Protesters greet Sarah Palin at book signing
Former Vice Presidential candidate, Governor and Mayor Sarah Palin was in Rochester November 21. A crowd of a thousand or more lined up outside Border's Books and Music in Henrietta to get an autographed copy of her new book Going Rogue: Life in America. Some had camped out overnight to obtain a copy. Those in line had some company. A loud and lively group of 75 protesters gathered to call attention to Palin's hypocritical and even dangerous policies. One marcher was even playing a tuba! The protest was largely peaceful. There was some heckling from both sides. One person was arrested after a verbal altercation with police.
Health Care Justice Forum at Dryden Theater
The Dryden Theater hosted a public forum on health care justice November 15, 2009. It was organized by Progressive Democrats of America and moderated by Jeff Cohen, a journalism professor and founder of the media-monitoring group Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting(FAIR).
The House of Representatives recently passed bill HR3269 which was intended to make health care more accessible and affordable. Republicans and 39 Democrats voted against the bill, mostly over concerns of cost or ideology. But two of those Democrats, Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Eric Massa of the 29th district in New York which includes parts of Rochester, voted against it for a different reason. The bill does not go far enough in addressing health care inequity in America. Massa was present at the conference and Kucinich called in by phone. Both Democratic representatives favor a different approach toward health care reform, HR676 which would expand the current Medicare system to all Americans beginning at birth. HR676, sponsored by Rep John Conyers (D-Michigan) was never put to a vote. Conyers attended a similar conference here in May and was invited to this one, but could not attend. Also present were Donna Smith of the California Nurses Association, who appeared in Michael Moore's documentary Sicko, Steve Cobble, the founder of Progressive Democrats of America and Dr Emily Queenan, MD, a member of Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP).
Video: health justice forum
Additional Information: Advocates for Universal Health Care Target MVP Insurance | Change We Need – And Can Afford
Workers United Refuses to Meet with Anti-Racist Activists
On Tuesday, November 17, 2009, members of Activists Against Racism Movement (AARM) traveled to the 750 East Avenue office of Workers United demanding to meet with union manager, Gary Bonadonna as a followup to a meeting initiated by AARM in August. Mr. Bonadonna, refused to meet with the group and instead called the police to have members of the organization removed from the property. Please read ahead for a full account.
RE-ENTRY: Judicial Process Commission fights for survival
The waiting room at Judicial Process Commission is small, with a worn, older-looking blue carpet. Two fans whirl in the background. And a quarter-pot of coffee smolders below a plaque, the type you see in hospitals and nursing homes, that says - the Virginia and John Mackey Reception Area.
If you were just released from prison - with no job and no money - this modest little room off Ormond Street is a welcome sight. For many, it's a place to start over.
Additional Information: Justicia: Newsletter of the JPC
Related: Rochester Calls for New Independent Civilian Review Board After October 7th Police Riot | Mainstream Media Absent as Activists Against Racism Movement Delivers 700 Signatures | No Ballistics, No DNA, No Fingerprints, No Eyewitness: Somehow Jury Finds 15 Year-old Guilty | Demonstration Against Abuse in Erie County Jails | Rallying Against RICO | Critical Resistance | INCITE! WOMEN OF COLOR AGAINST VIOLENCE AND CRITICAL RESISTANCE: STATEMENT ON GENDER VIOLENCE AND THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (.pdf)
Traditional Native Leaders: Hydrofracking must be banned
Albany, NY—The Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force (HETF), the environmental branch of the traditional Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy) government, issued a statement on November 5th calling on New York State to ban the permitting of natural gas drilling.
The statement by the Haudenosaunee leaders vowed to exert their treaty rights to ban any hydrofracking on or near their aboriginal territory, and cited threats posed by the proposed drilling not only within the New York City watershed but to clean water around the region, including the Great Lakes which contain a fourth of all potable fresh water in the world.
Additional Information:—Shaleshock Citizens Action Alliance | Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force | Onondaga Nation: People of the Hills | Hydraulic-Fracturing | Hydrofracking: Bradford, PA | Make your voice heard on Nov. 19th—Public Hearing | LISTEN: Voices of Dimock | Ruckus Society Training: Learn Important Skills for Gas Activism! | Drilling 101 | The problems with gas drilling | What about the water? | DEC extends shale comment period | Shale drilling concerns evolve | Learning the natural-gas drill | Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Regulatory Program
RCSD Parent Speaks Out Against Teacher/Police Misconduct
On Monday, October 26th, Shaiasia Williams, a student at Edison Tech, was defiantly walking the halls of her school when she was subsequently sent to the In School Suspension room. That particular day in the ISS room, Williams was there with five other students, when, allegedly, the teacher in the room, Mrs. Mezzola, found her cell phone missing. Instead of Mezzola taking the proper protocol of reporting her lost cell phone to the principal, security and/or the school resource officer, she phoned her husband who happens to be an officer of the Rochester Police Department.
