stories of 2008
Primary tabs
1. Chicago Workers' Plant Occupation Ends in Victory—
2. Health Care Workers Win at Westgate!—
3. In Rochester we saw the formation of a branch of the Industrial Workers of the World followed by an incredibly successful solidarity picket.
4. Rochester Wobblies Picket against Starbucks' Union Busting on Global Day of Action—
5. Indy TV #8 - The Rochester Plaza Boycott—
6. Despite Rain, May Day Rally and Celebration are Successful—
1. New York State March for Peace Report Back—
2. Rochester Walks for Peace Week 2: Firsthand Accounts—
3. 3/19/08: Arrests at Rochester Antiwar Demonstration—
4. Rochester Air Show- Noise Pollution, Military Propaganda, and Imperialism in our city—
5. 2 Anti-war Activists Detained outside "Spirit of America" Event—
6. North East Winter Soldier Video—
7. Obama election: Rochester Anti-war Movement Responds to 2008 Election—
8. Rochesterians were Among Thousands Demanding an End to the School of the Americas—
9. 2008 saw the formation of Rochester Students for a Democratic Society as well as University of Rochester Students for a Democratic Society
10. March 19, 2009: Stop (the) war? Yes we can!—
11. Students protest the Iraq War via sit-in at UR Career Center—
12. Obama's "Hope" for Iraq and Afghanistan: leftovers and deceptive advertising—
2. No Bail Out Banner—dropped!—
1. Israel Rains Death and Destruction over Gaza—
2. The Establishment of Israel: The Part of the Story You Have Not Heard (Nakbah)—
3. Forum for Arun Gandhi at the University of Rochester—
1. The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY Closed by City for Controversial Art Installation—
2. The Continuing Abuse of Zero Tolerance policy—
3. Mapping the Police State: Police Cameras, Maps, and You!—
4. Locations of all RPD surveillance cameras according to the City of Rochester Government—
5. Mail Fraud Case Against Bio-Artist Steven Kurtz Dropped—
6. Don't let them close down DIY shows!—
7. This year saw the formation of Rochester Students for a Democratic Society.
8. International Solidarity: In Support of Greek Uprising—
1. Poverty in Rochester—
2. Poverty and Violence: Assault on Human Rights – Workshop/Conference Friday 10/17—
VII. Separation of Church and State/Constitutional Battles
1. Lawsuit in Greece over Sectarian Prayer in Town Board Meetings—
2. An Interview with Barry Lynn—
1. Indy TV #7 Human Trafficking in the Context of Immigrant Rights—
2. Is Riding the Bus a Ticket to Jail?—
3. American Harvest: a naïve, incomplete, and shamefully ignorant portrait of agriculture in the United States—
4. Indy TV Episode #2 Immigrant Rights in Rochester, NY—
1. Indy TV #14 Gene Baur, Author of New Book: Farm Sanctuary—
2. The Cruelty of the Fur Industry—
3. Animal Rights Advocates Demonstrate Against Shrine Circus' Cruelty to Animals—
1. Transgender People Remembered on International Day—
2. Four Detained and One Arrested at BASHBACK! Demonstration Against Human Rights Campaign—
3. Indy TV #13 Rebecca Newberry on Queer Politics and GAGV Projects—
XI. Challenging Corporate Media
1. Declaration of Peace Challenges Local Media to Report on Winter Soldier—
2. Rochester's Anti-Racist Movement Visits WHAM—
3. Fight to Remove Bob Lonsberry Continues - Join Us—
4. Indy TV # 10: Myra Brown; Organizer with Rochester ARM (Anti-Racism Mov't)—
5. Anti-Racism Movement protests ESL, Bob Lonsberry—
6. Community Comes Out to Protest ESL's Sponsorship of Lonsberry—
7. DemocracyNow! and Air America Replaced by Sports: 950AM Changes Formats—
8. Indy TV #19 Interview with Frank Lopez (aka "the stimulator")—
XII. Democratic and Republican National Conventions
1. The importance of unconventional actions—
2. Indy TV #9 - Know Your Rights with the Genesee Valley Civil Liberties Union—
3. Weekend Events: Burlesque for Bail—
4. Indy TV # 12: Interview with the directors of Shutdown—
5. Protests at the Democratic National Convention—
6. Police Raid RNC Not Welcome Convergence Space, Multiple Homes—
7. RNC Denies Iraq War Veterans—
8. Pre-emptive Media Repression In Twin Cities Prior to Republican National Convention—
9. A letter home from the RNC—
10. Unprovoked police action at the RNC—
11. RNC 8 Charged as Terrorists Under State Patriot Act—
12. RNC: Unconstitutional Repression EXPOSED—
13. From Denver to St. Paul: From One Twilight Zone to Another—
14. Eh. Torture happens. Street theater opposing torture against protesters at RNC (with video!)—
15. Indy TV #16 Video Report Back from Occupied St. Paul—
16. "Its the end of the world as we know it": The stimulator comes to Rochester—
17. Indy TV #18: Celia Kutz of the RNC Welcoming Committee—
1. IVAW Violently Attacked by Police at Debates—
2. Local Activist Protests for His Right to Vote—
3. What happens if there is another stolen election?—
4. Seed Camp for Direct Democracy report back—
5. Protest of Prop 8 and banning of same sex marriage—
6. Obama's Inauguration: How to Respond?—
XIV. Rochester Indymedia EXPLODES!