USA Founders Embedded Star-Time Code in National Symbols
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USA Founders Embedded Star-Time Code in National Symbols
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value (String, 7509 characters ) Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by...
Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, presents redundant proof that George Washington, and other founders of the USA, used the ancient star-time code in pivotal symbols to send a time-coded message to the future. <!--break--> <i>PRESS RELEASE - February 22, 2011<br /> <a href="">See the list of recent press releases.</a></i> <br /> <br /> It is completely fitting that we celebrate George Washington's 279th birthday on February 22nd, 2011, exactly 11 days after Egypt kicked out its dictator on February 11th. Libyans and others in the region are now also protesting and actively revolting against their long-term oppressive leaders. The revolutionary founders of the USA would have been extremely pleased to witness the still expanding waves of popular uprisings. The deposing of so many greedy and arrogant national leaders and governments, in such a short period of time, would have been seen as a job well done by them. It will thereby surprise most that certain of the founders of the USA fully expected the previous decade's upheavals and the current wave of unrest now sweeping the globe in 2011. Like others before them, they used symbology to encode blunt and unequivocal messages within the USA's symbols, for those now living through these currently unfolding events. <br /> <br /> Many have wondered why they chose the symbols used in our national seal and elsewhere. The most obvious and ubiquitous of the USA's symbols are stars, as seen on the Great Seal, the US Flag, The Apotheosis of Washington painting in the Capitol Dome, other official artwork, and worn by Generals and Law enforcement officers. It is well known that George Washington and pivotal founders were Freemasons and Deists. Star symbolism has long been important to certain mystery schools and those who study and research symbology and related esoterica. Stars were also pivotal symbolism within the ancient Hebrew wisdom traditions, which are easily shown to be direct derivatives of ancient Egyptian symbology and encoded wisdom. <br /> <br /> In the same manner, the zodiac was important to all ancient sages, prophets, and later related groups as a vital long-term time keeping system and body of symbolized wisdom. It is important to note here that the zodiac is an ancient philosophical construct based around the use of symbols formed from multiple stars, ergo the "signs" of the zodiac and matching constellations of stars. One of the long kept secrets of these groups, which includes Freemasonry, are some of the keys to proving the truth about the symbology in the Bible and related sources and the direct relationship to ancient Egypt. This is also the reason that Christian Rome expended such great effort over the last two millennia to demonize so-called "occult symbols" such as the pentagram. They have long desperately struggled to hide the truth about ancient symbology, going as far as exterminating entire populations demonized as heretics (Essenes, Druids, Gnostics, Jews, Cathars, Templars, Witches, etc.) because some among them had proof that Rome was purposely lying about pivotal assertions inserted throughout the Bible. <br /> <br /> Stars, angels, and the zodiac are pivotal symbology used to encode times and details that the ancient sages and prophets purposefully hid from religious leaders. Both stars and angels encode specific cycles of time, most often 360-year cycles. In addition to encoding proof of the true timelines throughout the Book of Revelation and other prophecies, it also proves that religious leaders have repeatedly and consistently added fanciful details to the original symbolic narratives authored by the ancient sages and prophets. For example, the prophets knew that literal angels didn't exist but used them as pivotal symbols while saying nothing for millennia as religious leaders created numerous fantasies involving them. The prophets, knowing that religious leaders could never be trusted, expertly hid the keys to decoding and reading the symbology of their works. Some of these symbolic keys were later passed along to the Knights Templar and later encoded within the symbols of Freemasonry. The most important details were then smuggled into the fledgling USA and embedded within our national symbols by certain of the founders. <br /> <br /> Thereby, <a href="">the stars seen throughout the symbols and official artwork of the USA</a> were purposely designed to prove to a future generation that the founders possessed proof that all three so-called Faiths of Abraham were blatant lies. More importantly though, they also had proof that the Hebrew prophets and their prophecies were valid, but one had to understand the symbology to read the deeply hidden story line. Certain of the founders were Deists because they knew the precise nature of pivotal religious lies. On the other hand, they also understood that the universe was based on verifiable rules. Thereby, though the universe could not be an accident, the fantasies put forth by religions simply could not be believed nor verified. Thereby, it is important to understand that the founders were not just rebelling against political and monetary leaders, but against the lies of religion. <br /> <br /> Knowing that they had true insights into the meaning of pivotal symbology and prophecies is a key insight into the mindsets of those that established the USA and created the Great Seal. It is truly fitting that Egypt is central to the unfolding wave of rapid changes sweeping the Middle East and elsewhere. The symbology of the Great Seal of the USA directly alludes to ancient Egypt because the founders, and those that came before them, understood that Egyptian symbology held the keys to proving the truth about the assertions and actions of religious leaders throughout the ages. They also understood certain details of certain ancient prophecies that pointed to a period of great change during the early years of the New Age of Aquarius, that began in the fall of 2000 just before the new millennium on the Roman calendar. <br /> <br /> Like the ancient sages and prophets of the past, they understood that a vital key required for human civilization to survive the currently unfolding waves of change is to prove the truth about all of these religions, at a very specific time, hence now. It was their intention that the USA now take an aggressive stance helping to prove that all of these religions are lies and fighting over them is completely pointless. This is required to ensure that the current wave of change has a positive global outcome. <br /> <br /> Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols provides the supporting proofs and rules for the symbology. provides links to download the free PDF e-Book version, as well as <a href="">links to related articles and earlier releases</a>. You may visit the website to download the full PDF E-Book and for additional options, articles, and resources. The paperback version is available through the website, at, and other booksellers. <br /> <br /> Can science and ancient wisdom work together to unlock the mysteries of the ancient past and prove the truth about all religions? Visit <a href=""></a> and prove it to yourself.
