Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on
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Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on
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value (String, 21099 characters ) The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june ...
The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation Palestinians only get their rights by the armed struggle against the occupation army <!--break--> ISRAEL KILLS PROTESTERS ON NAKBA DAY/ ISRAELI MURDER MACHINE GOES ON AND ON ''How many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? How many deaths will it take till one knows That too many people have died The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind'' Free after Bob Dylan's, Blowin in the wind Dear Editor and Readers, It's a fact, that the barbaric Israeli attacks against unarmed protesters at Nakba Day at 15 may [followed by Israeli killing at 5 june of anti-occupation protesters, with 24 deaths], costing the lives of at least 15 people [1], is no ''incident'', but part of a deliberate killing operation, since the Israeli occupation in 1967 This occupation has led to humiliation of the Palestinian civilian population, systematic killings of Palestinian political leaders, bloody military operations [2], torture of prisoners [3] and the starvation of the civilian population, especially Gaza [4] NAKBA REMEMBRANCE DAY 2011 What makes this killing operation the more bitter is the direct cause: The protesters commemorated Nakba Day, the foundation of the Israeli State and the humanitarian consequences for the Palestinians Nakba means disaster AND WHAT A DISASTER! Although the foundation of Israel is a celebration day for the Israeli-Jewish inhabitants, it is founded on ethnical cleansings and massacres of the original Arab-Palestinian population, who now live as discriminated civilians in Israel, oppressed in the occupied Palestinian, in the Arabic countries, or in diaspora in the world Displaced Without a homeland HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: ''If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?'' David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli prime minister, quoted by Nahum Goldman, in the Jewish Paradox Ironically this statement comes from the Israeli-zionist leader David Ben Gurion, who exclaimed the State Israel at 15 may 1948 after the adoption of UN GA Resolution 181 [1947] about the ''partition'' of Palestine in a Jewish and Arab part. Being the first Israeli prime minister, he was head responsible for the ethnical cleansing of Palestine ZIONISM The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories is central in the present Middle East conflict, but not the original cause, which is rooted in zionism, founded by Theodor Herzl [5] Zionism is the foundation of a Jewish State in Palestine, which is a total lack of respect for the rights of the oroginal Palestinian population [6] The Turkish colonial authorities [untill the end of WO I, Palestine was a colony of the Ottoman Empire] were against that plan, but British support was gained in 1917, with the Balfour Declaration, guaranteeing a ''National Home of the Jewish people'' in Palestine [7] Although the word ''State'' was not used it was obvious, that that was the aim of the zionist movement About the Balfour Declaration the writer Arthur Koestler stated ''One nation solemny promised the country of a second to a third'' This is a striking description of the violation of the Palestinian right on self-determination Because nobody asked the Palestinians how they felt about the British ''promise'' to the zionist movement. [8] When Palestine became a British Mandate in 1920, the zionist dream could further develop From the beginning, representatives of the Palestinian nationalist movements protested against the British ''promise'' to the zionists, with as a consequence amounted tensions between the Palestinians and as well the British colonial authorities as the zionist movement This led to the Arab Revolt from 1936-1939, which was surpressed harshly by the British [9] AFTER WO II UN PARTITION RESOLUTION 181/EXCLAMATION OF THE STATE ISRAEL Afer growing tensions, leading to an escalation, which the British could no longer control, UN Resolution 181 was adopted, which divided Palestine en a Jewish and Arab part. The Palestinian population had been asked nothing, a serious violation of the right on self-determination, acknowledged in the post WO II period, which was characterized by the process of decolonisation This shameless fact could take place since the then UN members were either Western colonial powers, or countries, which were dependent on the West in political or economical way The two Superpowers to be, the US and the Soviet Union [ especially the US] were political sponsors of zionism [10] Although there wasn't resolved yet, what exactly the structure of the new Palestinian governments should be, at 15 may 1948 David Ben Goerion exclaimed the State Israel Naturally the Palestinians, who had nothing to say about this neo colonial experiment [which IS the foundation of a State in the homeland of other people] formed armed resistance They were supported by poorly armed armies of the newly independent Arab countries, which were no party for the better armed Israeli-zionist troops.