Army Recruiters at SOTA
... (Object) stdClass
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title (String, 23 characters ) Army Recruiters at SOTA
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value (String, 927 characters ) <img src="
<img src="" alt="recruit" border="1" align="left" /> Yesterday I passed by School Of The Arts and witnessed 2 Army recruiters in camouflague uniforms talking to a student in front of the building. I shot two photos of the recruiters and then left. As I rode by again later they were gone and I spoke to a vice-principal who I told about the incident. I said that I had a photo of recruiters and that they should not be recruiting on school property and he agreed. A woman cop stated that she knew the girl and that she was already signed up to go so it was okay. I stated that whether she was or not that they should not recruit on school property. I also stated that she could also change her mind. I have contacted the City School District but they were not available for comment (Legal Dept.) <p><a href="/newsite/node/6791">Read Full Article</a></p>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 935 characters ) <p><img src="
<p><img src="" alt="recruit" border="1" align="left" /> Yesterday I passed by School Of The Arts and witnessed 2 Army recruiters in camouflague uniforms talking to a student in front of the building. I shot two photos of the recruiters and then left. As I rode by again later they were gone and I spoke to a vice-principal who I told about the incident. I said that I had a photo of recruiters and that they should not be recruiting on school property and he agreed. A woman cop stated that she knew the girl and that she was already signed up to go so it was okay. I stated that whether she was or not that they should not recruit on school property. I also stated that she could also change her mind. I have contacted the City School District but they were not available for comment (Legal Dept.)</p> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6791">Read Full Article</a></p>
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predicates (Array, 1 element)
0 (String, 23 characters ) sioc:last_activity_date
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data (NULL)
Krumo version 0.2.1a
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