Rochester Demonstration Joins with Global Actions against the Occupation of Iraq
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About 300 people gathered in downtown Rochester March 19th in solidarity with global actions against the US occupation of Iraq . On the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of Bush's attack on Iraq, local groups cooperated to organize the event.
The Rally began at the War Memorial (Blue Cross Arena) with speakers and chants. After about 45 minutes the demonstrators marched to the military recruitment station, where volunteers read some of the names of US soldiers and Iraqis who have been killed during the war and occupation.
The demonstration concluded at the Federal building with more speakers and further calls to action. The event was facilitated by the Peace Action and Education task force of metro justice and cosponsored by numerous local groups involved with anti-war work.
Many of the signs and speakers focused on the issue of military recruitment. Josh karpoff of RIT anti war, International Socialist Organization (ISO) and the National Campus Anti-war Network (CAN) said "Taking on recruitmers and kicking them out of our schools is a concrete way to stop war right now. If they don't have any more people to fight their wars , cause they're not going to fight them themselves, then they're not going to be able to have their wars anymore."
The demonstration represented a broad confluence of different groups. Religious, labor, civic, and student groups all participated in organizing the rally and march. In reference to the regional anti-war conference that took place last weekend at School Without Walls, Doug Noble of the Peace Action and education task force told the crowd; "The energy, intelligence, commitment of people of all ages at that event was electrifying, and for the first time in two years, I found myself revived from despair and empty rage."
A meeting was held Sunday afternoon at Javas on Gibbs street to launch a local anti-war coalition.