[11] This armed struggle between the Palestinians, defending their right to self-determination and the newly founded zionist State led to ethnical cleansings, by which more than 750.000 Palestinians were expelled by Israeli-zionist troops and militia like the extreme right wing Irgun and Stern militia Also massacres were committed, often by Irgun and Stern When the war was over, more than 400 Arab villages were destroyed [12] The foundation of the State Israel and the desastrous consequences of the following war is mentioned Nakba [disaster] [13] SINCE 1967/ISRAELI OCCUPATION The present causes of the Middle East conflicts are rooted in the 44th years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories [Eastern Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza, which ts still occupied territory [14], as the Syrian Golan Heights. This despite the unanimously accepted UN Security Resolution 242 in 1967, which summoned Israel to withdraw from the conquered territories [in the june war], among else the Palestinian and the Golan Heights Any occupation in the world, including the Israeli, impliesoppression, humiliations, human rights violations and warcrimes And oppression leads, naturally, to resistance, in this case legitimate attacks on Israeli military goals and non legitimate resistance as [suicide] attacks on Israeli civilians and rocket attacks on Israeli villages near the Gaza border [15] ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS But that's not all Except for the occupation, which caused so much human suffering, since the end of the sixties, Israel has built illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, which have led to mass Palestinian land expropriations, without any compensation [16] Nowadays a large part of the occupied West Bank consists of settlements, which are daily expanded ILLEGAL ISRAELI WALL But the story goes on: The Israeli Wall is also illegal according the ICJ Advisory Opinion ay 9 july 2004, on grounds that it is built in occupied Palestinian territory, thus cutting off Palestinian land in the favour of Israel, the occupying power [17] ISRAEL AWARD WINNER OF VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW To Israel the dubious honour as one of the Award winners of violation and neglecting International Law The record is ''impressive'' Neglection of UN GA Resolution 194 [1948], stating, that the ethnically cleansed Palestinian refugees [in the war of 1947-1948] had the right to return to their homes, or else should be financially compensated In short: the right on return Neglection of the Resolution about the roots of the present conflict, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories [and Golan Heights], UN Security Resolution 242 Neglection of the two UN Security Resolutions in the seventies, regarding the stop and dismantling of the illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories Neglection of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding the illegality of the Israeli Wall, despite the humanitarian consequences for the occupied Palestinian population [18] Most fatal of course, is the continuation of the illegal occupation The oppression, humiliations, war-crimes [19] and torture goes on and on Clear proof is the Israeli killings on Nakba Day and the recent killings of protesters, commenorating the beginning of the june war [with as result/44 years occupation] [20] PARTNERS IN CRIME THE US AND EU But Israel is not the only guilty one, since it's been supported by the US and the EU The US as main ''partner in crime'' by giving as well military as political support to the Israeli occupation machine At political level nearly all Security Council Resolutions, condemning Israel, are met with a US veto [21] The last was on 18 february, when the US vetoed an unanimously supported UN Resolution, confirming the illegality of the settlements and urging Israel to cease the expansions of the settlements [22] EU support is less outspoken, but present Although obvious Israeli human rights violations are condemned, this doesn't lead to any EU action, like a summon to end the occupation or sanctions against Israel With this