After 9 Years Citizens Want Answers About 9-11
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value (String, 9508 characters ) <a href="">Video of ...
<a href="">Video of Press Conference on 9/9/10<a /> <!--break--> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <p style="font-style:normal;"><font size="3">It has been nine years now since the events of September 11, 2001. There still remain many more questions than answers about what really happened on that day, and who was responsible. Expert investigators, scientists, architects, engineers, physicists and firefighters have stated that what was explained in the 9/11 Commission report simply couldn't have happened that way under the laws of physics. There has been no further investigation. No one has been brought to justice in connection with these attacks. Meanwhile the US and other governments use the "need to prevent another 9-11" as an excuse to usurp civil rights and justify invasions of other countries.</font></p > <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> <p style="font-style:normal;"><font size="3">On September 9, 2010 concerned citizens exercised their right to petition their government for redress of grievences at the offices of Representatives Louise Slaughter and Christopher Lee. So far there has been plenty of grievence but no redress. </font> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> </p > <p style="font-style:normal;"><font size="3">This was their statement:</font></p > <p><i><font size="3"><b>Good afternoon.</b></font> <font size="3">My name is Jay. I'm speaking on behalf of over 1,200 Architects and Engineers and 9,100 others who signed a petition for a new and honest investigation of what really happened on 9/11/01. </font></i> </p > <p><i><font size="3">The events of 9/1101 are critical, as they are the excuse for our resource draining wars and the fascist "Patriot Act" which was written by traitors </font><font size="3"><u><b>before</b></u></font> <font size="3">the false-flag attack of 9/11/01. </font></i> </p > <p><font size="3"><i>Today, dozens of such press conferences are being held across the nation including a major one at the National Press club in Washington, D.C.</i></font></p > <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>We also speak on behalf of </i></font><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u></u></i></font></font></a></p > <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> </p > <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>343 Firefighters lost their lives that day</b></font> <font>in what is proving to be a gigantic lie by our Federal government and the international banking system that would like complete control of the world.</font></i></p > <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> </p > <p><font size="3"><i>Let's examine a few of the inconvenient facts collected over the last nine years:</i></font></p > <ol> <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Total destruction</b></font> <font>of WTC buildings 1, 2 </font><font><u><b>and</b></u></font> <font>7 and a massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds similar to the dust cloud that swept over Kodak Park when those building experienced controlled demolition.</font></i></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><font size="4" style="font-size:16pt;"><i><font size="3">Over one hundred </font><font size="3"><b>first responders at the WTC reported explosions and flashes</b></font><font size="3">.</font></i></font></font></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font>Multi-ton </font><font><b>steel sections ejected laterally 600-ft. at 50 mph.</b></font></i></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i><b>Explosive ejections 20-40 floors below the demolition front.</b></i></font></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Total buildings destruction:</b></font> <font>dismemberment of the steel frames into sections that would fit the clean-up trucks. </font></i> </p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Several tons of molten iron</b></font> <font>found under all three high rise.</font></i></p > <li><p><font size="3"><i><b>No precedent in the world for steel-framed high-rise buildings total collapse due to fire.</b></i></font></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Nearly free fall acceleration</b></font> <font>through the path of greatest resistance for three buildings at the WTC.</font></i></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>Rapid onset of destruction.</i></font></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Building 7 totally collapse</b></font> <font>after 5 PM that day </font><font><b>although no aircraft hit the building</b></font> <font>and internal fires were negligible.</font></i></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>The destruction of legal documents in Building 7</b></font> <font>halted legal actions against major banks and corporations. </font></i> </p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font>Evidence indicates </font><font><b>the radio controlled aircraft that was scheduled to hit building 7 was shot down over Shanksville, PA </b></font><font>under orders by an AIRFORCE officer who put his country before loyally to the corporations and banksters who program these false flag operations to hoax us into wars. </font></i> </p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font color="#000000"><font><i>Number of </i></font></font><em><font color="#000000"><font><i>firefighters</i></font></font></em><font color="#000000"> </font><font color="#000000"><font><i>and paramedics killed: 343.