People with Disabilities demand apology from Democrat and Chronicle
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Amidst the furor over remarks made by Bob Lonsberry, I was outraged to see the D&C use equally derogatory language in an article about the killing of a young man with a disability (Mom aids Death in France, 14A, September 27th). Without delving into the incredibly complicated debate over the man's right to die, I can say that when the D&C called him an "invalid" they insulted our entire community.
September 29, 2003
Dear Editor:
Amidst the furor over remarks made by Bob Lonsberry, I was outraged to see the D&C use equally derogatory language in an article about the killing of a young man with a disability (Mom aids Death in France, 14A, September 27th). Without delving into the incredibly complicated debate over the man's right to die, I can say that when the D&C called him an "invalid" they insulted our entire community.
Also, the Democrat and Chronicle had absolutely no coverage of the Free our People March. Two hundred people with disabilities marched 144 miles from the Liberty Bell to Washington, DC, to then rally with thousands of people with disabilities asking that the United States pass legislation to improve the availability and quality of long-term care services in the community.
When one single person in France wants society's help to kill himself, it gets international news. However, when two hundred people do a grueling march to DC to tell society what they want to live, the D&C does not listen. The Democrat and Chronicle owes Rochester an apology for its derogatory language and mishandling of disability issues.
Chris Hilderbrant
Director of Advocacy
Center for Disability Rights
Office: (585) 546-7510