attitude, that gives Israel Green Light to continue the occupation and oppression, as well as the US as the EU has blood on their hands. They are Israel's partners in crime EPILOGUE Nobody can give you freedom, Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it Quote Malcolm X The Palestinian perspective to get their rights is worse then ever Even when oned were prepared to accept a Two State Solution is not to be realized anymore. Israel is continually creating facts on the ground by continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem. With the building of the Wall, it has annexed a great part of occupied Palestinian area [23] It continues with the starvation of Gaza, which has neither economically, nor politically, the capacity to become a strong and independent State By the building of the Israeli Wall and the continuous expansion of the settlements, the West Bank is consisting of Bantustans without any economical or political future. The US and EU are still strong supporters of Israel, thus violating the very principles of International Law The only real way to realize Palestinian rights is not to surrender to Israeli and Western pressure, but to stick to the legitimate demands, the end of the Israeli occupation, the demolishment of the illegal settlements, the tearing down of the Wall and the right on return. AND TO BE PREPARED TO FIGHT FOR IT BY WAY OF THE ARMED STRUGGLE AGAINST THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION ARMY! Years and years of ''peace negociations'', by which every time the Palestinians lost, have learnt, that the only way to realize Palestinian rights is the armed struggle against the Israeli occupation army, although this seems hopeless for now But history shows, that in the past, that in apparently hopeless situations, liberation armies have beaten powerful [occupation] armies The Palestinians have no choice It is either swallow humiliation after humiliation Or to stand up and fight for their inalienable rights Then it will be real peace, when there comes an end to the injustice, which is done to the Palestinian people The only way is to realize a great, secular Palestine, in which Pakestinians, Israeli Jewish inhabitants and others have equal rights The socalled ''ONE STATE SOLUTION'' [24] Otherwise Palestinian rights will be crushed and historical Palestne will be changed into the former South African apartheid Bantustans INTIFADA INTIFADA FREE PALESTINE!! Kind greetings Astrid Essed Amsterdam The Netherlands [1] ISRAELI KILLINGS OF PROTESTERS ON NAKBA DAY: THE GUARDIAN THIRTEEN KILLED AS ISRAELI TROOPS OPEN FIRE ON NAKBA DAY BORDER PROTESTS 15 MAY 2011 THE HAARETZ CLASHES ERUPT AS NAKBA DAY PROTESTS SWEEP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES 15 MAY 2011 AL JAZEERA NEWS PALESTINIAN KILLED IN NAKBA CLASHES 15 MAY 2011 ELECTRONIC INTIFADA NAKBA MARCHERS MET WITH ISRAELI FIRE 16 MAY 2011 IMEMC.ORG PALESTINIAN YOUTH KILLED, 172 INJURED, AS ARMY ATTACKS ''RETURN PROTESTS'' IN GAZA 16 MAY 2011 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL [] ISRAELI MILITARY'S KILLING OF NAKBA PROTESTERS MUST BE INVESTIGATED 16 MAY 2011 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [] ISRAEL: INVESTIGATE KILLINGS DURING BORDER PROTESTS 20 MAY 2011 PALESTINE NEWS NETWORK UNWRA CONDEMNS ISRAEL ATTACKS ON NAKBA PROTESTS 16 MAY 2011;task=view&amp;id=10045&amp;Itemid=64 ISRAELI KILLINGS OF ATI-OCCUPATION PROTESTERS/5 JUNE THE GUARDIAN ISRAELI TROOPS CLASH ON SYRIAN BORDER WITH PROTESTERS MARKING SIX DAY WAR 5 JUNE 2011 [2] ISRAELI ATTACKS ON GAZA/DIRTY WAR AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN CIVILIAN POPULATION 19 JANUARY 2009 [3] BTSELEM.ORG DETAINEES AND PRISONERS TORTURE [4] BBC NEWS UN OFFICIAL SLAMS ISRAEL ''CRIMES'' 10 DECEMBER 2008 BLOCKADE OF GAZA/CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY 13 FEBRUARY 2008 [5] THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT HOW PALESTINE BECAME ISRAEL THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER;article_id=729041 [6] ''In short, Zionism was based on a faulty, colonialist world view that the rights of the indigenous inhabitants didn’t matter. The Arabs’ opposition to Zionism wasn’t based on anti-Semitism but rather on a totally reasonable fear of the dispossession of their people.'' SOURCE THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT [7] BA;FOUR DECLARATION [8] THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT [9] 1936-1939 WIKIPEDIA ARAB REVOLT IN PALESTINE [10] THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT [11] THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT [12] THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER;article_id=729041 PALESTINE REMEMBERED, AL-NAKBA 1948 THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT [13] THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER;article_id=729041 THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT [14] According to International Law [article 42, the Hague Convention] Gaza is still occupied territory since Israel actually controls the air and the frontiers of Gaza, land and sea See the Hague Convention See also Human Rights Watch [] '' Israel withdrew its military forces and settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005. Nonetheless, Israel remains responsible for ensuring the well-being of Gaza’s population for as long as, and to the extent that, it retains effective control over the area. Israel still exercises control over Gaza’s airspace, sea space and land borders, as well as its electricity, water, sewage and telecommunications networks and population registry. In addition, Israeli military forces can and have re-entered Gaza at will. Article 55 of the Fourth Geneva Convention places a duty on an occupying power to ensure the food and medical supplies of the population, as well as to permit and facilitate the consignments of humanitarian relief. SOURCE GAZA: ISRAEL'S ENERGY CUTS VIOLATE LAWS OF WAR 6 FEBRUARY 2008 [15] According to International Humanitarian Law, with regard to military attacks, a strict distinction must be made between combatants [military and fighters] and non-combatants [civilians] Military attacks on civilians are forbidden This applies to all parties to a conflct See ''Parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants in order to spare civilian population and property. Neither the civilian population as such nor civilian persons shall be the object of attack. Attacks shall be directed solely against military objectives.'' Article 7, BASIC RULES OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS [16] According to International Law [article 49, 4th Geneva Convention and the Hague Convention 1907], all Israeli settlements, which are built in occupied Palestinian territory, are illegal See BTSELEM.ORG LAND EXPROPRIATION AND SETTLEMENTS [17] BTSELEM.ORG SEPARATION BARRIER OPINION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WALL IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY 9 JULY 2004;code=mwp&amp;p1=3&amp;p2=4&amp;p3=6&amp;case=131&amp;k=5a [18] BTSELEM.ORG SEPARATION BARRIER [19] ISRAELI MILITARY ATATCKS ON GAZA/DIRTY WAR AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN CIVILIAN POPULATION HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [] ISRAEL/OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES EVENTS OF 2009 [20] ELECTRONIC INTIFADA NAKBA MARCHERS MET WITH ISRAELI FIRE 16 MAY 2011 THE GUARDIAN ISRAELI TROOPS CLASH ON SYRIAN BORDER WITH PROTESTERS MARKING SIX DAY WAR 5 JUNE 2011 [21] IF AMERICANS KNEW U.S. VETOES OF U.N. RESOLUTIONS ON BEHALF OF ISRAEL DONALD NEFF [22] THE IRISH TIMES US VETOES UN RESOLUTION ON ISRAEL 19 FEBRUARY 2011 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL USA/WEBLOG U.S. VETO OF UNSC RESOLUTION GIVES ISRAELA ''GREEN LIGHT'' TO CONTINUE TO EXPAND ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS IN OPT 22 FEBRUARY 2011 [23] BTSELEM.ORG SEPARATION BARRIER [24] THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER;article_id=729041
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 26167 characters ) <p>The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six ju...
<p>The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation<br /> Palestinians only get their rights by the armed struggle against the occupation army</p> <!--break--><p>ISRAEL KILLS PROTESTERS ON NAKBA DAY/ ISRAELI MURDER MACHINE GOES ON AND ON</p> <p>''How many years can some people exist<br /> Before they're allowed to be free?<br /> How many deaths will it take till one knows<br /> That too many people have died<br /> The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind<br /> The answer is blowing in the wind''</p> <p>Free after Bob Dylan's, Blowin in the wind</p> <p>Dear Editor and Readers,</p> <p>It's a fact, that the barbaric Israeli attacks against unarmed protesters at Nakba Day at 15 may [followed by Israeli killing at 5 june of anti-occupation protesters, with 24 deaths], costing the lives of at least 15 people [1], is no ''incident'', but part of a deliberate killing operation, since the Israeli occupation in 1967<br /> This occupation has led to humiliation of the Palestinian civilian population, systematic killings of Palestinian political leaders, bloody military operations [2], torture of prisoners [3] and the starvation of the civilian population, especially Gaza [4]</p> <p>NAKBA REMEMBRANCE DAY 2011</p> <p>What makes this killing operation the more bitter is the direct cause:<br /> The protesters commemorated Nakba Day, the foundation of the Israeli State and the humanitarian consequences for the Palestinians<br /> Nakba means disaster<br /> AND WHAT A DISASTER!