Being Republican is to Rob from Everyone
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Who would truly vote for such treasons if they knew the truth that we will not remain silent? <!--break--> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br>As Protesters Rally Nationwide to Support Wisconsin Workers CNN Features the Two Year Anniversary of the Tea Party Media Blackout: CNN Fox News and MSNBC Ignore 100,000 WI Protesters INSIDE JOB 'From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson, comes INSIDE JOB, the first Hollywood Film to expose the shocking CRIMINAL truth behind the economic crisis that the Rightard demands all Americans be made to suffer as still paying for' - But for the Rightard, facts are for the stupid people. Palin, the demon whore of Satan proves this, with her comment of her support of mass murdering innocent children, and everyone at a hospital for money by simply statng, "without provocation", and no one but a small small few feel enough for the innocent lives lost as important to point her costs to every last one of us denied self respect. Being Republican is to Rob from Everyone Who would truly vote for such treasons if they knew the truth that we will not remain silent? Defend the American Dream! Wisconsin Assembly approves plan to curb unions This was with NAKED CRIMINAL intention. To CHEAT the voters is what a Republican is that truly has no talent but to deceive, as it would be run out of country, if free speech with the facts ruled the day. USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike Trillions of dollars from America has been defrauded, and the President with his Republican partners will to blame the innocent for the shortfall, instead of actually defending the good old, red white and blue. America - The Hidden Treasure Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911 Police investigations, we will go nowhere until, we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back to following probable cause to arrest the actual bad guys. Uygur-Sanders-Unions-022211.wmv Walker Whacks Wisconsin for Wackenhut The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan: No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales. Wisconsin’s power plants for pennies on the dollar Treason. No? He is openly planning to rob US of what we are truly worth. Who voted for this guy, who wouldn't now know, a recall is in order for the benefits of all? Unless the reason Americans vote Republican is to rob from everyone. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail? Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? The Ed Schultz Show - They cooked the books!! Republican Governor Deliberately Spent Wisconsin Surplus / / Wisconsin had a surplus, and as soon as he was sworn in, Walker gave it away to special interests in order to put the state into deficit. Is it a coincidence that every Republican governor is suddenly going after the unions and the pensions? Is it simply bubbling up from the ground for no special reason? Hell, no. \ \ Not a traitor trying to steal away America's demands for Justice on the Banksters making off with trillions in stolen assets, such as life saving Pensions? TRILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Rightard hates everyone here, because they know, we know, they are not truly honorable men. Like, to remain silent on Bush and Cheney's final escape with the banksters they do by blaming the made weaker and poor, here and now. Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911. 1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta 2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve freedom, America is lawlessly still led by the unelected illiterate war criminal George Walker Bush - who claimed/s we don't need evidence to form a guilty verdict. On the matters of Good and Evil. And some people call ME crazy.. / / the deputy attorney general who called for Wisconsin riot police to use deadly force on protesters is no longer employed \ \ to claim he would act criminally without question, to kill peaceful American voices for Justice, should have earned him a whole lot worse as a proud stenching Republican. If he truly had had such a willful blind attitude about what is right or wrong in these here parts. This is good. Remember, the Rightard enemy of our species, the American "Conservative", wants to blame anyone else but actual war criminals guilty of high treason such as Bush and Cheney, but instead as evil sadomasochistic tools of tyranny, uniformly, as TV robots without an ability to express original thought, will to blame the made weaker and poorer, innocent and 'undefended'. Note: the banksters have outright defrauded more than 19 trillion dollars from the American public. It is for these crimes, that I, General Johnny, will orchestrate all militaries world-wide in assisting, when needed, the apprehension of these said trillioniares, by our police services with Public warrants of arrest for the grand thefts. No? No evidence against the accused is US being truly abused. The Bible teaches this. Life teaches this. Atheists rule as equals is God's Kingdom, if only for the laughs. This is an all win kind of a thing. Where the truth is relished.. for example: Ed Schultz - Social Insecurity This is Ed Shultz letting US know knowledge that is forbidden in the Rightards worlds. These truths expose the Ideologues as blind stupid Rightards like an Alex Jones, who dance as the 'all' knowing blind chickens clucking at a hypnotist's show. We shouldn't need be this way, if the cheats were corrected for reasons won. Good work Ed. 21,000 (30 percent) of NYC teachers to lose their jobs The Rightards are attacking. Understand, these Republican/Libertarian/Conservatives are attacking undefended Americans to escape the trillioniare bankster THIEVES with Bush and Cheney. TRUE COMMIES. Rand Paul is vile, evil, good for nothing as traitor to every last American soul, as too, all the Peoples of the Middle East when he speaks no words against the Satanic that break truces, and burn innocent Christian children alive as targeted with white phosphorus for AIPAC kickbacks. Kickback! Death to torturers! 4.5 Million Orphans in Iraq: Protests Over Food and Shelter Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave no proof for his assertion, that it all was being organized by supporters of Saddam and al-Qaida. Kill a Bushite for Christ. It, as an American Rightard TV "Conservative", does not deserve to live, stealing further innocent lives for the escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Die bushite die. Failure to Communicate Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either we pay them without question, or come Monday morning, they would run the country into the ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a trillion dollars in capital, through out the entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most however, is that banksters do not actually cover our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they illegally took all our trillions of dollars for 'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy man crazy. It's a good thing we're here. Rear Admiral Gregory J. Smith Deputy Chief of Staff, Communication NATO International Security Assistance Force.. blahblahblah "Regrettably this is customary among some Afghan fathers as a way of dealing with children who misbehave," a crime, like pushing heroin, bank robbery, or guilty Bushite nazi grunting rapists of American women walking free as FOX TV "Heroes". The American President should offer 50 dollars for the head of, Rear Admiral Gregory Smith. "Neocon David Horowitz Labels Ron Paul and His Supporters Vicious Anti-Semites" Yeah but, these two guys fuck each other up America's ass on a routine basis, as the best of buds united at the hip to escape Bush and Cheney for 9/11, Nazi Israeli for breaking truces, and so on.. Again, it's that same con of the Rightard. The Johnny America Show Nominated for Best of the Internet 2011. Thanks to all that participate in this. Impeachment Speech and the 35 Articles in Full What Is Missing - The Johnny Addendum Forward this concern to anyone as your own, please. Thanks. President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech This just makes common sense. But a Rightard bigot can't fathom a world where peoples are treated fairly, so they side to attempt at dividing US masses, on like calling all public workers, "Marxist", or, 'those fighting for a better world, are masterminded by men who express a more feminine side', than themselves as secretly promiscuously butch antiGay faggots 99% of the time who lay that claim, as a caller with Oracle sold without defenses given for the Public as still going innocent victims here. The Rightard is committed to not acknowledging the trillions theft, or the escaping of the 9/11 war criminals, but to blame old folk and kids being educated, to blame those seeking a fairer health care, to blame those who can speak fluently on critical issues they pirate under bigot influences of seeking not truth in understanding. Law abiding elected Unions defend for fair representations - most of all the time. When I call Alex Jones and Ron Paul COMMIES, they actually ARE!, by insisting the Global Elites should get a health care that leaves out the middle man, but not for YOU as sucker paying their private insurance hood winkers, of whom would rather see America suffer, than us all together wising up together on who's credit is who's here. It's truly as Obama coined the investment service for the Peoples interest relationship, of public vs. private "a no-brainer" when you ACTUALLY understand the workings in this happen stance of serving a Pro Pro-health care initiative - Pro - by giving more than half your investment to an insurance company who would rather see you die - is totally fucked down as screwed around man. Commies are Rightarded dumb guys, who refuse to humble themselves to confess, they can not speak as the foremost expert of experts at the Johnny level [NO CENSORSHIP], without being exposed as idiots when free communications with the FACTS are present. See Johnny's, / / RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" \ \ See, I proudly know I'm an idiot on just about everything, but for Justice being a must to live free in any world, of which I of love as truly care for. Our suffering Humanity has been forsaken on the great gifts we bring to everyone through fair free dialog. Justice is freedom. Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil' / / "You guys are evil," he told the magazine, out on February 18th. "Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home." \ \ American incubators = $100,000+ a day Canadian incubators = $1000ish- a day [Same machine, but in Canada the medically qualified oversee, in America, the Rightards. Pure unadulterated evil the American "Conservative" enemy bigot like Alex Jones rips into American lives with censorship for stolen cash takes from everyone of the country.] Now, there is a good reason to love. Why? Well, because Americans pay more than double per-capita for public health care, that then requires them to go out and buy some private insurance. Pure wicked evil of the worst kind to know so as I, that Rightards like Alex Jones, and near every last American "Conservative" liar, cheat, and thief, who can't fairly compete, will cut off all dying American callers to state, 'it is the best in the world', now shaddup. Dying to speak. Yeah pure evil, out of the mouths of babes. This so called child, is light years ahead of AJ who claims he has photographic memory, and reads voraciously 16 hours a day, which makes him the sole athorateh without questions, Pope dope complexer in his censored private quacker tales. Escaping evil doers in our worlds. Ever heard of the Crusades 'excuses'? Very much like our irrational Pope dope AJ who claimed, "Mexico hates America". Just as Zionists do in Nazi Israel about the Semitic Arabs. You know, the Christians, Muslims, and Jews? Are we still all alone on this? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host! But first, I'm going to need help for the bus fares... How about a front on my NEW! Coast to Coast radio gig up there in the sky, that I'll try to get back for you as soon as humanly possible? Take a chance on we. Angelo Mozilo Grilled Over Mortgage Fraud Angelo Mozilo Will NOT Go To Prison: Feds Drop Criminal Probe Understand, these mortgages need to be traced back to who holds the stash. In many instances, they will tell US, they don't know who the money went to. No job or ID required for them to walk right out our front doors. See the Ninjah! (something about something else or another) .. Ninjah loans, Ninjah Loans. We want our laws inforced that prevent criminal fraud, by returning our stolen assets, and convicting the criminals to prove ourselves respected. We should expect nothing less. The credit is ours, not the banksters to lose away to themselves 'foolishly', counting on our poor judgements, to say yeah, makes sense to me too, that we should all now owe them more than ever before., to those who have done nothing for nobody but steal our pensions. To attempt escaping themselves as, 'holier than thou' Wall Street wizards.., or to the savvy, pension thieving home wreckers making off with our loots - Banksters who advance with the well funded TV Tea Bag Rightards, an attack against the being made poorer as cheated working folk. America wants our stolen trillions back. (Then, surely, there wouldn't be need for taxes in the forseeable future.) The head of the FBI, CIA, NATO and Interpol is not qualified in speaking what we need to do here to secure ourselves from lawless tyranny. Example: Toture is Outlawed everywhere, and warrants death according to President Ronald Reagan in the War Crimes Act. And to true common sense, if those who practice censoring our demands for Justice would allow us to proclaim such free democratic will, open for public discussions. Justice for the People. ninja-loans-to-blame Openly Evil: A Study in the Death of American Liberty / / Attorney General Eric Holder, who will not prosecute for torture and murder, says he is mounting a criminal investigation against Assange because anyone who breaks American law "will be held responsible." \ \ or the escaping trillioniare banksters. Lawless Republican gang rape of American Women is highly illegal, and frankly, I'm sure we'd All with Christ like to see those 30 Republican gang rapists formally executed for that serious war time treason. While torture of course, as everyone knows, warrants death every time, under standing American Law, despite all the lies a FOXNEWS Rightard Junkie will deny. Kill a Bushite to be a True American Patriot Hero. Snipers open fire on mourners in Libya, killing 15 1. outlaw lawless mercenaries with death by big Patriot rewards for their refusals to desist. (Blackwater, CACI, and AEGIS must end instead of ourselves as the innocent they routinely attack as everyone's enemy, warring to steal., not to free by being the for sure bad guys running with American gang rapist of American Women, the 'un-touchable' KBR enemy.) 2. A truthful free press to say near anything for the good of everyone. And 3., free fair elections by paper ballot, as then.. our worlds defended from the escaping war monger criminals that 'hide' as us good guys the enemies of all Humanity in disguises. Real freedom is working with the details, to insure we are not being undone by those in our command illegally. Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt.";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e What kind of inhuman monster could commit such a willful crime against innocent others for money? A private war crime mercenary pro-torture Nazi Zionist enemy serving for the terror regime of America? A grunt that wars Humanity for the escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11? A grunt that enjoys to steal American homes from cowardly dumfuk soldiers, who they even torture to sign over their life savings to Rumsfeld at the Pentagon? A Bushite who cares not for anyone or anything but what it can steal further from our good will to let it continue against our innocent women and children as the State of Israel does openly every day? How about replacing that uncaring talentless Zionist traitor, who gets off on killing our innocent kids, happy happy George Noory, with a Real American Patriot. Or no.? Pentagon Tortures Untold American Soldiers The Peter B. Collins Show Joshua Kors on Tortured Vets and Charley Carpenter on Gitmo Pentagon Tortures American Soldiers to Steal the Benefits. Pentagon blows up thousands of homes for Fun (all the while STEALING billions from America);hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e / / The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that can destroy a house more than a mile away \ \ Former Guantánamo Bay prisoner speaks;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e Read of these crimes committed by the Bushite grunter, and side with US to demand, no Police agency accept anything else, but arresting Bushite individuals without bail for war crimes Reagan Death sentence prosecutions.. not to go on disguised as a "Cop", we know is willing to commit such assaults against a completely innocent other. Such as Yourself. Or the Loves of your life. Alex Jones and enemy of everyone traitor Propagandist pro child killer George Noory, had a real love fest today, on how anyone who defends the rights of innocent human beings targeted by truce breaking Nazi Israeli, is the bad guys without any question considered. Their evil selfish contempt for Justice as God Given Liberty has fallen to such foolish depths, it's no wonder they can't allow US free Public criticism with the facts here. George Noory sold propaganda for the Neocons on 9/11, on the Iraq war, and on vaccines - while refusing all calls from the Patriot community - as such, he's is perfectly fine with conning innocent Americans further to die innocent victims, for his talentless cash windfalls of given millions to keep You silent Israel orders demolition of 88 homes in E. Jerusalem Americans paid BILLIONS in taxes to destroy these homes. So let US all cheer FOXNEWS and friends for having no care of the costs to Family as payers. They are rich as well to do, so who should care for You? "Right!" says Zionist Palin repeatedly, and she now has her own American TV shows, gunning to kill our cubs. The talentless evil whore of Satan is a celebration of corporate America's sinister contempt for God and all things beautiful. JP Morgan Profits Off Privatized Food Stamp Debit Cards Mike Pence Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Work AND NOW DEMANDS THE DESTRUCTION TO CONTINUE (AJ tinks it good too) Trillioniare Hedge fund brokers do not want to pay taxes, nor earn an honest wage. Something like more than 144 Pensions have been "lost". Who cares here to know this, and not forward these fine words of Justice demanded by all parties? Facts should matter to the dying as forsaken Americans. MUST SEE - Rand Paul Wants To Cut $500 Billion In Federal Spending In JUST One Year, Slams Aid To Israel - ABC Subway Interview Rand the ungodly, the traitor, has CLEARLY, 'Slammed' no such thing., about stoping payments to AIPAC for mass murdering innocent children to die with white phosphorus. Or dropping expensive bombs on innocent souls. He, like Alex Jones, wants to attack America's poor, to escape those with Bush and Cheney who have openly stolen trillions. TRILLIONS!!! He should be tried the traitor he is in this public Court. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations, and Rightards like Rand are united in EVIL to sacrifice all America for their continuing TREASONS. Rand the traitor, has CLEARLY, said no such thing the Rightard liars insist, but continue his silent contempt for the innocent mass murder victims that American tax money is directly used for. To mass murder defenseless innocent human beings by the Satanic truce breakers of Nazi Israeli. That torture, that thieve, that mass murder with American 'freedom'. They steal innocent Peoples homes routinely. Individuals Rand Paul calls anything else but the war crime demon enemies of GOD they are. Rand Paul is an evil twisted demon enemy of Justice, God, and Life, trying to pull the blanket over all America's head, for he believes like Alex, we must all be made too weak to defend ourselves from Zionist war criminals who break truces. From Zionist banksters that claim we owe them now more than ever before. With money they NEVER lent anyone to begin with! NO SHIT. WAKEUP. FOXNEWS Forced To Apologize On Air After [ridiculously] Faking Ron Paul CPAC 2011 Video They are trying to paint the TRUE COMMIE con Ron Paul as a malined good guy, when clearly Ron and Rand is FOXSNEWS greatest friend, as they will too, watch Christian children mass murdered by Israeli truce breakers, and do nothing but work to steal another election for the Rightard to escape further Bush and Cheney and AIPAC with the banksters. 9/11, the Iraq CRIMINAL con, torture, trillions stolen, posionous vaccines, billions in earmarks, and so on. COMMIE. These Rightard Commie enemies of Creation is how the TV trained facist Rightard balk, as those who refuse US to truly defend America. Ron Paul has called for NOT defending innocent mass murder victims of terror, and as such, I call for his, along with all standing election rigging gang rapist traitor Republicans with the Demonrats, for needed public trial on 9/11's Obstruction, and capital one mass murder. He is a law man after all. A rightard wars American values to escape the for sure real bad guys. As is why Alex Jones and enemy of all George Noory are committed to censoring our voices for Justice realized. Moral of the stories: Bushite grunting War criminals should be formally executed for their crimes against our Humanity, not become lawless Blackwater "Cops" as pro KBR gang rapist dope pushers, warring Humanity as ungodly evil sadists for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. BP removed the 'safety fluid' which CAUSED the explosion. Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up This should alarm every last American to know, this doesn't get TV coverage. Gassing the Peoples is suppose to be the crime of the worsts of terror - it's indiscriminate, against everyone. What are these corporate news pros to not allow the demand for accounting? This is a continuing criminal action against all life in the regions. Serious. To fly such a plane in American air space? I could be a spokesperson with a crew, if we all knew what we must do to limit any further attacks by BP is it again? I need a gig that will net me living fares. Take a chance on we. Americans seem to be suffering from not caring enough to decifer this jargon called Freedom, explaining a whole hell of a lot. Something fantastically strange seems to be occuring in this Battle for the Republic. TOP TOP SECRET SECRET INFO INFO URGENT: shut down Look at the advice that was given. The banks do not have a legal position to STEAL American homes, as verdicted by real American Judges. !! Why? They, the banksters, do not cover our loans, we do. Plus, they sold off the paper years ago in many many circumstances, while still pocketing billions in payments. Thus is why Obama suckered Americans to let him 'help', by signing up for his home program. Of which those that did, were foreclosed on almost immediately. Why no media? He suckered them to re-finance - because their signatured agreements prior, gave them the homes outright legally. HUGE CRIMINAL FRAUD. The trillioniare Banksters still to this day seeking payments, sold off the titles years ago. Ho hum, hear our drums. The Rightard media won't let US know for, it is forbidden knowledge, this, 'the banksters do not cover our loans we do' Christ mind like principle of mutual understanding. Trillions. DO you care to forward this info to another to allow them also to freely consider? americanawakening.2011-01-13_16k.mp3 Micheal Herzog has an incredible show on this legal issue. Realize, this info is not what a Rightard wills to give the American suckers. Rightards do go on and on about not working to help others directly by demanding accountability, because then therefore, you could be serving top secretly the diabolical NWO Globalists, forever hidden in the shadows as the master "genius" puppeteers unseen. then, along comes Johnny.. God's Will is always Just. Ideologues need not apply, but they will to cloud our judgments on what is hugely relevant. Their quantitative skills lack a focus. Free international debates with the facts to get to the heart of these matters is the answer to bettering our futures for all concerned. PURE SATANIC EVIL - Americans, know who your enemy is...;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e / / U.S. officials say Hatim trained at an al-Qaida terrorist camp \ \ Zero evidence. As leader of the free world, I will demand the identity of this Nazi(s), insist he be tried the war criminal he is, and upon easy conviction we will personally be responsible for his execution as such. Any "American" who would disagree with such an act of freedom, will be known by all as a traitor to the good old, red white and blue. No evidence against the accused is US being truly abused. John for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host. / / torture and sexual brutalization are regular practice and called Camp Justice \ \ Americans, know who your enemy is. Ungodly evil tyranny for the benefits of who again? Ron Paul "They Said I Had Too Much Of An Obsession With Individual Liberty To Be Elected" Remember, this demon fuk holds no defense for Americans being robbed, raped, tortured, or lied to as naked treasons committed by Bush and Cheney to mass murder millions of innocent souls for cash profit. Expect soon that this election rigger, with Alex Jones, will call for Zionist cash donations to win "Liberty" again. Not for Justice to defend anyone though of course. For, as Ayn Rand Rightard enemy cheats, they only 'win' by censoring our cries for true freedom from real tyranny. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations designed since the dawn of man to capture the ACTUAL bad guys. The Iraq war has no cause of freedom to die a teen grunt for. Rand and Ron are cons. While our problem child Alex Jones, he ain't half bad. Dozens of Women Describe Hell Of Being Raped by The Nazi grunts in the US Military is a website dedicated to the gang rapings of innocent American women and children. Why I ask all men in America do you own a gun, but for to kill the lawless enemies of Creation who claim, You will do no such thing under the authority of Satanic influences. Let all men demand the execution of these bushite nazi grunts, who rape American women while claiming, no laws of God nor man can put it into it's grave rightly, for the Antichrist of Creation has deemed it "Lawless". I HATE Bushite, as any real man would. Americans are not men to remain neutral on this, as they do regarding the treasons of Bush and Cheney. Torture of the INNOCENT authorized under former President George W. Bush This is a war crime warranting death. / / Programs to be cut include not only those targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the current budget debate—home heating assistance, Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much larger entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, which will face cuts later in the budget process. \ \ Rightards with Alex Jones and Obama, who advance the criminal attack against America's elderly and poor are the enemies of American liberty. As is why they are committed to censorship to steal from US all. Dershowitz Joins Legal Team for Wikileaks Why? The demon Zionist enemy of God lies cheats and steals to kill Americans for profitable terror. So, he as a traitor to freedom everywhere, has got to be the very last demon you'd want anyone to get a real defense together against bushite lawless tyranny. A demon that openly supports committing war crimes against defenseless innocent Humans being. So.. whatthefuk? Satanic Nazi Israeli steal Christian homes routinely. They broke a truce, then mass murdered specifically innocent children they gathered together. God calls them Satanic in our Holy Books. Again, whatthefuk? RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" / / Its almost as if they are completely transparent liars willing to change their tune on a dime when it suits their interests, even when it contradicts their own charges. But that'd be silly. \ \ / / Saying that people don't work extra jobs just to keep healthcare is denying the truth. \ \ The Rightard dividers with Alex Jones, at RBN, and so on, will try and con US all here, to state, mediamatters is "left wing" - case closed, because the greater minds that they can't freely compete with, make the Rightard as dumb as they are when the facts are in. When I first heard the statement of 800,000.. I listened, then could barely make sense of what was being said.. (and all consider myself the genius of geniuses.) Then I thought it through, with the two minute snipit offered as the Rightard's 'proof', and the nearest thing I could figure, was that because people will have better health care, they'd likely, if ABLE to choose, would work less. (Not exactly the CBO work ethic.) But the real reason the bill is bad, is it rewards the Tea Bag Rightard backers with trillions of public tax dollars they'll never have earned, just like the Banksters. Alex Jones with his partner in crime Obama and enemy George Noory will not allow Americans to discuss this with truly wiser folks factually, unless we change to be better blokes. Because we is sadly, currently, Supremely bigoted Rightard assholes. Alex Jones don't got any problem with rigging elections if it's for Ron Paul or Rand, and his Cult would likely side the same for tyranny, while they cowardly cry, to help save ourselves from plunder, means top secretly you die for their "New World Order". Look at this one example: 'Afghan Government Cracks Down on Women’s Shelters';hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e We know the Rightard wills to not fight the true globalist tyrannical TV powers of indifference to women and children being raped in Afghanistan by the dope pushing Nazi grunts, who claim it's legal, because of their Antichrist Shariah. Where the Taliban would kill the Satanic bushite Nazi grunters without question, as demonic enemy liars of God's Great Creation. Shariah is God's will practiced fairly. Illiterates do not fair well. But we all knew that already. Suicide bomber kills 38, wounds dozens in Iraq;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e A suicide bomber giving his life, does not attack the Satanic enemy Bushite grunters, but members of his own community standing as whoever at a bus terminal? Then, oh, they know so, because a soldier questioned him on who had the remote, just before they were both blown to kingdom come? They, the Nazi grunts, think these kind of crimes against God will get Humanity confused on who the lawless enemy grunting torturers are, who are robbing all of every Iraqi for the final escape of Bush and Cheney, the traitors. Wikileaks threatens action against ex-colleague of Assange / / Domscheit-Berg claims that he and the programmer – who is known only as “The Architect†– disconnected the submissions section because they believed Mr Assange could not be trusted to keep sources secret. \ \ Problem. As a true anonymous record keeper there would be no records programmed for storage by “The Architectâ€, and as for confidence, was it the policy that only Assange has dictorial overview over all Newspaper submissions making inroads today, before we as anyone else does like myself. NO. Second, are they alleging that Wiki info of the most serious of war crimes; killing respected journalists, or torturing honorable American soldiers, along with women and children kidnaped on official war crime orders by Satanic Geoffrey Miller "BOMBSHELLS: Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the .." and so on weren't allotted a fair public space for airing?, and as so, why are they then, not personally revealing what THEY know about the facts of slight at hand? No no, they just want US to forget about all this, and center the coward Rightard's attention on their excuses to teach the masses likewise to ignore, all Soldier cries for Justice. This is dumber than Jared Lee Loughner, where a Rightard cowers to the real challenges of The People against, the censorship of lawless tyranny. Censorship is the tool of tyrants. Bush and Cheney are guilty of high treason many times over here. If I go any farther about Wiki this or Wiki that, I may take time off my pursuit of Justice to truly save the innocent ourselves. The women and children that were mass murdered were not all between the stipulated ages of 15-55. The Nazi grunts were asked, 'why did you mow down who you knew to only be "checked through", as unarmed innocent women and children in the "many thousands", just outside of Fallujah'? "It was not!" evil war criminal they falsified as with Sattler, for, 'that they may have been boys and men pretending to be women', and all as such, could be first degree mass murdered. Ahha! But all those defenseless innocent women and children were not all between 15-55. Most of the children were toddlers and infants. Bushite grunts deserve to die as the war crime lying traitors they are, warring America for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. / / Governor Walker’s request to the State Legislature to eliminate nearly all of the collective-bargaining rights for thousands of Wisconsin workers is big government at its worst. \ \ Then, he orders huge bites into everyone's salaries to cover shortfalls in the pensions for only one example of several. Then suggests that the American National Guard wouldn't arrest himself, but all school teachers, fire fighters, and Cops instead who would complain(?), as those who would believe, they have a right to vote for fair representation. Public Unions of Wisconsin are not being accused of corruption here from what I've read so far... so? Again like Rand Paul, we can expect the Rightards to attack innocent Americans to escape the trillion dollar thieves along with Bush and Cheney for mass murder on 9/11. Do you care? Then forward these concerns to everyone. YES! You. Heaven for Just living or Hell of death as self destruction, you decide. Chump. / / Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy hat puts America first. \ \ limited is relative. Limited from arresting gang rapists of American women in KBR for example? The trillion dollar extortionist's capture? The 9/11 perps? FREE MARKETS FOR LOOTING!!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! How about UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Bush and Cheney? Demon liars who will to kill more innocent victims for Bush and Cheney's final escape. Escape from the Constitutional protects we must excersize to defend ourselves from just this sort of undermining. Trillions have be outright stolen in broad daylight, while Ron Paul claims he has no reckonning of such willful treasonous conducts of criminals he calls his fellow Republicans. Such as in kidnaping, in torture, vaccines, bombing Iraq, and so on further into a world of lawless destruction, because we know, first hand, Ron Paul will never be there to win US anything but more rewarding tyranny. His arguments on Nazi Israel are NOT to defend the innocent Christian children mass murdered by the Nazis who broke the truce. NO no, no he ACTUALLY STATES we must not help the INNOCENT victims to his murderous cons of denying Justice for all. Everywhere. If I sight the video, it will get pulled by Google or the Jones Cult, but just, seek for yourself his comments on Gaza, on military dictatorships being all, 'trying to do good' "Police actions", and his complete contempt for All American life by knowing the Bush regime pulled off 9/11, and as 'public ally', sides to say how dumb we all are to his enlightened view, that trying to help can only do ourselves wrong every-time, like Alex Jones will sell with censorship to the dying suckers paying in willful donations.. Censored on like, how traffic lights work effectively as thought collectively to ease congestion, while saving real Peoples lives. Indecent Exposure: WikiLeaks Hounded for Showing Power Its True Face;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e Rand Paul the Traitor Rand Paul the Traitor "I'm not singling out Israel. I support Israel. I want to be known as a friend of Israel," so they can mass murder more Christians, Muslims, and Jews with breaking truces? To steal more homes for racist Zionist only roads? Rand Paul is a traitor. A godless demon enemy of the Republic who supports Justice never. Just like his pals in AIPAC. He is a con. Hear him on earmarks to KNOW this as so. He, like his father, thinks we're are just too stupid to know better of what he sells as huckster. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 Police Investigations. "BP's spilled oil is washing up in people" Rand Paul: BP Should Not Be Held Responsible They removed the 'safety fluid' on purpose, which caused the explosion, and Americans don't care to forward my wise words, because they know, they are fundamentally cowards who sacrifice to Zionist war criminals for Satan, as the ungodly enemies of our Humanity to remain dying silenced with their vociferous lies, while AJ sells this demon, Rand or Ron isn't anything but vile pirates like George Noory is of the Constitution, warring America with lawless warfare against US, the Innocent, for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. WTC 7 Explosion That the Magic TV Refuses to Show - Why? / / NIST is now cornered: trapped within their web of lies. Now that the video of the firemen reporting explosions has been released from NIST archives, they have? NO EXCUSE for failing to investigate explosives. This is high treason. \ \ You got that right buddy. / / Honeywell describes an already existing "secret" disabling FMC code that can allow a GPS-guided aircraft autopilot system to take away control of an aircraft from a pilot during emergencies. Honeywell state-of-the-art Flight Management Systems (FMS) were used by the four aircraft reportedly hijacked on September 11, 2001. \ \ We must demand Justice. Rightards are evil bigot crooks who refuse US to speak facts, for then they look as they truly are. Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence! / / the 5 pillars of Islam in Islam is like believing that Jesus peace be upon him exists in Christianity. \ \ The truth of how this all fits together for the common will of Justice for our times. The same struggle that existed as DOCUMENTED in the Dead Sea Scrolls, is very near the same struggle today. "Iowa Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim" ..As the Rightard of FOXSNEWS enemy suggest, To be a lover to God's Great Creation, is a threat to their ungodly evil tyrannies. as war crime Zionist Nazi, breaking truces to slaughter innocent Christian children for Satan (AIPAC for the Atheists). We Will Never Forget / / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal Palestinian land. \ \ Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil crooks, and if you disagree they call you an anti-Semite. Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor are the real Jews from the Bible. But to the truly SATANIC, the facts matter none to how many innocent Christian children they can target for mass murder, by TV tricking the dying American suckers to pay giving more in blood sacrifice to have it continue as demonic criminal AIPAC. Silence of the Press: US media turns blind eye to RT crew arrest Bushite grunters warring for torture. Again, American Law warrants death for torture. Kill a Bushite for Christ and be called a true American Patriot. Every rightful death sentence against a Bushite Nazi grunter, can only hold respect for the true warriors of Justice as Liberty.;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e / / Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration told a federal judge Monday that the U.S. government has authority to kill U.S. citizens \ \ What is wrong with US? That is called MURDER. ALL THE ANSWERS FOR EYGPT NOW - OUTLAW TORTURE WITH SERIOUS PENALTY Khaled Saeed Case - Egypt's Guilty as Sin Try and execute the culprits for being clearly murderers, then outlaw torture with a rightly given death sentence, as truly freeing the great Egyptian Peoples. The lawless AntiChrist Zionist, war crime nation of America certainly won't work to help anyone be liberated from their 'proud' ungodly tyranny of liars truly, so Peoples, we're going to have to do this for ourselves. I'm with You. - What Oppression Looks Like We are worried about any change in Egypt: Shimon Peres Understand, why I, President Ronald Reagan and other true Patriots, demand by Standing Law, that torturers be actually for real executed without question. Instantly of those in the American Military. They, like Blackwater's Cofer Black, deserve never to live stealing another breath of our precious air. The Nazi Israeli torturer is an ungodly liar, a war crime thief, an enemy of Liberty, who supports not, following crime scene leads at real crime scenes to defend anyone. Die bushite die. - The Rightard's Treason - VIDEO - "Where Are The Wall Street Prosecutions!": Angry C-SPAN Callers Sound Off On Criminal Banksters We are not alone, despite Alex Jones and his NWO Globalist Rightard pro Rand Paul cocksucking bigots stealing our glories to escape real bad guys everywhere, starting with Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Again, Alex Jones will be one of my first invited guests to speak openly to this Challenge of the gods. Humbling yourself a little would be my sugestion Alex.. but you'd likely fear I was something less that what I am. A good guy giving sound advice. Let's do this... - Afghan Air War Doubles: Now 10 Attacks Per Day;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e Bush and Cheney officially halted American Police Investigations designed since the dawn of Man to capture the actual bad guys. Narco NATO war Humanity to rape children, to abuse women, to push heroin, to all steal all resources.. And I'll tell you, we are not happy about it. They deny us as the enemy real resolution for hard copy indictments against actual terrorism. The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US bring America back to where the People's rights are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken. Or, do you just want to silently fall down as innocent victim to third world military dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're arresting for public trial the criminals responsible for 911. We are America, and we are no greater than any other to proclaim, this is our right, this is our destiny. “uncompassionate by nature†is not Johnny the Jew, but the ungodly Satanic enemies of God and man who lie cheat and steal for more American sacrifices. THIS IS THE PROOF: / / “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew,†write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are “uncompassionate by nature†and attacks on them “curb their evil inclination,†while babies and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.