MIC CHECK: Parents and Community Disrupt Superintendent Search Committee Meeting
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MIC CHECK: Parents and Community Disrupt Superintendent Search Committee Meeting
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<p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fid":"2694","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]</p><p> </p><p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education. The piece begins with an explanation of the vote on October 27, 2011 and shows what happened a month later at the November 28, 2011 Ad Hoc Superintendent Search Committee.</p>
summary (String, 319 characters ) This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the ...
This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education.
format (String, 13 characters ) filtered_html
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<p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-2694" class="file file-video file-video-bliptv"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/2694">AYLizUQC</a></h2> <div class="content"> <div class="media-bliptv-outer-wrapper" id="media-bliptv-3" style="width: 620px; height: 480px;"> <div class="media-bliptv-preview-wrapper" id="media_bliptv_AYLizUQC_3"> <object width="620" height="480"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.blip.tv/v/AYLizUQC"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http://www.blip.tv/v/AYLizUQC" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="620" height="480" allowfullscreen="true"></embed> </object> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p> </p> <p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education. The piece begins with an explanation of the vote on October 27, 2011 and shows what happened a month later at the November 28, 2011 Ad Hoc Superintendent Search Committee.</p>
safe_summary (String, 331 characters ) <p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about t...
<p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education.</p>
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type (String, 3 characters ) rel
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0 (String, 15 characters ) skos:definition
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0 (String, 13 characters ) skos:inScheme
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
parent (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 12 characters ) skos:broader
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
3 (Array, 2 elements)
tid (String, 2 characters ) 33
taxonomy_term (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 2 characters ) 33
vid (String, 1 characters ) 1
name (String, 34 characters ) Direct Action / Civil Disobedience
description (NULL)
format (NULL)
weight (String, 2 characters ) 21
vocabulary_machine_name (String, 20 characters ) drupalimc_categories
rdf_mapping (Array, 5 elements)
rdftype (Array, 1 element)
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0 (String, 15 characters ) skos:definition
vid (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 13 characters ) skos:inScheme
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
parent (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 12 characters ) skos:broader
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
4 (Array, 2 elements)
tid (String, 1 characters ) 9
taxonomy_term (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 1 characters ) 9
vid (String, 1 characters ) 1
name (String, 30 characters ) Civil Liberties / Human Rights
description (NULL)
format (NULL)
weight (String, 2 characters ) 19
vocabulary_machine_name (String, 20 characters ) drupalimc_categories
rdf_mapping (Array, 5 elements)
rdftype (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 12 characters ) skos:Concept
name (Array, 1 element)
predicates (Array, 2 elements)
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predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 15 characters ) skos:definition
vid (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 13 characters ) skos:inScheme
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
parent (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 12 characters ) skos:broader
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
5 (Array, 2 elements)
tid (String, 2 characters ) 28
taxonomy_term (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 2 characters ) 28
vid (String, 1 characters ) 1
name (String, 20 characters ) Anti-racism / Racism
description (NULL)
format (NULL)
weight (String, 2 characters ) 27
vocabulary_machine_name (String, 20 characters ) drupalimc_categories
rdf_mapping (Array, 5 elements)
rdftype (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 12 characters ) skos:Concept
name (Array, 1 element)
predicates (Array, 2 elements)
description (Array, 1 element)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 15 characters ) skos:definition
vid (Array, 2 elements)
predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 13 characters ) skos:inScheme
type (String, 3 characters ) rel
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safe_value (String, 10 characters ) T. Forsyth
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title (Array, 1 element)
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predicates (Array, 1 element)
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datatype (String, 12 characters ) xsd:dateTime
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title (String, 136 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
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href (String, 18 characters ) https://identi.ca/
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action (String, 9 characters ) newnotice
status_textarea (String, 121 characters ) MIC CHECK: Parents and Community Disrupt Superi...
MIC CHECK: Parents and Community Disrupt Superintendent Search Committee Meeting http://rochester.indymedia.org/node/7549
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value (String, 653 characters ) <p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_lar...
<p>[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"drupalimc_large","fid":"2694","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]</p><p> </p><p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education. The piece begins with an explanation of the vote on October 27, 2011 and shows what happened a month later at the November 28, 2011 Ad Hoc Superintendent Search Committee.</p>
summary (String, 319 characters ) This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the ...
This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education.
format (String, 13 characters ) filtered_html
safe_value (String, 1355 characters ) <p><div class="media media-element-container me...
