"Alternative" vs. mainstream Media biasness: It's all the same
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Rochester New York's City newspaper boasts that it represents the region's "alternative weekly." Yet, a recent report regarding three challengers of the status-quo within the local Democratic Party, clearly demonstrates the "alternative" paper's preference for the choice that is perceived as being closest to the mainstream.
Since City newspaper attempts to promote itself as
representing "Greater Rochester's alternative news-
weekly," I was disappointed (to say the least) regard-
ing the thoroughly lop-sided nature of a recent report (May 28, 2003) by Mr. Chris Busby --- titled ' Welcome to the Machine.'
Based on the introductory paragraph of the above referenced report, one would assume that it would have dealt equitably with the ideas and efforts of those
who have decided to challenge the status-quo within the local Democratic Party regarding Party leaders' choices relative to the upcoming school board election. Instead, the report clearly focused more on the background and efforts of one of three declared challengers: Woody Hammond. Mr. Jim Greco and myself were mentioned in the news article (almost like sidebars to the main focus). In preparation for his article, I had spoken with the author via a telephone interview, which lasted for about 15 minutes, but apparently I didn't say anything that was worthy of quotation. Hopefully, Mr. Busby's report is not indicative or representative of future City ("alternative") coverage of the 2003 Board of Education race.
Secondly, I take serious issue with, and strong objection to reported comments by local Democratic Party leaders, which appeared as part of Mr. Busby's article.
For example, it was reported that "top members of the county's Donkey party [believe that] political experience can be just as important as educational experience when it comes to serving city school children." If this is true, then how do the "top members" explain that city school children are by far, without a doubt, the most unserved and underserved children in Monroe County? A real (as opposed to phony, political) answer to this critical question is very important, especially when considering that for the last 'umpteen' decades, the majority of Rochester Board of Education members have been Democrats --with lots of so called "political experience." Could the answer be that most of those experienced politicians who have served on the Board really don't give a damn about any "city school children" except their own, or even if they do care --- that they don't have the educational background, practical experience, intestinal fortitude and/or understanding of what is needed in order to produce widespread, fundamental educational change and academic improvement for "city school children?"
Lastly, for the likes of current school board member and wealthy attorney Robert Brown to pretend that what happened at the Democratic Party Convention on May 17, 2003 --- represents "the party's wishes" is plain ludicrous. That is, unless the views, aspirations and wishes of thousands of registered Democrats, especially so called 'minorities' who had no voice (other than mine) at the Convention --- don't count!
It is our (Committee To Elect Howard J. Eagle) intentions to demonstrate on September 9, 2003 that the ex-voiceless masses within the Democratic Party now have a strong, bold, knowledgeable voice, and that they do count!