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value (String, 22809 characters ) THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERICAN...
THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERICAN BANKERS COMMUNITY SO CALLED BAILOUT ~ THEY CHEAT UNCLE SAM OF HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS $$$ WITH THEIR TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS~THEY DEMAND OUR U.S. CONGRESS VOTE THEM TAX DECREASES AND THEY ALL HAVE THE NERVE TO CONTROL OUR U.S.CONGERESS TAX EXPENDITURES WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES TO DENY OUR USA MIDDLE CLASS~AND WORKING POOR PROPER HEALTH ~CARE AND LEGAL CARE!!! <!--break--> PRESIDENT OBAMA ~ TAX EXEMPT U.S. FOUNDATIONS OF OUR AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE HAVE BECOME TAX EVASION FOUNDATIONS THAT NEED NEW FEDERAL GUIDELINES.....FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR U.S. WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS ARE TOO COMMON AND COSTING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN POSSIBLE TAX REVENUE. **WHERE ARE THESE SO CALLED CHARITABLE BILLIONAIRES WHEN OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND COUNTRY TRULY NEED THEIR HELP AND LOBBY SUPPORT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS HEALTH~CARE &amp; LEGAL~CARE??? ***MANY OF THESE SAME AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE NOT ONLY HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER THEIR TAX EVADING FOUNDATIONS BILLIONS,BUT ALSO FIND IT NECESSARY TO HIRE LOBBYISTS TO ATTEMPT THE DIRECT CONTROL OVER VARIOUS USES OF AMERICAN TAX PAYERS TAX $$$ ??? WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR U.S.CONGRESSIONAL TAX DOLLAR SPENDING WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES... AND ARE CONTINUING TO DENY MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS PROPER HEALTH ~ CARE , PROPER LEGAL PROTECTIONS IN AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS,CIVIL COURTS,&amp; FEDERAL APPEALS FROM STATE COURTS. **THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA ARE LOSING PARENTING AND VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN, ARE BEING FALSELY IMPRISONED, WRONGFULY EXECUTED,LOSING THEIR HOMES OR APARTMENTS ETC... ** IS THIS REALLY WHAT MANY SAY APPEARS TO BE THE FORMATION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER IN AMERICA THAT IS ATTEMPTING TO BREAK DOWN AND DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILIES AND ESTABLISHED FAMILY VALUES ACROSS OUR GREAT COUNTRY ??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED BELOW IS ONE SUCH FAMILY COURT LEGAL CASE FROM SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA THAT SHOULD SCARE US ALL WHO VALUE FAMILY AND FAMILY VALUES IN AMERICA. WHEN HONEST POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA SUCH AS DAMON DUVAL ARE HAVING THEIR FAMILIES DESTROYED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN OUR AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS, IT IS TIME TO BEGIN QUESTIONING WHY THE FUNDING MONIES ARE NOT BEING OFFERED ??? ***50 BILLION $$$ HAVE ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY OUR U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD TO BE SENT OUT OF OUR COUNTRY OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORLDS BATTLE AGAINST AIDS,BUT AGAIN POOR AMERICANS RIGHT HERE AT HOME ARE GOING WITHOUT ...... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE ASK ALL NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO PLEASE RESPECT THE BOYCOTT OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA UNTIL A PROPER INDEPENDENT PEDOPHILE INVESTIGATION IS CONDUCTED INTO THIS PREVIOUS REPORTED MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA AND UNTIL ALL PARENTING RIGHTS ARE AGAIN GIVEN BACK TO MR. DAMON DUVAL FOR HIS 2 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN JAZZ AND MAYA DUVAL. THE TOWN OF SANTA MONICA CAN NO LONGER CONDONE THEIR FAMILY COURTS CONTINUING TAKING AWAY POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES CHILDREN BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS CAN NOT AFFORD PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION. MR.DAMON DUVAL IS JUST ONE OF MANY POORER AMERICANS WHO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN AND ARE HAVING FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA DENY THEM THEIR GOD GIVEN PARENTAL RIGHTS.. *** MR. DUVAL FINDING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ANYONE IN THE GREAT STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INVESTIGATE TO SEE IF THE MAN LIVING WITH HIS EX WIFE MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA IS STILL CONTINUING IN HIS PREVIOUS REPORTED DEVIATE WAYS WITH MR. DUVALS TRAPPED CHILDREN ??? What has transpired so far in cases SD 023 958 in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, West District at 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90405, Dept. E, Room 111 is nothing short of a blatant abuse of discretion leading to prejudicial error. The Honorable Commissioner David J. Cowan, judge pro tem, has allowed the court-appointed Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, free reign to operate. Under proper conduct, I would not be filing this verified accusation. Since Ms. Neiman's appointment February 7th, 2007, anyone with a reasonable and unabashed account of what has transpired in this Family Court would find the same result: unfair bias against the natural father of two children - these being my, Damon A. Duval's children, Jazz(born 09/28/2001) and Maya(born 12/21/2003). The most destructive and persevering by product of such partiality is the emotional and physical well-being of children of tender years. California Family Law strictly encourages frequent and continuous contact by both natural parents. At an alarming rate, the exact opposite has been happening in this Santa Monica Courthouse. This court, unchecked in the prejudice against Mr. Duval, in this continuous course of partial conduct, has invoked the complete alienation of a loving, caring, and more than capable father. An appearance by a more than qualified psychiatrist, Dr. Willian C. Wirshing on July 20th, 2009, did nothing for the unchecked prejudice. Dr. Wirshing appeared on his own, free of charge, and on behalf of Mr. Duval and his two children. He considered there to be unfair decisions made by the court. Commissioner Cowan, unfortunately has always relied completely on the partial assessments of Ms. Neiman to influence all court orders. The fact that Dr. Wirshing's declaration was stricken from the record that day should provide more than an eye raising concern for this requested review. The incontrovertible evidence is unquestionably sufficient enough to show this abuse of discretion, prove the substantial emotional injury sustained by this father and two children, and allow the higher courts to apply the proper relief, and restore and uphold the integrity of the Superior Court. The concern right now is the safety and well being of two children through the malfeasant auspices of one court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L.Neiman. There has been a more than enough evidence to warrant a full investigation into Marcus Boesch and what has transpired between him and the children. Particularly of note the, at the time three year old Maya, who accused him BY NAME of improperly touching her. This was accompanied by the frequent uncontrollable urination by Mr. Duvals daughter, a red light warning in any female child abuse matter. The soft handed investigation by Ms. Neiman has not cleared this abuse from having occurred, nor has it assured me that this abuse has ceased. In West's Annotated California Codes Court Rules, Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1-100 note 6, "Attorneys must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity they are acting in a particular manner. "[Crawford v. State Bar of Cal.