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value (String, 9433 characters ) Recently, I was involved in a project that requ...
Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous movement happening across the United States that literally astounded me. There are protests and marches in every major city in the country. <!--break--> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br><div> <br /><br /></div><div> </div><div>I looked for articles in my local newspaper and on TV.....and there was </div><div>nothing. These stories are found only on our network of IMCs, and<br />bless them, for they are all unpaid volunteers serving the people,<br />and trying to get the truth out - at a time when, we now know, the truth<br />is not an issue for the Major Media. For instance, did you hear<br />that in Chicago there were demonstrations for a solid week after the<br />Nov. 2 Election..........NO.<br /><br />What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen </div><div>unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the </div><div>Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for </div><div>instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages. </div><div> </div><div>Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho - </div><div>had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and </div><div>carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind". </div><div> </div><div>Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.</div><div> </div><div>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic<br />but peacefull march on Nov. 3."<br /><br />Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest </div><div>the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush </div><div>to a second term."<br /><br />Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore </div><div>to voice their opposition to the results of the election...."<br /><br />Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment </div><div>before the rest of the world at the results of the election. </div><div>Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, “because Bush </div><div>was not elected the first time. The fact that he’s going to be </div><div>in office another four years . . . Right now, it’s humiliating<br />to be considered an American."<br /><br />Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton, </div><div>Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage, </div><div>shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another</div><div>hi-jacking of a national election.<br /><br />Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched </div><div>to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist </div><div>march.....<br /><br />Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </div><div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware </div><div>Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered</div><div>at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the </div><div>town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken.<br /><br />Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the </div><div>Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted </div><div>street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown, </div><div>blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all </div><div>US wars and occupations..."<br /><br />DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"<br /> <br />DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House </div><div>and kinda wandered all over down town.<br /><br />Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton </div><div>and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community </div><div>and out of office.<br /><br />Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs </div><div>which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can’t thank </div><div>our President enough for contributing to our pockets—er, </div><div>I mean economic growth in America."<br /><br />L A - MARINE APCs APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST </div><div>IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the </div><div>second time parking themselves in the street and directly </div><div>in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered.<br /> <br />L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland </div><div>and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea </div><div>to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.<br /><br />Madison - Rally and March for Peace<br /><br />Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through </div><div>the streets of Columbus—Ohio’sCapital—this evening and </div><div>stormed the Ohio State House....<br /><br />Lansing - members of Urbandale neighborhood, </div><div>were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime, </div><div>occupation, and government.....<br /><br />Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community': </div><div>liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists, </div><div>anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed </div><div>at the way things turned out.<br /><br />Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and </div><div>a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works</div><div> to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis </div><div>Destroyer built by the US government.<br /><br />Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in </div><div>response to the presidential election which put George W. </div><div>Bush into power for his second term.<br /><br />New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One" </div><div>office in downtown Paterson.<br /> <br />New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest </div><div>organized by Inclusive Democracy at the “Army Career </div><div>Centerâ€. The protest is small, but persistent.<br /><br />NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC.... </div><div>filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the </div><div>Republican Party.<br /> </div><div>NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory'<br /> <br />NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night, </div><div>with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested.<br /> <br />NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park. </div><div>Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s.<br /> <br />NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official </div><div>city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response.....<br /><br />Raliegh - ....<activists> attacked North Carolina Republican </div><div>Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke </div><div>damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said.<br /><br />Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in </div><div>Red Hook were attacked by police....<br /><br />Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the </div><div>Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and </div><div>sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building.<br /><br />Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall </div><div>of police and security as they attempted to<br />pass literature to the speakers of a conference on </div><div>globalization and to rally against the conference.<br /> </div><div>Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally<br /><br />Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march </div><div>erupted into the streets of Philadelphia.<br /><br />Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling </div><div>police repression and rain.<br /><br />Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an </div><div>unprecedented week of action for peace and justice.<br /> <br />Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of </div><div>the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge......<br /> <br />Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters </div><div>on November 3rd.<br /><br />Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that </div><div>democracy in this country is in extreme danger.<br /><br />Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </div><div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters..........<br /><br />San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of </div><div>their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq.<br /><br />San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco </div><div>Federal Building....<br /><br />Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University </div><div>today to protest the occupation and the elections in general.<br /> <br />Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest </div><div>Bush's war in Iraq.<br /><br />Lawrence - ....activists marched protest of the current invasion of </div><div>Fallujah. Local police accosted activists.........<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></div>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 9087 characters ) <p>Recently, I was involved in a project that r...
