Poor People United Holds Talk by Welfare Rights Leader
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Poor People United Holds Talk by Welfare Rights Leader
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<img src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/migrate_dada/feature-2323.jpg" align="right"><a href="http://poorpeopleunited.org">Poor People United (PPU)</a> hosted a talk by Willie Baptist and Mary Bricker- Jenkins of the <a href="http://kwru.org">Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU)</a> last Friday evening. The event, at 152 Baden Street, was the result of weeks of outreach work and planning by PPU. To visually reinforce themes of the talk, clotheslines were stretched across the gym holding dozens of T-shirts covered with handwritten stories of American poverty. <BR> <a href="http://rochester.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/2215.php">Entire Story</a> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6670">Read Full Article</a></p>
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<p><img src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/migrate_dada/feature-2323.jpg" align="right" /><a href="http://poorpeopleunited.org">Poor People United (PPU)</a> hosted a talk by Willie Baptist and Mary Bricker- Jenkins of the <a href="http://kwru.org">Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU)</a> last Friday evening. The event, at 152 Baden Street, was the result of weeks of outreach work and planning by PPU. To visually reinforce themes of the talk, clotheslines were stretched across the gym holding dozens of T-shirts covered with handwritten stories of American poverty.<br /> <br /></p> <p><a href="http://rochester.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/2215.php">Entire Story</a></p> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6670">Read Full Article</a></p>
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<img src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/migrate_dada/feature-2323.jpg" align="right"><a href="http://poorpeopleunited.org">Poor People United (PPU)</a> hosted a talk by Willie Baptist and Mary Bricker- Jenkins of the <a href="http://kwru.org">Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU)</a> last Friday evening. The event, at 152 Baden Street, was the result of weeks of outreach work and planning by PPU. To visually reinforce themes of the talk, clotheslines were stretched across the gym holding dozens of T-shirts covered with handwritten stories of American poverty. <BR> <a href="http://rochester.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/2215.php">Entire Story</a> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6670">Read Full Article</a></p>
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<p><img src="http://rochester.indymedia.org/sites/default/files/migrate_dada/feature-2323.jpg" align="right" /><a href="http://poorpeopleunited.org">Poor People United (PPU)</a> hosted a talk by Willie Baptist and Mary Bricker- Jenkins of the <a href="http://kwru.org">Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU)</a> last Friday evening. The event, at 152 Baden Street, was the result of weeks of outreach work and planning by PPU. To visually reinforce themes of the talk, clotheslines were stretched across the gym holding dozens of T-shirts covered with handwritten stories of American poverty.<br /> <br /></p> <p><a href="http://rochester.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/2215.php">Entire Story</a></p> <p><a href="/newsite/node/6670">Read Full Article</a></p>
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