U.S. Election 2012- Alexander to Obama: Feed the Nation’s Hungry
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As the lines for the nation’s hungry have increased, President Obama and Congress have consistently subsidized big corporations and banks, billionaires and big corporations have received big tax breaks, the U.S. military and foreign operations are expanding abroad, the U.S. has engaged in a war with Libya, and it is now being estimated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost the U.S. government $4 trillion.
Alexander says no blank checks for Wall Street, feed the poor
Stewart Alexander for President
Standing on a major intersection in Temecula, California, a tall white male holds a sign that reads “$25 Buys a Family of 4 Meals for a Week.†In the neighboring city of Murrieta, the local food pantries are overwhelmed due to the numbers of residents in need of assistance to feed their families. Temecula and Murrieta are two upscale Riverside County communities, south of Los Angeles that has been hit hard by the lingering recession and high unemployment.
In Los Angeles and Orange Counties, the situation is worse; 1 in 5 is receiving some form of public assistance and 1 in 7 is receiving food stamps. Los Angeles and Orange Counties are listed among the nation’s wealthiest counties, yet more than half a million people are seeking help from food pantries.
Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says California and the nation remains in the grips of a deepening recession due to President Obama’s failing leadership; “President Obama and Congress have gone on a reckless spending spree while millions are left unemployed, homeless and hungry. This is Obama’s depression.â€
More spending in Washington and increasing the nation’s debt ceiling is not the answer to solving the nation’s homeless, unemployment and hunger crisis. According to Alexander, “President Obama and the U.S. Congress have placed corporate greed above the human needs of the nation.â€
As the lines for the nation’s hungry have increased, Obama and Congress have consistently subsidized big corporations and banks, billionaires and big corporations have received big tax breaks, the U.S. military and foreign operations are expanding abroad, the U.S. has engaged in a war with Libya, and it is now being estimated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost the U.S. government $4 trillion.
Alexander says President Obama and Congress are now asking the working people to make unreasonable sacrifices to allow Washington to conduct business as usual; “Obama and Congress are asking working people to accept austerity measures, cuts in food programs, housing, healthcare, and other critical needs, while the nation’s wealthiest accumulate unimaginable wealth.â€
Socialists, nationwide are calling for greater assistance for the nation’s hungry, homeless, seniors, the disabled, vets, the unemployed and the under-employed. Socialists have remained deeply opposed to Congress raising the debt ceiling. Alexander says, “President Obama and Congress should not hold the weakest among us hostage as a means to subsidize more welfare spending for the rich.â€
For more information search the Web for: Stewart Alexander for President; Stewart Alexander 2012
Need overwhelms Southern California food pantries: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2011/07/247000.php
Pantry Struggles to Feed Hundreds of Families:
Democrats, Republicans Push for Deeper U.S. Spending cuts: http://wsws.org/articles/2011/jul2011/budg-j25.shtml
Article by Stewart Alexander
Socialist Party of California Facebook
California to Host Socialist Party USA National Convention: http://redquixote.wordpress.com/2011/04/27/u-s-election-2012-california-...
Stewart Alexander 2012 in Irregular Times:
Left United’s Editorial Action Wing- Stewart Alexander 2012: http://stewartalexander2012.blogspot.com/