Demonstrators Demand Assistance for the Poor (1 reply)
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Demonstrators Demand Assistance for the Poor
(June 10, 2003) “1 2 3 4, We won’t let you screw the poor,” chanted a crowd gathered in front of the County Office building this evening before the Legislature meeting. The homeless, were joined by social workers, advocates and activists to demand that the Department of Health and Human Services provide the mandated assistance to the poor.
A recent cost-cutting overhaul of the former Department of Social Services proposed by County Executive Jack Doyle resulted in massive case closings and denials of new applications. Sister Grace Miller with the House of Mercy explained, “Their strategy is to keep people off the welfare rolls and discourage people from applying. Monroe County has one of the harshest systems in the country. The new policies instituted by Deputy Commissioner Patty Connelly require recipients to interview for two jobs a day. Many of these people have obstacles to employment such as physical or psychological problems, or need child care and transportation. Many of them can’t read or write. When clients are sanctioned for not complying with department procedures their assistance is cut off and their names are added to a DO NOT PLACE list, which is circulated to all publicly funded homeless shelters. Doyle called our people ‘thugs’ and said he would clear them off the streets and put them all in jail.”
Speakers at the rally addressed issues such as the DO NOT PLACE lists, the requirement of photo identification for admission into shelters, the wave of utility shutoffs resulting from rate hikes, and the need for decent, affordable housing. These issues were repeated during the County Legislature meeting.
Organizations taking part in this action included the Poor Peoples’ Coalition, EMPOWER, Poor People United, The House of Mercy, St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality, Metro Justice and the Social Welfare Action Alliance.
The mean-spirited attitude toward the poor, followed by the 1996 Welare Reform legislation, were instigated by Ronald Regan when, campaigning for President, he coined the term “Welfare Queen.” This concept resonated with the most selfish and stingy cross-over voters. Today Regan is on the same public trough with his generous pension and the medical plan that covers his dementia.
Asked what the poor really need Sister Grace replied, “They need to be treated with dignity and respect. They also need food, housing and medical care.”
The Social Welfare Action Alliance is organizing a Reality Tour of the impoverished city neighborhoods to be held on Saturday, June 28, from 12:30 to3:30pm leaving from 1089 Joseph Ave.