</p> <p>Although the foundation of Israel is a celebration day for the Israeli-Jewish inhabitants, it is founded on ethnical cleansings and massacres of the original Arab-Palestinian population, who now live as discriminated civilians in Israel, oppressed in the occupied Palestinian, in the Arabic countries, or in diaspora in the world</p> <p>Displaced<br /> Without a homeland</p> <p>HISTORICAL BACKGROUND:</p> <p>''If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?''</p> <p>David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli prime minister, quoted by Nahum Goldman, in<br /> the Jewish Paradox</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Ironically this statement comes from the Israeli-zionist leader David Ben Gurion, who<br /> exclaimed the State Israel at 15 may 1948 after the adoption of UN GA Resolution 181 [1947] about the ''partition'' of Palestine in a Jewish and Arab part.<br /> Being the first Israeli prime minister, he was head responsible for the ethnical cleansing of Palestine</p> <p>ZIONISM</p> <p>The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories is central in the present Middle East conflict, but not the original cause, which is rooted in zionism, founded by Theodor Herzl [5]</p> <p>Zionism is the foundation of a Jewish State in Palestine, which is a total lack of respect for the rights of the oroginal Palestinian population [6]<br /> The Turkish colonial authorities [untill the end of WO I, Palestine was a colony of the Ottoman Empire] were against that plan, but British support was gained in 1917, with the Balfour Declaration, guaranteeing a ''National Home of the Jewish people'' in Palestine [7]<br /> Although the word ''State'' was not used it was obvious, that that was the aim of the zionist movement</p> <p>About the Balfour Declaration the writer Arthur Koestler stated<br /> ''One nation solemny promised the country of a second to a third''</p> <p>This is a striking description of the violation of the Palestinian right on self-determination<br /> Because nobody asked the Palestinians how they felt about the British ''promise'' to the zionist movement. [8]</p> <p>When Palestine became a British Mandate in 1920, the zionist dream could further develop</p> <p>From the beginning, representatives of the Palestinian nationalist movements protested against the British ''promise'' to the zionists, with as a consequence amounted tensions between the Palestinians and as well the British colonial authorities as the zionist movement<br /> This led to the Arab Revolt from 1936-1939, which was surpressed harshly by the British<br /> [9]</p> <p>AFTER WO II<br /> UN PARTITION RESOLUTION 181/EXCLAMATION OF THE STATE ISRAEL</p> <p>Afer growing tensions, leading to an escalation, which the British could no longer control, UN Resolution 181 was adopted, which divided Palestine en a Jewish and Arab part.<br /> The Palestinian population had been asked nothing, a serious violation of the right on self-determination, acknowledged in the post WO II period, which was characterized by the process of decolonisation</p> <p>This shameless fact could take place since the then UN members were either Western colonial powers, or countries, which were dependent on the West in political or economical way<br /> The two Superpowers to be, the US and the Soviet Union [ especially the US] were political sponsors of zionism [10]</p> <p>Although there wasn't resolved yet, what exactly the structure of the new Palestinian governments should be, at 15 may 1948 David Ben Goerion exclaimed the State Israel<br /> Naturally the Palestinians, who had nothing to say about this neo colonial experiment [which IS the foundation of a State in the homeland of other people] formed armed resistance<br /> They were supported by poorly armed armies of the newly independent Arab countries, which were no party for the better armed Israeli-zionist troops.[11]</p> <p>This armed struggle between the Palestinians, defending their right to self-determination and the newly founded zionist State led to ethnical cleansings, by which more than 750.000 Palestinians were expelled by Israeli-zionist troops and militia like the extreme right wing Irgun and Stern militia<br /> Also massacres were committed, often by Irgun and Stern<br /> When the war was over, more than 400 Arab villages were destroyed [12]</p> <p>The foundation of the State Israel and the desastrous consequences of the following war is mentioned Nakba [disaster] [13]</p> <p>SINCE 1967/ISRAELI OCCUPATION</p> <p>The present causes of the Middle East conflicts are rooted in the 44th years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories [Eastern Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza, which ts still occupied territory [14], as the Syrian Golan Heights.