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value (String, 52541 characters ) THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERIC...
THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERICANS IS PARTIALLY BASED ON OUR COUNTRIES FREEDOM OF SPEECH &amp; FREEDOM OF RELIGION WHICH HAVE BEEN BUILT INTO THE VERY FABRIC OF OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY-LIFE~STYLE. <!--break--> BY OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY ALLOWING TEXAS POLITICAL PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNERS PRISON VOICE TO BE WRONGFULLY EXECUTED WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING EVEN IF THE DNA FIT...ONLY AFFIRMS THAT AMERICA IS NOW HEADED ON A VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE OF DENYING LIFE TO THOSE WHO DARE SPEAK OUT !!! WILL U.S. SUPREME COURT ALLOW AMERICA TO ALSO BE ACCUSED OF EXECUTING our ACTIVISTS LIKE OTHERS WORLD~WIDE... HANK SKINNER ??? EXECUTING TEXAS PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNER PRIOR ALLOWING HIM TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE VIA DNA TESTING WILL BE A FIRST FOR THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS, &amp; WILL OBVIOUSLY PUT OUR AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM &amp; INTERNATIONAL IMAGE INTO A NEW CATEGORY ALIGNED WITH OTHERS IN THE WORLD ACCUSED WITH SIMILIAR TYPES OF WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS !!! SURELY OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WILL ALSO RESPECT DNa INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE DNa INNOCENT AMERICAN LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB ~ TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE TAKING U.S. INTO A NEW WORLD ORDER OF EXECUTIONS !!! CERTAIN AMERICANS IN POWERFUL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS APPEAR TO BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT INNOCENT FETUS LIFE BEING DESTROYED, BUT SOMEHOW SEEM TO HAVE VERY DIFFERENT FEELINGS ABOUT THE HORROR &amp; TRAGIC REALITY OF OUR INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT POORER AMERICANS BEING WRONFULLY EXECUTED IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ? ~ THE PEOPLE CALL OUR BEST &amp; LAST WITNESS TO THE STAND YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S....MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS REST OUR CASE AFTER CALLING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES TO THE STAND ~ OUR AMERICAN MILITARY COMMANDERS &amp; SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES COULD NEVER EVEN CONCEIVE OF EVER ALLOWING ANY OF OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. ENLISTED MILITARY SOLDIERS TO BE SUBJECT TO SUCH MISGUIDED SATANIC EXECUTION INJUSTICES AS CURRENTLY BEING PRACTICED IN GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S TEXAS PRISON SYSTEM !!! LETS ALL HOPE &amp; PRAY RELIGIOUS &amp; SPIRITUAL AMERICANS THAT OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT FINDS IT IN THEIR POWER &amp; JUDICIAL WISDOM TO PROPERLY ENACT FUTURE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE LAWS ASSURING ALL OF OUR MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS THE SAME RESPECT &amp; PROTECTIONS FOR POSSIBLE INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIAN LIFE THAT OUR U.S.MILITARY HONORS FOR THEIR ENTRUSTED TROOPS ... WE ARE ALL WELL AWARE THAT POORER AMERICANS CHILDREN MAKE UP OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. MILITARY WHICH PROTECTS OUR USA AND INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS... SO WHO COULD EVER IMAGINE IN THEIR WILDEST DREAMS THAT IN 2010 WE little people HERE IN AMERICA STILL HAVE TO BEG OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT 4 WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ??? OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT KNOWS THAT ONLY SATAN WOULD WANT EXECUTIONS OF INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT IN TEXAS GOVERNOR PERRY !!! ~ SATAN AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD AND FOOL OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT AND RELIGIOUS AMERICANS NATION~WIDE INTO ACCEPTING THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS IN THEIR TEXAS PRISONS AS A ROLE~MODEL FOR THE REST OF OUR COUNTRY ~ AMERICANS PLEASE JUST TAKE A REAL GOOD LOOK INTO TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S EYES &amp; YOU WILL SURELY SEE MORE THEN JUST A DEVILISH LITTLE LOOK !!! U.S. SUPREME COURT TO THE RESCUE OF MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS OR JUST A BAD DREAM THAT REAL JUSTICE IS CONTINUING TO BE DENIED ALL US LITTLE PEOPLE HERE IN AMERICA ?? * CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN OTHER THEN SATAN HOW TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ON ONE HAND PARDONS A DEAD FORMER TEXAS INMATE TIMOTHY COLE WHO WRONGFULLY DIED IN A TEXAS PRISON AFTER MANY YEARS OF ATTEMPTING TO EXONERATE HIMSELF USING DNA TESTING FOR A CRIME HE NEVER COMMITTED, AND WITHIN THE SAME MONTH THIS SAME GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS DENIES YET ANOTHER DNA TEST PRIOR ANOTHER POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION OF HANK SKINNER ??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT Friday, April 23, 2010 Cole Advisory Panel Meets The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions met yesterday in Austin. Today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports, "Timothy Cole panel questions the creation of a Texas innocence commission," written by Dave Montgomery. An advisory panel bearing the name of a wrongfully convicted inmate from Fort Worth is apparently leaning against recommending the creation of a state innocence commission amid concerns that it would create a new bureaucracy and duplicate work already being performed in Texas law schools. The concept of an innocence commission to investigate whether convictions are wrongful was among several recommendations discussed Thursday by the Timothy Cole Advisory Panel. Cole, who died in prison after being convicted for a sexual assault that he didn't commit, was recently given a posthumous pardon by Gov. Rick Perry. The panel deferred votes until its next meeting, but members generally expressed reservations about creating an innocence commission. Some members called for bolstering similar work now under way in four Texas law schools. The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech, the University of Houston and Texas Southern University have projects or clinics that examine questionable convictions. Similar projects are in operation across the country. The commission's stance generally tracks that of Perry, who believes a commission "would create an added layer of government," said Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle. Perry's deputy general counsel, Mary Anne Wiley, is a member of the panel. And: Cory Session, Cole's brother, said he supports the panel's position and complimented it for its efforts to improve the state's criminal justice system. Cole's case has come to symbolize widening efforts in Texas and other states to correct legal weaknesses that have led to improper convictions. The panel was created by the 2009 Legislature as part of a push that also expanded benefits for former inmates who were exonerated after being cleared by DNA evidence. "We're pleased with the work they're putting forth so far," said Session, who attended Thursday's meeting along with his mother, Ruby Session, who led the family's 25-year-long battle to clear Cole. He introduced her at the meeting as "the mother of the wrongful conviction movement." Two exonerated former inmates, Stephen Phillips and Christopher Scott, also addressed the panel. "I knew I was innocent. Hardly anybody else did," said Phillips, who spent 26 years behind bars before being released in 2008. "I was afraid I was going to die." He said that efforts like those of the Cole panel have raised hopes among innocent people behind bars. Earlier coverage of the panel and of Tim Cole's posthumous exoneration begins with this post. An OpEd coauthored by Cory Session on wrongful convictions and DNA testing is noted here. Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:11 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, State Legislation, Task Force on Inigent Defense, Texas Legislature | Permalink Technorati Tags: Allison Castle, Christopher Scott, Cory Session, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness identification, innocence, Mary Anne Wiley, Rick Perry, Rick Perry, Stephen Phillips, Task Force on Indigent Defense, Texas, Tim Cole, Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions, wrongful conviction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NOW ATTEMPT TO INVOLVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH VISIT 2 SAN ANTONIO ARCHBISHOP JOSE GOMEZ ! ~ WHEN WILL THE ICC OPEN THEIR INVESTIGATION INTO U.S. TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ~ TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN HAVE DRIVEN THEIR HELTER SKELTER DEATH ROW POLICIES 2 U.S.SUPREME COURT &amp; INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) IN A MICHAEL DUKAKIS TANK ? SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OBVIOUSLY HAVE BIGGER FUTURE POLITICAL AMBITIONS THEN SAVING A POSSIBLE INNOCENT HANK SKINNER LIFE ? TOP TEN REASONS WHY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE DENYING TEXAN HANK SKINNER DNA TESTING PRIOR HIS POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION ??? "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free " BEHOLD SARAH PALIN FANS, SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ALREADY DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IN MAKING SURE THAT THEY WILL BE THE ONLY REPUBLICAN 2012 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE~S !!! 1) BOTH DO NOT BELIEVE THAT EXECUTING THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT ARE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ?? 2) BOTH DO NOT VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE LIKE OTHERS ~ 3) BOTH THINK ONLY GIRLY MEN ASK FOR DNA TESTING BEFORE THEIR POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ?? 4) BOTH HAVE BIG FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL POLITICAL AMBITIONS AND REALLY NEED THE TEA PARTY BACKERS &amp; NRA MEMBERS TO CARRY IT OFF ? 5) BOTH WANT FINANCIAL POLITICAL SUPPORT $$$ FROM WEALTHY TEXANS WHO DISLIKE THE GUILTY POOR OR EVEN THE INNOCENT POOR IN AMERICA! 6) * IS THE ONLY DEMONIC THING TO DO * 7) BOTH BELIEVE THEIR WRONGFUL DEATH ROW TEXAS PRISON POLICY OF DON'T ASK AND WE WON'T TELL IS PROPER ? 8) BOTH BELIEVE A FEW DEMONIC LIKE MISTAKES HERE OR THERE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE BEING WRONGFULLY EXECUTED IS TO BE EXPECTED WITH THEIR TEXAS DEATH ROW EXECUTION POLICIES ... 9) THE DEVIL AND HE BOTH ENJOY DOING IT ? 10) *** NEED THE NATIONAL ATTENTION ON BEING TOUGH ON CRIME BECAUSE THEY ARE SECRETLY PLANNING THEIR JOINT 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BID AND HAVE TO TAKE AWAY NATIONAL ATTENTION FROM REPUBLICAN SARAH PALIN ON THIS CRIME ISSUE *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY RECEIVE TELEPHONE CALL FROM DR.JACK KEVORKIAN EXPLAINING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXECUTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; STATE ASSISTED SUICIDES IN OREGON &amp; WASHINGTON !!! ** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS OBVIOUSLY VIEW U.S. HUMAN LIFE DIFFERENTLY THEN RELIGIOUS AMERICANS ** DEAR DR. JACK KEVORKIAN, TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY APPEARS TO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MODEL HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW PRISONS AFTER THE STATES OF WASHINGTON AND OREGON STATE ASSISTED SUICIDE NEWLY ENACTED STATE LEGISLATIVE LAWS ! PLEASE SIR, IF YOU COULD FIND THE TIME TO CALL, INFORM AND EXPLAIN TO GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS THE VARIOUS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS OF POSSIBLE INNOCENT INMATES ON HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW AND THESE WILLING TERMINAL ILL RESIDENTS IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST ??? ~ HALF OF AMERICA DOES NOT WANT U.S. EXECUTIONS EVER &amp; THE OTHER HALF ONLY WANTS EXECUTIONS OF THE CONFIRMED GUILTY GOVERNOR PERRY !!! NOT ONE U.S. RELIGION OR RELIGIOUS LEADER AGREES WITH TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY EXECUTING EVEN THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT... poor americans ~ ** SAVING POSSIBLE INNOCENT U.S. LIVES IS OBVIOUSLY NOT ON SATANS OR TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRYS AGENDA ** * APPARENTLY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NEEDS AMERICANS &amp; U.S.RELIGIOUS LEADERS PRAYERS 4 HIS OWN FREEDOM * WHILE SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY WERE DENYING HANK SKINNER THE ABILITY TO HAVE HIS DNA TESTED TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE BEFORE HIS TEXAS EXECUTION, THE LORD WAS IN OHIO HELPING THESE STATESMEN CREATE THIS FUTURE LEGISLATION TO SAVE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!! GOD HAS SPOKEN &amp; THESE PRECIOUS STATESMEN FROM OHIO HAVE LISTENED UNLIKE GOVERNOR PERRY OF TEXAS ??? THANK YOU LORD ~ THIS OHIO GOVERNOR OBVIOUSLY HAS YOUR HEAVENLY CONCEPT ON THIS ONE ! THANK YOU GOD FOR ALSO ALLOWING THIS FANTASTIC STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT TO CONTINUE BRINGING NEW LIFE TO OUR AMERICAN POOR WHO ARE HAVING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY INFLICTED ON THEM ALL ACROSS OUR WONDERFUL AND CHANGING COUNTRY !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, April 07, 2010 New Ohio DNA Law Called 'Model', 'Best in Nation' The text of the new law is here; you can also view the fiscal note and bill analyses. Governor Ted Strickland's brief press release is here. State Senator David Goodman sponsored SB 77, which expands DNA testing for certain convicted felons, eliminates DNA testing for felons who pleaded guilty or no contest, preserves biological evidence in criminal proceeding and improves eyewitness identification procedures. "This bill updates Ohio's DNA law and will play a significant role in the modernization of Ohio's system of criminal justice," Strickland said. "The new procedures will help improve criminal investigations and save lives." "Ohio's new DNA law called model," is the Columbus Dispatch report by Jim Siegel. With the stroke of Gov. Ted Strickland's pen yesterday, experts say Ohio now has some of the best laws in the country to protect the innocent from wrongful convictions and put the right people behind bars. Strickland, joined by a handful of men who were exonerated after serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit, signed Senate Bill 77. It sets statewide standards for retaining biological evidence, requires the taking of DNA from anyone arrested on a felony charge and requires new procedures for suspect lineups. "It's a good day for justice and fairness," said Strickland, flanked by Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, and Rep. W. Carlton Weddington, D-Columbus. Goodman introduced the bill after a Dispatch investigation in January 2008 exposed widespread shortcomings in Ohio's DNA law, including the derailing of prisoner DNA tests by systemic indifference or hostility. Attending the bill-signing were two men freed as a result of the newspaper's series: Robert McClendon of Columbus, who served 18 years for a child rape that DNA testing showed he did not commit; and Joseph Fears Jr. of Columbus, who wrongly served more than 25 years for two Columbus rapes. Other Ohioans freed in the past decade by DNA evidence - Walter Smith, Clarence Elkins and Danny Brown - also joined the governor. "I feel very emotional about what we've accomplished today," Goodman said, noting the six-year process of drafting and changing DNA-evidence laws. "It's going to improve the criminal-justice system in so many different ways." Marc Kovac writes, "DNA collection requirements for criminals, accused OK'd," for the state's News-Leader. The new law includes provisions concerning the storage and access of DNA samples, providing a mechanism for individuals convicted of crimes to prove their innocence. It creates a new statewide task force to establish standards for collecting, storing and cataloging biological evidence. It requires law enforcement to follow certain procedures when conducting live or photo lineups for witnesses to identify potential law breakers. And it calls for anyone 18 years or older who are arrested on felony charges to submit DNA samples to law enforcement -- something that has prompted concern about civil liberties and government intrusion into citizens' lives. Strickland downplayed those concerns. The Cincinnati Business Courier has, "Ohio's new DNA law a model, experts say." "Ohio is truly the national leader on innocence reforms and will be the role model other states look to as they contemplate similar measures in the coming years," said Mark Godsey, director of the Innocence Project, in the Dispatch report. Florida's Lakeland Ledger notes the new law with, "Ohio’s DNA law considered best in country," posted by Shoshana Walter. -Requires DNA samples to be taken from anyone convicted of a felony after July 1, 2011. -Requires agencies to retain biological evidence for up to 30 years in murder and sexual-assault cases. Five year limit when defendant pleads guilty. -Allows DNA testing for parolees and anyone in the sex offender registry. -Requires blind suspect lineups, meaning the officer either doesn’t know the identity of the real suspect or uses a photo-lineup technique in which only the witness can see the photos. -Provides incentives for investigators to record interrogations. And: There are some similarities to some Florida laws already on the books. In 2006, Florida required DNA evidence to be preserved for anyone who could petition for post conviction DNA testing (that would apply only to those convicted of felonies). My understanding is that before that law went into effect, each court system throughout the state had different policies about when and how evidence got destroyed–many Florida counties simply destroyed DNA evidence that might have led to exonerations. That wasn’t the case in Polk, though. The Clerk of Court’s office told me that before the 2006 law, Florida’s 10th Judicial Circuit actually saved all evidence in life or death sentence cases. Earlier this week, Sharon Coolidge wrote, "DNA bill helped by University of Cincinnati students," for the Cincinnati Enquirer. Watch any crime cop show on TV and DNA evidence likely played a role in capturing the bad guy. But in real life, lawyers say that evidence isn't always available. DNA will be more readily available in years to come because a group of University of Cincinnati students helped craft bill that overhauls the state's criminal justice system in an effort to avoid wrongful convictions. Gov. Ted Strickland is set to sign Senate Bill 77 into law today.The bill creates: A requirement that DNA be saved in all serious crimes for five years in plea bargain cases and for 30 years, or until a person gets out of prison, if a person is found guilty at trial. Police incentives for recording interrogations start to finish. A requirement that police lineups and eyewitness photo identifications be double blind, meaning the officer in charge of the lineup doesn't even know who the suspect is. An expansion of post-conviction DNA testing to allow convicted felons better access to DNA testing. A requirement that DNA be taken from people after arrest on felony charges, instead of after conviction as happens now. The provisions take effect by the end of the year, except for DNA collection after arrest, which is delayed due to the anticipated $1.9 million-per-year cost. A March 25 Columbus Dispatch article, "Lawmakers OK Ohio DNA bill," reported the new law's legislative passage. In their final session before heading into an Easter break, Ohio lawmakers moved bills yesterday designed to improve criminal investigations, ban texting while driving and give local law enforcement more power to tackle illegal immigration. After setting modern records this session for a lack of legislative action, the House and Senate opened the spigot and sent a number of measures to Gov. Ted Strickland, including one that would require the collection of DNA evidence from anyone arrested on a felony charge in Ohio. Strickland is expected to sign Senate Bill 77, which also opens DNA testing to parolees. The bill also requires blind suspect lineups - where the presiding officer does not know the identity of the true suspect or can't see the picture a witness is viewing - and sets a new 30-year standard for retaining biological evidence in cases of murder and sexual assault. The limit is five years when a defendant pleads guilty, a House-added provision that bill sponsor Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, opposes. "I think it's too short a period of time, and individuals will potentially have some problems down the line," he told the Senate before a final concurrence vote. But, Goodman added, he agreed to the compromise and said it's "still a very good bill." Related posts can be found in the DNA, eyewitness identification, and state legislation indexes. Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 11:20 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, Law Enforcement, State Legislation | Permalink Technorati Tags: Clarence Elkins, Danny Brown, David Goodman, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness id, eyewitness identification, Florida, Joseph Fears, law enforcement, lineup, Mark Godsey, Ohio, Ohio Legislature, Robert McClendon, SB 77, Senate Bill 77, Ted Strickland, University of Cincinnati, Walter Smith ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS.WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME OR TELEPHONE NUMBER. lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com (424-247-2013) *** GREAT SOCIETIES THAT DO NOT PROTECT THE INNOCENT BECOME THE GUILTY GOVERNOR RICK PERRY !!! ** TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY PLEASE STOP ALLOWING SATAN &amp; HIS DEMONS TO INFLUENCE YOU WITH THESE TEXAS STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS(MURDERS) OF THE INNOCENT &amp; THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!! *** YOUR BOTH WRONG AND OUT ON A LIMB GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ~ TEA PARTY MEMBERS &amp; THE NRA ALSO VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!! AMERICANS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE FROM ALL VARIOUS RELIGIONS ALSO DISAGREE WITH SATAN'S AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S PRISON POLICIES OF EXECUTING INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!! * OUR U.S.SUPREME COURT VIEWING THESE CONTINUING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON POORer AMERICANS IN TEXAS WILL SURELY ENACT WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTION IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND * *********************************************************************** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS CAN'T HIDE THIS !!! . THESE HANK SKINNER REPLIES SHOULD MAKE ANY FAIR MINDED AMERICAN QUESTION... YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S ??? Hell Hole News #24 - Hank Skinner Hell April 10, 2010 More fun! It has been brought to my attention that some false and undocumented « adverse » allegations, about me and my case are currently circulating on the web. Ordinarily I ignore things like this but I want to expose these coward allegations, usually raised by the haters, so it provides me a unique and excellent opportunity to counter this once and for all. In the future, any of my supporters or others inquiring on these topics can be referred to this NHHN article and it will save me the time and effort of having to repeat myself. 1/ Henry Watkins “Hank†Skinner – the Hype No, dummy, it’s the facts, sans hype. 2/ When one reads all the media-driven innocence hype about Hank Skinner, one can be instantly coerced into believing that Skinner is truly innocent of the ghastly murders of Twila Busby and her two mentally-impaired sons. No one is coercing anyone. The facts speak loudly for themselves. Two the most prestigious innocence projects in America both say I’m likely innocent and the evidence that remains needs to be tested. 3/ After all, Skinner is a cause de celebre around the world – a poster boy for “justice deniedâ€. How could he have possibly done what a jury convicted him of? Needs no comment. 4/ Hank’s jailhouse “wife†(a French anti-death penalty activist in real life) and Hank have done a great job at putting together a website calling into question aspects of how Hank has been treated over the years. There was, according to Hank and Mrs. Hank, a massive criminal/judicial conspiracy involving the police, prosecutors, judges and even Hank’s original trial attorney. Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner is not my “jailhouse wife†but my wife in every respect, legal and otherwise. We are legally married in both Texas and France. The President of France and his Foreign minister made a diplomatic entreaty to the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, on our behalf, asking Perry for a 30-day reprieve of execution and to conduct the DNA tests. That’s how legal our marriage is. I have our marriage license and certificate. I can produce it upon request to any who doubt me. No one ever said there was any massive criminal conspiracy. I said, merely, the pigs didn’t like me for various reasons, there was animus against me and it provided them a motive to frame me, which they most certainly did. It was caused by small town, small minded authorities who possess exactly the same mindset as the person who authored this mess I’m now responding to. My trial attorney was an ex D.A. who’d previously prosecuted me. 5/ But the simple question remains: did Hank Skinner kill the Busby family? No, I most certainly did not. The hairs ‘clutched’ in the victim’s (Twila’s) hand, sticking out from between her knuckles and caught under her ring, the D.A. says she pulled those hairs “from the head of her assailant during the struggle for her life, which she ultimately lostâ€. John Mann at first lied and said those hairs were mine. Subsequent DNA testing of the hairs at first produced a “mixed profile†alleged to contain my DNA. Further testing revealed this result was due to contamination in the wellplate caused by loading my standard sample too close to the evidentiary sample of Twila’s. Further testing proved that the blood flakes off the hair are solely Twila’s own blood and, subsequent mitochondrial testing of the hairs themselves are from an unknown male individual. I am absolutely and unequivocally excluded. See my letter 01/07/10 to D.A. Lynn Switzer and accompanying exhibits P2, P3 &amp; P4 which are available on my website (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph). It is beyond obvious that the person making these allegations is not at all well acquainted with the facts of the case but just hating and mud slinging. 6/ Was Skinner the murderer, or was it some faceless, nameless (or conveniently dead) person who poisoned Skinner with codeine (something to which Skinner was “deathly allergicâ€) before killing the family while Skinner slept? See 5 above. He’s not faceless or nameless. We have his DNA profile! He’s not “conveniently deadâ€, just dead. In 1996/97 my investigator of that time confronted Twila’s uncle and told him he believed he was guilty. Bob Donnell had a confirmed incestuous relationship with Twila and probably killed her because of it. According to the state’s own witnesses Donnell had the means, motive, opportunity and animus to have committed the murders. The criminalist who viewed the jacket said it had medium velocity impact blood spatter on the cuffs and forearms of the sleeves meaning it was likely worn by the assailant. Only Twila had injuries which would cause impact spatter. 7/ In order for Skinner not to have been the killer, one has to ignore or dismiss an extraordinary set of events. Skinner would also have to be taken at his word on many of the events of New Year’s Eve, 1993. This preface is a total lie. You don’t have to ignore or dismiss anything – this is truly “hypeâ€. You don’t have to take my word for anything. That’s why the evidence and affidavits of scientific experts and forensic tests are so extensively presented on my website – like I say, it all speaks for itself but, you have to take time to read and review it, which this person obviously did not. 8/ Here are some of the things one would have to believe Not true. See 9 and 12 below. 9/ some anonymous person spiked Skinner’s drink, before the murders, for whatever reason No, they probably did not. I will not knowingly take codeine because it makes me sick. I’d not had any R’s for codeine. All my friends who’d been to our house that afternoon and evening knew I was allergic to codeine and that I avoided it studiously. I used to think someone must have poisoned me because I wouldn’t take codeine voluntarily. A few years ago I learned that truth from a toxicologist who testified in another guy’s case, here. He says that once you reach a certain level of intoxication you go colorblind. Twila was always putting pills in her drink and sipping that one drink all evening. I later learned her girlfriend (G.S.) had given her 13 Fiorinal #4 codeine that she’d put in her drink. Twila and I had identical glasses but hers was Fuschia pink, mine was baby medium blue. I vaguely remember seeing the dregs of pills in the bottom of my cup and getting sick, passing out. I couldn’t figure out how it got into my cup. So I thought someone must have poisoned me. I think now I was just too messed up and colorblind to tell our cups apart anymore, I accidentally got Twila’s cup and drank from it, thinking it was my cup. 10/ A comatose Skinner “slept†through the murder (and possibly rape) of his beloved girlfriend, and the stabbing of her kids I was comatose. I didn’t “sleep†through anything, I was out cold. Howard Mitchell, one of the two of the State’s star witnesses, testified that he came over to pick us up, I was out of it, he grabbed my arm and jerked on it until he pulled my torso off the couch but he got no response from me at all, even while screaming and hollering in my face “Come on Hank, Let’s go! Get up! Come on!†See the legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph, exhibit Q to my letter to Lynn Switzer on my website - Interview of Howard Mitchell by D.A.’s investigator. My recitation of the facts and what I believe happened and why are presented just so I can tell the facts and how I believe they fit together, to give you the whole picture in a coherent fashion. But each item has a link to the evidence that backs it up, so you don’t need to take my word for anything. Review the evidence and let it speak to you of its own volition. 11/ Skinner could only to be roused by the girlfriend’s stabbed and mortally-wounded mentally-impaired son “Skinner could only to be roused byâ€? That sentence makes no sense. “could only to beâ€? Well, Scooter got me off the couch over two and a half hours after Howard tried to and failed, he did so by sprinkling water in my face. He was mortally wounded. He helped me up to get dressed, we left the house together after checking on Randy and (Scooter) finding he was dead. Scooter and Randy were not “mentally impairedâ€, “mentally challenged†or “retardedâ€. Twila’s mother, Beverly, was a nursing home manager/administrator. She was a master at milking the federal system for $ to care for her wards at the old folks home. She employed the same tactics for Scooter and Randy. They were getting social security disability checks every month. Scooter was listed as mentally retarded and suffering muscular dystrophy; Randy as mentally retarded. Mann discovered this subterfuge of Beverly’s and decided to employ it for his own purposes. I was 5’9â€, 145 lbs at the time. Scooter was 6’6â€, 245 lbs. Randy was 6’1â€, 180 lbs. There was no way any jury was going to believe I overpowered and killed Scooter and his mother in my condition at the time of the murders. So Mann turned them into “poor little retarded boys†and tried to get the Medical Examiner at autopsy to diminish their heights and weights. I don’t know how Randy was stabbed in his bed, either. I only know that’s supposedly where he was found according to the pigs. But the M.E. says both Randy and his mother’s bodies were moved prior to her in situ inspection. 12/ After this rousing, he managed to stumble around through the crime scene in a “stuporous†state, getting his handprint all over everything, and all the victim’s blood all over him That’s not true. First, the person who wrote this garbage tries to paint in overly broad strokes and weakly implies some inculpatory evidence results from it. For example: “getting his handprints all over everythingâ€. My handprints were never detected or identified as being “all over everythingâ€, but I’m sure my prints were all over items in the house because (DUH) I lived there. Most importantly though, my fingerprints are not on any of the three murder weapons and it is not my print on a black plastic trash bag that contained one of the murder weapons. I am not linked forensically to the murders at all. More importantly still, I did not have “all the victims’ blood all over meâ€. Two stains were tested on my clothes and determined to be only contact stains. As the State’s own experts at trial explained, those stains proved only that I either came into contact with a victim at a time after they became bloody or, I came into contact with a surface upon which one of the victims deposited blood; again at a time after they became bloody. So you see, that evidence does not prove me guilty of anything at all but is totally consistent with my defense that I fell at the scene after getting off the couch, after the murders occurred, when leaving the house. Only Scooter and Twila’s DNA was on my shirt and pants, two spots. Randy’s blood/DNA was not on me at all. So again “all the victims’ blood all over him†is a blatant lie. 13/ Skinner’s website (hankskinner.org) spends page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist who claimed that, because of the level of codeine and alcohol in Skinner’s system, Skinner would have been unable to commit the murders I spend “page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist†blah-blah-blah. Well, if this hater had read that “push-outâ€, he/she would know that toxicologist is a 27-year experienced FBI agent whose testimony was unrefuted and that the State’s own expert confirmed as correct his testimony, blood alcohol and blood codeine timeline profiles and his retrograde analysis as to how much alcohol/codeine was in my system and when I took it. 14/ But there is a big question: when did Skinner really take (or ingest) the drugs? 