Community protests imminent eviction of the Steidel Family
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The Steidel family faces evition as early as November 17th <!--break--> What: Demonstration to protest Wells Fargo Bank's home mortgage foreclosure practices This action is particularly aimed to protest the imminent eviction of the Steidel Family of Rochester following the foreclosure of their home. Despite a tax-payer bail out of 25 billion dollars, Wells Fargo has failed to extend the same efforts to help families stay in their homes. Why: For 37 years, the Steidel family prospered in Rochester. In 2007, Harold Steidel’s company, Shadel, employed 100 predominately minority employees and was listed in the Top 100 Companies in Rochester. Maria served the community as Minister of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom Adonai on Seneca Ave. In 2008, due in part to the economic collapse, Harold’s business closed. Now, after repeated attempts to work out an agreement with Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac, their home was foreclosed and they now face eviction. The family has the means to pay all past due funds and make ongoing payments, yet, as early as November 17, they could be forced out of their home. When: Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:00-1:00 PM. WHERE: Wells Fargo Advisors, 1200 Pittsford Victor Road, between 490 and Eastview Mall, just past Garnsey WHO: The Band of Rebels, Take Back the Land Rochester, Metro Justice, Working Family Party, Occupy Rochester, members of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom, and friends.
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<p>The Steidel family faces evition as early as November 17th</p> <!--break--><p>What: Demonstration to protest Wells Fargo Bank's home mortgage foreclosure practices This action is particularly aimed to protest the imminent eviction of the Steidel Family of Rochester following the foreclosure of their home. Despite a tax-payer bail out of 25 billion dollars, Wells Fargo has failed to extend the same efforts to help families stay in their homes.</p> <p>Why: For 37 years, the Steidel family prospered in Rochester. In 2007, Harold Steidel’s company, Shadel, employed 100 predominately minority employees and was listed in the Top 100 Companies in Rochester. Maria served the community as Minister of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom Adonai on Seneca Ave. In 2008, due in part to the economic collapse, Harold’s business closed. Now, after repeated attempts to work out an agreement with Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac, their home was foreclosed and they now face eviction. The family has the means to pay all past due funds and make ongoing payments, yet, as early as November 17, they could be forced out of their home.<br /> When: Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:00-1:00 PM. </p> <p>WHERE: Wells Fargo Advisors, 1200 Pittsford Victor Road, between 490 and Eastview Mall, just past Garnsey</p> <p>WHO: The Band of Rebels, Take Back the Land Rochester, Metro Justice, Working Family Party, Occupy Rochester, members of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom, and friends.</p>
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Community protests imminent eviction of the Steidel Family
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The Steidel family faces evition as early as November 17th <!--break--> What: Demonstration to protest Wells Fargo Bank's home mortgage foreclosure practices This action is particularly aimed to protest the imminent eviction of the Steidel Family of Rochester following the foreclosure of their home. Despite a tax-payer bail out of 25 billion dollars, Wells Fargo has failed to extend the same efforts to help families stay in their homes. Why: For 37 years, the Steidel family prospered in Rochester. In 2007, Harold Steidel’s company, Shadel, employed 100 predominately minority employees and was listed in the Top 100 Companies in Rochester. Maria served the community as Minister of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom Adonai on Seneca Ave. In 2008, due in part to the economic collapse, Harold’s business closed. Now, after repeated attempts to work out an agreement with Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac, their home was foreclosed and they now face eviction. The family has the means to pay all past due funds and make ongoing payments, yet, as early as November 17, they could be forced out of their home. When: Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:00-1:00 PM. WHERE: Wells Fargo Advisors, 1200 Pittsford Victor Road, between 490 and Eastview Mall, just past Garnsey WHO: The Band of Rebels, Take Back the Land Rochester, Metro Justice, Working Family Party, Occupy Rochester, members of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom, and friends.
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safe_value (String, 1485 characters ) <p>The Steidel family faces evition as early as...
<p>The Steidel family faces evition as early as November 17th</p> <!--break--><p>What: Demonstration to protest Wells Fargo Bank's home mortgage foreclosure practices This action is particularly aimed to protest the imminent eviction of the Steidel Family of Rochester following the foreclosure of their home. Despite a tax-payer bail out of 25 billion dollars, Wells Fargo has failed to extend the same efforts to help families stay in their homes.</p> <p>Why: For 37 years, the Steidel family prospered in Rochester. In 2007, Harold Steidel’s company, Shadel, employed 100 predominately minority employees and was listed in the Top 100 Companies in Rochester. Maria served the community as Minister of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom Adonai on Seneca Ave. In 2008, due in part to the economic collapse, Harold’s business closed. Now, after repeated attempts to work out an agreement with Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac, their home was foreclosed and they now face eviction. The family has the means to pay all past due funds and make ongoing payments, yet, as early as November 17, they could be forced out of their home.<br /> When: Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:00-1:00 PM. </p> <p>WHERE: Wells Fargo Advisors, 1200 Pittsford Victor Road, between 490 and Eastview Mall, just past Garnsey</p> <p>WHO: The Band of Rebels, Take Back the Land Rochester, Metro Justice, Working Family Party, Occupy Rochester, members of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom, and friends.</p>
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<p>The Steidel family faces evition as early as November 17th</p> <!--break--><p>What: Demonstration to protest Wells Fargo Bank's home mortgage foreclosure practices This action is particularly aimed to protest the imminent eviction of the Steidel Family of Rochester following the foreclosure of their home. Despite a tax-payer bail out of 25 billion dollars, Wells Fargo has failed to extend the same efforts to help families stay in their homes.</p> <p>Why: For 37 years, the Steidel family prospered in Rochester. In 2007, Harold Steidel’s company, Shadel, employed 100 predominately minority employees and was listed in the Top 100 Companies in Rochester. Maria served the community as Minister of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom Adonai on Seneca Ave. In 2008, due in part to the economic collapse, Harold’s business closed. Now, after repeated attempts to work out an agreement with Wells Fargo and Freddie Mac, their home was foreclosed and they now face eviction. The family has the means to pay all past due funds and make ongoing payments, yet, as early as November 17, they could be forced out of their home.<br /> When: Monday, November 14, 2011, 12:00-1:00 PM. </p> <p>WHERE: Wells Fargo Advisors, 1200 Pittsford Victor Road, between 490 and Eastview Mall, just past Garnsey</p> <p>WHO: The Band of Rebels, Take Back the Land Rochester, Metro Justice, Working Family Party, Occupy Rochester, members of the 1st Pentacostal Church Shalom, and friends.</p>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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