†\ \ lovers of Justice and God believers, like the true Jews of those mass murdered in Lebanon being the first strike targets by Nazi Israeli. Then read of the demonic liars who twist as a bigot Rightard liar does, for murdering innocent Peoples targeted for war crimes plunder in our God's stolen name. NOT JEWS, as the Holy Bible teaches. I can explain everything. Does the truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen son or daughter for stolen profits? How about a country? - Obama's Patriotic American Chamber of Commerce Leader, Advoctates Offshoring of American Jobs "people effected by offshoring should stop whining" The Chamber of Commerce has taken over these last ten years, a direct position against every last American, to side with military dictatorships for stolen cash bribes. Shipping American factories in the tens of thousands overseas. But what does dying as Rightard America care for facts though right? Obama claimed his Zionist Nazi Chamber of Commerce, are Patriots of Freedom to sanction breaking truces, who Obama claims, want what is best for America, despite their willingness to mass murder anyone for a stolen nickel, or just outright, steal your body organs. This isn't rocket science, nor dividing fractions, but something so in our faces, that I honestly believe, you'd have to be something less than a emotional Human Being, to not be concerned in naturally caring for your dying furtures being sold out to Republican Tea Bag war criminals, as the new, anti-"big" vactationing every third week American Commie Congress. (saleried at $171,000+ plus perks!) Where limited government means limited from all accounting for their stealing. Their itinerary in officially, to do nothing but go on extended breaks.. Why? Because a Rightard in Government like Rand Paul is bad, just as he says he is with Alex Jones championing the destruction. What business is it for the government to tell US what we can or can not do right Rightards? Right rapists? Right 9/11 perps? Right trillioniare Banksters? Oh but Abortion is an issue they will to pirate, believing therefore no one could ever understand it better. Hanging for cheats at Life. Killing innocent Christian kids by breaking truces for Satan though, for kickbacks through AIPAC? hey, no prob. As is why Nazi Israeli call all innocent human beings, crying for Justice, "Nazi". It does apparently work for the American Rightards, and for no opinion corporate snews products, but, that is about it. I know i know, 'forbidden knowledge'. I can't believe Americans all as Rightards still refuse as the enemy to forward my calls for the truth to be spoken, but apparently, this is the case that Sherlock would have walked off the set for. They lie cheat and steal from themselves willingly, if it means a wise man or woman won't be allowed to speak freely on TV or their radios. Pure godless Zionist Nazi filth to remain silent against their Rightard tyrannizing, aimed now directly against their forsaken neighbor being 'lawlessly' gang raped by KBR, while illegally having their jobs and homes stolen in broad daylight. Better that, than the "sand niggers", or innocent Christian children from other countries in the long run I suppose., See, in other worlds, being Christian ACTUALLY means, you believe in a God that is a greater love than what Americans truly care for. As is why the American Nazi grunts in Afghanistan sanction the first degree murder of Peoples in Afghanistan for simply believing in Christianity. So what DO Rightard Americans care for then? Not much but what they can get away to steal from others, so.. no wonder.. YOU CAN’T BE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BEING ANTI ISRAELI We as Humanity must learn, these Nazi Zionists who advance attacks against our innocent families are for real. They openly break truces to indiscriminately mass murder and torture. Real Peoples Homes get stolen routinely. Real Jewish families were bombed by Nazi Zionist in Lebanon as the first strike targets for stolen profits. They are not Human, but demonic enemies of Life and GOD, committed to mass murder the innocent as Satanic, and we all should know of it, Atheist, or otherwise. 9/11 Doc of Docs.. "between the lies" DVD image (4.1 GB) This contains great evidence made by our Police Agencies to get ourselves continuing on correctly making the proper arrests on who tried to lead us astray from our freedom path. Remember, this documents a portion of the true 9/11 crew that were for sure arrested, before being able to dangerously fly two planes on the day of 9/11. This is bombshell info demanding Public Police Investigations being re-started on international TV, so we as Humanity can arrest all Neocon Peenacker Republicans, and the odd Demonrat, for speedy public trials for the convictions of mass murdering our American bretheren. / / Ron Paul has announced that the first Monetary Policy subcommittee meeting will focus on one of those two now forgotten Fed mandates, that of creating jobs. \ \ What about all the criminal fraud in the trillions you COMMIE Rightard parasite? AIG was bailed to pay Goldman. The Bank of Scottland threatened arrest of Goldman if they didn't get back what they were defrauded, and Goldman payed them back to avoid a hanging. Americans too, must demand their TRILLIONS back, but Ron Paul is a con like Alex Jones, all to escape the for real bad guys, while blaming the poor and weak being ILLEGALLY left for closed. a staggering $5 billion cut to Texas schools "It's a catastrophe. No financial aid for kids to go to college. No pre-kindergarten for kids to learn their numbers and their letters. Health and human services slashed," said Rep. Pete Gallego, D-Alpine. "No Texan can be proud of this." AJ, Rand Paul, and other Rightards of the NWO Globalist Commie Elites, can't compete fairly on a open playing field for Just cause, where the facts are here for all to witness of them escaping the worst of criminals in Your name. So, as a Nazi, they promote with censorship the, 'must do' indiscriminate attack against America's cheated elderly, the cheated poor, school kids and everyone else as Pensioners or Palestinian, before we are ever allowed to freely demand Justice as our defense willingly authored. This should be what soldiers war in death for, to speak the facts in open international debates, on how all we will to not be further undone in ungodly stupid tyranny. EXAMPLE 1: Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt.";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e EXAMPLE 2: CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.2 trillion Rightards "How will we pay for a 1.2 trillion dollar health care plan?" Your paying a private insurance company, when in truth, you need not pay them a pretty Penny. BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - EXPLOSIVE New Revelations I am saddened. I tell America that BP removed the safety fluid which caused the blow up on purpose, as documented in Congressional Testimony, and yet.. Peoples still refuse to raise their phones to allow US to speak on Coast to Coast freely without censorship to resolve these issues to the best of our abilities very quickly. Why is it possible? Because we actually know what we are talking about, when we're allowed to speak beyond the Rightard bigot TV liars, who whore for a "free" [lawless] market, ruled for "freedom" [slavery] by boundless magic [greed], with an Amerikan Rightard Commie hatred for all Government, Blacks, Hispanics, Chinks, Whitey, Liberals, Socialists, Jews, Globalists, bookworms, and the smart ass fellows who speak with real power as honorable in the interests for any as all. But, 'Justice is Christ-like' doesn't sound as tough an mean, as Alex Jones with fellow Rightard Rand Paul, telling of how they have no choice but to back a sicko sado fascistic attack against the elderly and poor of America - 'no other way' to stop these wars. No Justice for You. Well, I'm here to declare there is another way, join yourself to stand as an individual, committed to allowing the facts be spoken, to earn ourselves a less bleak picture than BP has painted US into dying posioned here. Because near what ever I write, Americans simply refuse to forward these words everywhere as a good thing. Now I ask myself, why must we allow ourselves to suffer this way when we don't. I pray you will heed this call and offer your own two cents on this matter for a new call to brighten our days. We don't have to give up before we've even started bro. We need our stolen homes and trillions back, just as Iraqis need all their stolen money back, with Afghanistan getting the biggest of appologies humanly possible. The 9/11 perps need to be arrested by our nearest precincts, for to be held without bail, for the up coming Public Trial of all Trials, won by free open international debate for Victory as measured. Now that's entertainment! Now, who's with you? Our Prison Planet is Populated by Disfunctioning Rightards / / As far as WMD, the US and UK gov didn’t lie, Saddam did. He went to extreme lengths to deceive the world \ \ How can the Rightards allow this form of Evil to go unchallenged? Easy, they are Rightards. - Saving Our Lives from Further Plunder The strange thing is, why must I be the only real player on this scene capable of such game? Do you know, in better times, being of God is really quite miraculous to all who love life as such? We could bring such great wonders if only we were respected for who we truly are. Instead, we have Republican pro gang rapists who will to kill more American teens to escape Bush and Cheney, telling on magic American TV of how Christmas to Christians, is where concern of another innocent victim is secondary to getting America further robbed by our inactions made poorer by Congressmen. The Banksters are making off with trillions man, TRILLIONS! No wonder these very same Republicans get off on killing innocent Christian children for Satan, hand in hand with the Demonrats through AIPAC - for on an open playing field where open debate with the knowledgeable is openly relished, we all would win, and they would lose as the ungodly war criminal traitors they've proven to ourselves to be, time and time again, fair and squared. We'd save our lives from further plunder I'm saying. Republicans are.. Hey, like I say, if you want to suck cock, do it on your own time Republicans, for America has a war to win here. Freedom for Everyone, is to be whoever we will, as long as we don't deprive another that same right. The Rightards and some of the just as false "Left" will to try to fuck this up for themselves with censorship, because they can't stand as a humble individual Human, (God loving or otherwise) as is why a Rightard will tell you it's a Rightard that has no true meaning to it's lifeless character, that chooses stupid rules like, 'Privatize always' to further die all stupidly for their inhuman tyrannies. Tyrannies that wouldn't succeed in a world that allowed respect for open polite debate with experts of experts such as ourselves that insist evidence is the only way to determine a Person's guilt or innocence in this multi-dimensional universe, that Alex Jones can't even presently dream of as an equal to all contributer of the Cause. Example: ask any Rightard what it knows about "Health Care", or have them explain Alex Jones' "Death Panels" and all they spew is what they were TV trained to, without an actual understanding of where they are coming from without any qualifying quantifications. No real measurement of understanding on how Obama's "Health Care Plan" is seriously, Truly, flawed by the Commies. A Rightard. The Commies. Thus is the Nature of John Q. Public. Alex Jones' open support of tyranny is not acceptable I'm warning. For AJ to go on again, how great tyranny is for Egyptians, because to fight for liberty always means you just play into his NWO Globalist agenda, is not going to wash with even the dumbest of cowardly Rightards. Who as Rightards, doesn't mean they all, every single one, will to do harm on purpose to themselves. I fight arrogant censor Alex with far superior ideas, because he is like a retarded little brother playing infallible Pope being abusive to his closest friends to me. But others will not be so generous, if he doesn't stop playing to lose everyone in his irrational nonsenses of how we all must be made to be powerless under his authoritarian Zionist thumb. I want free exchange of the facts for everyone to witness; George Walker Bush is the actual, for real, antichrist enemy of all Creation. The biggest war criminal of all history ever recorded. While Alex, the Rightard bigot, the Antigay faggot, wants to blame anyone else but the for sure guilty of war crimes. Blindly denying ourselves the truth as witnessed. So, what would you say if you were a real man like me? Again, they SPEAK NOTHING TODAY for American Women being gang raped by their partners in war crimes. Speak nothing for Justice on 9/11. / / ..Egyptian army general told the BBC the military was losing patience with the embattled Mubarak, and would open fire at regime loyalists if there were fresh attacks on protesters... \ \ Yeah! Defend the innocent of Egypt from these Rightard pro-torture enemies of God who war Humanity for lawless bankster tyrannies. CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish' Let Fly Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by Christ we will forever say, while we formally hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal publicly executed for crimes like gang raping American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for dropping land mines in school districts, for torturing elderly people to death countless times by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only ten years, and only because he bragged to his family and entire city that he could torture anyone of them too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be walking free like the rest of them who did even worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity for example - for killing little kids to get back at US all for something they freely state in America today like is said Publicly in Nazi Israel. Unremorseful child killers getting free health care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to not have that for yourself fairly though) That is what Grainer told in writing to his threatened (likely raped too?) young daughter - for why her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his sentencing in a "Court" ruled by illiterate Nazi savages with no Freedom commitment, claimed he had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because he still surely believes though Americans own guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity rightly to defend their next innocent god loving victims as the Law dictates against war criminals. Ungodly war crimes done to see their fellow teen soldiers die as a consequence of an American male's personal cowardice to be real men in their TV world, to hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent others, such as children they several times were CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis money, and American's money, and then gave all rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies. NONE FOR IRAQI IN IRAQ ALL NOTICE. They stole Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and replaced it with the American godless banking corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back for money they never lent you to begin with.. They put Allawi in charge who after crediting himself for killing a bunch of innocent children in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt to treat an innocent child or women from Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY TARGETING EVERY LAST SCHOOL TEACHER. Will YOU, yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler who carried out such orders without even whispering a concern for their innocent mass murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah - FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara before John Batist quit, because he refused to carry it out completely - largely I speculate because with his name, it would have been just a little too demonic for his liking to needlessly mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie about here, which is why I sooo much want to see the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness their RIGHTFUL PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. Kill a Bushite by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald Reagan as STANDING AME
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format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 78168 characters ) <p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons...
<p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons if they knew the truth<br /> that we will not remain silent?</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br />As Protesters Rally Nationwide to Support Wisconsin Workers CNN Features the Two Year Anniversary of the Tea Party<br /> Media Blackout: CNN Fox News and MSNBC Ignore 100,000 WI Protesters</p> <p>INSIDE JOB<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>'From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker,<br /> Charles Ferguson, comes INSIDE JOB, the first<br /> Hollywood Film to expose the shocking CRIMINAL<br /> truth behind the economic crisis that the<br /> Rightard demands all Americans be made to<br /> suffer as still paying for' - But for the<br /> Rightard, facts are for the stupid people.<br /> Palin, the demon whore of Satan proves this,<br /> with her comment of her support of mass<br /> murdering innocent children, and everyone<br /> at a hospital for money by simply statng,<br /> "without provocation", and no one but<br /> a small small few feel enough for the<br /> innocent lives lost as important<br /> to point her costs to every last<br /> one of us denied self respect.</p> <p>Being Republican is to Rob from Everyone</p> <p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons if they knew the truth<br /> that we will not remain silent?</p> <p>Defend the American Dream!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wisconsin Assembly approves plan to curb unions</p> <p>This was with NAKED CRIMINAL intention.<br /> To CHEAT the voters is what a Republican<br /> is that truly has no talent but to deceive,<br /> as it would be run out of country, if free<br /> speech with the facts ruled the day.</p> <p>USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike</p> <p>Trillions of dollars from America has<br /> been defrauded, and the President with<br /> his Republican partners will to blame<br /> the innocent for the shortfall, instead<br /> of actually defending the good old, red<br /> white and blue.</p> <p>America - The Hidden Treasure<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911<br /> Police investigations, we will go nowhere until,<br /> we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back<br /> to following probable cause to arrest the actual<br /> bad guys.</p> <p>Uygur-Sanders-Unions-022211.wmv<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Walker Whacks Wisconsin for Wackenhut<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan:<br /> No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales.<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wisconsin’s power plants for pennies on the dollar<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Treason. No? He is openly planning to rob US of<br /> what we are truly worth. Who voted for this guy,<br /> who wouldn't now know, a recall is in order for<br /> the benefits of all? Unless the reason Americans<br /> vote Republican is to rob from everyone.</p> <p>Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Ed Schultz Show - They cooked the books!!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Republican Governor Deliberately Spent Wisconsin Surplus<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Wisconsin had a surplus, and as soon as he<br /> was sworn in, Walker gave it away to special<br /> interests in order to put the state into deficit.<br /> Is it a coincidence that every Republican<br /> governor is suddenly going after the unions and<br /> the pensions? Is it simply bubbling up from the<br /> ground for no special reason? Hell, no. \ \ Not<br /> a traitor trying to steal away America's demands<br /> for Justice on the Banksters making off with<br /> trillions in stolen assets, such as life saving<br /> Pensions?</p> <p>TRILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </p> <p>A Rightard hates everyone here, because they<br /> know, we know, they are not truly honorable men.<br /> Like, to remain silent on Bush and Cheney's final<br /> escape with the banksters they do by blaming the<br /> made weaker and poor, here and now.</p> <p>Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate<br /> warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for<br /> our safety. The bushmob did 911.</p> <p>1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta</p> <p>2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers</p> <p>So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve<br /> freedom, America is lawlessly still led by the<br /> unelected illiterate war criminal George Walker<br /> Bush - who claimed/s we don't need evidence to<br /> form a guilty verdict. On the matters of Good<br /> and Evil. And some people call ME crazy..</p> <p>/ / the deputy attorney general who called for<br /> Wisconsin riot police to use deadly force on<br /> protesters is no longer employed \ \ to claim he<br /> would act criminally without question, to kill<br /> peaceful American voices for Justice, should have<br /> earned him a whole lot worse as a proud stenching<br /> Republican. If he truly had had such a willful<br /> blind attitude about what is right or wrong in<br /> these here parts.</p> <p>This is good. Remember, the Rightard enemy of<br /> our species, the American "Conservative", wants<br /> to blame anyone else but actual war criminals<br /> guilty of high treason such as Bush and Cheney,<br /> but instead as evil sadomasochistic tools of<br /> tyranny, uniformly, as TV robots without an<br /> ability to express original thought, will to<br /> blame the made weaker and poorer, innocent and<br /> 'undefended'. Note: the banksters have outright<br /> defrauded more than 19 trillion dollars from the<br /> American public. It is for these crimes, that I,<br /> General Johnny, will orchestrate all militaries<br /> world-wide in assisting, when needed, the<br /> apprehension of these said trillioniares, by our<br /> police services with Public warrants of arrest<br /> for the grand thefts. No?</p> <p>No evidence against the accused is US being truly<br /> abused. The Bible teaches this. Life teaches<br /> this. Atheists rule as equals is God's Kingdom,<br /> if only for the laughs. This is an all win kind<br /> of a thing. Where the truth is relished.. for<br /> example:</p> <p>Ed Schultz - Social Insecurity<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is Ed Shultz letting US know knowledge that<br /> is forbidden in the Rightards worlds. These<br /> truths expose the Ideologues as blind stupid<br /> Rightards like an Alex Jones, who dance as the<br /> 'all' knowing blind chickens clucking at a<br /> hypnotist's show. We shouldn't need be this way,<br /> if the cheats were corrected for reasons won.<br /> Good work Ed.</p> <p>21,000 (30 percent) of NYC teachers to lose their jobs</p> <p>The Rightards are attacking. Understand, these<br /> Republican/Libertarian/Conservatives are<br /> attacking undefended Americans to escape the<br /> trillioniare bankster THIEVES with Bush and<br /> Cheney. TRUE COMMIES. Rand Paul is vile, evil,<br /> good for nothing as traitor to every last<br /> American soul, as too, all the Peoples of the<br /> Middle East when he speaks no words against the<br /> Satanic that break truces, and burn innocent<br /> Christian children alive as targeted with white<br /> phosphorus for AIPAC kickbacks. Kickback! Death<br /> to torturers!</p> <p>4.5 Million Orphans in Iraq: Protests Over Food and Shelter</p> <p>Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave no proof<br /> for his assertion, that it all was being<br /> organized by supporters of Saddam and<br /> al-Qaida. </p> <p>Kill a Bushite for Christ. It, as an American<br /> Rightard TV "Conservative", does not deserve to<br /> live, stealing further innocent lives for the<br /> escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Die bushite<br /> die.</p> <p>Failure to Communicate</p> <p>Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's<br /> start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either<br /> we pay them without question, or come Monday<br /> morning, they would run the country into the<br /> ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a<br /> trillion dollars in capital, through out the<br /> entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most<br /> however, is that banksters do not actually cover<br /> our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they<br /> illegally took all our trillions of dollars for<br /> 'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy<br /> man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.</p> <p>Rear Admiral Gregory J. Smith Deputy Chief<br /> of Staff, Communication NATO International<br /> Security Assistance Force.. blahblahblah</p> <p>"Regrettably this is customary among<br /> some Afghan fathers as a way of dealing<br /> with children who misbehave," a crime,<br /> like pushing heroin, bank robbery, or<br /> guilty Bushite nazi grunting rapists<br /> of American women walking free as<br /> FOX TV "Heroes".</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>The American President should offer 50<br /> dollars for the head of, Rear Admiral<br /> Gregory Smith. </p> <p>"Neocon David Horowitz Labels Ron Paul and His Supporters Vicious Anti-Semites"</p> <p>Yeah but, these two guys fuck<br /> each other up America's ass<br /> on a routine basis, as the<br /> best of buds united at<br /> the hip to escape Bush<br /> and Cheney for 9/11, Nazi<br /> Israeli for breaking truces,<br /> and so on.. Again, it's that<br /> same con of the Rightard.</p> <p>The Johnny America Show<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Nominated for Best of the Internet 2011.<br /> Thanks to all that participate in this.</p> <p>Impeachment Speech and the 35 Articles in Full<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>What Is Missing - The Johnny Addendum<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Forward this concern to anyone<br /> as your own, please. Thanks.</p> <p>President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This just makes common sense. But a Rightard<br /> bigot can't fathom a world where peoples are<br /> treated fairly, so they side to attempt at<br /> dividing US masses, on like calling all public<br /> workers, "Marxist", or, 'those fighting for a<br /> better world, are masterminded by men who express<br /> a more feminine side', than themselves as<br /> secretly promiscuously butch antiGay faggots 99%<br /> of the time who lay that claim, as a caller with<br /> Oracle sold without defenses given for the Public<br /> as still going innocent victims here. The<br /> Rightard is committed to not acknowledging the<br /> trillions theft, or the escaping of the 9/11 war<br /> criminals, but to blame old folk and kids being<br /> educated, to blame those seeking a fairer health<br /> care, to blame those who can speak fluently on<br /> critical issues they pirate under bigot<br /> influences of seeking not truth in understanding.<br /> Law abiding elected Unions defend for fair<br /> representations - most of all the time. When I<br /> call Alex Jones and Ron Paul COMMIES, they<br /> actually ARE!, by insisting the Global Elites<br /> should get a health care that leaves out the<br /> middle man, but not for YOU as sucker paying<br /> their private insurance hood winkers, of whom<br /> would rather see America suffer, than us all<br /> together wising up together on who's credit is<br /> who's here. It's truly as Obama coined the investment<br /> service for the Peoples interest relationship, of<br /> public vs. private "a no-brainer" when you ACTUALLY<br /> understand the workings in this happen stance of<br /> serving a Pro Pro-health care initiative - Pro -<br /> by giving more than half your investment to an<br /> insurance company who would rather see you die -<br /> is totally fucked down as screwed around man.</p> <p>Commies are Rightarded dumb guys, who refuse to<br /> humble themselves to confess, they can not speak<br /> as the foremost expert of experts at the Johnny<br /> level [NO CENSORSHIP], without being exposed as<br /> idiots when free communications with the FACTS<br /> are present. See Johnny's,</p> <p>/ / RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" \ \</p> <p>See, I proudly know I'm an idiot on just about<br /> everything, but for Justice being a must to live<br /> free in any world, of which I of love as truly<br /> care for. Our suffering Humanity has been<br /> forsaken on the great gifts we bring to everyone<br /> through fair free dialog. Justice is freedom.</p> <p>Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil' </p> <p>/ / "You guys are evil," he told the magazine,<br /> out on February 18th. "Canada's the best country<br /> in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't<br /> need to worry about paying him, but here, your<br /> whole life, you're broke because of medical<br /> bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and<br /> now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your<br /> baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as<br /> long as he needs to, and then you go home." \ \</p> <p>American incubators = $100,000+ a day<br /> Canadian incubators = $1000ish- a day</p> <p>[Same machine, but in Canada the medically<br /> qualified oversee, in America, the Rightards.<br /> Pure unadulterated evil the American<br /> "Conservative" enemy bigot like Alex Jones rips<br /> into American lives with censorship for stolen<br /> cash takes from everyone of the country.]</p> <p>Now, there is a good reason to love. Why? Well,<br /> because Americans pay more than double per-capita<br /> for public health care, that then requires them<br /> to go out and buy some private insurance. Pure<br /> wicked evil of the worst kind to know so as I,<br /> that Rightards like Alex Jones, and near every<br /> last American "Conservative" liar, cheat, and<br /> thief, who can't fairly compete, will cut off all<br /> dying American callers to state, 'it is the best<br /> in the world', now shaddup. Dying to speak.</p> <p>Yeah pure evil, out of the mouths of babes. This<br /> so called child, is light years ahead of AJ who<br /> claims he has photographic memory, and reads<br /> voraciously 16 hours a day, which makes him the<br /> sole athorateh without questions, Pope dope<br /> complexer in his censored private quacker tales.<br /> Escaping evil doers in our worlds. Ever heard of<br /> the Crusades 'excuses'? Very much like our<br /> irrational Pope dope AJ who claimed, "Mexico<br /> hates America". Just as Zionists do in Nazi<br /> Israel about the Semitic Arabs. You know, the<br /> Christians, Muslims, and Jews? Are we still all<br /> alone on this? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast<br /> radio host! But first, I'm going to need help<br /> for the bus fares... How about a front on my<br /> NEW! Coast to Coast radio gig up there in the<br /> sky, that I'll try to get back for you as soon<br /> as humanly possible? Take a chance on we.</p> <p>Angelo Mozilo Grilled Over Mortgage Fraud<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Angelo Mozilo Will NOT Go To Prison: Feds Drop Criminal Probe<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Understand, these mortgages need to be traced<br /> back to who holds the stash. In many instances,<br /> they will tell US, they don't know who the money<br /> went to. No job or ID required for them to walk<br /> right out our front doors. See the Ninjah!<br /> (something about something else or another) ..<br /> Ninjah loans, Ninjah Loans. We want our laws<br /> inforced that prevent criminal fraud, by<br /> returning our stolen assets, and convicting the<br /> criminals to prove ourselves respected. We<br /> should expect nothing less. The credit is ours,<br /> not the banksters to lose away to themselves<br /> 'foolishly', counting on our poor judgements, to<br /> say yeah, makes sense to me too, that we should<br /> all now owe them more than ever before., to those<br /> who have done nothing for nobody but steal our<br /> pensions. To attempt escaping themselves as,<br /> 'holier than thou' Wall Street wizards.., or to<br /> the savvy, pension thieving home wreckers making<br /> off with our loots - Banksters who advance with<br /> the well funded TV Tea Bag Rightards, an attack<br /> against the being made poorer as cheated working<br /> folk. America wants our stolen trillions back.<br /> (Then, surely, there wouldn't be need for taxes<br /> in the forseeable future.) The head of the FBI,<br /> CIA, NATO and Interpol is not qualified in<br /> speaking what we need to do here to secure<br /> ourselves from lawless tyranny. Example: Toture<br /> is Outlawed everywhere, and warrants death<br /> according to President Ronald Reagan in the War<br /> Crimes Act. And to true common sense, if those<br /> who practice censoring our demands for Justice<br /> would allow us to proclaim such free democratic<br /> will, open for public discussions. Justice for<br /> the People.</p> <p>ninja-loans-to-blame<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Openly Evil: A Study in the Death of American Liberty</p> <p>/ / Attorney General Eric Holder, who will not<br /> prosecute for torture and murder, says he is<br /> mounting a criminal investigation against Assange<br /> because anyone who breaks American law "will be<br /> held responsible." \ \</p> <p>or the escaping trillioniare banksters.</p> <p>Lawless Republican gang rape of American Women is<br /> highly illegal, and frankly, I'm sure we'd All<br /> with Christ like to see those 30 Republican gang<br /> rapists formally executed for that serious war<br /> time treason. While torture of course, as<br /> everyone knows, warrants death every time, under<br /> standing American Law, despite all the lies a<br /> FOXNEWS Rightard Junkie will deny. Kill a<br /> Bushite to be a True American Patriot Hero.</p> <p>Snipers open fire on mourners in Libya, killing 15</p> <p>1. outlaw lawless mercenaries with death by big<br /> Patriot rewards for their refusals to desist.<br /> (Blackwater, CACI, and AEGIS must end instead of<br /> ourselves as the innocent they routinely attack<br /> as everyone's enemy, warring to steal., not to<br /> free by being the for sure bad guys running with<br /> American gang rapist of American Women, the<br /> 'un-touchable' KBR enemy.) 2. A truthful free<br /> press to say near anything for the good of<br /> everyone. And 3., free fair elections by paper<br /> ballot, as then.. our worlds defended from the<br /> escaping war monger criminals that 'hide' as us<br /> good guys the enemies of all Humanity in<br /> disguises. Real freedom is working with the<br /> details, to insure we are not being undone by<br /> those in our command illegally.</p> <p>Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>What kind of inhuman monster could commit such a<br /> willful crime against innocent others for money?<br /> A private war crime mercenary pro-torture Nazi<br /> Zionist enemy serving for the terror regime of<br /> America? A grunt that wars Humanity for the<br /> escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11? A grunt that<br /> enjoys to steal American homes from cowardly<br /> dumfuk soldiers, who they even torture to sign<br /> over their life savings to Rumsfeld at the<br /> Pentagon? A Bushite who cares not for anyone or<br /> anything but what it can steal further from our<br /> good will to let it continue against our innocent<br /> women and children as the State of Israel does<br /> openly every day? How about replacing that<br /> uncaring talentless Zionist traitor, who gets off<br /> on killing our innocent kids, happy happy George<br /> Noory, with a Real American Patriot. Or no.?</p> <p>Pentagon Tortures Untold American Soldiers</p> <p>The Peter B. Collins Show<br /> Joshua Kors on Tortured Vets<br /> and Charley Carpenter on Gitmo<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Pentagon Tortures American Soldiers to Steal the Benefits.</p> <p>Pentagon blows up thousands of homes for Fun<br /> (all the while STEALING billions from America)</p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>/ / The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet<br /> engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that<br /> can destroy a house more than a mile away \ \ </p> <p>Former Guantánamo Bay prisoner speaks<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Read of these crimes committed by the Bushite<br /> grunter, and side with US to demand, no Police<br /> agency accept anything else, but arresting<br /> Bushite individuals without bail for war crimes<br /> Reagan Death sentence prosecutions.. not to go<br /> on disguised as a "Cop", we know is willing to<br /> commit such assaults against a completely<br /> innocent other. Such as Yourself. Or the Loves<br /> of your life.</p> <p>Alex Jones and enemy of everyone traitor<br /> Propagandist pro child killer George Noory, had a<br /> real love fest today, on how anyone who defends<br /> the rights of innocent human beings targeted by<br /> truce breaking Nazi Israeli, is the bad guys<br /> without any question considered. Their evil<br /> selfish contempt for Justice as God Given Liberty<br /> has fallen to such foolish depths, it's no wonder<br /> they can't allow US free Public criticism with<br /> the facts here. George Noory sold propaganda for<br /> the Neocons on 9/11, on the Iraq war, and on<br /> vaccines - while refusing all calls from the<br /> Patriot community - as such, he's is perfectly<br /> fine with conning innocent Americans further to<br /> die innocent victims, for his talentless cash<br /> windfalls of given millions to keep You silent</p> <p>Israel orders demolition of 88 homes in E. Jerusalem</p> <p>Americans paid BILLIONS in taxes to destroy these<br /> homes. So let US all cheer FOXNEWS and friends<br /> for having no care of the costs to Family as<br /> payers. They are rich as well to do, so who<br /> should care for You? "Right!" says Zionist Palin<br /> repeatedly, and she now has her own American<br /> TV shows, gunning to kill our cubs. The<br /> talentless evil whore of Satan is a celebration<br /> of corporate America's sinister contempt for God<br /> and all things beautiful.</p> <p>JP Morgan Profits Off Privatized Food Stamp Debit Cards</p> <p>Mike Pence Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Work<br /> AND NOW DEMANDS THE DESTRUCTION TO CONTINUE<br /> <a href=""></a> (AJ tinks it good too)</p> <p>Trillioniare Hedge fund brokers do not want to<br /> pay taxes, nor earn an honest wage. Something<br /> like more than 144 Pensions have been "lost".<br /> Who cares here to know this, and not forward<br /> these fine words of Justice demanded by all<br /> parties? Facts should matter to the dying as<br /> forsaken Americans.</p> <p>MUST SEE - Rand Paul Wants To Cut $500 Billion<br /> In Federal Spending In JUST One Year, Slams Aid<br /> To Israel - ABC Subway Interview</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Rand the ungodly,</p> <p>the traitor, has CLEARLY, 'Slammed' no such thing.,<br /> about stoping payments to AIPAC for mass murdering<br /> innocent children to die with white phosphorus.<br /> Or dropping expensive bombs on innocent souls.<br /> He, like Alex Jones, wants to attack America's poor,<br /> to escape those with Bush and Cheney who have<br /> openly stolen trillions. TRILLIONS!!! He should<br /> be tried the traitor he is in this public Court.<br /> Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations,<br /> and Rightards like Rand are united in EVIL to<br /> sacrifice all America for their continuing TREASONS.<br /> Rand the traitor, has CLEARLY, said no such thing<br /> the Rightard liars insist, but continue his silent<br /> contempt for the innocent mass murder victims that<br /> American tax money is directly used for. To mass<br /> murder defenseless innocent human beings by the<br /> Satanic truce breakers of Nazi Israeli. That torture,<br /> that thieve, that mass murder with American 'freedom'.<br /> They steal innocent Peoples homes routinely.<br /> Individuals Rand Paul calls anything else but<br /> the war crime demon enemies of GOD they are.<br /> Rand Paul is an evil twisted demon enemy of<br /> Justice, God, and Life, trying to pull the<br /> blanket over all America's head, for he believes<br /> like Alex, we must all be made too weak to defend<br /> ourselves from Zionist war criminals who break<br /> truces. From Zionist banksters that claim we owe<br /> them now more than ever before. With money<br /> they NEVER lent anyone to begin with! NO SHIT.<br /> WAKEUP.</p> <p>FOXNEWS Forced To Apologize On Air After<br /> [ridiculously] Faking Ron Paul CPAC 2011 Video</p> <p>They are trying to paint the TRUE COMMIE con Ron<br /> Paul as a malined good guy, when clearly Ron and<br /> Rand is FOXSNEWS greatest friend, as they will<br /> too, watch Christian children mass murdered by<br /> Israeli truce breakers, and do nothing but work<br /> to steal another election for the Rightard to<br /> escape further Bush and Cheney and AIPAC with the<br /> banksters. 9/11, the Iraq CRIMINAL con, torture,<br /> trillions stolen, posionous vaccines, billions in<br /> earmarks, and so on. COMMIE. These Rightard<br /> Commie enemies of Creation is how the TV trained<br /> facist Rightard balk, as those who refuse US to<br /> truly defend America. Ron Paul has called for<br /> NOT defending innocent mass murder victims of<br /> terror, and as such, I call for his, along with<br /> all standing election rigging gang rapist traitor<br /> Republicans with the Demonrats, for needed public<br /> trial on 9/11's Obstruction, and capital one mass<br /> murder. He is a law man after all. A rightard<br /> wars American values to escape the for sure real<br /> bad guys. As is why Alex Jones and enemy of all<br /> George Noory are committed to censoring our<br /> voices for Justice realized.</p> <p>Moral of the stories: Bushite grunting War<br /> criminals should be formally executed for their<br /> crimes against our Humanity, not become lawless<br /> Blackwater "Cops" as pro KBR gang rapist dope<br /> pushers, warring Humanity as ungodly evil sadists<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.</p> <p>BP removed the 'safety fluid'<br /> which CAUSED the explosion.</p> <p>Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed<br /> BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed<br /> BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up</p> <p>This should alarm every last American<br /> to know, this doesn't get TV coverage.</p> <p>Gassing the Peoples is suppose to be<br /> the crime of the worsts of terror -<br /> it's indiscriminate, against everyone.</p> <p>What are these corporate news pros to<br /> not allow the demand for accounting?</p> <p>This is a continuing criminal action<br /> against all life in the regions. Serious.</p> <p>To fly such a plane in American air space?</p> <p>I could be a spokesperson with a crew,<br /> if we all knew what we must do to limit<br /> any further attacks by BP is it again? </p> <p>I need a gig that will net me living fares.</p> <p>Take a chance on we.</p> <p>Americans seem to be suffering from not caring<br /> enough to decifer this jargon called Freedom,<br /> explaining a whole hell of a lot.</p> <p>Something fantastically strange seems to<br /> be occuring in this Battle for the Republic.</p> <p>TOP TOP SECRET SECRET INFO INFO</p> <p>URGENT: shut down </p> <p>Look at the advice that was given. The banks do<br /> not have a legal position to STEAL American<br /> homes, as verdicted by real American Judges. !!<br /> Why? They, the banksters, do not cover our<br /> loans, we do. Plus, they sold off the paper<br /> years ago in many many circumstances, while still<br /> pocketing billions in payments. Thus is why<br /> Obama suckered Americans to let him 'help', by<br /> signing up for his home program. Of which those<br /> that did, were foreclosed on almost immediately.<br /> Why no media? He suckered them to re-finance -<br /> because their signatured agreements prior, gave<br /> them the homes outright legally. HUGE CRIMINAL<br /> FRAUD. The trillioniare Banksters still to this<br /> day seeking payments, sold off the titles years<br /> ago. Ho hum, hear our drums. The Rightard media<br /> won't let US know for, it is forbidden knowledge,<br /> this, 'the banksters do not cover our loans we<br /> do' Christ mind like principle of mutual<br /> understanding. Trillions. DO you care to<br /> forward this info to another to allow them<br /> also to freely consider?