15/ A toxicology study can tell, given the level of drugs/alcohol in one’s blood at the time the study is performed, what the intoxication levels were between the time the drugs were taken and the time of the testing 16/ A toxicology study cannot tell when one actually ingested a substance. So we have to rely on Skinner to tell us when he ingested the codeine That is a lie. No, again you do not have to rely on my word about when I took the codeine. This hater here just totally overlooks the evidence. The toxicologist, Dr Lowry, allows the State’s witnesses to tell him when I ingested the codeine and the evidence proves it unequivocally. Twila and I called Howard to come get us at 9:15 – 9:30pm and I was drunk but coherent. Howard got there 45 minutes later at 10:15pm and I would out cold, comatose, unrousable by any external stimuli. Dr Lowary knew alcohol alone would not have put me under that deep because he knew what my B.A.C. was at that time. Andrea testified that I did not consume any pills or drink, any alcohol while I was at her home. Once again, the State’s experts totally agreed with these findings so it’s not a matter in any dispute at all, despite what this hater would attempt to lead you to believe, otherwise. So, there is no question or dispute that I ingested the codeine before 10:00pm but after 9:15pm, before the murders, not after them. Also there is no question of tolerance to codeine. First of all, I never took codeine, my Rx records clearly show I never had any Rx for it; so I could not have been tolerant of it. Secondly my condition at the time of the murders is described by the State’s two star witnesses, Andrea Reed and Howard Mitchell. See http://www.hankskinner.org (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph) exhibits Q &amp; R. Andrea’s recantation testimony is also available from the federal evidentiary hearing on my website. I’d urge you to read it in its entirety and especially view John Mann’s diatribe against her telling the truth at a previous grand jury proceeding where he openly threatens her and then later urges the court reporter not to record it – but he did, anyway. 17/ AHH, THE CODEINE – Skinner’s website says (in the 2nd paragraph) “Skinner was also subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine and passed out some time before 10:15pm…†The website goes on to drive home the point home about how “severely allergic†Skinner is to codeine. View the blood codeine profile-timeline graphic display that was presented at trial. There is no question that I was subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine between .8 mg per liter and 1.35 mg per liter. View the affidavit of Dr Harold Kalant on my website. Dr Kalant is probably the world’s foremost recognized expert on this issue. 18/ See, if Skinner knowingly taken codeine that his allergy to which (again according to the website) had been documented in “his medical reports since the age of 19â€, and made Skinner “deathly ill†one might tend to ask why he took it, right? I accidentally ingested it. I wouldn’t have voluntarily or knowingly have taken the codeine. There is a range of intolerance to codeine. The lightest is, it makes you itch. Most people have that reaction to it. The worst if anaphylactic shock, which is a histamine reaction that can easily be very deadly. My level of intolerance is one step down from anaphylactic shock, termed moderately severe: extreme lethargy, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, colorblindness – every thing turns kodachrome shades of red and green tinted with black, difficulty breathing – my lungs feel like they’re full of cotton and my throat feels constricted; impaired balance and gait. When you add that on top of the vodka and Xanax I’d knowingly consumed that night, it is not easy to see why I’d be comatose and utterly incapable of committing these murders? 19/ So in order for Skinner’s story to work, somebody else would have had to have poisoned Skinner. It’s not “Skinner’s storyâ€. The evidence speaks for itself. No, somebody else probably had nothing to do with my being poisoned by codeine. See 9 above. 20/ So Skinner’s website says “… it is believed that (Skinner) was either accidentally or intentionally poisoned by the addition of the pills to his drinks (…) Hank was comatose during the commission of the murders…†See 9 above. 21/ So when did Skinner ingest the codeine and who spiked his drink? See 16 above. 22/ If Skinner (as his website claims) was already “passed out†from the codeine at 10:15 (when Twila Busy left with a close friend to go to the party), does this mean the faceless/nameless alleged murderer had already been in the house before 10:15 spiking drinks in preparation for the stabbings and beating that were to come? See 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 above. 23/ Skinner, who apparently couldn’t stand for a photo at the police station, didn’t seem to have much trouble standing up and hiding from the police in his ex-girlfriend’s closet at the time of his arrest (a detail that curiously isn’t mentioned on Skinner’s website) See Sheriff Stubblefield’s deposition in the federal proceedings available on my website. He admits I was not “hiding in the closetâ€. That detail curiously, certainly is mentioned on my website in more than one place. When the police showed up at Andrea’s, she put me in the front bedroom which had a bare mattress on the floor and it was dark. She told me to stay there until the police left. The closet was shallow and full of clothes. It had no doors. When the police stormed into the room with guns drawn and flipped on the light, I stumbled backwards off the edge of the mattress and fell back against the clothes in the closet. My knee joints hyperflexed and locked. My butt was jammed against the clothes, my feet jammed against the edge of the mattress. I couldn’t get up. But I was at all times in plain sight and not attempting to “hide†at all. I just didn’t want to be shot. They kept screaming “Get down! Get on the ground!†but I couldn’t move. So the D.A.’s investigator stepped forward, I held out my hands and he pulled me forward onto the mattress. 24/ Was Skinner selectively comatose: comatose during the murders, then lucid at his ex’s house, but comatose again at the police station? A little bit of an inconvenient question for Skinner isn’t it? Covered above and in Andrea Reed’s recantation testimony, not worthy of any reply. 25/ Perhaps it’s more likely that Skinner heard the police coming through the front door of his ex’s house, so he hid in the closet, pulled a handful of codeine pills out of the pocket of his blood-soaked clothes, and popped them in his mouth in an attempt to commit suicide. Covered above. I didn’t have “blood soaked clothesâ€. The spots on my clothes are covered above in 12. It truly amazes me, the liberties people take in telling their little false stories about this case, even some elements in the media embellish the blood and gore in order to try to make me look guilty. “Blood caked on his clothes. The killer…â€: Allan Turner of the Houston Chronicle. “Blood drenched clothesâ€, “blood soaked clothesâ€, “he was covered in the blood of the victimsâ€, “He had their blood all over himâ€. None of that is true. What makes people lie like that? It’s true, I had some blood on my clothes, mostly contact stains from falling at the scene, some dripped blood from my hand wound. My clothes were hanging on the furniture during the commission of the murders and I’m sure that being right next to where Twila was murdered, they got blood spatter on them somewhere. This produces one other thought, a question I’ve always wanted to ask people. If you were in my condition on the night in question and trying to get dressed and get out of there with Scooter, would you be even thinking about getting blood on you? I could’ve cared less. I was pretty much hysterical, in shock, scared to death and too intoxicated to think anything like that. I don’t remember much of what we did, just bits and flashes, but I think Scooter was frantic to go and I went with him. That seemed to be his main theme “We gotta go. We gotta get the hell outa hereâ€. So we did. It never once entered my mind that I can think of “oh, don’t touch that. Don’t get that on you, they’ll blame youâ€. One last thing on this issue, I’ve never denied being there. I had every right to be there, it was my home. Under Texas law, mere presence doesn’t prove guilt. 26/ The fact is: there is no evidence (except Skinner’s word) that he was passed out from codeine at 10:15. The only thing anybody knows is that Skinner didn’t take codeine between the time he was arrested and the time he was tested. That is a blatant lie. Once again, you don’t have to take my word – take the word of the State’s second star witness Howard Mitchell! See Exhibit Q to my letter to Switzer on my website. At 10:15pm I was out cold, he says. He testified to that at trial. It’s irrefuted and undisputed! 27/ AAH, THE BLOOD-SOAKED CLOTHES. Here is another detail that, curiously enough, seems to have escaped on Skinner’s website. Nothing has escaped mention. See Exhibit F to my letter to Switzer on my website. 28/ Skinner, according to police reports, was found standing in a closet at his ex-girlfriend’s house wearing clothes soaked in the victims’ blood some 3 hours later. More lies. See 25 above. 29/ Let’s add a quote from Skinner’s website: “Three hours after their initial search of the crime scene, the police traced Hank to his neighbor’s house and immediately arrested himâ€. What? Police didn’t “trace†me anywhere. They went to Andrea’s looking for Connie, my ex-wife. They found me instead. 30/ The “inseparable†and distraught Hank Skinner certainly called the police to report the murders, didn’t he? The phone cord was jerked out of the wall. Nobody could call from our house. Scooter tried. 31/ Neither Skinner nor his ex-girlfriend, were apparently distraught enough to call the police. Skinner was, however, lucid enough to hide from them, in a closed, in blood-soaked clothes when the police came along. Andrea wasn’t any longer my ex. We hadn’t been together in over 10 years at that time. We were friends but we weren’t associating at that time because she quit drinking and I had not. See 25 above. 32/ AAH, “INSEPARABLE†Skinner frequently refers to Twila Busby, and himself, as inseparable. They were, according to Skinner, madly in love. They were always together. That’s true. 33/ However court testimony painted a different picture. Skinner was abusive and violent, not only to Twila Busby, but to her sons as well. Court testimony painted no such picture at all. Twila and I never fussed or argued. See John Mann, D.A.’s memo 01.10.94 Bates stamped pages #94, 95 &amp; 96 out of the D.A.’s file. Beverly, Twila’s mother, stated that I was very good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa. She’d never seen Twila happier than when she was with me. Twila’s mother had direct contact with her every day and talked to her every night before bed. 34/ But they weren’t the only targets of Skinner’s wrath. Skinner has even more violence in history. To quote Skinner, again, from his website: “I have one probation for aggravated assault on a police officer.†Danny Lance beat the shit out of me at the city jail. Danny was Pampa P.D. In order to try to cover up his beating me, he alleged an injury and instead claimed I assaulted him. Detective Alan Smith however told the truth in his statement: I heard Skinner cry out. I turned to see Skinner flying backwards into the drunk tank with Officer Lance going in and on top of Skinner. Later Officer Lance said Skinner kicked him but I did not see any assault.†On 01.05.94 in a recorded statement, the sheriff acknowledged that Harold Comer, then D.A., was supposed to terminate my probation but failed to do so. Thus rather than it showing as unadjudicated offense it shows as a felony conviction. I was arrested in the summer of 1992 for an outstanding revocation warrant on this non-existent probation, I was immediately released but the improper conviction was never remedied. 35/ More accurate: Skinner had a 1998 felony conviction for aggravated assault on the cop for which he initially received probation. Skinner’s probation was revoked and he was sent to prison after two subsequent felony convictions for motor vehicle (UUMV). See 34. More lies. 36/ According to the Texas Attorney General, “Skinner was also arrested in Gun Barrel City on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and became violent and abusive with arresting officers.†People can allege anything. How odd that the “charges†were never formally filed and I was released after the alleged witnesses were found to be lying. 37/ But according to Skinner’s website, it’s all a big conspiracy. Everything was against him. The police, the district attorney, the judge, the Texas Attorney General, all the people at the crime labs – even Skinner’s own court-appointed attorney who Skinner (according to his website) embarrassed on multiple occasion in Skinner’s role as an “able paralegal worth a proven track record for caring and standing up for the rights of the people he barely even knew.†Hardly. 38/ But, hey, we’re getting off on a bit of tangent here. The real murderer. So who does Skinner claim was the faceless/nameless family murderer? See 5 and 6 above. 39/ Twila Busby’s dead uncle. Quoting Skinner’s website: “Robert Donnell, Twila’s maternal uncle, had a history of violence and was seen stalking Twila at a neighbor’s New Year’s Eve party on the night of the crime. Donnell had twice raped Twila in recent past and was known to have a propensity for knives.†True. There’s far more. 40/ Skinner’s website suggests that not only did Uncle Robert stab the kids and bludgeon Twila Busby to death, he raped her, too. The medical examiner’s testimony supports that she was raped too, yes. Her vaginal rim was reddened and chafed indicating recent sexual activity and she had possible semen in her panties. 41/ All of this happened, of course, when Skinner lay “comatose†on the sofa after consuming the drink that Uncle Robert must have spiked hours earlier. See 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 above. 42/ It should be noted that Robert Donnell had no convictions, nor had he ever been arrested, for violence, illegal weapons or sexual assaults – ever. Rober Donnell had a long history of violence and that was testified to extensively by a long line of witnesses at both trial and the federal evidentiary hearing. Donnell attempted to kill Jimmy Hayes with a knife, he strangled California Rim while pregnant. He bragged to anyone who’ listen about how he killed a guy at pool hall in Oklahoma in a knife fight. He carried guns, knives and other “illegal weapons†everywhere he went. He tried to kill Doug Ward, Twila’s brother, Bob’s own nephew. He tried to rape Sherry Barnett-Baker and she testified at trial about it. See, again, Howard Mitchell’s interview with D.A. investigator Bill McMinn 09.24.94 (Exhibit Q of my letter Switzer on my website and investigator’s Cliff Carpenter affidavit about Donnell). 43/ But hey, even so, things could have unfolded exactly the way Skinner said they did in his 17-page diatribe: Skinner was simply a loving boyfriend, a talented paralegal, who stuck it to The Man and stood up for the rights of the wronged, and who happened to be a victim, himself, in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong condition. A slew of reputable people have testified to my character, legal ability and activism on behalf of others and, in the community in general. A lot of it was covered in the newspapers. I don’t need to toot my own horn. 44/ Because believing that Hank Skinner was a sociopathic ex-con with a documented history of felonies and violence toward others, and who killed a mother of 2 children then hid from the police in a neighbor’s closet wearing clothes soaked with his victims’ blood would really be a stretch! Bullshit! It certainly would be a helluva stretch, because the uncontested record evidence says otherwise. Truth will out. The truth hurts, don’t it? I sure wish these people had the balls to identify themselves. Go back to your little drawing board and try to dream some new lies. I’ll be waiting to further introduce you to truth and reality. Best regards, Hank 999143 Polunsky Unit H W Hank Skinner 3872 FM 350 South Livingston TX 77351-8580 http://www.hankskinner.org Posted by Hooman Hedayati at 5:27 PM Labels: H W HANK SKINNER, Hell Hole News ~ IF THE DNA DOES NOT FIT WE MUST ACQUIT ~ WHEN GOVERNORS USE EXECUTIONS OF THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT TO SHOW VOTERS THEY ARE TOUGH ON CRIME
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 53874 characters ) <p>THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AME...
<p>THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERICANS IS PARTIALLY BASED ON OUR COUNTRIES FREEDOM OF SPEECH &amp; FREEDOM OF RELIGION WHICH<br /> HAVE BEEN BUILT INTO THE VERY FABRIC OF OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY-LIFE~STYLE.</p> <!--break--><p> BY OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY ALLOWING TEXAS POLITICAL PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNERS PRISON VOICE TO BE WRONGFULLY EXECUTED WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING EVEN IF THE DNA FIT...ONLY AFFIRMS THAT AMERICA IS NOW HEADED ON A VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE OF DENYING LIFE TO THOSE WHO DARE SPEAK OUT !!!</p> <p>WILL U.S. SUPREME COURT ALLOW AMERICA TO ALSO BE ACCUSED OF EXECUTING our ACTIVISTS LIKE OTHERS WORLD~WIDE... HANK SKINNER ???</p> <p>EXECUTING TEXAS PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNER PRIOR ALLOWING HIM TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE VIA DNA TESTING WILL BE A FIRST FOR THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS, &amp; WILL OBVIOUSLY PUT OUR AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM &amp; INTERNATIONAL IMAGE INTO A NEW CATEGORY ALIGNED WITH OTHERS IN THE WORLD ACCUSED WITH SIMILIAR TYPES OF WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS !!! </p> <p>SURELY OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WILL ALSO RESPECT DNa INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE DNa INNOCENT AMERICAN LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB ~</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE TAKING U.S. INTO A NEW WORLD ORDER OF EXECUTIONS !!! </p> <p>CERTAIN AMERICANS IN POWERFUL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS APPEAR TO BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT INNOCENT FETUS LIFE BEING DESTROYED, BUT SOMEHOW SEEM TO HAVE VERY DIFFERENT FEELINGS ABOUT THE HORROR &amp; TRAGIC REALITY OF OUR INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT POORER AMERICANS BEING WRONFULLY EXECUTED IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ?</p> <p>~ THE PEOPLE CALL OUR BEST &amp; LAST WITNESS TO THE STAND YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S....MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS REST OUR CASE AFTER CALLING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES TO THE STAND ~</p> <p> OUR AMERICAN MILITARY COMMANDERS &amp; SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES COULD NEVER EVEN CONCEIVE OF EVER ALLOWING ANY OF OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. ENLISTED MILITARY SOLDIERS TO BE SUBJECT TO SUCH MISGUIDED SATANIC EXECUTION INJUSTICES AS CURRENTLY BEING PRACTICED IN GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S TEXAS PRISON SYSTEM !!!</p> <p>LETS ALL HOPE &amp; PRAY RELIGIOUS &amp; SPIRITUAL AMERICANS THAT OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT FINDS IT IN THEIR POWER &amp; JUDICIAL WISDOM TO PROPERLY ENACT FUTURE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE LAWS ASSURING ALL OF OUR MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS THE SAME RESPECT &amp; PROTECTIONS FOR POSSIBLE INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIAN LIFE THAT OUR U.S.MILITARY HONORS FOR THEIR ENTRUSTED TROOPS ...</p> <p>WE ARE ALL WELL AWARE THAT POORER AMERICANS CHILDREN MAKE UP OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. MILITARY WHICH PROTECTS OUR USA AND INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS... SO WHO COULD EVER IMAGINE IN THEIR WILDEST DREAMS THAT IN 2010 WE little people HERE IN AMERICA STILL HAVE TO BEG OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT 4 WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ???</p> <p>OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT KNOWS THAT ONLY SATAN WOULD WANT EXECUTIONS OF INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT IN TEXAS GOVERNOR PERRY !!!</p> <p>~ SATAN AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD AND FOOL OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT AND RELIGIOUS AMERICANS NATION~WIDE INTO ACCEPTING THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS IN THEIR TEXAS PRISONS AS A ROLE~MODEL FOR THE REST OF OUR COUNTRY ~</p> <p>AMERICANS PLEASE JUST TAKE A REAL GOOD LOOK INTO TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S EYES &amp; YOU WILL SURELY SEE MORE THEN JUST A DEVILISH LITTLE LOOK !!!</p> <p>U.S. SUPREME COURT TO THE RESCUE OF MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS OR JUST A BAD DREAM THAT REAL JUSTICE IS CONTINUING TO BE DENIED ALL US LITTLE PEOPLE HERE IN AMERICA ??</p> <p>* CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN OTHER THEN SATAN HOW TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ON ONE HAND PARDONS A DEAD FORMER TEXAS INMATE TIMOTHY COLE WHO WRONGFULLY DIED IN A TEXAS PRISON AFTER MANY YEARS OF ATTEMPTING TO EXONERATE HIMSELF USING DNA TESTING FOR A CRIME HE NEVER COMMITTED, AND WITHIN THE SAME MONTH THIS SAME GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS DENIES YET ANOTHER DNA TEST PRIOR ANOTHER POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION OF HANK SKINNER ???<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT</p> <p>Friday, April 23, 2010<br /> Cole Advisory Panel Meets<br /> The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions met yesterday in Austin. Today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports, "Timothy Cole panel questions the creation of a Texas innocence commission," written by Dave Montgomery.</p> <p>An advisory panel bearing the name of a wrongfully convicted inmate from Fort Worth is apparently leaning against recommending the creation of a state innocence commission amid concerns that it would create a new bureaucracy and duplicate work already being performed in Texas law schools.</p> <p>The concept of an innocence commission to investigate whether convictions are wrongful was among several recommendations discussed Thursday by the Timothy Cole Advisory Panel. Cole, who died in prison after being convicted for a sexual assault that he didn't commit, was recently given a posthumous pardon by Gov. Rick Perry.</p> <p>The panel deferred votes until its next meeting, but members generally expressed reservations about creating an innocence commission. Some members called for bolstering similar work now under way in four Texas law schools.</p> <p>The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech, the University of Houston and Texas Southern University have projects or clinics that examine questionable convictions. Similar projects are in operation across the country.</p> <p>The commission's stance generally tracks that of Perry, who believes a commission "would create an added layer of government," said Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle. Perry's deputy general counsel, Mary Anne Wiley, is a member of the panel.</p> <p>And:</p> <p>Cory Session, Cole's brother, said he supports the panel's position and complimented it for its efforts to improve the state's criminal justice system. Cole's case has come to symbolize widening efforts in Texas and other states to correct legal weaknesses that have led to improper convictions. The panel was created by the 2009 Legislature as part of a push that also expanded benefits for former inmates who were exonerated after being cleared by DNA evidence.</p> <p>"We're pleased with the work they're putting forth so far," said Session, who attended Thursday's meeting along with his mother, Ruby Session, who led the family's 25-year-long battle to clear Cole. He introduced her at the meeting as "the mother of the wrongful conviction movement."</p> <p>Two exonerated former inmates, Stephen Phillips and Christopher Scott, also addressed the panel.</p> <p>"I knew I was innocent. Hardly anybody else did," said Phillips, who spent 26 years behind bars before being released in 2008. "I was afraid I was going to die."</p> <p>He said that efforts like those of the Cole panel have raised hopes among innocent people behind bars.</p> <p>Earlier coverage of the panel and of Tim Cole's posthumous exoneration begins with this post. An OpEd coauthored by Cory Session on wrongful convictions and DNA testing is noted here.</p> <p>Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:11 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, State Legislation, Task Force on Inigent Defense, Texas Legislature | Permalink</p> <p>Technorati Tags: Allison Castle, Christopher Scott, Cory Session, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness identification, innocence, Mary Anne Wiley, Rick Perry, Rick Perry, Stephen Phillips, Task Force on Indigent Defense, Texas, Tim Cole, Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions, wrongful conviction</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>NOW SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NOW ATTEMPT TO INVOLVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH VISIT 2 SAN ANTONIO ARCHBISHOP JOSE GOMEZ !</p> <p>~ WHEN WILL THE ICC OPEN THEIR INVESTIGATION INTO U.S. TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ~</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN HAVE DRIVEN THEIR HELTER SKELTER DEATH ROW POLICIES 2 U.S.SUPREME COURT &amp; INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) IN A MICHAEL DUKAKIS TANK ?</p> <p>SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OBVIOUSLY HAVE BIGGER FUTURE POLITICAL AMBITIONS THEN SAVING A POSSIBLE INNOCENT HANK SKINNER LIFE ?</p> <p>TOP TEN REASONS WHY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE DENYING TEXAN HANK SKINNER DNA TESTING PRIOR HIS POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION ???</p> <p>"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free "</p> <p>BEHOLD SARAH PALIN FANS, SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ALREADY DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IN MAKING SURE THAT THEY WILL BE THE ONLY REPUBLICAN 2012 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE~S !!!</p> <p>1) BOTH DO NOT BELIEVE THAT EXECUTING THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT ARE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ??</p> <p>2) BOTH DO NOT VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE LIKE OTHERS ~</p> <p>3) BOTH THINK ONLY GIRLY MEN ASK FOR DNA TESTING BEFORE THEIR POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ??</p> <p>4) BOTH HAVE BIG FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL POLITICAL AMBITIONS AND REALLY NEED THE TEA PARTY BACKERS &amp; NRA MEMBERS TO CARRY IT OFF ?</p> <p>5) BOTH WANT FINANCIAL POLITICAL SUPPORT $$$ FROM WEALTHY TEXANS WHO DISLIKE THE GUILTY POOR OR EVEN THE INNOCENT POOR IN AMERICA!</p> <p>6) * IS THE ONLY DEMONIC THING TO DO *</p> <p>7) BOTH BELIEVE THEIR WRONGFUL DEATH ROW TEXAS PRISON POLICY OF DON'T ASK AND WE WON'T TELL IS PROPER ?</p> <p>8) BOTH BELIEVE A FEW DEMONIC LIKE MISTAKES HERE OR THERE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE BEING WRONGFULLY EXECUTED IS TO BE EXPECTED WITH THEIR TEXAS DEATH ROW EXECUTION POLICIES ...</p> <p>9) THE DEVIL AND HE BOTH ENJOY DOING IT ?</p> <p>10) *** NEED THE NATIONAL ATTENTION ON BEING TOUGH ON CRIME BECAUSE THEY ARE SECRETLY PLANNING THEIR JOINT 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BID AND HAVE TO TAKE AWAY NATIONAL ATTENTION FROM REPUBLICAN SARAH PALIN ON THIS CRIME ISSUE ***</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY RECEIVE TELEPHONE CALL FROM DR.JACK KEVORKIAN EXPLAINING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXECUTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; STATE ASSISTED SUICIDES IN OREGON &amp; WASHINGTON !!!</p> <p>** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS OBVIOUSLY VIEW U.S. HUMAN LIFE DIFFERENTLY THEN RELIGIOUS AMERICANS **</p> <p>DEAR DR. JACK KEVORKIAN,</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY APPEARS TO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MODEL HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW PRISONS AFTER THE STATES OF WASHINGTON AND OREGON STATE ASSISTED SUICIDE NEWLY ENACTED STATE LEGISLATIVE LAWS !</p> <p>PLEASE SIR, IF YOU COULD FIND THE TIME TO CALL, INFORM AND EXPLAIN TO GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS THE VARIOUS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS OF POSSIBLE INNOCENT INMATES ON HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW AND THESE WILLING TERMINAL ILL RESIDENTS IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST ???</p> <p>~ HALF OF AMERICA DOES NOT WANT U.S. EXECUTIONS EVER &amp; THE OTHER HALF ONLY WANTS EXECUTIONS OF THE CONFIRMED GUILTY GOVERNOR PERRY !!!</p> <p>NOT ONE U.S. RELIGION OR RELIGIOUS LEADER AGREES WITH TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY EXECUTING EVEN THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT... poor americans ~</p> <p>** SAVING POSSIBLE INNOCENT U.S. LIVES IS OBVIOUSLY NOT ON SATANS OR TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRYS AGENDA **</p> <p>* APPARENTLY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NEEDS AMERICANS &amp; U.S.RELIGIOUS LEADERS PRAYERS 4 HIS OWN FREEDOM *</p> <p>WHILE SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY WERE DENYING HANK SKINNER THE ABILITY TO HAVE HIS DNA TESTED TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE BEFORE HIS TEXAS EXECUTION, THE LORD WAS IN OHIO HELPING THESE STATESMEN CREATE THIS FUTURE LEGISLATION TO SAVE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!!</p> <p>GOD HAS SPOKEN &amp; THESE PRECIOUS STATESMEN FROM OHIO HAVE LISTENED UNLIKE GOVERNOR PERRY OF TEXAS ???</p> <p>THANK YOU LORD ~ THIS OHIO GOVERNOR OBVIOUSLY HAS YOUR HEAVENLY CONCEPT ON THIS ONE !</p> <p>THANK YOU GOD FOR ALSO ALLOWING THIS FANTASTIC STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT TO CONTINUE BRINGING NEW LIFE TO OUR AMERICAN POOR WHO ARE HAVING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY INFLICTED ON THEM ALL ACROSS OUR WONDERFUL AND CHANGING COUNTRY !!!</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>Wednesday, April 07, 2010<br /> New Ohio DNA Law Called 'Model', 'Best in Nation'<br /> The text of the new law is here; you can also view the fiscal note and bill analyses. Governor Ted Strickland's brief press release is here.</p> <p>State Senator David Goodman sponsored SB 77, which expands DNA testing for certain convicted felons, eliminates DNA testing for felons who pleaded guilty or no contest, preserves biological evidence in criminal proceeding and improves eyewitness identification procedures.</p> <p>"This bill updates Ohio's DNA law and will play a significant role in the modernization of Ohio's system of criminal justice," Strickland said. "The new procedures will help improve criminal investigations and save lives."<br /> "Ohio's new DNA law called model," is the Columbus Dispatch report by Jim Siegel.</p> <p>With the stroke of Gov. Ted Strickland's pen yesterday, experts say Ohio now has some of the best laws in the country to protect the innocent from wrongful convictions and put the right people behind bars.</p> <p>Strickland, joined by a handful of men who were exonerated after serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit, signed Senate Bill 77. It sets statewide standards for retaining biological evidence, requires the taking of DNA from anyone arrested on a felony charge and requires new procedures for suspect lineups.</p> <p>"It's a good day for justice and fairness," said Strickland, flanked by Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, and Rep. W. Carlton Weddington, D-Columbus.</p> <p>Goodman introduced the bill after a Dispatch investigation in January 2008 exposed widespread shortcomings in Ohio's DNA law, including the derailing of prisoner DNA tests by systemic indifference or hostility.</p> <p>Attending the bill-signing were two men freed as a result of the newspaper's series: Robert McClendon of Columbus, who served 18 years for a child rape that DNA testing showed he did not commit; and Joseph Fears Jr. of Columbus, who wrongly served more than 25 years for two Columbus rapes.</p> <p>Other Ohioans freed in the past decade by DNA evidence - Walter Smith, Clarence Elkins and Danny Brown - also joined the governor.</p> <p>"I feel very emotional about what we've accomplished today," Goodman said, noting the six-year process of drafting and changing DNA-evidence laws. "It's going to improve the criminal-justice system in so many different ways."</p> <p>Marc Kovac writes, "DNA collection requirements for criminals, accused OK'd," for the state's News-Leader.</p> <p>The new law includes provisions concerning the storage and access of DNA samples, providing a mechanism for individuals convicted of crimes to prove their innocence.</p> <p>It creates a new statewide task force to establish standards for collecting, storing and cataloging biological evidence.</p> <p>It requires law enforcement to follow certain procedures when conducting live or photo lineups for witnesses to identify potential law breakers.</p> <p>And it calls for anyone 18 years or older who are arrested on felony charges to submit DNA samples to law enforcement -- something that has prompted concern about civil liberties and government intrusion into citizens' lives.</p> <p>Strickland downplayed those concerns.</p> <p>The Cincinnati Business Courier has, "Ohio's new DNA law a model, experts say."</p> <p>"Ohio is truly the national leader on innocence reforms and will be the role model other states look to as they contemplate similar measures in the coming years," said Mark Godsey, director of the Innocence Project, in the Dispatch report.</p> <p>Florida's Lakeland Ledger notes the new law with, "Ohio’s DNA law considered best in country," posted by Shoshana Walter.</p> <p>-Requires DNA samples to be taken from anyone convicted of a felony after July 1, 2011.</p> <p>-Requires agencies to retain biological evidence for up to 30 years in murder and sexual-assault cases. Five year limit when defendant pleads guilty.</p> <p>-Allows DNA testing for parolees and anyone in the sex offender registry.</p> <p>-Requires blind suspect lineups, meaning the officer either doesn’t know the identity of the real suspect or uses a photo-lineup technique in which only the witness can see the photos.</p> <p>-Provides incentives for investigators to record interrogations.</p> <p>And:</p> <p>There are some similarities to some Florida laws already on the books.