Breaking News! Israelis Attack Gaza Humanitarian Sea Convoy; At Least 10 Dead, Over 60 Injured, Chicagoan Activist Missing
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Breaking News! Israelis Attack Gaza Humanitarian Sea Convoy; At Least 10 Dead, Over 60 Injured, Chicagoan Activist Missing
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<img src="" alt="massacre" border="1" align="left" style="padding:2px;" /> <i>From Chicago Indymedia</i>: "Solidarity activists aboard one of six relief vessels traveling to Gaza [by sea] with humanitarian aid report that they have been attacked by Israeli forces, with three aid workers killed and more than 50 injured, according to live updates from the flotilla. <br /> <br /> "[P]eople aboard the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship with hundreds of aid workers and activists aboard, report.. that they have been attacked. At least three aboard one ship have been killed and dozens more wounded, including at least one European Parliament member…Midwest U.S. activists have been unable to reach Chicagoan Fatima Mohammadi, traveling aboard the Mavi Marmara." <a href=""><b>Read more; click here!</b></a> <br /> <br /> <b>An emergency protest against the massacre will happen today, May 31, in Rochester, NY from 3PM-5PM at the Federal Building on State Street.</b> <br /> <br /> <b>Video</b>: <a href="!">Israeli Defense Force Boarding Gaza Aid Flotilla</a> <br /> <br /> <b>Additional Coverage</b>: <a href="">Watch Live Stream of Commando Attack</a> | <a href="">Witness Gaza</a> | <a href="">Free Palestine Digital Ship</a> <br /> <br /> <b>Background</b>: <a href="">With Sea Confrontation Looming, New Yorkers Say ‘Break the Blockade’</a> <br /> <br /> <b>Related</b>: <a href="">NYC Activists Drop Banner In Max Brenner, Israeli-Owned Chocolate Store</a> | <a href="">Protesters Condemn Israeli “Ambassador of Apartheid†Michael Oren + Activists Protest Jerusalem Day Event at BPL</a> | <a href="">Don't Allow Israel to Stop Humanitarian Aid to the Impoverished and Blockaded Gazans</a>
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<p><img src="" alt="massacre" border="1" align="left" style="padding:2px;" /> <i>From Chicago Indymedia</i>: "Solidarity activists aboard one of six relief vessels traveling to Gaza [by sea] with humanitarian aid report that they have been attacked by Israeli forces, with three aid workers killed and more than 50 injured, according to live updates from the flotilla. </p> <p> "[P]eople aboard the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship with hundreds of aid workers and activists aboard, report.. that they have been attacked. At least three aboard one ship have been killed and dozens more wounded, including at least one European Parliament member…Midwest U.S. activists have been unable to reach Chicagoan Fatima Mohammadi, traveling aboard the Mavi Marmara." <a href=""><b>Read more; click here!</b></a> </p> <p> <b>An emergency protest against the massacre will happen today, May 31, in Rochester, NY from 3PM-5PM at the Federal Building on State Street.</b> </p> <p> <b>Video</b>: <a href="!">Israeli Defense Force Boarding Gaza Aid Flotilla</a> </p> <p> <b>Additional Coverage</b>: <a href="">Watch Live Stream of Commando Attack</a> | <a href="">Witness Gaza</a> | <a href="">Free Palestine Digital Ship</a> </p> <p> <b>Background</b>: <a href="">With Sea Confrontation Looming, New Yorkers Say ‘Break the Blockade’</a> </p> <p> <b>Related</b>: <a href="">NYC Activists Drop Banner In Max Brenner, Israeli-Owned Chocolate Store</a> | <a href="">Protesters Condemn Israeli “Ambassador of Apartheid†Michael Oren + Activists Protest Jerusalem Day Event at BPL</a> | <a href="">Don't Allow Israel to Stop Humanitarian Aid to the Impoverished and Blockaded Gazans</a></p>
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