</p> <p>americanawakening.2011-01-13_16k.mp3<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Micheal Herzog has an incredible show on this<br /> legal issue. Realize, this info is not what a<br /> Rightard wills to give the American suckers.<br /> Rightards do go on and on about not working<br /> to help others directly by demanding<br /> accountability, because then therefore, you<br /> could be serving top secretly the diabolical<br /> NWO Globalists, forever hidden in the shadows<br /> as the master "genius" puppeteers unseen.</p> <p>then, along comes Johnny..</p> <p>God's Will is always Just. Ideologues need not<br /> apply, but they will to cloud our judgments on<br /> what is hugely relevant. Their quantitative<br /> skills lack a focus. Free international debates<br /> with the facts to get to the heart of these<br /> matters is the answer to bettering our futures<br /> for all concerned. </p> <p>PURE SATANIC EVIL - Americans, know who your enemy is... </p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>/ / U.S. officials say Hatim trained at an<br /> al-Qaida terrorist camp \ \ Zero evidence.</p> <p>As leader of the free world, I will demand the<br /> identity of this Nazi(s), insist he be tried the<br /> war criminal he is, and upon easy conviction we<br /> will personally be responsible for his execution<br /> as such. Any "American" who would disagree with<br /> such an act of freedom, will be known by all as a<br /> traitor to the good old, red white and blue. No<br /> evidence against the accused is US being truly<br /> abused. John for NEW! Coast to Coast radio<br /> host.</p> <p>/ / torture and sexual brutalization are regular practice and called Camp Justice \ \ </p> <p>Americans, know who your enemy is. Ungodly<br /> evil tyranny for the benefits of who again?</p> <p>Ron Paul "They Said I Had Too Much Of An<br /> Obsession With Individual Liberty To Be Elected"</p> <p>Remember, this demon fuk holds no defense for<br /> Americans being robbed, raped, tortured, or lied<br /> to as naked treasons committed by Bush and Cheney<br /> to mass murder millions of innocent souls for<br /> cash profit. Expect soon that this election<br /> rigger, with Alex Jones, will call for Zionist<br /> cash donations to win "Liberty" again. Not for<br /> Justice to defend anyone though of course. For,<br /> as Ayn Rand Rightard enemy cheats, they only<br /> 'win' by censoring our cries for true freedom<br /> from real tyranny. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11<br /> police investigations designed since the dawn of<br /> man to capture the ACTUAL bad guys. The Iraq war<br /> has no cause of freedom to die a teen grunt for.<br /> Rand and Ron are cons. While our problem child<br /> Alex Jones, he ain't half bad.</p> <p>Dozens of Women Describe Hell Of Being Raped by The Nazi grunts in the US Military</p> <p> is a website dedicated to<br /> the gang rapings of innocent American women and<br /> children. Why I ask all men in America do you<br /> own a gun, but for to kill the lawless enemies of<br /> Creation who claim, You will do no such thing<br /> under the authority of Satanic influences.</p> <p>Let all men demand the execution of these bushite<br /> nazi grunts, who rape American women while<br /> claiming, no laws of God nor man can put it into<br /> it's grave rightly, for the Antichrist of<br /> Creation has deemed it "Lawless". I HATE<br /> Bushite, as any real man would. Americans are<br /> not men to remain neutral on this, as they do<br /> regarding the treasons of Bush and Cheney.</p> <p>Torture of the INNOCENT authorized under former President George W. Bush<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is a war crime warranting death.</p> <p>/ / Programs to be cut include not only those<br /> targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the<br /> current budget debate—home heating assistance,<br /> Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much<br /> larger entitlement programs, Social Security and<br /> Medicare, which will face cuts later in the<br /> budget process. \ \</p> <p>Rightards with Alex Jones and Obama, who advance<br /> the criminal attack against America's elderly and<br /> poor are the enemies of American liberty. As is<br /> why they are committed to censorship to steal<br /> from US all.</p> <p>Dershowitz Joins Legal Team for Wikileaks<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Why? The demon Zionist enemy of God lies<br /> cheats and steals to kill Americans for<br /> profitable terror. So, he as a traitor to<br /> freedom everywhere, has got to be the very<br /> last demon you'd want anyone to get a real<br /> defense together against bushite lawless<br /> tyranny. A demon that openly supports<br /> committing war crimes against defenseless<br /> innocent Humans being. So.. whatthefuk?<br /> Satanic Nazi Israeli steal Christian homes<br /> routinely. They broke a truce, then mass<br /> murdered specifically innocent children they<br /> gathered together. God calls them Satanic<br /> in our Holy Books. Again, whatthefuk?</p> <p>RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs"</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Its almost as if they are completely<br /> transparent liars willing to change their<br /> tune on a dime when it suits their interests,<br /> even when it contradicts their own charges.</p> <p>But that'd be silly. \ \ </p> <p>/ / Saying that people don't work extra jobs<br /> just to keep healthcare is denying the truth. \ \ </p> <p>The Rightard dividers with Alex Jones, at RBN,<br /> and so on, will try and con US all here, to<br /> state, mediamatters is "left wing" - case closed,<br /> because the greater minds that they can't freely<br /> compete with, make the Rightard as dumb as they<br /> are when the facts are in. When I first heard<br /> the statement of 800,000.. I listened, then<br /> could barely make sense of what was being said..<br /> (and all consider myself the genius of geniuses.)<br /> Then I thought it through, with the two minute<br /> snipit offered as the Rightard's 'proof', and the<br /> nearest thing I could figure, was that because<br /> people will have better health care, they'd<br /> likely, if ABLE to choose, would work less. (Not<br /> exactly the CBO work ethic.) But the real reason<br /> the bill is bad, is it rewards the Tea Bag<br /> Rightard backers with trillions of public tax<br /> dollars they'll never have earned, just like the<br /> Banksters. Alex Jones with his partner in crime<br /> Obama and enemy George Noory will not allow<br /> Americans to discuss this with truly wiser folks<br /> factually, unless we change to be better blokes.<br /> Because we is sadly, currently, Supremely bigoted<br /> Rightard assholes. Alex Jones don't got any<br /> problem with rigging elections if it's for Ron<br /> Paul or Rand, and his Cult would likely side the<br /> same for tyranny, while they cowardly cry, to<br /> help save ourselves from plunder, means top<br /> secretly you die for their "New World Order".<br /> Look at this one example:</p> <p>'Afghan Government Cracks Down on Women’s Shelters'<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>We know the Rightard wills to not fight the true<br /> globalist tyrannical TV powers of indifference to<br /> women and children being raped in Afghanistan<br /> by the dope pushing Nazi grunts, who claim it's<br /> legal, because of their Antichrist Shariah. Where<br /> the Taliban would kill the Satanic bushite Nazi<br /> grunters without question, as demonic enemy<br /> liars of God's Great Creation. Shariah is God's<br /> will practiced fairly. Illiterates do not fair<br /> well. But we all knew that already. </p> <p>Suicide bomber kills 38, wounds dozens in Iraq<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>A suicide bomber giving his life, does<br /> not attack the Satanic enemy Bushite<br /> grunters, but members of his own<br /> community standing as whoever at<br /> a bus terminal? Then, oh, they know<br /> so, because a soldier questioned him<br /> on who had the remote, just before<br /> they were both blown to kingdom come?<br /> They, the Nazi grunts, think these<br /> kind of crimes against God will get<br /> Humanity confused on who the lawless<br /> enemy grunting torturers are, who are<br /> robbing all of every Iraqi for the<br /> final escape of Bush and Cheney,<br /> the traitors.</p> <p>Wikileaks threatens action against ex-colleague of Assange<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Domscheit-Berg claims that he and the<br /> programmer – who is known only as “The<br /> Architect†– disconnected the submissions<br /> section because they believed Mr Assange<br /> could not be trusted to keep sources secret. \ \ </p> <p>Problem. As a true anonymous record keeper<br /> there would be no records programmed for storage<br /> by “The Architectâ€, and as for confidence, was it<br /> the policy that only Assange has dictorial<br /> overview over all Newspaper submissions making<br /> inroads today, before we as anyone else does like<br /> myself. NO. Second, are they alleging that Wiki<br /> info of the most serious of war crimes; killing<br /> respected journalists, or torturing honorable<br /> American soldiers, along with women and children<br /> kidnaped on official war crime orders by Satanic<br /> Geoffrey Miller</p> <p>"BOMBSHELLS: Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the .."</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>and so on weren't allotted a fair public space<br /> for airing?, and as so, why are they then, not<br /> personally revealing what THEY know about the<br /> facts of slight at hand? No no, they just want<br /> US to forget about all this, and center the<br /> coward Rightard's attention on their excuses to<br /> teach the masses likewise to ignore, all Soldier<br /> cries for Justice. This is dumber than Jared Lee<br /> Loughner, where a Rightard cowers to the real<br /> challenges of The People against, the censorship<br /> of lawless tyranny. Censorship is the tool of<br /> tyrants. Bush and Cheney are guilty of high<br /> treason many times over here. If I go any farther<br /> about Wiki this or Wiki that, I may take time off<br /> my pursuit of Justice to truly save the innocent<br /> ourselves.</p> <p>The women and children that were mass murdered<br /> were not all between the stipulated ages of 15-55.<br /> The Nazi grunts were asked, 'why did you mow down<br /> who you knew to only be "checked through", as<br /> unarmed innocent women and children in the "many<br /> thousands", just outside of Fallujah'? "It was not!"<br /> evil war criminal they falsified as with Sattler,<br /> for, 'that they may have been boys and men pretending<br /> to be women', and all as such, could be first degree<br /> mass murdered. Ahha! But all those defenseless<br /> innocent women and children were not all between<br /> 15-55. Most of the children were toddlers and<br /> infants. Bushite grunts deserve to die as the<br /> war crime lying traitors they are, warring America<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.</p> <p>/ / Governor Walker’s request to the State<br /> Legislature to eliminate nearly all of the<br /> collective-bargaining rights for thousands of<br /> Wisconsin workers is big government at its worst.<br /> \ \ Then, he orders huge bites into everyone's<br /> salaries to cover shortfalls in the pensions for<br /> only one example of several. Then suggests that<br /> the American National Guard wouldn't arrest<br /> himself, but all school teachers, fire fighters,<br /> and Cops instead who would complain(?), as those<br /> who would believe, they have a right to vote for<br /> fair representation. Public Unions of Wisconsin<br /> are not being accused of corruption here from<br /> what I've read so far... so? Again like Rand<br /> Paul, we can expect the Rightards to attack<br /> innocent Americans to escape the trillion dollar<br /> thieves along with Bush and Cheney for mass<br /> murder on 9/11. Do you care? Then forward these<br /> concerns to everyone. YES! You. Heaven for<br /> Just living or Hell of death as self destruction,<br /> you decide. Chump.</p> <p>/ / Ron Paul is America's leading voice for<br /> limited, constitutional government, low taxes,<br /> free markets, a return to sound monetary<br /> policies, and a sensible foreign policy hat puts<br /> America first. \ \ limited is relative. Limited<br /> from arresting gang rapists of American women in<br /> KBR for example? The trillion dollar<br /> extortionist's capture? The 9/11 perps? FREE<br /> MARKETS FOR LOOTING!!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! How<br /> about UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Bush and Cheney?</p> <p>Demon liars who will to kill more innocent<br /> victims for Bush and Cheney's final escape.<br /> Escape from the Constitutional protects we must<br /> excersize to defend ourselves from just this sort<br /> of undermining. Trillions have be outright<br /> stolen in broad daylight, while Ron Paul claims<br /> he has no reckonning of such willful treasonous<br /> conducts of criminals he calls his fellow<br /> Republicans. Such as in kidnaping, in torture,<br /> vaccines, bombing Iraq, and so on further into a<br /> world of lawless destruction, because we know,<br /> first hand, Ron Paul will never be there to win<br /> US anything but more rewarding tyranny. His<br /> arguments on Nazi Israel are NOT to defend the<br /> innocent Christian children mass murdered by the<br /> Nazis who broke the truce. NO no, no he ACTUALLY<br /> STATES we must not help the INNOCENT victims to<br /> his murderous cons of denying Justice for all.<br /> Everywhere. If I sight the video, it will get<br /> pulled by Google or the Jones Cult, but just,<br /> seek for yourself his comments on Gaza, on<br /> military dictatorships being all, 'trying to do<br /> good' "Police actions", and his complete contempt<br /> for All American life by knowing the Bush regime<br /> pulled off 9/11, and as 'public ally', sides to<br /> say how dumb we all are to his enlightened view,<br /> that trying to help can only do ourselves wrong<br /> every-time, like Alex Jones will sell with<br /> censorship to the dying suckers paying in willful<br /> donations.. Censored on like, how traffic lights<br /> work effectively as thought collectively to ease<br /> congestion, while saving real Peoples lives. </p> <p>Indecent Exposure:<br /> WikiLeaks Hounded for Showing Power Its True Face<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Rand Paul the Traitor</p> <p>Rand Paul the Traitor "I'm not singling out<br /> Israel. I support Israel. I want to be known as<br /> a friend of Israel," so they can mass murder more<br /> Christians, Muslims, and Jews with breaking<br /> truces? To steal more homes for racist Zionist<br /> only roads? Rand Paul is a traitor. A godless<br /> demon enemy of the Republic who supports Justice<br /> never. Just like his pals in AIPAC. He is a<br /> con. Hear him on earmarks to KNOW this as so.<br /> He, like his father, thinks we're are just too<br /> stupid to know better of what he sells as<br /> huckster. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 Police<br /> Investigations.</p> <p>"BP's spilled oil is washing up in people"</p> <p>Rand Paul: BP Should Not Be Held Responsible<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>They removed the 'safety fluid' on purpose,<br /> which caused the explosion, and Americans<br /> don't care to forward my wise words, because<br /> they know, they are fundamentally cowards<br /> who sacrifice to Zionist war criminals for<br /> Satan, as the ungodly enemies of our Humanity<br /> to remain dying silenced with their vociferous<br /> lies, while AJ sells this demon, Rand or Ron<br /> isn't anything but vile pirates like George<br /> Noory is of the Constitution, warring America<br /> with lawless warfare against US, the Innocent,<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney<br /> on 9/11. </p> <p>WTC 7 Explosion That the Magic TV Refuses to Show - Why?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / NIST is now cornered: trapped within their web<br /> of lies. Now that the video of the firemen reporting<br /> explosions has been released from NIST archives,<br /> they have? NO EXCUSE for failing to investigate<br /> explosives.</p> <p>This is high treason. \ \ You got that right buddy.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Honeywell describes an already existing<br /> "secret" disabling FMC code that can allow a<br /> GPS-guided aircraft autopilot system to take<br /> away control of an aircraft from a pilot during<br /> emergencies. Honeywell state-of-the-art Flight<br /> Management Systems (FMS) were used by the four<br /> aircraft reportedly hijacked on September 11, 2001. \ \ </p> <p>We must demand Justice.</p> <p>Rightards are evil bigot crooks who refuse US to<br /> speak facts, for then they look as they truly are.</p> <p>Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / the 5 pillars of Islam in Islam is<br /> like believing that Jesus peace be upon<br /> him exists in Christianity. \ \ The<br /> truth of how this all fits together<br /> for the common will of Justice for our<br /> times. The same struggle that existed<br /> as DOCUMENTED in the Dead Sea Scrolls,<br /> is very near the same struggle today.</p> <p>"Iowa Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim"<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>..As the Rightard of FOXSNEWS enemy<br /> suggest, To be a lover to God's Great<br /> Creation, is a threat to their ungodly<br /> evil tyrannies. as war crime Zionist<br /> Nazi, breaking truces to slaughter<br /> innocent Christian children for<br /> Satan (AIPAC for the Atheists).</p> <p>We Will Never Forget<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize<br /> is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal<br /> Palestinian land. \ \ </p> <p>Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil<br /> crooks, and if you disagree they call you an<br /> anti-Semite. Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor<br /> are the real Jews from the Bible. But to the<br /> truly SATANIC, the facts matter none to how many<br /> innocent Christian children they can target for<br /> mass murder, by TV tricking the dying American<br /> suckers to pay giving more in blood sacrifice to<br /> have it continue as demonic criminal AIPAC. </p> <p>Silence of the Press:<br /> US media turns blind eye to RT crew arrest<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Bushite grunters warring for torture. Again,<br /> American Law warrants death for torture. Kill a<br /> Bushite for Christ and be called a true American<br /> Patriot. Every rightful death sentence against a<br /> Bushite Nazi grunter, can only hold respect for<br /> the true warriors of Justice as Liberty.</p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>/ / Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration<br /> told a federal judge Monday that the U.S.<br /> government has authority to kill U.S. citizens \ \ </p> <p>What is wrong with US? That is called MURDER.</p> <p>ALL THE ANSWERS FOR EYGPT NOW - OUTLAW TORTURE WITH SERIOUS PENALTY</p> <p>Khaled Saeed Case - Egypt's Guilty as Sin<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Try and execute the culprits for being<br /> clearly murderers, then outlaw torture<br /> with a rightly given death sentence, as<br /> truly freeing the great Egyptian Peoples.</p> <p>The lawless AntiChrist Zionist, war crime<br /> nation of America certainly won't work to<br /> help anyone be liberated from their<br /> 'proud' ungodly tyranny of liars truly,<br /> so Peoples, we're going to have to do<br /> this for ourselves. I'm with You.</p> <p>-</p> <p>What Oppression Looks Like<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are worried about any change in Egypt: Shimon Peres</p> <p>Understand, why I, President Ronald Reagan<br /> and other true Patriots, demand by Standing<br /> Law, that torturers be actually for real<br /> executed without question. Instantly of<br /> those in the American Military. They, like<br /> Blackwater's Cofer Black, deserve never<br /> to live stealing another breath of our<br /> precious air. The Nazi Israeli torturer<br /> is an ungodly liar, a war crime thief, an<br /> enemy of Liberty, who supports not, following<br /> crime scene leads at real crime scenes<br /> to defend anyone. Die bushite die.</p> <p>-</p> <p>The Rightard's Treason</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>-</p> <p>VIDEO - "Where Are The Wall Street Prosecutions!": Angry C-SPAN Callers Sound Off On Criminal Banksters<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are not alone, despite Alex Jones and his NWO<br /> Globalist Rightard pro Rand Paul cocksucking<br /> bigots stealing our glories to escape real bad<br /> guys everywhere, starting with Bush and Cheney on<br /> 9/11. Again, Alex Jones will be one of my first<br /> invited guests to speak openly to this Challenge<br /> of the gods. Humbling yourself a little would be<br /> my sugestion Alex.. but you'd likely fear I was<br /> something less that what I am. A good guy giving<br /> sound advice. Let's do this...</p> <p>-</p> <p>Afghan Air War Doubles: Now 10 Attacks Per Day<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Bush and Cheney officially halted American Police<br /> Investigations designed since the dawn of Man to<br /> capture the actual bad guys. Narco NATO war<br /> Humanity to rape children, to abuse women, to<br /> push heroin, to all steal all resources.. And<br /> I'll tell you, we are not happy about it.</p> <p>They deny us as the enemy real resolution for<br /> hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.<br /> The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars<br /> who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing<br /> defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who<br /> rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US<br /> bring America back to where the People's rights<br /> are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our<br /> vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.<br /> Or, do you just want to silently fall down as<br /> innocent victim to third world military<br /> dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend<br /> yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're<br /> arresting for public trial the criminals<br /> responsible for 911. We are America, and we are<br /> no greater than any other to proclaim, this is<br /> our right, this is our destiny.</p> <p>“uncompassionate by nature†is not Johnny the<br /> Jew, but the ungodly Satanic enemies of God and<br /> man who lie cheat and steal for more American<br /> sacrifices.</p> <p>THIS IS THE PROOF:</p> <p>/ / “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder<br /> applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew,†write<br /> Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the<br /> West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are<br /> “uncompassionate by nature†and attacks on them<br /> “curb their evil inclination,†while babies and<br /> children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since<br /> “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.†\ \<br /> lovers of Justice and God believers, like the<br /> true Jews of those mass murdered in Lebanon being<br /> the first strike targets by Nazi Israeli.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Then read of the demonic liars who twist as a<br /> bigot Rightard liar does, for murdering innocent<br /> Peoples targeted for war crimes plunder in our<br /> God's stolen name. NOT JEWS, as the Holy Bible<br /> teaches. I can explain everything. Does the<br /> truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen son<br /> or daughter for stolen profits? How about a<br /> country?</p> <p>-</p> <p>Obama's Patriotic American Chamber of Commerce<br /> Leader, Advoctates Offshoring of American Jobs</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>"people effected by offshoring should stop whining"</p> <p>The Chamber of Commerce has taken over these last<br /> ten years, a direct position against every last<br /> American, to side with military dictatorships for<br /> stolen cash bribes. Shipping American factories<br /> in the tens of thousands overseas. But what does<br /> dying as Rightard America care for facts though<br /> right? Obama claimed his Zionist Nazi Chamber of<br /> Commerce, are Patriots of Freedom to sanction<br /> breaking truces, who Obama claims, want what is<br /> best for America, despite their willingness to<br /> mass murder anyone for a stolen nickel, or just<br /> outright, steal your body organs. This isn't<br /> rocket science, nor dividing fractions, but<br /> something so in our faces, that I honestly<br /> believe, you'd have to be something less than a<br /> emotional Human Being, to not be concerned in<br /> naturally caring for your dying furtures being<br /> sold out to Republican Tea Bag war criminals, as<br /> the new, anti-"big" vactationing every third week<br /> American Commie Congress. (saleried at $171,000+<br /> plus perks!) Where limited government means<br /> limited from all accounting for their stealing.<br /> Their itinerary in officially, to do nothing but<br /> go on extended breaks.. Why? Because a Rightard<br /> in Government like Rand Paul is bad, just as he<br /> says he is with Alex Jones championing the<br /> destruction. What business is it for the<br /> government to tell US what we can or can not do<br /> right Rightards? Right rapists? Right 9/11<br /> perps? Right trillioniare Banksters? Oh but<br /> Abortion is an issue they will to pirate,<br /> believing therefore no one could ever understand<br /> it better. Hanging for cheats at Life. Killing<br /> innocent Christian kids by breaking truces for<br /> Satan though, for kickbacks through AIPAC? hey,<br /> no prob. As is why Nazi Israeli call all<br /> innocent human beings, crying for Justice,<br /> "Nazi". It does apparently work for the American<br /> Rightards, and for no opinion corporate snews<br /> products, but, that is about it. I know i know,<br /> 'forbidden knowledge'.</p> <p>I can't believe Americans all as Rightards still<br /> refuse as the enemy to forward my calls for the<br /> truth to be spoken, but apparently, this is the<br /> case that Sherlock would have walked off the set<br /> for. They lie cheat and steal from themselves<br /> willingly, if it means a wise man or woman won't<br /> be allowed to speak freely on TV or their radios.<br /> Pure godless Zionist Nazi filth to remain silent<br /> against their Rightard tyrannizing, aimed now<br /> directly against their forsaken neighbor being<br /> 'lawlessly' gang raped by KBR, while illegally<br /> having their jobs and homes stolen in broad<br /> daylight. Better that, than the "sand niggers",<br /> or innocent Christian children from other<br /> countries in the long run I suppose., See, in<br /> other worlds, being Christian ACTUALLY means, you<br /> believe in a God that is a greater love than what<br /> Americans truly care for. As is why the American<br /> Nazi grunts in Afghanistan sanction the first<br /> degree murder of Peoples in Afghanistan for<br /> simply believing in Christianity. So what DO<br /> Rightard Americans care for then? Not much but<br /> what they can get away to steal from others, so..<br /> no wonder..</p> <p>YOU CAN’T BE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BEING ANTI ISRAELI<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We as Humanity must learn, these Nazi Zionists<br /> who advance attacks against our innocent families<br /> are for real. They openly break truces to<br /> indiscriminately mass murder and torture. Real<br /> Peoples Homes get stolen routinely. Real Jewish<br /> families were bombed by Nazi Zionist in Lebanon<br /> as the first strike targets for stolen profits.<br /> They are not Human, but demonic enemies of Life<br /> and GOD, committed to mass murder the innocent as<br /> Satanic, and we all should know of it, Atheist,<br /> or otherwise.</p> <p>9/11 Doc of Docs.. "between the lies"<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>DVD image (4.1 GB)<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This contains great evidence made by our Police<br /> Agencies to get ourselves continuing on correctly<br /> making the proper arrests on who tried to lead us<br /> astray from our freedom path. Remember, this<br /> documents a portion of the true 9/11 crew that<br /> were for sure arrested, before being able to<br /> dangerously fly two planes on the day of 9/11.<br /> This is bombshell info demanding Public Police<br /> Investigations being re-started on international<br /> TV, so we as Humanity can arrest all Neocon<br /> Peenacker Republicans, and the odd Demonrat, for<br /> speedy public trials for the convictions of mass<br /> murdering our American bretheren.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Ron Paul has announced that the first<br /> Monetary Policy subcommittee meeting will<br /> focus on one of those two now forgotten Fed<br /> mandates, that of creating jobs. \ \ </p> <p>What about all the criminal fraud in the<br /> trillions you COMMIE Rightard parasite?<br /> AIG was bailed to pay Goldman. The Bank<br /> of Scottland threatened arrest of Goldman<br /> if they didn't get back what they were<br /> defrauded, and Goldman payed them back to<br /> avoid a hanging. Americans too, must demand<br /> their TRILLIONS back, but Ron Paul is a<br /> con like Alex Jones, all to escape the for<br /> real bad guys, while blaming the poor and<br /> weak being ILLEGALLY left for closed.</p> <p>a staggering $5 billion cut to Texas schools<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>"It's a catastrophe. No financial aid for kids<br /> to go to college. No pre-kindergarten for kids<br /> to learn their numbers and their letters. Health<br /> and human services slashed," said Rep. Pete<br /> Gallego, D-Alpine. "No Texan can be proud of this." </p> <p>AJ, Rand Paul, and other Rightards of the NWO<br /> Globalist Commie Elites, can't compete fairly<br /> on a open playing field for Just cause, where the<br /> facts are here for all to witness of them escaping<br /> the worst of criminals in Your name. So, as a<br /> Nazi, they promote with censorship the, 'must do'<br /> indiscriminate attack against America's cheated<br /> elderly, the cheated poor, school kids and<br /> everyone else as Pensioners or Palestinian, before<br /> we are ever allowed to freely demand Justice as<br /> our defense willingly authored. This should be<br /> what soldiers war in death for, to speak the facts<br /> in open international debates, on how all we will to<br /> not be further undone in ungodly stupid tyranny.</p> <p>EXAMPLE 1:</p> <p>Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>EXAMPLE 2: </p> <p>CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.2 trillion<br /> Rightards "How will we pay for a 1.2 trillion dollar health care plan?"</p> <p>Your paying a private insurance company, when<br /> in truth, you need not pay them a pretty Penny.</p> <p>BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - EXPLOSIVE New Revelations<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>I am saddened. I tell America that BP removed<br /> the safety fluid which caused the blow up on<br /> purpose, as documented in Congressional<br /> Testimony, and yet.. Peoples still refuse to<br /> raise their phones to allow US to speak on Coast<br /> to Coast freely without censorship to resolve<br /> these issues to the best of our abilities very<br /> quickly. Why is it possible? Because we<br /> actually know what we are talking about, when<br /> we're allowed to speak beyond the Rightard bigot<br /> TV liars, who whore for a "free" [lawless]<br /> market, ruled for "freedom" [slavery] by<br /> boundless magic [greed], with an Amerikan<br /> Rightard Commie hatred for all Government,<br /> Blacks, Hispanics, Chinks, Whitey, Liberals,<br /> Socialists, Jews, Globalists, bookworms, and the<br /> smart ass fellows who speak with real power as<br /> honorable in the interests for any as all. But,<br /> 'Justice is Christ-like' doesn't sound as tough<br /> an mean, as Alex Jones with fellow Rightard Rand<br /> Paul, telling of how they have no choice but to<br /> back a sicko sado fascistic attack against the<br /> elderly and poor of America - 'no other way' to<br /> stop these wars. No Justice for You. Well, I'm<br /> here to declare there is another way, join<br /> yourself to stand as an individual, committed to<br /> allowing the facts be spoken, to earn ourselves a<br /> less bleak picture than BP has painted US into<br /> dying posioned here. Because near what ever I<br /> write, Americans simply refuse to forward these<br /> words everywhere as a good thing. Now I ask<br /> myself, why must we allow ourselves to suffer<br /> this way when we don't. I pray you will heed<br /> this call and offer your own two cents on this<br /> matter for a new call to brighten our days. We<br /> don't have to give up before we've even started<br /> bro. We need our stolen homes and trillions<br /> back, just as Iraqis need all their stolen money<br /> back, with Afghanistan getting the biggest of<br /> appologies humanly possible. The 9/11 perps need<br /> to be arrested by our nearest precincts, for to<br /> be held without bail, for the up coming Public<br /> Trial of all Trials, won by free open<br /> international debate for Victory as measured.<br /> Now that's entertainment! Now, who's with you?</p> <p>Our Prison Planet is Populated by Disfunctioning Rightards<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / As far as WMD, the US and UK gov didn’t<br /> lie, Saddam did. He went to extreme lengths to<br /> deceive the world \ \ </p> <p>How can the Rightards allow this form of Evil to<br /> go unchallenged? Easy, they are Rightards.</p> <p>-</p> <p>Saving Our Lives from Further Plunder</p> <p>The strange thing is, why must I be the only real<br /> player on this scene capable of such game? Do<br /> you know, in better times, being of God is really<br /> quite miraculous to all who love life as such?<br /> We could bring such great wonders if only we were<br /> respected for who we truly are. Instead, we have<br /> Republican pro gang rapists who will to kill more<br /> American teens to escape Bush and Cheney, telling<br /> on magic American TV of how Christmas to<br /> Christians, is where concern of another innocent<br /> victim is secondary to getting America further<br /> robbed by our inactions made poorer by<br /> Congressmen. The Banksters are making off with<br /> trillions man, TRILLIONS! No wonder these very<br /> same Republicans get off on killing innocent<br /> Christian children for Satan, hand in hand with<br /> the Demonrats through AIPAC - for on an open<br /> playing field where open debate with the<br /> knowledgeable is openly relished, we all would<br /> win, and they would lose as the ungodly war<br /> criminal traitors they've proven to ourselves to<br /> be, time and time again, fair and squared. We'd<br /> save our lives from further plunder I'm saying.</p> <p>Republicans are..</p> <p>Hey, like I say, if you want to suck cock, do it<br /> on your own time Republicans, for America has a<br /> war to win here. Freedom for Everyone, is to be<br /> whoever we will, as long as we don't deprive<br /> another that same right. The Rightards and some<br /> of the just as false "Left" will to try to fuck<br /> this up for themselves with censorship, because<br /> they can't stand as a humble individual Human,<br /> (God loving or otherwise) as is why a Rightard<br /> will tell you it's a Rightard that has no true<br /> meaning to it's lifeless character, that chooses<br /> stupid rules like, 'Privatize always' to further<br /> die all stupidly for their inhuman tyrannies.<br /> Tyrannies that wouldn't succeed in a world that<br /> allowed respect for open polite debate with<br /> experts of experts such as ourselves that insist<br /> evidence is the only way to determine a Person's<br /> guilt or innocence in this multi-dimensional<br /> universe, that Alex Jones can't even presently<br /> dream of as an equal to all contributer of the<br /> Cause. Example: ask any Rightard what it<br /> knows about "Health Care", or have them explain<br /> Alex Jones' "Death Panels" and all they spew is<br /> what they were TV trained to, without an actual<br /> understanding of where they are coming from<br /> without any qualifying quantifications. No real<br /> measurement of understanding on how Obama's<br /> "Health Care Plan" is seriously, Truly, flawed by<br /> the Commies. A Rightard. The Commies.</p> <p>Thus is the Nature of John Q. Public.</p> <p>Alex Jones' open support of tyranny is not<br /> acceptable I'm warning. For AJ to go on again,<br /> how great tyranny is for Egyptians, because to<br /> fight for liberty always means you just play into<br /> his NWO Globalist agenda, is not going to wash<br /> with even the dumbest of cowardly Rightards. Who<br /> as Rightards, doesn't mean they all, every single<br /> one, will to do harm on purpose to themselves. I<br /> fight arrogant censor Alex with far superior<br /> ideas, because he is like a retarded little<br /> brother playing infallible Pope being abusive to<br /> his closest friends to me. But others will not<br /> be so generous, if he doesn't stop playing to<br /> lose everyone in his irrational nonsenses of how<br /> we all must be made to be powerless under his<br /> authoritarian Zionist thumb. I want free<br /> exchange of the facts for everyone to witness;<br /> George Walker Bush is the actual, for real,<br /> antichrist enemy of all Creation. The biggest<br /> war criminal of all history ever recorded. While<br /> Alex, the Rightard bigot, the Antigay faggot,<br /> wants to blame anyone else but the for sure<br /> guilty of war crimes. Blindly denying ourselves<br /> the truth as witnessed. So, what would you say<br /> if you were a real man like me?</p> <p>Again, they SPEAK NOTHING TODAY for American<br /> Women being gang raped by their partners in<br /> war crimes. Speak nothing for Justice on 9/11.</p> <p>/ / ..Egyptian army general told the BBC<br /> the military was losing patience with the<br /> embattled Mubarak, and would open fire<br /> at regime loyalists if there were fresh<br /> attacks on protesters... \ \ Yeah! Defend<br /> the innocent of Egypt from these Rightard<br /> pro-torture enemies of God who war Humanity<br /> for lawless bankster tyrannies.</p> <p>CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish'</p> <p>Let Fly</p> <p>Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly<br /> that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro<br /> torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a<br /> Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a<br /> brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats<br /> on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off<br /> on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent<br /> Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney<br /> for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by<br /> Christ we will forever say, while we formally<br /> hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal<br /> publicly executed for crimes like gang raping<br /> American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities<br /> like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too<br /> the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for<br /> dropping land mines in school districts, for<br /> torturing elderly people to death countless times<br /> by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only<br /> ten years, and only because he bragged to his family<br /> and entire city that he could torture anyone of them<br /> too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do<br /> about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be<br /> walking free like the rest of them who did even<br /> worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are<br /> actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity<br /> for example - for killing little kids to get back<br /> at US all for something they freely state in<br /> America today like is said Publicly in Nazi Israel.<br /> Unremorseful child killers getting free health<br /> care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to<br /> not have that for yourself fairly though) That is<br /> what Grainer told in writing to his threatened<br /> (likely raped too?) young daughter - for why<br /> her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent<br /> Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his<br /> sentencing in a "Court" ruled by illiterate Nazi<br /> savages with no Freedom commitment, claimed he<br /> had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as<br /> the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying<br /> to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because<br /> he still surely believes though Americans own<br /> guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity<br /> rightly to defend their next innocent god loving<br /> victims as the Law dictates against war criminals.<br /> Ungodly war crimes done to see their fellow teen<br /> soldiers die as a consequence of an American male's<br /> personal cowardice to be real men in their TV world,<br /> to hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent<br /> others, such as children they several times were<br /> CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for<br /> kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to<br /> defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis<br /> money, and American's money, and then gave all<br /> rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies.<br /> NONE FOR IRAQI IN IRAQ ALL NOTICE. They stole<br /> Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and<br /> replaced it with the American godless banking<br /> corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back<br /> for money they never lent you to begin with..<br /> They put Allawi in charge who after crediting<br /> himself for killing a bunch of innocent children<br /> in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute<br /> every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt<br /> to treat an innocent child or women from<br /> Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings<br /> they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY<br /> TARGETING EVERY LAST SCHOOL TEACHER. Will YOU,<br /> yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join<br /> me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler<br /> who carried out such orders without even<br /> whispering a concern for their innocent mass<br /> murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two<br /> thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively<br /> estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah -<br /> FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara<br /> before John Batist quit, because he refused to<br /> carry it out completely - largely I speculate<br /> because with his name, it would have been just a<br /> little too demonic for his liking to needlessly<br /> mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO<br /> REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know<br /> what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie<br /> about here, which is why I sooo much want to see<br /> the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness<br /> their RIGHTFUL PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. Kill a Bushite<br /> by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald<br /> Reagan as STANDING AME</p>