Read the full letter from Shonda Hannah—the mother of Shaiasia Williams—by clicking here. The letter describing this egregious abuse of power was sent to RCSD Superintendent Brizard, Mayor Duffy, Darryl Porter, Chief Moore, Adam McFadden, RCSD Officials, and many others.
Related: Rochester Calls for New Independent Civilian Review Board After October 7th Police Riot | Counter-Recruitment Activists Organize to Protect Student Privacy and the EFF successfully fight back against bogus FBI subpoena is happy to announce that we've managed, after nearly a year of legal action on our behalf by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to successfully fight back against a bogus subpoena request issued by the FBI in conjunction with a grand jury investigation. The request demanded we turn over all IP address logs for a day in June of 2008 - not only did object to this blatantly illegitimate and overly broad request, but, per accepted Indymedia best practices, we do not keep such logs in the first place, in order to maximally ensure the privacy of our site users. Also troubling was the fact that the sysadmin who received the subpoena was also bound by its gag order provision, making her unable to discuss the legal issue with the broader network of collectives cooperating on the site. We're happy that the EFF was ultimately able to get this demand for silence shown to be illegitimate as well —- one can only wonder how many ISPs silently capitulate to similarly broad and unconstitutional requests. Rochester Indymedia does not log IP addresses or any other information about users when they visit our site. This story is why!
Additional Information: From EFF's Secret Files: Anatomy of a Bogus Subpoena —- How the Government Secretly Demanded the IP Address of Every Visitor to Political News Site | DeclanMcCullagh: Justice Dept. Asked For News Site's Visitor Lists | List of previous incidents of legal repression of Indymedia centers | Interview with Indymedia sys admin Kristina Clair | US-Behörde wollte illegal an Nutzerdaten von gelangen | Interview with EFF lawyer Kevin Bankston | Other links
Related Coverage: PCJF wins settlement in illegal arrest case in D.C. | Second Subpoena Issued for Iowa Grand Jury | The FBI Comes Calling, And The Struggle Continues…….
Read more; Click here!
Maine Voters Reject Same Sex Marriage; Rochester Activists Demonstrate
Protesters chanting “Hey Obama let mama marry mama†and “LGBT we demand equality†gathered in front of the Federal Building on November 4 to condemn actions in the nearby state of Maine. Earlier in the year, courts in Maine determined that marriage was a civil right under the state's constitution and extended that right to all couples. Those rights were then taken away by a close ballot referendum on November 3. The protest was organized by the Civil Rights Front and participants included the Gay Alliance, Pride At Work, International Socialist Organization and Students For A Democratic Society. Read more; click here!
Video: From the Maine Video Activists Network: Gay Marriage and Petitioning
Additional Information: Chicago IMC: Maine: Analyzing Failure #31 | Seattle IMC: November 14th: Victory! Approve 71 Thank-You Rally
Indymedia Turns 10 Years Old! Interviews from the Troy, NY Gathering
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the 10-year Indymedia Anniversary Gathering in Troy, NY.
Ten years ago this month, thousands of peaceful protesters faced down a massive paramilitary force in Seattle—successfully preventing the World Trade Organization from meeting and marking a new era of resistance to corporate globalization.
Their struggle was documented on the ground by a new media activist phenomenon called Indymedia, which has since spread around the world.
Listen to the audio reports below to hear Indymedia activists from Troy, Rochester, Worcester and Woodstock discuss the last 10 years of Indymedia and where we go from here.
- Interviews From 10-year IMC Anniversary Gathering (mp3 version)
- Interviews From 10-year IMC Anniversary Gathering (ogg version)
Remembering the Casualties of War this Veterans Day
On this Veterans Day, let us remember the soldiers and veterans that have died from injuries sustained in war, but go unacknowledged. I am speaking of the thousands of men and women who have taken their own lives as a result of the US government sending them to war, often repeatedly.
Additional Information: Suicide Epidemic Among Veterans | US military suicide rate at record high | Massive Suicide Rate for Vietnam Veterans’ Children | Current Trends Postservice Mortality Among Vietnam Veterans | VA: Overview of Homelessness | Deadly aftermath for Vietnam veterans. | Vietnam Veterans who have Died from Agent Orange | Agent Orange: Treatment For Vets Still Lagging, Says Report | Uncle Sam's Human Lab Rats | Mapping Trauma and its Wake: Autobiographic Essays by Pioneer Trauma Scholars (.pdf) | Multiple Deployments May Raise Risk of Military Spouse Suicide | Germ War: The US Record | Casualties in Iraq