</i></font></font></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font color="#000000"><font><b>Number of NYPD officers killed</b></font></font><font color="#000000"><font>: 23 </font></font><font color="#000000"><font><b>…</b></font></font><font color="#000000"> </font></i> </p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font color="#000000"><font><i><b>Days after </b></i></font></font><em><font color="#000000"><font><i><span>9/11</span></i></font></font></em><font color="#000000"> </font><font color="#000000"><font><i><b>that the U.S. began bombing Afghanistan: 26 …</b></i></font></font> </p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><font size="4" style="font-size:16pt;"><i><font size="3"><b>Number of firefighters on leave</b></font> <font size="3">for respiratory problems by January 2002: 300</font></i></font></font></p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><font size="3"><i><b>Airline manifests indicate no Muslim terrorists boarded the passenger planes of 9/11. </b></i></font></font> </p > <li><p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Total number of hate crimes</b></font> <font>reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations nationwide since 9/11: </font><font><b>1,714</b></font></i></p > </ol > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> <img class="dada-image-center" src=""><br> </p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i><b>There are now literally hundreds of books and web sites</b></i></font> <font><i>devoted to serious research on 9/11. See David Ray Griffin's books (THE NEW PEARL HARBOR and DEBUNKING 9-11 DEBUNKING) or Paul Zarembka’s THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF NINE-ELEVEN on </i></font><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u></u></i></font></font></a></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i><b>See: </b></i></font> </p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> </p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>At this point, we'll entertain a few questions </b></font><font>about the WTC and 9/1101 while my friend passes out information cards.</font></i></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> </p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>Thank you,</i></font></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> </p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>JJ</i></font></p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><br /> </p > <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font>Reporters from two TV channels did show up at Rep Slaughter's office. But it was not for investigative reporting, only to dismiss the protesters as conspiracy theorists. Perhaps the News Media need to be reminded that when a conspiracy theory reveals a conspiracy to exist, it is no longer a theory. </font> </p >
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 9469 characters ) <p><a href="">Video ...
<p><a href="">Video of Press Conference on 9/9/10</a><a></a></p> <!--break--><p> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> </p><p style="font-style:normal;"><font size="3">It has been nine years now since the events of September 11, 2001. There still remain many more questions than answers about what really happened on that day, and who was responsible. Expert investigators, scientists, architects, engineers, physicists and firefighters have stated that what was explained in the 9/11 Commission report simply couldn't have happened that way under the laws of physics. There has been no further investigation. No one has been brought to justice in connection with these attacks. Meanwhile the US and other governments use the "need to prevent another 9-11" as an excuse to usurp civil rights and justify invasions of other countries.</font></p> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /><br /> <p style="font-style:normal;"><font size="3">On September 9, 2010 concerned citizens exercised their right to petition their government for redress of grievences at the offices of Representatives Louise Slaughter and Christopher Lee. So far there has been plenty of grievence but no redress. </font> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /> </p> <p style="font-style:normal;"><font size="3">This was their statement:</font></p> <p><i><font size="3"><b>Good afternoon.</b></font> <font size="3">My name is Jay. I'm speaking on behalf of over 1,200 Architects and Engineers and 9,100 others who signed a petition for a new and honest investigation of what really happened on 9/11/01. </font></i> </p> <p><i><font size="3">The events of 9/1101 are critical, as they are the excuse for our resource draining wars and the fascist "Patriot Act" which was written by traitors </font><font size="3"><u><b>before</b></u></font> <font size="3">the false-flag attack of 9/11/01. </font></i> </p> <p><font size="3"><i>Today, dozens of such press conferences are being held across the nation including a major one at the National Press club in Washington, D.C.</i></font></p> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>We also speak on behalf of </i></font><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u></u></i></font></font></a></p> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"> </p> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>343 Firefighters lost their lives that day</b></font> <font>in what is proving to be a gigantic lie by our Federal government and the international banking system that would like complete control of the world.</font></i></p> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"> </p> <p><font size="3"><i>Let's examine a few of the inconvenient facts collected over the last nine years:</i></font></p> <ol> <li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Total destruction</b></font> <font>of WTC buildings 1, 2 </font><font><u><b>and</b></u></font> <font>7 and a massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds similar to the dust cloud that swept over Kodak Park when those building experienced controlled demolition.