(1960) 7 Cal. Rptr. 746, 54 Cal 2d 659; 355 P. 2d 490] "One who is licensed to practice as an attorney must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity he may be acting in a particular matter[Alkow v. State Bar of Cal.(1952) 38 Cal. 2d 257; 239 P. 2d 871] Rule 1-710: A member who is serving as a temporary judge, referee, or court-appointed arbitrator, and is subject under the Code of Judicial Ethics to Canon 6D, shall comply with the terms of that canon. Canon 6(D): A temporary judge, a person serving as a referee pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 638 or 639, or a court-appointed arbitrator shall comply only with the following Code provisions: Canon 1:[integrity and independence of the judiciary] Canon 6(A): Anyone who is an officer of the state judicial system and who performs judicial functions ,including, but not limited to, a subordinate judicial officer, magistrate, court-appointed arbitrator, judge of the State Bar Court, temporary Judge, and special master, is a judge within the meaning of this Code. Canon 6(D)(3) A temporary judge shall, from the time of notice and acceptance of appointment until termination of the appointment, disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding as follows: (vii) for any reason: (A) the temporary judge believes his or her recusal would further the interests of justice; (B) the temporary judge believes there is a substantial doubt as to his or her capacity to be impartial; or (C) a person aware of the facts might reasonably entertain a doubt that the temporary judge would be able to be impartial. Bias or prejudice toward an attorney in the proceeding may be grounds for disqualification. Canon 3(B)(4)[patient, dignified, and courteous treatment] (6)[require lawyers to refrain from manifestations of any form of bias or prejudice] Canon 3(c)(2): A judge shall require "staff and personnel" under the judge's direction and control to observe appropriate standards of conduct and to refrain from manifesting bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status in the performance of their official duties. Canon 3(c)(5): A judge shall perform administrative duties without bias or prejudice. A judge shall not, in the performance of administrative duties, engage in speech, gestures, or other conduct that would reasonably be perceived as 1) bias or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, or 2) sexual harassment. Canon 3(D)(2): Whenever a judge has personal knowledge that a lawyer has violated any provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge shall take appropriate action. Custody of the two children, Jazz and Maya, were given back to the mother on February 7, 2008, one of many malfeasant opinions and suggestions by Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman and concurred by Comm. Cowan After months of stability and continuity in the full custody of their father[see 12/06/08 signed non court-ordered letter from mother granting father custody]. That custody had actually started in the summer of 2007, after the mother's boyfriend was accused by my daughter of touching her inappropriately(genitals). The El Segundo Police Dept. and Child Protective Services(reports made by both and filed with the court) were immediately notified by me. In the 2/7/08 proceedings, Ms. Nieman stated that "the love Mr. Duval has for his children is derived out of the hate he harbors for his ex-wife." She interviewed both parties, and was well aware that my now ex-wife had left the marriage in the middle of a move, children in tow, while we were traveling in a 22 foot RV that was purchased by both of us. Ms. Nieman made it clear that just because I lived in the RV(I had nowhere else to go) was cause for her decision. I wish I could provide the reporter's transcript. Therein it lies. "The issue in a case such as this is not the condition of the home but in the fitness of the parents to supervise the care, custody, and control of the child[children] and what is in the best interest of the child[children].[Prouty v. Pruty(1940) 16 Cal 2d 190,195; 105 P. 2d 295 Civil Code Sections 84, 138 subd.1 It seems that Comm. Cowan and Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, have been "narrowly" guided in scope by Civil Code Section 138 subdivision 2 which requires that "other things being equal" if the child[children] is of tender years, custody of the child should be given to the mother. The 2/27/08 decision was judicially erroneous and severely bias. This decision was so blatant an abuse of discretion that I, the father and my two children have suffered substantial emotional injury. If absent this reprehensible judicial error, the three of us would have obtained a more favorable result. On March 24th, 2008, completely aware of our joint legal custody status, plaintiff/respondent/mother in complete defiance of two signed court orders(a Conciliation Agreement and a Divorce Judgment) and without my consent, pulled the children out of school, hid out for two days without allowing any contact. She re-enrolled one of the children, my son, Jazz, back in school in El Segundo. Also without my consent, the younger child, Maya, 4 yrs., never even completed her very first year of preschool. Both children having had near perfect attendance, had completed 3/4 of their respective school years in the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. "Averment in contempt affidavit that custodial parent[mother] "removed the children from the state[school that they were enrolled in] without my knowledge or consent and with the intent of preventing the exercise of my visitation and communication rights with the minor children is allegation of fact... not mere conclusion." [Rosin v. Sup. Ct.(1960) 181 Cal. App. 2d 486, 490 5 Cal. Rptr. 421] Had the children been allowed to stay at their schools, undisturbed, the consistency and stability provided by their father over the last eight months would have achieved a continuity so stressed by any program for any child of tender years, and was stringently so in both court-appointed programs(P.A.C.T. and Parenting without Conflict), attended by both parents. However this malfeasant decision was based on the three officers of the court's determined intention of depriving myself, the children's biological father, of the pleasure and of the company and necessary parental association with my two children. As if the destructive and punitive nature of all these decisions weren't enough, it was seen fit to place a six month restraining order on me from the beginning of June through December(2008). There has never been any threat of violence by myself towards the ex-wife or my children. The mother of the children said through her attorney that she feared Mr. Duval might buy a gun. The only place the exchange of the children had been taking place over the previous year was the El Segundo Police Station. Take a gun to the Police Station to exchange the children? Would not that be suicide by cop? This restraining order kept me completely away from every aspect of my children's educational process, not even being able to so much as contact the schools in which they are enrolled. I would miss my son's first grade graduation in June of 2008, his 2nd grade graduation in 2009, and my daughter's graduation from pre-school. I still to this day do not know where my two children reside with their mother and the boyfriend. In deciding a matter so vital to the welfare and emotional stability of children it is imperative that the trial court, in order to make as wise decision as possible, should have as complete a picture of the whole background as possible, all of which would aid the court, if remaining true to set rules, in determining the probabilities of either parent meeting the basic needs for a balanced existence for the children. It may be that if some of the factors are missing or conveniently overlooked, the the trial court may not arrive at the best decision. "To be entrusted with the rearing of children a mother[parent] should be possessed of such character and conduct that by the force of his/her example he/she can train them in the paths of morality, righteousness, and rectitude."