Oct 3 Rally at Liberty Pole in Support of Occupy Wall Street
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Oct 3 Rally at Liberty Pole in Support of Occupy Wall Street
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value (String, 2079 characters ) Join us at the Liberty Pole as we show Soli...
Join us at the Liberty Pole as we show Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street By Protesting Against Bank of America WHEN: Monday, October 3, 2011, 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM. Throughout the month of October, the band of Rebels will be holding a protest every Monday from 12:00-1:00pm at this same location. WHERE: Bank of America, corner of Main Street and East Ave, across from the Liberty Pole <!--break--> Contact: Jim Schmidt 585-321-3053 Mellody Russo, 585-857-2017 WHAT: Since September 17th, thousands have participated in a continuous protest at Liberty Plaza in NYC against the Wall Street bankers and fat cats who have driven our economy into the ground with their greed and have so far escaped any legal or financial consequences. Last weekend, over 80 peaceful protesters were arrested and ill treated by law enforcement. Since then, the movement has only grown bigger as Michael Moore and Dr. Cornel West, among others, have come to NYC to lend their support and cities across the country have begun solidarity protests of their own! Here in Rochester, we are targeting Bank of America in support of the Occupy Wall Street Protesters. The largest bank in the country, it helped destroy families, homes and communities, while paying no Federal income taxes, hiding assets in offshore tax havens, and receiving tax benefits. WHEN: Monday, October 3, 2011, 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM. Throughout the month of October, the band of Rebels will be holding a protest every Monday from 12:00-1:00pm at this same location. WHERE: Bank of America, corner of Main Street and East Ave, across from the Liberty Pole WHO: The Band of Rebels and friends. We are a growing group of grandparents and allies who are determined to restore the dreams of our grandchildren and fight for a viable future for them. We have taken to the streets to target those corporations and institutions that are destroying our nation. We demand that our government be accountable to the 99% of the population who work hard to provide for their families and have been victimized and brutalized by the top 1%.
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safe_value (String, 2143 characters ) <p> Join us at the Liberty Pole as we show Soli...
<p> Join us at the Liberty Pole as we show Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street<br /> By Protesting Against Bank of America</p> <p>WHEN: Monday, October 3, 2011, 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM. Throughout the month of October, the band of Rebels will be holding a protest every Monday from 12:00-1:00pm at this same location.</p> <p>WHERE: Bank of America, corner of Main Street and East Ave, across from the Liberty Pole</p> <!--break--><p> Contact: Jim Schmidt 585-321-3053<br /> Mellody Russo, 585-857-2017</p> <p>WHAT: Since September 17th, thousands have participated in a continuous protest at Liberty Plaza in NYC against the Wall Street bankers and fat cats who have driven our economy into the ground with their greed and have so far escaped any legal or financial consequences. Last weekend, over 80 peaceful protesters were arrested and ill treated by law enforcement. Since then, the movement has only grown bigger as Michael Moore and Dr. Cornel West, among others, have come to NYC to lend their support and cities across the country have begun solidarity protests of their own!<br /> Here in Rochester, we are targeting Bank of America in support of the Occupy Wall Street Protesters. The largest bank in the country, it helped destroy families, homes and communities, while paying no Federal income taxes, hiding assets in offshore tax havens, and receiving tax benefits. </p> <p>WHEN: Monday, October 3, 2011, 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM. Throughout the month of October, the band of Rebels will be holding a protest every Monday from 12:00-1:00pm at this same location.</p> <p>WHERE: Bank of America, corner of Main Street and East Ave, across from the Liberty Pole</p> <p>WHO: The Band of Rebels and friends. We are a growing group of grandparents and allies who are determined to restore the dreams of our grandchildren and fight for a viable future for them. We have taken to the streets to target those corporations and institutions that are destroying our nation. We demand that our government be accountable to the 99% of the population who work hard to provide for their families and have been victimized and brutalized by the top 1%.</p>
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