BTL:West Virginia Protest March Will Link Campaign to Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining and Labor Solidarity
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Interview with Larry Gibson, "Keeper of the Mountains" in West Virginia , conducted by Melinda Tuhus
West Virginia Protest March Will Link Campaign to Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining and Labor Solidarity
Interview with Larry Gibson, "Keeper of the Mountains" in West Virginia , conducted by Melinda Tuhus
From June 4th through the 11th, hundreds of people will march from the town of Marmet, West Virginia to Blair Mountain, 50 miles away in Logan County, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Blair Mountain. The battle was the largest insurgency in U.S. history after the Civil War, and pitted some 10,000 West Virginia coal miners against the coal bosses and their private army -- and eventually the U.S. military, as they fought for the right to join a union.
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