[Currin v. Currin 125 Cal. App. 2d 644; 271 P. 2d 61] [in accord with Kelly v. Kelly 173 Cal. App. 2d 469, 474; 343 P. 2d 391] Contemporary psychology confirms what wise families have perhaps always known- that the essence of parenting is not to be found in the harried rounds of daily carpooling endemic to modern suburban life, or even in the doggedly dutiful acts of togetherness committed every weekend by well-meaning fathers and mothers across America. Rather its essence lies in the ethical, emotional, and intellectual guidance the parent gives to the child throughout his/her formative years, and often beyond. The source of this guidance is the adult's own experience of life; its motive power is parental love and concern for the child's well-being; and its teachings deal with such fundamental matters as the child's feelings about his/herself, relationships with others, system of values, standards of conduct, and goals and priorities in life. My capacity to parent was in no way related to a handicap- a 22 ft. RV. In such matters, a handicap may well be an asset.... few can pass through the crucible of a handicap without learning enduring lessons in patience and tolerance. All of this has occurred on Amy L. Neiman's watch: a court appointed attorney on behalf of two children. My children ARE HER CLIENTS: **Custody change, and disrupting a 50/50/visitation **The disrupting of a school year with only ten weeks to go in arguably the finest public school district available is reprehensible, abominable. These are all documented and filed accounts. **Putting the children back with the mother with this history of neglect: * fighting to keep the children out of counseling - and placing contempt charges against the father just for taking the children to free counseling offered by their school. Four months of court expenses and NO counseling at all for at risk children, only to comply at the drop of the contempt charges. * hiring (with the boyfriend) a 23 year-old babysitter over the period of MONTHS with a criminal record as this: arrested with heroin pipe possession, driving without a license, and arrest warrants in excess of $40,000. How do you leave a five and three year old in these hands for one minute? * a boyfriend accused, by name, by the three year old daughter, of inappropriate fondling and uncontrollable urination to go with the accusation. * a five year old boy who had been unable to control his bowels for at least over a two year period, hiding his dirty underwear from the adults in the household. * a three year old girl that screams "who do you think you are the fuck police" while chasing her five year old brother in play. "A mere recitation of the facts shows grounds for the trial court to find that the character and demeanor of the plaintiff [plaintiff/respondent/mother Tammy L. Williams] would be adverse to a proper raising of children under these circumstances." [Santens v. Santens 180 Cal. App. 2d 809,819 4 Cal. Rptr. 635] These malfeasant decisions that harmed myself and my two children are reviewable. I pray that the State Bar will find in their review the malpractice, abuse of discretion, and prejudicial errors committed by court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L. Nieman. I pray that she be held accountable for her actions. The very integrity of our courts, and in~arguably the defenseless children of tender years depend on this check and balance. LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING~POOR AMERICANS THAT CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY SEARCH ENGINE.(424-247-2013) **CERTAIN WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE CAUSED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO CONTINUE BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS BY THEIR MONETARY CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLES U.S.CONGRESS. LACK OF PROPER HEALTH*CARE FOR 45 MILLION POORER AMERICANS AND THE LACK OF PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN ALL AMERICAN COURTS OF LAW ARE REAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD COURT NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE. ***BIGDADDYJAZZANDMAYA.COM IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO START WHEN VIEWING OUR NATIONAL AMERICAN FAMILY COURT HORROR THAT IS AFFECTING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES (LIKE MR. DAMON DUVAL AND HIS TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN) WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN U.S.FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA. STEALING CHILDREN AWAY FROM POORER LOVING AMERICAN PARENTS WHO ARE BEING FORCED TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES IN OUR U.S.FAMILY COURTS HAS BECOME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF POORER U.S. FAMILY CHILDREN WILL BE BURDENED WITH FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. ***THESE TWO FAMILY COURT MISFITS WITH LAW DEGREES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY LEGAL COMMUNITY NEED REPLACEMENT SOS~BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO DESTROY OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES*** SANTA MONICA LAWYER AMY L. NEIMAN (THE DUVAL CHILDRENS COUNSEL) AND GAY SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER DAVID J. COWAN ARE BOTH CRUEL AND BIASED FAILURES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT LEGAL ARENA AND REALLY NEED TO FIND OTHER AVENUES TO VENT THEIR SICK MISDIRECTED ANGER OTHER THEN PUNISHING INNOCENT FAMILIES IN FAMILY COURTS ANYWHERE IN AMERICA. *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho kenya nigeria áfrica del sur Canada: hamilton london, ontario maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg Asia del Este: burma jakarta japón korea manila qc Europa: abruzzo alacant andorra anveres armenia atenas austria barcelona belarus bélgica belgrado bristol bulgaria calabria croacia chipre emilia-romagna estrecho euskal herria galiza alemania grenoble hungrÃa londres irlanda estanbul italia la plana liege liguria lille linksunten lombardia madrid malta marseille nantes napoli holanda niza noruega oost-vlaanderen c.m.i. indymedia paris/ÃŽle-de-france patras piemonte polonia portugal roma romania rusia saint-petersburg escocia suecia suiza tesalónica torun toscana toulouse ukraine gran bretaña valencia America Latina: argentina bolivia chiapas chile chile sur brasil colombia ecuador méxico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago tijuana uruguay valparaiso venezuela indimedia venezuela Oceania: adelaida aotearoa brisbane burma darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney Asia del Sur: india mumbai Estados Unidos: arizona arkansas asheville atlanta austin baltimore big muddy binghamton boston bufalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado columbus washington, dc hawaii houston ny capital ciudad de kansas los ángeles madison maine miami michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire nueva jersey nuevo méxico nueva orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma filadelfia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley st louis san diego san francisco bahÃa de san francisco santa barbara santa cruz, ca sarasota seattle tampa bay tennessee urbana-champaign vermont western mass worcester Asia del Oeste: armenia beirut israel palestina proceso: fbi/legal al dÃa listas de correo documentación técnico voluntarios proyectos: impresos radio tv satelital video regiones: oceanÃa estados unidos temas: biotech ~ WHEN MIDDLE ~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS BECAME EDUCATED TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR CRUEL AND ABUSIVE WEALTHY ELITE U.S. CITIZENS~
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 22909 characters ) <p>THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERI...
