"There's a Free Speech Zone in my Yard...I have a problem with this"
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“There's a free speech zone in my yard. I have a problem with this.” says Sean Pratt, of the town of Lockport. Pratt is co-founder of Occupy Lockport, along with Amanda Shattuck his partner and the mother of his young child. Town of Lockport chief building inspector Brian M. Belson came to Pratt’s residence where he lives with his family and asked him to move his sign (“No wars”) that was painted on the back of a recycled dresser, along with their “Occupy Lockport “ teepee, which has been visible on the corner of Dysinger and Old Beattie Road whenever the two have spare time to draw awareness to the Occupy movement. They do this between juggling his three jobs and her taking care of their child.Belson advised Pratt to move the teepee and sign back behind the green metal boxes and out of the way of obstructing the view for neighborsThe building inspector
was also instrumental in testifying against David Mongielo, owner of Mongielo’s Auto Repair. Mongiello was harassed by Lockport town officials for violating a town ordinance with a his sign outside his business. The town ordinance prohibits signs that change more often than every ten minutes. Many other establishments have such signs but Mongiello was targeted for challenging the system. He is also an unpopular and informed opinion in Lockport town meetings. Mongielo is currently appealing his sentence which includes jail time of 15 days with a conditional discharge and fines.“There's a free speech zone in my yard. I have a problem with this.” says Sean Pratt, of the town of Lockport. Pratt is co-founder of Occupy Lockport, along with Amanda Shattuck his partner and the mother of his young child. Town of Lockport chief building inspector Brian M. Belson came to Pratt’s residence where he lives with his family and asked him to move his sign (“No wars”) that was painted on the back of a recycled dresser, along with their very small “Occupy Lockport “ teepee, which has been visible on the corner of Dysinger and Old Beattie Road whenever the two have spare time to draw awareness to the Occupy movement. They do this between juggling his three jobs and her taking care of their child.Belson advised Pratt to move the teepee and sign back behind the green metal boxes and out of the way of obstructing the view for neighborsThe building inspector was also instrumental in testifying against David Mongielo, owner of Mongielo’s Auto Repair. Mongielo was harassed by Lockport town officials for violating a town ordinance with a his sign outside his business. The town ordinance prohibits signs that change more often than every ten minutes. Many other establishments have such signs but Mongielo was targeted for challenging the system. He is also an unpopular and informed opinion in Lockport town meetings. He is appealing his sentence which included jail time of 15 days with a conditional discharge and fines. Occupy Lockport was a visible support to Mongielo in Lockport Town Court.