Stopping the Billionaires, the Bombers, and the War Machine--an interview with David Swanson
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Stopping the Billionaires, the Bombers, and the War Machine--an interview with David Swanson
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value (String, 2898 characters ) <p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia inter...
<p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia interviewed anti-war organizer, journalist, and blogger David Swanson who will be going to Syracuse, NY on April 26-28th for the <a href="">“Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence</a>. (See the FaceBook event: <a href=""></a>.) David runs the website <a href="">David Swanson dot org</a> and writes, in a coalition effort, on <a href="">War Is A Crime dot org.</a> Currently, he works for <a href="">Roots Action dot org</a> and <a href="">Veterans For Peace</a>.<br><br>In this interview, David talks about his entry into the peace movement, the abolition of war, the sequester, and North Korea, among other topics.</p><blockquote><p>Either we're gonna stop investing in billionaires, bombers, and the war machine, and start investing in people or we're headed for absolute disaster, be it climate disaster, nuclear disaster, or other military and economic and environmental collapse. We have to change course.</p></blockquote><p>Watch now!</p><p>[[{"fid":"14600","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fields":{"format":"drupalimc_large","alignment":"center"},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"2":{"format":"drupalimc_large","alignment":"center"}},"attributes":{"height":480,"width":620,"class":"media-element file-drupalimc-large media-wysiwyg-align-center","data-delta":"2"}}]]</p><p><!--break-->For more about the upcoming, anti-drone "Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence in Syracuse, NY, please go to <a href="">Upstate Drone Action dot org</a>.</p><p><strong>Related Rochester Indymedia articles:</strong> <a href="">Everyone Must Resist! An interview with Elliott Adams</a> | <a href="">Nick Mottern Discusses Drone Warfare and His Consciousness Raising Efforts</a> | <a href="">10 Years Ago: Hundreds say no to US aggression</a> | <a href="">Martin Luther King: "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Protest Draws Police Attention</a><a href=""> | Anti-Drone Demonstrators Return to Brighton</a><a href=""> | Anti-NATO coverage by Rochester Indymedia in Chicago</a> | <a href="">From Disney to Drone Wars - a critical settler perspective</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Demonstration Draws Hundreds; 37 Arrested for Civil Disobedience</a></p>
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safe_value (String, 3378 characters ) <p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia inter...
<p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia interviewed anti-war organizer, journalist, and blogger David Swanson who will be going to Syracuse, NY on April 26-28th for the <a href="">“Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence</a>. (See the FaceBook event: <a href=""></a>.) David runs the website <a href="">David Swanson dot org</a> and writes, in a coalition effort, on <a href="">War Is A Crime dot org.</a> Currently, he works for <a href="">Roots Action dot org</a> and <a href="">Veterans For Peace</a>.<br /><br />In this interview, David talks about his entry into the peace movement, the abolition of war, the sequester, and North Korea, among other topics.</p> <blockquote><p>Either we're gonna stop investing in billionaires, bombers, and the war machine, and start investing in people or we're headed for absolute disaster, be it climate disaster, nuclear disaster, or other military and economic and environmental collapse. We have to change course.</p> </blockquote> <p>Watch now!</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large media-wysiwyg-align-center"><div id="file-14600" class="file file-video file-video-youtube"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/14600">David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview</a></h2> <div class="content"> <div class="media-youtube-video media-element file-drupalimc-large media-youtube-1"> <iframe class="media-youtube-player" width="620" height="480" title="David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview" src="" name="David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Video of David Swanson says &quot;Abolish War(!)&quot; an interview</iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p>For more about the upcoming, anti-drone "Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence in Syracuse, NY, please go to <a href="">Upstate Drone Action dot org</a>.</p> <p><strong>Related Rochester Indymedia articles:</strong> <a href="">Everyone Must Resist! An interview with Elliott Adams</a> | <a href="">Nick Mottern Discusses Drone Warfare and His Consciousness Raising Efforts</a> | <a href="">10 Years Ago: Hundreds say no to US aggression</a> | <a href="">Martin Luther King: "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Protest Draws Police Attention</a><a href=""> | Anti-Drone Demonstrators Return to Brighton</a><a href=""> | Anti-NATO coverage by Rochester Indymedia in Chicago</a> | <a href="">From Disney to Drone Wars - a critical settler perspective</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Demonstration Draws Hundreds; 37 Arrested for Civil Disobedience</a></p>
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Stopping the Billionaires, the Bombers, and the War Machine--an interview with David Swanson
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value (String, 2898 characters ) <p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia inter...