<p>THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERICAN BANKERS COMMUNITY SO CALLED BAILOUT ~ THEY CHEAT UNCLE SAM OF HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS $$$ WITH THEIR TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS~THEY DEMAND OUR U.S. CONGRESS VOTE THEM TAX DECREASES AND THEY ALL HAVE THE NERVE TO CONTROL OUR U.S.CONGERESS TAX EXPENDITURES WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES TO DENY OUR USA MIDDLE CLASS~AND WORKING POOR PROPER HEALTH ~CARE AND LEGAL CARE!!!</p> <!--break--><p> PRESIDENT OBAMA ~ TAX EXEMPT U.S. FOUNDATIONS OF OUR AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE HAVE BECOME TAX EVASION FOUNDATIONS THAT NEED NEW FEDERAL GUIDELINES.....FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR U.S. WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS ARE TOO COMMON AND COSTING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN POSSIBLE TAX REVENUE.</p> <p>**WHERE ARE THESE SO CALLED CHARITABLE BILLIONAIRES WHEN OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND COUNTRY TRULY NEED THEIR HELP AND LOBBY SUPPORT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS HEALTH~CARE &amp; LEGAL~CARE???</p> <p>***MANY OF THESE SAME AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE NOT ONLY HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER THEIR TAX EVADING FOUNDATIONS BILLIONS,BUT ALSO FIND IT NECESSARY TO HIRE LOBBYISTS TO ATTEMPT THE DIRECT CONTROL OVER VARIOUS USES OF AMERICAN TAX PAYERS TAX $$$ ???</p> <p>WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR U.S.CONGRESSIONAL TAX DOLLAR SPENDING WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES... AND ARE CONTINUING TO DENY MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS PROPER HEALTH ~ CARE , PROPER LEGAL PROTECTIONS IN AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS,CIVIL COURTS,&amp; FEDERAL APPEALS FROM STATE COURTS.</p> <p>**THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA ARE LOSING PARENTING AND VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN, ARE BEING FALSELY IMPRISONED, WRONGFULY EXECUTED,LOSING THEIR HOMES OR APARTMENTS ETC... ** IS THIS REALLY WHAT MANY SAY APPEARS TO BE THE FORMATION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER IN AMERICA THAT IS ATTEMPTING TO BREAK DOWN AND DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILIES AND ESTABLISHED FAMILY VALUES ACROSS OUR GREAT COUNTRY ???</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> FEATURED BELOW IS ONE SUCH FAMILY COURT LEGAL CASE FROM SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA THAT SHOULD SCARE US ALL WHO VALUE FAMILY AND FAMILY VALUES IN AMERICA. WHEN HONEST POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA SUCH AS DAMON DUVAL ARE HAVING THEIR FAMILIES DESTROYED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN OUR AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS, IT IS TIME TO BEGIN QUESTIONING WHY THE FUNDING MONIES ARE NOT BEING OFFERED ??? ***50 BILLION $$$ HAVE ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY OUR U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD TO BE SENT OUT OF OUR COUNTRY OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORLDS BATTLE AGAINST AIDS,BUT AGAIN POOR AMERICANS RIGHT HERE AT HOME ARE GOING WITHOUT ......</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> WE ASK ALL NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO PLEASE RESPECT THE BOYCOTT OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA UNTIL A PROPER INDEPENDENT PEDOPHILE INVESTIGATION IS CONDUCTED INTO THIS PREVIOUS REPORTED MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA AND UNTIL ALL PARENTING RIGHTS ARE AGAIN GIVEN BACK TO MR. DAMON DUVAL FOR HIS 2 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN JAZZ AND MAYA DUVAL.</p> <p>THE TOWN OF SANTA MONICA CAN NO LONGER CONDONE THEIR FAMILY COURTS CONTINUING TAKING AWAY POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES CHILDREN BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS CAN NOT AFFORD PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION. MR.DAMON DUVAL IS JUST ONE OF MANY POORER AMERICANS WHO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN AND ARE HAVING FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA DENY THEM THEIR GOD GIVEN PARENTAL RIGHTS..</p> <p>*** MR. DUVAL FINDING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ANYONE IN THE GREAT STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INVESTIGATE TO SEE IF THE MAN LIVING WITH HIS EX WIFE MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA IS STILL CONTINUING IN HIS PREVIOUS REPORTED DEVIATE WAYS WITH MR. DUVALS TRAPPED CHILDREN ???</p> <p>What has transpired so far in cases SD 023 958 in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, West District at 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90405, Dept. E, Room 111 is nothing short of a blatant abuse of discretion leading to prejudicial error. The Honorable Commissioner David J. Cowan, judge pro tem, has allowed the court-appointed Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, free reign to operate. Under proper conduct, I would not be filing this verified accusation. Since Ms. Neiman's appointment February 7th, 2007, anyone with a reasonable and unabashed account of what has transpired in this Family Court would find the same result: unfair bias against the natural father of two children - these being my, Damon A. Duval's children, Jazz(born 09/28/2001) and Maya(born 12/21/2003).</p> <p>The most destructive and persevering by product of such partiality is the emotional and physical well-being of children of tender years. California Family Law strictly encourages frequent and continuous contact by both natural parents. At an alarming rate, the exact opposite has been happening in this Santa Monica Courthouse. This court, unchecked in the prejudice against Mr. Duval, in this continuous course of partial conduct, has invoked the complete alienation of a loving, caring, and more than capable father. An appearance by a more than qualified psychiatrist, Dr. Willian C. Wirshing on July 20th, 2009, did nothing for the unchecked prejudice. Dr. Wirshing appeared on his own, free of charge, and on behalf of Mr. Duval and his two children. He considered there to be unfair decisions made by the court. Commissioner Cowan, unfortunately has always relied completely on the partial assessments of Ms. Neiman to influence all court orders. The fact that Dr. Wirshing's declaration was stricken from the record that day should provide more than an eye raising concern for this requested review.</p> <p>The incontrovertible evidence is unquestionably sufficient enough to show this abuse of discretion, prove the substantial emotional injury sustained by this father and two children, and allow the higher courts to apply the proper relief, and restore and uphold the integrity of the Superior Court. The concern right now is the safety and well being of two children through the malfeasant auspices of one court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L.Neiman. There has been a more than enough evidence to warrant a full investigation into Marcus Boesch and what has transpired between him and the children. Particularly of note the, at the time three year old Maya, who accused him BY NAME of improperly touching her. This was accompanied by the frequent uncontrollable urination by Mr. Duvals daughter, a red light warning in any female child abuse matter. The soft handed investigation by Ms. Neiman has not cleared this abuse from having occurred, nor has it assured me that this abuse has ceased. In West's Annotated California Codes Court Rules, Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1-100 note 6, "Attorneys must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity they are acting in a particular manner.</p> <p>"[Crawford v. State Bar of Cal.(1960) 7 Cal. Rptr. 746, 54 Cal 2d 659; 355 P. 2d 490] "One who is licensed to practice as an attorney must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity he may be acting in a particular matter[Alkow v. State Bar of Cal.