</font></i></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><font size="4" style="font-size:16pt;"><i><font size="3">Over one hundred </font><font size="3"><b>first responders at the WTC reported explosions and flashes</b></font><font size="3">.</font></i></font></font></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font>Multi-ton </font><font><b>steel sections ejected laterally 600-ft. at 50 mph.</b></font></i></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i><b>Explosive ejections 20-40 floors below the demolition front.</b></i></font></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Total buildings destruction:</b></font> <font>dismemberment of the steel frames into sections that would fit the clean-up trucks. </font></i> </p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Several tons of molten iron</b></font> <font>found under all three high rise.</font></i></p> </li><li> <p><font size="3"><i><b>No precedent in the world for steel-framed high-rise buildings total collapse due to fire.</b></i></font></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Nearly free fall acceleration</b></font> <font>through the path of greatest resistance for three buildings at the WTC.</font></i></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>Rapid onset of destruction.</i></font></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Building 7 totally collapse</b></font> <font>after 5 PM that day </font><font><b>although no aircraft hit the building</b></font> <font>and internal fires were negligible.</font></i></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>The destruction of legal documents in Building 7</b></font> <font>halted legal actions against major banks and corporations. </font></i> </p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font>Evidence indicates </font><font><b>the radio controlled aircraft that was scheduled to hit building 7 was shot down over Shanksville, PA </b></font><font>under orders by an AIRFORCE officer who put his country before loyally to the corporations and banksters who program these false flag operations to hoax us into wars. </font></i> </p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font color="#000000"><font><i>Number of </i></font></font><em><font color="#000000"><font><i>firefighters</i></font></font></em><font color="#000000"> </font><font color="#000000"><font><i>and paramedics killed: 343.</i></font></font></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font color="#000000"><font><b>Number of NYPD officers killed</b></font></font><font color="#000000"><font>: 23 </font></font><font color="#000000"><font><b>…</b></font></font><font color="#000000"> </font></i> </p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font color="#000000"><font><i><b>Days after </b></i></font></font><em><font color="#000000"><font><i><span>9/11</span></i></font></font></em><font color="#000000"> </font><font color="#000000"><font><i><b>that the U.S. began bombing Afghanistan: 26 …</b></i></font></font> </p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><font size="4" style="font-size:16pt;"><i><font size="3"><b>Number of firefighters on leave</b></font> <font size="3">for respiratory problems by January 2002: 300</font></i></font></font></p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><font><font size="3"><i><b>Airline manifests indicate no Muslim terrorists boarded the passenger planes of 9/11. </b></i></font></font> </p> </li><li> <p style="margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>Total number of hate crimes</b></font> <font>reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations nationwide since 9/11: </font><font><b>1,714</b></font></i></p> </li></ol> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"> <img class="dada-image-center" src="" /><br /> </p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i><b>There are now literally hundreds of books and web sites</b></i></font> <font><i>devoted to serious research on 9/11. See David Ray Griffin's books (THE NEW PEARL HARBOR and DEBUNKING 9-11 DEBUNKING) or Paul Zarembka’s THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF NINE-ELEVEN on </i></font><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u></u></i></font></font></a></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i><b>See: </b></i></font> </p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><a href=""><font color="#000080"><font><i><u><b></b></u></i></font></font></a></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"> </p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><i><font><b>At this point, we'll entertain a few questions </b></font><font>about the WTC and 9/1101 while my friend passes out information cards.</font></i></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"> </p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>Thank you,</i></font></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"> </p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font><i>JJ</i></font></p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"> </p> <p style="margin-left:0.25in;margin-bottom:0in;"><font>Reporters from two TV channels did show up at Rep Slaughter's office. But it was not for investigative reporting, only to dismiss the protesters as conspiracy theorists. Perhaps the News Media need to be reminded that when a conspiracy theory reveals a conspiracy to exist, it is no longer a theory. </font> </p>
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