Anti-War Storefront "Crisis Center" is Open for Peace!
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Contact the Storefront at: 585-271-2620
The Anti-War Storefront neighborhood "Crisis Center" located at 658 Monroe Avenue is an expression of the collective passion and sense of outrage among the many peace and anti-war organizations in the Rochester Metropolitan area who are deeply concerned about the continuing war in Iraq, and the potential for conflict with Iran.
The storefront—completely staffed and funded by volunteers and free-will public contributions—will host a number of peace actions, gallery exhibitions, information/education and arts events, with the goal of keeping the cause of peace and anti-war issues constantly before our government representatives, the media, and our community. We also plan to do regular phone banking from the location to increase knowledge of sensitivity to Peace/Anti-War issues both for the public and for our political leaders. The multi-use space was created to honor and uplift the principles of peace and runs for 2-1/2 months from April 15 to June 30, 2007.
The grand opening will be held from 1:00-5:00 PM on Sunday, April 15. All are welcome to attend. Check out what the space needs here.
For more information, please contact Louise at or Doug at