<br /> This despite the unanimously accepted UN Security Resolution 242 in 1967, which summoned Israel to withdraw from the conquered territories [in the june war], among else the Palestinian and the Golan Heights</p> <p>Any occupation in the world, including the Israeli, impliesoppression, humiliations, human rights violations and warcrimes<br /> And oppression leads, naturally, to resistance, in this case legitimate attacks on Israeli military goals and non legitimate resistance as [suicide] attacks on Israeli civilians and rocket attacks on Israeli villages near the Gaza border [15]</p> <p>ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS</p> <p>But that's not all<br /> Except for the occupation, which caused so much human suffering, since the end of the sixties, Israel has built illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, which have led to mass Palestinian land expropriations, without any compensation [16]</p> <p>Nowadays a large part of the occupied West Bank consists of settlements, which are daily expanded</p> <p>ILLEGAL ISRAELI WALL</p> <p>But the story goes on:</p> <p>The Israeli Wall is also illegal according the ICJ Advisory Opinion ay 9 july 2004, on grounds that it is built in occupied Palestinian territory, thus cutting off Palestinian land in the favour of Israel, the occupying power [17]</p> <p>ISRAEL AWARD WINNER OF VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW</p> <p>To Israel the dubious honour as one of the Award winners of violation and neglecting International Law<br /> The record is ''impressive''</p> <p>Neglection of UN GA Resolution 194 [1948], stating, that the ethnically cleansed Palestinian refugees [in the war of 1947-1948] had the right to return to their homes, or else should be financially compensated</p> <p>In short: the right on return</p> <p>Neglection of the Resolution about the roots of the present conflict, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories [and Golan Heights], UN Security Resolution 242</p> <p>Neglection of the two UN Security Resolutions in the seventies, regarding the stop and dismantling of the illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories</p> <p>Neglection of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding the illegality of the Israeli Wall, despite the humanitarian consequences for the occupied Palestinian population [18]</p> <p>Most fatal of course, is the continuation of the illegal occupation</p> <p>The oppression, humiliations, war-crimes [19] and torture goes on and on<br /> Clear proof is the Israeli killings on Nakba Day and the recent killings of protesters, commenorating the beginning of the june war [with as result/44 years occupation] [20]</p> <p>PARTNERS IN CRIME<br /> THE US AND EU</p> <p>But Israel is not the only guilty one, since it's been supported by the US and the EU<br /> The US as main ''partner in crime'' by giving as well military as political support to the Israeli occupation machine<br /> At political level nearly all Security Council Resolutions, condemning Israel, are met with a US veto [21]<br /> The last was on 18 february, when the US vetoed an unanimously supported UN Resolution, confirming the illegality of the settlements and urging Israel to cease the expansions of the settlements [22]</p> <p>EU support is less outspoken, but present<br /> Although obvious Israeli human rights violations are condemned, this doesn't lead to any EU action, like a summon to end the occupation or sanctions against Israel</p> <p>With this attitude, that gives Israel Green Light to continue the occupation and oppression, as well as the US as the EU has blood on their hands.</p> <p>They are Israel's partners in crime</p> <p>EPILOGUE</p> <p>Nobody can give you freedom, Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it</p> <p>Quote Malcolm X</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>The Palestinian perspective to get their rights is worse then ever<br /> Even when oned were prepared to accept a Two State Solution is not to be realized anymore.<br /> Israel is continually creating facts on the ground by continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem.<br /> With the building of the Wall, it has annexed a great part of occupied Palestinian area [23]</p> <p>It continues with the starvation of Gaza, which has neither economically, nor politically, the capacity to become a strong and independent State<br /> By the building of the Israeli Wall and the continuous expansion of the settlements, the West Bank is consisting of Bantustans without any economical or political future.