BTL:GOP, Big Winners of Trickle-Down Policies, Now Charge They are Victims of "Class Warfare"
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BTL:GOP, Big Winners of Trickle-Down Policies, Now Charge They are Victims of "Class Warfare"
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Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of economics at New School University, conducted by Scott Harris <!--break--> GOP, Big Winners of Trickle-Down Policies, Now Charge They are Victims of "Class Warfare" Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of economics at New School University, conducted by Scott Harris When President Obama outlined his plan on Sept. 19 to raise $1.5 trillion in new taxes primarily targeting the wealthy in order to reduce the nation’s deficit over the next decade, Republican politicians and conservative activists were quick to brand the president’s plan as “class warfare.†The White House proposal would add $800 billion in revenue by ending the Bush-era tax cuts on households with an annual income of more than $250,000, and gain an additional $700 billion by closing tax loopholes and deductions. Story continues
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safe_value (String, 1046 characters ) <p>Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of e...
<p>Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of economics at New School University, conducted by Scott Harris</p> <!--break--><p>GOP, Big Winners of Trickle-Down Policies, Now Charge They are Victims of "Class Warfare"</p> <p>Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of economics at New School University, conducted by Scott Harris </p> <p>When President Obama outlined his plan on Sept. 19 to raise $1.5 trillion in new taxes primarily targeting the wealthy in order to reduce the nation’s deficit over the next decade, Republican politicians and conservative activists were quick to brand the president’s plan as “class warfare.†The White House proposal would add $800 billion in revenue by ending the Bush-era tax cuts on households with an annual income of more than $250,000, and gain an additional $700 billion by closing tax loopholes and deductions. </p> <p>Story continues<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
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Krumo version 0.2.1a
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