</p> <p>In 2006, Florida required DNA evidence to be preserved for anyone who could petition for post conviction DNA testing (that would apply only to those convicted of felonies). My understanding is that before that law went into effect, each court system throughout the state had different policies about when and how evidence got destroyed–many Florida counties simply destroyed DNA evidence that might have led to exonerations.</p> <p>That wasn’t the case in Polk, though. The Clerk of Court’s office told me that before the 2006 law, Florida’s 10th Judicial Circuit actually saved all evidence in life or death sentence cases.</p> <p>Earlier this week, Sharon Coolidge wrote, "DNA bill helped by University of Cincinnati students," for the Cincinnati Enquirer.</p> <p>Watch any crime cop show on TV and DNA evidence likely played a role in capturing the bad guy.</p> <p>But in real life, lawyers say that evidence isn't always available.<br /> DNA will be more readily available in years to come because a group of University of Cincinnati students helped craft bill that overhauls the state's criminal justice system in an effort to avoid wrongful convictions.</p> <p>Gov. Ted Strickland is set to sign Senate Bill 77 into law today.The bill creates:</p> <p>A requirement that DNA be saved in all serious crimes for five years in plea bargain cases and for 30 years, or until a person gets out of prison, if a person is found guilty at trial.</p> <p>Police incentives for recording interrogations start to finish.</p> <p>A requirement that police lineups and eyewitness photo identifications be double blind, meaning the officer in charge of the lineup doesn't even know who the suspect is.</p> <p>An expansion of post-conviction DNA testing to allow convicted felons better access to DNA testing.</p> <p>A requirement that DNA be taken from people after arrest on felony charges, instead of after conviction as happens now.</p> <p>The provisions take effect by the end of the year, except for DNA collection after arrest, which is delayed due to the anticipated $1.9 million-per-year cost.</p> <p>A March 25 Columbus Dispatch article, "Lawmakers OK Ohio DNA bill," reported the new law's legislative passage.</p> <p>In their final session before heading into an Easter break, Ohio lawmakers moved bills yesterday designed to improve criminal investigations, ban texting while driving and give local law enforcement more power to tackle illegal immigration.</p> <p>After setting modern records this session for a lack of legislative action, the House and Senate opened the spigot and sent a number of measures to Gov. Ted Strickland, including one that would require the collection of DNA evidence from anyone arrested on a felony charge in Ohio.</p> <p>Strickland is expected to sign Senate Bill 77, which also opens DNA testing to parolees. The bill also requires blind suspect lineups - where the presiding officer does not know the identity of the true suspect or can't see the picture a witness is viewing - and sets a new 30-year standard for retaining biological evidence in cases of murder and sexual assault.</p> <p>The limit is five years when a defendant pleads guilty, a House-added provision that bill sponsor Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, opposes. "I think it's too short a period of time, and individuals will potentially have some problems down the line," he told the Senate before a final concurrence vote.</p> <p>But, Goodman added, he agreed to the compromise and said it's "still a very good bill."</p> <p>Related posts can be found in the DNA, eyewitness identification, and state legislation indexes.</p> <p>Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 11:20 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, Law Enforcement, State Legislation | Permalink</p> <p>Technorati Tags: Clarence Elkins, Danny Brown, David Goodman, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness id, eyewitness identification, Florida, Joseph Fears, law enforcement, lineup, Mark Godsey, Ohio, Ohio Legislature, Robert McClendon, SB 77, Senate Bill 77, Ted Strickland, University of Cincinnati, Walter Smith</p> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS.WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME OR TELEPHONE NUMBER.</p> <p><a href="mailto:lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com">lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com</a><br /> (424-247-2013)</p> <p>*** GREAT SOCIETIES THAT DO NOT PROTECT THE INNOCENT BECOME THE GUILTY GOVERNOR RICK PERRY !!!</p> <p>** TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY PLEASE STOP ALLOWING SATAN &amp; HIS DEMONS TO INFLUENCE YOU WITH THESE TEXAS STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS(MURDERS) OF THE INNOCENT &amp; THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!!</p> <p>*** YOUR BOTH WRONG AND OUT ON A LIMB GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ~ TEA PARTY MEMBERS &amp; THE NRA ALSO VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!!</p> <p>AMERICANS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE FROM ALL VARIOUS RELIGIONS ALSO DISAGREE WITH SATAN'S AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S PRISON POLICIES OF EXECUTING INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!!</p> <p>* OUR U.S.SUPREME COURT VIEWING THESE CONTINUING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON POORer AMERICANS IN TEXAS WILL SURELY ENACT WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTION IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND *</p> <p>***********************************************************************</p> <p>SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS CAN'T HIDE THIS !!!<br /> .<br /> THESE HANK SKINNER REPLIES SHOULD MAKE ANY FAIR MINDED AMERICAN QUESTION... YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S ???</p> <p>Hell Hole News #24 - Hank Skinner<br /> Hell<br /> April 10, 2010 </p> <p>More fun! It has been brought to my attention that some false and undocumented « adverse » allegations, about me and my case are currently circulating on the web. Ordinarily I ignore things like this but I want to expose these coward allegations, usually raised by the haters, so it provides me a unique and excellent opportunity to counter this once and for all. In the future, any of my supporters or others inquiring on these topics can be referred to this NHHN article and it will save me the time and effort of having to repeat myself.</p> <p>1/ Henry Watkins “Hank†Skinner – the Hype</p> <p>No, dummy, it’s the facts, sans hype.</p> <p>2/ When one reads all the media-driven innocence hype about Hank Skinner, one can be instantly coerced into believing that Skinner is truly innocent of the ghastly murders of Twila Busby and her two mentally-impaired sons.</p> <p>No one is coercing anyone. The facts speak loudly for themselves. Two the most prestigious innocence projects in America both say I’m likely innocent and the evidence that remains needs to be tested.</p> <p>3/ After all, Skinner is a cause de celebre around the world – a poster boy for “justice deniedâ€. How could he have possibly done what a jury convicted him of?</p> <p>Needs no comment.</p> <p>4/ Hank’s jailhouse “wife†(a French anti-death penalty activist in real life) and Hank have done a great job at putting together a website calling into question aspects of how Hank has been treated over the years. There was, according to Hank and Mrs. Hank, a massive criminal/judicial conspiracy involving the police, prosecutors, judges and even Hank’s original trial attorney.</p> <p>Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner is not my “jailhouse wife†but my wife in every respect, legal and otherwise. We are legally married in both Texas and France. The President of France and his Foreign minister made a diplomatic entreaty to the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, on our behalf, asking Perry for a 30-day reprieve of execution and to conduct the DNA tests. That’s how legal our marriage is. I have our marriage license and certificate. I can produce it upon request to any who doubt me.</p> <p>No one ever said there was any massive criminal conspiracy. I said, merely, the pigs didn’t like me for various reasons, there was animus against me and it provided them a motive to frame me, which they most certainly did. It was caused by small town, small minded authorities who possess exactly the same mindset as the person who authored this mess I’m now responding to. My trial attorney was an ex D.A. who’d previously prosecuted me.</p> <p>5/ But the simple question remains: did Hank Skinner kill the Busby family?</p> <p>No, I most certainly did not. The hairs ‘clutched’ in the victim’s (Twila’s) hand, sticking out from between her knuckles and caught under her ring, the D.A. says she pulled those hairs “from the head of her assailant during the struggle for her life, which she ultimately lostâ€. John Mann at first lied and said those hairs were mine. Subsequent DNA testing of the hairs at first produced a “mixed profile†alleged to contain my DNA. Further testing revealed this result was due to contamination in the wellplate caused by loading my standard sample too close to the evidentiary sample of Twila’s. Further testing proved that the blood flakes off the hair are solely Twila’s own blood and, subsequent mitochondrial testing of the hairs themselves are from an unknown male individual. I am absolutely and unequivocally excluded. See my letter 01/07/10 to D.A. Lynn Switzer and accompanying exhibits P2, P3 &amp; P4 which are available on my website (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph). It is beyond obvious that the person making these allegations is not at all well acquainted with the facts of the case but just hating and mud slinging.</p> <p>6/ Was Skinner the murderer, or was it some faceless, nameless (or conveniently dead) person who poisoned Skinner with codeine (something to which Skinner was “deathly allergicâ€) before killing the family while Skinner slept?</p> <p>See 5 above. He’s not faceless or nameless. We have his DNA profile! He’s not “conveniently deadâ€, just dead. In 1996/97 my investigator of that time confronted Twila’s uncle and told him he believed he was guilty. Bob Donnell had a confirmed incestuous relationship with Twila and probably killed her because of it. According to the state’s own witnesses Donnell had the means, motive, opportunity and animus to have committed the murders. The criminalist who viewed the jacket said it had medium velocity impact blood spatter on the cuffs and forearms of the sleeves meaning it was likely worn by the assailant. Only Twila had injuries which would cause impact spatter.</p> <p>7/ In order for Skinner not to have been the killer, one has to ignore or dismiss an extraordinary set of events. Skinner would also have to be taken at his word on many of the events of New Year’s Eve, 1993.</p> <p>This preface is a total lie. You don’t have to ignore or dismiss anything – this is truly “hypeâ€. You don’t have to take my word for anything. That’s why the evidence and affidavits of scientific experts and forensic tests are so extensively presented on my website – like I say, it all speaks for itself but, you have to take time to read and review it, which this person obviously did not.</p> <p>8/ Here are some of the things one would have to believe</p> <p>Not true. See 9 and 12 below.</p> <p>9/ some anonymous person spiked Skinner’s drink, before the murders, for whatever reason</p> <p>No, they probably did not. I will not knowingly take codeine because it makes me sick. I’d not had any R’s for codeine. All my friends who’d been to our house that afternoon and evening knew I was allergic to codeine and that I avoided it studiously. I used to think someone must have poisoned me because I wouldn’t take codeine voluntarily.</p> <p>A few years ago I learned that truth from a toxicologist who testified in another guy’s case, here. He says that once you reach a certain level of intoxication you go colorblind. Twila was always putting pills in her drink and sipping that one drink all evening. I later learned her girlfriend (G.S.) had given her 13 Fiorinal #4 codeine that she’d put in her drink. Twila and I had identical glasses but hers was Fuschia pink, mine was baby medium blue. I vaguely remember seeing the dregs of pills in the bottom of my cup and getting sick, passing out. I couldn’t figure out how it got into my cup. So I thought someone must have poisoned me. I think now I was just too messed up and colorblind to tell our cups apart anymore, I accidentally got Twila’s cup and drank from it, thinking it was my cup.</p> <p>10/ A comatose Skinner “slept†through the murder (and possibly rape) of his beloved girlfriend, and the stabbing of her kids</p> <p>I was comatose. I didn’t “sleep†through anything, I was out cold. Howard Mitchell, one of the two of the State’s star witnesses, testified that he came over to pick us up, I was out of it, he grabbed my arm and jerked on it until he pulled my torso off the couch but he got no response from me at all, even while screaming and hollering in my face “Come on Hank, Let’s go! Get up! Come on!†See the legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph, exhibit Q to my letter to Lynn Switzer on my website - Interview of Howard Mitchell by D.A.’s investigator.<br /> My recitation of the facts and what I believe happened and why are presented just so I can tell the facts and how I believe they fit together, to give you the whole picture in a coherent fashion. But each item has a link to the evidence that backs it up, so you don’t need to take my word for anything. Review the evidence and let it speak to you of its own volition.</p> <p>11/ Skinner could only to be roused by the girlfriend’s stabbed and mortally-wounded mentally-impaired son</p> <p>“Skinner could only to be roused byâ€? That sentence makes no sense. “could only to beâ€? Well, Scooter got me off the couch over two and a half hours after Howard tried to and failed, he did so by sprinkling water in my face. He was mortally wounded. He helped me up to get dressed, we left the house together after checking on Randy and (Scooter) finding he was dead. Scooter and Randy were not “mentally impairedâ€, “mentally challenged†or “retardedâ€. Twila’s mother, Beverly, was a nursing home manager/administrator. She was a master at milking the federal system for $ to care for her wards at the old folks home. She employed the same tactics for Scooter and Randy. They were getting social security disability checks every month. Scooter was listed as mentally retarded and suffering muscular dystrophy; Randy as mentally retarded. Mann discovered this subterfuge of Beverly’s and decided to employ it for his own purposes. I was 5’9â€, 145 lbs at the time. Scooter was 6’6â€, 245 lbs. Randy was 6’1â€, 180 lbs. There was no way any jury was going to believe I overpowered and killed Scooter and his mother in my condition at the time of the murders. So Mann turned them into “poor little retarded boys†and tried to get the Medical Examiner at autopsy to diminish their heights and weights. I don’t know how Randy was stabbed in his bed, either. I only know that’s supposedly where he was found according to the pigs. But the M.E. says both Randy and his mother’s bodies were moved prior to her in situ inspection.</p> <p>12/ After this rousing, he managed to stumble around through the crime scene in a “stuporous†state, getting his handprint all over everything, and all the victim’s blood all over him</p> <p>That’s not true. First, the person who wrote this garbage tries to paint in overly broad strokes and weakly implies some inculpatory evidence results from it. For example: “getting his handprints all over everythingâ€. My handprints were never detected or identified as being “all over everythingâ€, but I’m sure my prints were all over items in the house because (DUH) I lived there. Most importantly though, my fingerprints are not on any of the three murder weapons and it is not my print on a black plastic trash bag that contained one of the murder weapons. I am not linked forensically to the murders at all. More importantly still, I did not have “all the victims’ blood all over meâ€. Two stains were tested on my clothes and determined to be only contact stains. As the State’s own experts at trial explained, those stains proved only that I either came into contact with a victim at a time after they became bloody or, I came into contact with a surface upon which one of the victims deposited blood; again at a time after they became bloody. So you see, that evidence does not prove me guilty of anything at all but is totally consistent with my defense that I fell at the scene after getting off the couch, after the murders occurred, when leaving the house. Only Scooter and Twila’s DNA was on my shirt and pants, two spots. Randy’s blood/DNA was not on me at all. So again “all the victims’ blood all over him†is a blatant lie.</p> <p>13/ Skinner’s website (hankskinner.org) spends page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist who claimed that, because of the level of codeine and alcohol in Skinner’s system, Skinner would have been unable to commit the murders</p> <p>I spend “page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist†blah-blah-blah. Well, if this hater had read that “push-outâ€, he/she would know that toxicologist is a 27-year experienced FBI agent whose testimony was unrefuted and that the State’s own expert confirmed as correct his testimony, blood alcohol and blood codeine timeline profiles and his retrograde analysis as to how much alcohol/codeine was in my system and when I took it.</p> <p>14/ But there is a big question: when did Skinner really take (or ingest) the drugs? 15/ A toxicology study can tell, given the level of drugs/alcohol in one’s blood at the time the study is performed, what the intoxication levels were between the time the drugs were taken and the time of the testing 16/ A toxicology study cannot tell when one actually ingested a substance. So we have to rely on Skinner to tell us when he ingested the codeine</p> <p>That is a lie. No, again you do not have to rely on my word about when I took the codeine. This hater here just totally overlooks the evidence. The toxicologist, Dr Lowry, allows the State’s witnesses to tell him when I ingested the codeine and the evidence proves it unequivocally. Twila and I called Howard to come get us at 9:15 – 9:30pm and I was drunk but coherent. Howard got there 45 minutes later at 10:15pm and I would out cold, comatose, unrousable by any external stimuli. Dr Lowary knew alcohol alone would not have put me under that deep because he knew what my B.A.C. was at that time. Andrea testified that I did not consume any pills or drink, any alcohol while I was at her home. Once again, the State’s experts totally agreed with these findings so it’s not a matter in any dispute at all, despite what this hater would attempt to lead you to believe, otherwise. So, there is no question or dispute that I ingested the codeine before 10:00pm but after 9:15pm, before the murders, not after them.</p> <p>Also there is no question of tolerance to codeine. First of all, I never took codeine, my Rx records clearly show I never had any Rx for it; so I could not have been tolerant of it. Secondly my condition at the time of the murders is described by the State’s two star witnesses, Andrea Reed and Howard Mitchell. See <a href="http://www.hankskinner.org">http://www.hankskinner.org</a> (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph) exhibits Q &amp; R. Andrea’s recantation testimony is also available from the federal evidentiary hearing on my website. I’d urge you to read it in its entirety and especially view John Mann’s diatribe against her telling the truth at a previous grand jury proceeding where he openly threatens her and then later urges the court reporter not to record it – but he did, anyway.</p> <p>17/ AHH, THE CODEINE – Skinner’s website says (in the 2nd paragraph) “Skinner was also subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine and passed out some time before 10:15pm…†The website goes on to drive home the point home about how “severely allergic†Skinner is to codeine.</p> <p>View the blood codeine profile-timeline graphic display that was presented at trial. There is no question that I was subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine between .8 mg per liter and 1.35 mg per liter. View the affidavit of Dr Harold Kalant on my website. Dr Kalant is probably the world’s foremost recognized expert on this issue.</p> <p>18/ See, if Skinner knowingly taken codeine that his allergy to which (again according to the website) had been documented in “his medical reports since the age of 19â€, and made Skinner “deathly ill†one might tend to ask why he took it, right?</p> <p>I accidentally ingested it. I wouldn’t have voluntarily or knowingly have taken the codeine. There is a range of intolerance to codeine. The lightest is, it makes you itch. Most people have that reaction to it. The worst if anaphylactic shock, which is a histamine reaction that can easily be very deadly. My level of intolerance is one step down from anaphylactic shock, termed moderately severe: extreme lethargy, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, colorblindness – every thing turns kodachrome shades of red and green tinted with black, difficulty breathing – my lungs feel like they’re full of cotton and my throat feels constricted; impaired balance and gait. When you add that on top of the vodka and Xanax I’d knowingly consumed that night, it is not easy to see why I’d be comatose and utterly incapable of committing these murders?</p> <p>19/ So in order for Skinner’s story to work, somebody else would have had to have poisoned Skinner.</p> <p>It’s not “Skinner’s storyâ€. The evidence speaks for itself. No, somebody else probably had nothing to do with my being poisoned by codeine. See 9 above.</p> <p>20/ So Skinner’s website says “… it is believed that (Skinner) was either accidentally or intentionally poisoned by the addition of the pills to his drinks (…) Hank was comatose during the commission of the murders…â€</p> <p>See 9 above.</p> <p>21/ So when did Skinner ingest the codeine and who spiked his drink?</p> <p>See 16 above.</p> <p>22/ If Skinner (as his website claims) was already “passed out†from the codeine at 10:15 (when Twila Busy left with a close friend to go to the party), does this mean the faceless/nameless alleged murderer had already been in the house before 10:15 spiking drinks in preparation for the stabbings and beating that were to come?</p> <p>See 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 above.</p> <p>23/ Skinner, who apparently couldn’t stand for a photo at the police station, didn’t seem to have much trouble standing up and hiding from the police in his ex-girlfriend’s closet at the time of his arrest (a detail that curiously isn’t mentioned on Skinner’s website)</p> <p>See Sheriff Stubblefield’s deposition in the federal proceedings available on my website. He admits I was not “hiding in the closetâ€. That detail curiously, certainly is mentioned on my website in more than one place. When the police showed up at Andrea’s, she put me in the front bedroom which had a bare mattress on the floor and it was dark. She told me to stay there until the police left. The closet was shallow and full of clothes. It had no doors. When the police stormed into the room with guns drawn and flipped on the light, I stumbled backwards off the edge of the mattress and fell back against the clothes in the closet. My knee joints hyperflexed and locked. My butt was jammed against the clothes, my feet jammed against the edge of the mattress. I couldn’t get up. But I was at all times in plain sight and not attempting to “hide†at all. I just didn’t want to be shot. They kept screaming “Get down! Get on the ground!†but I couldn’t move. So the D.A.’s investigator stepped forward, I held out my hands and he pulled me forward onto the mattress.</p> <p>24/ Was Skinner selectively comatose: comatose during the murders, then lucid at his ex’s house, but comatose again at the police station? A little bit of an inconvenient question for Skinner isn’t it?</p> <p>Covered above and in Andrea Reed’s recantation testimony, not worthy of any reply.</p> <p>25/ Perhaps it’s more likely that Skinner heard the police coming through the front door of his ex’s house, so he hid in the closet, pulled a handful of codeine pills out of the pocket of his blood-soaked clothes, and popped them in his mouth in an attempt to commit suicide.</p> <p>Covered above. I didn’t have “blood soaked clothesâ€. The spots on my clothes are covered above in 12. It truly amazes me, the liberties people take in telling their little false stories about this case, even some elements in the media embellish the blood and gore in order to try to make me look guilty. “Blood caked on his clothes. The killer…â€: Allan Turner of the Houston Chronicle. “Blood drenched clothesâ€, “blood soaked clothesâ€, “he was covered in the blood of the victimsâ€, “He had their blood all over himâ€. None of that is true. What makes people lie like that? It’s true, I had some blood on my clothes, mostly contact stains from falling at the scene, some dripped blood from my hand wound. My clothes were hanging on the furniture during the commission of the murders and I’m sure that being right next to where Twila was murdered, they got blood spatter on them somewhere. This produces one other thought, a question I’ve always wanted to ask people. If you were in my condition on the night in question and trying to get dressed and get out of there with Scooter, would you be even thinking about getting blood on you? I could’ve cared less. I was pretty much hysterical, in shock, scared to death and too intoxicated to think anything like that. I don’t remember much of what we did, just bits and flashes, but I think Scooter was frantic to go and I went with him. That seemed to be his main theme “We gotta go. We gotta get the hell outa hereâ€. So we did. It never once entered my mind that I can think of “oh, don’t touch that. Don’t get that on you, they’ll blame youâ€. One last thing on this issue, I’ve never denied being there. I had every right to be there, it was my home. Under Texas law, mere presence doesn’t prove guilt.</p> <p>26/ The fact is: there is no evidence (except Skinner’s word) that he was passed out from codeine at 10:15. The only thing anybody knows is that Skinner didn’t take codeine between the time he was arrested and the time he was tested.</p> <p>That is a blatant lie. Once again, you don’t have to take my word – take the word of the State’s second star witness Howard Mitchell! See Exhibit Q to my letter to Switzer on my website. At 10:15pm I was out cold, he says. He testified to that at trial. It’s irrefuted and undisputed!</p> <p>27/ AAH, THE BLOOD-SOAKED CLOTHES. Here is another detail that, curiously enough, seems to have escaped on Skinner’s website.</p> <p>Nothing has escaped mention. See Exhibit F to my letter to Switzer on my website.</p> <p>28/ Skinner, according to police reports, was found standing in a closet at his ex-girlfriend’s house wearing clothes soaked in the victims’ blood some 3 hours later.</p> <p>More lies. See 25 above.</p> <p>29/ Let’s add a quote from Skinner’s website: “Three hours after their initial search of the crime scene, the police traced Hank to his neighbor’s house and immediately arrested himâ€. What?</p> <p>Police didn’t “trace†me anywhere. They went to Andrea’s looking for Connie, my ex-wife. They found me instead.</p> <p>30/ The “inseparable†and distraught Hank Skinner certainly called the police to report the murders, didn’t he?</p> <p>The phone cord was jerked out of the wall. Nobody could call from our house. Scooter tried.</p> <p>31/ Neither Skinner nor his ex-girlfriend, were apparently distraught enough to call the police. Skinner was, however, lucid enough to hide from them, in a closed, in blood-soaked clothes when the police came along.</p> <p>Andrea wasn’t any longer my ex. We hadn’t been together in over 10 years at that time. We were friends but we weren’t associating at that time because she quit drinking and I had not. See 25 above.</p> <p>32/ AAH, “INSEPARABLE†Skinner frequently refers to Twila Busby, and himself, as inseparable. They were, according to Skinner, madly in love. They were always together.</p> <p>That’s true.</p> <p>33/ However court testimony painted a different picture. Skinner was abusive and violent, not only to Twila Busby, but to her sons as well.</p> <p>Court testimony painted no such picture at all. Twila and I never fussed or argued. See John Mann, D.A.’s memo 01.10.94 Bates stamped pages #94, 95 &amp; 96 out of the D.A.’s file. Beverly, Twila’s mother, stated that I was very good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa. She’d never seen Twila happier than when she was with me. Twila’s mother had direct contact with her every day and talked to her every night before bed.</p> <p>34/ But they weren’t the only targets of Skinner’s wrath. Skinner has even more violence in history. To quote Skinner, again, from his website: “I have one probation for aggravated assault on a police officer.â€</p> <p>Danny Lance beat the shit out of me at the city jail. Danny was Pampa P.D. In order to try to cover up his beating me, he alleged an injury and instead claimed I assaulted him. Detective Alan Smith however told the truth in his statement: I heard Skinner cry out. I turned to see Skinner flying backwards into the drunk tank with Officer Lance going in and on top of Skinner. Later Officer Lance said Skinner kicked him but I did not see any assault.â€</p> <p>On 01.05.94 in a recorded statement, the sheriff acknowledged that Harold Comer, then D.A., was supposed to terminate my probation but failed to do so. Thus rather than it showing as unadjudicated offense it shows as a felony conviction. I was arrested in the summer of 1992 for an outstanding revocation warrant on this non-existent probation, I was immediately released but the improper conviction was never remedied.</p> <p>35/ More accurate: Skinner had a 1998 felony conviction for aggravated assault on the cop for which he initially received probation. Skinner’s probation was revoked and he was sent to prison after two subsequent felony convictions for motor vehicle (UUMV).</p> <p>See 34. More lies.</p> <p>36/ According to the Texas Attorney General, “Skinner was also arrested in Gun Barrel City on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and became violent and abusive with arresting officers.â€</p> <p>People can allege anything. How odd that the “charges†were never formally filed and I was released after the alleged witnesses were found to be lying.</p> <p>37/ But according to Skinner’s website, it’s all a big conspiracy. Everything was against him. The police, the district attorney, the judge, the Texas Attorney General, all the people at the crime labs – even Skinner’s own court-appointed attorney who Skinner (according to his website) embarrassed on multiple occasion in Skinner’s role as an “able paralegal worth a proven track record for caring and standing up for the rights of the people he barely even knew.â€</p> <p>Hardly.</p> <p>38/ But, hey, we’re getting off on a bit of tangent here. The real murderer. So who does Skinner claim was the faceless/nameless family murderer?</p> <p>See 5 and 6 above.</p> <p>39/ Twila Busby’s dead uncle. Quoting Skinner’s website: “Robert Donnell, Twila’s maternal uncle, had a history of violence and was seen stalking Twila at a neighbor’s New Year’s Eve party on the night of the crime. Donnell had twice raped Twila in recent past and was known to have a propensity for knives.â€</p> <p>True. There’s far more.</p> <p>40/ Skinner’s website suggests that not only did Uncle Robert stab the kids and bludgeon Twila Busby to death, he raped her, too.</p> <p>The medical examiner’s testimony supports that she was raped too, yes. Her vaginal rim was reddened and chafed indicating recent sexual activity and she had possible semen in her panties.</p> <p>41/ All of this happened, of course, when Skinner lay “comatose†on the sofa after consuming the drink that Uncle Robert must have spiked hours earlier.</p> <p>See 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 above.</p> <p>42/ It should be noted that Robert Donnell had no convictions, nor had he ever been arrested, for violence, illegal weapons or sexual assaults – ever.</p> <p>Rober Donnell had a long history of violence and that was testified to extensively by a long line of witnesses at both trial and the federal evidentiary hearing. Donnell attempted to kill Jimmy Hayes with a knife, he strangled California Rim while pregnant. He bragged to anyone who’ listen about how he killed a guy at pool hall in Oklahoma in a knife fight. He carried guns, knives and other “illegal weapons†everywhere he went. He tried to kill Doug Ward, Twila’s brother, Bob’s own nephew. He tried to rape Sherry Barnett-Baker and she testified at trial about it. See, again, Howard Mitchell’s interview with D.A. investigator Bill McMinn 09.24.94 (Exhibit Q of my letter Switzer on my website and investigator’s Cliff Carpenter affidavit about Donnell).</p> <p>43/ But hey, even so, things could have unfolded exactly the way Skinner said they did in his 17-page diatribe: Skinner was simply a loving boyfriend, a talented paralegal, who stuck it to The Man and stood up for the rights of the wronged, and who happened to be a victim, himself, in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong condition.</p> <p>A slew of reputable people have testified to my character, legal ability and activism on behalf of others and, in the community in general. A lot of it was covered in the newspapers. I don’t need to toot my own horn.</p> <p>44/ Because believing that Hank Skinner was a sociopathic ex-con with a documented history of felonies and violence toward others, and who killed a mother of 2 children then hid from the police in a neighbor’s closet wearing clothes soaked with his victims’ blood would really be a stretch!</p> <p>Bullshit! It certainly would be a helluva stretch, because the uncontested record evidence says otherwise. Truth will out.<br /> The truth hurts, don’t it? I sure wish these people had the balls to identify themselves. Go back to your little drawing board and try to dream some new lies. I’ll be waiting to further introduce you to truth and reality.<br /> Best regards,</p> <p>Hank</p> <p>999143 Polunsky Unit<br /> H W Hank Skinner<br /> 3872 FM 350 South<br /> Livingston TX 77351-8580</p> <p><a href="http://www.hankskinner.org">http://www.hankskinner.org</a><br /> Posted by Hooman Hedayati at 5:27 PM<br /> Labels: H W HANK SKINNER, Hell Hole News</p> <p>~ IF THE DNA DOES NOT FIT WE MUST ACQUIT ~ WHEN GOVERNORS USE EXECUTIONS OF THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT TO SHOW VOTERS THEY ARE TOUGH ON CRIME</p>
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value (String, 52541 characters ) THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERIC...
THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERICANS IS PARTIALLY BASED ON OUR COUNTRIES FREEDOM OF SPEECH &amp; FREEDOM OF RELIGION WHICH HAVE BEEN BUILT INTO THE VERY FABRIC OF OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY-LIFE~STYLE. <!--break--> BY OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY ALLOWING TEXAS POLITICAL PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNERS PRISON VOICE TO BE WRONGFULLY EXECUTED WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING EVEN IF THE DNA FIT...ONLY AFFIRMS THAT AMERICA IS NOW HEADED ON A VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE OF DENYING LIFE TO THOSE WHO DARE SPEAK OUT !!! WILL U.S. SUPREME COURT ALLOW AMERICA TO ALSO BE ACCUSED OF EXECUTING our ACTIVISTS LIKE OTHERS WORLD~WIDE... HANK SKINNER ??? EXECUTING TEXAS PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNER PRIOR ALLOWING HIM TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE VIA DNA TESTING WILL BE A FIRST FOR THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS, &amp; WILL OBVIOUSLY PUT OUR AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM &amp; INTERNATIONAL IMAGE INTO A NEW CATEGORY ALIGNED WITH OTHERS IN THE WORLD ACCUSED WITH SIMILIAR TYPES OF WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS !!! SURELY OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WILL ALSO RESPECT DNa INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE DNa INNOCENT AMERICAN LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB ~ TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE TAKING U.S. INTO A NEW WORLD ORDER OF EXECUTIONS !!! CERTAIN AMERICANS IN POWERFUL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS APPEAR TO BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT INNOCENT FETUS LIFE BEING DESTROYED, BUT SOMEHOW SEEM TO HAVE VERY DIFFERENT FEELINGS ABOUT THE HORROR &amp; TRAGIC REALITY OF OUR INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT POORER AMERICANS BEING WRONFULLY EXECUTED IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ? ~ THE PEOPLE CALL OUR BEST &amp; LAST WITNESS TO THE STAND YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S....MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS REST OUR CASE AFTER CALLING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES TO THE STAND ~ OUR AMERICAN MILITARY COMMANDERS &amp; SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES COULD NEVER EVEN CONCEIVE OF EVER ALLOWING ANY OF OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. ENLISTED MILITARY SOLDIERS TO BE SUBJECT TO SUCH MISGUIDED SATANIC EXECUTION INJUSTICES AS CURRENTLY BEING PRACTICED IN GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S TEXAS PRISON SYSTEM !!! LETS ALL HOPE &amp; PRAY RELIGIOUS &amp; SPIRITUAL AMERICANS THAT OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT FINDS IT IN THEIR POWER &amp; JUDICIAL WISDOM TO PROPERLY ENACT FUTURE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE LAWS ASSURING ALL OF OUR MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS THE SAME RESPECT &amp; PROTECTIONS FOR POSSIBLE INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIAN LIFE THAT OUR U.S.MILITARY HONORS FOR THEIR ENTRUSTED TROOPS ... WE ARE ALL WELL AWARE THAT POORER AMERICANS CHILDREN MAKE UP OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. MILITARY WHICH PROTECTS OUR USA AND INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS... SO WHO COULD EVER IMAGINE IN THEIR WILDEST DREAMS THAT IN 2010 WE little people HERE IN AMERICA STILL HAVE TO BEG OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT 4 WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ??? OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT KNOWS THAT ONLY SATAN WOULD WANT EXECUTIONS OF INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT IN TEXAS GOVERNOR PERRY !!! ~ SATAN AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD AND FOOL OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT AND RELIGIOUS AMERICANS NATION~WIDE INTO ACCEPTING THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS IN THEIR TEXAS PRISONS AS A ROLE~MODEL FOR THE REST OF OUR COUNTRY ~ AMERICANS PLEASE JUST TAKE A REAL GOOD LOOK INTO TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S EYES &amp; YOU WILL SURELY SEE MORE THEN JUST A DEVILISH LITTLE LOOK !!! U.S. SUPREME COURT TO THE RESCUE OF MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS OR JUST A BAD DREAM THAT REAL JUSTICE IS CONTINUING TO BE DENIED ALL US LITTLE PEOPLE HERE IN AMERICA ?? * CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN OTHER THEN SATAN HOW TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ON ONE HAND PARDONS A DEAD FORMER TEXAS INMATE TIMOTHY COLE WHO WRONGFULLY DIED IN A TEXAS PRISON AFTER MANY YEARS OF ATTEMPTING TO EXONERATE HIMSELF USING DNA TESTING FOR A CRIME HE NEVER COMMITTED, AND WITHIN THE SAME MONTH THIS SAME GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS DENIES YET ANOTHER DNA TEST PRIOR ANOTHER POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION OF HANK SKINNER ??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT Friday, April 23, 2010 Cole Advisory Panel Meets The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions met yesterday in Austin. Today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports, "Timothy Cole panel questions the creation of a Texas innocence commission," written by Dave Montgomery. An advisory panel bearing the name of a wrongfully convicted inmate from Fort Worth is apparently leaning against recommending the creation of a state innocence commission amid concerns that it would create a new bureaucracy and duplicate work already being performed in Texas law schools. The concept of an innocence commission to investigate whether convictions are wrongful was among several recommendations discussed Thursday by the Timothy Cole Advisory Panel. Cole, who died in prison after being convicted for a sexual assault that he didn't commit, was recently given a posthumous pardon by Gov. Rick Perry. The panel deferred votes until its next meeting, but members generally expressed reservations about creating an innocence commission. Some members called for bolstering similar work now under way in four Texas law schools. The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech, the University of Houston and Texas Southern University have projects or clinics that examine questionable convictions. Similar projects are in operation across the country. The commission's stance generally tracks that of Perry, who believes a commission "would create an added layer of government," said Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle. Perry's deputy general counsel, Mary Anne Wiley, is a member of the panel. And: Cory Session, Cole's brother, said he supports the panel's position and complimented it for its efforts to improve the state's criminal justice system. Cole's case has come to symbolize widening efforts in Texas and other states to correct legal weaknesses that have led to improper convictions. The panel was created by the 2009 Legislature as part of a push that also expanded benefits for former inmates who were exonerated after being cleared by DNA evidence. "We're pleased with the work they're putting forth so far," said Session, who attended Thursday's meeting along with his mother, Ruby Session, who led the family's 25-year-long battle to clear Cole. He introduced her at the meeting as "the mother of the wrongful conviction movement." Two exonerated former inmates, Stephen Phillips and Christopher Scott, also addressed the panel. "I knew I was innocent. Hardly anybody else did," said Phillips, who spent 26 years behind bars before being released in 2008. "I was afraid I was going to die." He said that efforts like those of the Cole panel have raised hopes among innocent people behind bars. Earlier coverage of the panel and of Tim Cole's posthumous exoneration begins with this post. An OpEd coauthored by Cory Session on wrongful convictions and DNA testing is noted here. Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:11 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, State Legislation, Task Force on Inigent Defense, Texas Legislature | Permalink Technorati Tags: Allison Castle, Christopher Scott, Cory Session, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness identification, innocence, Mary Anne Wiley, Rick Perry, Rick Perry, Stephen Phillips, Task Force on Indigent Defense, Texas, Tim Cole, Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions, wrongful conviction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NOW ATTEMPT TO INVOLVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH VISIT 2 SAN ANTONIO ARCHBISHOP JOSE GOMEZ ! ~ WHEN WILL THE ICC OPEN THEIR INVESTIGATION INTO U.S. TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ~ TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN HAVE DRIVEN THEIR HELTER SKELTER DEATH ROW POLICIES 2 U.S.SUPREME COURT &amp; INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) IN A MICHAEL DUKAKIS TANK ? SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OBVIOUSLY HAVE BIGGER FUTURE POLITICAL AMBITIONS THEN SAVING A POSSIBLE INNOCENT HANK SKINNER LIFE ? TOP TEN REASONS WHY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE DENYING TEXAN HANK SKINNER DNA TESTING PRIOR HIS POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION ??? "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free " BEHOLD SARAH PALIN FANS, SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ALREADY DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IN MAKING SURE THAT THEY WILL BE THE ONLY REPUBLICAN 2012 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE~S !!! 1) BOTH DO NOT BELIEVE THAT EXECUTING THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT ARE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ?? 2) BOTH DO NOT VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE LIKE OTHERS ~ 3) BOTH THINK ONLY GIRLY MEN ASK FOR DNA TESTING BEFORE THEIR POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ?? 4) BOTH HAVE BIG FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL POLITICAL AMBITIONS AND REALLY NEED THE TEA PARTY BACKERS &amp; NRA MEMBERS TO CARRY IT OFF ? 5) BOTH WANT FINANCIAL POLITICAL SUPPORT $$$ FROM WEALTHY TEXANS WHO DISLIKE THE GUILTY POOR OR EVEN THE INNOCENT POOR IN AMERICA! 6) * IS THE ONLY DEMONIC THING TO DO * 7) BOTH BELIEVE THEIR WRONGFUL DEATH ROW TEXAS PRISON POLICY OF DON'T ASK AND WE WON'T TELL IS PROPER ? 8) BOTH BELIEVE A FEW DEMONIC LIKE MISTAKES HERE OR THERE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE BEING WRONGFULLY EXECUTED IS TO BE EXPECTED WITH THEIR TEXAS DEATH ROW EXECUTION POLICIES ... 9) THE DEVIL AND HE BOTH ENJOY DOING IT ? 10) *** NEED THE NATIONAL ATTENTION ON BEING TOUGH ON CRIME BECAUSE THEY ARE SECRETLY PLANNING THEIR JOINT 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BID AND HAVE TO TAKE AWAY NATIONAL ATTENTION FROM REPUBLICAN SARAH PALIN ON THIS CRIME ISSUE *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY RECEIVE TELEPHONE CALL FROM DR.JACK KEVORKIAN EXPLAINING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXECUTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; STATE ASSISTED SUICIDES IN OREGON &amp; WASHINGTON !!! ** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS OBVIOUSLY VIEW U.S. HUMAN LIFE DIFFERENTLY THEN RELIGIOUS AMERICANS ** DEAR DR. JACK KEVORKIAN, TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY APPEARS TO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MODEL HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW PRISONS AFTER THE STATES OF WASHINGTON AND OREGON STATE ASSISTED SUICIDE NEWLY ENACTED STATE LEGISLATIVE LAWS ! PLEASE SIR, IF YOU COULD FIND THE TIME TO CALL, INFORM AND EXPLAIN TO GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS THE VARIOUS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS OF POSSIBLE INNOCENT INMATES ON HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW AND THESE WILLING TERMINAL ILL RESIDENTS IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST ??? ~ HALF OF AMERICA DOES NOT WANT U.S. EXECUTIONS EVER &amp; THE OTHER HALF ONLY WANTS EXECUTIONS OF THE CONFIRMED GUILTY GOVERNOR PERRY !!! NOT ONE U.S. RELIGION OR RELIGIOUS LEADER AGREES WITH TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY EXECUTING EVEN THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT... poor americans ~ ** SAVING POSSIBLE INNOCENT U.S. LIVES IS OBVIOUSLY NOT ON SATANS OR TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRYS AGENDA ** * APPARENTLY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NEEDS AMERICANS &amp; U.S.RELIGIOUS LEADERS PRAYERS 4 HIS OWN FREEDOM * WHILE SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY WERE DENYING HANK SKINNER THE ABILITY TO HAVE HIS DNA TESTED TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE BEFORE HIS TEXAS EXECUTION, THE LORD WAS IN OHIO HELPING THESE STATESMEN CREATE THIS FUTURE LEGISLATION TO SAVE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!! GOD HAS SPOKEN &amp; THESE PRECIOUS STATESMEN FROM OHIO HAVE LISTENED UNLIKE GOVERNOR PERRY OF TEXAS ??? THANK YOU LORD ~ THIS OHIO GOVERNOR OBVIOUSLY HAS YOUR HEAVENLY CONCEPT ON THIS ONE ! THANK YOU GOD FOR ALSO ALLOWING THIS FANTASTIC STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT TO CONTINUE BRINGING NEW LIFE TO OUR AMERICAN POOR WHO ARE HAVING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY INFLICTED ON THEM ALL ACROSS OUR WONDERFUL AND CHANGING COUNTRY !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, April 07, 2010 New Ohio DNA Law Called 'Model', 'Best in Nation' The text of the new law is here; you can also view the fiscal note and bill analyses. Governor Ted Strickland's brief press release is here. State Senator David Goodman sponsored SB 77, which expands DNA testing for certain convicted felons, eliminates DNA testing for felons who pleaded guilty or no contest, preserves biological evidence in criminal proceeding and improves eyewitness identification procedures. "This bill updates Ohio's DNA law and will play a significant role in the modernization of Ohio's system of criminal justice," Strickland said. "The new procedures will help improve criminal investigations and save lives." "Ohio's new DNA law called model," is the Columbus Dispatch report by Jim Siegel. With the stroke of Gov. Ted Strickland's pen yesterday, experts say Ohio now has some of the best laws in the country to protect the innocent from wrongful convictions and put the right people behind bars. Strickland, joined by a handful of men who were exonerated after serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit, signed Senate Bill 77. It sets statewide standards for retaining biological evidence, requires the taking of DNA from anyone arrested on a felony charge and requires new procedures for suspect lineups. "It's a good day for justice and fairness," said Strickland, flanked by Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, and Rep. W. Carlton Weddington, D-Columbus. Goodman introduced the bill after a Dispatch investigation in January 2008 exposed widespread shortcomings in Ohio's DNA law, including the derailing of prisoner DNA tests by systemic indifference or hostility. Attending the bill-signing were two men freed as a result of the newspaper's series: Robert McClendon of Columbus, who served 18 years for a child rape that DNA testing showed he did not commit; and Joseph Fears Jr. of Columbus, who wrongly served more than 25 years for two Columbus rapes. Other Ohioans freed in the past decade by DNA evidence - Walter Smith, Clarence Elkins and Danny Brown - also joined the governor. "I feel very emotional about what we've accomplished today," Goodman said, noting the six-year process of drafting and changing DNA-evidence laws. "It's going to improve the criminal-justice system in so many different ways." Marc Kovac writes, "DNA collection requirements for criminals, accused OK'd," for the state's News-Leader. The new law includes provisions concerning the storage and access of DNA samples, providing a mechanism for individuals convicted of crimes to prove their innocence. It creates a new statewide task force to establish standards for collecting, storing and cataloging biological evidence. It requires law enforcement to follow certain procedures when conducting live or photo lineups for witnesses to identify potential law breakers. And it calls for anyone 18 years or older who are arrested on felony charges to submit DNA samples to law enforcement -- something that has prompted concern about civil liberties and government intrusion into citizens' lives. Strickland downplayed those concerns. The Cincinnati Business Courier has, "Ohio's new DNA law a model, experts say." "Ohio is truly the national leader on innocence reforms and will be the role model other states look to as they contemplate similar measures in the coming years," said Mark Godsey, director of the Innocence Project, in the Dispatch report. Florida's Lakeland Ledger notes the new law with, "Ohio’s DNA law considered best in country," posted by Shoshana Walter. -Requires DNA samples to be taken from anyone convicted of a felony after July 1, 2011. -Requires agencies to retain biological evidence for up to 30 years in murder and sexual-assault cases. Five year limit when defendant pleads guilty. -Allows DNA testing for parolees and anyone in the sex offender registry. -Requires blind suspect lineups, meaning the officer either doesn’t know the identity of the real suspect or uses a photo-lineup technique in which only the witness can see the photos. -Provides incentives for investigators to record interrogations. And: There are some similarities to some Florida laws already on the books. In 2006, Florida required DNA evidence to be preserved for anyone who could petition for post conviction DNA testing (that would apply only to those convicted of felonies). My understanding is that before that law went into effect, each court system throughout the state had different policies about when and how evidence got destroyed–many Florida counties simply destroyed DNA evidence that might have led to exonerations. That wasn’t the case in Polk, though. The Clerk of Court’s office told me that before the 2006 law, Florida’s 10th Judicial Circuit actually saved all evidence in life or death sentence cases. Earlier this week, Sharon Coolidge wrote, "DNA bill helped by University of Cincinnati students," for the Cincinnati Enquirer. Watch any crime cop show on TV and DNA evidence likely played a role in capturing the bad guy. But in real life, lawyers say that evidence isn't always available. DNA will be more readily available in years to come because a group of University of Cincinnati students helped craft bill that overhauls the state's criminal justice system in an effort to avoid wrongful convictions. Gov. Ted Strickland is set to sign Senate Bill 77 into law today.The bill creates: A requirement that DNA be saved in all serious crimes for five years in plea bargain cases and for 30 years, or until a person gets out of prison, if a person is found guilty at trial. Police incentives for recording interrogations start to finish. A requirement that police lineups and eyewitness photo identifications be double blind, meaning the officer in charge of the lineup doesn't even know who the suspect is. An expansion of post-conviction DNA testing to allow convicted felons better access to DNA testing. A requirement that DNA be taken from people after arrest on felony charges, instead of after conviction as happens now. The provisions take effect by the end of the year, except for DNA collection after arrest, which is delayed due to the anticipated $1.9 million-per-year cost. A March 25 Columbus Dispatch article, "Lawmakers OK Ohio DNA bill," reported the new law's legislative passage. In their final session before heading into an Easter break, Ohio lawmakers moved bills yesterday designed to improve criminal investigations, ban texting while driving and give local law enforcement more power to tackle illegal immigration. After setting modern records this session for a lack of legislative action, the House and Senate opened the spigot and sent a number of measures to Gov. Ted Strickland, including one that would require the collection of DNA evidence from anyone arrested on a felony charge in Ohio. Strickland is expected to sign Senate Bill 77, which also opens DNA testing to parolees. The bill also requires blind suspect lineups - where the presiding officer does not know the identity of the true suspect or can't see the picture a witness is viewing - and sets a new 30-year standard for retaining biological evidence in cases of murder and sexual assault. The limit is five years when a defendant pleads guilty, a House-added provision that bill sponsor Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, opposes. "I think it's too short a period of time, and individuals will potentially have some problems down the line," he told the Senate before a final concurrence vote. But, Goodman added, he agreed to the compromise and said it's "still a very good bill." Related posts can be found in the DNA, eyewitness identification, and state legislation indexes. Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 11:20 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, Law Enforcement, State Legislation | Permalink Technorati Tags: Clarence Elkins, Danny Brown, David Goodman, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness id, eyewitness identification, Florida, Joseph Fears, law enforcement, lineup, Mark Godsey, Ohio, Ohio Legislature, Robert McClendon, SB 77, Senate Bill 77, Ted Strickland, University of Cincinnati, Walter Smith ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS.WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME OR TELEPHONE NUMBER. lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com (424-247-2013) *** GREAT SOCIETIES THAT DO NOT PROTECT THE INNOCENT BECOME THE GUILTY GOVERNOR RICK PERRY !!! ** TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY PLEASE STOP ALLOWING SATAN &amp; HIS DEMONS TO INFLUENCE YOU WITH THESE TEXAS STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS(MURDERS) OF THE INNOCENT &amp; THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!! *** YOUR BOTH WRONG AND OUT ON A LIMB GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ~ TEA PARTY MEMBERS &amp; THE NRA ALSO VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!! AMERICANS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE FROM ALL VARIOUS RELIGIONS ALSO DISAGREE WITH SATAN'S AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S PRISON POLICIES OF EXECUTING INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!! * OUR U.S.SUPREME COURT VIEWING THESE CONTINUING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON POORer AMERICANS IN TEXAS WILL SURELY ENACT WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTION IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND * *********************************************************************** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS CAN'T HIDE THIS !!! . THESE HANK SKINNER REPLIES SHOULD MAKE ANY FAIR MINDED AMERICAN QUESTION... YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S ??? Hell Hole News #24 - Hank Skinner Hell April 10, 2010 More fun! It has been brought to my attention that some false and undocumented « adverse » allegations, about me and my case are currently circulating on the web. Ordinarily I ignore things like this but I want to expose these coward allegations, usually raised by the haters, so it provides me a unique and excellent opportunity to counter this once and for all. In the future, any of my supporters or others inquiring on these topics can be referred to this NHHN article and it will save me the time and effort of having to repeat myself. 1/ Henry Watkins “Hank†Skinner – the Hype No, dummy, it’s the facts, sans hype. 2/ When one reads all the media-driven innocence hype about Hank Skinner, one can be instantly coerced into believing that Skinner is truly innocent of the ghastly murders of Twila Busby and her two mentally-impaired sons. No one is coercing anyone. The facts speak loudly for themselves. Two the most prestigious innocence projects in America both say I’m likely innocent and the evidence that remains needs to be tested. 3/ After all, Skinner is a cause de celebre around the world – a poster boy for “justice deniedâ€. How could he have possibly done what a jury convicted him of? Needs no comment. 4/ Hank’s jailhouse “wife†(a French anti-death penalty activist in real life) and Hank have done a great job at putting together a website calling into question aspects of how Hank has been treated over the years. There was, according to Hank and Mrs. Hank, a massive criminal/judicial conspiracy involving the police, prosecutors, judges and even Hank’s original trial attorney. Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner is not my “jailhouse wife†but my wife in every respect, legal and otherwise. We are legally married in both Texas and France. The President of France and his Foreign minister made a diplomatic entreaty to the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, on our behalf, asking Perry for a 30-day reprieve of execution and to conduct the DNA tests. That’s how legal our marriage is. I have our marriage license and certificate. I can produce it upon request to any who doubt me. No one ever said there was any massive criminal conspiracy. I said, merely, the pigs didn’t like me for various reasons, there was animus against me and it provided them a motive to frame me, which they most certainly did. It was caused by small town, small minded authorities who possess exactly the same mindset as the person who authored this mess I’m now responding to. My trial attorney was an ex D.A. who’d previously prosecuted me. 5/ But the simple question remains: did Hank Skinner kill the Busby family? No, I most certainly did not. The hairs ‘clutched’ in the victim’s (Twila’s) hand, sticking out from between her knuckles and caught under her ring, the D.A. says she pulled those hairs “from the head of her assailant during the struggle for her life, which she ultimately lostâ€. John Mann at first lied and said those hairs were mine. Subsequent DNA testing of the hairs at first produced a “mixed profile†alleged to contain my DNA. Further testing revealed this result was due to contamination in the wellplate caused by loading my standard sample too close to the evidentiary sample of Twila’s. Further testing proved that the blood flakes off the hair are solely Twila’s own blood and, subsequent mitochondrial testing of the hairs themselves are from an unknown male individual. I am absolutely and unequivocally excluded. See my letter 01/07/10 to D.A. Lynn Switzer and accompanying exhibits P2, P3 &amp; P4 which are available on my website (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph). It is beyond obvious that the person making these allegations is not at all well acquainted with the facts of the case but just hating and mud slinging. 6/ Was Skinner the murderer, or was it some faceless, nameless (or conveniently dead) person who poisoned Skinner with codeine (something to which Skinner was “deathly allergicâ€) before killing the family while Skinner slept? See 5 above. He’s not faceless or nameless. We have his DNA profile! He’s not “conveniently deadâ€, just dead. In 1996/97 my investigator of that time confronted Twila’s uncle and told him he believed he was guilty. Bob Donnell had a confirmed incestuous relationship with Twila and probably killed her because of it. According to the state’s own witnesses Donnell had the means, motive, opportunity and animus to have committed the murders. The criminalist who viewed the jacket said it had medium velocity impact blood spatter on the cuffs and forearms of the sleeves meaning it was likely worn by the assailant. Only Twila had injuries which would cause impact spatter. 7/ In order for Skinner not to have been the killer, one has to ignore or dismiss an extraordinary set of events. Skinner would also have to be taken at his word on many of the events of New Year’s Eve, 1993. This preface is a total lie. You don’t have to ignore or dismiss anything – this is truly “hypeâ€. You don’t have to take my word for anything. That’s why the evidence and affidavits of scientific experts and forensic tests are so extensively presented on my website – like I say, it all speaks for itself but, you have to take time to read and review it, which this person obviously did not. 8/ Here are some of the things one would have to believe Not true. See 9 and 12 below. 9/ some anonymous person spiked Skinner’s drink, before the murders, for whatever reason No, they probably did not. I will not knowingly take codeine because it makes me sick. I’d not had any R’s for codeine. All my friends who’d been to our house that afternoon and evening knew I was allergic to codeine and that I avoided it studiously. I used to think someone must have poisoned me because I wouldn’t take codeine voluntarily. A few years ago I learned that truth from a toxicologist who testified in another guy’s case, here. He says that once you reach a certain level of intoxication you go colorblind. Twila was always putting pills in her drink and sipping that one drink all evening. I later learned her girlfriend (G.S.) had given her 13 Fiorinal #4 codeine that she’d put in her drink. Twila and I had identical glasses but hers was Fuschia pink, mine was baby medium blue. I vaguely remember seeing the dregs of pills in the bottom of my cup and getting sick, passing out. I couldn’t figure out how it got into my cup. So I thought someone must have poisoned me. I think now I was just too messed up and colorblind to tell our cups apart anymore, I accidentally got Twila’s cup and drank from it, thinking it was my cup. 10/ A comatose Skinner “slept†through the murder (and possibly rape) of his beloved girlfriend, and the stabbing of her kids I was comatose. I didn’t “sleep†through anything, I was out cold. Howard Mitchell, one of the two of the State’s star witnesses, testified that he came over to pick us up, I was out of it, he grabbed my arm and jerked on it until he pulled my torso off the couch but he got no response from me at all, even while screaming and hollering in my face “Come on Hank, Let’s go! Get up! Come on!†See the legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph, exhibit Q to my letter to Lynn Switzer on my website - Interview of Howard Mitchell by D.A.’s investigator. My recitation of the facts and what I believe happened and why are presented just so I can tell the facts and how I believe they fit together, to give you the whole picture in a coherent fashion. But each item has a link to the evidence that backs it up, so you don’t need to take my word for anything. Review the evidence and let it speak to you of its own volition. 