<p>Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every<br /> Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous<br /> movement happening across the United States that literally astounded<br /> me. There are protests and marches in every major city in<br /> the country.</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /> </p><div> </div> <div> </div> <div>I looked for articles in my local newspaper and on TV.....and there was </div> <div>nothing. These stories are found only on our network of IMCs, and<br />bless them, for they are all unpaid volunteers serving the people,<br />and trying to get the truth out - at a time when, we now know, the truth<br />is not an issue for the Major Media. For instance, did you hear<br />that in Chicago there were demonstrations for a solid week after the<br />Nov. 2 Election..........NO. <p>What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen </p></div> <div>unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the </div> <div>Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for </div> <div>instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages. </div> <div> </div> <div>Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho - </div> <div>had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and </div> <div>carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind". </div> <div> </div> <div>Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.</div> <div> </div> <div>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <p>Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic<br />but peacefull march on Nov. 3."</p> <p>Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest </p></div> <div>the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush </div> <div>to a second term." <p>Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore </p></div> <div>to voice their opposition to the results of the election...." <p>Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment </p></div> <div>before the rest of the world at the results of the election. </div> <div>Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, “because Bush </div> <div>was not elected the first time. The fact that he’s going to be </div> <div>in office another four years . . . Right now, it’s humiliating<br />to be considered an American." <p>Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton, </p></div> <div>Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage, </div> <div>shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another</div> <div>hi-jacking of a national election. <p>Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched </p></div> <div>to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist </div> <div>march..... <p>Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </p></div> <div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware </div> <div>Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered</div> <div>at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the </div> <div>town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken. <p>Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the </p></div> <div>Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted </div> <div>street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown, </div> <div>blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all </div> <div>US wars and occupations..." <p>DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"</p> <p>DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House </p></div> <div>and kinda wandered all over down town. <p>Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton </p></div> <div>and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community </div> <div>and out of office. <p>Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs </p></div> <div>which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can’t thank </div> <div>our President enough for contributing to our pockets—er, </div> <div>I mean economic growth in America." <p>L A - MARINE APCs APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST </p></div> <div>IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the </div> <div>second time parking themselves in the street and directly </div> <div>in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. <p>L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland </p></div> <div>and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea </div> <div>to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election. <p>Madison - Rally and March for Peace</p> <p>Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through </p></div> <div>the streets of Columbus—Ohio’sCapital—this evening and </div> <div>stormed the Ohio State House.... <p>Lansing - members of Urbandale neighborhood, </p></div> <div>were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime, </div> <div>occupation, and government..... <p>Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community': </p></div> <div>liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists, </div> <div>anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed </div> <div>at the way things turned out. <p>Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and </p></div> <div>a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works</div> <div> to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis </div> <div>Destroyer built by the US government. <p>Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in </p></div> <div>response to the presidential election which put George W. </div> <div>Bush into power for his second term. <p>New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One" </p></div> <div>office in downtown Paterson. <p>New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest </p></div> <div>organized by Inclusive Democracy at the “Army Career </div> <div>Centerâ€. The protest is small, but persistent. <p>NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC.... </p></div> <div>filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the </div> <div>Republican Party. </div> <div>NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory' <p>NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night, </p></div> <div>with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested. <p>NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park. </p></div> <div>Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s. <p>NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official </p></div> <div>city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response..... <p>Raliegh - ....<activists> attacked North Carolina Republican </activists></p></div> <div>Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke </div> <div>damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said. <p>Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in </p></div> <div>Red Hook were attacked by police.... <p>Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the </p></div> <div>Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and </div> <div>sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building. <p>Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall </p></div> <div>of police and security as they attempted to<br />pass literature to the speakers of a conference on </div> <div>globalization and to rally against the conference. </div> <div>Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally <p>Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march </p></div> <div>erupted into the streets of Philadelphia. <p>Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling </p></div> <div>police repression and rain. <p>Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an </p></div> <div>unprecedented week of action for peace and justice. <p>Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of </p></div> <div>the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge...... <p>Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters </p></div> <div>on November 3rd. <p>Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that </p></div> <div>democracy in this country is in extreme danger. <p>Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </p></div> <div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters.......... <p>San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of </p></div> <div>their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq. <p>San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco </p></div> <div>Federal Building.... <p>Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University </p></div> <div>today to protest the occupation and the elections in general. <p>Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest </p></div> <div>Bush's war in Iraq. <p>Lawrence - ....activists marched protest of the current invasion of </p></div> <div>Fallujah. Local police accosted activists......... </div>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
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<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Reddit logo" />
href (String, 25 characters )
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html (Boolean) TRUE
service-links-stumbleupon (Array, 5 elements)
title (String, 140 characters ) <img typeof="foaf:Image" src="http://rochester....