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Who would truly vote for such treasons if they knew the truth that we will not remain silent? <!--break--> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br>As Protesters Rally Nationwide to Support Wisconsin Workers CNN Features the Two Year Anniversary of the Tea Party Media Blackout: CNN Fox News and MSNBC Ignore 100,000 WI Protesters INSIDE JOB 'From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson, comes INSIDE JOB, the first Hollywood Film to expose the shocking CRIMINAL truth behind the economic crisis that the Rightard demands all Americans be made to suffer as still paying for' - But for the Rightard, facts are for the stupid people. Palin, the demon whore of Satan proves this, with her comment of her support of mass murdering innocent children, and everyone at a hospital for money by simply statng, "without provocation", and no one but a small small few feel enough for the innocent lives lost as important to point her costs to every last one of us denied self respect. Being Republican is to Rob from Everyone Who would truly vote for such treasons if they knew the truth that we will not remain silent? Defend the American Dream! Wisconsin Assembly approves plan to curb unions This was with NAKED CRIMINAL intention. To CHEAT the voters is what a Republican is that truly has no talent but to deceive, as it would be run out of country, if free speech with the facts ruled the day. USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike Trillions of dollars from America has been defrauded, and the President with his Republican partners will to blame the innocent for the shortfall, instead of actually defending the good old, red white and blue. America - The Hidden Treasure Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911 Police investigations, we will go nowhere until, we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back to following probable cause to arrest the actual bad guys. Uygur-Sanders-Unions-022211.wmv Walker Whacks Wisconsin for Wackenhut The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan: No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales. Wisconsin’s power plants for pennies on the dollar Treason. No? He is openly planning to rob US of what we are truly worth. Who voted for this guy, who wouldn't now know, a recall is in order for the benefits of all? Unless the reason Americans vote Republican is to rob from everyone. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail? Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? The Ed Schultz Show - They cooked the books!! Republican Governor Deliberately Spent Wisconsin Surplus / / Wisconsin had a surplus, and as soon as he was sworn in, Walker gave it away to special interests in order to put the state into deficit. Is it a coincidence that every Republican governor is suddenly going after the unions and the pensions? Is it simply bubbling up from the ground for no special reason? Hell, no. \ \ Not a traitor trying to steal away America's demands for Justice on the Banksters making off with trillions in stolen assets, such as life saving Pensions? TRILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Rightard hates everyone here, because they know, we know, they are not truly honorable men. Like, to remain silent on Bush and Cheney's final escape with the banksters they do by blaming the made weaker and poor, here and now. Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911. 1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta 2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve freedom, America is lawlessly still led by the unelected illiterate war criminal George Walker Bush - who claimed/s we don't need evidence to form a guilty verdict. On the matters of Good and Evil. And some people call ME crazy.. / / the deputy attorney general who called for Wisconsin riot police to use deadly force on protesters is no longer employed \ \ to claim he would act criminally without question, to kill peaceful American voices for Justice, should have earned him a whole lot worse as a proud stenching Republican. If he truly had had such a willful blind attitude about what is right or wrong in these here parts. This is good. Remember, the Rightard enemy of our species, the American "Conservative", wants to blame anyone else but actual war criminals guilty of high treason such as Bush and Cheney, but instead as evil sadomasochistic tools of tyranny, uniformly, as TV robots without an ability to express original thought, will to blame the made weaker and poorer, innocent and 'undefended'. Note: the banksters have outright defrauded more than 19 trillion dollars from the American public. It is for these crimes, that I, General Johnny, will orchestrate all militaries world-wide in assisting, when needed, the apprehension of these said trillioniares, by our police services with Public warrants of arrest for the grand thefts. No? No evidence against the accused is US being truly abused. The Bible teaches this. Life teaches this. Atheists rule as equals is God's Kingdom, if only for the laughs. This is an all win kind of a thing. Where the truth is relished.. for example: Ed Schultz - Social Insecurity This is Ed Shultz letting US know knowledge that is forbidden in the Rightards worlds. These truths expose the Ideologues as blind stupid Rightards like an Alex Jones, who dance as the 'all' knowing blind chickens clucking at a hypnotist's show. We shouldn't need be this way, if the cheats were corrected for reasons won. Good work Ed. 21,000 (30 percent) of NYC teachers to lose their jobs The Rightards are attacking. Understand, these Republican/Libertarian/Conservatives are attacking undefended Americans to escape the trillioniare bankster THIEVES with Bush and Cheney. TRUE COMMIES. Rand Paul is vile, evil, good for nothing as traitor to every last American soul, as too, all the Peoples of the Middle East when he speaks no words against the Satanic that break truces, and burn innocent Christian children alive as targeted with white phosphorus for AIPAC kickbacks. Kickback! Death to torturers! 4.5 Million Orphans in Iraq: Protests Over Food and Shelter Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave no proof for his assertion, that it all was being organized by supporters of Saddam and al-Qaida. Kill a Bushite for Christ. It, as an American Rightard TV "Conservative", does not deserve to live, stealing further innocent lives for the escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Die bushite die. Failure to Communicate Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either we pay them without question, or come Monday morning, they would run the country into the ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a trillion dollars in capital, through out the entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most however, is that banksters do not actually cover our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they illegally took all our trillions of dollars for 'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy man crazy. It's a good thing we're here. Rear Admiral Gregory J. Smith Deputy Chief of Staff, Communication NATO International Security Assistance Force.. blahblahblah "Regrettably this is customary among some Afghan fathers as a way of dealing with children who misbehave," a crime, like pushing heroin, bank robbery, or guilty Bushite nazi grunting rapists of American women walking free as FOX TV "Heroes". The American President should offer 50 dollars for the head of, Rear Admiral Gregory Smith. "Neocon David Horowitz Labels Ron Paul and His Supporters Vicious Anti-Semites" Yeah but, these two guys fuck each other up America's ass on a routine basis, as the best of buds united at the hip to escape Bush and Cheney for 9/11, Nazi Israeli for breaking truces, and so on.. Again, it's that same con of the Rightard. The Johnny America Show Nominated for Best of the Internet 2011. Thanks to all that participate in this. Impeachment Speech and the 35 Articles in Full What Is Missing - The Johnny Addendum Forward this concern to anyone as your own, please. Thanks. President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech This just makes common sense. But a Rightard bigot can't fathom a world where peoples are treated fairly, so they side to attempt at dividing US masses, on like calling all public workers, "Marxist", or, 'those fighting for a better world, are masterminded by men who express a more feminine side', than themselves as secretly promiscuously butch antiGay faggots 99% of the time who lay that claim, as a caller with Oracle sold without defenses given for the Public as still going innocent victims here. The Rightard is committed to not acknowledging the trillions theft, or the escaping of the 9/11 war criminals, but to blame old folk and kids being educated, to blame those seeking a fairer health care, to blame those who can speak fluently on critical issues they pirate under bigot influences of seeking not truth in understanding. Law abiding elected Unions defend for fair representations - most of all the time. When I call Alex Jones and Ron Paul COMMIES, they actually ARE!, by insisting the Global Elites should get a health care that leaves out the middle man, but not for YOU as sucker paying their private insurance hood winkers, of whom would rather see America suffer, than us all together wising up together on who's credit is who's here. It's truly as Obama coined the investment service for the Peoples interest relationship, of public vs. private "a no-brainer" when you ACTUALLY understand the workings in this happen stance of serving a Pro Pro-health care initiative - Pro - by giving more than half your investment to an insurance company who would rather see you die - is totally fucked down as screwed around man. Commies are Rightarded dumb guys, who refuse to humble themselves to confess, they can not speak as the foremost expert of experts at the Johnny level [NO CENSORSHIP], without being exposed as idiots when free communications with the FACTS are present. See Johnny's, / / RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" \ \ See, I proudly know I'm an idiot on just about everything, but for Justice being a must to live free in any world, of which I of love as truly care for. Our suffering Humanity has been forsaken on the great gifts we bring to everyone through fair free dialog. Justice is freedom. Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil' / / "You guys are evil," he told the magazine, out on February 18th. "Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home." \ \ American incubators = $100,000+ a day Canadian incubators = $1000ish- a day [Same machine, but in Canada the medically qualified oversee, in America, the Rightards. Pure unadulterated evil the American "Conservative" enemy bigot like Alex Jones rips into American lives with censorship for stolen cash takes from everyone of the country.] Now, there is a good reason to love. Why? Well, because Americans pay more than double per-capita for public health care, that then requires them to go out and buy some private insurance. Pure wicked evil of the worst kind to know so as I, that Rightards like Alex Jones, and near every last American "Conservative" liar, cheat, and thief, who can't fairly compete, will cut off all dying American callers to state, 'it is the best in the world', now shaddup. Dying to speak. Yeah pure evil, out of the mouths of babes. This so called child, is light years ahead of AJ who claims he has photographic memory, and reads voraciously 16 hours a day, which makes him the sole athorateh without questions, Pope dope complexer in his censored private quacker tales. Escaping evil doers in our worlds. Ever heard of the Crusades 'excuses'? Very much like our irrational Pope dope AJ who claimed, "Mexico hates America". Just as Zionists do in Nazi Israel about the Semitic Arabs. You know, the Christians, Muslims, and Jews? Are we still all alone on this? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host! But first, I'm going to need help for the bus fares... How about a front on my NEW! Coast to Coast radio gig up there in the sky, that I'll try to get back for you as soon as humanly possible? Take a chance on we. Angelo Mozilo Grilled Over Mortgage Fraud Angelo Mozilo Will NOT Go To Prison: Feds Drop Criminal Probe Understand, these mortgages need to be traced back to who holds the stash. In many instances, they will tell US, they don't know who the money went to. No job or ID required for them to walk right out our front doors. See the Ninjah! (something about something else or another) .. Ninjah loans, Ninjah Loans. We want our laws inforced that prevent criminal fraud, by returning our stolen assets, and convicting the criminals to prove ourselves respected. We should expect nothing less. The credit is ours, not the banksters to lose away to themselves 'foolishly', counting on our poor judgements, to say yeah, makes sense to me too, that we should all now owe them more than ever before., to those who have done nothing for nobody but steal our pensions. To attempt escaping themselves as, 'holier than thou' Wall Street wizards.., or to the savvy, pension thieving home wreckers making off with our loots - Banksters who advance with the well funded TV Tea Bag Rightards, an attack against the being made poorer as cheated working folk. America wants our stolen trillions back. (Then, surely, there wouldn't be need for taxes in the forseeable future.) The head of the FBI, CIA, NATO and Interpol is not qualified in speaking what we need to do here to secure ourselves from lawless tyranny. Example: Toture is Outlawed everywhere, and warrants death according to President Ronald Reagan in the War Crimes Act. And to true common sense, if those who practice censoring our demands for Justice would allow us to proclaim such free democratic will, open for public discussions. Justice for the People. ninja-loans-to-blame Openly Evil: A Study in the Death of American Liberty / / Attorney General Eric Holder, who will not prosecute for torture and murder, says he is mounting a criminal investigation against Assange because anyone who breaks American law "will be held responsible." \ \ or the escaping trillioniare banksters. Lawless Republican gang rape of American Women is highly illegal, and frankly, I'm sure we'd All with Christ like to see those 30 Republican gang rapists formally executed for that serious war time treason. While torture of course, as everyone knows, warrants death every time, under standing American Law, despite all the lies a FOXNEWS Rightard Junkie will deny. Kill a Bushite to be a True American Patriot Hero. Snipers open fire on mourners in Libya, killing 15 1. outlaw lawless mercenaries with death by big Patriot rewards for their refusals to desist. (Blackwater, CACI, and AEGIS must end instead of ourselves as the innocent they routinely attack as everyone's enemy, warring to steal., not to free by being the for sure bad guys running with American gang rapist of American Women, the 'un-touchable' KBR enemy.) 2. A truthful free press to say near anything for the good of everyone. And 3., free fair elections by paper ballot, as then.. our worlds defended from the escaping war monger criminals that 'hide' as us good guys the enemies of all Humanity in disguises. Real freedom is working with the details, to insure we are not being undone by those in our command illegally. Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt.";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e What kind of inhuman monster could commit such a willful crime against innocent others for money? A private war crime mercenary pro-torture Nazi Zionist enemy serving for the terror regime of America? A grunt that wars Humanity for the escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11? A grunt that enjoys to steal American homes from cowardly dumfuk soldiers, who they even torture to sign over their life savings to Rumsfeld at the Pentagon? A Bushite who cares not for anyone or anything but what it can steal further from our good will to let it continue against our innocent women and children as the State of Israel does openly every day? How about replacing that uncaring talentless Zionist traitor, who gets off on killing our innocent kids, happy happy George Noory, with a Real American Patriot. Or no.? Pentagon Tortures Untold American Soldiers The Peter B. Collins Show Joshua Kors on Tortured Vets and Charley Carpenter on Gitmo Pentagon Tortures American Soldiers to Steal the Benefits. Pentagon blows up thousands of homes for Fun (all the while STEALING billions from America);hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e / / The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that can destroy a house more than a mile away \ \ Former Guantánamo Bay prisoner speaks;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e Read of these crimes committed by the Bushite grunter, and side with US to demand, no Police agency accept anything else, but arresting Bushite individuals without bail for war crimes Reagan Death sentence prosecutions.. not to go on disguised as a "Cop", we know is willing to commit such assaults against a completely innocent other. Such as Yourself. Or the Loves of your life. Alex Jones and enemy of everyone traitor Propagandist pro child killer George Noory, had a real love fest today, on how anyone who defends the rights of innocent human beings targeted by truce breaking Nazi Israeli, is the bad guys without any question considered. Their evil selfish contempt for Justice as God Given Liberty has fallen to such foolish depths, it's no wonder they can't allow US free Public criticism with the facts here. George Noory sold propaganda for the Neocons on 9/11, on the Iraq war, and on vaccines - while refusing all calls from the Patriot community - as such, he's is perfectly fine with conning innocent Americans further to die innocent victims, for his talentless cash windfalls of given millions to keep You silent Israel orders demolition of 88 homes in E. Jerusalem Americans paid BILLIONS in taxes to destroy these homes. So let US all cheer FOXNEWS and friends for having no care of the costs to Family as payers. They are rich as well to do, so who should care for You? "Right!" says Zionist Palin repeatedly, and she now has her own American TV shows, gunning to kill our cubs. The talentless evil whore of Satan is a celebration of corporate America's sinister contempt for God and all things beautiful. JP Morgan Profits Off Privatized Food Stamp Debit Cards Mike Pence Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Work AND NOW DEMANDS THE DESTRUCTION TO CONTINUE (AJ tinks it good too) Trillioniare Hedge fund brokers do not want to pay taxes, nor earn an honest wage. Something like more than 144 Pensions have been "lost". Who cares here to know this, and not forward these fine words of Justice demanded by all parties? Facts should matter to the dying as forsaken Americans. MUST SEE - Rand Paul Wants To Cut $500 Billion In Federal Spending In JUST One Year, Slams Aid To Israel - ABC Subway Interview Rand the ungodly, the traitor, has CLEARLY, 'Slammed' no such thing., about stoping payments to AIPAC for mass murdering innocent children to die with white phosphorus. Or dropping expensive bombs on innocent souls. He, like Alex Jones, wants to attack America's poor, to escape those with Bush and Cheney who have openly stolen trillions. TRILLIONS!!! He should be tried the traitor he is in this public Court. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations, and Rightards like Rand are united in EVIL to sacrifice all America for their continuing TREASONS. Rand the traitor, has CLEARLY, said no such thing the Rightard liars insist, but continue his silent contempt for the innocent mass murder victims that American tax money is directly used for. To mass murder defenseless innocent human beings by the Satanic truce breakers of Nazi Israeli. That torture, that thieve, that mass murder with American 'freedom'. They steal innocent Peoples homes routinely. Individuals Rand Paul calls anything else but the war crime demon enemies of GOD they are. Rand Paul is an evil twisted demon enemy of Justice, God, and Life, trying to pull the blanket over all America's head, for he believes like Alex, we must all be made too weak to defend ourselves from Zionist war criminals who break truces. From Zionist banksters that claim we owe them now more than ever before. With money they NEVER lent anyone to begin with! NO SHIT. WAKEUP. FOXNEWS Forced To Apologize On Air After [ridiculously] Faking Ron Paul CPAC 2011 Video They are trying to paint the TRUE COMMIE con Ron Paul as a malined good guy, when clearly Ron and Rand is FOXSNEWS greatest friend, as they will too, watch Christian children mass murdered by Israeli truce breakers, and do nothing but work to steal another election for the Rightard to escape further Bush and Cheney and AIPAC with the banksters. 9/11, the Iraq CRIMINAL con, torture, trillions stolen, posionous vaccines, billions in earmarks, and so on. COMMIE. These Rightard Commie enemies of Creation is how the TV trained facist Rightard balk, as those who refuse US to truly defend America. Ron Paul has called for NOT defending innocent mass murder victims of terror, and as such, I call for his, along with all standing election rigging gang rapist traitor Republicans with the Demonrats, for needed public trial on 9/11's Obstruction, and capital one mass murder. He is a law man after all. A rightard wars American values to escape the for sure real bad guys. As is why Alex Jones and enemy of all George Noory are committed to censoring our voices for Justice realized. Moral of the stories: Bushite grunting War criminals should be formally executed for their crimes against our Humanity, not become lawless Blackwater "Cops" as pro KBR gang rapist dope pushers, warring Humanity as ungodly evil sadists for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. BP removed the 'safety fluid' which CAUSED the explosion. Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up This should alarm every last American to know, this doesn't get TV coverage. Gassing the Peoples is suppose to be the crime of the worsts of terror - it's indiscriminate, against everyone. What are these corporate news pros to not allow the demand for accounting? This is a continuing criminal action against all life in the regions. Serious. To fly such a plane in American air space? I could be a spokesperson with a crew, if we all knew what we must do to limit any further attacks by BP is it again? I need a gig that will net me living fares. Take a chance on we. Americans seem to be suffering from not caring enough to decifer this jargon called Freedom, explaining a whole hell of a lot. Something fantastically strange seems to be occuring in this Battle for the Republic. TOP TOP SECRET SECRET INFO INFO URGENT: shut down Look at the advice that was given. The banks do not have a legal position to STEAL American homes, as verdicted by real American Judges. !! Why? They, the banksters, do not cover our loans, we do. Plus, they sold off the paper years ago in many many circumstances, while still pocketing billions in payments. Thus is why Obama suckered Americans to let him 'help', by signing up for his home program. Of which those that did, were foreclosed on almost immediately. Why no media? He suckered them to re-finance - because their signatured agreements prior, gave them the homes outright legally. HUGE CRIMINAL FRAUD. The trillioniare Banksters still to this day seeking payments, sold off the titles years ago. Ho hum, hear our drums. The Rightard media won't let US know for, it is forbidden knowledge, this, 'the banksters do not cover our loans we do' Christ mind like principle of mutual understanding. Trillions. DO you care to forward this info to another to allow them also to freely consider? americanawakening.2011-01-13_16k.mp3 Micheal Herzog has an incredible show on this legal issue. Realize, this info is not what a Rightard wills to give the American suckers. Rightards do go on and on about not working to help others directly by demanding accountability, because then therefore, you could be serving top secretly the diabolical NWO Globalists, forever hidden in the shadows as the master "genius" puppeteers unseen. then, along comes Johnny.. God's Will is always Just. Ideologues need not apply, but they will to cloud our judgments on what is hugely relevant. Their quantitative skills lack a focus. Free international debates with the facts to get to the heart of these matters is the answer to bettering our futures for all concerned. PURE SATANIC EVIL - Americans, know who your enemy is...;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e / / U.S. officials say Hatim trained at an al-Qaida terrorist camp \ \ Zero evidence. As leader of the free world, I will demand the identity of this Nazi(s), insist he be tried the war criminal he is, and upon easy conviction we will personally be responsible for his execution as such. Any "American" who would disagree with such an act of freedom, will be known by all as a traitor to the good old, red white and blue. No evidence against the accused is US being truly abused. John for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host. / / torture and sexual brutalization are regular practice and called Camp Justice \ \ Americans, know who your enemy is. Ungodly evil tyranny for the benefits of who again? Ron Paul "They Said I Had Too Much Of An Obsession With Individual Liberty To Be Elected" Remember, this demon fuk holds no defense for Americans being robbed, raped, tortured, or lied to as naked treasons committed by Bush and Cheney to mass murder millions of innocent souls for cash profit. Expect soon that this election rigger, with Alex Jones, will call for Zionist cash donations to win "Liberty" again. Not for Justice to defend anyone though of course. For, as Ayn Rand Rightard enemy cheats, they only 'win' by censoring our cries for true freedom from real tyranny. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations designed since the dawn of man to capture the ACTUAL bad guys. The Iraq war has no cause of freedom to die a teen grunt for. Rand and Ron are cons. While our problem child Alex Jones, he ain't half bad. Dozens of Women Describe Hell Of Being Raped by The Nazi grunts in the US Military is a website dedicated to the gang rapings of innocent American women and children. Why I ask all men in America do you own a gun, but for to kill the lawless enemies of Creation who claim, You will do no such thing under the authority of Satanic influences. Let all men demand the execution of these bushite nazi grunts, who rape American women while claiming, no laws of God nor man can put it into it's grave rightly, for the Antichrist of Creation has deemed it "Lawless". I HATE Bushite, as any real man would. Americans are not men to remain neutral on this, as they do regarding the treasons of Bush and Cheney. Torture of the INNOCENT authorized under former President George W. Bush This is a war crime warranting death. / / Programs to be cut include not only those targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the current budget debate—home heating assistance, Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much larger entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, which will face cuts later in the budget process. \ \ Rightards with Alex Jones and Obama, who advance the criminal attack against America's elderly and poor are the enemies of American liberty. As is why they are committed to censorship to steal from US all. Dershowitz Joins Legal Team for Wikileaks Why? The demon Zionist enemy of God lies cheats and steals to kill Americans for profitable terror. So, he as a traitor to freedom everywhere, has got to be the very last demon you'd want anyone to get a real defense together against bushite lawless tyranny. A demon that openly supports committing war crimes against defenseless innocent Humans being. So.. whatthefuk? Satanic Nazi Israeli steal Christian homes routinely. They broke a truce, then mass murdered specifically innocent children they gathered together. God calls them Satanic in our Holy Books. Again, whatthefuk? RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" / / Its almost as if they are completely transparent liars willing to change their tune on a dime when it suits their interests, even when it contradicts their own charges. But that'd be silly. \ \ / / Saying that people don't work extra jobs just to keep healthcare is denying the truth. \ \ The Rightard dividers with Alex Jones, at RBN, and so on, will try and con US all here, to state, mediamatters is "left wing" - case closed, because the greater minds that they can't freely compete with, make the Rightard as dumb as they are when the facts are in. When I first heard the statement of 800,000.. I listened, then could barely make sense of what was being said.. (and all consider myself the genius of geniuses.) Then I thought it through, with the two minute snipit offered as the Rightard's 'proof', and the nearest thing I could figure, was that because people will have better health care, they'd likely, if ABLE to choose, would work less. (Not exactly the CBO work ethic.) But the real reason the bill is bad, is it rewards the Tea Bag Rightard backers with trillions of public tax dollars they'll never have earned, just like the Banksters. Alex Jones with his partner in crime Obama and enemy George Noory will not allow Americans to discuss this with truly wiser folks factually, unless we change to be better blokes. Because we is sadly, currently, Supremely bigoted Rightard assholes. Alex Jones don't got any problem with rigging elections if it's for Ron Paul or Rand, and his Cult would likely side the same for tyranny, while they cowardly cry, to help save ourselves from plunder, means top secretly you die for their "New World Order". Look at this one example: 'Afghan Government Cracks Down on Women’s Shelters';hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e We know the Rightard wills to not fight the true globalist tyrannical TV powers of indifference to women and children being raped in Afghanistan by the dope pushing Nazi grunts, who claim it's legal, because of their Antichrist Shariah. Where the Taliban would kill the Satanic bushite Nazi grunters without question, as demonic enemy liars of God's Great Creation. Shariah is God's will practiced fairly. Illiterates do not fair well. But we all knew that already. Suicide bomber kills 38, wounds dozens in Iraq;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e A suicide bomber giving his life, does not attack the Satanic enemy Bushite grunters, but members of his own community standing as whoever at a bus terminal? Then, oh, they know so, because a soldier questioned him on who had the remote, just before they were both blown to kingdom come? They, the Nazi grunts, think these kind of crimes against God will get Humanity confused on who the lawless enemy grunting torturers are, who are robbing all of every Iraqi for the final escape of Bush and Cheney, the traitors. Wikileaks threatens action against ex-colleague of Assange / / Domscheit-Berg claims that he and the programmer – who is known only as “The Architect†– disconnected the submissions section because they believed Mr Assange could not be trusted to keep sources secret. \ \ Problem. As a true anonymous record keeper there would be no records programmed for storage by “The Architectâ€, and as for confidence, was it the policy that only Assange has dictorial overview over all Newspaper submissions making inroads today, before we as anyone else does like myself. NO. Second, are they alleging that Wiki info of the most serious of war crimes; killing respected journalists, or torturing honorable American soldiers, along with women and children kidnaped on official war crime orders by Satanic Geoffrey Miller "BOMBSHELLS: Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the .." and so on weren't allotted a fair public space for airing?, and as so, why are they then, not personally revealing what THEY know about the facts of slight at hand? No no, they just want US to forget about all this, and center the coward Rightard's attention on their excuses to teach the masses likewise to ignore, all Soldier cries for Justice. This is dumber than Jared Lee Loughner, where a Rightard cowers to the real challenges of The People against, the censorship of lawless tyranny. Censorship is the tool of tyrants. Bush and Cheney are guilty of high treason many times over here. If I go any farther about Wiki this or Wiki that, I may take time off my pursuit of Justice to truly save the innocent ourselves. The women and children that were mass murdered were not all between the stipulated ages of 15-55. The Nazi grunts were asked, 'why did you mow down who you knew to only be "checked through", as unarmed innocent women and children in the "many thousands", just outside of Fallujah'? "It was not!" evil war criminal they falsified as with Sattler, for, 'that they may have been boys and men pretending to be women', and all as such, could be first degree mass murdered. Ahha! But all those defenseless innocent women and children were not all between 15-55. Most of the children were toddlers and infants. Bushite grunts deserve to die as the war crime lying traitors they are, warring America for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. / / Governor Walker’s request to the State Legislature to eliminate nearly all of the collective-bargaining rights for thousands of Wisconsin workers is big government at its worst. \ \ Then, he orders huge bites into everyone's salaries to cover shortfalls in the pensions for only one example of several. Then suggests that the American National Guard wouldn't arrest himself, but all school teachers, fire fighters, and Cops instead who would complain(?), as those who would believe, they have a right to vote for fair representation. Public Unions of Wisconsin are not being accused of corruption here from what I've read so far... so? Again like Rand Paul, we can expect the Rightards to attack innocent Americans to escape the trillion dollar thieves along with Bush and Cheney for mass murder on 9/11. Do you care? Then forward these concerns to everyone. YES! You. Heaven for Just living or Hell of death as self destruction, you decide. Chump. / / Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy hat puts America first. \ \ limited is relative. Limited from arresting gang rapists of American women in KBR for example? The trillion dollar extortionist's capture? The 9/11 perps? FREE MARKETS FOR LOOTING!!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! How about UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Bush and Cheney? Demon liars who will to kill more innocent victims for Bush and Cheney's final escape. Escape from the Constitutional protects we must excersize to defend ourselves from just this sort of undermining. Trillions have be outright stolen in broad daylight, while Ron Paul claims he has no reckonning of such willful treasonous conducts of criminals he calls his fellow Republicans. Such as in kidnaping, in torture, vaccines, bombing Iraq, and so on further into a world of lawless destruction, because we know, first hand, Ron Paul will never be there to win US anything but more rewarding tyranny. His arguments on Nazi Israel are NOT to defend the innocent Christian children mass murdered by the Nazis who broke the truce. NO no, no he ACTUALLY STATES we must not help the INNOCENT victims to his murderous cons of denying Justice for all. Everywhere. If I sight the video, it will get pulled by Google or the Jones Cult, but just, seek for yourself his comments on Gaza, on military dictatorships being all, 'trying to do good' "Police actions", and his complete contempt for All American life by knowing the Bush regime pulled off 9/11, and as 'public ally', sides to say how dumb we all are to his enlightened view, that trying to help can only do ourselves wrong every-time, like Alex Jones will sell with censorship to the dying suckers paying in willful donations.. Censored on like, how traffic lights work effectively as thought collectively to ease congestion, while saving real Peoples lives. Indecent Exposure: WikiLeaks Hounded for Showing Power Its True Face;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e Rand Paul the Traitor Rand Paul the Traitor "I'm not singling out Israel. I support Israel. I want to be known as a friend of Israel," so they can mass murder more Christians, Muslims, and Jews with breaking truces? To steal more homes for racist Zionist only roads? Rand Paul is a traitor. A godless demon enemy of the Republic who supports Justice never. Just like his pals in AIPAC. He is a con. Hear him on earmarks to KNOW this as so. He, like his father, thinks we're are just too stupid to know better of what he sells as huckster. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 Police Investigations. "BP's spilled oil is washing up in people" Rand Paul: BP Should Not Be Held Responsible They removed the 'safety fluid' on purpose, which caused the explosion, and Americans don't care to forward my wise words, because they know, they are fundamentally cowards who sacrifice to Zionist war criminals for Satan, as the ungodly enemies of our Humanity to remain dying silenced with their vociferous lies, while AJ sells this demon, Rand or Ron isn't anything but vile pirates like George Noory is of the Constitution, warring America with lawless warfare against US, the Innocent, for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. WTC 7 Explosion That the Magic TV Refuses to Show - Why? / / NIST is now cornered: trapped within their web of lies. Now that the video of the firemen reporting explosions has been released from NIST archives, they have? NO EXCUSE for failing to investigate explosives. This is high treason. \ \ You got that right buddy. / / Honeywell describes an already existing "secret" disabling FMC code that can allow a GPS-guided aircraft autopilot system to take away control of an aircraft from a pilot during emergencies. Honeywell state-of-the-art Flight Management Systems (FMS) were used by the four aircraft reportedly hijacked on September 11, 2001. \ \ We must demand Justice. Rightards are evil bigot crooks who refuse US to speak facts, for then they look as they truly are. Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence! / / the 5 pillars of Islam in Islam is like believing that Jesus peace be upon him exists in Christianity. \ \ The truth of how this all fits together for the common will of Justice for our times. The same struggle that existed as DOCUMENTED in the Dead Sea Scrolls, is very near the same struggle today. "Iowa Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim" ..As the Rightard of FOXSNEWS enemy suggest, To be a lover to God's Great Creation, is a threat to their ungodly evil tyrannies. as war crime Zionist Nazi, breaking truces to slaughter innocent Christian children for Satan (AIPAC for the Atheists). We Will Never Forget / / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal Palestinian land. \ \ Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil crooks, and if you disagree they call you an anti-Semite. Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor are the real Jews from the Bible. But to the truly SATANIC, the facts matter none to how many innocent Christian children they can target for mass murder, by TV tricking the dying American suckers to pay giving more in blood sacrifice to have it continue as demonic criminal AIPAC. Silence of the Press: US media turns blind eye to RT crew arrest Bushite grunters warring for torture. Again, American Law warrants death for torture. Kill a Bushite for Christ and be called a true American Patriot. Every rightful death sentence against a Bushite Nazi grunter, can only hold respect for the true warriors of Justice as Liberty.;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e / / Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration told a federal judge Monday that the U.S. government has authority to kill U.S. citizens \ \ What is wrong with US? That is called MURDER. ALL THE ANSWERS FOR EYGPT NOW - OUTLAW TORTURE WITH SERIOUS PENALTY Khaled Saeed Case - Egypt's Guilty as Sin Try and execute the culprits for being clearly murderers, then outlaw torture with a rightly given death sentence, as truly freeing the great Egyptian Peoples. The lawless AntiChrist Zionist, war crime nation of America certainly won't work to help anyone be liberated from their 'proud' ungodly tyranny of liars truly, so Peoples, we're going to have to do this for ourselves. I'm with You. - What Oppression Looks Like We are worried about any change in Egypt: Shimon Peres Understand, why I, President Ronald Reagan and other true Patriots, demand by Standing Law, that torturers be actually for real executed without question. Instantly of those in the American Military. They, like Blackwater's Cofer Black, deserve never to live stealing another breath of our precious air. The Nazi Israeli torturer is an ungodly liar, a war crime thief, an enemy of Liberty, who supports not, following crime scene leads at real crime scenes to defend anyone. Die bushite die. - The Rightard's Treason - VIDEO - "Where Are The Wall Street Prosecutions!": Angry C-SPAN Callers Sound Off On Criminal Banksters We are not alone, despite Alex Jones and his NWO Globalist Rightard pro Rand Paul cocksucking bigots stealing our glories to escape real bad guys everywhere, starting with Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Again, Alex Jones will be one of my first invited guests to speak openly to this Challenge of the gods. Humbling yourself a little would be my sugestion Alex.. but you'd likely fear I was something less that what I am. A good guy giving sound advice. Let's do this... - Afghan Air War Doubles: Now 10 Attacks Per Day;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e Bush and Cheney officially halted American Police Investigations designed since the dawn of Man to capture the actual bad guys. Narco NATO war Humanity to rape children, to abuse women, to push heroin, to all steal all resources.. And I'll tell you, we are not happy about it. They deny us as the enemy real resolution for hard copy indictments against actual terrorism. The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US bring America back to where the People's rights are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken. Or, do you just want to silently fall down as innocent victim to third world military dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're arresting for public trial the criminals responsible for 911. We are America, and we are no greater than any other to proclaim, this is our right, this is our destiny. “uncompassionate by nature†is not Johnny the Jew, but the ungodly Satanic enemies of God and man who lie cheat and steal for more American sacrifices. THIS IS THE PROOF: / / “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew,†write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are “uncompassionate by nature†and attacks on them “curb their evil inclination,†while babies and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.