11/ Skinner could only to be roused by the girlfriend’s stabbed and mortally-wounded mentally-impaired son “Skinner could only to be roused byâ€? That sentence makes no sense. “could only to beâ€? Well, Scooter got me off the couch over two and a half hours after Howard tried to and failed, he did so by sprinkling water in my face. He was mortally wounded. He helped me up to get dressed, we left the house together after checking on Randy and (Scooter) finding he was dead. Scooter and Randy were not “mentally impairedâ€, “mentally challenged†or “retardedâ€. Twila’s mother, Beverly, was a nursing home manager/administrator. She was a master at milking the federal system for $ to care for her wards at the old folks home. She employed the same tactics for Scooter and Randy. They were getting social security disability checks every month. Scooter was listed as mentally retarded and suffering muscular dystrophy; Randy as mentally retarded. Mann discovered this subterfuge of Beverly’s and decided to employ it for his own purposes. I was 5’9â€, 145 lbs at the time. Scooter was 6’6â€, 245 lbs. Randy was 6’1â€, 180 lbs. There was no way any jury was going to believe I overpowered and killed Scooter and his mother in my condition at the time of the murders. So Mann turned them into “poor little retarded boys†and tried to get the Medical Examiner at autopsy to diminish their heights and weights. I don’t know how Randy was stabbed in his bed, either. I only know that’s supposedly where he was found according to the pigs. But the M.E. says both Randy and his mother’s bodies were moved prior to her in situ inspection. 12/ After this rousing, he managed to stumble around through the crime scene in a “stuporous†state, getting his handprint all over everything, and all the victim’s blood all over him That’s not true. First, the person who wrote this garbage tries to paint in overly broad strokes and weakly implies some inculpatory evidence results from it. For example: “getting his handprints all over everythingâ€. My handprints were never detected or identified as being “all over everythingâ€, but I’m sure my prints were all over items in the house because (DUH) I lived there. Most importantly though, my fingerprints are not on any of the three murder weapons and it is not my print on a black plastic trash bag that contained one of the murder weapons. I am not linked forensically to the murders at all. More importantly still, I did not have “all the victims’ blood all over meâ€. Two stains were tested on my clothes and determined to be only contact stains. As the State’s own experts at trial explained, those stains proved only that I either came into contact with a victim at a time after they became bloody or, I came into contact with a surface upon which one of the victims deposited blood; again at a time after they became bloody. So you see, that evidence does not prove me guilty of anything at all but is totally consistent with my defense that I fell at the scene after getting off the couch, after the murders occurred, when leaving the house. Only Scooter and Twila’s DNA was on my shirt and pants, two spots. Randy’s blood/DNA was not on me at all. So again “all the victims’ blood all over him†is a blatant lie. 13/ Skinner’s website (hankskinner.org) spends page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist who claimed that, because of the level of codeine and alcohol in Skinner’s system, Skinner would have been unable to commit the murders I spend “page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist†blah-blah-blah. Well, if this hater had read that “push-outâ€, he/she would know that toxicologist is a 27-year experienced FBI agent whose testimony was unrefuted and that the State’s own expert confirmed as correct his testimony, blood alcohol and blood codeine timeline profiles and his retrograde analysis as to how much alcohol/codeine was in my system and when I took it. 14/ But there is a big question: when did Skinner really take (or ingest) the drugs? 15/ A toxicology study can tell, given the level of drugs/alcohol in one’s blood at the time the study is performed, what the intoxication levels were between the time the drugs were taken and the time of the testing 16/ A toxicology study cannot tell when one actually ingested a substance. So we have to rely on Skinner to tell us when he ingested the codeine That is a lie. No, again you do not have to rely on my word about when I took the codeine. This hater here just totally overlooks the evidence. The toxicologist, Dr Lowry, allows the State’s witnesses to tell him when I ingested the codeine and the evidence proves it unequivocally. Twila and I called Howard to come get us at 9:15 – 9:30pm and I was drunk but coherent. Howard got there 45 minutes later at 10:15pm and I would out cold, comatose, unrousable by any external stimuli. Dr Lowary knew alcohol alone would not have put me under that deep because he knew what my B.A.C. was at that time. Andrea testified that I did not consume any pills or drink, any alcohol while I was at her home. Once again, the State’s experts totally agreed with these findings so it’s not a matter in any dispute at all, despite what this hater would attempt to lead you to believe, otherwise. So, there is no question or dispute that I ingested the codeine before 10:00pm but after 9:15pm, before the murders, not after them. Also there is no question of tolerance to codeine. First of all, I never took codeine, my Rx records clearly show I never had any Rx for it; so I could not have been tolerant of it. Secondly my condition at the time of the murders is described by the State’s two star witnesses, Andrea Reed and Howard Mitchell. See http://www.hankskinner.org (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph) exhibits Q &amp; R. Andrea’s recantation testimony is also available from the federal evidentiary hearing on my website. I’d urge you to read it in its entirety and especially view John Mann’s diatribe against her telling the truth at a previous grand jury proceeding where he openly threatens her and then later urges the court reporter not to record it – but he did, anyway. 17/ AHH, THE CODEINE – Skinner’s website says (in the 2nd paragraph) “Skinner was also subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine and passed out some time before 10:15pm…†The website goes on to drive home the point home about how “severely allergic†Skinner is to codeine. View the blood codeine profile-timeline graphic display that was presented at trial. There is no question that I was subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine between .8 mg per liter and 1.35 mg per liter. View the affidavit of Dr Harold Kalant on my website. Dr Kalant is probably the world’s foremost recognized expert on this issue. 18/ See, if Skinner knowingly taken codeine that his allergy to which (again according to the website) had been documented in “his medical reports since the age of 19â€, and made Skinner “deathly ill†one might tend to ask why he took it, right? I accidentally ingested it. I wouldn’t have voluntarily or knowingly have taken the codeine. There is a range of intolerance to codeine. The lightest is, it makes you itch. Most people have that reaction to it. The worst if anaphylactic shock, which is a histamine reaction that can easily be very deadly. My level of intolerance is one step down from anaphylactic shock, termed moderately severe: extreme lethargy, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, colorblindness – every thing turns kodachrome shades of red and green tinted with black, difficulty breathing – my lungs feel like they’re full of cotton and my throat feels constricted; impaired balance and gait. When you add that on top of the vodka and Xanax I’d knowingly consumed that night, it is not easy to see why I’d be comatose and utterly incapable of committing these murders? 19/ So in order for Skinner’s story to work, somebody else would have had to have poisoned Skinner. It’s not “Skinner’s storyâ€. The evidence speaks for itself. No, somebody else probably had nothing to do with my being poisoned by codeine. See 9 above. 20/ So Skinner’s website says “… it is believed that (Skinner) was either accidentally or intentionally poisoned by the addition of the pills to his drinks (…) Hank was comatose during the commission of the murders…†See 9 above. 21/ So when did Skinner ingest the codeine and who spiked his drink? See 16 above. 22/ If Skinner (as his website claims) was already “passed out†from the codeine at 10:15 (when Twila Busy left with a close friend to go to the party), does this mean the faceless/nameless alleged murderer had already been in the house before 10:15 spiking drinks in preparation for the stabbings and beating that were to come? See 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 above. 23/ Skinner, who apparently couldn’t stand for a photo at the police station, didn’t seem to have much trouble standing up and hiding from the police in his ex-girlfriend’s closet at the time of his arrest (a detail that curiously isn’t mentioned on Skinner’s website) See Sheriff Stubblefield’s deposition in the federal proceedings available on my website. He admits I was not “hiding in the closetâ€. That detail curiously, certainly is mentioned on my website in more than one place. When the police showed up at Andrea’s, she put me in the front bedroom which had a bare mattress on the floor and it was dark. She told me to stay there until the police left. The closet was shallow and full of clothes. It had no doors. When the police stormed into the room with guns drawn and flipped on the light, I stumbled backwards off the edge of the mattress and fell back against the clothes in the closet. My knee joints hyperflexed and locked. My butt was jammed against the clothes, my feet jammed against the edge of the mattress. I couldn’t get up. But I was at all times in plain sight and not attempting to “hide†at all. I just didn’t want to be shot. They kept screaming “Get down! Get on the ground!†but I couldn’t move. So the D.A.’s investigator stepped forward, I held out my hands and he pulled me forward onto the mattress. 24/ Was Skinner selectively comatose: comatose during the murders, then lucid at his ex’s house, but comatose again at the police station? A little bit of an inconvenient question for Skinner isn’t it? Covered above and in Andrea Reed’s recantation testimony, not worthy of any reply. 25/ Perhaps it’s more likely that Skinner heard the police coming through the front door of his ex’s house, so he hid in the closet, pulled a handful of codeine pills out of the pocket of his blood-soaked clothes, and popped them in his mouth in an attempt to commit suicide. Covered above. I didn’t have “blood soaked clothesâ€. The spots on my clothes are covered above in 12. It truly amazes me, the liberties people take in telling their little false stories about this case, even some elements in the media embellish the blood and gore in order to try to make me look guilty. “Blood caked on his clothes. The killer…â€: Allan Turner of the Houston Chronicle. “Blood drenched clothesâ€, “blood soaked clothesâ€, “he was covered in the blood of the victimsâ€, “He had their blood all over himâ€. None of that is true. What makes people lie like that? It’s true, I had some blood on my clothes, mostly contact stains from falling at the scene, some dripped blood from my hand wound. My clothes were hanging on the furniture during the commission of the murders and I’m sure that being right next to where Twila was murdered, they got blood spatter on them somewhere. This produces one other thought, a question I’ve always wanted to ask people. If you were in my condition on the night in question and trying to get dressed and get out of there with Scooter, would you be even thinking about getting blood on you? I could’ve cared less. I was pretty much hysterical, in shock, scared to death and too intoxicated to think anything like that. I don’t remember much of what we did, just bits and flashes, but I think Scooter was frantic to go and I went with him. That seemed to be his main theme “We gotta go. We gotta get the hell outa hereâ€. So we did. It never once entered my mind that I can think of “oh, don’t touch that. Don’t get that on you, they’ll blame youâ€. One last thing on this issue, I’ve never denied being there. I had every right to be there, it was my home. Under Texas law, mere presence doesn’t prove guilt. 26/ The fact is: there is no evidence (except Skinner’s word) that he was passed out from codeine at 10:15. The only thing anybody knows is that Skinner didn’t take codeine between the time he was arrested and the time he was tested. That is a blatant lie. Once again, you don’t have to take my word – take the word of the State’s second star witness Howard Mitchell! See Exhibit Q to my letter to Switzer on my website. At 10:15pm I was out cold, he says. He testified to that at trial. It’s irrefuted and undisputed! 27/ AAH, THE BLOOD-SOAKED CLOTHES. Here is another detail that, curiously enough, seems to have escaped on Skinner’s website. Nothing has escaped mention. See Exhibit F to my letter to Switzer on my website. 28/ Skinner, according to police reports, was found standing in a closet at his ex-girlfriend’s house wearing clothes soaked in the victims’ blood some 3 hours later. More lies. See 25 above. 29/ Let’s add a quote from Skinner’s website: “Three hours after their initial search of the crime scene, the police traced Hank to his neighbor’s house and immediately arrested himâ€. What? Police didn’t “trace†me anywhere. They went to Andrea’s looking for Connie, my ex-wife. They found me instead. 30/ The “inseparable†and distraught Hank Skinner certainly called the police to report the murders, didn’t he? The phone cord was jerked out of the wall. Nobody could call from our house. Scooter tried. 31/ Neither Skinner nor his ex-girlfriend, were apparently distraught enough to call the police. Skinner was, however, lucid enough to hide from them, in a closed, in blood-soaked clothes when the police came along. Andrea wasn’t any longer my ex. We hadn’t been together in over 10 years at that time. We were friends but we weren’t associating at that time because she quit drinking and I had not. See 25 above. 32/ AAH, “INSEPARABLE†Skinner frequently refers to Twila Busby, and himself, as inseparable. They were, according to Skinner, madly in love. They were always together. That’s true. 33/ However court testimony painted a different picture. Skinner was abusive and violent, not only to Twila Busby, but to her sons as well. Court testimony painted no such picture at all. Twila and I never fussed or argued. See John Mann, D.A.’s memo 01.10.94 Bates stamped pages #94, 95 &amp; 96 out of the D.A.’s file. Beverly, Twila’s mother, stated that I was very good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa. She’d never seen Twila happier than when she was with me. Twila’s mother had direct contact with her every day and talked to her every night before bed. 34/ But they weren’t the only targets of Skinner’s wrath. Skinner has even more violence in history. To quote Skinner, again, from his website: “I have one probation for aggravated assault on a police officer.†Danny Lance beat the shit out of me at the city jail. Danny was Pampa P.D. In order to try to cover up his beating me, he alleged an injury and instead claimed I assaulted him. Detective Alan Smith however told the truth in his statement: I heard Skinner cry out. I turned to see Skinner flying backwards into the drunk tank with Officer Lance going in and on top of Skinner. Later Officer Lance said Skinner kicked him but I did not see any assault.†On 01.05.94 in a recorded statement, the sheriff acknowledged that Harold Comer, then D.A., was supposed to terminate my probation but failed to do so. Thus rather than it showing as unadjudicated offense it shows as a felony conviction. I was arrested in the summer of 1992 for an outstanding revocation warrant on this non-existent probation, I was immediately released but the improper conviction was never remedied. 35/ More accurate: Skinner had a 1998 felony conviction for aggravated assault on the cop for which he initially received probation. Skinner’s probation was revoked and he was sent to prison after two subsequent felony convictions for motor vehicle (UUMV). See 34. More lies. 36/ According to the Texas Attorney General, “Skinner was also arrested in Gun Barrel City on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and became violent and abusive with arresting officers.†People can allege anything. How odd that the “charges†were never formally filed and I was released after the alleged witnesses were found to be lying. 37/ But according to Skinner’s website, it’s all a big conspiracy. Everything was against him. The police, the district attorney, the judge, the Texas Attorney General, all the people at the crime labs – even Skinner’s own court-appointed attorney who Skinner (according to his website) embarrassed on multiple occasion in Skinner’s role as an “able paralegal worth a proven track record for caring and standing up for the rights of the people he barely even knew.†Hardly. 38/ But, hey, we’re getting off on a bit of tangent here. The real murderer. So who does Skinner claim was the faceless/nameless family murderer? See 5 and 6 above. 39/ Twila Busby’s dead uncle. Quoting Skinner’s website: “Robert Donnell, Twila’s maternal uncle, had a history of violence and was seen stalking Twila at a neighbor’s New Year’s Eve party on the night of the crime. Donnell had twice raped Twila in recent past and was known to have a propensity for knives.†True. There’s far more. 40/ Skinner’s website suggests that not only did Uncle Robert stab the kids and bludgeon Twila Busby to death, he raped her, too. The medical examiner’s testimony supports that she was raped too, yes. Her vaginal rim was reddened and chafed indicating recent sexual activity and she had possible semen in her panties. 41/ All of this happened, of course, when Skinner lay “comatose†on the sofa after consuming the drink that Uncle Robert must have spiked hours earlier. See 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 above. 42/ It should be noted that Robert Donnell had no convictions, nor had he ever been arrested, for violence, illegal weapons or sexual assaults – ever. Rober Donnell had a long history of violence and that was testified to extensively by a long line of witnesses at both trial and the federal evidentiary hearing. Donnell attempted to kill Jimmy Hayes with a knife, he strangled California Rim while pregnant. He bragged to anyone who’ listen about how he killed a guy at pool hall in Oklahoma in a knife fight. He carried guns, knives and other “illegal weapons†everywhere he went. He tried to kill Doug Ward, Twila’s brother, Bob’s own nephew. He tried to rape Sherry Barnett-Baker and she testified at trial about it. See, again, Howard Mitchell’s interview with D.A. investigator Bill McMinn 09.24.94 (Exhibit Q of my letter Switzer on my website and investigator’s Cliff Carpenter affidavit about Donnell). 43/ But hey, even so, things could have unfolded exactly the way Skinner said they did in his 17-page diatribe: Skinner was simply a loving boyfriend, a talented paralegal, who stuck it to The Man and stood up for the rights of the wronged, and who happened to be a victim, himself, in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong condition. A slew of reputable people have testified to my character, legal ability and activism on behalf of others and, in the community in general. A lot of it was covered in the newspapers. I don’t need to toot my own horn. 44/ Because believing that Hank Skinner was a sociopathic ex-con with a documented history of felonies and violence toward others, and who killed a mother of 2 children then hid from the police in a neighbor’s closet wearing clothes soaked with his victims’ blood would really be a stretch! Bullshit! It certainly would be a helluva stretch, because the uncontested record evidence says otherwise. Truth will out. The truth hurts, don’t it? I sure wish these people had the balls to identify themselves. Go back to your little drawing board and try to dream some new lies. I’ll be waiting to further introduce you to truth and reality. Best regards, Hank 999143 Polunsky Unit H W Hank Skinner 3872 FM 350 South Livingston TX 77351-8580 http://www.hankskinner.org Posted by Hooman Hedayati at 5:27 PM Labels: H W HANK SKINNER, Hell Hole News ~ IF THE DNA DOES NOT FIT WE MUST ACQUIT ~ WHEN GOVERNORS USE EXECUTIONS OF THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT TO SHOW VOTERS THEY ARE TOUGH ON CRIME
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 53874 characters ) <p>THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AME...
<p>THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERICANS IS PARTIALLY BASED ON OUR COUNTRIES FREEDOM OF SPEECH &amp; FREEDOM OF RELIGION WHICH<br /> HAVE BEEN BUILT INTO THE VERY FABRIC OF OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY-LIFE~STYLE.</p> <!--break--><p> BY OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY ALLOWING TEXAS POLITICAL PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNERS PRISON VOICE TO BE WRONGFULLY EXECUTED WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING EVEN IF THE DNA FIT...ONLY AFFIRMS THAT AMERICA IS NOW HEADED ON A VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE OF DENYING LIFE TO THOSE WHO DARE SPEAK OUT !!!</p> <p>WILL U.S. SUPREME COURT ALLOW AMERICA TO ALSO BE ACCUSED OF EXECUTING our ACTIVISTS LIKE OTHERS WORLD~WIDE... HANK SKINNER ???</p> <p>EXECUTING TEXAS PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNER PRIOR ALLOWING HIM TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE VIA DNA TESTING WILL BE A FIRST FOR THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS, &amp; WILL OBVIOUSLY PUT OUR AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM &amp; INTERNATIONAL IMAGE INTO A NEW CATEGORY ALIGNED WITH OTHERS IN THE WORLD ACCUSED WITH SIMILIAR TYPES OF WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS !!! </p> <p>SURELY OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WILL ALSO RESPECT DNa INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE DNa INNOCENT AMERICAN LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB ~</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE TAKING U.S. INTO A NEW WORLD ORDER OF EXECUTIONS !!! </p> <p>CERTAIN AMERICANS IN POWERFUL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS APPEAR TO BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT INNOCENT FETUS LIFE BEING DESTROYED, BUT SOMEHOW SEEM TO HAVE VERY DIFFERENT FEELINGS ABOUT THE HORROR &amp; TRAGIC REALITY OF OUR INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT POORER AMERICANS BEING WRONFULLY EXECUTED IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ?</p> <p>~ THE PEOPLE CALL OUR BEST &amp; LAST WITNESS TO THE STAND YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S....MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS REST OUR CASE AFTER CALLING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES TO THE STAND ~</p> <p> OUR AMERICAN MILITARY COMMANDERS &amp; SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES COULD NEVER EVEN CONCEIVE OF EVER ALLOWING ANY OF OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. ENLISTED MILITARY SOLDIERS TO BE SUBJECT TO SUCH MISGUIDED SATANIC EXECUTION INJUSTICES AS CURRENTLY BEING PRACTICED IN GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S TEXAS PRISON SYSTEM !!!</p> <p>LETS ALL HOPE &amp; PRAY RELIGIOUS &amp; SPIRITUAL AMERICANS THAT OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT FINDS IT IN THEIR POWER &amp; JUDICIAL WISDOM TO PROPERLY ENACT FUTURE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE LAWS ASSURING ALL OF OUR MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS THE SAME RESPECT &amp; PROTECTIONS FOR POSSIBLE INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIAN LIFE THAT OUR U.S.MILITARY HONORS FOR THEIR ENTRUSTED TROOPS ...</p> <p>WE ARE ALL WELL AWARE THAT POORER AMERICANS CHILDREN MAKE UP OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. MILITARY WHICH PROTECTS OUR USA AND INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS... SO WHO COULD EVER IMAGINE IN THEIR WILDEST DREAMS THAT IN 2010 WE little people HERE IN AMERICA STILL HAVE TO BEG OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT 4 WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ???</p> <p>OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT KNOWS THAT ONLY SATAN WOULD WANT EXECUTIONS OF INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT IN TEXAS GOVERNOR PERRY !!!</p> <p>~ SATAN AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD AND FOOL OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT AND RELIGIOUS AMERICANS NATION~WIDE INTO ACCEPTING THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS IN THEIR TEXAS PRISONS AS A ROLE~MODEL FOR THE REST OF OUR COUNTRY ~</p> <p>AMERICANS PLEASE JUST TAKE A REAL GOOD LOOK INTO TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S EYES &amp; YOU WILL SURELY SEE MORE THEN JUST A DEVILISH LITTLE LOOK !!!</p> <p>U.S. SUPREME COURT TO THE RESCUE OF MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS OR JUST A BAD DREAM THAT REAL JUSTICE IS CONTINUING TO BE DENIED ALL US LITTLE PEOPLE HERE IN AMERICA ??</p> <p>* CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN OTHER THEN SATAN HOW TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ON ONE HAND PARDONS A DEAD FORMER TEXAS INMATE TIMOTHY COLE WHO WRONGFULLY DIED IN A TEXAS PRISON AFTER MANY YEARS OF ATTEMPTING TO EXONERATE HIMSELF USING DNA TESTING FOR A CRIME HE NEVER COMMITTED, AND WITHIN THE SAME MONTH THIS SAME GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS DENIES YET ANOTHER DNA TEST PRIOR ANOTHER POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION OF HANK SKINNER ???<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT</p> <p>Friday, April 23, 2010<br /> Cole Advisory Panel Meets<br /> The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions met yesterday in Austin. Today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports, "Timothy Cole panel questions the creation of a Texas innocence commission," written by Dave Montgomery.</p> <p>An advisory panel bearing the name of a wrongfully convicted inmate from Fort Worth is apparently leaning against recommending the creation of a state innocence commission amid concerns that it would create a new bureaucracy and duplicate work already being performed in Texas law schools.</p> <p>The concept of an innocence commission to investigate whether convictions are wrongful was among several recommendations discussed Thursday by the Timothy Cole Advisory Panel. Cole, who died in prison after being convicted for a sexual assault that he didn't commit, was recently given a posthumous pardon by Gov. Rick Perry.</p> <p>The panel deferred votes until its next meeting, but members generally expressed reservations about creating an innocence commission. Some members called for bolstering similar work now under way in four Texas law schools.</p> <p>The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech, the University of Houston and Texas Southern University have projects or clinics that examine questionable convictions. Similar projects are in operation across the country.</p> <p>The commission's stance generally tracks that of Perry, who believes a commission "would create an added layer of government," said Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle. Perry's deputy general counsel, Mary Anne Wiley, is a member of the panel.</p> <p>And:</p> <p>Cory Session, Cole's brother, said he supports the panel's position and complimented it for its efforts to improve the state's criminal justice system. Cole's case has come to symbolize widening efforts in Texas and other states to correct legal weaknesses that have led to improper convictions. The panel was created by the 2009 Legislature as part of a push that also expanded benefits for former inmates who were exonerated after being cleared by DNA evidence.</p> <p>"We're pleased with the work they're putting forth so far," said Session, who attended Thursday's meeting along with his mother, Ruby Session, who led the family's 25-year-long battle to clear Cole. He introduced her at the meeting as "the mother of the wrongful conviction movement."</p> <p>Two exonerated former inmates, Stephen Phillips and Christopher Scott, also addressed the panel.</p> <p>"I knew I was innocent. Hardly anybody else did," said Phillips, who spent 26 years behind bars before being released in 2008. "I was afraid I was going to die."</p> <p>He said that efforts like those of the Cole panel have raised hopes among innocent people behind bars.</p> <p>Earlier coverage of the panel and of Tim Cole's posthumous exoneration begins with this post. An OpEd coauthored by Cory Session on wrongful convictions and DNA testing is noted here.</p> <p>Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:11 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, State Legislation, Task Force on Inigent Defense, Texas Legislature | Permalink</p> <p>Technorati Tags: Allison Castle, Christopher Scott, Cory Session, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness identification, innocence, Mary Anne Wiley, Rick Perry, Rick Perry, Stephen Phillips, Task Force on Indigent Defense, Texas, Tim Cole, Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions, wrongful conviction</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>NOW SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NOW ATTEMPT TO INVOLVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH VISIT 2 SAN ANTONIO ARCHBISHOP JOSE GOMEZ !</p> <p>~ WHEN WILL THE ICC OPEN THEIR INVESTIGATION INTO U.S. TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ~</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN HAVE DRIVEN THEIR HELTER SKELTER DEATH ROW POLICIES 2 U.S.SUPREME COURT &amp; INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) IN A MICHAEL DUKAKIS TANK ?</p> <p>SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OBVIOUSLY HAVE BIGGER FUTURE POLITICAL AMBITIONS THEN SAVING A POSSIBLE INNOCENT HANK SKINNER LIFE ?</p> <p>TOP TEN REASONS WHY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE DENYING TEXAN HANK SKINNER DNA TESTING PRIOR HIS POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION ???</p> <p>"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free "</p> <p>BEHOLD SARAH PALIN FANS, SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ALREADY DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IN MAKING SURE THAT THEY WILL BE THE ONLY REPUBLICAN 2012 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE~S !!!</p> <p>1) BOTH DO NOT BELIEVE THAT EXECUTING THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT ARE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ??</p> <p>2) BOTH DO NOT VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE LIKE OTHERS ~</p> <p>3) BOTH THINK ONLY GIRLY MEN ASK FOR DNA TESTING BEFORE THEIR POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ??</p> <p>4) BOTH HAVE BIG FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL POLITICAL AMBITIONS AND REALLY NEED THE TEA PARTY BACKERS &amp; NRA MEMBERS TO CARRY IT OFF ?</p> <p>5) BOTH WANT FINANCIAL POLITICAL SUPPORT $$$ FROM WEALTHY TEXANS WHO DISLIKE THE GUILTY POOR OR EVEN THE INNOCENT POOR IN AMERICA!</p> <p>6) * IS THE ONLY DEMONIC THING TO DO *</p> <p>7) BOTH BELIEVE THEIR WRONGFUL DEATH ROW TEXAS PRISON POLICY OF DON'T ASK AND WE WON'T TELL IS PROPER ?</p> <p>8) BOTH BELIEVE A FEW DEMONIC LIKE MISTAKES HERE OR THERE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE BEING WRONGFULLY EXECUTED IS TO BE EXPECTED WITH THEIR TEXAS DEATH ROW EXECUTION POLICIES ...</p> <p>9) THE DEVIL AND HE BOTH ENJOY DOING IT ?</p> <p>10) *** NEED THE NATIONAL ATTENTION ON BEING TOUGH ON CRIME BECAUSE THEY ARE SECRETLY PLANNING THEIR JOINT 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BID AND HAVE TO TAKE AWAY NATIONAL ATTENTION FROM REPUBLICAN SARAH PALIN ON THIS CRIME ISSUE ***</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY RECEIVE TELEPHONE CALL FROM DR.JACK KEVORKIAN EXPLAINING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXECUTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; STATE ASSISTED SUICIDES IN OREGON &amp; WASHINGTON !!!