16 More Arrested at Occupy Rochester
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<img src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/usermedia/image/12/nov2cityhalloccupyrochester.jpg" alt="99%" border="1" align="left" style="padding:2px;" /> On November 2, 2011, between 11:45 and 1:30am Wednesday night, Rochester Police Dept arrested 16 members of Occupy Rochester in Washington Square Park. Following Wednesday's rally the hundreds of workers, students and community members gathered into Washington Square park to occupy. <br /> <br /> A crowd of roughly 150 gathered in Washington Square park to initiate the overnight Occupation in Solidarity with Oakland and Scott Olson! <br /> <br /> <b>Photos</b>: <a href="http://billfinan.smugmug.com/Activism/Marching-To-The-Rochester-47/19885608_47GFsM#1564651080_SwQjb82">from Bill Finan</a> <br /> <b>Video</b>: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O42YAk5QxD0&feature=youtu.be">from thegreenkacheek on YouTube</a> <br /> <br /> <b>Have video or photos? We'd love to present them in this feature! Email us at <a href="mailto:rochesterindymedia@rocus.org">RochesterIndymedia@rocus.org</a>.</b> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6988">Read Full Article</a></p>
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<p><img src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/usermedia/image/12/nov2cityhalloccupyrochester.jpg" alt="99%" border="1" align="left" style="padding:2px;" /> On November 2, 2011, between 11:45 and 1:30am Wednesday night, Rochester Police Dept arrested 16 members of Occupy Rochester in Washington Square Park. Following Wednesday's rally the hundreds of workers, students and community members gathered into Washington Square park to occupy. </p> <p> A crowd of roughly 150 gathered in Washington Square park to initiate the overnight Occupation in Solidarity with Oakland and Scott Olson! </p> <p> <b>Photos</b>: <a href="http://billfinan.smugmug.com/Activism/Marching-To-The-Rochester-47/19885608_47GFsM#1564651080_SwQjb82">from Bill Finan</a> <br /> <b>Video</b>: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O42YAk5QxD0&feature=youtu.be">from thegreenkacheek on YouTube</a> </p> <p> <b>Have video or photos? We'd love to present them in this feature! Email us at <a href="mailto:rochesterindymedia@rocus.org">RochesterIndymedia@rocus.org</a>.</b></p> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6988">Read Full Article</a></p>
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