Thallium contamination
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Dear friends:
The past September 18 the Honorable Deliberative Council voted unanimously the preventive closing of the Sarmiento Square in the locality of Carapachay (Bs. As., Argentina) because in the Undersecretary's Office of Environmental Policy of the Pcia. of Buenos Aires report, made by the Intemin, results that the analyses were detected values of THALLIUM that exceeded 4 times the allowed values for countryside.
Although the Vte Lopez´s Ombudsman, Dr Carlos Constela, along with the neighbors, asked the executive the preventive closing to the City Mayor Mr. Enrique Garcia, he minimized the risk factor and ignored the Council orders and the pleas of the neighbors, scorning the preventive closing of strong presumably contaminated with THALLIUM Sarmiento Square, where a lot of children goes all days.
I ask you to write to the City/Town Mayor to request to him the closing of this Square and the beginning of the corresponding investigation.
Thank you very much,
Stella Maris Baqu
More information (in spanish):
Asamblea Florida Este
This is a model letter to send:
Enrique Garcia:;
Hereby, I ask for the preventive closing of the Sarmiento Square (Carapachay, Vte. Lopez) since the analyses shows evidences of thallium contamination, despite Deliberative Council bylaws, Ombudsman´s opinion and neighbors pleas.
Por la presente, solicito que se realice el cierre preventivo de la Plaza Sarmiento (Carapachay, Vte. Lopez) puesto que los análisis demuestran evidencias de la contaminación con talio, a pesar de de las ordenes impartidas por el Concejo Deliberante, la opinión del Ombudsman y las súplicas de los vecinos.
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