(1952) 38 Cal. 2d 257; 239 P. 2d 871] Rule 1-710: A member who is serving as a temporary judge, referee, or court-appointed arbitrator, and is subject under the Code of Judicial Ethics to Canon 6D, shall comply with the terms of that canon. Canon 6(D): A temporary judge, a person serving as a referee pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 638 or 639, or a court-appointed arbitrator shall comply only with the following Code provisions: Canon 1:[integrity and independence of the judiciary] Canon 6(A):</p> <p>Anyone who is an officer of the state judicial system and who performs judicial functions ,including, but not limited to, a subordinate judicial officer, magistrate, court-appointed arbitrator, judge of the State Bar Court, temporary Judge, and special master, is a judge within the meaning of this Code. Canon 6(D)(3) A temporary judge shall, from the time of notice and acceptance of appointment until termination of the appointment, disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding as follows: (vii) for any reason: (A) the temporary judge believes his or her recusal would further the interests of justice; (B) the temporary judge believes there is a substantial doubt as to his or her capacity to be impartial; or (C) a person aware of the facts might reasonably entertain a doubt that the temporary judge would be able to be impartial. Bias or prejudice toward an attorney in the proceeding may be grounds for disqualification. Canon 3(B)(4)[patient, dignified, and courteous treatment] (6)[require lawyers to refrain from manifestations of any form of bias or prejudice] Canon 3(c)(2): </p> <p>A judge shall require "staff and personnel" under the judge's direction and control to observe appropriate standards of conduct and to refrain from manifesting bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status in the performance of their official duties. Canon 3(c)(5): A judge shall perform administrative duties without bias or prejudice. A judge shall not, in the performance of administrative duties, engage in speech, gestures, or other conduct that would reasonably be perceived as 1) bias or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, or 2) sexual harassment. Canon 3(D)(2):</p> <p>Whenever a judge has personal knowledge that a lawyer has violated any provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge shall take appropriate action. Custody of the two children, Jazz and Maya, were given back to the mother on February 7, 2008, one of many malfeasant opinions and suggestions by Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman and concurred by Comm. Cowan After months of stability and continuity in the full custody of their father[see 12/06/08 signed non court-ordered letter from mother granting father custody]. That custody had actually started in the summer of 2007, after the mother's boyfriend was accused by my daughter of touching her inappropriately(genitals).</p> <p>The El Segundo Police Dept. and Child Protective Services(reports made by both and filed with the court) were immediately notified by me. In the 2/7/08 proceedings, Ms. Nieman stated that "the love Mr. Duval has for his children is derived out of the hate he harbors for his ex-wife." She interviewed both parties, and was well aware that my now ex-wife had left the marriage in the middle of a move, children in tow, while we were traveling in a 22 foot RV that was purchased by both of us. Ms. Nieman made it clear that just because I lived in the RV(I had nowhere else to go) was cause for her decision. I wish I could provide the reporter's transcript. Therein it lies.</p> <p>"The issue in a case such as this is not the condition of the home but in the fitness of the parents to supervise the care, custody, and control of the child[children] and what is in the best interest of the child[children].[Prouty v. Pruty(1940) 16 Cal 2d 190,195; 105 P. 2d 295 Civil Code Sections 84, 138 subd.1 It seems that Comm. Cowan and Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, have been "narrowly" guided in scope by Civil Code Section 138 subdivision 2 which requires that "other things being equal" if the child[children] is of tender years, custody of the child should be given to the mother. The 2/27/08 decision was judicially erroneous and severely bias.</p> <p>This decision was so blatant an abuse of discretion that I, the father and my two children have suffered substantial emotional injury. If absent this reprehensible judicial error, the three of us would have obtained a more favorable result. On March 24th, 2008, completely aware of our joint legal custody status, plaintiff/respondent/mother in complete defiance of two signed court orders(a Conciliation Agreement and a Divorce Judgment) and without my consent, pulled the children out of school, hid out for two days without allowing any contact. She re-enrolled one of the children, my son, Jazz, back in school in El Segundo. Also without my consent, the younger child, Maya, 4 yrs., never even completed her very first year of preschool. Both children having had near perfect attendance, had completed 3/4 of their respective school years in the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. "Averment in contempt affidavit that custodial parent[mother] "removed the children from the state[school that they were enrolled in] without my knowledge or consent and with the intent of preventing the exercise of my visitation and communication rights with the minor children is allegation of fact... not mere conclusion." [Rosin v. Sup. Ct.(1960) 181 Cal. App. 2d 486, 490 5 Cal. Rptr. 421]</p> <p>Had the children been allowed to stay at their schools, undisturbed, the consistency and stability provided by their father over the last eight months would have achieved a continuity so stressed by any program for any child of tender years, and was stringently so in both court-appointed programs(P.A.C.T. and Parenting without Conflict), attended by both parents. However this malfeasant decision was based on the three officers of the court's determined intention of depriving myself, the children's biological father, of the pleasure and of the company and necessary parental association with my two children. As if the destructive and punitive nature of all these decisions weren't enough, it was seen fit to place a six month restraining order on me from the beginning of June through December(2008). There has never been any threat of violence by myself towards the ex-wife or my children.</p> <p>The mother of the children said through her attorney that she feared Mr. Duval might buy a gun. The only place the exchange of the children had been taking place over the previous year was the El Segundo Police Station. Take a gun to the Police Station to exchange the children? Would not that be suicide by cop? This restraining order kept me completely away from every aspect of my children's educational process, not even being able to so much as contact the schools in which they are enrolled. I would miss my son's first grade graduation in June of 2008, his 2nd grade graduation in 2009, and my daughter's graduation from pre-school. I still to this day do not know where my two children reside with their mother and the boyfriend.</p> <p>In deciding a matter so vital to the welfare and emotional stability of children it is imperative that the trial court, in order to make as wise decision as possible, should have as complete a picture of the whole background as possible, all of which would aid the court, if remaining true to set rules, in determining the probabilities of either parent meeting the basic needs for a balanced existence for the children. It may be that if some of the factors are missing or conveniently overlooked, the the trial court may not arrive at the best decision.</p> <p>"To be entrusted with the rearing of children a mother[parent] should be possessed of such character and conduct that by the force of his/her example he/she can train them in the paths of morality, righteousness, and rectitude."