Rally to Free Ansar Mahmood
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(3/14) Approximately 60 Activists gathered in Batavia yesterday to demand the release on Ansar Mahmood. Activists from Rochester joined others from New York City, Hudson Valley, Albany and Batavia. Check out the
Report on the Free Ansar Rally (with photos).
(3/12) Activists will hold a rally this Saturday to demand freedom for Ansar Mahmood, who has been detained for over two years now at the INS Detention Center in Batavia. Ansar was originally detained after he asked a security guard to take snapshots of him on top of a hill to send to his relatives back in Pakistan. The guards called the police, accusing him of terrorist activity because the hill happened to overlook a water treatment plant. Although the authorities found no connection to terrorism, Ansar has been detained ever since for "harboring an illegal immigrant" because he allegedly assisted a Pakistani couple with an expired visa find an apartment (background).