†\ \ lovers of Justice and God believers, like the true Jews of those mass murdered in Lebanon being the first strike targets by Nazi Israeli. Then read of the demonic liars who twist as a bigot Rightard liar does, for murdering innocent Peoples targeted for war crimes plunder in our God's stolen name. NOT JEWS, as the Holy Bible teaches. I can explain everything. Does the truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen son or daughter for stolen profits? How about a country? - Obama's Patriotic American Chamber of Commerce Leader, Advoctates Offshoring of American Jobs "people effected by offshoring should stop whining" The Chamber of Commerce has taken over these last ten years, a direct position against every last American, to side with military dictatorships for stolen cash bribes. Shipping American factories in the tens of thousands overseas. But what does dying as Rightard America care for facts though right? Obama claimed his Zionist Nazi Chamber of Commerce, are Patriots of Freedom to sanction breaking truces, who Obama claims, want what is best for America, despite their willingness to mass murder anyone for a stolen nickel, or just outright, steal your body organs. This isn't rocket science, nor dividing fractions, but something so in our faces, that I honestly believe, you'd have to be something less than a emotional Human Being, to not be concerned in naturally caring for your dying furtures being sold out to Republican Tea Bag war criminals, as the new, anti-"big" vactationing every third week American Commie Congress. (saleried at $171,000+ plus perks!) Where limited government means limited from all accounting for their stealing. Their itinerary in officially, to do nothing but go on extended breaks.. Why? Because a Rightard in Government like Rand Paul is bad, just as he says he is with Alex Jones championing the destruction. What business is it for the government to tell US what we can or can not do right Rightards? Right rapists? Right 9/11 perps? Right trillioniare Banksters? Oh but Abortion is an issue they will to pirate, believing therefore no one could ever understand it better. Hanging for cheats at Life. Killing innocent Christian kids by breaking truces for Satan though, for kickbacks through AIPAC? hey, no prob. As is why Nazi Israeli call all innocent human beings, crying for Justice, "Nazi". It does apparently work for the American Rightards, and for no opinion corporate snews products, but, that is about it. I know i know, 'forbidden knowledge'. I can't believe Americans all as Rightards still refuse as the enemy to forward my calls for the truth to be spoken, but apparently, this is the case that Sherlock would have walked off the set for. They lie cheat and steal from themselves willingly, if it means a wise man or woman won't be allowed to speak freely on TV or their radios. Pure godless Zionist Nazi filth to remain silent against their Rightard tyrannizing, aimed now directly against their forsaken neighbor being 'lawlessly' gang raped by KBR, while illegally having their jobs and homes stolen in broad daylight. Better that, than the "sand niggers", or innocent Christian children from other countries in the long run I suppose., See, in other worlds, being Christian ACTUALLY means, you believe in a God that is a greater love than what Americans truly care for. As is why the American Nazi grunts in Afghanistan sanction the first degree murder of Peoples in Afghanistan for simply believing in Christianity. So what DO Rightard Americans care for then? Not much but what they can get away to steal from others, so.. no wonder.. YOU CAN’T BE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BEING ANTI ISRAELI We as Humanity must learn, these Nazi Zionists who advance attacks against our innocent families are for real. They openly break truces to indiscriminately mass murder and torture. Real Peoples Homes get stolen routinely. Real Jewish families were bombed by Nazi Zionist in Lebanon as the first strike targets for stolen profits. They are not Human, but demonic enemies of Life and GOD, committed to mass murder the innocent as Satanic, and we all should know of it, Atheist, or otherwise. 9/11 Doc of Docs.. "between the lies" DVD image (4.1 GB) This contains great evidence made by our Police Agencies to get ourselves continuing on correctly making the proper arrests on who tried to lead us astray from our freedom path. Remember, this documents a portion of the true 9/11 crew that were for sure arrested, before being able to dangerously fly two planes on the day of 9/11. This is bombshell info demanding Public Police Investigations being re-started on international TV, so we as Humanity can arrest all Neocon Peenacker Republicans, and the odd Demonrat, for speedy public trials for the convictions of mass murdering our American bretheren. / / Ron Paul has announced that the first Monetary Policy subcommittee meeting will focus on one of those two now forgotten Fed mandates, that of creating jobs. \ \ What about all the criminal fraud in the trillions you COMMIE Rightard parasite? AIG was bailed to pay Goldman. The Bank of Scottland threatened arrest of Goldman if they didn't get back what they were defrauded, and Goldman payed them back to avoid a hanging. Americans too, must demand their TRILLIONS back, but Ron Paul is a con like Alex Jones, all to escape the for real bad guys, while blaming the poor and weak being ILLEGALLY left for closed. a staggering $5 billion cut to Texas schools "It's a catastrophe. No financial aid for kids to go to college. No pre-kindergarten for kids to learn their numbers and their letters. Health and human services slashed," said Rep. Pete Gallego, D-Alpine. "No Texan can be proud of this." AJ, Rand Paul, and other Rightards of the NWO Globalist Commie Elites, can't compete fairly on a open playing field for Just cause, where the facts are here for all to witness of them escaping the worst of criminals in Your name. So, as a Nazi, they promote with censorship the, 'must do' indiscriminate attack against America's cheated elderly, the cheated poor, school kids and everyone else as Pensioners or Palestinian, before we are ever allowed to freely demand Justice as our defense willingly authored. This should be what soldiers war in death for, to speak the facts in open international debates, on how all we will to not be further undone in ungodly stupid tyranny. EXAMPLE 1: Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt.";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e EXAMPLE 2: CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.2 trillion Rightards "How will we pay for a 1.2 trillion dollar health care plan?" Your paying a private insurance company, when in truth, you need not pay them a pretty Penny. BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - EXPLOSIVE New Revelations I am saddened. I tell America that BP removed the safety fluid which caused the blow up on purpose, as documented in Congressional Testimony, and yet.. Peoples still refuse to raise their phones to allow US to speak on Coast to Coast freely without censorship to resolve these issues to the best of our abilities very quickly. Why is it possible? Because we actually know what we are talking about, when we're allowed to speak beyond the Rightard bigot TV liars, who whore for a "free" [lawless] market, ruled for "freedom" [slavery] by boundless magic [greed], with an Amerikan Rightard Commie hatred for all Government, Blacks, Hispanics, Chinks, Whitey, Liberals, Socialists, Jews, Globalists, bookworms, and the smart ass fellows who speak with real power as honorable in the interests for any as all. But, 'Justice is Christ-like' doesn't sound as tough an mean, as Alex Jones with fellow Rightard Rand Paul, telling of how they have no choice but to back a sicko sado fascistic attack against the elderly and poor of America - 'no other way' to stop these wars. No Justice for You. Well, I'm here to declare there is another way, join yourself to stand as an individual, committed to allowing the facts be spoken, to earn ourselves a less bleak picture than BP has painted US into dying posioned here. Because near what ever I write, Americans simply refuse to forward these words everywhere as a good thing. Now I ask myself, why must we allow ourselves to suffer this way when we don't. I pray you will heed this call and offer your own two cents on this matter for a new call to brighten our days. We don't have to give up before we've even started bro. We need our stolen homes and trillions back, just as Iraqis need all their stolen money back, with Afghanistan getting the biggest of appologies humanly possible. The 9/11 perps need to be arrested by our nearest precincts, for to be held without bail, for the up coming Public Trial of all Trials, won by free open international debate for Victory as measured. Now that's entertainment! Now, who's with you? Our Prison Planet is Populated by Disfunctioning Rightards / / As far as WMD, the US and UK gov didn’t lie, Saddam did. He went to extreme lengths to deceive the world \ \ How can the Rightards allow this form of Evil to go unchallenged? Easy, they are Rightards. - Saving Our Lives from Further Plunder The strange thing is, why must I be the only real player on this scene capable of such game? Do you know, in better times, being of God is really quite miraculous to all who love life as such? We could bring such great wonders if only we were respected for who we truly are. Instead, we have Republican pro gang rapists who will to kill more American teens to escape Bush and Cheney, telling on magic American TV of how Christmas to Christians, is where concern of another innocent victim is secondary to getting America further robbed by our inactions made poorer by Congressmen. The Banksters are making off with trillions man, TRILLIONS! No wonder these very same Republicans get off on killing innocent Christian children for Satan, hand in hand with the Demonrats through AIPAC - for on an open playing field where open debate with the knowledgeable is openly relished, we all would win, and they would lose as the ungodly war criminal traitors they've proven to ourselves to be, time and time again, fair and squared. We'd save our lives from further plunder I'm saying. Republicans are.. Hey, like I say, if you want to suck cock, do it on your own time Republicans, for America has a war to win here. Freedom for Everyone, is to be whoever we will, as long as we don't deprive another that same right. The Rightards and some of the just as false "Left" will to try to fuck this up for themselves with censorship, because they can't stand as a humble individual Human, (God loving or otherwise) as is why a Rightard will tell you it's a Rightard that has no true meaning to it's lifeless character, that chooses stupid rules like, 'Privatize always' to further die all stupidly for their inhuman tyrannies. Tyrannies that wouldn't succeed in a world that allowed respect for open polite debate with experts of experts such as ourselves that insist evidence is the only way to determine a Person's guilt or innocence in this multi-dimensional universe, that Alex Jones can't even presently dream of as an equal to all contributer of the Cause. Example: ask any Rightard what it knows about "Health Care", or have them explain Alex Jones' "Death Panels" and all they spew is what they were TV trained to, without an actual understanding of where they are coming from without any qualifying quantifications. No real measurement of understanding on how Obama's "Health Care Plan" is seriously, Truly, flawed by the Commies. A Rightard. The Commies. Thus is the Nature of John Q. Public. Alex Jones' open support of tyranny is not acceptable I'm warning. For AJ to go on again, how great tyranny is for Egyptians, because to fight for liberty always means you just play into his NWO Globalist agenda, is not going to wash with even the dumbest of cowardly Rightards. Who as Rightards, doesn't mean they all, every single one, will to do harm on purpose to themselves. I fight arrogant censor Alex with far superior ideas, because he is like a retarded little brother playing infallible Pope being abusive to his closest friends to me. But others will not be so generous, if he doesn't stop playing to lose everyone in his irrational nonsenses of how we all must be made to be powerless under his authoritarian Zionist thumb. I want free exchange of the facts for everyone to witness; George Walker Bush is the actual, for real, antichrist enemy of all Creation. The biggest war criminal of all history ever recorded. While Alex, the Rightard bigot, the Antigay faggot, wants to blame anyone else but the for sure guilty of war crimes. Blindly denying ourselves the truth as witnessed. So, what would you say if you were a real man like me? Again, they SPEAK NOTHING TODAY for American Women being gang raped by their partners in war crimes. Speak nothing for Justice on 9/11. / / ..Egyptian army general told the BBC the military was losing patience with the embattled Mubarak, and would open fire at regime loyalists if there were fresh attacks on protesters... \ \ Yeah! Defend the innocent of Egypt from these Rightard pro-torture enemies of God who war Humanity for lawless bankster tyrannies. CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish' Let Fly Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by Christ we will forever say, while we formally hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal publicly executed for crimes like gang raping American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for dropping land mines in school districts, for torturing elderly people to death countless times by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only ten years, and only because he bragged to his family and entire city that he could torture anyone of them too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be walking free like the rest of them who did even worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity for example - for killing little kids to get back at US all for something they freely state in America today like is said Publicly in Nazi Israel. Unremorseful child killers getting free health care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to not have that for yourself fairly though) That is what Grainer told in writing to his threatened (likely raped too?) young daughter - for why her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his sentencing in a "Court" ruled by illiterate Nazi savages with no Freedom commitment, claimed he had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because he still surely believes though Americans own guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity rightly to defend their next innocent god loving victims as the Law dictates against war criminals. Ungodly war crimes done to see their fellow teen soldiers die as a consequence of an American male's personal cowardice to be real men in their TV world, to hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent others, such as children they several times were CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis money, and American's money, and then gave all rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies. NONE FOR IRAQI IN IRAQ ALL NOTICE. They stole Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and replaced it with the American godless banking corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back for money they never lent you to begin with.. They put Allawi in charge who after crediting himself for killing a bunch of innocent children in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt to treat an innocent child or women from Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY TARGETING EVERY LAST SCHOOL TEACHER. Will YOU, yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler who carried out such orders without even whispering a concern for their innocent mass murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah - FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara before John Batist quit, because he refused to carry it out completely - largely I speculate because with his name, it would have been just a little too demonic for his liking to needlessly mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie about here, which is why I sooo much want to see the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness their RIGHTFUL PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. Kill a Bushite by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald Reagan as STANDING AME
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format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 78168 characters ) <p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons...
<p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons if they knew the truth<br /> that we will not remain silent?</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br />As Protesters Rally Nationwide to Support Wisconsin Workers CNN Features the Two Year Anniversary of the Tea Party<br /> Media Blackout: CNN Fox News and MSNBC Ignore 100,000 WI Protesters</p> <p>INSIDE JOB<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>'From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker,<br /> Charles Ferguson, comes INSIDE JOB, the first<br /> Hollywood Film to expose the shocking CRIMINAL<br /> truth behind the economic crisis that the<br /> Rightard demands all Americans be made to<br /> suffer as still paying for' - But for the<br /> Rightard, facts are for the stupid people.<br /> Palin, the demon whore of Satan proves this,<br /> with her comment of her support of mass<br /> murdering innocent children, and everyone<br /> at a hospital for money by simply statng,<br /> "without provocation", and no one but<br /> a small small few feel enough for the<br /> innocent lives lost as important<br /> to point her costs to every last<br /> one of us denied self respect.</p> <p>Being Republican is to Rob from Everyone</p> <p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons if they knew the truth<br /> that we will not remain silent?</p> <p>Defend the American Dream!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wisconsin Assembly approves plan to curb unions</p> <p>This was with NAKED CRIMINAL intention.<br /> To CHEAT the voters is what a Republican<br /> is that truly has no talent but to deceive,<br /> as it would be run out of country, if free<br /> speech with the facts ruled the day.</p> <p>USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike</p> <p>Trillions of dollars from America has<br /> been defrauded, and the President with<br /> his Republican partners will to blame<br /> the innocent for the shortfall, instead<br /> of actually defending the good old, red<br /> white and blue.</p> <p>America - The Hidden Treasure<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911<br /> Police investigations, we will go nowhere until,<br /> we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back<br /> to following probable cause to arrest the actual<br /> bad guys.</p> <p>Uygur-Sanders-Unions-022211.wmv<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Walker Whacks Wisconsin for Wackenhut<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan:<br /> No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales.<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wisconsin’s power plants for pennies on the dollar<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Treason. No? He is openly planning to rob US of<br /> what we are truly worth. Who voted for this guy,<br /> who wouldn't now know, a recall is in order for<br /> the benefits of all? Unless the reason Americans<br /> vote Republican is to rob from everyone.</p> <p>Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Ed Schultz Show - They cooked the books!!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Republican Governor Deliberately Spent Wisconsin Surplus<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Wisconsin had a surplus, and as soon as he<br /> was sworn in, Walker gave it away to special<br /> interests in order to put the state into deficit.<br /> Is it a coincidence that every Republican<br /> governor is suddenly going after the unions and<br /> the pensions? Is it simply bubbling up from the<br /> ground for no special reason? Hell, no. \ \ Not<br /> a traitor trying to steal away America's demands<br /> for Justice on the Banksters making off with<br /> trillions in stolen assets, such as life saving<br /> Pensions?</p> <p>TRILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </p> <p>A Rightard hates everyone here, because they<br /> know, we know, they are not truly honorable men.<br /> Like, to remain silent on Bush and Cheney's final<br /> escape with the banksters they do by blaming the<br /> made weaker and poor, here and now.</p> <p>Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate<br /> warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for<br /> our safety. The bushmob did 911.</p> <p>1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta</p> <p>2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers</p> <p>So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve<br /> freedom, America is lawlessly still led by the<br /> unelected illiterate war criminal George Walker<br /> Bush - who claimed/s we don't need evidence to<br /> form a guilty verdict. On the matters of Good<br /> and Evil. And some people call ME crazy..</p> <p>/ / the deputy attorney general who called for<br /> Wisconsin riot police to use deadly force on<br /> protesters is no longer employed \ \ to claim he<br /> would act criminally without question, to kill<br /> peaceful American voices for Justice, should have<br /> earned him a whole lot worse as a proud stenching<br /> Republican. If he truly had had such a willful<br /> blind attitude about what is right or wrong in<br /> these here parts.</p> <p>This is good. Remember, the Rightard enemy of<br /> our species, the American "Conservative", wants<br /> to blame anyone else but actual war criminals<br /> guilty of high treason such as Bush and Cheney,<br /> but instead as evil sadomasochistic tools of<br /> tyranny, uniformly, as TV robots without an<br /> ability to express original thought, will to<br /> blame the made weaker and poorer, innocent and<br /> 'undefended'. Note: the banksters have outright<br /> defrauded more than 19 trillion dollars from the<br /> American public. It is for these crimes, that I,<br /> General Johnny, will orchestrate all militaries<br /> world-wide in assisting, when needed, the<br /> apprehension of these said trillioniares, by our<br /> police services with Public warrants of arrest<br /> for the grand thefts. No?</p> <p>No evidence against the accused is US being truly<br /> abused. The Bible teaches this. Life teaches<br /> this. Atheists rule as equals is God's Kingdom,<br /> if only for the laughs. This is an all win kind<br /> of a thing. Where the truth is relished.. for<br /> example:</p> <p>Ed Schultz - Social Insecurity<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is Ed Shultz letting US know knowledge that<br /> is forbidden in the Rightards worlds. These<br /> truths expose the Ideologues as blind stupid<br /> Rightards like an Alex Jones, who dance as the<br /> 'all' knowing blind chickens clucking at a<br /> hypnotist's show. We shouldn't need be this way,<br /> if the cheats were corrected for reasons won.<br /> Good work Ed.</p> <p>21,000 (30 percent) of NYC teachers to lose their jobs</p> <p>The Rightards are attacking. Understand, these<br /> Republican/Libertarian/Conservatives are<br /> attacking undefended Americans to escape the<br /> trillioniare bankster THIEVES with Bush and<br /> Cheney. TRUE COMMIES. Rand Paul is vile, evil,<br /> good for nothing as traitor to every last<br /> American soul, as too, all the Peoples of the<br /> Middle East when he speaks no words against the<br /> Satanic that break truces, and burn innocent<br /> Christian children alive as targeted with white<br /> phosphorus for AIPAC kickbacks. Kickback! Death<br /> to torturers!</p> <p>4.5 Million Orphans in Iraq: Protests Over Food and Shelter</p> <p>Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave no proof<br /> for his assertion, that it all was being<br /> organized by supporters of Saddam and<br /> al-Qaida. </p> <p>Kill a Bushite for Christ. It, as an American<br /> Rightard TV "Conservative", does not deserve to<br /> live, stealing further innocent lives for the<br /> escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Die bushite<br /> die.</p> <p>Failure to Communicate</p> <p>Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's<br /> start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either<br /> we pay them without question, or come Monday<br /> morning, they would run the country into the<br /> ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a<br /> trillion dollars in capital, through out the<br /> entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most<br /> however, is that banksters do not actually cover<br /> our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they<br /> illegally took all our trillions of dollars for<br /> 'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy<br /> man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.</p> <p>Rear Admiral Gregory J. Smith Deputy Chief<br /> of Staff, Communication NATO International<br /> Security Assistance Force.. blahblahblah</p> <p>"Regrettably this is customary among<br /> some Afghan fathers as a way of dealing<br /> with children who misbehave," a crime,<br /> like pushing heroin, bank robbery, or<br /> guilty Bushite nazi grunting rapists<br /> of American women walking free as<br /> FOX TV "Heroes".</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>The American President should offer 50<br /> dollars for the head of, Rear Admiral<br /> Gregory Smith. </p> <p>"Neocon David Horowitz Labels Ron Paul and His Supporters Vicious Anti-Semites"</p> <p>Yeah but, these two guys fuck<br /> each other up America's ass<br /> on a routine basis, as the<br /> best of buds united at<br /> the hip to escape Bush<br /> and Cheney for 9/11, Nazi<br /> Israeli for breaking truces,<br /> and so on.. Again, it's that<br /> same con of the Rightard.</p> <p>The Johnny America Show<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Nominated for Best of the Internet 2011.<br /> Thanks to all that participate in this.</p> <p>Impeachment Speech and the 35 Articles in Full<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>What Is Missing - The Johnny Addendum<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Forward this concern to anyone<br /> as your own, please. Thanks.</p> <p>President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This just makes common sense. But a Rightard<br /> bigot can't fathom a world where peoples are<br /> treated fairly, so they side to attempt at<br /> dividing US masses, on like calling all public<br /> workers, "Marxist", or, 'those fighting for a<br /> better world, are masterminded by men who express<br /> a more feminine side', than themselves as<br /> secretly promiscuously butch antiGay faggots 99%<br /> of the time who lay that claim, as a caller with<br /> Oracle sold without defenses given for the Public<br /> as still going innocent victims here. The<br /> Rightard is committed to not acknowledging the<br /> trillions theft, or the escaping of the 9/11 war<br /> criminals, but to blame old folk and kids being<br /> educated, to blame those seeking a fairer health<br /> care, to blame those who can speak fluently on<br /> critical issues they pirate under bigot<br /> influences of seeking not truth in understanding.<br /> Law abiding elected Unions defend for fair<br /> representations - most of all the time. When I<br /> call Alex Jones and Ron Paul COMMIES, they<br /> actually ARE!, by insisting the Global Elites<br /> should get a health care that leaves out the<br /> middle man, but not for YOU as sucker paying<br /> their private insurance hood winkers, of whom<br /> would rather see America suffer, than us all<br /> together wising up together on who's credit is<br /> who's here. It's truly as Obama coined the investment<br /> service for the Peoples interest relationship, of<br /> public vs. private "a no-brainer" when you ACTUALLY<br /> understand the workings in this happen stance of<br /> serving a Pro Pro-health care initiative - Pro -<br /> by giving more than half your investment to an<br /> insurance company who would rather see you die -<br /> is totally fucked down as screwed around man.</p> <p>Commies are Rightarded dumb guys, who refuse to<br /> humble themselves to confess, they can not speak<br /> as the foremost expert of experts at the Johnny<br /> level [NO CENSORSHIP], without being exposed as<br /> idiots when free communications with the FACTS<br /> are present. See Johnny's,</p> <p>/ / RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" \ \</p> <p>See, I proudly know I'm an idiot on just about<br /> everything, but for Justice being a must to live<br /> free in any world, of which I of love as truly<br /> care for. Our suffering Humanity has been<br /> forsaken on the great gifts we bring to everyone<br /> through fair free dialog. Justice is freedom.</p> <p>Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil' </p> <p>/ / "You guys are evil," he told the magazine,<br /> out on February 18th. "Canada's the best country<br /> in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't<br /> need to worry about paying him, but here, your<br /> whole life, you're broke because of medical<br /> bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and<br /> now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your<br /> baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as<br /> long as he needs to, and then you go home." \ \</p> <p>American incubators = $100,000+ a day<br /> Canadian incubators = $1000ish- a day</p> <p>[Same machine, but in Canada the medically<br /> qualified oversee, in America, the Rightards.<br /> Pure unadulterated evil the American<br /> "Conservative" enemy bigot like Alex Jones rips<br /> into American lives with censorship for stolen<br /> cash takes from everyone of the country.]</p> <p>Now, there is a good reason to love. Why? Well,<br /> because Americans pay more than double per-capita<br /> for public health care, that then requires them<br /> to go out and buy some private insurance. Pure<br /> wicked evil of the worst kind to know so as I,<br /> that Rightards like Alex Jones, and near every<br /> last American "Conservative" liar, cheat, and<br /> thief, who can't fairly compete, will cut off all<br /> dying American callers to state, 'it is the best<br /> in the world', now shaddup. Dying to speak.</p> <p>Yeah pure evil, out of the mouths of babes. This<br /> so called child, is light years ahead of AJ who<br /> claims he has photographic memory, and reads<br /> voraciously 16 hours a day, which makes him the<br /> sole athorateh without questions, Pope dope<br /> complexer in his censored private quacker tales.<br /> Escaping evil doers in our worlds. Ever heard of<br /> the Crusades 'excuses'? Very much like our<br /> irrational Pope dope AJ who claimed, "Mexico<br /> hates America". Just as Zionists do in Nazi<br /> Israel about the Semitic Arabs. You know, the<br /> Christians, Muslims, and Jews? Are we still all<br /> alone on this? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast<br /> radio host! But first, I'm going to need help<br /> for the bus fares... How about a front on my<br /> NEW! Coast to Coast radio gig up there in the<br /> sky, that I'll try to get back for you as soon<br /> as humanly possible? Take a chance on we.</p> <p>Angelo Mozilo Grilled Over Mortgage Fraud<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Angelo Mozilo Will NOT Go To Prison: Feds Drop Criminal Probe<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Understand, these mortgages need to be traced<br /> back to who holds the stash. In many instances,<br /> they will tell US, they don't know who the money<br /> went to. No job or ID required for them to walk<br /> right out our front doors. See the Ninjah!<br /> (something about something else or another) ..<br /> Ninjah loans, Ninjah Loans. We want our laws<br /> inforced that prevent criminal fraud, by<br /> returning our stolen assets, and convicting the<br /> criminals to prove ourselves respected. We<br /> should expect nothing less. The credit is ours,<br /> not the banksters to lose away to themselves<br /> 'foolishly', counting on our poor judgements, to<br /> say yeah, makes sense to me too, that we should<br /> all now owe them more than ever before., to those<br /> who have done nothing for nobody but steal our<br /> pensions. To attempt escaping themselves as,<br /> 'holier than thou' Wall Street wizards.., or to<br /> the savvy, pension thieving home wreckers making<br /> off with our loots - Banksters who advance with<br /> the well funded TV Tea Bag Rightards, an attack<br /> against the being made poorer as cheated working<br /> folk. America wants our stolen trillions back.<br /> (Then, surely, there wouldn't be need for taxes<br /> in the forseeable future.) The head of the FBI,<br /> CIA, NATO and Interpol is not qualified in<br /> speaking what we need to do here to secure<br /> ourselves from lawless tyranny. Example: Toture<br /> is Outlawed everywhere, and warrants death<br /> according to President Ronald Reagan in the War<br /> Crimes Act. And to true common sense, if those<br /> who practice censoring our demands for Justice<br /> would allow us to proclaim such free democratic<br /> will, open for public discussions. Justice for<br /> the People.</p> <p>ninja-loans-to-blame<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Openly Evil: A Study in the Death of American Liberty</p> <p>/ / Attorney General Eric Holder, who will not<br /> prosecute for torture and murder, says he is<br /> mounting a criminal investigation against Assange<br /> because anyone who breaks American law "will be<br /> held responsible." \ \</p> <p>or the escaping trillioniare banksters.</p> <p>Lawless Republican gang rape of American Women is<br /> highly illegal, and frankly, I'm sure we'd All<br /> with Christ like to see those 30 Republican gang<br /> rapists formally executed for that serious war<br /> time treason. While torture of course, as<br /> everyone knows, warrants death every time, under<br /> standing American Law, despite all the lies a<br /> FOXNEWS Rightard Junkie will deny. Kill a<br /> Bushite to be a True American Patriot Hero.</p> <p>Snipers open fire on mourners in Libya, killing 15</p> <p>1. outlaw lawless mercenaries with death by big<br /> Patriot rewards for their refusals to desist.<br /> (Blackwater, CACI, and AEGIS must end instead of<br /> ourselves as the innocent they routinely attack<br /> as everyone's enemy, warring to steal., not to<br /> free by being the for sure bad guys running with<br /> American gang rapist of American Women, the<br /> 'un-touchable' KBR enemy.) 2. A truthful free<br /> press to say near anything for the good of<br /> everyone. And 3., free fair elections by paper<br /> ballot, as then.. our worlds defended from the<br /> escaping war monger criminals that 'hide' as us<br /> good guys the enemies of all Humanity in<br /> disguises. Real freedom is working with the<br /> details, to insure we are not being undone by<br /> those in our command illegally.</p> <p>Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>What kind of inhuman monster could commit such a<br /> willful crime against innocent others for money?<br /> A private war crime mercenary pro-torture Nazi<br /> Zionist enemy serving for the terror regime of<br /> America? A grunt that wars Humanity for the<br /> escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11? A grunt that<br /> enjoys to steal American homes from cowardly<br /> dumfuk soldiers, who they even torture to sign<br /> over their life savings to Rumsfeld at the<br /> Pentagon? A Bushite who cares not for anyone or<br /> anything but what it can steal further from our<br /> good will to let it continue against our innocent<br /> women and children as the State of Israel does<br /> openly every day? How about replacing that<br /> uncaring talentless Zionist traitor, who gets off<br /> on killing our innocent kids, happy happy George<br /> Noory, with a Real American Patriot. Or no.?</p> <p>Pentagon Tortures Untold American Soldiers</p> <p>The Peter B. Collins Show<br /> Joshua Kors on Tortured Vets<br /> and Charley Carpenter on Gitmo<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Pentagon Tortures American Soldiers to Steal the Benefits.</p> <p>Pentagon blows up thousands of homes for Fun<br /> (all the while STEALING billions from America)</p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>/ / The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet<br /> engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that<br /> can destroy a house more than a mile away \ \ </p> <p>Former Guantánamo Bay prisoner speaks<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Read of these crimes committed by the Bushite<br /> grunter, and side with US to demand, no Police<br /> agency accept anything else, but arresting<br /> Bushite individuals without bail for war crimes<br /> Reagan Death sentence prosecutions.. not to go<br /> on disguised as a "Cop", we know is willing to<br /> commit such assaults against a completely<br /> innocent other. Such as Yourself. Or the Loves<br /> of your life.</p> <p>Alex Jones and enemy of everyone traitor<br /> Propagandist pro child killer George Noory, had a<br /> real love fest today, on how anyone who defends<br /> the rights of innocent human beings targeted by<br /> truce breaking Nazi Israeli, is the bad guys<br /> without any question considered. Their evil<br /> selfish contempt for Justice as God Given Liberty<br /> has fallen to such foolish depths, it's no wonder<br /> they can't allow US free Public criticism with<br /> the facts here. George Noory sold propaganda for<br /> the Neocons on 9/11, on the Iraq war, and on<br /> vaccines - while refusing all calls from the<br /> Patriot community - as such, he's is perfectly<br /> fine with conning innocent Americans further to<br /> die innocent victims, for his talentless cash<br /> windfalls of given millions to keep You silent</p> <p>Israel orders demolition of 88 homes in E. Jerusalem</p> <p>Americans paid BILLIONS in taxes to destroy these<br /> homes. So let US all cheer FOXNEWS and friends<br /> for having no care of the costs to Family as<br /> payers. They are rich as well to do, so who<br /> should care for You? "Right!" says Zionist Palin<br /> repeatedly, and she now has her own American<br /> TV shows, gunning to kill our cubs. The<br /> talentless evil whore of Satan is a celebration<br /> of corporate America's sinister contempt for God<br /> and all things beautiful.</p> <p>JP Morgan Profits Off Privatized Food Stamp Debit Cards</p> <p>Mike Pence Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Work<br /> AND NOW DEMANDS THE DESTRUCTION TO CONTINUE<br /> <a href=""></a> (AJ tinks it good too)</p> <p>Trillioniare Hedge fund brokers do not want to<br /> pay taxes, nor earn an honest wage. Something<br /> like more than 144 Pensions have been "lost".<br /> Who cares here to know this, and not forward<br /> these fine words of Justice demanded by all<br /> parties? Facts should matter to the dying as<br /> forsaken Americans.</p> <p>MUST SEE - Rand Paul Wants To Cut $500 Billion<br /> In Federal Spending In JUST One Year, Slams Aid<br /> To Israel - ABC Subway Interview</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Rand the ungodly,</p> <p>the traitor, has CLEARLY, 'Slammed' no such thing.,<br /> about stoping payments to AIPAC for mass murdering<br /> innocent children to die with white phosphorus.<br /> Or dropping expensive bombs on innocent souls.<br /> He, like Alex Jones, wants to attack America's poor,<br /> to escape those with Bush and Cheney who have<br /> openly stolen trillions. TRILLIONS!!! He should<br /> be tried the traitor he is in this public Court.<br /> Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations,<br /> and Rightards like Rand are united in EVIL to<br /> sacrifice all America for their continuing TREASONS.<br /> Rand the traitor, has CLEARLY, said no such thing<br /> the Rightard liars insist, but continue his silent<br /> contempt for the innocent mass murder victims that<br /> American tax money is directly used for. To mass<br /> murder defenseless innocent human beings by the<br /> Satanic truce breakers of Nazi Israeli. That torture,<br /> that thieve, that mass murder with American 'freedom'.<br /> They steal innocent Peoples homes routinely.<br /> Individuals Rand Paul calls anything else but<br /> the war crime demon enemies of GOD they are.<br /> Rand Paul is an evil twisted demon enemy of<br /> Justice, God, and Life, trying to pull the<br /> blanket over all America's head, for he believes<br /> like Alex, we must all be made too weak to defend<br /> ourselves from Zionist war criminals who break<br /> truces. From Zionist banksters that claim we owe<br /> them now more than ever before. With money<br /> they NEVER lent anyone to begin with! NO SHIT.<br /> WAKEUP.</p> <p>FOXNEWS Forced To Apologize On Air After<br /> [ridiculously] Faking Ron Paul CPAC 2011 Video</p> <p>They are trying to paint the TRUE COMMIE con Ron<br /> Paul as a malined good guy, when clearly Ron and<br /> Rand is FOXSNEWS greatest friend, as they will<br /> too, watch Christian children mass murdered by<br /> Israeli truce breakers, and do nothing but work<br /> to steal another election for the Rightard to<br /> escape further Bush and Cheney and AIPAC with the<br /> banksters. 9/11, the Iraq CRIMINAL con, torture,<br /> trillions stolen, posionous vaccines, billions in<br /> earmarks, and so on. COMMIE. These Rightard<br /> Commie enemies of Creation is how the TV trained<br /> facist Rightard balk, as those who refuse US to<br /> truly defend America. Ron Paul has called for<br /> NOT defending innocent mass murder victims of<br /> terror, and as such, I call for his, along with<br /> all standing election rigging gang rapist traitor<br /> Republicans with the Demonrats, for needed public<br /> trial on 9/11's Obstruction, and capital one mass<br /> murder. He is a law man after all. A rightard<br /> wars American values to escape the for sure real<br /> bad guys. As is why Alex Jones and enemy of all<br /> George Noory are committed to censoring our<br /> voices for Justice realized.</p> <p>Moral of the stories: Bushite grunting War<br /> criminals should be formally executed for their<br /> crimes against our Humanity, not become lawless<br /> Blackwater "Cops" as pro KBR gang rapist dope<br /> pushers, warring Humanity as ungodly evil sadists<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.</p> <p>BP removed the 'safety fluid'<br /> which CAUSED the explosion.</p> <p>Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed<br /> BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed<br /> BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up</p> <p>This should alarm every last American<br /> to know, this doesn't get TV coverage.</p> <p>Gassing the Peoples is suppose to be<br /> the crime of the worsts of terror -<br /> it's indiscriminate, against everyone.</p> <p>What are these corporate news pros to<br /> not allow the demand for accounting?</p> <p>This is a continuing criminal action<br /> against all life in the regions. Serious.</p> <p>To fly such a plane in American air space?</p> <p>I could be a spokesperson with a crew,<br /> if we all knew what we must do to limit<br /> any further attacks by BP is it again? </p> <p>I need a gig that will net me living fares.</p> <p>Take a chance on we.</p> <p>Americans seem to be suffering from not caring<br /> enough to decifer this jargon called Freedom,<br /> explaining a whole hell of a lot.</p> <p>Something fantastically strange seems to<br /> be occuring in this Battle for the Republic.</p> <p>TOP TOP SECRET SECRET INFO INFO</p> <p>URGENT: shut down </p> <p>Look at the advice that was given. The banks do<br /> not have a legal position to STEAL American<br /> homes, as verdicted by real American Judges. !!<br /> Why? They, the banksters, do not cover our<br /> loans, we do. Plus, they sold off the paper<br /> years ago in many many circumstances, while still<br /> pocketing billions in payments. Thus is why<br /> Obama suckered Americans to let him 'help', by<br /> signing up for his home program. Of which those<br /> that did, were foreclosed on almost immediately.<br /> Why no media? He suckered them to re-finance -<br /> because their signatured agreements prior, gave<br /> them the homes outright legally. HUGE CRIMINAL<br /> FRAUD. The trillioniare Banksters still to this<br /> day seeking payments, sold off the titles years<br /> ago. Ho hum, hear our drums. The Rightard media<br /> won't let US know for, it is forbidden knowledge,<br /> this, 'the banksters do not cover our loans we<br /> do' Christ mind like principle of mutual<br /> understanding. Trillions. DO you care to<br /> forward this info to another to allow them<br /> also to freely consider?