<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="StumbleUpon logo" />
href (String, 33 characters )
query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
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<img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Yahoo logo" />
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query (Array, 2 elements)
attributes (Array, 3 elements)
html (Boolean) TRUE
#items (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 5 elements)
value (String, 9433 characters ) Recently, I was involved in a project that requ...
Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous movement happening across the United States that literally astounded me. There are protests and marches in every major city in the country. <!--break--> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br><div> <br /><br /></div><div> </div><div>I looked for articles in my local newspaper and on TV.....and there was </div><div>nothing. These stories are found only on our network of IMCs, and<br />bless them, for they are all unpaid volunteers serving the people,<br />and trying to get the truth out - at a time when, we now know, the truth<br />is not an issue for the Major Media. For instance, did you hear<br />that in Chicago there were demonstrations for a solid week after the<br />Nov. 2 Election..........NO.<br /><br />What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen </div><div>unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the </div><div>Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for </div><div>instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages. </div><div> </div><div>Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho - </div><div>had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and </div><div>carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind". </div><div> </div><div>Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.</div><div> </div><div>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic<br />but peacefull march on Nov. 3."<br /><br />Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest </div><div>the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush </div><div>to a second term."<br /><br />Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore </div><div>to voice their opposition to the results of the election...."<br /><br />Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment </div><div>before the rest of the world at the results of the election. </div><div>Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, “because Bush </div><div>was not elected the first time. The fact that he’s going to be </div><div>in office another four years . . . Right now, it’s humiliating<br />to be considered an American."<br /><br />Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton, </div><div>Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage, </div><div>shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another</div><div>hi-jacking of a national election.<br /><br />Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched </div><div>to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist </div><div>march.....<br /><br />Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </div><div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware </div><div>Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered</div><div>at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the </div><div>town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken.<br /><br />Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the </div><div>Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted </div><div>street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown, </div><div>blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all </div><div>US wars and occupations..."<br /><br />DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"<br /> <br />DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House </div><div>and kinda wandered all over down town.<br /><br />Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton </div><div>and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community </div><div>and out of office.<br /><br />Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs </div><div>which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can’t thank </div><div>our President enough for contributing to our pockets—er, </div><div>I mean economic growth in America."<br /><br />L A - MARINE APCs APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST </div><div>IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the </div><div>second time parking themselves in the street and directly </div><div>in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered.<br /> <br />L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland </div><div>and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea </div><div>to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.<br /><br />Madison - Rally and March for Peace<br /><br />Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through </div><div>the streets of Columbus—Ohio’sCapital—this evening and </div><div>stormed the Ohio State House....<br /><br />Lansing - members of Urbandale neighborhood, </div><div>were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime, </div><div>occupation, and government.....<br /><br />Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community': </div><div>liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists, </div><div>anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed </div><div>at the way things turned out.<br /><br />Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and </div><div>a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works</div><div> to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis </div><div>Destroyer built by the US government.<br /><br />Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in </div><div>response to the presidential election which put George W. </div><div>Bush into power for his second term.<br /><br />New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One" </div><div>office in downtown Paterson.<br /> <br />New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest </div><div>organized by Inclusive Democracy at the “Army Career </div><div>Centerâ€. The protest is small, but persistent.<br /><br />NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC.... </div><div>filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the </div><div>Republican Party.<br /> </div><div>NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory'<br /> <br />NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night, </div><div>with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested.<br /> <br />NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park. </div><div>Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s.<br /> <br />NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official </div><div>city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response.....<br /><br />Raliegh - ....<activists> attacked North Carolina Republican </div><div>Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke </div><div>damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said.<br /><br />Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in </div><div>Red Hook were attacked by police....<br /><br />Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the </div><div>Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and </div><div>sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building.<br /><br />Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall </div><div>of police and security as they attempted to<br />pass literature to the speakers of a conference on </div><div>globalization and to rally against the conference.<br /> </div><div>Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally<br /><br />Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march </div><div>erupted into the streets of Philadelphia.<br /><br />Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling </div><div>police repression and rain.<br /><br />Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an </div><div>unprecedented week of action for peace and justice.<br /> <br />Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of </div><div>the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge......<br /> <br />Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters </div><div>on November 3rd.<br /><br />Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that </div><div>democracy in this country is in extreme danger.<br /><br />Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </div><div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters..........<br /><br />San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of </div><div>their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq.<br /><br />San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco </div><div>Federal Building....<br /><br />Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University </div><div>today to protest the occupation and the elections in general.<br /> <br />Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest </div><div>Bush's war in Iraq.<br /><br />Lawrence - ....activists marched protest of the current invasion of </div><div>Fallujah. Local police accosted activists.........<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></div>
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 9087 characters ) <p>Recently, I was involved in a project that r...
