Traditional Native Leaders: Hydrofracking must be banned
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Albany, NY—The Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force (HETF), the environmental branch of the traditional Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy) government, issued a statement on November 5th calling on New York State to ban the permitting of natural gas drilling.
The statement by the Haudenosaunee leaders vowed to exert their treaty rights to ban any hydrofracking on or near their aboriginal territory, and cited threats posed by the proposed drilling not only within the New York City watershed but to clean water around the region, including the Great Lakes which contain a fourth of all potable fresh water in the world.
Additional Information:—Shaleshock Citizens Action Alliance | Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force | Onondaga Nation: People of the Hills | Hydraulic-Fracturing | Hydrofracking: Bradford, PA | Make your voice heard on Nov. 19th—Public Hearing | LISTEN: Voices of Dimock | Ruckus Society Training: Learn Important Skills for Gas Activism! | Drilling 101 | The problems with gas drilling | What about the water? | DEC extends shale comment period | Shale drilling concerns evolve | Learning the natural-gas drill | Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Regulatory Program