Sci-fi Films, Surveillance, and Society--A Rochester Free School Class!
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The class's first film: 1984; staring John Hurt, Richard Burton, Suzanna Hamilton
We'll start class with a 20-min. introduction followed by the film with a 20-min to half hour discussion afterword. Handouts for people to look over and write on will be handed out before the film starts.
Over the course of 9 weeks, we will be watching Hollywood sci-fi films with a critical eye toward how surveillance is represented in these films an...d how all these films together (and other sci-fi films that incorporate surveillance themes) could be seen as a socialization agent in the normalizing of surveillance in our contemporary world.
Of course moral judgments and other themes can and will naturally be introduced for discussion.
Dates for the class; please mark your calendars: February 8, 15, 22; March 8, 15, 22, 29; April 12, 19
Attendees should bring a notepad and pen or pencil.
The class will start at 7PM and be over by no later than 10PM.
The Rochester Free School was set up over a year ago as a place to facilitate the sharing of skills and knowledge freely for anyone. Anyone can teach and anyone can learn. The Principles of the Rochester Free School are below. The website is:
Free School Principles of Unity:
* Rochester Free School believes that education is a right rather than a
privilege. Rochester Free School works to de-commodify and
de-institutionalize education with free classes open to all.
* Rochester Free School follows a do-it-yourself (DIY) ethic. We believe
everyone has skills and insights to share and we would rather learn from each other than attend stale institutions. We believe practical/experiential knowledge is as important as academic/theoretical knowledge.
* Rochester Free School is run democratically and horizontally by consensus. Each member of Rochester Free School has equal say in making decisions.
* Rochester Free School offers popular education in order to build the critical consciousness needed to topple systems of oppression and provides practical knowledge to survive in the meantime.
* Rochester Free School open classes and spokes council work to resist and critique systems of oppression that include racism, sexism, homophobia, and body or class privilege.
* At Rochester Free School, we believe knowledge should help inform and inspire our practice concerning concrete, consistent, ongoing struggle to produce fundamental, widespread, permanent, progressive, socioeconomic, political, cultural change and measurable improvement of the human condition.
* At Rochester Free School, all are teachers and all are students.