<p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-2694" class="file file-video file-video-bliptv"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/2694">AYLizUQC</a></h2> <div class="content"> <div class="media-bliptv-outer-wrapper" id="media-bliptv-3" style="width: 620px; height: 480px;"> <div class="media-bliptv-preview-wrapper" id="media_bliptv_AYLizUQC_3"> <object width="620" height="480"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.blip.tv/v/AYLizUQC"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http://www.blip.tv/v/AYLizUQC" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="620" height="480" allowfullscreen="true"></embed> </object> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p> </p> <p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education. The piece begins with an explanation of the vote on October 27, 2011 and shows what happened a month later at the November 28, 2011 Ad Hoc Superintendent Search Committee.</p>
safe_summary (String, 331 characters ) <p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about t...
<p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education.</p>
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<p><div class="media media-element-container media-drupalimc_large"><div id="file-2694" class="file file-video file-video-bliptv"> <h2 class="element-invisible"><a href="/file/2694">AYLizUQC</a></h2> <div class="content"> <div class="media-bliptv-outer-wrapper" id="media-bliptv-3" style="width: 620px; height: 480px;"> <div class="media-bliptv-preview-wrapper" id="media_bliptv_AYLizUQC_3"> <object width="620" height="480"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.blip.tv/v/AYLizUQC"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http://www.blip.tv/v/AYLizUQC" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="620" height="480" allowfullscreen="true"></embed> </object> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></p> <p> </p> <p>This is a 20 minute mini-documentary about the Rochester City School District Board of Education contracting with Ray & Associates, Inc.--an expensive, corporate superintendent search firm with ties to the Eli Broad Superintendents Academy--and the community's struggle and response to such attacks on public education. The piece begins with an explanation of the vote on October 27, 2011 and shows what happened a month later at the November 28, 2011 Ad Hoc Superintendent Search Committee.</p>
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tid (String, 1 characters ) 9
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5 (Array, 2 elements)
tid (String, 2 characters ) 28
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∞ (Recursion)
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0 (Array, 4 elements)
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entity (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
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#href (String, 15 characters ) taxonomy/term/2
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entity (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
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∞ (Recursion)
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#href (String, 16 characters ) taxonomy/term/33
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entity (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
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4 (Array, 4 elements)
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#href (String, 15 characters ) taxonomy/term/9
#options (Array, 3 elements)
entity_type (String, 13 characters ) taxonomy_term
entity (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
5 (Array, 4 elements)
#type (String, 4 characters ) link | (Callback) link();
#title (String, 20 characters ) Anti-racism / Racism
#href (String, 16 characters ) taxonomy/term/28
#options (Array, 3 elements)
entity_type (String, 13 characters ) taxonomy_term
entity (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
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safe_value (String, 10 characters ) T. Forsyth
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href (String, 18 characters ) https://identi.ca/
query (Array, 2 elements)
action (String, 9 characters ) newnotice
status_textarea (String, 121 characters ) MIC CHECK: Parents and Community Disrupt Superi...
MIC CHECK: Parents and Community Disrupt Superintendent Search Committee Meeting http://rochester.indymedia.org/node/7549
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-twitter (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 134 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/all/modules/service_links/images/twitter.png" alt="Twitter logo" />
href (String, 25 characters ) https://twitter.com/share
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-digg (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 128 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/all/modules/service_links/images/digg.png" alt="Digg logo" />
href (String, 22 characters ) http://digg.com/submit
query (Array, 3 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-delicious (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/all/modules/service_links/images/delicious.png" alt="del.icio.us logo" />
href (String, 23 characters ) http://del.icio.us/post
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-reddit (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 132 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/all/modules/service_links/images/reddit.png" alt="Reddit logo" />
href (String, 25 characters ) https://reddit.com/submit
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-stumbleupon (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/all/modules/service_links/images/stumbleit.png" alt="StumbleUpon logo" />
href (String, 33 characters ) http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-yahoo (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 130 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/all/modules/service_links/images/yahoo.png" alt="Yahoo logo" />
href (String, 49 characters ) https://bookmarks.yahoo.com/myresults/bookmarklet
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
comment (Array, 3 elements)
#theme (String, 20 characters ) links__node__comment
#links (Array, 1 element)
comment_forbidden (Array, 2 elements)
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
comments (Array, 0 elements)
#view_mode (String, 4 characters ) full
#theme (String, 4 characters ) node
#node (Object) stdClass
∞ (Recursion)
#language (String, 2 characters ) en
Krumo version 0.2.1a
| http://krumo.sourceforge.net/home/members/rochindymedia/sites/rochester.indymedia.org/web/includes/menu.inc
, line527