</p> <p>The US and EU are still strong supporters of Israel, thus violating the very principles of International Law</p> <p>The only real way to realize Palestinian rights is not to surrender to Israeli and Western pressure, but to stick to the legitimate demands, the end of the Israeli occupation, the demolishment of the illegal settlements, the tearing down of the Wall and the right on return.</p> <p>AND TO BE PREPARED TO FIGHT FOR IT BY WAY OF THE ARMED STRUGGLE AGAINST THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION ARMY!</p> <p>Years and years of ''peace negociations'', by which every time the Palestinians lost, have learnt, that the only way to realize Palestinian rights is the armed struggle against the Israeli occupation army, although this seems hopeless for now</p> <p>But history shows, that in the past, that in apparently hopeless situations, liberation armies have beaten powerful [occupation] armies</p> <p>The Palestinians have no choice<br /> It is either swallow humiliation after humiliation<br /> Or to stand up and fight for their inalienable rights</p> <p>Then it will be real peace, when there comes an end to the injustice, which is done to the Palestinian people</p> <p>The only way is to realize a great, secular Palestine, in which Pakestinians, Israeli Jewish inhabitants and others have equal rights<br /> The socalled ''ONE STATE SOLUTION'' [24]</p> <p>Otherwise Palestinian rights will be crushed and historical Palestne will be changed into the former South African apartheid Bantustans</p> <p>INTIFADA INTIFADA<br /> FREE PALESTINE!!</p> <p>Kind greetings<br /> Astrid Essed</p> <p>Amsterdam<br /> The Netherlands</p> <p>[1]</p> <p>ISRAELI KILLINGS OF PROTESTERS ON NAKBA DAY:</p> <p>THE GUARDIAN<br /> THIRTEEN KILLED AS ISRAELI TROOPS OPEN FIRE ON NAKBA DAY BORDER PROTESTS<br /> 15 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>THE HAARETZ<br /> CLASHES ERUPT AS NAKBA DAY PROTESTS SWEEP PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES<br /> 15 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>AL JAZEERA NEWS<br /> PALESTINIAN KILLED IN NAKBA CLASHES<br /> 15 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>ELECTRONIC INTIFADA<br /> NAKBA MARCHERS MET WITH ISRAELI FIRE<br /> 16 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>IMEMC.ORG<br /> PALESTINIAN YOUTH KILLED, 172 INJURED, AS ARMY ATTACKS ''RETURN PROTESTS'' IN GAZA<br /> 16 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL [<a href="]">]</a><br /> ISRAELI MILITARY'S KILLING OF NAKBA PROTESTERS MUST BE INVESTIGATED<br /> 16 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [<a href="]">]</a><br /> ISRAEL: INVESTIGATE KILLINGS DURING BORDER PROTESTS<br /> 20 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>PALESTINE NEWS NETWORK<br /> UNWRA CONDEMNS ISRAEL ATTACKS ON NAKBA PROTESTS<br /> 16 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=";task=view&amp;id=10045&amp;Itemid=64">;task=view&amp;id=...</a></p> <p>ISRAELI KILLINGS OF ATI-OCCUPATION PROTESTERS/5 JUNE </p> <p>THE GUARDIAN<br /> ISRAELI TROOPS CLASH ON SYRIAN BORDER WITH PROTESTERS MARKING SIX DAY WAR<br /> 5 JUNE 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[2]</p> <p>ISRAELI ATTACKS ON GAZA/DIRTY WAR AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN CIVILIAN POPULATION<br /> 19 JANUARY 2009</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[3]</p> <p>BTSELEM.ORG<br /> DETAINEES AND PRISONERS<br /> TORTURE</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[4]</p> <p>BBC NEWS<br /> UN OFFICIAL SLAMS ISRAEL ''CRIMES''<br /> 10 DECEMBER 2008</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>BLOCKADE OF GAZA/CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY<br /> 13 FEBRUARY 2008</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[5]</p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>HOW PALESTINE BECAME ISRAEL</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER</p> <p><a href=";article_id=729041">;article_id=729041</a></p> <p>[6]</p> <p>''In short, Zionism was based on a faulty, colonialist world view that the rights of the indigenous inhabitants didn’t matter. The Arabs’ opposition to Zionism wasn’t based on anti-Semitism but rather on a totally reasonable fear of the dispossession of their people.''