<p>Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every<br /> Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous<br /> movement happening across the United States that literally astounded<br /> me. There are protests and marches in every major city in<br /> the country.</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /> </p><div> </div> <div> </div> <div>I looked for articles in my local newspaper and on TV.....and there was </div> <div>nothing. These stories are found only on our network of IMCs, and<br />bless them, for they are all unpaid volunteers serving the people,<br />and trying to get the truth out - at a time when, we now know, the truth<br />is not an issue for the Major Media. For instance, did you hear<br />that in Chicago there were demonstrations for a solid week after the<br />Nov. 2 Election..........NO. <p>What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen </p></div> <div>unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the </div> <div>Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for </div> <div>instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages. </div> <div> </div> <div>Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho - </div> <div>had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and </div> <div>carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind". </div> <div> </div> <div>Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.</div> <div> </div> <div>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <p>Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic<br />but peacefull march on Nov. 3."</p> <p>Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest </p></div> <div>the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush </div> <div>to a second term." <p>Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore </p></div> <div>to voice their opposition to the results of the election...." <p>Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment </p></div> <div>before the rest of the world at the results of the election. </div> <div>Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, “because Bush </div> <div>was not elected the first time. The fact that he’s going to be </div> <div>in office another four years . . . Right now, it’s humiliating<br />to be considered an American." <p>Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton, </p></div> <div>Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage, </div> <div>shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another</div> <div>hi-jacking of a national election. <p>Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched </p></div> <div>to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist </div> <div>march..... <p>Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </p></div> <div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware </div> <div>Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered</div> <div>at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the </div> <div>town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken. <p>Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the </p></div> <div>Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted </div> <div>street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown, </div> <div>blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all </div> <div>US wars and occupations..." <p>DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"</p> <p>DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House </p></div> <div>and kinda wandered all over down town. <p>Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton </p></div> <div>and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community </div> <div>and out of office. <p>Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs </p></div> <div>which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can’t thank </div> <div>our President enough for contributing to our pockets—er, </div> <div>I mean economic growth in America." <p>L A - MARINE APCs APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST </p></div> <div>IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the </div> <div>second time parking themselves in the street and directly </div> <div>in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. <p>L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland </p></div> <div>and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea </div> <div>to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election. <p>Madison - Rally and March for Peace</p> <p>Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through </p></div> <div>the streets of Columbus—Ohio’sCapital—this evening and </div> <div>stormed the Ohio State House.... <p>Lansing - members of Urbandale neighborhood, </p></div> <div>were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime, </div> <div>occupation, and government..... <p>Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community': </p></div> <div>liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists, </div> <div>anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed </div> <div>at the way things turned out. <p>Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and </p></div> <div>a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works</div> <div> to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis </div> <div>Destroyer built by the US government. <p>Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in </p></div> <div>response to the presidential election which put George W. </div> <div>Bush into power for his second term. <p>New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One" </p></div> <div>office in downtown Paterson. <p>New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest </p></div> <div>organized by Inclusive Democracy at the “Army Career </div> <div>Centerâ€. The protest is small, but persistent. <p>NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC.... </p></div> <div>filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the </div> <div>Republican Party. </div> <div>NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory' <p>NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night, </p></div> <div>with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested. <p>NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park. </p></div> <div>Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s. <p>NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official </p></div> <div>city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response..... <p>Raliegh - ....<activists> attacked North Carolina Republican </activists></p></div> <div>Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke </div> <div>damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said. <p>Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in </p></div> <div>Red Hook were attacked by police.... <p>Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the </p></div> <div>Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and </div> <div>sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building. <p>Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall </p></div> <div>of police and security as they attempted to<br />pass literature to the speakers of a conference on </div> <div>globalization and to rally against the conference. </div> <div>Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally <p>Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march </p></div> <div>erupted into the streets of Philadelphia. <p>Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling </p></div> <div>police repression and rain. <p>Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an </p></div> <div>unprecedented week of action for peace and justice. <p>Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of </p></div> <div>the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge...... <p>Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters </p></div> <div>on November 3rd. <p>Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that </p></div> <div>democracy in this country is in extreme danger. <p>Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </p></div> <div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters.......... <p>San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of </p></div> <div>their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq. <p>San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco </p></div> <div>Federal Building.... <p>Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University </p></div> <div>today to protest the occupation and the elections in general. <p>Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest </p></div> <div>Bush's war in Iraq. <p>Lawrence - ....activists marched protest of the current invasion of </p></div> <div>Fallujah. Local police accosted activists......... </div>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 3 elements)
#type (String, 9 characters ) container
#attributes (Array, 1 element)
class (String, 8 characters ) clearfix
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 9087 characters ) <p>Recently, I was involved in a project that r...