</p> <p>** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS OBVIOUSLY VIEW U.S. HUMAN LIFE DIFFERENTLY THEN RELIGIOUS AMERICANS **</p> <p>DEAR DR. JACK KEVORKIAN,</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY APPEARS TO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MODEL HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW PRISONS AFTER THE STATES OF WASHINGTON AND OREGON STATE ASSISTED SUICIDE NEWLY ENACTED STATE LEGISLATIVE LAWS !</p> <p>PLEASE SIR, IF YOU COULD FIND THE TIME TO CALL, INFORM AND EXPLAIN TO GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS THE VARIOUS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS OF POSSIBLE INNOCENT INMATES ON HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW AND THESE WILLING TERMINAL ILL RESIDENTS IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST ???</p> <p>~ HALF OF AMERICA DOES NOT WANT U.S. EXECUTIONS EVER &amp; THE OTHER HALF ONLY WANTS EXECUTIONS OF THE CONFIRMED GUILTY GOVERNOR PERRY !!!</p> <p>NOT ONE U.S. RELIGION OR RELIGIOUS LEADER AGREES WITH TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY EXECUTING EVEN THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT... poor americans ~</p> <p>** SAVING POSSIBLE INNOCENT U.S. LIVES IS OBVIOUSLY NOT ON SATANS OR TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRYS AGENDA **</p> <p>* APPARENTLY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NEEDS AMERICANS &amp; U.S.RELIGIOUS LEADERS PRAYERS 4 HIS OWN FREEDOM *</p> <p>WHILE SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY WERE DENYING HANK SKINNER THE ABILITY TO HAVE HIS DNA TESTED TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE BEFORE HIS TEXAS EXECUTION, THE LORD WAS IN OHIO HELPING THESE STATESMEN CREATE THIS FUTURE LEGISLATION TO SAVE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!!</p> <p>GOD HAS SPOKEN &amp; THESE PRECIOUS STATESMEN FROM OHIO HAVE LISTENED UNLIKE GOVERNOR PERRY OF TEXAS ???</p> <p>THANK YOU LORD ~ THIS OHIO GOVERNOR OBVIOUSLY HAS YOUR HEAVENLY CONCEPT ON THIS ONE !</p> <p>THANK YOU GOD FOR ALSO ALLOWING THIS FANTASTIC STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT TO CONTINUE BRINGING NEW LIFE TO OUR AMERICAN POOR WHO ARE HAVING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY INFLICTED ON THEM ALL ACROSS OUR WONDERFUL AND CHANGING COUNTRY !!!</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>Wednesday, April 07, 2010<br /> New Ohio DNA Law Called 'Model', 'Best in Nation'<br /> The text of the new law is here; you can also view the fiscal note and bill analyses. Governor Ted Strickland's brief press release is here.</p> <p>State Senator David Goodman sponsored SB 77, which expands DNA testing for certain convicted felons, eliminates DNA testing for felons who pleaded guilty or no contest, preserves biological evidence in criminal proceeding and improves eyewitness identification procedures.</p> <p>"This bill updates Ohio's DNA law and will play a significant role in the modernization of Ohio's system of criminal justice," Strickland said. "The new procedures will help improve criminal investigations and save lives."<br /> "Ohio's new DNA law called model," is the Columbus Dispatch report by Jim Siegel.</p> <p>With the stroke of Gov. Ted Strickland's pen yesterday, experts say Ohio now has some of the best laws in the country to protect the innocent from wrongful convictions and put the right people behind bars.</p> <p>Strickland, joined by a handful of men who were exonerated after serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit, signed Senate Bill 77. It sets statewide standards for retaining biological evidence, requires the taking of DNA from anyone arrested on a felony charge and requires new procedures for suspect lineups.</p> <p>"It's a good day for justice and fairness," said Strickland, flanked by Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, and Rep. W. Carlton Weddington, D-Columbus.</p> <p>Goodman introduced the bill after a Dispatch investigation in January 2008 exposed widespread shortcomings in Ohio's DNA law, including the derailing of prisoner DNA tests by systemic indifference or hostility.</p> <p>Attending the bill-signing were two men freed as a result of the newspaper's series: Robert McClendon of Columbus, who served 18 years for a child rape that DNA testing showed he did not commit; and Joseph Fears Jr. of Columbus, who wrongly served more than 25 years for two Columbus rapes.</p> <p>Other Ohioans freed in the past decade by DNA evidence - Walter Smith, Clarence Elkins and Danny Brown - also joined the governor.</p> <p>"I feel very emotional about what we've accomplished today," Goodman said, noting the six-year process of drafting and changing DNA-evidence laws. "It's going to improve the criminal-justice system in so many different ways."</p> <p>Marc Kovac writes, "DNA collection requirements for criminals, accused OK'd," for the state's News-Leader.</p> <p>The new law includes provisions concerning the storage and access of DNA samples, providing a mechanism for individuals convicted of crimes to prove their innocence.</p> <p>It creates a new statewide task force to establish standards for collecting, storing and cataloging biological evidence.</p> <p>It requires law enforcement to follow certain procedures when conducting live or photo lineups for witnesses to identify potential law breakers.</p> <p>And it calls for anyone 18 years or older who are arrested on felony charges to submit DNA samples to law enforcement -- something that has prompted concern about civil liberties and government intrusion into citizens' lives.</p> <p>Strickland downplayed those concerns.</p> <p>The Cincinnati Business Courier has, "Ohio's new DNA law a model, experts say."</p> <p>"Ohio is truly the national leader on innocence reforms and will be the role model other states look to as they contemplate similar measures in the coming years," said Mark Godsey, director of the Innocence Project, in the Dispatch report.</p> <p>Florida's Lakeland Ledger notes the new law with, "Ohio’s DNA law considered best in country," posted by Shoshana Walter.</p> <p>-Requires DNA samples to be taken from anyone convicted of a felony after July 1, 2011.</p> <p>-Requires agencies to retain biological evidence for up to 30 years in murder and sexual-assault cases. Five year limit when defendant pleads guilty.</p> <p>-Allows DNA testing for parolees and anyone in the sex offender registry.</p> <p>-Requires blind suspect lineups, meaning the officer either doesn’t know the identity of the real suspect or uses a photo-lineup technique in which only the witness can see the photos.</p> <p>-Provides incentives for investigators to record interrogations.</p> <p>And:</p> <p>There are some similarities to some Florida laws already on the books.</p> <p>In 2006, Florida required DNA evidence to be preserved for anyone who could petition for post conviction DNA testing (that would apply only to those convicted of felonies). My understanding is that before that law went into effect, each court system throughout the state had different policies about when and how evidence got destroyed–many Florida counties simply destroyed DNA evidence that might have led to exonerations.</p> <p>That wasn’t the case in Polk, though. The Clerk of Court’s office told me that before the 2006 law, Florida’s 10th Judicial Circuit actually saved all evidence in life or death sentence cases.</p> <p>Earlier this week, Sharon Coolidge wrote, "DNA bill helped by University of Cincinnati students," for the Cincinnati Enquirer.</p> <p>Watch any crime cop show on TV and DNA evidence likely played a role in capturing the bad guy.</p> <p>But in real life, lawyers say that evidence isn't always available.<br /> DNA will be more readily available in years to come because a group of University of Cincinnati students helped craft bill that overhauls the state's criminal justice system in an effort to avoid wrongful convictions.</p> <p>Gov. Ted Strickland is set to sign Senate Bill 77 into law today.The bill creates:</p> <p>A requirement that DNA be saved in all serious crimes for five years in plea bargain cases and for 30 years, or until a person gets out of prison, if a person is found guilty at trial.</p> <p>Police incentives for recording interrogations start to finish.</p> <p>A requirement that police lineups and eyewitness photo identifications be double blind, meaning the officer in charge of the lineup doesn't even know who the suspect is.</p> <p>An expansion of post-conviction DNA testing to allow convicted felons better access to DNA testing.</p> <p>A requirement that DNA be taken from people after arrest on felony charges, instead of after conviction as happens now.</p> <p>The provisions take effect by the end of the year, except for DNA collection after arrest, which is delayed due to the anticipated $1.9 million-per-year cost.</p> <p>A March 25 Columbus Dispatch article, "Lawmakers OK Ohio DNA bill," reported the new law's legislative passage.</p> <p>In their final session before heading into an Easter break, Ohio lawmakers moved bills yesterday designed to improve criminal investigations, ban texting while driving and give local law enforcement more power to tackle illegal immigration.</p> <p>After setting modern records this session for a lack of legislative action, the House and Senate opened the spigot and sent a number of measures to Gov. Ted Strickland, including one that would require the collection of DNA evidence from anyone arrested on a felony charge in Ohio.</p> <p>Strickland is expected to sign Senate Bill 77, which also opens DNA testing to parolees. The bill also requires blind suspect lineups - where the presiding officer does not know the identity of the true suspect or can't see the picture a witness is viewing - and sets a new 30-year standard for retaining biological evidence in cases of murder and sexual assault.</p> <p>The limit is five years when a defendant pleads guilty, a House-added provision that bill sponsor Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, opposes. "I think it's too short a period of time, and individuals will potentially have some problems down the line," he told the Senate before a final concurrence vote.</p> <p>But, Goodman added, he agreed to the compromise and said it's "still a very good bill."</p> <p>Related posts can be found in the DNA, eyewitness identification, and state legislation indexes.</p> <p>Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 11:20 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, Law Enforcement, State Legislation | Permalink</p> <p>Technorati Tags: Clarence Elkins, Danny Brown, David Goodman, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness id, eyewitness identification, Florida, Joseph Fears, law enforcement, lineup, Mark Godsey, Ohio, Ohio Legislature, Robert McClendon, SB 77, Senate Bill 77, Ted Strickland, University of Cincinnati, Walter Smith</p> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS.WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME OR TELEPHONE NUMBER.</p> <p><a href="mailto:lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com">lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com</a><br /> (424-247-2013)</p> <p>*** GREAT SOCIETIES THAT DO NOT PROTECT THE INNOCENT BECOME THE GUILTY GOVERNOR RICK PERRY !!!</p> <p>** TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY PLEASE STOP ALLOWING SATAN &amp; HIS DEMONS TO INFLUENCE YOU WITH THESE TEXAS STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS(MURDERS) OF THE INNOCENT &amp; THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!!</p> <p>*** YOUR BOTH WRONG AND OUT ON A LIMB GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ~ TEA PARTY MEMBERS &amp; THE NRA ALSO VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!!</p> <p>AMERICANS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE FROM ALL VARIOUS RELIGIONS ALSO DISAGREE WITH SATAN'S AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S PRISON POLICIES OF EXECUTING INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!!</p> <p>* OUR U.S.SUPREME COURT VIEWING THESE CONTINUING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON POORer AMERICANS IN TEXAS WILL SURELY ENACT WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTION IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND *</p> <p>***********************************************************************</p> <p>SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS CAN'T HIDE THIS !!!<br /> .<br /> THESE HANK SKINNER REPLIES SHOULD MAKE ANY FAIR MINDED AMERICAN QUESTION... YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S ???</p> <p>Hell Hole News #24 - Hank Skinner<br /> Hell<br /> April 10, 2010 </p> <p>More fun! It has been brought to my attention that some false and undocumented « adverse » allegations, about me and my case are currently circulating on the web. Ordinarily I ignore things like this but I want to expose these coward allegations, usually raised by the haters, so it provides me a unique and excellent opportunity to counter this once and for all. In the future, any of my supporters or others inquiring on these topics can be referred to this NHHN article and it will save me the time and effort of having to repeat myself.</p> <p>1/ Henry Watkins “Hank†Skinner – the Hype</p> <p>No, dummy, it’s the facts, sans hype.</p> <p>2/ When one reads all the media-driven innocence hype about Hank Skinner, one can be instantly coerced into believing that Skinner is truly innocent of the ghastly murders of Twila Busby and her two mentally-impaired sons.</p> <p>No one is coercing anyone. The facts speak loudly for themselves. Two the most prestigious innocence projects in America both say I’m likely innocent and the evidence that remains needs to be tested.</p> <p>3/ After all, Skinner is a cause de celebre around the world – a poster boy for “justice deniedâ€. How could he have possibly done what a jury convicted him of?</p> <p>Needs no comment.</p> <p>4/ Hank’s jailhouse “wife†(a French anti-death penalty activist in real life) and Hank have done a great job at putting together a website calling into question aspects of how Hank has been treated over the years. There was, according to Hank and Mrs. Hank, a massive criminal/judicial conspiracy involving the police, prosecutors, judges and even Hank’s original trial attorney.</p> <p>Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner is not my “jailhouse wife†but my wife in every respect, legal and otherwise. We are legally married in both Texas and France. The President of France and his Foreign minister made a diplomatic entreaty to the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, on our behalf, asking Perry for a 30-day reprieve of execution and to conduct the DNA tests. That’s how legal our marriage is. I have our marriage license and certificate. I can produce it upon request to any who doubt me.</p> <p>No one ever said there was any massive criminal conspiracy. I said, merely, the pigs didn’t like me for various reasons, there was animus against me and it provided them a motive to frame me, which they most certainly did. It was caused by small town, small minded authorities who possess exactly the same mindset as the person who authored this mess I’m now responding to. My trial attorney was an ex D.A. who’d previously prosecuted me.</p> <p>5/ But the simple question remains: did Hank Skinner kill the Busby family?</p> <p>No, I most certainly did not. The hairs ‘clutched’ in the victim’s (Twila’s) hand, sticking out from between her knuckles and caught under her ring, the D.A. says she pulled those hairs “from the head of her assailant during the struggle for her life, which she ultimately lostâ€. John Mann at first lied and said those hairs were mine. Subsequent DNA testing of the hairs at first produced a “mixed profile†alleged to contain my DNA. Further testing revealed this result was due to contamination in the wellplate caused by loading my standard sample too close to the evidentiary sample of Twila’s. Further testing proved that the blood flakes off the hair are solely Twila’s own blood and, subsequent mitochondrial testing of the hairs themselves are from an unknown male individual. I am absolutely and unequivocally excluded. See my letter 01/07/10 to D.A. Lynn Switzer and accompanying exhibits P2, P3 &amp; P4 which are available on my website (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph). It is beyond obvious that the person making these allegations is not at all well acquainted with the facts of the case but just hating and mud slinging.</p> <p>6/ Was Skinner the murderer, or was it some faceless, nameless (or conveniently dead) person who poisoned Skinner with codeine (something to which Skinner was “deathly allergicâ€) before killing the family while Skinner slept?</p> <p>See 5 above. He’s not faceless or nameless. We have his DNA profile! He’s not “conveniently deadâ€, just dead. In 1996/97 my investigator of that time confronted Twila’s uncle and told him he believed he was guilty. Bob Donnell had a confirmed incestuous relationship with Twila and probably killed her because of it. According to the state’s own witnesses Donnell had the means, motive, opportunity and animus to have committed the murders. The criminalist who viewed the jacket said it had medium velocity impact blood spatter on the cuffs and forearms of the sleeves meaning it was likely worn by the assailant. Only Twila had injuries which would cause impact spatter.</p> <p>7/ In order for Skinner not to have been the killer, one has to ignore or dismiss an extraordinary set of events. Skinner would also have to be taken at his word on many of the events of New Year’s Eve, 1993.</p> <p>This preface is a total lie. You don’t have to ignore or dismiss anything – this is truly “hypeâ€. You don’t have to take my word for anything. That’s why the evidence and affidavits of scientific experts and forensic tests are so extensively presented on my website – like I say, it all speaks for itself but, you have to take time to read and review it, which this person obviously did not.</p> <p>8/ Here are some of the things one would have to believe</p> <p>Not true. See 9 and 12 below.</p> <p>9/ some anonymous person spiked Skinner’s drink, before the murders, for whatever reason</p> <p>No, they probably did not. I will not knowingly take codeine because it makes me sick. I’d not had any R’s for codeine. All my friends who’d been to our house that afternoon and evening knew I was allergic to codeine and that I avoided it studiously. I used to think someone must have poisoned me because I wouldn’t take codeine voluntarily.</p> <p>A few years ago I learned that truth from a toxicologist who testified in another guy’s case, here. He says that once you reach a certain level of intoxication you go colorblind. Twila was always putting pills in her drink and sipping that one drink all evening. I later learned her girlfriend (G.S.) had given her 13 Fiorinal #4 codeine that she’d put in her drink. Twila and I had identical glasses but hers was Fuschia pink, mine was baby medium blue. I vaguely remember seeing the dregs of pills in the bottom of my cup and getting sick, passing out. I couldn’t figure out how it got into my cup. So I thought someone must have poisoned me. I think now I was just too messed up and colorblind to tell our cups apart anymore, I accidentally got Twila’s cup and drank from it, thinking it was my cup.</p> <p>10/ A comatose Skinner “slept†through the murder (and possibly rape) of his beloved girlfriend, and the stabbing of her kids</p> <p>I was comatose. I didn’t “sleep†through anything, I was out cold. Howard Mitchell, one of the two of the State’s star witnesses, testified that he came over to pick us up, I was out of it, he grabbed my arm and jerked on it until he pulled my torso off the couch but he got no response from me at all, even while screaming and hollering in my face “Come on Hank, Let’s go! Get up! Come on!†See the legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph, exhibit Q to my letter to Lynn Switzer on my website - Interview of Howard Mitchell by D.A.’s investigator.<br /> My recitation of the facts and what I believe happened and why are presented just so I can tell the facts and how I believe they fit together, to give you the whole picture in a coherent fashion. But each item has a link to the evidence that backs it up, so you don’t need to take my word for anything. Review the evidence and let it speak to you of its own volition.</p> <p>11/ Skinner could only to be roused by the girlfriend’s stabbed and mortally-wounded mentally-impaired son</p> <p>“Skinner could only to be roused byâ€? That sentence makes no sense. “could only to beâ€? Well, Scooter got me off the couch over two and a half hours after Howard tried to and failed, he did so by sprinkling water in my face. He was mortally wounded. He helped me up to get dressed, we left the house together after checking on Randy and (Scooter) finding he was dead. Scooter and Randy were not “mentally impairedâ€, “mentally challenged†or “retardedâ€. Twila’s mother, Beverly, was a nursing home manager/administrator. She was a master at milking the federal system for $ to care for her wards at the old folks home. She employed the same tactics for Scooter and Randy. They were getting social security disability checks every month. Scooter was listed as mentally retarded and suffering muscular dystrophy; Randy as mentally retarded. Mann discovered this subterfuge of Beverly’s and decided to employ it for his own purposes. I was 5’9â€, 145 lbs at the time. Scooter was 6’6â€, 245 lbs. Randy was 6’1â€, 180 lbs. There was no way any jury was going to believe I overpowered and killed Scooter and his mother in my condition at the time of the murders. So Mann turned them into “poor little retarded boys†and tried to get the Medical Examiner at autopsy to diminish their heights and weights. I don’t know how Randy was stabbed in his bed, either. I only know that’s supposedly where he was found according to the pigs. But the M.E. says both Randy and his mother’s bodies were moved prior to her in situ inspection.</p> <p>12/ After this rousing, he managed to stumble around through the crime scene in a “stuporous†state, getting his handprint all over everything, and all the victim’s blood all over him</p> <p>That’s not true. First, the person who wrote this garbage tries to paint in overly broad strokes and weakly implies some inculpatory evidence results from it. For example: “getting his handprints all over everythingâ€. My handprints were never detected or identified as being “all over everythingâ€, but I’m sure my prints were all over items in the house because (DUH) I lived there. Most importantly though, my fingerprints are not on any of the three murder weapons and it is not my print on a black plastic trash bag that contained one of the murder weapons. I am not linked forensically to the murders at all. More importantly still, I did not have “all the victims’ blood all over meâ€. Two stains were tested on my clothes and determined to be only contact stains. As the State’s own experts at trial explained, those stains proved only that I either came into contact with a victim at a time after they became bloody or, I came into contact with a surface upon which one of the victims deposited blood; again at a time after they became bloody. So you see, that evidence does not prove me guilty of anything at all but is totally consistent with my defense that I fell at the scene after getting off the couch, after the murders occurred, when leaving the house. Only Scooter and Twila’s DNA was on my shirt and pants, two spots. Randy’s blood/DNA was not on me at all. So again “all the victims’ blood all over him†is a blatant lie.</p> <p>13/ Skinner’s website (hankskinner.org) spends page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist who claimed that, because of the level of codeine and alcohol in Skinner’s system, Skinner would have been unable to commit the murders</p> <p>I spend “page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist†blah-blah-blah. Well, if this hater had read that “push-outâ€, he/she would know that toxicologist is a 27-year experienced FBI agent whose testimony was unrefuted and that the State’s own expert confirmed as correct his testimony, blood alcohol and blood codeine timeline profiles and his retrograde analysis as to how much alcohol/codeine was in my system and when I took it.</p> <p>14/ But there is a big question: when did Skinner really take (or ingest) the drugs? 15/ A toxicology study can tell, given the level of drugs/alcohol in one’s blood at the time the study is performed, what the intoxication levels were between the time the drugs were taken and the time of the testing 16/ A toxicology study cannot tell when one actually ingested a substance. So we have to rely on Skinner to tell us when he ingested the codeine</p> <p>That is a lie. No, again you do not have to rely on my word about when I took the codeine. This hater here just totally overlooks the evidence. The toxicologist, Dr Lowry, allows the State’s witnesses to tell him when I ingested the codeine and the evidence proves it unequivocally. Twila and I called Howard to come get us at 9:15 – 9:30pm and I was drunk but coherent. Howard got there 45 minutes later at 10:15pm and I would out cold, comatose, unrousable by any external stimuli. Dr Lowary knew alcohol alone would not have put me under that deep because he knew what my B.A.C. was at that time. Andrea testified that I did not consume any pills or drink, any alcohol while I was at her home. Once again, the State’s experts totally agreed with these findings so it’s not a matter in any dispute at all, despite what this hater would attempt to lead you to believe, otherwise. So, there is no question or dispute that I ingested the codeine before 10:00pm but after 9:15pm, before the murders, not after them.</p> <p>Also there is no question of tolerance to codeine. First of all, I never took codeine, my Rx records clearly show I never had any Rx for it; so I could not have been tolerant of it. Secondly my condition at the time of the murders is described by the State’s two star witnesses, Andrea Reed and Howard Mitchell. See <a href="http://www.hankskinner.org">http://www.hankskinner.org</a> (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph) exhibits Q &amp; R. Andrea’s recantation testimony is also available from the federal evidentiary hearing on my website. I’d urge you to read it in its entirety and especially view John Mann’s diatribe against her telling the truth at a previous grand jury proceeding where he openly threatens her and then later urges the court reporter not to record it – but he did, anyway.</p> <p>17/ AHH, THE CODEINE – Skinner’s website says (in the 2nd paragraph) “Skinner was also subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine and passed out some time before 10:15pm…†The website goes on to drive home the point home about how “severely allergic†Skinner is to codeine.</p> <p>View the blood codeine profile-timeline graphic display that was presented at trial. There is no question that I was subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine between .8 mg per liter and 1.35 mg per liter. View the affidavit of Dr Harold Kalant on my website. Dr Kalant is probably the world’s foremost recognized expert on this issue.</p> <p>18/ See, if Skinner knowingly taken codeine that his allergy to which (again according to the website) had been documented in “his medical reports since the age of 19â€, and made Skinner “deathly ill†one might tend to ask why he took it, right?</p> <p>I accidentally ingested it. I wouldn’t have voluntarily or knowingly have taken the codeine. There is a range of intolerance to codeine. The lightest is, it makes you itch. Most people have that reaction to it. The worst if anaphylactic shock, which is a histamine reaction that can easily be very deadly. My level of intolerance is one step down from anaphylactic shock, termed moderately severe: extreme lethargy, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, colorblindness – every thing turns kodachrome shades of red and green tinted with black, difficulty breathing – my lungs feel like they’re full of cotton and my throat feels constricted; impaired balance and gait. When you add that on top of the vodka and Xanax I’d knowingly consumed that night, it is not easy to see why I’d be comatose and utterly incapable of committing these murders?</p> <p>19/ So in order for Skinner’s story to work, somebody else would have had to have poisoned Skinner.</p> <p>It’s not “Skinner’s storyâ€. The evidence speaks for itself. No, somebody else probably had nothing to do with my being poisoned by codeine. See 9 above.</p> <p>20/ So Skinner’s website says “… it is believed that (Skinner) was either accidentally or intentionally poisoned by the addition of the pills to his drinks (…) Hank was comatose during the commission of the murders…â€</p> <p>See 9 above.</p> <p>21/ So when did Skinner ingest the codeine and who spiked his drink?</p> <p>See 16 above.</p> <p>22/ If Skinner (as his website claims) was already “passed out†from the codeine at 10:15 (when Twila Busy left with a close friend to go to the party), does this mean the faceless/nameless alleged murderer had already been in the house before 10:15 spiking drinks in preparation for the stabbings and beating that were to come?</p> <p>See 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 above.</p> <p>23/ Skinner, who apparently couldn’t stand for a photo at the police station, didn’t seem to have much trouble standing up and hiding from the police in his ex-girlfriend’s closet at the time of his arrest (a detail that curiously isn’t mentioned on Skinner’s website)</p> <p>See Sheriff Stubblefield’s deposition in the federal proceedings available on my website. He admits I was not “hiding in the closetâ€. That detail curiously, certainly is mentioned on my website in more than one place. When the police showed up at Andrea’s, she put me in the front bedroom which had a bare mattress on the floor and it was dark. She told me to stay there until the police left. The closet was shallow and full of clothes. It had no doors. When the police stormed into the room with guns drawn and flipped on the light, I stumbled backwards off the edge of the mattress and fell back against the clothes in the closet. My knee joints hyperflexed and locked. My butt was jammed against the clothes, my feet jammed against the edge of the mattress. I couldn’t get up. But I was at all times in plain sight and not attempting to “hide†at all. I just didn’t want to be shot. They kept screaming “Get down! Get on the ground!†but I couldn’t move. So the D.A.’s investigator stepped forward, I held out my hands and he pulled me forward onto the mattress.</p> <p>24/ Was Skinner selectively comatose: comatose during the murders, then lucid at his ex’s house, but comatose again at the police station? A little bit of an inconvenient question for Skinner isn’t it?</p> <p>Covered above and in Andrea Reed’s recantation testimony, not worthy of any reply.</p> <p>25/ Perhaps it’s more likely that Skinner heard the police coming through the front door of his ex’s house, so he hid in the closet, pulled a handful of codeine pills out of the pocket of his blood-soaked clothes, and popped them in his mouth in an attempt to commit suicide.