Community Groups Demand Justice for the Lennon-Griffin Family; Lennon Livid Over Fannie Mae "Offer"
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"They have made so many mistakes. I'm mad! I'm mad! I'm mad!" proclaimed Catherine Lennon at a press conference held outside of her 9 Ravenwood Ave. home on April 21, 2011.
Ryan Acuff from Take Back the Land - Rochester and Mary Adams from the Community Education Task Force announced that a growing list of community organizations and individuals have joined a new alliance to fight for justice for Catherine Lennon and her family, the Rochester grandmother who was evicted by over 20 Rochester police officers late last month. Seven people were arrested, including a 70 year old neighbor, still in her pajamas for attempting to defend Lennon's house from eviction. Charges against those arrested are being dropped in exchange for 8 hours of community service.
In regards to the "offer", Ms. Lennon said, "The letter is more or less humiliating. I feel humiliated. They [Fannie Mae] bought my home for $500.00 and they're charging me $50,000.00."
The coalition is calling for the Lennon-Griffin family to be returned to their home and an end to the practices which provide banks with financial incentives to evict families in foreclosure. In addition, it appears that robo-signing and fraud occurred in Cathy Lennon's case as it was handled by the notorious foreclosure mill of Steven J. Baum. The Baum firm is under investigation by the state of New York for fraud.
Additional Information: 'This Is Not America': SWAT Team Evicts Grandmother, Community Fights Back (Video) | 7 Arrested in Eviction Defense at 9 Ravenwood Ave. | Cathy Lennon is Still in Her House! Nearly 2-Week Old Eviction Blockade Working! The Struggle Continues! | Local Family and Take Back the Land Announce Eviction Defense | "We got sold out; they got bailed out!" Anti-Eviction Rally on S. Goodman Street