Rochester Comrade Joel Dow, Musician, Activist Arrested in Portland, OR Anti Police Brutality Event
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Rochester Comrade Joel Dow, Musician, Activist Arrested in Portland, OR Anti Police Brutality Event
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value (String, 3857 characters ) Joel Dow, Rochester Musician, Activist and Comr...
Joel Dow, Rochester Musician, Activist and Comrade was arrested after an anti-police brutality event in Portland Oregon. Below is a link to the story on Portland Indymedia <!--break--> <img src="" alt="joeldow" border="1" align="left" style="padding:2px;" /> <b>Portland, OR—</b>On Tuesday, March 23, Joel Dow, artist, activist, anarchist, musician, and Rochestarian, was arrested for allegedly throwing a bicycle at a police officer who was driving his motorcycle into demonstrators at a police accountability march. Dow has been charged with assault II, a class B felony; assault of a police officer, a class C felony; recklass endangerment, a class A misdemeanor; and disorderly conduct 2, a class B misdemeanor. His bail is set at $259,000 and he is currently being held at the Multnomah County Inverness Jail. He was <a href="">arraigned yesterday morning</a> where he plead not guilty to all charges and was assigned Gary Gedrose from the Public Defender's Office. Supporters in Portland stated that Joel has been in contact with activist lawyers who may represent him <i>pro bono</i>. Dow is not receiving vegan meals and supporters are urged to call the jail and demand he be given things he can eat: <b>503-988-5060</b> <br /> <br /> On Monday, March 22, incensed Portlanders took to the streets to demonstrate their outrage at the murder of Jack Dale Collin, an unarmed civilian and homeless man with a history of mental health issues. Collin is the second of police murders in Portland over the last two months. Aaron Campbell was shot in the back multiple times at his door step by officer Ronald Frashour on January 28, 2010. Monday night's demonstration was followed again on Tuesday, March 23, with a march in the streets of the South East. Police quickly reiterated their conduct by aggressively engaging the march. Some time during the demonstration, <a href="">an officer on a motorcycle accelerated into the rear end of the protest-line hard enough to entangle his motorcycle with a participants bicycle</a>. Directly afterwords one protester picked up a bicycle and propelled it at the officer before retreating quickly. Police reacted by giving chase, seeming immediately to be of no avail. But, shortly after, Dow was arrested and charged with 4 crimes, all summing up to a whopping $259,00 bail amount. <br /> <br /> Benefits are currently being planned to raise money for Joel's legal defense fund here in Rochester. Contact Harlow for more information: <a href="">harlowcrandall (at)</a>. <br /> <br /> <b>Additional Information</b>: <a href="">Free Joel</a> | <a href="">Write Joel!</a> | <a href=""><b>Contribute Monetarily to Joel's Legal Defense Fund</b></a> | <a href="">PDX IMC: Cops, Pigs, Murderers! (A Cascadia Convergence Network Communiqué)</a> | <a href="">Emergency Response to another Police Murder</a> | <a href="">Multi Media Report Back: News Conference On Killing of Aaron Campbell</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="">Portland Indymedia</a> <br /> <br /> We'll post updates as we find out more
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safe_value (String, 3830 characters ) <p>Joel Dow, Rochester Musician, Activist and C...
<p>Joel Dow, Rochester Musician, Activist and Comrade was arrested after an anti-police brutality event in Portland Oregon. Below is a link to the story on Portland Indymedia</p> <!--break--><p><img src="" alt="joeldow" border="1" align="left" style="padding:2px;" /> <b>Portland, OR—</b>On Tuesday, March 23, Joel Dow, artist, activist, anarchist, musician, and Rochestarian, was arrested for allegedly throwing a bicycle at a police officer who was driving his motorcycle into demonstrators at a police accountability march. Dow has been charged with assault II, a class B felony; assault of a police officer, a class C felony; recklass endangerment, a class A misdemeanor; and disorderly conduct 2, a class B misdemeanor. His bail is set at $259,000 and he is currently being held at the Multnomah County Inverness Jail. He was <a href="">arraigned yesterday morning</a> where he plead not guilty to all charges and was assigned Gary Gedrose from the Public Defender's Office. Supporters in Portland stated that Joel has been in contact with activist lawyers who may represent him <i>pro bono</i>. Dow is not receiving vegan meals and supporters are urged to call the jail and demand he be given things he can eat: <b>503-988-5060</b> </p> <p> On Monday, March 22, incensed Portlanders took to the streets to demonstrate their outrage at the murder of Jack Dale Collin, an unarmed civilian and homeless man with a history of mental health issues. Collin is the second of police murders in Portland over the last two months. Aaron Campbell was shot in the back multiple times at his door step by officer Ronald Frashour on January 28, 2010. Monday night's demonstration was followed again on Tuesday, March 23, with a march in the streets of the South East. Police quickly reiterated their conduct by aggressively engaging the march. Some time during the demonstration, <a href="">an officer on a motorcycle accelerated into the rear end of the protest-line hard enough to entangle his motorcycle with a participants bicycle</a>. Directly afterwords one protester picked up a bicycle and propelled it at the officer before retreating quickly. Police reacted by giving chase, seeming immediately to be of no avail. But, shortly after, Dow was arrested and charged with 4 crimes, all summing up to a whopping $259,00 bail amount. </p> <p> Benefits are currently being planned to raise money for Joel's legal defense fund here in Rochester. Contact Harlow for more information: <a href="">harlowcrandall (at)</a>. </p> <p> <b>Additional Information</b>: <a href="">Free Joel</a> | <a href="">Write Joel!</a> | <a href=""><b>Contribute Monetarily to Joel's Legal Defense Fund</b></a> | <a href="">PDX IMC: Cops, Pigs, Murderers! (A Cascadia Convergence Network Communiqué)</a> | <a href="">Emergency Response to another Police Murder</a> | <a href="">Multi Media Report Back: News Conference On Killing of Aaron Campbell</a> </p> <p> <a href="">Portland Indymedia</a> </p> <p> We'll post updates as we find out more</p>
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