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safe_value (String, 7460 characters ) <p>Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols,...
<p>Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, presents redundant proof that George Washington, and other founders of the USA, used the ancient star-time code in pivotal symbols to send a time-coded message to the future.</p> <!--break--><p><i>PRESS RELEASE - February 22, 2011<br /> <a href="">See the list of recent press releases.</a></i> </p> <p> It is completely fitting that we celebrate George Washington's 279th birthday on February 22nd, 2011, exactly 11 days after Egypt kicked out its dictator on February 11th. Libyans and others in the region are now also protesting and actively revolting against their long-term oppressive leaders. The revolutionary founders of the USA would have been extremely pleased to witness the still expanding waves of popular uprisings. The deposing of so many greedy and arrogant national leaders and governments, in such a short period of time, would have been seen as a job well done by them. It will thereby surprise most that certain of the founders of the USA fully expected the previous decade's upheavals and the current wave of unrest now sweeping the globe in 2011. Like others before them, they used symbology to encode blunt and unequivocal messages within the USA's symbols, for those now living through these currently unfolding events. </p> <p> Many have wondered why they chose the symbols used in our national seal and elsewhere. The most obvious and ubiquitous of the USA's symbols are stars, as seen on the Great Seal, the US Flag, The Apotheosis of Washington painting in the Capitol Dome, other official artwork, and worn by Generals and Law enforcement officers. It is well known that George Washington and pivotal founders were Freemasons and Deists. Star symbolism has long been important to certain mystery schools and those who study and research symbology and related esoterica. Stars were also pivotal symbolism within the ancient Hebrew wisdom traditions, which are easily shown to be direct derivatives of ancient Egyptian symbology and encoded wisdom. </p> <p> In the same manner, the zodiac was important to all ancient sages, prophets, and later related groups as a vital long-term time keeping system and body of symbolized wisdom. It is important to note here that the zodiac is an ancient philosophical construct based around the use of symbols formed from multiple stars, ergo the "signs" of the zodiac and matching constellations of stars. One of the long kept secrets of these groups, which includes Freemasonry, are some of the keys to proving the truth about the symbology in the Bible and related sources and the direct relationship to ancient Egypt. This is also the reason that Christian Rome expended such great effort over the last two millennia to demonize so-called "occult symbols" such as the pentagram. They have long desperately struggled to hide the truth about ancient symbology, going as far as exterminating entire populations demonized as heretics (Essenes, Druids, Gnostics, Jews, Cathars, Templars, Witches, etc.) because some among them had proof that Rome was purposely lying about pivotal assertions inserted throughout the Bible. </p> <p> Stars, angels, and the zodiac are pivotal symbology used to encode times and details that the ancient sages and prophets purposefully hid from religious leaders. Both stars and angels encode specific cycles of time, most often 360-year cycles. In addition to encoding proof of the true timelines throughout the Book of Revelation and other prophecies, it also proves that religious leaders have repeatedly and consistently added fanciful details to the original symbolic narratives authored by the ancient sages and prophets. For example, the prophets knew that literal angels didn't exist but used them as pivotal symbols while saying nothing for millennia as religious leaders created numerous fantasies involving them. The prophets, knowing that religious leaders could never be trusted, expertly hid the keys to decoding and reading the symbology of their works. Some of these symbolic keys were later passed along to the Knights Templar and later encoded within the symbols of Freemasonry. The most important details were then smuggled into the fledgling USA and embedded within our national symbols by certain of the founders. </p> <p> Thereby, <a href="">the stars seen throughout the symbols and official artwork of the USA</a> were purposely designed to prove to a future generation that the founders possessed proof that all three so-called Faiths of Abraham were blatant lies. More importantly though, they also had proof that the Hebrew prophets and their prophecies were valid, but one had to understand the symbology to read the deeply hidden story line. Certain of the founders were Deists because they knew the precise nature of pivotal religious lies. On the other hand, they also understood that the universe was based on verifiable rules. Thereby, though the universe could not be an accident, the fantasies put forth by religions simply could not be believed nor verified. Thereby, it is important to understand that the founders were not just rebelling against political and monetary leaders, but against the lies of religion. </p> <p> Knowing that they had true insights into the meaning of pivotal symbology and prophecies is a key insight into the mindsets of those that established the USA and created the Great Seal. It is truly fitting that Egypt is central to the unfolding wave of rapid changes sweeping the Middle East and elsewhere. The symbology of the Great Seal of the USA directly alludes to ancient Egypt because the founders, and those that came before them, understood that Egyptian symbology held the keys to proving the truth about the assertions and actions of religious leaders throughout the ages. They also understood certain details of certain ancient prophecies that pointed to a period of great change during the early years of the New Age of Aquarius, that began in the fall of 2000 just before the new millennium on the Roman calendar. </p> <p> Like the ancient sages and prophets of the past, they understood that a vital key required for human civilization to survive the currently unfolding waves of change is to prove the truth about all of these religions, at a very specific time, hence now. It was their intention that the USA now take an aggressive stance helping to prove that all of these religions are lies and fighting over them is completely pointless. This is required to ensure that the current wave of change has a positive global outcome. </p> <p> Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols provides the supporting proofs and rules for the symbology. provides links to download the free PDF e-Book version, as well as <a href="">links to related articles and earlier releases</a>. You may visit the website to download the full PDF E-Book and for additional options, articles, and resources. The paperback version is available through the website, at, and other booksellers. </p> <p> Can science and ancient wisdom work together to unlock the mysteries of the ancient past and prove the truth about all religions? Visit <a href=""></a> and prove it to yourself.</p>
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