<p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia interviewed anti-war organizer, journalist, and blogger David Swanson who will be going to Syracuse, NY on April 26-28th for the <a href="">“Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence</a>. (See the FaceBook event: <a href=""></a>.) David runs the website <a href="">David Swanson dot org</a> and writes, in a coalition effort, on <a href="">War Is A Crime dot org.</a> Currently, he works for <a href="">Roots Action dot org</a> and <a href="">Veterans For Peace</a>.<br><br>In this interview, David talks about his entry into the peace movement, the abolition of war, the sequester, and North Korea, among other topics.</p><blockquote><p>Either we're gonna stop investing in billionaires, bombers, and the war machine, and start investing in people or we're headed for absolute disaster, be it climate disaster, nuclear disaster, or other military and economic and environmental collapse. We have to change course.</p></blockquote><p>Watch now!</p><p>[[{"fid":"14600","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fields":{"format":"drupalimc_large","alignment":"center"},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"2":{"format":"drupalimc_large","alignment":"center"}},"attributes":{"height":480,"width":620,"class":"media-element file-drupalimc-large media-wysiwyg-align-center","data-delta":"2"}}]]</p><p><!--break-->For more about the upcoming, anti-drone "Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence in Syracuse, NY, please go to <a href="">Upstate Drone Action dot org</a>.</p><p><strong>Related Rochester Indymedia articles:</strong> <a href="">Everyone Must Resist! An interview with Elliott Adams</a> | <a href="">Nick Mottern Discusses Drone Warfare and His Consciousness Raising Efforts</a> | <a href="">10 Years Ago: Hundreds say no to US aggression</a> | <a href="">Martin Luther King: "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Protest Draws Police Attention</a><a href=""> | Anti-Drone Demonstrators Return to Brighton</a><a href=""> | Anti-NATO coverage by Rochester Indymedia in Chicago</a> | <a href="">From Disney to Drone Wars - a critical settler perspective</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Demonstration Draws Hundreds; 37 Arrested for Civil Disobedience</a></p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 13 characters ) filtered_html
safe_value (String, 3378 characters ) <p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia inter...
<p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia interviewed anti-war organizer, journalist, and blogger David Swanson who will be going to Syracuse, NY on April 26-28th for the <a href="">“Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence</a>. (See the FaceBook event: <a href=""></a>.) David runs the website <a href="">David Swanson dot org</a> and writes, in a coalition effort, on <a href="">War Is A Crime dot org.</a> Currently, he works for <a href="">Roots Action dot org</a> and <a href="">Veterans For Peace</a>.<br /><br />In this interview, David talks about his entry into the peace movement, the abolition of war, the sequester, and North Korea, among other topics.</p> <blockquote><p>Either we're gonna stop investing in billionaires, bombers, and the war machine, and start investing in people or we're headed for absolute disaster, be it climate disaster, nuclear disaster, or other military and economic and environmental collapse. We have to change course.</p> </blockquote> <p>Watch now!</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large media-wysiwyg-align-center"><div id="file-14600" class="file file-video file-video-youtube"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/14600">David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview</a></h2> <div class="content"> <div class="media-youtube-video media-element file-drupalimc-large media-youtube-1"> <iframe class="media-youtube-player" width="620" height="480" title="David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview" src="" name="David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Video of David Swanson says &quot;Abolish War(!)&quot; an interview</iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p>For more about the upcoming, anti-drone "Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence in Syracuse, NY, please go to <a href="">Upstate Drone Action dot org</a>.</p> <p><strong>Related Rochester Indymedia articles:</strong> <a href="">Everyone Must Resist! An interview with Elliott Adams</a> | <a href="">Nick Mottern Discusses Drone Warfare and His Consciousness Raising Efforts</a> | <a href="">10 Years Ago: Hundreds say no to US aggression</a> | <a href="">Martin Luther King: "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Protest Draws Police Attention</a><a href=""> | Anti-Drone Demonstrators Return to Brighton</a><a href=""> | Anti-NATO coverage by Rochester Indymedia in Chicago</a> | <a href="">From Disney to Drone Wars - a critical settler perspective</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Demonstration Draws Hundreds; 37 Arrested for Civil Disobedience</a></p>
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<p>On April 11, 2013, Rochester Indymedia interviewed anti-war organizer, journalist, and blogger David Swanson who will be going to Syracuse, NY on April 26-28th for the <a href="">“Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence</a>. (See the FaceBook event: <a href=""></a>.) David runs the website <a href="">David Swanson dot org</a> and writes, in a coalition effort, on <a href="">War Is A Crime dot org.</a> Currently, he works for <a href="">Roots Action dot org</a> and <a href="">Veterans For Peace</a>.<br /><br />In this interview, David talks about his entry into the peace movement, the abolition of war, the sequester, and North Korea, among other topics.</p> <blockquote><p>Either we're gonna stop investing in billionaires, bombers, and the war machine, and start investing in people or we're headed for absolute disaster, be it climate disaster, nuclear disaster, or other military and economic and environmental collapse. We have to change course.</p> </blockquote> <p>Watch now!</p> <p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large media-wysiwyg-align-center"><div id="file-14600" class="file file-video file-video-youtube"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/14600">David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview</a></h2> <div class="content"> <div class="media-youtube-video media-element file-drupalimc-large media-youtube-1"> <iframe class="media-youtube-player" width="620" height="480" title="David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview" src="" name="David Swanson says "Abolish War(!)" an interview" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Video of David Swanson says &quot;Abolish War(!)&quot; an interview</iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p>For more about the upcoming, anti-drone "Resisting Drones, Global War and Empire" convergence in Syracuse, NY, please go to <a href="">Upstate Drone Action dot org</a>.</p> <p><strong>Related Rochester Indymedia articles:</strong> <a href="">Everyone Must Resist! An interview with Elliott Adams</a> | <a href="">Nick Mottern Discusses Drone Warfare and His Consciousness Raising Efforts</a> | <a href="">10 Years Ago: Hundreds say no to US aggression</a> | <a href="">Martin Luther King: "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Protest Draws Police Attention</a><a href=""> | Anti-Drone Demonstrators Return to Brighton</a><a href=""> | Anti-NATO coverage by Rochester Indymedia in Chicago</a> | <a href="">From Disney to Drone Wars - a critical settler perspective</a> | <a href="">Anti-Drone Demonstration Draws Hundreds; 37 Arrested for Civil Disobedience</a></p>
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query (Array, 2 elements)
action (String, 9 characters ) newnotice
status_textarea (String, 134 characters ) Stopping the Billionaires, the Bombers, and the...