[Currin v. Currin 125 Cal. App. 2d 644; 271 P. 2d 61] [in accord with Kelly v. Kelly 173 Cal. App. 2d 469, 474; 343 P. 2d 391] Contemporary psychology confirms what wise families have perhaps always known- that the essence of parenting is not to be found in the harried rounds of daily carpooling endemic to modern suburban life, or even in the doggedly dutiful acts of togetherness committed every weekend by well-meaning fathers and mothers across America. Rather its essence lies in the ethical, emotional, and intellectual guidance the parent gives to the child throughout his/her formative years, and often beyond. </p> <p>The source of this guidance is the adult's own experience of life; its motive power is parental love and concern for the child's well-being; and its teachings deal with such fundamental matters as the child's feelings about his/herself, relationships with others, system of values, standards of conduct, and goals and priorities in life. My capacity to parent was in no way related to a handicap- a 22 ft. RV. In such matters, a handicap may well be an asset.... few can pass through the crucible of a handicap without learning enduring lessons in patience and tolerance.</p> <p> All of this has occurred on Amy L. Neiman's watch: a court appointed attorney on behalf of two children. My children ARE HER CLIENTS: **Custody change, and disrupting a 50/50/visitation **The disrupting of a school year with only ten weeks to go in arguably the finest public school district available is reprehensible, abominable. These are all documented and filed accounts. **Putting the children back with the mother with this history of neglect: * fighting to keep the children out of counseling - and placing contempt charges against the father just for taking the children to free counseling offered by their school. Four months of court expenses and NO counseling at all for at risk children, only to comply at the drop of the contempt charges. * hiring (with the boyfriend) a 23 year-old babysitter over the period of MONTHS with a criminal record as this: arrested with heroin pipe possession, driving without a license, and arrest warrants in excess of $40,000. How do you leave a five and three year old in these hands for one minute? * a boyfriend accused, by name, by the three year old daughter, of inappropriate fondling and uncontrollable urination to go with the accusation. * a five year old boy who had been unable to control his bowels for at least over a two year period, hiding his dirty underwear from the adults in the household. * a three year old girl that screams "who do you think you are the fuck police" while chasing her five year old brother in play. "A mere recitation of the facts shows grounds for the trial court to find that the character and demeanor of the plaintiff [plaintiff/respondent/mother Tammy L. Williams] would be adverse to a proper raising of children under these circumstances." [Santens v. Santens 180 Cal. App. 2d 809,819 4 Cal. Rptr. 635] These malfeasant decisions that harmed myself and my two children are reviewable. I pray that the State Bar will find in their review the malpractice, abuse of discretion, and prejudicial errors committed by court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L. Nieman. I pray that she be held accountable for her actions. The very integrity of our courts, and in~arguably the defenseless children of tender years depend on this check and balance.</p> <p>LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING~POOR AMERICANS THAT CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY SEARCH ENGINE.(424-247-2013)</p> <p>**CERTAIN WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE CAUSED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO CONTINUE BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS BY THEIR MONETARY CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLES U.S.CONGRESS. LACK OF PROPER HEALTH*CARE FOR 45 MILLION POORER AMERICANS AND THE LACK OF PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN ALL AMERICAN COURTS OF LAW ARE REAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD COURT NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE.</p> <p>***BIGDADDYJAZZANDMAYA.COM IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO START WHEN VIEWING OUR NATIONAL AMERICAN FAMILY COURT HORROR THAT IS AFFECTING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES (LIKE MR. DAMON DUVAL AND HIS TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN) WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN U.S.FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA. STEALING CHILDREN AWAY FROM POORER LOVING AMERICAN PARENTS WHO ARE BEING FORCED TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES IN OUR U.S.FAMILY COURTS HAS BECOME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF POORER U.S. FAMILY CHILDREN WILL BE BURDENED WITH FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.</p> <p>***THESE TWO FAMILY COURT MISFITS WITH LAW DEGREES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY LEGAL COMMUNITY NEED REPLACEMENT SOS~BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO DESTROY OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES*** SANTA MONICA LAWYER AMY L. NEIMAN (THE DUVAL CHILDRENS COUNSEL) AND GAY SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER DAVID J. COWAN ARE BOTH CRUEL AND BIASED FAILURES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT LEGAL ARENA AND REALLY NEED TO FIND OTHER AVENUES TO VENT THEIR SICK MISDIRECTED ANGER OTHER THEN PUNISHING INNOCENT FAMILIES IN FAMILY COURTS ANYWHERE IN AMERICA. ***</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho kenya nigeria áfrica del sur Canada: hamilton london, ontario maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg Asia del Este: burma jakarta japón korea manila qc Europa: abruzzo alacant andorra anveres armenia atenas austria barcelona belarus bélgica belgrado bristol bulgaria calabria croacia chipre emilia-romagna estrecho euskal herria galiza alemania grenoble hungrÃa londres irlanda estanbul italia la plana liege liguria lille linksunten lombardia madrid malta marseille nantes napoli holanda niza noruega oost-vlaanderen c.m.i. indymedia paris/ÃŽle-de-france patras piemonte polonia portugal roma romania rusia saint-petersburg escocia suecia suiza tesalónica torun toscana toulouse ukraine gran bretaña valencia America Latina: argentina bolivia chiapas chile chile sur brasil colombia ecuador méxico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago tijuana uruguay valparaiso venezuela indimedia venezuela Oceania: adelaida aotearoa brisbane burma darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney Asia del Sur: india mumbai Estados Unidos: arizona arkansas asheville atlanta austin baltimore big muddy binghamton boston bufalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado columbus washington, dc hawaii houston ny capital ciudad de kansas los ángeles madison maine miami michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire nueva jersey nuevo méxico nueva orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma filadelfia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley st louis san diego san francisco bahÃa de san francisco santa barbara santa cruz, ca sarasota seattle tampa bay tennessee urbana-champaign vermont western mass worcester Asia del Oeste: armenia beirut israel palestina proceso: fbi/legal al dÃa listas de correo documentación técnico voluntarios proyectos: impresos radio tv satelital video regiones: oceanÃa estados unidos temas: biotech</p> <p>~ WHEN MIDDLE ~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS BECAME EDUCATED TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR CRUEL AND ABUSIVE WEALTHY ELITE U.S. CITIZENS~</p>
