Green Party of Monroe County to Green Up Rochester
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value (String, 2244 characters ) A call to all Rochester Progressives to help th...
A call to all Rochester Progressives to help the Green Party get ballot status back to run candidates all over Monroe County - including for Mayor of Rochester. <!--break--> <p>Hello Everyone!</p > <p>We've actually never been away. But with all this foolishness coming from the big machine parties, it's time for true progressives to get back into the limelight in Monroe County.</p > <p>We are going to get our ballot status back and then run one heck of a campaign for Mayor of Rochester. It's time we show the Bosses who runs this town. So let's get to it!</p > <p>We need 50,000 votes for governor to get our ballot status back. The Green Party of New York State is running a full slate of candidates to help achieve this. Leading the charge will be Howie Hawkins for Governor, but you can check out all the candidates at More on them at another time.</p > <p>First we need to get Howie and the other candidates on the ballot. To do that we need to get signatures of registered voters of any party on our petitions. We will be doing that from July 6 - August 15. That's what we're focusing on right now - petition signatures. If you haven't done it before, don't worry, it's pretty easy and if you do with someone, it can be a great time. Respond to this post or give me a call (see below) to let me know that you're ready to help get petition signatures. Free training is provided!!!</p > <p>This is democracy folks. If you never fight, you never win! It's time to fight for our values and to make our town great for everyone in it. </p > <p>Recent posts at</p > <p><a href="">We Don't Need Another Trickle Down Mayor</a></p ><p><a href="">GPNYS Calls for the Cut of Funding of the Afghanistan War</a></p ><p><a href="">The Dalai Lama Wants to Join the Green Party</a></p > <p>Don't forget us on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter !</p > <p>It's time to Green up this town! Let's get'ter done!</p > <p>Dave <br /> 585-315-7687 <br />
summary (NULL)
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safe_value (String, 2372 characters ) <p>A call to all Rochester Progressives to help...
<p>A call to all Rochester Progressives to help the Green Party get ballot status back to run candidates all over Monroe County - including for Mayor of Rochester.</p> <!--break--><p>Hello Everyone!</p> <p>We've actually never been away. But with all this foolishness coming from the big machine parties, it's time for true progressives to get back into the limelight in Monroe County.</p> <p>We are going to get our ballot status back and then run one heck of a campaign for Mayor of Rochester. It's time we show the Bosses who runs this town. So let's get to it!</p> <p>We need 50,000 votes for governor to get our ballot status back. The Green Party of New York State is running a full slate of candidates to help achieve this. Leading the charge will be Howie Hawkins for Governor, but you can check out all the candidates at <a href=""></a>. More on them at another time.</p> <p>First we need to get Howie and the other candidates on the ballot. To do that we need to get signatures of registered voters of any party on our petitions. We will be doing that from July 6 - August 15. That's what we're focusing on right now - petition signatures. If you haven't done it before, don't worry, it's pretty easy and if you do with someone, it can be a great time. Respond to this post or give me a call (see below) to let me know that you're ready to help get petition signatures. Free training is provided!!!</p> <p>This is democracy folks. If you never fight, you never win! It's time to fight for our values and to make our town great for everyone in it. </p> <p>Recent posts at <a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">We Don't Need Another Trickle Down Mayor</a></p> <p><a href="">GPNYS Calls for the Cut of Funding of the Afghanistan War</a></p> <p><a href="">The Dalai Lama Wants to Join the Green Party</a></p> <p>Don't forget us on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter !</p> <p>It's time to Green up this town! Let's get'ter done!</p> <p>Dave <br /> 585-315-7687 <br /> <a href=""></a></p>
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