<p>Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every<br /> Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous<br /> movement happening across the United States that literally astounded<br /> me. There are protests and marches in every major city in<br /> the country.</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /> </p><div> </div> <div> </div> <div>I looked for articles in my local newspaper and on TV.....and there was </div> <div>nothing. These stories are found only on our network of IMCs, and<br />bless them, for they are all unpaid volunteers serving the people,<br />and trying to get the truth out - at a time when, we now know, the truth<br />is not an issue for the Major Media. For instance, did you hear<br />that in Chicago there were demonstrations for a solid week after the<br />Nov. 2 Election..........NO. <p>What follows is an incomplete compilation of stories on citizen </p></div> <div>unrest from around the country. Most of them have fallen off the </div> <div>Main News Column, but can still be accessed. New York City, for </div> <div>instance, has post-election stories that go back 30 pages. </div> <div> </div> <div>Most were non-violent protests, one in particular - Boise Idaho - </div> <div>had a rally where everyone dressed in their best clothing and </div> <div>carried signs reading "Leave no billionare behind". </div> <div> </div> <div>Check each cities' IMC to read the full story.</div> <div> </div> <div>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <p>Tuscon - "Police made it a point to harass and supress an energetic<br />but peacefull march on Nov. 3."</p> <p>Austin - "Hundreds of people gathered today in Austin to protest </p></div> <div>the war waged by the US and the concession of George W. Bush </div> <div>to a second term." <p>Baltimore - "People marched through downtown Baltimore </p></div> <div>to voice their opposition to the results of the election...." <p>Boston - Several people expressed their embarrassment </p></div> <div>before the rest of the world at the results of the election. </div> <div>Amy Beth Dimasi said that she had come out, “because Bush </div> <div>was not elected the first time. The fact that he’s going to be </div> <div>in office another four years . . . Right now, it’s humiliating<br />to be considered an American." <p>Mass. - ......people gathered in Amherst, Northampton, </p></div> <div>Springfield and in the Berkshires to voice their outrage, </div> <div>shock and dismay at what may well turn out to be another</div> <div>hi-jacking of a national election. <p>Amherst - Beginning at UMass... students and allies marched </p></div> <div>to the downtown Common Nov. 9 for an anti-war, anti-racist </div> <div>march..... <p>Buffalo - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </p></div> <div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters on Delaware </div> <div>Avenue in downtown Buffalo. A window was also shattered</div> <div>at the Armed Forces Recruiting Office on Sheridan in the </div> <div>town of Tonawanda and the lock to a back door was broken. <p>Chicago - Chicago Erupts in Week of Protest during the </p></div> <div>Elections ..... the crowd erupted into the second unpermitted </div> <div>street march as thousands paraded throughout downtown, </div> <div>blocking traffic and confusing cops. "We want an end to all </div> <div>US wars and occupations..." <p>DC - "Today we Marched Because the System is Rotten"</p> <p>DC - Snake march through DC ....started at the White House </p></div> <div>and kinda wandered all over down town. <p>Houston - ...demanding that the War Profiteers Halliburton </p></div> <div>and KBR and the Bush regime be thrown out of our community </div> <div>and out of office. <p>Boise - Billionaires for Bush Rally......Carrying signs </p></div> <div>which read "Leave no Billionaire behind", "We can’t thank </div> <div>our President enough for contributing to our pockets—er, </div> <div>I mean economic growth in America." <p>L A - MARINE APCs APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST </p></div> <div>IN WESTWOOD...The APCs circled the block twice, the </div> <div>second time parking themselves in the street and directly </div> <div>in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. <p>L A - About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland </p></div> <div>and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea </div> <div>to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election. <p>Madison - Rally and March for Peace</p> <p>Toledo - Hundreds of angry Ohio residents marched through </p></div> <div>the streets of Columbus—Ohio’sCapital—this evening and </div> <div>stormed the Ohio State House.... <p>Lansing - members of Urbandale neighborhood, </p></div> <div>were joined by MSU students... to protest the Bush regime, </div> <div>occupation, and government..... <p>Milwaukee - ....a motley assemblage of the 'peace community': </p></div> <div>liberals, church people, disgusted teenagers, environmentalists, </div> <div>anarcho-syndicalists, and simple people of good will dismayed </div> <div>at the way things turned out. <p>Maine - .......activists fought off wind, freezing rain, and </p></div> <div>a pressing chill as they stood outside of Bath Iron Works</div> <div> to witness and protest the launching of the 47th Aegis </div> <div>Destroyer built by the US government. <p>Vermont - .....people took to the streets in disgust today in </p></div> <div>response to the presidential election which put George W. </div> <div>Bush into power for his second term. <p>New Jersey - Activists picket the Paterson "Army of One" </p></div> <div>office in downtown Paterson. <p>New Jersey - NJ Solidarity members joined the weekly protest </p></div> <div>organized by Inclusive Democracy at the “Army Career </div> <div>Centerâ€. The protest is small, but persistent. <p>NYC - 500, 000 people filled blocks of Seventh Avenue in NYC.... </p></div> <div>filing past Madison Square Garden to express dissent towards the </div> <div>Republican Party. </div> <div>NYC - Protests, Scattered Violence Mark Bush 'Victory' <p>NYC - ....NYPD harassment of Crticial Mass escalated last night, </p></div> <div>with reports that between 33 and 47 people were arrested. <p>NYC - There was a protest this evening at Union Square Park. </p></div> <div>Apparently, the protesters were surrounded by NYPD with M-16s. <p>NYC - A contingent of anti-war veterans marching in the official </p></div> <div>city Veterans Day parade found a very favorable response..... <p>Raliegh - ....<activists> attacked North Carolina Republican </activists></p></div> <div>Party headquarters late Friday, leaving behind minor smoke </div> <div>damage, broken windows and vulgar messages, authorities said. <p>Albany - ....a demonstration with perhaps 100 people in </p></div> <div>Red Hook were attacked by police.... <p>Columbus - Around 150-200 people marched from the </p></div> <div>Federal Building back to the state Capitol Building and </div> <div>sat and protested on the front steps of the Capitol Building. <p>Dallas - ....a Dallas-based activist group met a wall </p></div> <div>of police and security as they attempted to<br />pass literature to the speakers of a conference on </div> <div>globalization and to rally against the conference. </div> <div>Dallas - Protestors Swamp SMU Bush Rally <p>Philadelphia - Following the rally, a spontaneous march </p></div> <div>erupted into the streets of Philadelphia. <p>Pittsburgh - ...march through Squirrel Hill despite chilling </p></div> <div>police repression and rain. <p>Portland - activists held back-to-back demonstrations in an </p></div> <div>unprecedented week of action for peace and justice. <p>Portland - There were three arrests today, two at the start of </p></div> <div>the rally at Pioneer Sq. and one under the Burnside Bridge...... <p>Portland - .......police using pepper spray to disperse protesters </p></div> <div>on November 3rd. <p>Richmond - Participants wore red to symbolize the fact that </p></div> <div>democracy in this country is in extreme danger. <p>Rochester - Rocks and bricks were thrown to shatter plate </p></div> <div>glass windows at the GOP Party Headquarters.......... <p>San Diego - .....people turned up to voice their re-affirmation of </p></div> <div>their absolute rejection of the war on Iraq. <p>San Fransisco - ....a rally and civil disobedience at the San Francisco </p></div> <div>Federal Building.... <p>Seattle - .....protesters marched from Western Washington University </p></div> <div>today to protest the occupation and the elections in general. <p>Seattle - Over 1,000 people gathered in downtown Seattle to protest </p></div> <div>Bush's war in Iraq. <p>Lawrence - ....activists marched protest of the current invasion of </p></div> <div>Fallujah. Local police accosted activists......... </div>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
, line527