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THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERICAN BANKERS COMMUNITY SO CALLED BAILOUT ~ THEY CHEAT UNCLE SAM OF HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS $$$ WITH THEIR TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS~THEY DEMAND OUR U.S. CONGRESS VOTE THEM TAX DECREASES AND THEY ALL HAVE THE NERVE TO CONTROL OUR U.S.CONGERESS TAX EXPENDITURES WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES TO DENY OUR USA MIDDLE CLASS~AND WORKING POOR PROPER HEALTH ~CARE AND LEGAL CARE!!! <!--break--> PRESIDENT OBAMA ~ TAX EXEMPT U.S. FOUNDATIONS OF OUR AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE HAVE BECOME TAX EVASION FOUNDATIONS THAT NEED NEW FEDERAL GUIDELINES.....FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR U.S. WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS ARE TOO COMMON AND COSTING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN POSSIBLE TAX REVENUE. **WHERE ARE THESE SO CALLED CHARITABLE BILLIONAIRES WHEN OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND COUNTRY TRULY NEED THEIR HELP AND LOBBY SUPPORT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS HEALTH~CARE &amp; LEGAL~CARE??? ***MANY OF THESE SAME AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE NOT ONLY HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER THEIR TAX EVADING FOUNDATIONS BILLIONS,BUT ALSO FIND IT NECESSARY TO HIRE LOBBYISTS TO ATTEMPT THE DIRECT CONTROL OVER VARIOUS USES OF AMERICAN TAX PAYERS TAX $$$ ??? WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR U.S.CONGRESSIONAL TAX DOLLAR SPENDING WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES... AND ARE CONTINUING TO DENY MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS PROPER HEALTH ~ CARE , PROPER LEGAL PROTECTIONS IN AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS,CIVIL COURTS,&amp; FEDERAL APPEALS FROM STATE COURTS. **THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA ARE LOSING PARENTING AND VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN, ARE BEING FALSELY IMPRISONED, WRONGFULY EXECUTED,LOSING THEIR HOMES OR APARTMENTS ETC... ** IS THIS REALLY WHAT MANY SAY APPEARS TO BE THE FORMATION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER IN AMERICA THAT IS ATTEMPTING TO BREAK DOWN AND DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILIES AND ESTABLISHED FAMILY VALUES ACROSS OUR GREAT COUNTRY ??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED BELOW IS ONE SUCH FAMILY COURT LEGAL CASE FROM SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA THAT SHOULD SCARE US ALL WHO VALUE FAMILY AND FAMILY VALUES IN AMERICA. WHEN HONEST POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA SUCH AS DAMON DUVAL ARE HAVING THEIR FAMILIES DESTROYED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN OUR AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS, IT IS TIME TO BEGIN QUESTIONING WHY THE FUNDING MONIES ARE NOT BEING OFFERED ??? ***50 BILLION $$$ HAVE ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY OUR U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD TO BE SENT OUT OF OUR COUNTRY OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORLDS BATTLE AGAINST AIDS,BUT AGAIN POOR AMERICANS RIGHT HERE AT HOME ARE GOING WITHOUT ...... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE ASK ALL NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO PLEASE RESPECT THE BOYCOTT OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA UNTIL A PROPER INDEPENDENT PEDOPHILE INVESTIGATION IS CONDUCTED INTO THIS PREVIOUS REPORTED MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA AND UNTIL ALL PARENTING RIGHTS ARE AGAIN GIVEN BACK TO MR. DAMON DUVAL FOR HIS 2 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN JAZZ AND MAYA DUVAL. THE TOWN OF SANTA MONICA CAN NO LONGER CONDONE THEIR FAMILY COURTS CONTINUING TAKING AWAY POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES CHILDREN BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS CAN NOT AFFORD PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION. MR.DAMON DUVAL IS JUST ONE OF MANY POORER AMERICANS WHO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN AND ARE HAVING FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA DENY THEM THEIR GOD GIVEN PARENTAL RIGHTS.. *** MR. DUVAL FINDING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ANYONE IN THE GREAT STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INVESTIGATE TO SEE IF THE MAN LIVING WITH HIS EX WIFE MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA IS STILL CONTINUING IN HIS PREVIOUS REPORTED DEVIATE WAYS WITH MR. DUVALS TRAPPED CHILDREN ??? What has transpired so far in cases SD 023 958 in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, West District at 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90405, Dept. E, Room 111 is nothing short of a blatant abuse of discretion leading to prejudicial error. The Honorable Commissioner David J. Cowan, judge pro tem, has allowed the court-appointed Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, free reign to operate. Under proper conduct, I would not be filing this verified accusation. Since Ms. Neiman's appointment February 7th, 2007, anyone with a reasonable and unabashed account of what has transpired in this Family Court would find the same result: unfair bias against the natural father of two children - these being my, Damon A. Duval's children, Jazz(born 09/28/2001) and Maya(born 12/21/2003). The most destructive and persevering by product of such partiality is the emotional and physical well-being of children of tender years. California Family Law strictly encourages frequent and continuous contact by both natural parents. At an alarming rate, the exact opposite has been happening in this Santa Monica Courthouse. This court, unchecked in the prejudice against Mr. Duval, in this continuous course of partial conduct, has invoked the complete alienation of a loving, caring, and more than capable father. An appearance by a more than qualified psychiatrist, Dr. Willian C. Wirshing on July 20th, 2009, did nothing for the unchecked prejudice. Dr. Wirshing appeared on his own, free of charge, and on behalf of Mr. Duval and his two children. He considered there to be unfair decisions made by the court. Commissioner Cowan, unfortunately has always relied completely on the partial assessments of Ms. Neiman to influence all court orders. The fact that Dr. Wirshing's declaration was stricken from the record that day should provide more than an eye raising concern for this requested review. The incontrovertible evidence is unquestionably sufficient enough to show this abuse of discretion, prove the substantial emotional injury sustained by this father and two children, and allow the higher courts to apply the proper relief, and restore and uphold the integrity of the Superior Court. The concern right now is the safety and well being of two children through the malfeasant auspices of one court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L.Neiman. There has been a more than enough evidence to warrant a full investigation into Marcus Boesch and what has transpired between him and the children. Particularly of note the, at the time three year old Maya, who accused him BY NAME of improperly touching her. This was accompanied by the frequent uncontrollable urination by Mr. Duvals daughter, a red light warning in any female child abuse matter. The soft handed investigation by Ms. Neiman has not cleared this abuse from having occurred, nor has it assured me that this abuse has ceased. In West's Annotated California Codes Court Rules, Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1-100 note 6, "Attorneys must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity they are acting in a particular manner. "[Crawford v. State Bar of Cal.(1960) 7 Cal. Rptr. 746, 54 Cal 2d 659; 355 P. 2d 490] "One who is licensed to practice as an attorney must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity he may be acting in a particular matter[Alkow v. State Bar of Cal.