Band of Rebels Unveils Plan for Fair Deficit Reduction!
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For Immediate Release
January 4, 2012
Contact: Grania Marcus (917) 579-0199
Band of Rebels Unveils Plan for Fair Deficit Reduction!
What: Rally to End Tax Avoidance and Corporate Welfare!
Where: Kenneth B. Keating Federal Building, 100 State Street, Rochester, NY
When: Monday, January 7, 2013, 12 -1 PM, rain or shine
Why: Don’t heave a sigh of relief yet that the deficit hawks in both parties haven’t cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as part of the so-called “fiscal cliff” agreement. The pressure is still on and mounting. Powerful lobbying groups, especially the 63 wealthy CEO’s of the “Fix the Debt” coalition, continue to cycle through Washington pushing their view that Congress must cut the programs millions of poor and middle class Americans rely on, and grant corporate America even more favorable tax cuts and subsidies. They have already gained another $46 billion in tax and subsidy deals as a result of their efforts! Not surprisingly, these CEOs include infamous bailout beneficiary Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs and other bankers and perennial tax avoiders like Jeffery Immelt of GE. Of the 63 “Fix the Debt” CEOs at publicly held firms, 24 received more in compensation last year than their corporations paid in federal corporate income taxes even though all but six of these firms reported U.S. profits last year. And the deficit fight is far from over. The Band of Rebels has a plan that would make a real dent in the deficit based on fairly taxing corporate wealth and cutting corporate welfare, and would not jeopardize the most vulnerable among us. Come and learn more! Show our representatives in Congress that you support economic fairness for ordinary Americans!