</p> <p>americanawakening.2011-01-13_16k.mp3<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Micheal Herzog has an incredible show on this<br /> legal issue. Realize, this info is not what a<br /> Rightard wills to give the American suckers.<br /> Rightards do go on and on about not working<br /> to help others directly by demanding<br /> accountability, because then therefore, you<br /> could be serving top secretly the diabolical<br /> NWO Globalists, forever hidden in the shadows<br /> as the master "genius" puppeteers unseen.</p> <p>then, along comes Johnny..</p> <p>God's Will is always Just. Ideologues need not<br /> apply, but they will to cloud our judgments on<br /> what is hugely relevant. Their quantitative<br /> skills lack a focus. Free international debates<br /> with the facts to get to the heart of these<br /> matters is the answer to bettering our futures<br /> for all concerned. </p> <p>PURE SATANIC EVIL - Americans, know who your enemy is... </p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>/ / U.S. officials say Hatim trained at an<br /> al-Qaida terrorist camp \ \ Zero evidence.</p> <p>As leader of the free world, I will demand the<br /> identity of this Nazi(s), insist he be tried the<br /> war criminal he is, and upon easy conviction we<br /> will personally be responsible for his execution<br /> as such. Any "American" who would disagree with<br /> such an act of freedom, will be known by all as a<br /> traitor to the good old, red white and blue. No<br /> evidence against the accused is US being truly<br /> abused. John for NEW! Coast to Coast radio<br /> host.</p> <p>/ / torture and sexual brutalization are regular practice and called Camp Justice \ \ </p> <p>Americans, know who your enemy is. Ungodly<br /> evil tyranny for the benefits of who again?</p> <p>Ron Paul "They Said I Had Too Much Of An<br /> Obsession With Individual Liberty To Be Elected"</p> <p>Remember, this demon fuk holds no defense for<br /> Americans being robbed, raped, tortured, or lied<br /> to as naked treasons committed by Bush and Cheney<br /> to mass murder millions of innocent souls for<br /> cash profit. Expect soon that this election<br /> rigger, with Alex Jones, will call for Zionist<br /> cash donations to win "Liberty" again. Not for<br /> Justice to defend anyone though of course. For,<br /> as Ayn Rand Rightard enemy cheats, they only<br /> 'win' by censoring our cries for true freedom<br /> from real tyranny. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11<br /> police investigations designed since the dawn of<br /> man to capture the ACTUAL bad guys. The Iraq war<br /> has no cause of freedom to die a teen grunt for.<br /> Rand and Ron are cons. While our problem child<br /> Alex Jones, he ain't half bad.</p> <p>Dozens of Women Describe Hell Of Being Raped by The Nazi grunts in the US Military</p> <p> is a website dedicated to<br /> the gang rapings of innocent American women and<br /> children. Why I ask all men in America do you<br /> own a gun, but for to kill the lawless enemies of<br /> Creation who claim, You will do no such thing<br /> under the authority of Satanic influences.</p> <p>Let all men demand the execution of these bushite<br /> nazi grunts, who rape American women while<br /> claiming, no laws of God nor man can put it into<br /> it's grave rightly, for the Antichrist of<br /> Creation has deemed it "Lawless". I HATE<br /> Bushite, as any real man would. Americans are<br /> not men to remain neutral on this, as they do<br /> regarding the treasons of Bush and Cheney.</p> <p>Torture of the INNOCENT authorized under former President George W. Bush<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is a war crime warranting death.</p> <p>/ / Programs to be cut include not only those<br /> targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the<br /> current budget debate—home heating assistance,<br /> Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much<br /> larger entitlement programs, Social Security and<br /> Medicare, which will face cuts later in the<br /> budget process. \ \</p> <p>Rightards with Alex Jones and Obama, who advance<br /> the criminal attack against America's elderly and<br /> poor are the enemies of American liberty. As is<br /> why they are committed to censorship to steal<br /> from US all.</p> <p>Dershowitz Joins Legal Team for Wikileaks<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Why? The demon Zionist enemy of God lies<br /> cheats and steals to kill Americans for<br /> profitable terror. So, he as a traitor to<br /> freedom everywhere, has got to be the very<br /> last demon you'd want anyone to get a real<br /> defense together against bushite lawless<br /> tyranny. A demon that openly supports<br /> committing war crimes against defenseless<br /> innocent Humans being. So.. whatthefuk?<br /> Satanic Nazi Israeli steal Christian homes<br /> routinely. They broke a truce, then mass<br /> murdered specifically innocent children they<br /> gathered together. God calls them Satanic<br /> in our Holy Books. Again, whatthefuk?</p> <p>RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs"</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Its almost as if they are completely<br /> transparent liars willing to change their<br /> tune on a dime when it suits their interests,<br /> even when it contradicts their own charges.</p> <p>But that'd be silly. \ \ </p> <p>/ / Saying that people don't work extra jobs<br /> just to keep healthcare is denying the truth. \ \ </p> <p>The Rightard dividers with Alex Jones, at RBN,<br /> and so on, will try and con US all here, to<br /> state, mediamatters is "left wing" - case closed,<br /> because the greater minds that they can't freely<br /> compete with, make the Rightard as dumb as they<br /> are when the facts are in. When I first heard<br /> the statement of 800,000.. I listened, then<br /> could barely make sense of what was being said..<br /> (and all consider myself the genius of geniuses.)<br /> Then I thought it through, with the two minute<br /> snipit offered as the Rightard's 'proof', and the<br /> nearest thing I could figure, was that because<br /> people will have better health care, they'd<br /> likely, if ABLE to choose, would work less. (Not<br /> exactly the CBO work ethic.) But the real reason<br /> the bill is bad, is it rewards the Tea Bag<br /> Rightard backers with trillions of public tax<br /> dollars they'll never have earned, just like the<br /> Banksters. Alex Jones with his partner in crime<br /> Obama and enemy George Noory will not allow<br /> Americans to discuss this with truly wiser folks<br /> factually, unless we change to be better blokes.<br /> Because we is sadly, currently, Supremely bigoted<br /> Rightard assholes. Alex Jones don't got any<br /> problem with rigging elections if it's for Ron<br /> Paul or Rand, and his Cult would likely side the<br /> same for tyranny, while they cowardly cry, to<br /> help save ourselves from plunder, means top<br /> secretly you die for their "New World Order".<br /> Look at this one example:</p> <p>'Afghan Government Cracks Down on Women’s Shelters'<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>We know the Rightard wills to not fight the true<br /> globalist tyrannical TV powers of indifference to<br /> women and children being raped in Afghanistan<br /> by the dope pushing Nazi grunts, who claim it's<br /> legal, because of their Antichrist Shariah. Where<br /> the Taliban would kill the Satanic bushite Nazi<br /> grunters without question, as demonic enemy<br /> liars of God's Great Creation. Shariah is God's<br /> will practiced fairly. Illiterates do not fair<br /> well. But we all knew that already. </p> <p>Suicide bomber kills 38, wounds dozens in Iraq<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>A suicide bomber giving his life, does<br /> not attack the Satanic enemy Bushite<br /> grunters, but members of his own<br /> community standing as whoever at<br /> a bus terminal? Then, oh, they know<br /> so, because a soldier questioned him<br /> on who had the remote, just before<br /> they were both blown to kingdom come?<br /> They, the Nazi grunts, think these<br /> kind of crimes against God will get<br /> Humanity confused on who the lawless<br /> enemy grunting torturers are, who are<br /> robbing all of every Iraqi for the<br /> final escape of Bush and Cheney,<br /> the traitors.</p> <p>Wikileaks threatens action against ex-colleague of Assange<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Domscheit-Berg claims that he and the<br /> programmer – who is known only as “The<br /> Architect†– disconnected the submissions<br /> section because they believed Mr Assange<br /> could not be trusted to keep sources secret. \ \ </p> <p>Problem. As a true anonymous record keeper<br /> there would be no records programmed for storage<br /> by “The Architectâ€, and as for confidence, was it<br /> the policy that only Assange has dictorial<br /> overview over all Newspaper submissions making<br /> inroads today, before we as anyone else does like<br /> myself. NO. Second, are they alleging that Wiki<br /> info of the most serious of war crimes; killing<br /> respected journalists, or torturing honorable<br /> American soldiers, along with women and children<br /> kidnaped on official war crime orders by Satanic<br /> Geoffrey Miller</p> <p>"BOMBSHELLS: Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the .."</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>and so on weren't allotted a fair public space<br /> for airing?, and as so, why are they then, not<br /> personally revealing what THEY know about the<br /> facts of slight at hand? No no, they just want<br /> US to forget about all this, and center the<br /> coward Rightard's attention on their excuses to<br /> teach the masses likewise to ignore, all Soldier<br /> cries for Justice. This is dumber than Jared Lee<br /> Loughner, where a Rightard cowers to the real<br /> challenges of The People against, the censorship<br /> of lawless tyranny. Censorship is the tool of<br /> tyrants. Bush and Cheney are guilty of high<br /> treason many times over here. If I go any farther<br /> about Wiki this or Wiki that, I may take time off<br /> my pursuit of Justice to truly save the innocent<br /> ourselves.</p> <p>The women and children that were mass murdered<br /> were not all between the stipulated ages of 15-55.<br /> The Nazi grunts were asked, 'why did you mow down<br /> who you knew to only be "checked through", as<br /> unarmed innocent women and children in the "many<br /> thousands", just outside of Fallujah'? "It was not!"<br /> evil war criminal they falsified as with Sattler,<br /> for, 'that they may have been boys and men pretending<br /> to be women', and all as such, could be first degree<br /> mass murdered. Ahha! But all those defenseless<br /> innocent women and children were not all between<br /> 15-55. Most of the children were toddlers and<br /> infants. Bushite grunts deserve to die as the<br /> war crime lying traitors they are, warring America<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.</p> <p>/ / Governor Walker’s request to the State<br /> Legislature to eliminate nearly all of the<br /> collective-bargaining rights for thousands of<br /> Wisconsin workers is big government at its worst.<br /> \ \ Then, he orders huge bites into everyone's<br /> salaries to cover shortfalls in the pensions for<br /> only one example of several. Then suggests that<br /> the American National Guard wouldn't arrest<br /> himself, but all school teachers, fire fighters,<br /> and Cops instead who would complain(?), as those<br /> who would believe, they have a right to vote for<br /> fair representation. Public Unions of Wisconsin<br /> are not being accused of corruption here from<br /> what I've read so far... so? Again like Rand<br /> Paul, we can expect the Rightards to attack<br /> innocent Americans to escape the trillion dollar<br /> thieves along with Bush and Cheney for mass<br /> murder on 9/11. Do you care? Then forward these<br /> concerns to everyone. YES! You. Heaven for<br /> Just living or Hell of death as self destruction,<br /> you decide. Chump.</p> <p>/ / Ron Paul is America's leading voice for<br /> limited, constitutional government, low taxes,<br /> free markets, a return to sound monetary<br /> policies, and a sensible foreign policy hat puts<br /> America first. \ \ limited is relative. Limited<br /> from arresting gang rapists of American women in<br /> KBR for example? The trillion dollar<br /> extortionist's capture? The 9/11 perps? FREE<br /> MARKETS FOR LOOTING!!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! How<br /> about UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Bush and Cheney?</p> <p>Demon liars who will to kill more innocent<br /> victims for Bush and Cheney's final escape.<br /> Escape from the Constitutional protects we must<br /> excersize to defend ourselves from just this sort<br /> of undermining. Trillions have be outright<br /> stolen in broad daylight, while Ron Paul claims<br /> he has no reckonning of such willful treasonous<br /> conducts of criminals he calls his fellow<br /> Republicans. Such as in kidnaping, in torture,<br /> vaccines, bombing Iraq, and so on further into a<br /> world of lawless destruction, because we know,<br /> first hand, Ron Paul will never be there to win<br /> US anything but more rewarding tyranny. His<br /> arguments on Nazi Israel are NOT to defend the<br /> innocent Christian children mass murdered by the<br /> Nazis who broke the truce. NO no, no he ACTUALLY<br /> STATES we must not help the INNOCENT victims to<br /> his murderous cons of denying Justice for all.<br /> Everywhere. If I sight the video, it will get<br /> pulled by Google or the Jones Cult, but just,<br /> seek for yourself his comments on Gaza, on<br /> military dictatorships being all, 'trying to do<br /> good' "Police actions", and his complete contempt<br /> for All American life by knowing the Bush regime<br /> pulled off 9/11, and as 'public ally', sides to<br /> say how dumb we all are to his enlightened view,<br /> that trying to help can only do ourselves wrong<br /> every-time, like Alex Jones will sell with<br /> censorship to the dying suckers paying in willful<br /> donations.. Censored on like, how traffic lights<br /> work effectively as thought collectively to ease<br /> congestion, while saving real Peoples lives. </p> <p>Indecent Exposure:<br /> WikiLeaks Hounded for Showing Power Its True Face<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Rand Paul the Traitor</p> <p>Rand Paul the Traitor "I'm not singling out<br /> Israel. I support Israel. I want to be known as<br /> a friend of Israel," so they can mass murder more<br /> Christians, Muslims, and Jews with breaking<br /> truces? To steal more homes for racist Zionist<br /> only roads? Rand Paul is a traitor. A godless<br /> demon enemy of the Republic who supports Justice<br /> never. Just like his pals in AIPAC. He is a<br /> con. Hear him on earmarks to KNOW this as so.<br /> He, like his father, thinks we're are just too<br /> stupid to know better of what he sells as<br /> huckster. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 Police<br /> Investigations.</p> <p>"BP's spilled oil is washing up in people"</p> <p>Rand Paul: BP Should Not Be Held Responsible<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>They removed the 'safety fluid' on purpose,<br /> which caused the explosion, and Americans<br /> don't care to forward my wise words, because<br /> they know, they are fundamentally cowards<br /> who sacrifice to Zionist war criminals for<br /> Satan, as the ungodly enemies of our Humanity<br /> to remain dying silenced with their vociferous<br /> lies, while AJ sells this demon, Rand or Ron<br /> isn't anything but vile pirates like George<br /> Noory is of the Constitution, warring America<br /> with lawless warfare against US, the Innocent,<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney<br /> on 9/11. </p> <p>WTC 7 Explosion That the Magic TV Refuses to Show - Why?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / NIST is now cornered: trapped within their web<br /> of lies. Now that the video of the firemen reporting<br /> explosions has been released from NIST archives,<br /> they have? NO EXCUSE for failing to investigate<br /> explosives.</p> <p>This is high treason. \ \ You got that right buddy.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Honeywell describes an already existing<br /> "secret" disabling FMC code that can allow a<br /> GPS-guided aircraft autopilot system to take<br /> away control of an aircraft from a pilot during<br /> emergencies. Honeywell state-of-the-art Flight<br /> Management Systems (FMS) were used by the four<br /> aircraft reportedly hijacked on September 11, 2001. \ \ </p> <p>We must demand Justice.</p> <p>Rightards are evil bigot crooks who refuse US to<br /> speak facts, for then they look as they truly are.</p> <p>Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / the 5 pillars of Islam in Islam is<br /> like believing that Jesus peace be upon<br /> him exists in Christianity. \ \ The<br /> truth of how this all fits together<br /> for the common will of Justice for our<br /> times. The same struggle that existed<br /> as DOCUMENTED in the Dead Sea Scrolls,<br /> is very near the same struggle today.</p> <p>"Iowa Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim"<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>..As the Rightard of FOXSNEWS enemy<br /> suggest, To be a lover to God's Great<br /> Creation, is a threat to their ungodly<br /> evil tyrannies. as war crime Zionist<br /> Nazi, breaking truces to slaughter<br /> innocent Christian children for<br /> Satan (AIPAC for the Atheists).</p> <p>We Will Never Forget<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize<br /> is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal<br /> Palestinian land. \ \ </p> <p>Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil<br /> crooks, and if you disagree they call you an<br /> anti-Semite. Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor<br /> are the real Jews from the Bible. But to the<br /> truly SATANIC, the facts matter none to how many<br /> innocent Christian children they can target for<br /> mass murder, by TV tricking the dying American<br /> suckers to pay giving more in blood sacrifice to<br /> have it continue as demonic criminal AIPAC. </p> <p>Silence of the Press:<br /> US media turns blind eye to RT crew arrest<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Bushite grunters warring for torture. Again,<br /> American Law warrants death for torture. Kill a<br /> Bushite for Christ and be called a true American<br /> Patriot. Every rightful death sentence against a<br /> Bushite Nazi grunter, can only hold respect for<br /> the true warriors of Justice as Liberty.</p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>/ / Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration<br /> told a federal judge Monday that the U.S.<br /> government has authority to kill U.S. citizens \ \ </p> <p>What is wrong with US? That is called MURDER.</p> <p>ALL THE ANSWERS FOR EYGPT NOW - OUTLAW TORTURE WITH SERIOUS PENALTY</p> <p>Khaled Saeed Case - Egypt's Guilty as Sin<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Try and execute the culprits for being<br /> clearly murderers, then outlaw torture<br /> with a rightly given death sentence, as<br /> truly freeing the great Egyptian Peoples.</p> <p>The lawless AntiChrist Zionist, war crime<br /> nation of America certainly won't work to<br /> help anyone be liberated from their<br /> 'proud' ungodly tyranny of liars truly,<br /> so Peoples, we're going to have to do<br /> this for ourselves. I'm with You.</p> <p>-</p> <p>What Oppression Looks Like<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are worried about any change in Egypt: Shimon Peres</p> <p>Understand, why I, President Ronald Reagan<br /> and other true Patriots, demand by Standing<br /> Law, that torturers be actually for real<br /> executed without question. Instantly of<br /> those in the American Military. They, like<br /> Blackwater's Cofer Black, deserve never<br /> to live stealing another breath of our<br /> precious air. The Nazi Israeli torturer<br /> is an ungodly liar, a war crime thief, an<br /> enemy of Liberty, who supports not, following<br /> crime scene leads at real crime scenes<br /> to defend anyone. Die bushite die.</p> <p>-</p> <p>The Rightard's Treason</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>-</p> <p>VIDEO - "Where Are The Wall Street Prosecutions!": Angry C-SPAN Callers Sound Off On Criminal Banksters<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are not alone, despite Alex Jones and his NWO<br /> Globalist Rightard pro Rand Paul cocksucking<br /> bigots stealing our glories to escape real bad<br /> guys everywhere, starting with Bush and Cheney on<br /> 9/11. Again, Alex Jones will be one of my first<br /> invited guests to speak openly to this Challenge<br /> of the gods. Humbling yourself a little would be<br /> my sugestion Alex.. but you'd likely fear I was<br /> something less that what I am. A good guy giving<br /> sound advice. Let's do this...</p> <p>-</p> <p>Afghan Air War Doubles: Now 10 Attacks Per Day<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Bush and Cheney officially halted American Police<br /> Investigations designed since the dawn of Man to<br /> capture the actual bad guys. Narco NATO war<br /> Humanity to rape children, to abuse women, to<br /> push heroin, to all steal all resources.. And<br /> I'll tell you, we are not happy about it.</p> <p>They deny us as the enemy real resolution for<br /> hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.<br /> The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars<br /> who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing<br /> defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who<br /> rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US<br /> bring America back to where the People's rights<br /> are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our<br /> vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.<br /> Or, do you just want to silently fall down as<br /> innocent victim to third world military<br /> dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend<br /> yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're<br /> arresting for public trial the criminals<br /> responsible for 911. We are America, and we are<br /> no greater than any other to proclaim, this is<br /> our right, this is our destiny.</p> <p>“uncompassionate by nature†is not Johnny the<br /> Jew, but the ungodly Satanic enemies of God and<br /> man who lie cheat and steal for more American<br /> sacrifices.</p> <p>THIS IS THE PROOF:</p> <p>/ / “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder<br /> applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew,†write<br /> Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the<br /> West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are<br /> “uncompassionate by nature†and attacks on them<br /> “curb their evil inclination,†while babies and<br /> children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since<br /> “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.†\ \<br /> lovers of Justice and God believers, like the<br /> true Jews of those mass murdered in Lebanon being<br /> the first strike targets by Nazi Israeli.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Then read of the demonic liars who twist as a<br /> bigot Rightard liar does, for murdering innocent<br /> Peoples targeted for war crimes plunder in our<br /> God's stolen name. NOT JEWS, as the Holy Bible<br /> teaches. I can explain everything. Does the<br /> truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen son<br /> or daughter for stolen profits? How about a<br /> country?</p> <p>-</p> <p>Obama's Patriotic American Chamber of Commerce<br /> Leader, Advoctates Offshoring of American Jobs</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>"people effected by offshoring should stop whining"</p> <p>The Chamber of Commerce has taken over these last<br /> ten years, a direct position against every last<br /> American, to side with military dictatorships for<br /> stolen cash bribes. Shipping American factories<br /> in the tens of thousands overseas. But what does<br /> dying as Rightard America care for facts though<br /> right? Obama claimed his Zionist Nazi Chamber of<br /> Commerce, are Patriots of Freedom to sanction<br /> breaking truces, who Obama claims, want what is<br /> best for America, despite their willingness to<br /> mass murder anyone for a stolen nickel, or just<br /> outright, steal your body organs. This isn't<br /> rocket science, nor dividing fractions, but<br /> something so in our faces, that I honestly<br /> believe, you'd have to be something less than a<br /> emotional Human Being, to not be concerned in<br /> naturally caring for your dying furtures being<br /> sold out to Republican Tea Bag war criminals, as<br /> the new, anti-"big" vactationing every third week<br /> American Commie Congress. (saleried at $171,000+<br /> plus perks!) Where limited government means<br /> limited from all accounting for their stealing.<br /> Their itinerary in officially, to do nothing but<br /> go on extended breaks.. Why? Because a Rightard<br /> in Government like Rand Paul is bad, just as he<br /> says he is with Alex Jones championing the<br /> destruction. What business is it for the<br /> government to tell US what we can or can not do<br /> right Rightards? Right rapists? Right 9/11<br /> perps? Right trillioniare Banksters? Oh but<br /> Abortion is an issue they will to pirate,<br /> believing therefore no one could ever understand<br /> it better. Hanging for cheats at Life. Killing<br /> innocent Christian kids by breaking truces for<br /> Satan though, for kickbacks through AIPAC? hey,<br /> no prob. As is why Nazi Israeli call all<br /> innocent human beings, crying for Justice,<br /> "Nazi". It does apparently work for the American<br /> Rightards, and for no opinion corporate snews<br /> products, but, that is about it. I know i know,<br /> 'forbidden knowledge'.</p> <p>I can't believe Americans all as Rightards still<br /> refuse as the enemy to forward my calls for the<br /> truth to be spoken, but apparently, this is the<br /> case that Sherlock would have walked off the set<br /> for. They lie cheat and steal from themselves<br /> willingly, if it means a wise man or woman won't<br /> be allowed to speak freely on TV or their radios.<br /> Pure godless Zionist Nazi filth to remain silent<br /> against their Rightard tyrannizing, aimed now<br /> directly against their forsaken neighbor being<br /> 'lawlessly' gang raped by KBR, while illegally<br /> having their jobs and homes stolen in broad<br /> daylight. Better that, than the "sand niggers",<br /> or innocent Christian children from other<br /> countries in the long run I suppose., See, in<br /> other worlds, being Christian ACTUALLY means, you<br /> believe in a God that is a greater love than what<br /> Americans truly care for. As is why the American<br /> Nazi grunts in Afghanistan sanction the first<br /> degree murder of Peoples in Afghanistan for<br /> simply believing in Christianity. So what DO<br /> Rightard Americans care for then? Not much but<br /> what they can get away to steal from others, so..<br /> no wonder..</p> <p>YOU CAN’T BE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BEING ANTI ISRAELI<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We as Humanity must learn, these Nazi Zionists<br /> who advance attacks against our innocent families<br /> are for real. They openly break truces to<br /> indiscriminately mass murder and torture. Real<br /> Peoples Homes get stolen routinely. Real Jewish<br /> families were bombed by Nazi Zionist in Lebanon<br /> as the first strike targets for stolen profits.<br /> They are not Human, but demonic enemies of Life<br /> and GOD, committed to mass murder the innocent as<br /> Satanic, and we all should know of it, Atheist,<br /> or otherwise.</p> <p>9/11 Doc of Docs.. "between the lies"<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>DVD image (4.1 GB)<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This contains great evidence made by our Police<br /> Agencies to get ourselves continuing on correctly<br /> making the proper arrests on who tried to lead us<br /> astray from our freedom path. Remember, this<br /> documents a portion of the true 9/11 crew that<br /> were for sure arrested, before being able to<br /> dangerously fly two planes on the day of 9/11.<br /> This is bombshell info demanding Public Police<br /> Investigations being re-started on international<br /> TV, so we as Humanity can arrest all Neocon<br /> Peenacker Republicans, and the odd Demonrat, for<br /> speedy public trials for the convictions of mass<br /> murdering our American bretheren.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Ron Paul has announced that the first<br /> Monetary Policy subcommittee meeting will<br /> focus on one of those two now forgotten Fed<br /> mandates, that of creating jobs. \ \ </p> <p>What about all the criminal fraud in the<br /> trillions you COMMIE Rightard parasite?<br /> AIG was bailed to pay Goldman. The Bank<br /> of Scottland threatened arrest of Goldman<br /> if they didn't get back what they were<br /> defrauded, and Goldman payed them back to<br /> avoid a hanging. Americans too, must demand<br /> their TRILLIONS back, but Ron Paul is a<br /> con like Alex Jones, all to escape the for<br /> real bad guys, while blaming the poor and<br /> weak being ILLEGALLY left for closed.</p> <p>a staggering $5 billion cut to Texas schools<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>"It's a catastrophe. No financial aid for kids<br /> to go to college. No pre-kindergarten for kids<br /> to learn their numbers and their letters. Health<br /> and human services slashed," said Rep. Pete<br /> Gallego, D-Alpine. "No Texan can be proud of this." </p> <p>AJ, Rand Paul, and other Rightards of the NWO<br /> Globalist Commie Elites, can't compete fairly<br /> on a open playing field for Just cause, where the<br /> facts are here for all to witness of them escaping<br /> the worst of criminals in Your name. So, as a<br /> Nazi, they promote with censorship the, 'must do'<br /> indiscriminate attack against America's cheated<br /> elderly, the cheated poor, school kids and<br /> everyone else as Pensioners or Palestinian, before<br /> we are ever allowed to freely demand Justice as<br /> our defense willingly authored. This should be<br /> what soldiers war in death for, to speak the facts<br /> in open international debates, on how all we will to<br /> not be further undone in ungodly stupid tyranny.</p> <p>EXAMPLE 1:</p> <p>Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>EXAMPLE 2: </p> <p>CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.2 trillion<br /> Rightards "How will we pay for a 1.2 trillion dollar health care plan?"</p> <p>Your paying a private insurance company, when<br /> in truth, you need not pay them a pretty Penny.</p> <p>BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - EXPLOSIVE New Revelations<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>I am saddened. I tell America that BP removed<br /> the safety fluid which caused the blow up on<br /> purpose, as documented in Congressional<br /> Testimony, and yet.. Peoples still refuse to<br /> raise their phones to allow US to speak on Coast<br /> to Coast freely without censorship to resolve<br /> these issues to the best of our abilities very<br /> quickly. Why is it possible? Because we<br /> actually know what we are talking about, when<br /> we're allowed to speak beyond the Rightard bigot<br /> TV liars, who whore for a "free" [lawless]<br /> market, ruled for "freedom" [slavery] by<br /> boundless magic [greed], with an Amerikan<br /> Rightard Commie hatred for all Government,<br /> Blacks, Hispanics, Chinks, Whitey, Liberals,<br /> Socialists, Jews, Globalists, bookworms, and the<br /> smart ass fellows who speak with real power as<br /> honorable in the interests for any as all. But,<br /> 'Justice is Christ-like' doesn't sound as tough<br /> an mean, as Alex Jones with fellow Rightard Rand<br /> Paul, telling of how they have no choice but to<br /> back a sicko sado fascistic attack against the<br /> elderly and poor of America - 'no other way' to<br /> stop these wars. No Justice for You. Well, I'm<br /> here to declare there is another way, join<br /> yourself to stand as an individual, committed to<br /> allowing the facts be spoken, to earn ourselves a<br /> less bleak picture than BP has painted US into<br /> dying posioned here. Because near what ever I<br /> write, Americans simply refuse to forward these<br /> words everywhere as a good thing. Now I ask<br /> myself, why must we allow ourselves to suffer<br /> this way when we don't. I pray you will heed<br /> this call and offer your own two cents on this<br /> matter for a new call to brighten our days. We<br /> don't have to give up before we've even started<br /> bro. We need our stolen homes and trillions<br /> back, just as Iraqis need all their stolen money<br /> back, with Afghanistan getting the biggest of<br /> appologies humanly possible. The 9/11 perps need<br /> to be arrested by our nearest precincts, for to<br /> be held without bail, for the up coming Public<br /> Trial of all Trials, won by free open<br /> international debate for Victory as measured.<br /> Now that's entertainment! Now, who's with you?</p> <p>Our Prison Planet is Populated by Disfunctioning Rightards<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / As far as WMD, the US and UK gov didn’t<br /> lie, Saddam did. He went to extreme lengths to<br /> deceive the world \ \ </p> <p>How can the Rightards allow this form of Evil to<br /> go unchallenged? Easy, they are Rightards.</p> <p>-</p> <p>Saving Our Lives from Further Plunder</p> <p>The strange thing is, why must I be the only real<br /> player on this scene capable of such game? Do<br /> you know, in better times, being of God is really<br /> quite miraculous to all who love life as such?<br /> We could bring such great wonders if only we were<br /> respected for who we truly are. Instead, we have<br /> Republican pro gang rapists who will to kill more<br /> American teens to escape Bush and Cheney, telling<br /> on magic American TV of how Christmas to<br /> Christians, is where concern of another innocent<br /> victim is secondary to getting America further<br /> robbed by our inactions made poorer by<br /> Congressmen. The Banksters are making off with<br /> trillions man, TRILLIONS! No wonder these very<br /> same Republicans get off on killing innocent<br /> Christian children for Satan, hand in hand with<br /> the Demonrats through AIPAC - for on an open<br /> playing field where open debate with the<br /> knowledgeable is openly relished, we all would<br /> win, and they would lose as the ungodly war<br /> criminal traitors they've proven to ourselves to<br /> be, time and time again, fair and squared. We'd<br /> save our lives from further plunder I'm saying.</p> <p>Republicans are..</p> <p>Hey, like I say, if you want to suck cock, do it<br /> on your own time Republicans, for America has a<br /> war to win here. Freedom for Everyone, is to be<br /> whoever we will, as long as we don't deprive<br /> another that same right. The Rightards and some<br /> of the just as false "Left" will to try to fuck<br /> this up for themselves with censorship, because<br /> they can't stand as a humble individual Human,<br /> (God loving or otherwise) as is why a Rightard<br /> will tell you it's a Rightard that has no true<br /> meaning to it's lifeless character, that chooses<br /> stupid rules like, 'Privatize always' to further<br /> die all stupidly for their inhuman tyrannies.<br /> Tyrannies that wouldn't succeed in a world that<br /> allowed respect for open polite debate with<br /> experts of experts such as ourselves that insist<br /> evidence is the only way to determine a Person's<br /> guilt or innocence in this multi-dimensional<br /> universe, that Alex Jones can't even presently<br /> dream of as an equal to all contributer of the<br /> Cause. Example: ask any Rightard what it<br /> knows about "Health Care", or have them explain<br /> Alex Jones' "Death Panels" and all they spew is<br /> what they were TV trained to, without an actual<br /> understanding of where they are coming from<br /> without any qualifying quantifications. No real<br /> measurement of understanding on how Obama's<br /> "Health Care Plan" is seriously, Truly, flawed by<br /> the Commies. A Rightard. The Commies.</p> <p>Thus is the Nature of John Q. Public.</p> <p>Alex Jones' open support of tyranny is not<br /> acceptable I'm warning. For AJ to go on again,<br /> how great tyranny is for Egyptians, because to<br /> fight for liberty always means you just play into<br /> his NWO Globalist agenda, is not going to wash<br /> with even the dumbest of cowardly Rightards. Who<br /> as Rightards, doesn't mean they all, every single<br /> one, will to do harm on purpose to themselves. I<br /> fight arrogant censor Alex with far superior<br /> ideas, because he is like a retarded little<br /> brother playing infallible Pope being abusive to<br /> his closest friends to me. But others will not<br /> be so generous, if he doesn't stop playing to<br /> lose everyone in his irrational nonsenses of how<br /> we all must be made to be powerless under his<br /> authoritarian Zionist thumb. I want free<br /> exchange of the facts for everyone to witness;<br /> George Walker Bush is the actual, for real,<br /> antichrist enemy of all Creation. The biggest<br /> war criminal of all history ever recorded. While<br /> Alex, the Rightard bigot, the Antigay faggot,<br /> wants to blame anyone else but the for sure<br /> guilty of war crimes. Blindly denying ourselves<br /> the truth as witnessed. So, what would you say<br /> if you were a real man like me?</p> <p>Again, they SPEAK NOTHING TODAY for American<br /> Women being gang raped by their partners in<br /> war crimes. Speak nothing for Justice on 9/11.</p> <p>/ / ..Egyptian army general told the BBC<br /> the military was losing patience with the<br /> embattled Mubarak, and would open fire<br /> at regime loyalists if there were fresh<br /> attacks on protesters... \ \ Yeah! Defend<br /> the innocent of Egypt from these Rightard<br /> pro-torture enemies of God who war Humanity<br /> for lawless bankster tyrannies.</p> <p>CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish'</p> <p>Let Fly</p> <p>Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly<br /> that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro<br /> torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a<br /> Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a<br /> brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats<br /> on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off<br /> on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent<br /> Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney<br /> for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by<br /> Christ we will forever say, while we formally<br /> hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal<br /> publicly executed for crimes like gang raping<br /> American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities<br /> like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too<br /> the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for<br /> dropping land mines in school districts, for<br /> torturing elderly people to death countless times<br /> by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only<br /> ten years, and only because he bragged to his family<br /> and entire city that he could torture anyone of them<br /> too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do<br /> about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be<br /> walking free like the rest of them who did even<br /> worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are<br /> actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity<br /> for example - for killing little kids to get back<br /> at US all for something they freely state in<br /> America today like is said Publicly in Nazi Israel.<br /> Unremorseful child killers getting free health<br /> care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to<br /> not have that for yourself fairly though) That is<br /> what Grainer told in writing to his threatened<br /> (likely raped too?) young daughter - for why<br /> her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent<br /> Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his<br /> sentencing in a "Court" ruled by illiterate Nazi<br /> savages with no Freedom commitment, claimed he<br /> had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as<br /> the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying<br /> to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because<br /> he still surely believes though Americans own<br /> guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity<br /> rightly to defend their next innocent god loving<br /> victims as the Law dictates against war criminals.<br /> Ungodly war crimes done to see their fellow teen<br /> soldiers die as a consequence of an American male's<br /> personal cowardice to be real men in their TV world,<br /> to hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent<br /> others, such as children they several times were<br /> CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for<br /> kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to<br /> defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis<br /> money, and American's money, and then gave all<br /> rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies.<br /> NONE FOR IRAQI IN IRAQ ALL NOTICE. They stole<br /> Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and<br /> replaced it with the American godless banking<br /> corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back<br /> for money they never lent you to begin with..<br /> They put Allawi in charge who after crediting<br /> himself for killing a bunch of innocent children<br /> in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute<br /> every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt<br /> to treat an innocent child or women from<br /> Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings<br /> they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY<br /> TARGETING EVERY LAST SCHOOL TEACHER. Will YOU,<br /> yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join<br /> me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler<br /> who carried out such orders without even<br /> whispering a concern for their innocent mass<br /> murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two<br /> thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively<br /> estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah -<br /> FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara<br /> before John Batist quit, because he refused to<br /> carry it out completely - largely I speculate<br /> because with his name, it would have been just a<br /> little too demonic for his liking to needlessly<br /> mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO<br /> REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know<br /> what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie<br /> about here, which is why I sooo much want to see<br /> the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness<br /> their RIGHTFUL PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. Kill a Bushite<br /> by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald<br /> Reagan as STANDING AME</p>
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#markup (String, 78168 characters ) <p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons...
