's Military Today: The Challenge of Militarism"
- Michael Schwartz - Professor of Sociology and Faculty Director of the Undergraduate College of Global Studies at Stony Brook Universiy and author of the forthcoming book, "War Without End: The Iraq War in Context"
- Elliot Adams - National President of Veterans For Peace, former paratrooper in the infantry serving in Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and Alaska.
Following the IVAW testimony, we will march directly out of the theater to a local VA outpatient clinic to demand better healthcare for Veterans and for all US troops to be brought home NOW!
Saturday, October 4th, Rochester, New York
Monroe Community College - 1000 East Henrietta Rd, 14623
Building 4 (Theater) 12pm - 7pm
Indy TV #16 Video Report Back from Occupied St. Paul
Several members of Rochester Indymedia travelled to St. Paul Minneapolis to cover the demonstrations outside the Republican National Convention. This weeks episode of Indy TV is a Video Report back of the some of the events that took place there.
300 Women Gather to Send a Message to Sarah Palin
From Rochester Indymedia Videophiles:
Vicky Ryder, after posting a picture of her self on People for the American Way website saying "Sarah Palin does not represent me", thought it would be great to get a group picture to post. She e-mailed some of her friends and they e-mailed their friends and with in 36 hours a group of at least 300 enthusiastic, sign carrying women gathered in Washington Square Park in solidarity to say Sarah Palin does not represent them.
Eh. Torture happens. Street theater opposing torture against protesters at RNC (with video!)
On September 17, 18 and 23, some local activists and Indymedia journalists who attended the demonstrations against the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN, were in the streets of downtown Rochester performing, “Eh. Torture happens.†bringing attention to police brutality and torture conducted against demonstrators, activists, and journalists during the convention. Some 335 flyers were passed out. Clowning around with our civil liberties and human rights isn’t to be tolerated! Look for “Eh. Torture happens.†near a populated downtown corner at your next lunch (half-) hour!
Video from Thursday, September 18: On BlipTV
Photos from Wednesday, September 17: Click me!
Flyer text about the action: First version of flyer handed out to passers-by
Audio: Audio played during theatre
Additional Information on State repression and terror in the Twin Cities: The Voice of Resistance Persists Over Startling Repression at Democratic and Republican Gatherings | I-Witness Video: 2008 Republican National Convention Round-Up | RNC-WC: PostRNC and beyond, Staying plugged in: a mini-update | Use of Force Against RNC Protesters “Disproportionate,†Charges Amnesty International | Rights of Journalists on Public Streets | Call to Support RNC Arrestees | Donate to Legal Defense at www.nornc.org