Rochester Indymedia Is Back!
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Hey Everybody! Rochester Indymedia has been missing you, but now it's back up and running!
For those of you who have wondered what's been going on with Roc-IMC, here's a short run-down:
Rochester Indymedia has been hosted on a server called Illich that runs out of Canada and recently that server went down. We briefly redirected the site to US Indymedia, and then had it redirected instead to our own server that was just started a few short months ago, (, where we kept people as updated as possible about what was going on with Rochester Indymedia. Unfortunately, we did not have very much information to give out because the person working on Illich was having a difficult time finding the backlogged stories. He got the old stories eventually, but was then having an even more difficult time trying to get the most recent stories, (I believe the stories since August). We are happy to report that after working very hard, the maintainer of Illich was able to retrieve almost all of our stories that we have posted up to this point!
What does this mean for Rochester Indymedia now? It was a scary shock when the days, and then weeks started adding up and still Rochester Indymedia was down. The reality is, though, that Illich was going to be shutting down in February anyways, so we were luckily already working on a project to keep Rochester Indymedia running on another server-OUR OWN! Check out to learn more about that project. Although Rochester Indymedia is currently being hosted on we are thinking about joining a server collective that will be in Seattle. We are less concerned about the site going down for any length of time there because part of the fees we'll be paying will allow someone to be paid to watch the server. We are not certain if we will be keeping our own server, or if we will join the collective server in Seattle. We will try to keep you updated on that as we process through the decision. If you'd like to be a part of the decision making process for Rochester Indymedia you are encouraged to come this Monday, January 28th, to the Anti-War Storefront at 658 Monroe Avenue.
Please add your own new stories to the website. If you have updates about groups your in it would be wonderful if you posted them on Rochester Indymedia! More people will become interested and involved in your group this way, and more local activist news will be published as well! Rochester Indymedia doesn't exist without your stories!