<p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons if they knew the truth<br /> that we will not remain silent?</p> <!--break--><p><img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br />As Protesters Rally Nationwide to Support Wisconsin Workers CNN Features the Two Year Anniversary of the Tea Party<br /> Media Blackout: CNN Fox News and MSNBC Ignore 100,000 WI Protesters</p> <p>INSIDE JOB<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>'From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker,<br /> Charles Ferguson, comes INSIDE JOB, the first<br /> Hollywood Film to expose the shocking CRIMINAL<br /> truth behind the economic crisis that the<br /> Rightard demands all Americans be made to<br /> suffer as still paying for' - But for the<br /> Rightard, facts are for the stupid people.<br /> Palin, the demon whore of Satan proves this,<br /> with her comment of her support of mass<br /> murdering innocent children, and everyone<br /> at a hospital for money by simply statng,<br /> "without provocation", and no one but<br /> a small small few feel enough for the<br /> innocent lives lost as important<br /> to point her costs to every last<br /> one of us denied self respect.</p> <p>Being Republican is to Rob from Everyone</p> <p>Who would truly vote for such<br /> treasons if they knew the truth<br /> that we will not remain silent?</p> <p>Defend the American Dream!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wisconsin Assembly approves plan to curb unions</p> <p>This was with NAKED CRIMINAL intention.<br /> To CHEAT the voters is what a Republican<br /> is that truly has no talent but to deceive,<br /> as it would be run out of country, if free<br /> speech with the facts ruled the day.</p> <p>USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike</p> <p>Trillions of dollars from America has<br /> been defrauded, and the President with<br /> his Republican partners will to blame<br /> the innocent for the shortfall, instead<br /> of actually defending the good old, red<br /> white and blue.</p> <p>America - The Hidden Treasure<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Because Bush and Cheney closed official 911<br /> Police investigations, we will go nowhere until,<br /> we arrest the demons for obstruction, to get back<br /> to following probable cause to arrest the actual<br /> bad guys.</p> <p>Uygur-Sanders-Unions-022211.wmv<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Walker Whacks Wisconsin for Wackenhut<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan:<br /> No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales.<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wisconsin’s power plants for pennies on the dollar<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Treason. No? He is openly planning to rob US of<br /> what we are truly worth. Who voted for this guy,<br /> who wouldn't now know, a recall is in order for<br /> the benefits of all? Unless the reason Americans<br /> vote Republican is to rob from everyone.</p> <p>Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Ed Schultz Show - They cooked the books!!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Republican Governor Deliberately Spent Wisconsin Surplus<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Wisconsin had a surplus, and as soon as he<br /> was sworn in, Walker gave it away to special<br /> interests in order to put the state into deficit.<br /> Is it a coincidence that every Republican<br /> governor is suddenly going after the unions and<br /> the pensions? Is it simply bubbling up from the<br /> ground for no special reason? Hell, no. \ \ Not<br /> a traitor trying to steal away America's demands<br /> for Justice on the Banksters making off with<br /> trillions in stolen assets, such as life saving<br /> Pensions?</p> <p>TRILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </p> <p>A Rightard hates everyone here, because they<br /> know, we know, they are not truly honorable men.<br /> Like, to remain silent on Bush and Cheney's final<br /> escape with the banksters they do by blaming the<br /> made weaker and poor, here and now.</p> <p>Justice to the war criminals of indiscriminate<br /> warfare would better serve ourselves to halt for<br /> our safety. The bushmob did 911.</p> <p>1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta</p> <p>2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers</p> <p>So, instead of fighting for Justice to preserve<br /> freedom, America is lawlessly still led by the<br /> unelected illiterate war criminal George Walker<br /> Bush - who claimed/s we don't need evidence to<br /> form a guilty verdict. On the matters of Good<br /> and Evil. And some people call ME crazy..</p> <p>/ / the deputy attorney general who called for<br /> Wisconsin riot police to use deadly force on<br /> protesters is no longer employed \ \ to claim he<br /> would act criminally without question, to kill<br /> peaceful American voices for Justice, should have<br /> earned him a whole lot worse as a proud stenching<br /> Republican. If he truly had had such a willful<br /> blind attitude about what is right or wrong in<br /> these here parts.</p> <p>This is good. Remember, the Rightard enemy of<br /> our species, the American "Conservative", wants<br /> to blame anyone else but actual war criminals<br /> guilty of high treason such as Bush and Cheney,<br /> but instead as evil sadomasochistic tools of<br /> tyranny, uniformly, as TV robots without an<br /> ability to express original thought, will to<br /> blame the made weaker and poorer, innocent and<br /> 'undefended'. Note: the banksters have outright<br /> defrauded more than 19 trillion dollars from the<br /> American public. It is for these crimes, that I,<br /> General Johnny, will orchestrate all militaries<br /> world-wide in assisting, when needed, the<br /> apprehension of these said trillioniares, by our<br /> police services with Public warrants of arrest<br /> for the grand thefts. No?</p> <p>No evidence against the accused is US being truly<br /> abused. The Bible teaches this. Life teaches<br /> this. Atheists rule as equals is God's Kingdom,<br /> if only for the laughs. This is an all win kind<br /> of a thing. Where the truth is relished.. for<br /> example:</p> <p>Ed Schultz - Social Insecurity<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is Ed Shultz letting US know knowledge that<br /> is forbidden in the Rightards worlds. These<br /> truths expose the Ideologues as blind stupid<br /> Rightards like an Alex Jones, who dance as the<br /> 'all' knowing blind chickens clucking at a<br /> hypnotist's show. We shouldn't need be this way,<br /> if the cheats were corrected for reasons won.<br /> Good work Ed.</p> <p>21,000 (30 percent) of NYC teachers to lose their jobs</p> <p>The Rightards are attacking. Understand, these<br /> Republican/Libertarian/Conservatives are<br /> attacking undefended Americans to escape the<br /> trillioniare bankster THIEVES with Bush and<br /> Cheney. TRUE COMMIES. Rand Paul is vile, evil,<br /> good for nothing as traitor to every last<br /> American soul, as too, all the Peoples of the<br /> Middle East when he speaks no words against the<br /> Satanic that break truces, and burn innocent<br /> Christian children alive as targeted with white<br /> phosphorus for AIPAC kickbacks. Kickback! Death<br /> to torturers!</p> <p>4.5 Million Orphans in Iraq: Protests Over Food and Shelter</p> <p>Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave no proof<br /> for his assertion, that it all was being<br /> organized by supporters of Saddam and<br /> al-Qaida. </p> <p>Kill a Bushite for Christ. It, as an American<br /> Rightard TV "Conservative", does not deserve to<br /> live, stealing further innocent lives for the<br /> escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11. Die bushite<br /> die.</p> <p>Failure to Communicate</p> <p>Extortion is against the Law in America. Let's<br /> start there.. back on Sept. 18th 2008. Either<br /> we pay them without question, or come Monday<br /> morning, they would run the country into the<br /> ground. Bailed JP Morgan had more than a<br /> trillion dollars in capital, through out the<br /> entire so labeled "Crisis". Surprising to most<br /> however, is that banksters do not actually cover<br /> our loans, we do. As Extortionists, they<br /> illegally took all our trillions of dollars for<br /> 'free' as private individuals. Stupidly. Crazy<br /> man crazy. It's a good thing we're here.</p> <p>Rear Admiral Gregory J. Smith Deputy Chief<br /> of Staff, Communication NATO International<br /> Security Assistance Force.. blahblahblah</p> <p>"Regrettably this is customary among<br /> some Afghan fathers as a way of dealing<br /> with children who misbehave," a crime,<br /> like pushing heroin, bank robbery, or<br /> guilty Bushite nazi grunting rapists<br /> of American women walking free as<br /> FOX TV "Heroes".</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>The American President should offer 50<br /> dollars for the head of, Rear Admiral<br /> Gregory Smith. </p> <p>"Neocon David Horowitz Labels Ron Paul and His Supporters Vicious Anti-Semites"</p> <p>Yeah but, these two guys fuck<br /> each other up America's ass<br /> on a routine basis, as the<br /> best of buds united at<br /> the hip to escape Bush<br /> and Cheney for 9/11, Nazi<br /> Israeli for breaking truces,<br /> and so on.. Again, it's that<br /> same con of the Rightard.</p> <p>The Johnny America Show<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Nominated for Best of the Internet 2011.<br /> Thanks to all that participate in this.</p> <p>Impeachment Speech and the 35 Articles in Full<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>What Is Missing - The Johnny Addendum<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Forward this concern to anyone<br /> as your own, please. Thanks.</p> <p>President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This just makes common sense. But a Rightard<br /> bigot can't fathom a world where peoples are<br /> treated fairly, so they side to attempt at<br /> dividing US masses, on like calling all public<br /> workers, "Marxist", or, 'those fighting for a<br /> better world, are masterminded by men who express<br /> a more feminine side', than themselves as<br /> secretly promiscuously butch antiGay faggots 99%<br /> of the time who lay that claim, as a caller with<br /> Oracle sold without defenses given for the Public<br /> as still going innocent victims here. The<br /> Rightard is committed to not acknowledging the<br /> trillions theft, or the escaping of the 9/11 war<br /> criminals, but to blame old folk and kids being<br /> educated, to blame those seeking a fairer health<br /> care, to blame those who can speak fluently on<br /> critical issues they pirate under bigot<br /> influences of seeking not truth in understanding.<br /> Law abiding elected Unions defend for fair<br /> representations - most of all the time. When I<br /> call Alex Jones and Ron Paul COMMIES, they<br /> actually ARE!, by insisting the Global Elites<br /> should get a health care that leaves out the<br /> middle man, but not for YOU as sucker paying<br /> their private insurance hood winkers, of whom<br /> would rather see America suffer, than us all<br /> together wising up together on who's credit is<br /> who's here. It's truly as Obama coined the investment<br /> service for the Peoples interest relationship, of<br /> public vs. private "a no-brainer" when you ACTUALLY<br /> understand the workings in this happen stance of<br /> serving a Pro Pro-health care initiative - Pro -<br /> by giving more than half your investment to an<br /> insurance company who would rather see you die -<br /> is totally fucked down as screwed around man.</p> <p>Commies are Rightarded dumb guys, who refuse to<br /> humble themselves to confess, they can not speak<br /> as the foremost expert of experts at the Johnny<br /> level [NO CENSORSHIP], without being exposed as<br /> idiots when free communications with the FACTS<br /> are present. See Johnny's,</p> <p>/ / RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs" \ \</p> <p>See, I proudly know I'm an idiot on just about<br /> everything, but for Justice being a must to live<br /> free in any world, of which I of love as truly<br /> care for. Our suffering Humanity has been<br /> forsaken on the great gifts we bring to everyone<br /> through fair free dialog. Justice is freedom.</p> <p>Justin Bieber On Health Care: U.S. System 'Evil' </p> <p>/ / "You guys are evil," he told the magazine,<br /> out on February 18th. "Canada's the best country<br /> in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't<br /> need to worry about paying him, but here, your<br /> whole life, you're broke because of medical<br /> bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and<br /> now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your<br /> baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as<br /> long as he needs to, and then you go home." \ \</p> <p>American incubators = $100,000+ a day<br /> Canadian incubators = $1000ish- a day</p> <p>[Same machine, but in Canada the medically<br /> qualified oversee, in America, the Rightards.<br /> Pure unadulterated evil the American<br /> "Conservative" enemy bigot like Alex Jones rips<br /> into American lives with censorship for stolen<br /> cash takes from everyone of the country.]</p> <p>Now, there is a good reason to love. Why? Well,<br /> because Americans pay more than double per-capita<br /> for public health care, that then requires them<br /> to go out and buy some private insurance. Pure<br /> wicked evil of the worst kind to know so as I,<br /> that Rightards like Alex Jones, and near every<br /> last American "Conservative" liar, cheat, and<br /> thief, who can't fairly compete, will cut off all<br /> dying American callers to state, 'it is the best<br /> in the world', now shaddup. Dying to speak.</p> <p>Yeah pure evil, out of the mouths of babes. This<br /> so called child, is light years ahead of AJ who<br /> claims he has photographic memory, and reads<br /> voraciously 16 hours a day, which makes him the<br /> sole athorateh without questions, Pope dope<br /> complexer in his censored private quacker tales.<br /> Escaping evil doers in our worlds. Ever heard of<br /> the Crusades 'excuses'? Very much like our<br /> irrational Pope dope AJ who claimed, "Mexico<br /> hates America". Just as Zionists do in Nazi<br /> Israel about the Semitic Arabs. You know, the<br /> Christians, Muslims, and Jews? Are we still all<br /> alone on this? Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast<br /> radio host! But first, I'm going to need help<br /> for the bus fares... How about a front on my<br /> NEW! Coast to Coast radio gig up there in the<br /> sky, that I'll try to get back for you as soon<br /> as humanly possible? Take a chance on we.</p> <p>Angelo Mozilo Grilled Over Mortgage Fraud<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Angelo Mozilo Will NOT Go To Prison: Feds Drop Criminal Probe<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Understand, these mortgages need to be traced<br /> back to who holds the stash. In many instances,<br /> they will tell US, they don't know who the money<br /> went to. No job or ID required for them to walk<br /> right out our front doors. See the Ninjah!<br /> (something about something else or another) ..<br /> Ninjah loans, Ninjah Loans. We want our laws<br /> inforced that prevent criminal fraud, by<br /> returning our stolen assets, and convicting the<br /> criminals to prove ourselves respected. We<br /> should expect nothing less. The credit is ours,<br /> not the banksters to lose away to themselves<br /> 'foolishly', counting on our poor judgements, to<br /> say yeah, makes sense to me too, that we should<br /> all now owe them more than ever before., to those<br /> who have done nothing for nobody but steal our<br /> pensions. To attempt escaping themselves as,<br /> 'holier than thou' Wall Street wizards.., or to<br /> the savvy, pension thieving home wreckers making<br /> off with our loots - Banksters who advance with<br /> the well funded TV Tea Bag Rightards, an attack<br /> against the being made poorer as cheated working<br /> folk. America wants our stolen trillions back.<br /> (Then, surely, there wouldn't be need for taxes<br /> in the forseeable future.) The head of the FBI,<br /> CIA, NATO and Interpol is not qualified in<br /> speaking what we need to do here to secure<br /> ourselves from lawless tyranny. Example: Toture<br /> is Outlawed everywhere, and warrants death<br /> according to President Ronald Reagan in the War<br /> Crimes Act. And to true common sense, if those<br /> who practice censoring our demands for Justice<br /> would allow us to proclaim such free democratic<br /> will, open for public discussions. Justice for<br /> the People.</p> <p>ninja-loans-to-blame<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Openly Evil: A Study in the Death of American Liberty</p> <p>/ / Attorney General Eric Holder, who will not<br /> prosecute for torture and murder, says he is<br /> mounting a criminal investigation against Assange<br /> because anyone who breaks American law "will be<br /> held responsible." \ \</p> <p>or the escaping trillioniare banksters.</p> <p>Lawless Republican gang rape of American Women is<br /> highly illegal, and frankly, I'm sure we'd All<br /> with Christ like to see those 30 Republican gang<br /> rapists formally executed for that serious war<br /> time treason. While torture of course, as<br /> everyone knows, warrants death every time, under<br /> standing American Law, despite all the lies a<br /> FOXNEWS Rightard Junkie will deny. Kill a<br /> Bushite to be a True American Patriot Hero.</p> <p>Snipers open fire on mourners in Libya, killing 15</p> <p>1. outlaw lawless mercenaries with death by big<br /> Patriot rewards for their refusals to desist.<br /> (Blackwater, CACI, and AEGIS must end instead of<br /> ourselves as the innocent they routinely attack<br /> as everyone's enemy, warring to steal., not to<br /> free by being the for sure bad guys running with<br /> American gang rapist of American Women, the<br /> 'un-touchable' KBR enemy.) 2. A truthful free<br /> press to say near anything for the good of<br /> everyone. And 3., free fair elections by paper<br /> ballot, as then.. our worlds defended from the<br /> escaping war monger criminals that 'hide' as us<br /> good guys the enemies of all Humanity in<br /> disguises. Real freedom is working with the<br /> details, to insure we are not being undone by<br /> those in our command illegally.</p> <p>Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>What kind of inhuman monster could commit such a<br /> willful crime against innocent others for money?<br /> A private war crime mercenary pro-torture Nazi<br /> Zionist enemy serving for the terror regime of<br /> America? A grunt that wars Humanity for the<br /> escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11? A grunt that<br /> enjoys to steal American homes from cowardly<br /> dumfuk soldiers, who they even torture to sign<br /> over their life savings to Rumsfeld at the<br /> Pentagon? A Bushite who cares not for anyone or<br /> anything but what it can steal further from our<br /> good will to let it continue against our innocent<br /> women and children as the State of Israel does<br /> openly every day? How about replacing that<br /> uncaring talentless Zionist traitor, who gets off<br /> on killing our innocent kids, happy happy George<br /> Noory, with a Real American Patriot. Or no.?</p> <p>Pentagon Tortures Untold American Soldiers</p> <p>The Peter B. Collins Show<br /> Joshua Kors on Tortured Vets<br /> and Charley Carpenter on Gitmo<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Pentagon Tortures American Soldiers to Steal the Benefits.</p> <p>Pentagon blows up thousands of homes for Fun<br /> (all the while STEALING billions from America)</p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>/ / The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet<br /> engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that<br /> can destroy a house more than a mile away \ \ </p> <p>Former Guantánamo Bay prisoner speaks<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Read of these crimes committed by the Bushite<br /> grunter, and side with US to demand, no Police<br /> agency accept anything else, but arresting<br /> Bushite individuals without bail for war crimes<br /> Reagan Death sentence prosecutions.. not to go<br /> on disguised as a "Cop", we know is willing to<br /> commit such assaults against a completely<br /> innocent other. Such as Yourself. Or the Loves<br /> of your life.</p> <p>Alex Jones and enemy of everyone traitor<br /> Propagandist pro child killer George Noory, had a<br /> real love fest today, on how anyone who defends<br /> the rights of innocent human beings targeted by<br /> truce breaking Nazi Israeli, is the bad guys<br /> without any question considered. Their evil<br /> selfish contempt for Justice as God Given Liberty<br /> has fallen to such foolish depths, it's no wonder<br /> they can't allow US free Public criticism with<br /> the facts here. George Noory sold propaganda for<br /> the Neocons on 9/11, on the Iraq war, and on<br /> vaccines - while refusing all calls from the<br /> Patriot community - as such, he's is perfectly<br /> fine with conning innocent Americans further to<br /> die innocent victims, for his talentless cash<br /> windfalls of given millions to keep You silent</p> <p>Israel orders demolition of 88 homes in E. Jerusalem</p> <p>Americans paid BILLIONS in taxes to destroy these<br /> homes. So let US all cheer FOXNEWS and friends<br /> for having no care of the costs to Family as<br /> payers. They are rich as well to do, so who<br /> should care for You? "Right!" says Zionist Palin<br /> repeatedly, and she now has her own American<br /> TV shows, gunning to kill our cubs. The<br /> talentless evil whore of Satan is a celebration<br /> of corporate America's sinister contempt for God<br /> and all things beautiful.</p> <p>JP Morgan Profits Off Privatized Food Stamp Debit Cards</p> <p>Mike Pence Admits Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Work<br /> AND NOW DEMANDS THE DESTRUCTION TO CONTINUE<br /> <a href=""></a> (AJ tinks it good too)</p> <p>Trillioniare Hedge fund brokers do not want to<br /> pay taxes, nor earn an honest wage. Something<br /> like more than 144 Pensions have been "lost".<br /> Who cares here to know this, and not forward<br /> these fine words of Justice demanded by all<br /> parties? Facts should matter to the dying as<br /> forsaken Americans.</p> <p>MUST SEE - Rand Paul Wants To Cut $500 Billion<br /> In Federal Spending In JUST One Year, Slams Aid<br /> To Israel - ABC Subway Interview</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Rand the ungodly,</p> <p>the traitor, has CLEARLY, 'Slammed' no such thing.,<br /> about stoping payments to AIPAC for mass murdering<br /> innocent children to die with white phosphorus.<br /> Or dropping expensive bombs on innocent souls.<br /> He, like Alex Jones, wants to attack America's poor,<br /> to escape those with Bush and Cheney who have<br /> openly stolen trillions. TRILLIONS!!! He should<br /> be tried the traitor he is in this public Court.<br /> Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 police investigations,<br /> and Rightards like Rand are united in EVIL to<br /> sacrifice all America for their continuing TREASONS.<br /> Rand the traitor, has CLEARLY, said no such thing<br /> the Rightard liars insist, but continue his silent<br /> contempt for the innocent mass murder victims that<br /> American tax money is directly used for. To mass<br /> murder defenseless innocent human beings by the<br /> Satanic truce breakers of Nazi Israeli. That torture,<br /> that thieve, that mass murder with American 'freedom'.<br /> They steal innocent Peoples homes routinely.<br /> Individuals Rand Paul calls anything else but<br /> the war crime demon enemies of GOD they are.<br /> Rand Paul is an evil twisted demon enemy of<br /> Justice, God, and Life, trying to pull the<br /> blanket over all America's head, for he believes<br /> like Alex, we must all be made too weak to defend<br /> ourselves from Zionist war criminals who break<br /> truces. From Zionist banksters that claim we owe<br /> them now more than ever before. With money<br /> they NEVER lent anyone to begin with! NO SHIT.<br /> WAKEUP.</p> <p>FOXNEWS Forced To Apologize On Air After<br /> [ridiculously] Faking Ron Paul CPAC 2011 Video</p> <p>They are trying to paint the TRUE COMMIE con Ron<br /> Paul as a malined good guy, when clearly Ron and<br /> Rand is FOXSNEWS greatest friend, as they will<br /> too, watch Christian children mass murdered by<br /> Israeli truce breakers, and do nothing but work<br /> to steal another election for the Rightard to<br /> escape further Bush and Cheney and AIPAC with the<br /> banksters. 9/11, the Iraq CRIMINAL con, torture,<br /> trillions stolen, posionous vaccines, billions in<br /> earmarks, and so on. COMMIE. These Rightard<br /> Commie enemies of Creation is how the TV trained<br /> facist Rightard balk, as those who refuse US to<br /> truly defend America. Ron Paul has called for<br /> NOT defending innocent mass murder victims of<br /> terror, and as such, I call for his, along with<br /> all standing election rigging gang rapist traitor<br /> Republicans with the Demonrats, for needed public<br /> trial on 9/11's Obstruction, and capital one mass<br /> murder. He is a law man after all. A rightard<br /> wars American values to escape the for sure real<br /> bad guys. As is why Alex Jones and enemy of all<br /> George Noory are committed to censoring our<br /> voices for Justice realized.</p> <p>Moral of the stories: Bushite grunting War<br /> criminals should be formally executed for their<br /> crimes against our Humanity, not become lawless<br /> Blackwater "Cops" as pro KBR gang rapist dope<br /> pushers, warring Humanity as ungodly evil sadists<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.</p> <p>BP removed the 'safety fluid'<br /> which CAUSED the explosion.</p> <p>Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed<br /> BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Toxic Chemical Dispersants Deployed<br /> BP's "Scientists" Paid To Cover Up</p> <p>This should alarm every last American<br /> to know, this doesn't get TV coverage.</p> <p>Gassing the Peoples is suppose to be<br /> the crime of the worsts of terror -<br /> it's indiscriminate, against everyone.</p> <p>What are these corporate news pros to<br /> not allow the demand for accounting?</p> <p>This is a continuing criminal action<br /> against all life in the regions. Serious.</p> <p>To fly such a plane in American air space?</p> <p>I could be a spokesperson with a crew,<br /> if we all knew what we must do to limit<br /> any further attacks by BP is it again? </p> <p>I need a gig that will net me living fares.</p> <p>Take a chance on we.</p> <p>Americans seem to be suffering from not caring<br /> enough to decifer this jargon called Freedom,<br /> explaining a whole hell of a lot.</p> <p>Something fantastically strange seems to<br /> be occuring in this Battle for the Republic.</p> <p>TOP TOP SECRET SECRET INFO INFO</p> <p>URGENT: shut down </p> <p>Look at the advice that was given. The banks do<br /> not have a legal position to STEAL American<br /> homes, as verdicted by real American Judges. !!<br /> Why? They, the banksters, do not cover our<br /> loans, we do. Plus, they sold off the paper<br /> years ago in many many circumstances, while still<br /> pocketing billions in payments. Thus is why<br /> Obama suckered Americans to let him 'help', by<br /> signing up for his home program. Of which those<br /> that did, were foreclosed on almost immediately.<br /> Why no media? He suckered them to re-finance -<br /> because their signatured agreements prior, gave<br /> them the homes outright legally. HUGE CRIMINAL<br /> FRAUD. The trillioniare Banksters still to this<br /> day seeking payments, sold off the titles years<br /> ago. Ho hum, hear our drums. The Rightard media<br /> won't let US know for, it is forbidden knowledge,<br /> this, 'the banksters do not cover our loans we<br /> do' Christ mind like principle of mutual<br /> understanding. Trillions. DO you care to<br /> forward this info to another to allow them<br /> also to freely consider?</p> <p>americanawakening.2011-01-13_16k.mp3<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Micheal Herzog has an incredible show on this<br /> legal issue. Realize, this info is not what a<br /> Rightard wills to give the American suckers.<br /> Rightards do go on and on about not working<br /> to help others directly by demanding<br /> accountability, because then therefore, you<br /> could be serving top secretly the diabolical<br /> NWO Globalists, forever hidden in the shadows<br /> as the master "genius" puppeteers unseen.</p> <p>then, along comes Johnny..</p> <p>God's Will is always Just. Ideologues need not<br /> apply, but they will to cloud our judgments on<br /> what is hugely relevant. Their quantitative<br /> skills lack a focus. Free international debates<br /> with the facts to get to the heart of these<br /> matters is the answer to bettering our futures<br /> for all concerned. </p> <p>PURE SATANIC EVIL - Americans, know who your enemy is... </p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>/ / U.S. officials say Hatim trained at an<br /> al-Qaida terrorist camp \ \ Zero evidence.</p> <p>As leader of the free world, I will demand the<br /> identity of this Nazi(s), insist he be tried the<br /> war criminal he is, and upon easy conviction we<br /> will personally be responsible for his execution<br /> as such. Any "American" who would disagree with<br /> such an act of freedom, will be known by all as a<br /> traitor to the good old, red white and blue. No<br /> evidence against the accused is US being truly<br /> abused. John for NEW! Coast to Coast radio<br /> host.</p> <p>/ / torture and sexual brutalization are regular practice and called Camp Justice \ \ </p> <p>Americans, know who your enemy is. Ungodly<br /> evil tyranny for the benefits of who again?</p> <p>Ron Paul "They Said I Had Too Much Of An<br /> Obsession With Individual Liberty To Be Elected"</p> <p>Remember, this demon fuk holds no defense for<br /> Americans being robbed, raped, tortured, or lied<br /> to as naked treasons committed by Bush and Cheney<br /> to mass murder millions of innocent souls for<br /> cash profit. Expect soon that this election<br /> rigger, with Alex Jones, will call for Zionist<br /> cash donations to win "Liberty" again. Not for<br /> Justice to defend anyone though of course. For,<br /> as Ayn Rand Rightard enemy cheats, they only<br /> 'win' by censoring our cries for true freedom<br /> from real tyranny. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11<br /> police investigations designed since the dawn of<br /> man to capture the ACTUAL bad guys. The Iraq war<br /> has no cause of freedom to die a teen grunt for.<br /> Rand and Ron are cons. While our problem child<br /> Alex Jones, he ain't half bad.</p> <p>Dozens of Women Describe Hell Of Being Raped by The Nazi grunts in the US Military</p> <p> is a website dedicated to<br /> the gang rapings of innocent American women and<br /> children. Why I ask all men in America do you<br /> own a gun, but for to kill the lawless enemies of<br /> Creation who claim, You will do no such thing<br /> under the authority of Satanic influences.</p> <p>Let all men demand the execution of these bushite<br /> nazi grunts, who rape American women while<br /> claiming, no laws of God nor man can put it into<br /> it's grave rightly, for the Antichrist of<br /> Creation has deemed it "Lawless". I HATE<br /> Bushite, as any real man would. Americans are<br /> not men to remain neutral on this, as they do<br /> regarding the treasons of Bush and Cheney.</p> <p>Torture of the INNOCENT authorized under former President George W. Bush<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This is a war crime warranting death.</p> <p>/ / Programs to be cut include not only those<br /> targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the<br /> current budget debate—home heating assistance,<br /> Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much<br /> larger entitlement programs, Social Security and<br /> Medicare, which will face cuts later in the<br /> budget process. \ \</p> <p>Rightards with Alex Jones and Obama, who advance<br /> the criminal attack against America's elderly and<br /> poor are the enemies of American liberty. As is<br /> why they are committed to censorship to steal<br /> from US all.</p> <p>Dershowitz Joins Legal Team for Wikileaks<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Why? The demon Zionist enemy of God lies<br /> cheats and steals to kill Americans for<br /> profitable terror. So, he as a traitor to<br /> freedom everywhere, has got to be the very<br /> last demon you'd want anyone to get a real<br /> defense together against bushite lawless<br /> tyranny. A demon that openly supports<br /> committing war crimes against defenseless<br /> innocent Humans being. So.. whatthefuk?<br /> Satanic Nazi Israeli steal Christian homes<br /> routinely. They broke a truce, then mass<br /> murdered specifically innocent children they<br /> gathered together. God calls them Satanic<br /> in our Holy Books. Again, whatthefuk?</p> <p>RIGHTARDS Claim Health Care Law Kills "800,000 Jobs"</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Its almost as if they are completely<br /> transparent liars willing to change their<br /> tune on a dime when it suits their interests,<br /> even when it contradicts their own charges.</p> <p>But that'd be silly. \ \ </p> <p>/ / Saying that people don't work extra jobs<br /> just to keep healthcare is denying the truth. \ \ </p> <p>The Rightard dividers with Alex Jones, at RBN,<br /> and so on, will try and con US all here, to<br /> state, mediamatters is "left wing" - case closed,<br /> because the greater minds that they can't freely<br /> compete with, make the Rightard as dumb as they<br /> are when the facts are in. When I first heard<br /> the statement of 800,000.. I listened, then<br /> could barely make sense of what was being said..<br /> (and all consider myself the genius of geniuses.)<br /> Then I thought it through, with the two minute<br /> snipit offered as the Rightard's 'proof', and the<br /> nearest thing I could figure, was that because<br /> people will have better health care, they'd<br /> likely, if ABLE to choose, would work less. (Not<br /> exactly the CBO work ethic.) But the real reason<br /> the bill is bad, is it rewards the Tea Bag<br /> Rightard backers with trillions of public tax<br /> dollars they'll never have earned, just like the<br /> Banksters. Alex Jones with his partner in crime<br /> Obama and enemy George Noory will not allow<br /> Americans to discuss this with truly wiser folks<br /> factually, unless we change to be better blokes.<br /> Because we is sadly, currently, Supremely bigoted<br /> Rightard assholes. Alex Jones don't got any<br /> problem with rigging elections if it's for Ron<br /> Paul or Rand, and his Cult would likely side the<br /> same for tyranny, while they cowardly cry, to<br /> help save ourselves from plunder, means top<br /> secretly you die for their "New World Order".