</p> <p>SOURCE</p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[7]</p> <p>BA;FOUR DECLARATION</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[8]</p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[9]</p> <p>1936-1939<br /> WIKIPEDIA<br /> ARAB REVOLT IN PALESTINE</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[10]</p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[11]</p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[12]</p> <p>THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER</p> <p><a href=";article_id=729041">;article_id=729041</a></p> <p>PALESTINE REMEMBERED, AL-NAKBA 1948</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[13]</p> <p>THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER</p> <p><a href=";article_id=729041">;article_id=729041</a></p> <p>THE ORIGIN OF THE PALESTINE-ISRAEL CONFLICT</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[14]</p> <p>According to International Law [article 42, the Hague Convention] Gaza is still occupied territory since Israel actually controls the air and the frontiers of Gaza, land and sea</p> <p>See the Hague Convention</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>See also Human Rights Watch [<a href="]">]</a></p> <p>''<br /> Israel withdrew its military forces and settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005. Nonetheless, Israel remains responsible for ensuring the well-being of Gaza’s population for as long as, and to the extent that, it retains effective control over the area. Israel still exercises control over Gaza’s airspace, sea space and land borders, as well as its electricity, water, sewage and telecommunications networks and population registry. In addition, Israeli military forces can and have re-entered Gaza at will.</p> <p>Article 55 of the Fourth Geneva Convention places a duty on an occupying power to ensure the food and medical supplies of the population, as well as to permit and facilitate the consignments of humanitarian relief.</p> <p>SOURCE</p> <p>GAZA: ISRAEL'S ENERGY CUTS VIOLATE LAWS OF WAR<br /> 6 FEBRUARY 2008</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[15]</p> <p>According to International Humanitarian Law, with regard to military attacks, a strict distinction must be made between combatants [military and fighters] and non-combatants [civilians]<br /> Military attacks on civilians are forbidden</p> <p>This applies to all parties to a conflct</p> <p>See </p> <p>''Parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants in order to<br /> spare civilian population and property. Neither the civilian population as such nor civilian persons shall be the </p> <p>object of attack. Attacks shall be directed solely against military objectives.'' </p> <p>Article 7, BASIC RULES OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>[16] </p> <p>According to International Law [article 49, 4th Geneva Convention and the Hague Convention 1907], all Israeli settlements, which are built in occupied Palestinian territory, are illegal </p> <p>See </p> <p>BTSELEM.ORG </p> <p>LAND EXPROPRIATION AND SETTLEMENTS </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>[17] </p> <p>BTSELEM.ORG </p> <p>SEPARATION BARRIER </p> <p>OPINION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE </p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p>INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE<br /> LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WALL IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY<br /> 9 JULY 2004</p> <p><a href=";code=mwp&amp;p1=3&amp;p2=4&amp;p3=6&amp;case=131&amp;k=5a">;code=mwp&amp;p1=3&amp;...</a></p> <p>[18]</p> <p>BTSELEM.ORG<br /> SEPARATION BARRIER</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[19]</p> <p>ISRAELI MILITARY ATATCKS ON GAZA/DIRTY WAR AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN CIVILIAN POPULATION</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH [<a href="]">]</a><br /> ISRAEL/OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES<br /> EVENTS OF 2009</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[20]</p> <p>ELECTRONIC INTIFADA<br /> NAKBA MARCHERS MET WITH ISRAELI FIRE<br /> 16 MAY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>THE GUARDIAN<br /> ISRAELI TROOPS CLASH ON SYRIAN BORDER WITH PROTESTERS MARKING SIX DAY WAR<br /> 5 JUNE 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[21]</p> <p>IF AMERICANS KNEW<br /> U.S. VETOES OF U.N. RESOLUTIONS ON BEHALF OF ISRAEL<br /> DONALD NEFF</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[22]</p> <p>THE IRISH TIMES<br /> US VETOES UN RESOLUTION ON ISRAEL<br /> 19 FEBRUARY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL USA/WEBLOG<br /> U.S. VETO OF UNSC RESOLUTION GIVES ISRAELA ''GREEN LIGHT'' TO CONTINUE TO EXPAND ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS IN OPT<br /> 22 FEBRUARY 2011</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[23]</p> <p>BTSELEM.ORG<br /> SEPARATION BARRIER</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>[24]</p> <p>THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER</p> <p><a href=";article_id=729041">;article_id=729041</a></p>
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