Indy TV Episode #2 Immigrant Rights in Rochester, NY
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2008-05-16 00:19
#media_2204;left# This week's Indy TV show features two Rochester area Immigrant Rights activists. Roberto Resto is with the Rochester Alliance for Immigrant Rights (networked with National Alliance for Immigrant Rights) and Librada Paz is executive director of Rural Migrant Ministries in Brockport, NY. The two activists discuss their personal stories and connections to the dynamics of immigrant labor in the United States, and the work being done by their organizations to advocate for the human rights of all immigrants.
"Criminalization of the immigrant begins with the language that is being used. So, in Washington, they use term 'illegal Aliens' when they talk about undocumented immigrants…. If you notice: being illegal means that you're a criminal and being an alien means that you don't belong to the human race."
Watch Indy TV Episode #2: Immigrant Rights on Rochester on our Channel.