A hotline for U.S. activists who have been contacted by the FBI.
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 28, 2010
New York--The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and its Mass Defense Committee provides legal defense and educational resources to activists, including those subjected to the September 24 raids and grand jury subpoenas in Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois. The Guild denounces the attacks on free speech, freedom of association, and the right to dissent that these actions represent. The raids and summonses reflect escalating hostility toward individuals and groups working in solidarity with the Palestinian and Colombian people and are blatantly political attacks on peaceful activists.
National Lawyers Guild lawyers, in their continuing efforts to protect the right to dissent, are coordinating defense of these activists. The NLG offers several resources for activists who are subject to similarly aggressive and politically motivated breaches of their rights.
NLG Hotline: 888-NLG-ECOL (888-654-3265)
-A hotline for U.S. activists who have been contacted by the FBI. Callers are matched with NLG defense attorneys in their states who have experience dealing with similar cases.
Know Your Rights Brochure: www.nlg.org/resources/know-your-rights
-A two-page brochure that summarizes the rights of citizens when they are contacted or stopped by the police or federal authorities. Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi and Punjabi.
Operation Backfire: www.nlg.org/publications/operation-backfire
-A booklet that discusses government attacks on activists and subsequent prosecutions. Available for free download.
The National Lawyers Guild recommends that activists consult and make use of these resources. The Guild advises anyone visited by the FBI to assert your right not to answer any questions, to get the card of the FBI agent and state that you will have an attorney contact the agent on your behalf.
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---Paige Cram
national lawyers guild
Communications Coordinator
212.679.5100, ext. 15