</p> <p>Covered above. I didn’t have “blood soaked clothesâ€. The spots on my clothes are covered above in 12. It truly amazes me, the liberties people take in telling their little false stories about this case, even some elements in the media embellish the blood and gore in order to try to make me look guilty. “Blood caked on his clothes. The killer…â€: Allan Turner of the Houston Chronicle. “Blood drenched clothesâ€, “blood soaked clothesâ€, “he was covered in the blood of the victimsâ€, “He had their blood all over himâ€. None of that is true. What makes people lie like that? It’s true, I had some blood on my clothes, mostly contact stains from falling at the scene, some dripped blood from my hand wound. My clothes were hanging on the furniture during the commission of the murders and I’m sure that being right next to where Twila was murdered, they got blood spatter on them somewhere. This produces one other thought, a question I’ve always wanted to ask people. If you were in my condition on the night in question and trying to get dressed and get out of there with Scooter, would you be even thinking about getting blood on you? I could’ve cared less. I was pretty much hysterical, in shock, scared to death and too intoxicated to think anything like that. I don’t remember much of what we did, just bits and flashes, but I think Scooter was frantic to go and I went with him. That seemed to be his main theme “We gotta go. We gotta get the hell outa hereâ€. So we did. It never once entered my mind that I can think of “oh, don’t touch that. Don’t get that on you, they’ll blame youâ€. One last thing on this issue, I’ve never denied being there. I had every right to be there, it was my home. Under Texas law, mere presence doesn’t prove guilt.</p> <p>26/ The fact is: there is no evidence (except Skinner’s word) that he was passed out from codeine at 10:15. The only thing anybody knows is that Skinner didn’t take codeine between the time he was arrested and the time he was tested.</p> <p>That is a blatant lie. Once again, you don’t have to take my word – take the word of the State’s second star witness Howard Mitchell! See Exhibit Q to my letter to Switzer on my website. At 10:15pm I was out cold, he says. He testified to that at trial. It’s irrefuted and undisputed!</p> <p>27/ AAH, THE BLOOD-SOAKED CLOTHES. Here is another detail that, curiously enough, seems to have escaped on Skinner’s website.</p> <p>Nothing has escaped mention. See Exhibit F to my letter to Switzer on my website.</p> <p>28/ Skinner, according to police reports, was found standing in a closet at his ex-girlfriend’s house wearing clothes soaked in the victims’ blood some 3 hours later.</p> <p>More lies. See 25 above.</p> <p>29/ Let’s add a quote from Skinner’s website: “Three hours after their initial search of the crime scene, the police traced Hank to his neighbor’s house and immediately arrested himâ€. What?</p> <p>Police didn’t “trace†me anywhere. They went to Andrea’s looking for Connie, my ex-wife. They found me instead.</p> <p>30/ The “inseparable†and distraught Hank Skinner certainly called the police to report the murders, didn’t he?</p> <p>The phone cord was jerked out of the wall. Nobody could call from our house. Scooter tried.</p> <p>31/ Neither Skinner nor his ex-girlfriend, were apparently distraught enough to call the police. Skinner was, however, lucid enough to hide from them, in a closed, in blood-soaked clothes when the police came along.</p> <p>Andrea wasn’t any longer my ex. We hadn’t been together in over 10 years at that time. We were friends but we weren’t associating at that time because she quit drinking and I had not. See 25 above.</p> <p>32/ AAH, “INSEPARABLE†Skinner frequently refers to Twila Busby, and himself, as inseparable. They were, according to Skinner, madly in love. They were always together.</p> <p>That’s true.</p> <p>33/ However court testimony painted a different picture. Skinner was abusive and violent, not only to Twila Busby, but to her sons as well.</p> <p>Court testimony painted no such picture at all. Twila and I never fussed or argued. See John Mann, D.A.’s memo 01.10.94 Bates stamped pages #94, 95 &amp; 96 out of the D.A.’s file. Beverly, Twila’s mother, stated that I was very good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa. She’d never seen Twila happier than when she was with me. Twila’s mother had direct contact with her every day and talked to her every night before bed.</p> <p>34/ But they weren’t the only targets of Skinner’s wrath. Skinner has even more violence in history. To quote Skinner, again, from his website: “I have one probation for aggravated assault on a police officer.â€</p> <p>Danny Lance beat the shit out of me at the city jail. Danny was Pampa P.D. In order to try to cover up his beating me, he alleged an injury and instead claimed I assaulted him. Detective Alan Smith however told the truth in his statement: I heard Skinner cry out. I turned to see Skinner flying backwards into the drunk tank with Officer Lance going in and on top of Skinner. Later Officer Lance said Skinner kicked him but I did not see any assault.â€</p> <p>On 01.05.94 in a recorded statement, the sheriff acknowledged that Harold Comer, then D.A., was supposed to terminate my probation but failed to do so. Thus rather than it showing as unadjudicated offense it shows as a felony conviction. I was arrested in the summer of 1992 for an outstanding revocation warrant on this non-existent probation, I was immediately released but the improper conviction was never remedied.</p> <p>35/ More accurate: Skinner had a 1998 felony conviction for aggravated assault on the cop for which he initially received probation. Skinner’s probation was revoked and he was sent to prison after two subsequent felony convictions for motor vehicle (UUMV).</p> <p>See 34. More lies.</p> <p>36/ According to the Texas Attorney General, “Skinner was also arrested in Gun Barrel City on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and became violent and abusive with arresting officers.â€</p> <p>People can allege anything. How odd that the “charges†were never formally filed and I was released after the alleged witnesses were found to be lying.</p> <p>37/ But according to Skinner’s website, it’s all a big conspiracy. Everything was against him. The police, the district attorney, the judge, the Texas Attorney General, all the people at the crime labs – even Skinner’s own court-appointed attorney who Skinner (according to his website) embarrassed on multiple occasion in Skinner’s role as an “able paralegal worth a proven track record for caring and standing up for the rights of the people he barely even knew.â€</p> <p>Hardly.</p> <p>38/ But, hey, we’re getting off on a bit of tangent here. The real murderer. So who does Skinner claim was the faceless/nameless family murderer?</p> <p>See 5 and 6 above.</p> <p>39/ Twila Busby’s dead uncle. Quoting Skinner’s website: “Robert Donnell, Twila’s maternal uncle, had a history of violence and was seen stalking Twila at a neighbor’s New Year’s Eve party on the night of the crime. Donnell had twice raped Twila in recent past and was known to have a propensity for knives.â€</p> <p>True. There’s far more.</p> <p>40/ Skinner’s website suggests that not only did Uncle Robert stab the kids and bludgeon Twila Busby to death, he raped her, too.</p> <p>The medical examiner’s testimony supports that she was raped too, yes. Her vaginal rim was reddened and chafed indicating recent sexual activity and she had possible semen in her panties.</p> <p>41/ All of this happened, of course, when Skinner lay “comatose†on the sofa after consuming the drink that Uncle Robert must have spiked hours earlier.</p> <p>See 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 above.</p> <p>42/ It should be noted that Robert Donnell had no convictions, nor had he ever been arrested, for violence, illegal weapons or sexual assaults – ever.</p> <p>Rober Donnell had a long history of violence and that was testified to extensively by a long line of witnesses at both trial and the federal evidentiary hearing. Donnell attempted to kill Jimmy Hayes with a knife, he strangled California Rim while pregnant. He bragged to anyone who’ listen about how he killed a guy at pool hall in Oklahoma in a knife fight. He carried guns, knives and other “illegal weapons†everywhere he went. He tried to kill Doug Ward, Twila’s brother, Bob’s own nephew. He tried to rape Sherry Barnett-Baker and she testified at trial about it. See, again, Howard Mitchell’s interview with D.A. investigator Bill McMinn 09.24.94 (Exhibit Q of my letter Switzer on my website and investigator’s Cliff Carpenter affidavit about Donnell).</p> <p>43/ But hey, even so, things could have unfolded exactly the way Skinner said they did in his 17-page diatribe: Skinner was simply a loving boyfriend, a talented paralegal, who stuck it to The Man and stood up for the rights of the wronged, and who happened to be a victim, himself, in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong condition.</p> <p>A slew of reputable people have testified to my character, legal ability and activism on behalf of others and, in the community in general. A lot of it was covered in the newspapers. I don’t need to toot my own horn.</p> <p>44/ Because believing that Hank Skinner was a sociopathic ex-con with a documented history of felonies and violence toward others, and who killed a mother of 2 children then hid from the police in a neighbor’s closet wearing clothes soaked with his victims’ blood would really be a stretch!</p> <p>Bullshit! It certainly would be a helluva stretch, because the uncontested record evidence says otherwise. Truth will out.<br /> The truth hurts, don’t it? I sure wish these people had the balls to identify themselves. Go back to your little drawing board and try to dream some new lies. I’ll be waiting to further introduce you to truth and reality.<br /> Best regards,</p> <p>Hank</p> <p>999143 Polunsky Unit<br /> H W Hank Skinner<br /> 3872 FM 350 South<br /> Livingston TX 77351-8580</p> <p><a href="http://www.hankskinner.org">http://www.hankskinner.org</a><br /> Posted by Hooman Hedayati at 5:27 PM<br /> Labels: H W HANK SKINNER, Hell Hole News</p> <p>~ IF THE DNA DOES NOT FIT WE MUST ACQUIT ~ WHEN GOVERNORS USE EXECUTIONS OF THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT TO SHOW VOTERS THEY ARE TOUGH ON CRIME</p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
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#markup (String, 53874 characters ) <p>THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AME...
<p>THE BEAUTY OF AMERICAN LIFE FOR MOST ALL AMERICANS IS PARTIALLY BASED ON OUR COUNTRIES FREEDOM OF SPEECH &amp; FREEDOM OF RELIGION WHICH<br /> HAVE BEEN BUILT INTO THE VERY FABRIC OF OUR AMERICAN SOCIETY-LIFE~STYLE.</p> <!--break--><p> BY OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY ALLOWING TEXAS POLITICAL PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNERS PRISON VOICE TO BE WRONGFULLY EXECUTED WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING EVEN IF THE DNA FIT...ONLY AFFIRMS THAT AMERICA IS NOW HEADED ON A VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE OF DENYING LIFE TO THOSE WHO DARE SPEAK OUT !!!</p> <p>WILL U.S. SUPREME COURT ALLOW AMERICA TO ALSO BE ACCUSED OF EXECUTING our ACTIVISTS LIKE OTHERS WORLD~WIDE... HANK SKINNER ???</p> <p>EXECUTING TEXAS PRISON ACTIVIST HANK SKINNER PRIOR ALLOWING HIM TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE VIA DNA TESTING WILL BE A FIRST FOR THIS GREAT COUNTRY OF OURS, &amp; WILL OBVIOUSLY PUT OUR AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM &amp; INTERNATIONAL IMAGE INTO A NEW CATEGORY ALIGNED WITH OTHERS IN THE WORLD ACCUSED WITH SIMILIAR TYPES OF WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS !!! </p> <p>SURELY OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES WILL ALSO RESPECT DNa INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE DNa INNOCENT AMERICAN LIFE OUTSIDE THE WOMB ~</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE TAKING U.S. INTO A NEW WORLD ORDER OF EXECUTIONS !!! </p> <p>CERTAIN AMERICANS IN POWERFUL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS APPEAR TO BE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT INNOCENT FETUS LIFE BEING DESTROYED, BUT SOMEHOW SEEM TO HAVE VERY DIFFERENT FEELINGS ABOUT THE HORROR &amp; TRAGIC REALITY OF OUR INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT POORER AMERICANS BEING WRONFULLY EXECUTED IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ?</p> <p>~ THE PEOPLE CALL OUR BEST &amp; LAST WITNESS TO THE STAND YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S....MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS REST OUR CASE AFTER CALLING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES TO THE STAND ~</p> <p> OUR AMERICAN MILITARY COMMANDERS &amp; SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT GATES COULD NEVER EVEN CONCEIVE OF EVER ALLOWING ANY OF OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. ENLISTED MILITARY SOLDIERS TO BE SUBJECT TO SUCH MISGUIDED SATANIC EXECUTION INJUSTICES AS CURRENTLY BEING PRACTICED IN GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S TEXAS PRISON SYSTEM !!!</p> <p>LETS ALL HOPE &amp; PRAY RELIGIOUS &amp; SPIRITUAL AMERICANS THAT OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT FINDS IT IN THEIR POWER &amp; JUDICIAL WISDOM TO PROPERLY ENACT FUTURE FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE LAWS ASSURING ALL OF OUR MIDDLE~CLASS &amp; WORKING POOR AMERICANS THE SAME RESPECT &amp; PROTECTIONS FOR POSSIBLE INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIAN LIFE THAT OUR U.S.MILITARY HONORS FOR THEIR ENTRUSTED TROOPS ...</p> <p>WE ARE ALL WELL AWARE THAT POORER AMERICANS CHILDREN MAKE UP OUR WORLD~WIDE U.S. MILITARY WHICH PROTECTS OUR USA AND INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS... SO WHO COULD EVER IMAGINE IN THEIR WILDEST DREAMS THAT IN 2010 WE little people HERE IN AMERICA STILL HAVE TO BEG OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT 4 WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND ???</p> <p>OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT KNOWS THAT ONLY SATAN WOULD WANT EXECUTIONS OF INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT IN TEXAS GOVERNOR PERRY !!!</p> <p>~ SATAN AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD AND FOOL OUR U.S. SUPREME COURT AND RELIGIOUS AMERICANS NATION~WIDE INTO ACCEPTING THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS IN THEIR TEXAS PRISONS AS A ROLE~MODEL FOR THE REST OF OUR COUNTRY ~</p> <p>AMERICANS PLEASE JUST TAKE A REAL GOOD LOOK INTO TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S EYES &amp; YOU WILL SURELY SEE MORE THEN JUST A DEVILISH LITTLE LOOK !!!</p> <p>U.S. SUPREME COURT TO THE RESCUE OF MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS OR JUST A BAD DREAM THAT REAL JUSTICE IS CONTINUING TO BE DENIED ALL US LITTLE PEOPLE HERE IN AMERICA ??</p> <p>* CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN OTHER THEN SATAN HOW TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ON ONE HAND PARDONS A DEAD FORMER TEXAS INMATE TIMOTHY COLE WHO WRONGFULLY DIED IN A TEXAS PRISON AFTER MANY YEARS OF ATTEMPTING TO EXONERATE HIMSELF USING DNA TESTING FOR A CRIME HE NEVER COMMITTED, AND WITHIN THE SAME MONTH THIS SAME GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS DENIES YET ANOTHER DNA TEST PRIOR ANOTHER POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION OF HANK SKINNER ???<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT</p> <p>Friday, April 23, 2010<br /> Cole Advisory Panel Meets<br /> The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions met yesterday in Austin. Today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports, "Timothy Cole panel questions the creation of a Texas innocence commission," written by Dave Montgomery.</p> <p>An advisory panel bearing the name of a wrongfully convicted inmate from Fort Worth is apparently leaning against recommending the creation of a state innocence commission amid concerns that it would create a new bureaucracy and duplicate work already being performed in Texas law schools.</p> <p>The concept of an innocence commission to investigate whether convictions are wrongful was among several recommendations discussed Thursday by the Timothy Cole Advisory Panel. Cole, who died in prison after being convicted for a sexual assault that he didn't commit, was recently given a posthumous pardon by Gov. Rick Perry.</p> <p>The panel deferred votes until its next meeting, but members generally expressed reservations about creating an innocence commission. Some members called for bolstering similar work now under way in four Texas law schools.</p> <p>The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech, the University of Houston and Texas Southern University have projects or clinics that examine questionable convictions. Similar projects are in operation across the country.</p> <p>The commission's stance generally tracks that of Perry, who believes a commission "would create an added layer of government," said Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle. Perry's deputy general counsel, Mary Anne Wiley, is a member of the panel.</p> <p>And:</p> <p>Cory Session, Cole's brother, said he supports the panel's position and complimented it for its efforts to improve the state's criminal justice system. Cole's case has come to symbolize widening efforts in Texas and other states to correct legal weaknesses that have led to improper convictions. The panel was created by the 2009 Legislature as part of a push that also expanded benefits for former inmates who were exonerated after being cleared by DNA evidence.</p> <p>"We're pleased with the work they're putting forth so far," said Session, who attended Thursday's meeting along with his mother, Ruby Session, who led the family's 25-year-long battle to clear Cole. He introduced her at the meeting as "the mother of the wrongful conviction movement."</p> <p>Two exonerated former inmates, Stephen Phillips and Christopher Scott, also addressed the panel.</p> <p>"I knew I was innocent. Hardly anybody else did," said Phillips, who spent 26 years behind bars before being released in 2008. "I was afraid I was going to die."</p> <p>He said that efforts like those of the Cole panel have raised hopes among innocent people behind bars.</p> <p>Earlier coverage of the panel and of Tim Cole's posthumous exoneration begins with this post. An OpEd coauthored by Cory Session on wrongful convictions and DNA testing is noted here.</p> <p>Friday, April 23, 2010 at 10:11 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, State Legislation, Task Force on Inigent Defense, Texas Legislature | Permalink</p> <p>Technorati Tags: Allison Castle, Christopher Scott, Cory Session, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness identification, innocence, Mary Anne Wiley, Rick Perry, Rick Perry, Stephen Phillips, Task Force on Indigent Defense, Texas, Tim Cole, Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions, wrongful conviction</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>NOW SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NOW ATTEMPT TO INVOLVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH VISIT 2 SAN ANTONIO ARCHBISHOP JOSE GOMEZ !</p> <p>~ WHEN WILL THE ICC OPEN THEIR INVESTIGATION INTO U.S. TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ~</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN HAVE DRIVEN THEIR HELTER SKELTER DEATH ROW POLICIES 2 U.S.SUPREME COURT &amp; INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) IN A MICHAEL DUKAKIS TANK ?</p> <p>SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OBVIOUSLY HAVE BIGGER FUTURE POLITICAL AMBITIONS THEN SAVING A POSSIBLE INNOCENT HANK SKINNER LIFE ?</p> <p>TOP TEN REASONS WHY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ARE DENYING TEXAN HANK SKINNER DNA TESTING PRIOR HIS POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTION ???</p> <p>"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free "</p> <p>BEHOLD SARAH PALIN FANS, SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY ARE ALREADY DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IN MAKING SURE THAT THEY WILL BE THE ONLY REPUBLICAN 2012 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE~S !!!</p> <p>1) BOTH DO NOT BELIEVE THAT EXECUTING THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT ARE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ??</p> <p>2) BOTH DO NOT VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE LIKE OTHERS ~</p> <p>3) BOTH THINK ONLY GIRLY MEN ASK FOR DNA TESTING BEFORE THEIR POSSIBLE WRONGFUL EXECUTIONS ??</p> <p>4) BOTH HAVE BIG FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL POLITICAL AMBITIONS AND REALLY NEED THE TEA PARTY BACKERS &amp; NRA MEMBERS TO CARRY IT OFF ?</p> <p>5) BOTH WANT FINANCIAL POLITICAL SUPPORT $$$ FROM WEALTHY TEXANS WHO DISLIKE THE GUILTY POOR OR EVEN THE INNOCENT POOR IN AMERICA!</p> <p>6) * IS THE ONLY DEMONIC THING TO DO *</p> <p>7) BOTH BELIEVE THEIR WRONGFUL DEATH ROW TEXAS PRISON POLICY OF DON'T ASK AND WE WON'T TELL IS PROPER ?</p> <p>8) BOTH BELIEVE A FEW DEMONIC LIKE MISTAKES HERE OR THERE OF INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE BEING WRONGFULLY EXECUTED IS TO BE EXPECTED WITH THEIR TEXAS DEATH ROW EXECUTION POLICIES ...</p> <p>9) THE DEVIL AND HE BOTH ENJOY DOING IT ?</p> <p>10) *** NEED THE NATIONAL ATTENTION ON BEING TOUGH ON CRIME BECAUSE THEY ARE SECRETLY PLANNING THEIR JOINT 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BID AND HAVE TO TAKE AWAY NATIONAL ATTENTION FROM REPUBLICAN SARAH PALIN ON THIS CRIME ISSUE ***</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY RECEIVE TELEPHONE CALL FROM DR.JACK KEVORKIAN EXPLAINING THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EXECUTIONS IN TEXAS &amp; STATE ASSISTED SUICIDES IN OREGON &amp; WASHINGTON !!!</p> <p>** SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS OBVIOUSLY VIEW U.S. HUMAN LIFE DIFFERENTLY THEN RELIGIOUS AMERICANS **</p> <p>DEAR DR. JACK KEVORKIAN,</p> <p>TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY APPEARS TO HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MODEL HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW PRISONS AFTER THE STATES OF WASHINGTON AND OREGON STATE ASSISTED SUICIDE NEWLY ENACTED STATE LEGISLATIVE LAWS !</p> <p>PLEASE SIR, IF YOU COULD FIND THE TIME TO CALL, INFORM AND EXPLAIN TO GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS THE VARIOUS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS OF POSSIBLE INNOCENT INMATES ON HIS TEXAS DEATH ROW AND THESE WILLING TERMINAL ILL RESIDENTS IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST ???</p> <p>~ HALF OF AMERICA DOES NOT WANT U.S. EXECUTIONS EVER &amp; THE OTHER HALF ONLY WANTS EXECUTIONS OF THE CONFIRMED GUILTY GOVERNOR PERRY !!!</p> <p>NOT ONE U.S. RELIGION OR RELIGIOUS LEADER AGREES WITH TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY EXECUTING EVEN THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT... poor americans ~</p> <p>** SAVING POSSIBLE INNOCENT U.S. LIVES IS OBVIOUSLY NOT ON SATANS OR TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRYS AGENDA **</p> <p>* APPARENTLY TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY NEEDS AMERICANS &amp; U.S.RELIGIOUS LEADERS PRAYERS 4 HIS OWN FREEDOM *</p> <p>WHILE SATAN &amp; TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY WERE DENYING HANK SKINNER THE ABILITY TO HAVE HIS DNA TESTED TO PROVE HIS POSSIBLE INNOCENCE BEFORE HIS TEXAS EXECUTION, THE LORD WAS IN OHIO HELPING THESE STATESMEN CREATE THIS FUTURE LEGISLATION TO SAVE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!!</p> <p>GOD HAS SPOKEN &amp; THESE PRECIOUS STATESMEN FROM OHIO HAVE LISTENED UNLIKE GOVERNOR PERRY OF TEXAS ???</p> <p>THANK YOU LORD ~ THIS OHIO GOVERNOR OBVIOUSLY HAS YOUR HEAVENLY CONCEPT ON THIS ONE !</p> <p>THANK YOU GOD FOR ALSO ALLOWING THIS FANTASTIC STAND DOWN TEXAS PROJECT TO CONTINUE BRINGING NEW LIFE TO OUR AMERICAN POOR WHO ARE HAVING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY INFLICTED ON THEM ALL ACROSS OUR WONDERFUL AND CHANGING COUNTRY !!!</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>Wednesday, April 07, 2010<br /> New Ohio DNA Law Called 'Model', 'Best in Nation'<br /> The text of the new law is here; you can also view the fiscal note and bill analyses. Governor Ted Strickland's brief press release is here.</p> <p>State Senator David Goodman sponsored SB 77, which expands DNA testing for certain convicted felons, eliminates DNA testing for felons who pleaded guilty or no contest, preserves biological evidence in criminal proceeding and improves eyewitness identification procedures.</p> <p>"This bill updates Ohio's DNA law and will play a significant role in the modernization of Ohio's system of criminal justice," Strickland said. "The new procedures will help improve criminal investigations and save lives."<br /> "Ohio's new DNA law called model," is the Columbus Dispatch report by Jim Siegel.</p> <p>With the stroke of Gov. Ted Strickland's pen yesterday, experts say Ohio now has some of the best laws in the country to protect the innocent from wrongful convictions and put the right people behind bars.</p> <p>Strickland, joined by a handful of men who were exonerated after serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit, signed Senate Bill 77. It sets statewide standards for retaining biological evidence, requires the taking of DNA from anyone arrested on a felony charge and requires new procedures for suspect lineups.</p> <p>"It's a good day for justice and fairness," said Strickland, flanked by Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, and Rep. W. Carlton Weddington, D-Columbus.</p> <p>Goodman introduced the bill after a Dispatch investigation in January 2008 exposed widespread shortcomings in Ohio's DNA law, including the derailing of prisoner DNA tests by systemic indifference or hostility.</p> <p>Attending the bill-signing were two men freed as a result of the newspaper's series: Robert McClendon of Columbus, who served 18 years for a child rape that DNA testing showed he did not commit; and Joseph Fears Jr. of Columbus, who wrongly served more than 25 years for two Columbus rapes.</p> <p>Other Ohioans freed in the past decade by DNA evidence - Walter Smith, Clarence Elkins and Danny Brown - also joined the governor.</p> <p>"I feel very emotional about what we've accomplished today," Goodman said, noting the six-year process of drafting and changing DNA-evidence laws. "It's going to improve the criminal-justice system in so many different ways."</p> <p>Marc Kovac writes, "DNA collection requirements for criminals, accused OK'd," for the state's News-Leader.</p> <p>The new law includes provisions concerning the storage and access of DNA samples, providing a mechanism for individuals convicted of crimes to prove their innocence.</p> <p>It creates a new statewide task force to establish standards for collecting, storing and cataloging biological evidence.</p> <p>It requires law enforcement to follow certain procedures when conducting live or photo lineups for witnesses to identify potential law breakers.</p> <p>And it calls for anyone 18 years or older who are arrested on felony charges to submit DNA samples to law enforcement -- something that has prompted concern about civil liberties and government intrusion into citizens' lives.</p> <p>Strickland downplayed those concerns.</p> <p>The Cincinnati Business Courier has, "Ohio's new DNA law a model, experts say."</p> <p>"Ohio is truly the national leader on innocence reforms and will be the role model other states look to as they contemplate similar measures in the coming years," said Mark Godsey, director of the Innocence Project, in the Dispatch report.</p> <p>Florida's Lakeland Ledger notes the new law with, "Ohio’s DNA law considered best in country," posted by Shoshana Walter.</p> <p>-Requires DNA samples to be taken from anyone convicted of a felony after July 1, 2011.</p> <p>-Requires agencies to retain biological evidence for up to 30 years in murder and sexual-assault cases. Five year limit when defendant pleads guilty.</p> <p>-Allows DNA testing for parolees and anyone in the sex offender registry.</p> <p>-Requires blind suspect lineups, meaning the officer either doesn’t know the identity of the real suspect or uses a photo-lineup technique in which only the witness can see the photos.</p> <p>-Provides incentives for investigators to record interrogations.</p> <p>And:</p> <p>There are some similarities to some Florida laws already on the books.</p> <p>In 2006, Florida required DNA evidence to be preserved for anyone who could petition for post conviction DNA testing (that would apply only to those convicted of felonies). My understanding is that before that law went into effect, each court system throughout the state had different policies about when and how evidence got destroyed–many Florida counties simply destroyed DNA evidence that might have led to exonerations.</p> <p>That wasn’t the case in Polk, though. The Clerk of Court’s office told me that before the 2006 law, Florida’s 10th Judicial Circuit actually saved all evidence in life or death sentence cases.</p> <p>Earlier this week, Sharon Coolidge wrote, "DNA bill helped by University of Cincinnati students," for the Cincinnati Enquirer.</p> <p>Watch any crime cop show on TV and DNA evidence likely played a role in capturing the bad guy.</p> <p>But in real life, lawyers say that evidence isn't always available.<br /> DNA will be more readily available in years to come because a group of University of Cincinnati students helped craft bill that overhauls the state's criminal justice system in an effort to avoid wrongful convictions.</p> <p>Gov. Ted Strickland is set to sign Senate Bill 77 into law today.The bill creates:</p> <p>A requirement that DNA be saved in all serious crimes for five years in plea bargain cases and for 30 years, or until a person gets out of prison, if a person is found guilty at trial.</p> <p>Police incentives for recording interrogations start to finish.</p> <p>A requirement that police lineups and eyewitness photo identifications be double blind, meaning the officer in charge of the lineup doesn't even know who the suspect is.</p> <p>An expansion of post-conviction DNA testing to allow convicted felons better access to DNA testing.</p> <p>A requirement that DNA be taken from people after arrest on felony charges, instead of after conviction as happens now.</p> <p>The provisions take effect by the end of the year, except for DNA collection after arrest, which is delayed due to the anticipated $1.9 million-per-year cost.</p> <p>A March 25 Columbus Dispatch article, "Lawmakers OK Ohio DNA bill," reported the new law's legislative passage.</p> <p>In their final session before heading into an Easter break, Ohio lawmakers moved bills yesterday designed to improve criminal investigations, ban texting while driving and give local law enforcement more power to tackle illegal immigration.</p> <p>After setting modern records this session for a lack of legislative action, the House and Senate opened the spigot and sent a number of measures to Gov. Ted Strickland, including one that would require the collection of DNA evidence from anyone arrested on a felony charge in Ohio.</p> <p>Strickland is expected to sign Senate Bill 77, which also opens DNA testing to parolees. The bill also requires blind suspect lineups - where the presiding officer does not know the identity of the true suspect or can't see the picture a witness is viewing - and sets a new 30-year standard for retaining biological evidence in cases of murder and sexual assault.