Six Gaza Flotilla Boats Grounded in Greece
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Greek authorities detain six ships supposed to partake in Strip-bound sail as Israel reiterates it will not allow flotilla of any size to reach Gaza
Six ships which were slated to take part in the Gaza-bound flotilla are being detained by the Greek port authorities.
Senior officials in Jerusalem have confirmed the report, which followed a Sunday decision by Greece to stop the US vessel "Audacity of Hope" from participating in the sea-bound convoy.
While the organizers of the maritime convoy claim that more than 1,500 activists are set to take part in the initiative, it now appears that no more than seven ships, carrying 200-500 passengers, will participate in the flotilla.
Media Ban?
Israel warns media against boarding Gaza flotilla / Associated Press
Jerusalem Government Press Office tells foreign reporters boarding Strip-bound sail may result in series of sanctions
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Sunday that Israel will not allow any ships to breach its blockade of the Gaza Strip.
Jerusalem believes that the dwindling extent of the sail can be largely attributed to the Foreign Ministry's intensive "anti-flotilla" campaign vis-Ã -vis its European counterparts.
"The Foreign Ministry is leading diplomatic efforts to delegitimize the flotilla in the eyes of the international community," Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said.
"The world is aware that such sails are unnecessary, that they are just provocations which violate international law."
Ayalon added that Israel is still gearing to meet whichever vessels do end up participating in the flotilla.