Stopping the Billionaires, the Bombers, and the War Machine--an interview with David Swanson
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
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comment_body (Array, 1 element)
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So long as the United States is at war, their power is preserved, and now that they have attained empire the USA must expand the war or fall, for the arts of peace they know nothing and have never engaged in any employment higher than torture & war. Aristotle. My report follows on unjust wars, worthless battles for a country not worth defending: the United States of America, a nation w/o conscience and a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul. or My report of fbi's inhumane efforts to silence me (alt links): My report on madness and reason: Finally: The fbi damages trust, destroys our country via police state practices and engages in atrocities 24/7, domestic and foreign. Three letter entities usa, dod, fbi, cia, nsa, doj enjoy one trait in common EV.L UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 1450 characters ) So long as the United States is at war, their ...
So long as the United States is at war, their power is preserved, and now that they have attained empire the USA must expand the war or fall, for the arts of peace they know nothing and have never engaged in any employment higher than torture & war. Aristotle. My report follows on unjust wars, worthless battles for a country not worth defending: the United States of America, a nation w/o conscience and a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul. or My report of fbi's inhumane efforts to silence me (alt links): My report on madness and reason: Finally: The fbi damages trust, destroys our country via police state practices and engages in atrocities 24/7, domestic and foreign. Three letter entities usa, dod, fbi, cia, nsa, doj enjoy one trait in common EV.L UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
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value (String, 1441 characters ) So long as the United States is at war, their ...
So long as the United States is at war, their power is preserved, and now that they have attained empire the USA must expand the war or fall, for the arts of peace they know nothing and have never engaged in any employment higher than torture & war. Aristotle. My report follows on unjust wars, worthless battles for a country not worth defending: the United States of America, a nation w/o conscience and a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul. or My report of fbi's inhumane efforts to silence me (alt links): My report on madness and reason: Finally: The fbi damages trust, destroys our country via police state practices and engages in atrocities 24/7, domestic and foreign. Three letter entities usa, dod, fbi, cia, nsa, doj enjoy one trait in common EV.L UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
format (NULL)
safe_value (String, 1450 characters ) So long as the United States is at war, their ...
So long as the United States is at war, their power is preserved, and now that they have attained empire the USA must expand the war or fall, for the arts of peace they know nothing and have never engaged in any employment higher than torture & war. Aristotle. My report follows on unjust wars, worthless battles for a country not worth defending: the United States of America, a nation w/o conscience and a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul. or My report of fbi's inhumane efforts to silence me (alt links): My report on madness and reason: Finally: The fbi damages trust, destroys our country via police state practices and engages in atrocities 24/7, domestic and foreign. Three letter entities usa, dod, fbi, cia, nsa, doj enjoy one trait in common EV.L UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 1450 characters ) So long as the United States is at war, their ...
So long as the United States is at war, their power is preserved, and now that they have attained empire the USA must expand the war or fall, for the arts of peace they know nothing and have never engaged in any employment higher than torture & war. Aristotle. My report follows on unjust wars, worthless battles for a country not worth defending: the United States of America, a nation w/o conscience and a people w/o heart who are cursed with a national character predominantly w/o soul. or My report of fbi's inhumane efforts to silence me (alt links): My report on madness and reason: Finally: The fbi damages trust, destroys our country via police state practices and engages in atrocities 24/7, domestic and foreign. Three letter entities usa, dod, fbi, cia, nsa, doj enjoy one trait in common EV.L UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
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