</p> <p>The limit is five years when a defendant pleads guilty, a House-added provision that bill sponsor Sen. David Goodman, R-New Albany, opposes. "I think it's too short a period of time, and individuals will potentially have some problems down the line," he told the Senate before a final concurrence vote.</p> <p>But, Goodman added, he agreed to the compromise and said it's "still a very good bill."</p> <p>Related posts can be found in the DNA, eyewitness identification, and state legislation indexes.</p> <p>Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at 11:20 AM in DNA, Eyewitness Identification, Forensics, Law Enforcement, State Legislation | Permalink</p> <p>Technorati Tags: Clarence Elkins, Danny Brown, David Goodman, DNA, exoneration, eyewitness id, eyewitness identification, Florida, Joseph Fears, law enforcement, lineup, Mark Godsey, Ohio, Ohio Legislature, Robert McClendon, SB 77, Senate Bill 77, Ted Strickland, University of Cincinnati, Walter Smith</p> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY THAT SINGS OUT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS.WE CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY WEB SEARCH ENGINE BY OUR NAME OR TELEPHONE NUMBER.</p> <p><a href="mailto:lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com">lawyersforpooreramericans@gmail.com</a><br /> (424-247-2013)</p> <p>*** GREAT SOCIETIES THAT DO NOT PROTECT THE INNOCENT BECOME THE GUILTY GOVERNOR RICK PERRY !!!</p> <p>** TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY PLEASE STOP ALLOWING SATAN &amp; HIS DEMONS TO INFLUENCE YOU WITH THESE TEXAS STATE SANCTIONED EXECUTIONS(MURDERS) OF THE INNOCENT &amp; THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!!</p> <p>*** YOUR BOTH WRONG AND OUT ON A LIMB GOVERNOR RICK PERRY &amp; SATAN ~ TEA PARTY MEMBERS &amp; THE NRA ALSO VALUE POSSIBLE INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE !!!</p> <p>AMERICANS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE FROM ALL VARIOUS RELIGIONS ALSO DISAGREE WITH SATAN'S AND TEXAS GOVERNOR RICK PERRY'S PRISON POLICIES OF EXECUTING INNOCENT &amp; POSSIBLE INNOCENT !!!</p> <p>* OUR U.S.SUPREME COURT VIEWING THESE CONTINUING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY BEING INFLICTED ON POORer AMERICANS IN TEXAS WILL SURELY ENACT WRONGFUL EXECUTION PROTECTION IN TEXAS &amp; BEYOND *</p> <p>***********************************************************************</p> <p>SATAN &amp; GOVERNOR RICK PERRY OF TEXAS CAN'T HIDE THIS !!!<br /> .<br /> THESE HANK SKINNER REPLIES SHOULD MAKE ANY FAIR MINDED AMERICAN QUESTION... YOUR SUPREME COURT HONOR'S ???</p> <p>Hell Hole News #24 - Hank Skinner<br /> Hell<br /> April 10, 2010 </p> <p>More fun! It has been brought to my attention that some false and undocumented « adverse » allegations, about me and my case are currently circulating on the web. Ordinarily I ignore things like this but I want to expose these coward allegations, usually raised by the haters, so it provides me a unique and excellent opportunity to counter this once and for all. In the future, any of my supporters or others inquiring on these topics can be referred to this NHHN article and it will save me the time and effort of having to repeat myself.</p> <p>1/ Henry Watkins “Hank†Skinner – the Hype</p> <p>No, dummy, it’s the facts, sans hype.</p> <p>2/ When one reads all the media-driven innocence hype about Hank Skinner, one can be instantly coerced into believing that Skinner is truly innocent of the ghastly murders of Twila Busby and her two mentally-impaired sons.</p> <p>No one is coercing anyone. The facts speak loudly for themselves. Two the most prestigious innocence projects in America both say I’m likely innocent and the evidence that remains needs to be tested.</p> <p>3/ After all, Skinner is a cause de celebre around the world – a poster boy for “justice deniedâ€. How could he have possibly done what a jury convicted him of?</p> <p>Needs no comment.</p> <p>4/ Hank’s jailhouse “wife†(a French anti-death penalty activist in real life) and Hank have done a great job at putting together a website calling into question aspects of how Hank has been treated over the years. There was, according to Hank and Mrs. Hank, a massive criminal/judicial conspiracy involving the police, prosecutors, judges and even Hank’s original trial attorney.</p> <p>Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner is not my “jailhouse wife†but my wife in every respect, legal and otherwise. We are legally married in both Texas and France. The President of France and his Foreign minister made a diplomatic entreaty to the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, on our behalf, asking Perry for a 30-day reprieve of execution and to conduct the DNA tests. That’s how legal our marriage is. I have our marriage license and certificate. I can produce it upon request to any who doubt me.</p> <p>No one ever said there was any massive criminal conspiracy. I said, merely, the pigs didn’t like me for various reasons, there was animus against me and it provided them a motive to frame me, which they most certainly did. It was caused by small town, small minded authorities who possess exactly the same mindset as the person who authored this mess I’m now responding to. My trial attorney was an ex D.A. who’d previously prosecuted me.</p> <p>5/ But the simple question remains: did Hank Skinner kill the Busby family?</p> <p>No, I most certainly did not. The hairs ‘clutched’ in the victim’s (Twila’s) hand, sticking out from between her knuckles and caught under her ring, the D.A. says she pulled those hairs “from the head of her assailant during the struggle for her life, which she ultimately lostâ€. John Mann at first lied and said those hairs were mine. Subsequent DNA testing of the hairs at first produced a “mixed profile†alleged to contain my DNA. Further testing revealed this result was due to contamination in the wellplate caused by loading my standard sample too close to the evidentiary sample of Twila’s. Further testing proved that the blood flakes off the hair are solely Twila’s own blood and, subsequent mitochondrial testing of the hairs themselves are from an unknown male individual. I am absolutely and unequivocally excluded. See my letter 01/07/10 to D.A. Lynn Switzer and accompanying exhibits P2, P3 &amp; P4 which are available on my website (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph). It is beyond obvious that the person making these allegations is not at all well acquainted with the facts of the case but just hating and mud slinging.</p> <p>6/ Was Skinner the murderer, or was it some faceless, nameless (or conveniently dead) person who poisoned Skinner with codeine (something to which Skinner was “deathly allergicâ€) before killing the family while Skinner slept?</p> <p>See 5 above. He’s not faceless or nameless. We have his DNA profile! He’s not “conveniently deadâ€, just dead. In 1996/97 my investigator of that time confronted Twila’s uncle and told him he believed he was guilty. Bob Donnell had a confirmed incestuous relationship with Twila and probably killed her because of it. According to the state’s own witnesses Donnell had the means, motive, opportunity and animus to have committed the murders. The criminalist who viewed the jacket said it had medium velocity impact blood spatter on the cuffs and forearms of the sleeves meaning it was likely worn by the assailant. Only Twila had injuries which would cause impact spatter.</p> <p>7/ In order for Skinner not to have been the killer, one has to ignore or dismiss an extraordinary set of events. Skinner would also have to be taken at his word on many of the events of New Year’s Eve, 1993.</p> <p>This preface is a total lie. You don’t have to ignore or dismiss anything – this is truly “hypeâ€. You don’t have to take my word for anything. That’s why the evidence and affidavits of scientific experts and forensic tests are so extensively presented on my website – like I say, it all speaks for itself but, you have to take time to read and review it, which this person obviously did not.</p> <p>8/ Here are some of the things one would have to believe</p> <p>Not true. See 9 and 12 below.</p> <p>9/ some anonymous person spiked Skinner’s drink, before the murders, for whatever reason</p> <p>No, they probably did not. I will not knowingly take codeine because it makes me sick. I’d not had any R’s for codeine. All my friends who’d been to our house that afternoon and evening knew I was allergic to codeine and that I avoided it studiously. I used to think someone must have poisoned me because I wouldn’t take codeine voluntarily.</p> <p>A few years ago I learned that truth from a toxicologist who testified in another guy’s case, here. He says that once you reach a certain level of intoxication you go colorblind. Twila was always putting pills in her drink and sipping that one drink all evening. I later learned her girlfriend (G.S.) had given her 13 Fiorinal #4 codeine that she’d put in her drink. Twila and I had identical glasses but hers was Fuschia pink, mine was baby medium blue. I vaguely remember seeing the dregs of pills in the bottom of my cup and getting sick, passing out. I couldn’t figure out how it got into my cup. So I thought someone must have poisoned me. I think now I was just too messed up and colorblind to tell our cups apart anymore, I accidentally got Twila’s cup and drank from it, thinking it was my cup.</p> <p>10/ A comatose Skinner “slept†through the murder (and possibly rape) of his beloved girlfriend, and the stabbing of her kids</p> <p>I was comatose. I didn’t “sleep†through anything, I was out cold. Howard Mitchell, one of the two of the State’s star witnesses, testified that he came over to pick us up, I was out of it, he grabbed my arm and jerked on it until he pulled my torso off the couch but he got no response from me at all, even while screaming and hollering in my face “Come on Hank, Let’s go! Get up! Come on!†See the legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph, exhibit Q to my letter to Lynn Switzer on my website - Interview of Howard Mitchell by D.A.’s investigator.<br /> My recitation of the facts and what I believe happened and why are presented just so I can tell the facts and how I believe they fit together, to give you the whole picture in a coherent fashion. But each item has a link to the evidence that backs it up, so you don’t need to take my word for anything. Review the evidence and let it speak to you of its own volition.</p> <p>11/ Skinner could only to be roused by the girlfriend’s stabbed and mortally-wounded mentally-impaired son</p> <p>“Skinner could only to be roused byâ€? That sentence makes no sense. “could only to beâ€? Well, Scooter got me off the couch over two and a half hours after Howard tried to and failed, he did so by sprinkling water in my face. He was mortally wounded. He helped me up to get dressed, we left the house together after checking on Randy and (Scooter) finding he was dead. Scooter and Randy were not “mentally impairedâ€, “mentally challenged†or “retardedâ€. Twila’s mother, Beverly, was a nursing home manager/administrator. She was a master at milking the federal system for $ to care for her wards at the old folks home. She employed the same tactics for Scooter and Randy. They were getting social security disability checks every month. Scooter was listed as mentally retarded and suffering muscular dystrophy; Randy as mentally retarded. Mann discovered this subterfuge of Beverly’s and decided to employ it for his own purposes. I was 5’9â€, 145 lbs at the time. Scooter was 6’6â€, 245 lbs. Randy was 6’1â€, 180 lbs. There was no way any jury was going to believe I overpowered and killed Scooter and his mother in my condition at the time of the murders. So Mann turned them into “poor little retarded boys†and tried to get the Medical Examiner at autopsy to diminish their heights and weights. I don’t know how Randy was stabbed in his bed, either. I only know that’s supposedly where he was found according to the pigs. But the M.E. says both Randy and his mother’s bodies were moved prior to her in situ inspection.</p> <p>12/ After this rousing, he managed to stumble around through the crime scene in a “stuporous†state, getting his handprint all over everything, and all the victim’s blood all over him</p> <p>That’s not true. First, the person who wrote this garbage tries to paint in overly broad strokes and weakly implies some inculpatory evidence results from it. For example: “getting his handprints all over everythingâ€. My handprints were never detected or identified as being “all over everythingâ€, but I’m sure my prints were all over items in the house because (DUH) I lived there. Most importantly though, my fingerprints are not on any of the three murder weapons and it is not my print on a black plastic trash bag that contained one of the murder weapons. I am not linked forensically to the murders at all. More importantly still, I did not have “all the victims’ blood all over meâ€. Two stains were tested on my clothes and determined to be only contact stains. As the State’s own experts at trial explained, those stains proved only that I either came into contact with a victim at a time after they became bloody or, I came into contact with a surface upon which one of the victims deposited blood; again at a time after they became bloody. So you see, that evidence does not prove me guilty of anything at all but is totally consistent with my defense that I fell at the scene after getting off the couch, after the murders occurred, when leaving the house. Only Scooter and Twila’s DNA was on my shirt and pants, two spots. Randy’s blood/DNA was not on me at all. So again “all the victims’ blood all over him†is a blatant lie.</p> <p>13/ Skinner’s website (hankskinner.org) spends page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist who claimed that, because of the level of codeine and alcohol in Skinner’s system, Skinner would have been unable to commit the murders</p> <p>I spend “page after page pushing out the testimony of a toxicologist†blah-blah-blah. Well, if this hater had read that “push-outâ€, he/she would know that toxicologist is a 27-year experienced FBI agent whose testimony was unrefuted and that the State’s own expert confirmed as correct his testimony, blood alcohol and blood codeine timeline profiles and his retrograde analysis as to how much alcohol/codeine was in my system and when I took it.</p> <p>14/ But there is a big question: when did Skinner really take (or ingest) the drugs? 15/ A toxicology study can tell, given the level of drugs/alcohol in one’s blood at the time the study is performed, what the intoxication levels were between the time the drugs were taken and the time of the testing 16/ A toxicology study cannot tell when one actually ingested a substance. So we have to rely on Skinner to tell us when he ingested the codeine</p> <p>That is a lie. No, again you do not have to rely on my word about when I took the codeine. This hater here just totally overlooks the evidence. The toxicologist, Dr Lowry, allows the State’s witnesses to tell him when I ingested the codeine and the evidence proves it unequivocally. Twila and I called Howard to come get us at 9:15 – 9:30pm and I was drunk but coherent. Howard got there 45 minutes later at 10:15pm and I would out cold, comatose, unrousable by any external stimuli. Dr Lowary knew alcohol alone would not have put me under that deep because he knew what my B.A.C. was at that time. Andrea testified that I did not consume any pills or drink, any alcohol while I was at her home. Once again, the State’s experts totally agreed with these findings so it’s not a matter in any dispute at all, despite what this hater would attempt to lead you to believe, otherwise. So, there is no question or dispute that I ingested the codeine before 10:00pm but after 9:15pm, before the murders, not after them.</p> <p>Also there is no question of tolerance to codeine. First of all, I never took codeine, my Rx records clearly show I never had any Rx for it; so I could not have been tolerant of it. Secondly my condition at the time of the murders is described by the State’s two star witnesses, Andrea Reed and Howard Mitchell. See <a href="http://www.hankskinner.org">http://www.hankskinner.org</a> (legal documents section, DNA issue paragraph) exhibits Q &amp; R. Andrea’s recantation testimony is also available from the federal evidentiary hearing on my website. I’d urge you to read it in its entirety and especially view John Mann’s diatribe against her telling the truth at a previous grand jury proceeding where he openly threatens her and then later urges the court reporter not to record it – but he did, anyway.</p> <p>17/ AHH, THE CODEINE – Skinner’s website says (in the 2nd paragraph) “Skinner was also subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine and passed out some time before 10:15pm…†The website goes on to drive home the point home about how “severely allergic†Skinner is to codeine.</p> <p>View the blood codeine profile-timeline graphic display that was presented at trial. There is no question that I was subjected to a near lethal dose of codeine between .8 mg per liter and 1.35 mg per liter. View the affidavit of Dr Harold Kalant on my website. Dr Kalant is probably the world’s foremost recognized expert on this issue.</p> <p>18/ See, if Skinner knowingly taken codeine that his allergy to which (again according to the website) had been documented in “his medical reports since the age of 19â€, and made Skinner “deathly ill†one might tend to ask why he took it, right?</p> <p>I accidentally ingested it. I wouldn’t have voluntarily or knowingly have taken the codeine. There is a range of intolerance to codeine. The lightest is, it makes you itch. Most people have that reaction to it. The worst if anaphylactic shock, which is a histamine reaction that can easily be very deadly. My level of intolerance is one step down from anaphylactic shock, termed moderately severe: extreme lethargy, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, colorblindness – every thing turns kodachrome shades of red and green tinted with black, difficulty breathing – my lungs feel like they’re full of cotton and my throat feels constricted; impaired balance and gait. When you add that on top of the vodka and Xanax I’d knowingly consumed that night, it is not easy to see why I’d be comatose and utterly incapable of committing these murders?</p> <p>19/ So in order for Skinner’s story to work, somebody else would have had to have poisoned Skinner.</p> <p>It’s not “Skinner’s storyâ€. The evidence speaks for itself. No, somebody else probably had nothing to do with my being poisoned by codeine. See 9 above.</p> <p>20/ So Skinner’s website says “… it is believed that (Skinner) was either accidentally or intentionally poisoned by the addition of the pills to his drinks (…) Hank was comatose during the commission of the murders…â€</p> <p>See 9 above.</p> <p>21/ So when did Skinner ingest the codeine and who spiked his drink?</p> <p>See 16 above.</p> <p>22/ If Skinner (as his website claims) was already “passed out†from the codeine at 10:15 (when Twila Busy left with a close friend to go to the party), does this mean the faceless/nameless alleged murderer had already been in the house before 10:15 spiking drinks in preparation for the stabbings and beating that were to come?</p> <p>See 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 above.</p> <p>23/ Skinner, who apparently couldn’t stand for a photo at the police station, didn’t seem to have much trouble standing up and hiding from the police in his ex-girlfriend’s closet at the time of his arrest (a detail that curiously isn’t mentioned on Skinner’s website)</p> <p>See Sheriff Stubblefield’s deposition in the federal proceedings available on my website. He admits I was not “hiding in the closetâ€. That detail curiously, certainly is mentioned on my website in more than one place. When the police showed up at Andrea’s, she put me in the front bedroom which had a bare mattress on the floor and it was dark. She told me to stay there until the police left. The closet was shallow and full of clothes. It had no doors. When the police stormed into the room with guns drawn and flipped on the light, I stumbled backwards off the edge of the mattress and fell back against the clothes in the closet. My knee joints hyperflexed and locked. My butt was jammed against the clothes, my feet jammed against the edge of the mattress. I couldn’t get up. But I was at all times in plain sight and not attempting to “hide†at all. I just didn’t want to be shot. They kept screaming “Get down! Get on the ground!†but I couldn’t move. So the D.A.’s investigator stepped forward, I held out my hands and he pulled me forward onto the mattress.</p> <p>24/ Was Skinner selectively comatose: comatose during the murders, then lucid at his ex’s house, but comatose again at the police station? A little bit of an inconvenient question for Skinner isn’t it?</p> <p>Covered above and in Andrea Reed’s recantation testimony, not worthy of any reply.</p> <p>25/ Perhaps it’s more likely that Skinner heard the police coming through the front door of his ex’s house, so he hid in the closet, pulled a handful of codeine pills out of the pocket of his blood-soaked clothes, and popped them in his mouth in an attempt to commit suicide.</p> <p>Covered above. I didn’t have “blood soaked clothesâ€. The spots on my clothes are covered above in 12. It truly amazes me, the liberties people take in telling their little false stories about this case, even some elements in the media embellish the blood and gore in order to try to make me look guilty. “Blood caked on his clothes. The killer…â€: Allan Turner of the Houston Chronicle. “Blood drenched clothesâ€, “blood soaked clothesâ€, “he was covered in the blood of the victimsâ€, “He had their blood all over himâ€. None of that is true. What makes people lie like that? It’s true, I had some blood on my clothes, mostly contact stains from falling at the scene, some dripped blood from my hand wound. My clothes were hanging on the furniture during the commission of the murders and I’m sure that being right next to where Twila was murdered, they got blood spatter on them somewhere. This produces one other thought, a question I’ve always wanted to ask people. If you were in my condition on the night in question and trying to get dressed and get out of there with Scooter, would you be even thinking about getting blood on you? I could’ve cared less. I was pretty much hysterical, in shock, scared to death and too intoxicated to think anything like that. I don’t remember much of what we did, just bits and flashes, but I think Scooter was frantic to go and I went with him. That seemed to be his main theme “We gotta go. We gotta get the hell outa hereâ€. So we did. It never once entered my mind that I can think of “oh, don’t touch that. Don’t get that on you, they’ll blame youâ€. One last thing on this issue, I’ve never denied being there. I had every right to be there, it was my home. Under Texas law, mere presence doesn’t prove guilt.</p> <p>26/ The fact is: there is no evidence (except Skinner’s word) that he was passed out from codeine at 10:15. The only thing anybody knows is that Skinner didn’t take codeine between the time he was arrested and the time he was tested.</p> <p>That is a blatant lie. Once again, you don’t have to take my word – take the word of the State’s second star witness Howard Mitchell! See Exhibit Q to my letter to Switzer on my website. At 10:15pm I was out cold, he says. He testified to that at trial. It’s irrefuted and undisputed!</p> <p>27/ AAH, THE BLOOD-SOAKED CLOTHES. Here is another detail that, curiously enough, seems to have escaped on Skinner’s website.</p> <p>Nothing has escaped mention. See Exhibit F to my letter to Switzer on my website.</p> <p>28/ Skinner, according to police reports, was found standing in a closet at his ex-girlfriend’s house wearing clothes soaked in the victims’ blood some 3 hours later.</p> <p>More lies. See 25 above.</p> <p>29/ Let’s add a quote from Skinner’s website: “Three hours after their initial search of the crime scene, the police traced Hank to his neighbor’s house and immediately arrested himâ€. What?</p> <p>Police didn’t “trace†me anywhere. They went to Andrea’s looking for Connie, my ex-wife. They found me instead.</p> <p>30/ The “inseparable†and distraught Hank Skinner certainly called the police to report the murders, didn’t he?</p> <p>The phone cord was jerked out of the wall. Nobody could call from our house. Scooter tried.</p> <p>31/ Neither Skinner nor his ex-girlfriend, were apparently distraught enough to call the police. Skinner was, however, lucid enough to hide from them, in a closed, in blood-soaked clothes when the police came along.</p> <p>Andrea wasn’t any longer my ex. We hadn’t been together in over 10 years at that time. We were friends but we weren’t associating at that time because she quit drinking and I had not. See 25 above.</p> <p>32/ AAH, “INSEPARABLE†Skinner frequently refers to Twila Busby, and himself, as inseparable. They were, according to Skinner, madly in love. They were always together.</p> <p>That’s true.</p> <p>33/ However court testimony painted a different picture. Skinner was abusive and violent, not only to Twila Busby, but to her sons as well.</p> <p>Court testimony painted no such picture at all. Twila and I never fussed or argued. See John Mann, D.A.’s memo 01.10.94 Bates stamped pages #94, 95 &amp; 96 out of the D.A.’s file. Beverly, Twila’s mother, stated that I was very good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa. She’d never seen Twila happier than when she was with me. Twila’s mother had direct contact with her every day and talked to her every night before bed.</p> <p>34/ But they weren’t the only targets of Skinner’s wrath. Skinner has even more violence in history. To quote Skinner, again, from his website: “I have one probation for aggravated assault on a police officer.â€</p> <p>Danny Lance beat the shit out of me at the city jail. Danny was Pampa P.D. In order to try to cover up his beating me, he alleged an injury and instead claimed I assaulted him. Detective Alan Smith however told the truth in his statement: I heard Skinner cry out. I turned to see Skinner flying backwards into the drunk tank with Officer Lance going in and on top of Skinner. Later Officer Lance said Skinner kicked him but I did not see any assault.â€</p> <p>On 01.05.94 in a recorded statement, the sheriff acknowledged that Harold Comer, then D.A., was supposed to terminate my probation but failed to do so. Thus rather than it showing as unadjudicated offense it shows as a felony conviction. I was arrested in the summer of 1992 for an outstanding revocation warrant on this non-existent probation, I was immediately released but the improper conviction was never remedied.</p> <p>35/ More accurate: Skinner had a 1998 felony conviction for aggravated assault on the cop for which he initially received probation. Skinner’s probation was revoked and he was sent to prison after two subsequent felony convictions for motor vehicle (UUMV).</p> <p>See 34. More lies.</p> <p>36/ According to the Texas Attorney General, “Skinner was also arrested in Gun Barrel City on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and became violent and abusive with arresting officers.â€</p> <p>People can allege anything. How odd that the “charges†were never formally filed and I was released after the alleged witnesses were found to be lying.</p> <p>37/ But according to Skinner’s website, it’s all a big conspiracy. Everything was against him. The police, the district attorney, the judge, the Texas Attorney General, all the people at the crime labs – even Skinner’s own court-appointed attorney who Skinner (according to his website) embarrassed on multiple occasion in Skinner’s role as an “able paralegal worth a proven track record for caring and standing up for the rights of the people he barely even knew.â€</p> <p>Hardly.</p> <p>38/ But, hey, we’re getting off on a bit of tangent here. The real murderer. So who does Skinner claim was the faceless/nameless family murderer?</p> <p>See 5 and 6 above.</p> <p>39/ Twila Busby’s dead uncle. Quoting Skinner’s website: “Robert Donnell, Twila’s maternal uncle, had a history of violence and was seen stalking Twila at a neighbor’s New Year’s Eve party on the night of the crime. Donnell had twice raped Twila in recent past and was known to have a propensity for knives.â€</p> <p>True. There’s far more.</p> <p>40/ Skinner’s website suggests that not only did Uncle Robert stab the kids and bludgeon Twila Busby to death, he raped her, too.</p> <p>The medical examiner’s testimony supports that she was raped too, yes. Her vaginal rim was reddened and chafed indicating recent sexual activity and she had possible semen in her panties.</p> <p>41/ All of this happened, of course, when Skinner lay “comatose†on the sofa after consuming the drink that Uncle Robert must have spiked hours earlier.</p> <p>See 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 above.</p> <p>42/ It should be noted that Robert Donnell had no convictions, nor had he ever been arrested, for violence, illegal weapons or sexual assaults – ever.</p> <p>Rober Donnell had a long history of violence and that was testified to extensively by a long line of witnesses at both trial and the federal evidentiary hearing. Donnell attempted to kill Jimmy Hayes with a knife, he strangled California Rim while pregnant. He bragged to anyone who’ listen about how he killed a guy at pool hall in Oklahoma in a knife fight. He carried guns, knives and other “illegal weapons†everywhere he went. He tried to kill Doug Ward, Twila’s brother, Bob’s own nephew. He tried to rape Sherry Barnett-Baker and she testified at trial about it. See, again, Howard Mitchell’s interview with D.A. investigator Bill McMinn 09.24.94 (Exhibit Q of my letter Switzer on my website and investigator’s Cliff Carpenter affidavit about Donnell).</p> <p>43/ But hey, even so, things could have unfolded exactly the way Skinner said they did in his 17-page diatribe: Skinner was simply a loving boyfriend, a talented paralegal, who stuck it to The Man and stood up for the rights of the wronged, and who happened to be a victim, himself, in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong condition.</p> <p>A slew of reputable people have testified to my character, legal ability and activism on behalf of others and, in the community in general. A lot of it was covered in the newspapers. I don’t need to toot my own horn.</p> <p>44/ Because believing that Hank Skinner was a sociopathic ex-con with a documented history of felonies and violence toward others, and who killed a mother of 2 children then hid from the police in a neighbor’s closet wearing clothes soaked with his victims’ blood would really be a stretch!</p> <p>Bullshit! It certainly would be a helluva stretch, because the uncontested record evidence says otherwise. Truth will out.<br /> The truth hurts, don’t it? I sure wish these people had the balls to identify themselves. Go back to your little drawing board and try to dream some new lies. I’ll be waiting to further introduce you to truth and reality.<br /> Best regards,</p> <p>Hank</p> <p>999143 Polunsky Unit<br /> H W Hank Skinner<br /> 3872 FM 350 South<br /> Livingston TX 77351-8580</p> <p><a href="http://www.hankskinner.org">http://www.hankskinner.org</a><br /> Posted by Hooman Hedayati at 5:27 PM<br /> Labels: H W HANK SKINNER, Hell Hole News</p> <p>~ IF THE DNA DOES NOT FIT WE MUST ACQUIT ~ WHEN GOVERNORS USE EXECUTIONS OF THE POSSIBLE INNOCENT TO SHOW VOTERS THEY ARE TOUGH ON CRIME</p>
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