East Coast Hit And Run
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proposal on east coast unity
Popular among us in the MA Revolution Collective, and throughtout the youth anarchist community is travelling. The wandering anarchist, hitchiking, train hopping, packing six kids into a five person car and tramping around the nation. Many of us may not be travelers but we can sympathize with the free spirit that travellers carry with them everywhere they go.
From this came an Idea that we felt could better help fuel the flames of discontent, as well as organize events that would give travellers a purpose, somethings worth traveling to, and finally finding that middle ground where settled individuals and travllers sometimes desperatly seek.
Many of you may have noticed, or maybe even though about it yourself....but many of our east coast activists go west. Is this mentality from our pioneer days "go west young man go west" or is it because we are discourged and see the west coast as an escape...or the easy way out-"everythings going on out there" is what I usually hear.
Our proposal is this. This spring and summer we create a travelling network up and down the east coast. Every two months Travllers dedicate themselves to converging on a single town somewhere on the east coast. They/We help serve food to homeless, hand out flyers, cover stories for indymedia, open squats, do community outreach by offering services to those unable to preform them, hold meetings, hold forums, organize rallies and help establish a foundation for local activists, or better strengthen all ready existing foundation, so when the two month period is up the activist community has flourished and can better stand on its own.
Example: March-April is scedualed for a converge in Town A, Massachussetts. Recruit and Organize Food Not Bombs, Hnag up flyers with pictures of known racists all over town, rally youth at local shows and concerts, banner drops off local highways, spray paint like crazy, plant a garden, clean yards for elderly, and then in May go to Town B, New York and do it all over again.
Even with 10 people this "Hit And Run" Tactic could not only help harden local activism, but it could do truley do good for the communities in the area (and scare the poop out of local authorities).
We could make ourselves (anarchists) seem more human to members of our communities, and even if this doesn't go off extremly well, we still created a bind among ourselves, and with others outside of our circles.
-The MA Revolution Collective