Hitchens to debate Wolpe in Brockport
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Christopher Hitchens will debate Rabbi Wolpe at SUNY Brockport.
SUNY Brockport announced in a press release that Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, and Rabbi David Wolpe, author of Why Faith Matters will debate on "Why Does God Matter?" Hitchens and Wolpe met a year ago for a similar exchange at the Temple Emanu-El in New York City, one of the world’s largest synagogues, in front of an audience of 1,500.
The debate will take place on December 2nd, 2009 at 9PM at Seymour College Union Ballroom. The tickets are available for Brockport students for $2 and general public for $10.
The tickets will be available from 9:30 am-5:30 pm on Tuesday, November 24 and Mon.-Wed., Nov 30-Dec. 2, at the Brockport Student Government Box Office, in the Seymour College Union.
This is a great opportunity to be open-minded and hear what both sides have to say about God.