<br /> Look at this one example:</p> <p>'Afghan Government Cracks Down on Women’s Shelters'<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>We know the Rightard wills to not fight the true<br /> globalist tyrannical TV powers of indifference to<br /> women and children being raped in Afghanistan<br /> by the dope pushing Nazi grunts, who claim it's<br /> legal, because of their Antichrist Shariah. Where<br /> the Taliban would kill the Satanic bushite Nazi<br /> grunters without question, as demonic enemy<br /> liars of God's Great Creation. Shariah is God's<br /> will practiced fairly. Illiterates do not fair<br /> well. But we all knew that already. </p> <p>Suicide bomber kills 38, wounds dozens in Iraq<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>A suicide bomber giving his life, does<br /> not attack the Satanic enemy Bushite<br /> grunters, but members of his own<br /> community standing as whoever at<br /> a bus terminal? Then, oh, they know<br /> so, because a soldier questioned him<br /> on who had the remote, just before<br /> they were both blown to kingdom come?<br /> They, the Nazi grunts, think these<br /> kind of crimes against God will get<br /> Humanity confused on who the lawless<br /> enemy grunting torturers are, who are<br /> robbing all of every Iraqi for the<br /> final escape of Bush and Cheney,<br /> the traitors.</p> <p>Wikileaks threatens action against ex-colleague of Assange<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Domscheit-Berg claims that he and the<br /> programmer – who is known only as “The<br /> Architect†– disconnected the submissions<br /> section because they believed Mr Assange<br /> could not be trusted to keep sources secret. \ \ </p> <p>Problem. As a true anonymous record keeper<br /> there would be no records programmed for storage<br /> by “The Architectâ€, and as for confidence, was it<br /> the policy that only Assange has dictorial<br /> overview over all Newspaper submissions making<br /> inroads today, before we as anyone else does like<br /> myself. NO. Second, are they alleging that Wiki<br /> info of the most serious of war crimes; killing<br /> respected journalists, or torturing honorable<br /> American soldiers, along with women and children<br /> kidnaped on official war crime orders by Satanic<br /> Geoffrey Miller</p> <p>"BOMBSHELLS: Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the .."</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>and so on weren't allotted a fair public space<br /> for airing?, and as so, why are they then, not<br /> personally revealing what THEY know about the<br /> facts of slight at hand? No no, they just want<br /> US to forget about all this, and center the<br /> coward Rightard's attention on their excuses to<br /> teach the masses likewise to ignore, all Soldier<br /> cries for Justice. This is dumber than Jared Lee<br /> Loughner, where a Rightard cowers to the real<br /> challenges of The People against, the censorship<br /> of lawless tyranny. Censorship is the tool of<br /> tyrants. Bush and Cheney are guilty of high<br /> treason many times over here. If I go any farther<br /> about Wiki this or Wiki that, I may take time off<br /> my pursuit of Justice to truly save the innocent<br /> ourselves.</p> <p>The women and children that were mass murdered<br /> were not all between the stipulated ages of 15-55.<br /> The Nazi grunts were asked, 'why did you mow down<br /> who you knew to only be "checked through", as<br /> unarmed innocent women and children in the "many<br /> thousands", just outside of Fallujah'? "It was not!"<br /> evil war criminal they falsified as with Sattler,<br /> for, 'that they may have been boys and men pretending<br /> to be women', and all as such, could be first degree<br /> mass murdered. Ahha! But all those defenseless<br /> innocent women and children were not all between<br /> 15-55. Most of the children were toddlers and<br /> infants. Bushite grunts deserve to die as the<br /> war crime lying traitors they are, warring America<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney on 9/11.</p> <p>/ / Governor Walker’s request to the State<br /> Legislature to eliminate nearly all of the<br /> collective-bargaining rights for thousands of<br /> Wisconsin workers is big government at its worst.<br /> \ \ Then, he orders huge bites into everyone's<br /> salaries to cover shortfalls in the pensions for<br /> only one example of several. Then suggests that<br /> the American National Guard wouldn't arrest<br /> himself, but all school teachers, fire fighters,<br /> and Cops instead who would complain(?), as those<br /> who would believe, they have a right to vote for<br /> fair representation. Public Unions of Wisconsin<br /> are not being accused of corruption here from<br /> what I've read so far... so? Again like Rand<br /> Paul, we can expect the Rightards to attack<br /> innocent Americans to escape the trillion dollar<br /> thieves along with Bush and Cheney for mass<br /> murder on 9/11. Do you care? Then forward these<br /> concerns to everyone. YES! You. Heaven for<br /> Just living or Hell of death as self destruction,<br /> you decide. Chump.</p> <p>/ / Ron Paul is America's leading voice for<br /> limited, constitutional government, low taxes,<br /> free markets, a return to sound monetary<br /> policies, and a sensible foreign policy hat puts<br /> America first. \ \ limited is relative. Limited<br /> from arresting gang rapists of American women in<br /> KBR for example? The trillion dollar<br /> extortionist's capture? The 9/11 perps? FREE<br /> MARKETS FOR LOOTING!!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! How<br /> about UN-CONSTITUTIONAL Bush and Cheney?</p> <p>Demon liars who will to kill more innocent<br /> victims for Bush and Cheney's final escape.<br /> Escape from the Constitutional protects we must<br /> excersize to defend ourselves from just this sort<br /> of undermining. Trillions have be outright<br /> stolen in broad daylight, while Ron Paul claims<br /> he has no reckonning of such willful treasonous<br /> conducts of criminals he calls his fellow<br /> Republicans. Such as in kidnaping, in torture,<br /> vaccines, bombing Iraq, and so on further into a<br /> world of lawless destruction, because we know,<br /> first hand, Ron Paul will never be there to win<br /> US anything but more rewarding tyranny. His<br /> arguments on Nazi Israel are NOT to defend the<br /> innocent Christian children mass murdered by the<br /> Nazis who broke the truce. NO no, no he ACTUALLY<br /> STATES we must not help the INNOCENT victims to<br /> his murderous cons of denying Justice for all.<br /> Everywhere. If I sight the video, it will get<br /> pulled by Google or the Jones Cult, but just,<br /> seek for yourself his comments on Gaza, on<br /> military dictatorships being all, 'trying to do<br /> good' "Police actions", and his complete contempt<br /> for All American life by knowing the Bush regime<br /> pulled off 9/11, and as 'public ally', sides to<br /> say how dumb we all are to his enlightened view,<br /> that trying to help can only do ourselves wrong<br /> every-time, like Alex Jones will sell with<br /> censorship to the dying suckers paying in willful<br /> donations.. Censored on like, how traffic lights<br /> work effectively as thought collectively to ease<br /> congestion, while saving real Peoples lives. </p> <p>Indecent Exposure:<br /> WikiLeaks Hounded for Showing Power Its True Face<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Rand Paul the Traitor</p> <p>Rand Paul the Traitor "I'm not singling out<br /> Israel. I support Israel. I want to be known as<br /> a friend of Israel," so they can mass murder more<br /> Christians, Muslims, and Jews with breaking<br /> truces? To steal more homes for racist Zionist<br /> only roads? Rand Paul is a traitor. A godless<br /> demon enemy of the Republic who supports Justice<br /> never. Just like his pals in AIPAC. He is a<br /> con. Hear him on earmarks to KNOW this as so.<br /> He, like his father, thinks we're are just too<br /> stupid to know better of what he sells as<br /> huckster. Bush and Cheney closed 9/11 Police<br /> Investigations.</p> <p>"BP's spilled oil is washing up in people"</p> <p>Rand Paul: BP Should Not Be Held Responsible<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>They removed the 'safety fluid' on purpose,<br /> which caused the explosion, and Americans<br /> don't care to forward my wise words, because<br /> they know, they are fundamentally cowards<br /> who sacrifice to Zionist war criminals for<br /> Satan, as the ungodly enemies of our Humanity<br /> to remain dying silenced with their vociferous<br /> lies, while AJ sells this demon, Rand or Ron<br /> isn't anything but vile pirates like George<br /> Noory is of the Constitution, warring America<br /> with lawless warfare against US, the Innocent,<br /> for the final escape of Bush and Cheney<br /> on 9/11. </p> <p>WTC 7 Explosion That the Magic TV Refuses to Show - Why?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / NIST is now cornered: trapped within their web<br /> of lies. Now that the video of the firemen reporting<br /> explosions has been released from NIST archives,<br /> they have? NO EXCUSE for failing to investigate<br /> explosives.</p> <p>This is high treason. \ \ You got that right buddy.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Honeywell describes an already existing<br /> "secret" disabling FMC code that can allow a<br /> GPS-guided aircraft autopilot system to take<br /> away control of an aircraft from a pilot during<br /> emergencies. Honeywell state-of-the-art Flight<br /> Management Systems (FMS) were used by the four<br /> aircraft reportedly hijacked on September 11, 2001. \ \ </p> <p>We must demand Justice.</p> <p>Rightards are evil bigot crooks who refuse US to<br /> speak facts, for then they look as they truly are.</p> <p>Is Obama a Muslim? Examine the Evidence!<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / the 5 pillars of Islam in Islam is<br /> like believing that Jesus peace be upon<br /> him exists in Christianity. \ \ The<br /> truth of how this all fits together<br /> for the common will of Justice for our<br /> times. The same struggle that existed<br /> as DOCUMENTED in the Dead Sea Scrolls,<br /> is very near the same struggle today.</p> <p>"Iowa Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim"<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>..As the Rightard of FOXSNEWS enemy<br /> suggest, To be a lover to God's Great<br /> Creation, is a threat to their ungodly<br /> evil tyrannies. as war crime Zionist<br /> Nazi, breaking truces to slaughter<br /> innocent Christian children for<br /> Satan (AIPAC for the Atheists).</p> <p>We Will Never Forget<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Actually what Palestine refuses to recognize<br /> is Israel as a Jewish state having a right to steal<br /> Palestinian land. \ \ </p> <p>Bingo. See the Zionist insist Jews are evil<br /> crooks, and if you disagree they call you an<br /> anti-Semite. Now Semites are not Caucasian, nor<br /> are the real Jews from the Bible. But to the<br /> truly SATANIC, the facts matter none to how many<br /> innocent Christian children they can target for<br /> mass murder, by TV tricking the dying American<br /> suckers to pay giving more in blood sacrifice to<br /> have it continue as demonic criminal AIPAC. </p> <p>Silence of the Press:<br /> US media turns blind eye to RT crew arrest<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Bushite grunters warring for torture. Again,<br /> American Law warrants death for torture. Kill a<br /> Bushite for Christ and be called a true American<br /> Patriot. Every rightful death sentence against a<br /> Bushite Nazi grunter, can only hold respect for<br /> the true warriors of Justice as Liberty.</p> <p><a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>/ / Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration<br /> told a federal judge Monday that the U.S.<br /> government has authority to kill U.S. citizens \ \ </p> <p>What is wrong with US? That is called MURDER.</p> <p>ALL THE ANSWERS FOR EYGPT NOW - OUTLAW TORTURE WITH SERIOUS PENALTY</p> <p>Khaled Saeed Case - Egypt's Guilty as Sin<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Try and execute the culprits for being<br /> clearly murderers, then outlaw torture<br /> with a rightly given death sentence, as<br /> truly freeing the great Egyptian Peoples.</p> <p>The lawless AntiChrist Zionist, war crime<br /> nation of America certainly won't work to<br /> help anyone be liberated from their<br /> 'proud' ungodly tyranny of liars truly,<br /> so Peoples, we're going to have to do<br /> this for ourselves. I'm with You.</p> <p>-</p> <p>What Oppression Looks Like<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are worried about any change in Egypt: Shimon Peres</p> <p>Understand, why I, President Ronald Reagan<br /> and other true Patriots, demand by Standing<br /> Law, that torturers be actually for real<br /> executed without question. Instantly of<br /> those in the American Military. They, like<br /> Blackwater's Cofer Black, deserve never<br /> to live stealing another breath of our<br /> precious air. The Nazi Israeli torturer<br /> is an ungodly liar, a war crime thief, an<br /> enemy of Liberty, who supports not, following<br /> crime scene leads at real crime scenes<br /> to defend anyone. Die bushite die.</p> <p>-</p> <p>The Rightard's Treason</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>-</p> <p>VIDEO - "Where Are The Wall Street Prosecutions!": Angry C-SPAN Callers Sound Off On Criminal Banksters<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are not alone, despite Alex Jones and his NWO<br /> Globalist Rightard pro Rand Paul cocksucking<br /> bigots stealing our glories to escape real bad<br /> guys everywhere, starting with Bush and Cheney on<br /> 9/11. Again, Alex Jones will be one of my first<br /> invited guests to speak openly to this Challenge<br /> of the gods. Humbling yourself a little would be<br /> my sugestion Alex.. but you'd likely fear I was<br /> something less that what I am. A good guy giving<br /> sound advice. Let's do this...</p> <p>-</p> <p>Afghan Air War Doubles: Now 10 Attacks Per Day<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a></p> <p>Bush and Cheney officially halted American Police<br /> Investigations designed since the dawn of Man to<br /> capture the actual bad guys. Narco NATO war<br /> Humanity to rape children, to abuse women, to<br /> push heroin, to all steal all resources.. And<br /> I'll tell you, we are not happy about it.</p> <p>They deny us as the enemy real resolution for<br /> hard copy indictments against actual terrorism.<br /> The facts forge our freedoms. bushite are liars<br /> who cheat ourselves a free world by bombing<br /> defenseless innocent Peoples, who torture, who<br /> rape, who steal. And that's a fact Mac. Let US<br /> bring America back to where the People's rights<br /> are defended, and nazi war criminals bare our<br /> vengeance instead of ourselves left forsaken.<br /> Or, do you just want to silently fall down as<br /> innocent victim to third world military<br /> dictatorship, fallen due your refusal to defend<br /> yourself now, today. Justice is freedom, we're<br /> arresting for public trial the criminals<br /> responsible for 911. We are America, and we are<br /> no greater than any other to proclaim, this is<br /> our right, this is our destiny.</p> <p>“uncompassionate by nature†is not Johnny the<br /> Jew, but the ungodly Satanic enemies of God and<br /> man who lie cheat and steal for more American<br /> sacrifices.</p> <p>THIS IS THE PROOF:</p> <p>/ / “The prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder<br /> applies only “to a Jew who kills a Jew,†write<br /> Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the<br /> West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are<br /> “uncompassionate by nature†and attacks on them<br /> “curb their evil inclination,†while babies and<br /> children of Israel’s enemies may be killed since<br /> “it is clear that they will grow to harm us.†\ \<br /> lovers of Justice and God believers, like the<br /> true Jews of those mass murdered in Lebanon being<br /> the first strike targets by Nazi Israeli.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Then read of the demonic liars who twist as a<br /> bigot Rightard liar does, for murdering innocent<br /> Peoples targeted for war crimes plunder in our<br /> God's stolen name. NOT JEWS, as the Holy Bible<br /> teaches. I can explain everything. Does the<br /> truth hurt more than losing a home? or teen son<br /> or daughter for stolen profits? How about a<br /> country?</p> <p>-</p> <p>Obama's Patriotic American Chamber of Commerce<br /> Leader, Advoctates Offshoring of American Jobs</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>"people effected by offshoring should stop whining"</p> <p>The Chamber of Commerce has taken over these last<br /> ten years, a direct position against every last<br /> American, to side with military dictatorships for<br /> stolen cash bribes. Shipping American factories<br /> in the tens of thousands overseas. But what does<br /> dying as Rightard America care for facts though<br /> right? Obama claimed his Zionist Nazi Chamber of<br /> Commerce, are Patriots of Freedom to sanction<br /> breaking truces, who Obama claims, want what is<br /> best for America, despite their willingness to<br /> mass murder anyone for a stolen nickel, or just<br /> outright, steal your body organs. This isn't<br /> rocket science, nor dividing fractions, but<br /> something so in our faces, that I honestly<br /> believe, you'd have to be something less than a<br /> emotional Human Being, to not be concerned in<br /> naturally caring for your dying furtures being<br /> sold out to Republican Tea Bag war criminals, as<br /> the new, anti-"big" vactationing every third week<br /> American Commie Congress. (saleried at $171,000+<br /> plus perks!) Where limited government means<br /> limited from all accounting for their stealing.<br /> Their itinerary in officially, to do nothing but<br /> go on extended breaks.. Why? Because a Rightard<br /> in Government like Rand Paul is bad, just as he<br /> says he is with Alex Jones championing the<br /> destruction. What business is it for the<br /> government to tell US what we can or can not do<br /> right Rightards? Right rapists? Right 9/11<br /> perps? Right trillioniare Banksters? Oh but<br /> Abortion is an issue they will to pirate,<br /> believing therefore no one could ever understand<br /> it better. Hanging for cheats at Life. Killing<br /> innocent Christian kids by breaking truces for<br /> Satan though, for kickbacks through AIPAC? hey,<br /> no prob. As is why Nazi Israeli call all<br /> innocent human beings, crying for Justice,<br /> "Nazi". It does apparently work for the American<br /> Rightards, and for no opinion corporate snews<br /> products, but, that is about it. I know i know,<br /> 'forbidden knowledge'.</p> <p>I can't believe Americans all as Rightards still<br /> refuse as the enemy to forward my calls for the<br /> truth to be spoken, but apparently, this is the<br /> case that Sherlock would have walked off the set<br /> for. They lie cheat and steal from themselves<br /> willingly, if it means a wise man or woman won't<br /> be allowed to speak freely on TV or their radios.<br /> Pure godless Zionist Nazi filth to remain silent<br /> against their Rightard tyrannizing, aimed now<br /> directly against their forsaken neighbor being<br /> 'lawlessly' gang raped by KBR, while illegally<br /> having their jobs and homes stolen in broad<br /> daylight. Better that, than the "sand niggers",<br /> or innocent Christian children from other<br /> countries in the long run I suppose., See, in<br /> other worlds, being Christian ACTUALLY means, you<br /> believe in a God that is a greater love than what<br /> Americans truly care for. As is why the American<br /> Nazi grunts in Afghanistan sanction the first<br /> degree murder of Peoples in Afghanistan for<br /> simply believing in Christianity. So what DO<br /> Rightard Americans care for then? Not much but<br /> what they can get away to steal from others, so..<br /> no wonder..</p> <p>YOU CAN’T BE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS WITHOUT BEING ANTI ISRAELI<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>We as Humanity must learn, these Nazi Zionists<br /> who advance attacks against our innocent families<br /> are for real. They openly break truces to<br /> indiscriminately mass murder and torture. Real<br /> Peoples Homes get stolen routinely. Real Jewish<br /> families were bombed by Nazi Zionist in Lebanon<br /> as the first strike targets for stolen profits.<br /> They are not Human, but demonic enemies of Life<br /> and GOD, committed to mass murder the innocent as<br /> Satanic, and we all should know of it, Atheist,<br /> or otherwise.</p> <p>9/11 Doc of Docs.. "between the lies"<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>DVD image (4.1 GB)<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>This contains great evidence made by our Police<br /> Agencies to get ourselves continuing on correctly<br /> making the proper arrests on who tried to lead us<br /> astray from our freedom path. Remember, this<br /> documents a portion of the true 9/11 crew that<br /> were for sure arrested, before being able to<br /> dangerously fly two planes on the day of 9/11.<br /> This is bombshell info demanding Public Police<br /> Investigations being re-started on international<br /> TV, so we as Humanity can arrest all Neocon<br /> Peenacker Republicans, and the odd Demonrat, for<br /> speedy public trials for the convictions of mass<br /> murdering our American bretheren.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / Ron Paul has announced that the first<br /> Monetary Policy subcommittee meeting will<br /> focus on one of those two now forgotten Fed<br /> mandates, that of creating jobs. \ \ </p> <p>What about all the criminal fraud in the<br /> trillions you COMMIE Rightard parasite?<br /> AIG was bailed to pay Goldman. The Bank<br /> of Scottland threatened arrest of Goldman<br /> if they didn't get back what they were<br /> defrauded, and Goldman payed them back to<br /> avoid a hanging. Americans too, must demand<br /> their TRILLIONS back, but Ron Paul is a<br /> con like Alex Jones, all to escape the for<br /> real bad guys, while blaming the poor and<br /> weak being ILLEGALLY left for closed.</p> <p>a staggering $5 billion cut to Texas schools<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>"It's a catastrophe. No financial aid for kids<br /> to go to college. No pre-kindergarten for kids<br /> to learn their numbers and their letters. Health<br /> and human services slashed," said Rep. Pete<br /> Gallego, D-Alpine. "No Texan can be proud of this." </p> <p>AJ, Rand Paul, and other Rightards of the NWO<br /> Globalist Commie Elites, can't compete fairly<br /> on a open playing field for Just cause, where the<br /> facts are here for all to witness of them escaping<br /> the worst of criminals in Your name. So, as a<br /> Nazi, they promote with censorship the, 'must do'<br /> indiscriminate attack against America's cheated<br /> elderly, the cheated poor, school kids and<br /> everyone else as Pensioners or Palestinian, before<br /> we are ever allowed to freely demand Justice as<br /> our defense willingly authored. This should be<br /> what soldiers war in death for, to speak the facts<br /> in open international debates, on how all we will to<br /> not be further undone in ungodly stupid tyranny.</p> <p>EXAMPLE 1:</p> <p>Bush "There’s no need to discuss evidence of innocence or guilt."<br /> <a href=";hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e">;hd=&amp;size=1&amp;l=e</a> </p> <p>EXAMPLE 2: </p> <p>CBO: Health-care reform bill cuts deficit by $1.2 trillion<br /> Rightards "How will we pay for a 1.2 trillion dollar health care plan?"</p> <p>Your paying a private insurance company, when<br /> in truth, you need not pay them a pretty Penny.</p> <p>BP Oil Disaster EXCLUSIVE - EXPLOSIVE New Revelations<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>I am saddened. I tell America that BP removed<br /> the safety fluid which caused the blow up on<br /> purpose, as documented in Congressional<br /> Testimony, and yet.. Peoples still refuse to<br /> raise their phones to allow US to speak on Coast<br /> to Coast freely without censorship to resolve<br /> these issues to the best of our abilities very<br /> quickly. Why is it possible? Because we<br /> actually know what we are talking about, when<br /> we're allowed to speak beyond the Rightard bigot<br /> TV liars, who whore for a "free" [lawless]<br /> market, ruled for "freedom" [slavery] by<br /> boundless magic [greed], with an Amerikan<br /> Rightard Commie hatred for all Government,<br /> Blacks, Hispanics, Chinks, Whitey, Liberals,<br /> Socialists, Jews, Globalists, bookworms, and the<br /> smart ass fellows who speak with real power as<br /> honorable in the interests for any as all. But,<br /> 'Justice is Christ-like' doesn't sound as tough<br /> an mean, as Alex Jones with fellow Rightard Rand<br /> Paul, telling of how they have no choice but to<br /> back a sicko sado fascistic attack against the<br /> elderly and poor of America - 'no other way' to<br /> stop these wars. No Justice for You. Well, I'm<br /> here to declare there is another way, join<br /> yourself to stand as an individual, committed to<br /> allowing the facts be spoken, to earn ourselves a<br /> less bleak picture than BP has painted US into<br /> dying posioned here. Because near what ever I<br /> write, Americans simply refuse to forward these<br /> words everywhere as a good thing. Now I ask<br /> myself, why must we allow ourselves to suffer<br /> this way when we don't. I pray you will heed<br /> this call and offer your own two cents on this<br /> matter for a new call to brighten our days. We<br /> don't have to give up before we've even started<br /> bro. We need our stolen homes and trillions<br /> back, just as Iraqis need all their stolen money<br /> back, with Afghanistan getting the biggest of<br /> appologies humanly possible. The 9/11 perps need<br /> to be arrested by our nearest precincts, for to<br /> be held without bail, for the up coming Public<br /> Trial of all Trials, won by free open<br /> international debate for Victory as measured.<br /> Now that's entertainment! Now, who's with you?</p> <p>Our Prison Planet is Populated by Disfunctioning Rightards<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>/ / As far as WMD, the US and UK gov didn’t<br /> lie, Saddam did. He went to extreme lengths to<br /> deceive the world \ \ </p> <p>How can the Rightards allow this form of Evil to<br /> go unchallenged? Easy, they are Rightards.</p> <p>-</p> <p>Saving Our Lives from Further Plunder</p> <p>The strange thing is, why must I be the only real<br /> player on this scene capable of such game? Do<br /> you know, in better times, being of God is really<br /> quite miraculous to all who love life as such?<br /> We could bring such great wonders if only we were<br /> respected for who we truly are. Instead, we have<br /> Republican pro gang rapists who will to kill more<br /> American teens to escape Bush and Cheney, telling<br /> on magic American TV of how Christmas to<br /> Christians, is where concern of another innocent<br /> victim is secondary to getting America further<br /> robbed by our inactions made poorer by<br /> Congressmen. The Banksters are making off with<br /> trillions man, TRILLIONS! No wonder these very<br /> same Republicans get off on killing innocent<br /> Christian children for Satan, hand in hand with<br /> the Demonrats through AIPAC - for on an open<br /> playing field where open debate with the<br /> knowledgeable is openly relished, we all would<br /> win, and they would lose as the ungodly war<br /> criminal traitors they've proven to ourselves to<br /> be, time and time again, fair and squared. We'd<br /> save our lives from further plunder I'm saying.</p> <p>Republicans are..</p> <p>Hey, like I say, if you want to suck cock, do it<br /> on your own time Republicans, for America has a<br /> war to win here. Freedom for Everyone, is to be<br /> whoever we will, as long as we don't deprive<br /> another that same right. The Rightards and some<br /> of the just as false "Left" will to try to fuck<br /> this up for themselves with censorship, because<br /> they can't stand as a humble individual Human,<br /> (God loving or otherwise) as is why a Rightard<br /> will tell you it's a Rightard that has no true<br /> meaning to it's lifeless character, that chooses<br /> stupid rules like, 'Privatize always' to further<br /> die all stupidly for their inhuman tyrannies.<br /> Tyrannies that wouldn't succeed in a world that<br /> allowed respect for open polite debate with<br /> experts of experts such as ourselves that insist<br /> evidence is the only way to determine a Person's<br /> guilt or innocence in this multi-dimensional<br /> universe, that Alex Jones can't even presently<br /> dream of as an equal to all contributer of the<br /> Cause. Example: ask any Rightard what it<br /> knows about "Health Care", or have them explain<br /> Alex Jones' "Death Panels" and all they spew is<br /> what they were TV trained to, without an actual<br /> understanding of where they are coming from<br /> without any qualifying quantifications. No real<br /> measurement of understanding on how Obama's<br /> "Health Care Plan" is seriously, Truly, flawed by<br /> the Commies. A Rightard. The Commies.</p> <p>Thus is the Nature of John Q. Public.</p> <p>Alex Jones' open support of tyranny is not<br /> acceptable I'm warning. For AJ to go on again,<br /> how great tyranny is for Egyptians, because to<br /> fight for liberty always means you just play into<br /> his NWO Globalist agenda, is not going to wash<br /> with even the dumbest of cowardly Rightards. Who<br /> as Rightards, doesn't mean they all, every single<br /> one, will to do harm on purpose to themselves. I<br /> fight arrogant censor Alex with far superior<br /> ideas, because he is like a retarded little<br /> brother playing infallible Pope being abusive to<br /> his closest friends to me. But others will not<br /> be so generous, if he doesn't stop playing to<br /> lose everyone in his irrational nonsenses of how<br /> we all must be made to be powerless under his<br /> authoritarian Zionist thumb. I want free<br /> exchange of the facts for everyone to witness;<br /> George Walker Bush is the actual, for real,<br /> antichrist enemy of all Creation. The biggest<br /> war criminal of all history ever recorded. While<br /> Alex, the Rightard bigot, the Antigay faggot,<br /> wants to blame anyone else but the for sure<br /> guilty of war crimes. Blindly denying ourselves<br /> the truth as witnessed. So, what would you say<br /> if you were a real man like me?</p> <p>Again, they SPEAK NOTHING TODAY for American<br /> Women being gang raped by their partners in<br /> war crimes. Speak nothing for Justice on 9/11.</p> <p>/ / ..Egyptian army general told the BBC<br /> the military was losing patience with the<br /> embattled Mubarak, and would open fire<br /> at regime loyalists if there were fresh<br /> attacks on protesters... \ \ Yeah! Defend<br /> the innocent of Egypt from these Rightard<br /> pro-torture enemies of God who war Humanity<br /> for lawless bankster tyrannies.</p> <p>CHRIST SAYS 'Israeli are Anti-Jewish'</p> <p>Let Fly</p> <p>Zionist TV propagandist Steven Colbert, let fly<br /> that The Peoples have nothing to fear from a pro<br /> torturing enemy of Justice in America, namely a<br /> Nazi Vet walking on our streets missing half a<br /> brain, trying to become a lawless cop who beats<br /> on women like Anthony Abbas did, or who gets off<br /> on indiscriminately slaughtering our innocent<br /> Humanity to escape never elected Bush and Cheney<br /> for 9/11. Bill a Bushite and be Blessed by<br /> Christ we will forever say, while we formally<br /> hunt to have every last Bushite war criminal<br /> publicly executed for crimes like gang raping<br /> American women with KBR, or bombing entire cities<br /> like Fallujah or Samara for no reason, (as too<br /> the entire Iraq assault has no cause,) or for<br /> dropping land mines in school districts, for<br /> torturing elderly people to death countless times<br /> by the likes of a Mr. Grainer. Who, received only<br /> ten years, and only because he bragged to his family<br /> and entire city that he could torture anyone of them<br /> too, and there wasn't anything anyone could do<br /> about it. (If it hadn't been for that, he'd be<br /> walking free like the rest of them who did even<br /> worse. Mattis' Haditha Child killers are<br /> actually called Heroes by FOXNEWS TRAITOR Hannity<br /> for example - for killing little kids to get back<br /> at US all for something they freely state in<br /> America today like is said Publicly in Nazi Israel.<br /> Unremorseful child killers getting free health<br /> care campaigning like Commie Pinko AJ does, to<br /> not have that for yourself fairly though) That is<br /> what Grainer told in writing to his threatened<br /> (likely raped too?) young daughter - for why<br /> her?. Ten years for murdering countless innocent<br /> Iraqi Peoples he tortured to death, and after his<br /> sentencing in a "Court" ruled by illiterate Nazi<br /> savages with no Freedom commitment, claimed he<br /> had no regrets in stealing so many innocent lives as<br /> the criminally insane. He'll presently be trying<br /> to be a Cop in New York City we're sure, because<br /> he still surely believes though Americans own<br /> guns, they wont kill Bushite enemies of Humanity<br /> rightly to defend their next innocent god loving<br /> victims as the Law dictates against war criminals.<br /> Ungodly war crimes done to see their fellow teen<br /> soldiers die as a consequence of an American male's<br /> personal cowardice to be real men in their TV world,<br /> to hide their anti-Gay faggotry by hurting innocent<br /> others, such as children they several times were<br /> CAUGHT blowing up with explosives just for<br /> kicks.. Along with Police officers trying to<br /> defend our communities. They stole all of Iraqis<br /> money, and American's money, and then gave all<br /> rights for oil to BP and other foreign companies.<br /> NONE FOR IRAQI IN IRAQ ALL NOTICE. They stole<br /> Iraqi's fairer Christ like banking system and<br /> replaced it with the American godless banking<br /> corruptions of the IMF where YOU pay them back<br /> for money they never lent you to begin with..<br /> They put Allawi in charge who after crediting<br /> himself for killing a bunch of innocent children<br /> in a school bus, ordered Nazi grunts to execute<br /> every last doctor or nurse who would even attempt<br /> to treat an innocent child or women from<br /> Fallujah. Then there were the ethnic cleansings<br /> they funded on all sides, along with ACTUALLY<br /> TARGETING EVERY LAST SCHOOL TEACHER. Will YOU,<br /> yes YOU, when finding this allegation true, join<br /> me in hunting every last nazi grunt under Sattler<br /> who carried out such orders without even<br /> whispering a concern for their innocent mass<br /> murder victims? They NEEDLESSLY dropped NINE two<br /> thousand pound bombs murdering a conservatively<br /> estimated 250,000 innocent souls in Fallujah -<br /> FOR NO REASON. Then did near the same in Samara<br /> before John Batist quit, because he refused to<br /> carry it out completely - largely I speculate<br /> because with his name, it would have been just a<br /> little too demonic for his liking to needlessly<br /> mass murder so many innocent Peoples for NO<br /> REASON as Satanically evil.. Yeah yeah, I know<br /> what the Bushite Nazi grunter is going to lie<br /> about here, which is why I sooo much want to see<br /> the Air Force tried publicly so all can witness<br /> their RIGHTFUL PUBLIC EXECUTIONS. Kill a Bushite<br /> by War Crimes Law ushered by President Ronald<br /> Reagan as STANDING AME</p>
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