(1952) 38 Cal. 2d 257; 239 P. 2d 871] Rule 1-710: A member who is serving as a temporary judge, referee, or court-appointed arbitrator, and is subject under the Code of Judicial Ethics to Canon 6D, shall comply with the terms of that canon. Canon 6(D): A temporary judge, a person serving as a referee pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 638 or 639, or a court-appointed arbitrator shall comply only with the following Code provisions: Canon 1:[integrity and independence of the judiciary] Canon 6(A): Anyone who is an officer of the state judicial system and who performs judicial functions ,including, but not limited to, a subordinate judicial officer, magistrate, court-appointed arbitrator, judge of the State Bar Court, temporary Judge, and special master, is a judge within the meaning of this Code. Canon 6(D)(3) A temporary judge shall, from the time of notice and acceptance of appointment until termination of the appointment, disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding as follows: (vii) for any reason: (A) the temporary judge believes his or her recusal would further the interests of justice; (B) the temporary judge believes there is a substantial doubt as to his or her capacity to be impartial; or (C) a person aware of the facts might reasonably entertain a doubt that the temporary judge would be able to be impartial. Bias or prejudice toward an attorney in the proceeding may be grounds for disqualification. Canon 3(B)(4)[patient, dignified, and courteous treatment] (6)[require lawyers to refrain from manifestations of any form of bias or prejudice] Canon 3(c)(2): A judge shall require "staff and personnel" under the judge's direction and control to observe appropriate standards of conduct and to refrain from manifesting bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status in the performance of their official duties. Canon 3(c)(5): A judge shall perform administrative duties without bias or prejudice. A judge shall not, in the performance of administrative duties, engage in speech, gestures, or other conduct that would reasonably be perceived as 1) bias or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, or 2) sexual harassment. Canon 3(D)(2): Whenever a judge has personal knowledge that a lawyer has violated any provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge shall take appropriate action. Custody of the two children, Jazz and Maya, were given back to the mother on February 7, 2008, one of many malfeasant opinions and suggestions by Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman and concurred by Comm. Cowan After months of stability and continuity in the full custody of their father[see 12/06/08 signed non court-ordered letter from mother granting father custody]. That custody had actually started in the summer of 2007, after the mother's boyfriend was accused by my daughter of touching her inappropriately(genitals). The El Segundo Police Dept. and Child Protective Services(reports made by both and filed with the court) were immediately notified by me. In the 2/7/08 proceedings, Ms. Nieman stated that "the love Mr. Duval has for his children is derived out of the hate he harbors for his ex-wife." She interviewed both parties, and was well aware that my now ex-wife had left the marriage in the middle of a move, children in tow, while we were traveling in a 22 foot RV that was purchased by both of us. Ms. Nieman made it clear that just because I lived in the RV(I had nowhere else to go) was cause for her decision. I wish I could provide the reporter's transcript. Therein it lies. "The issue in a case such as this is not the condition of the home but in the fitness of the parents to supervise the care, custody, and control of the child[children] and what is in the best interest of the child[children].[Prouty v. Pruty(1940) 16 Cal 2d 190,195; 105 P. 2d 295 Civil Code Sections 84, 138 subd.1 It seems that Comm. Cowan and Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, have been "narrowly" guided in scope by Civil Code Section 138 subdivision 2 which requires that "other things being equal" if the child[children] is of tender years, custody of the child should be given to the mother. The 2/27/08 decision was judicially erroneous and severely bias. This decision was so blatant an abuse of discretion that I, the father and my two children have suffered substantial emotional injury. If absent this reprehensible judicial error, the three of us would have obtained a more favorable result. On March 24th, 2008, completely aware of our joint legal custody status, plaintiff/respondent/mother in complete defiance of two signed court orders(a Conciliation Agreement and a Divorce Judgment) and without my consent, pulled the children out of school, hid out for two days without allowing any contact. She re-enrolled one of the children, my son, Jazz, back in school in El Segundo. Also without my consent, the younger child, Maya, 4 yrs., never even completed her very first year of preschool. Both children having had near perfect attendance, had completed 3/4 of their respective school years in the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. "Averment in contempt affidavit that custodial parent[mother] "removed the children from the state[school that they were enrolled in] without my knowledge or consent and with the intent of preventing the exercise of my visitation and communication rights with the minor children is allegation of fact... not mere conclusion." [Rosin v. Sup. Ct.(1960) 181 Cal. App. 2d 486, 490 5 Cal. Rptr. 421] Had the children been allowed to stay at their schools, undisturbed, the consistency and stability provided by their father over the last eight months would have achieved a continuity so stressed by any program for any child of tender years, and was stringently so in both court-appointed programs(P.A.C.T. and Parenting without Conflict), attended by both parents. However this malfeasant decision was based on the three officers of the court's determined intention of depriving myself, the children's biological father, of the pleasure and of the company and necessary parental association with my two children. As if the destructive and punitive nature of all these decisions weren't enough, it was seen fit to place a six month restraining order on me from the beginning of June through December(2008). There has never been any threat of violence by myself towards the ex-wife or my children. The mother of the children said through her attorney that she feared Mr. Duval might buy a gun. The only place the exchange of the children had been taking place over the previous year was the El Segundo Police Station. Take a gun to the Police Station to exchange the children? Would not that be suicide by cop? This restraining order kept me completely away from every aspect of my children's educational process, not even being able to so much as contact the schools in which they are enrolled. I would miss my son's first grade graduation in June of 2008, his 2nd grade graduation in 2009, and my daughter's graduation from pre-school. I still to this day do not know where my two children reside with their mother and the boyfriend. In deciding a matter so vital to the welfare and emotional stability of children it is imperative that the trial court, in order to make as wise decision as possible, should have as complete a picture of the whole background as possible, all of which would aid the court, if remaining true to set rules, in determining the probabilities of either parent meeting the basic needs for a balanced existence for the children. It may be that if some of the factors are missing or conveniently overlooked, the the trial court may not arrive at the best decision. "To be entrusted with the rearing of children a mother[parent] should be possessed of such character and conduct that by the force of his/her example he/she can train them in the paths of morality, righteousness, and rectitude."[Currin v. Currin 125 Cal. App. 2d 644; 271 P. 2d 61] [in accord with Kelly v. Kelly 173 Cal. App. 2d 469, 474; 343 P. 2d 391] Contemporary psychology confirms what wise families have perhaps always known- that the essence of parenting is not to be found in the harried rounds of daily carpooling endemic to modern suburban life, or even in the doggedly dutiful acts of togetherness committed every weekend by well-meaning fathers and mothers across America. Rather its essence lies in the ethical, emotional, and intellectual guidance the parent gives to the child throughout his/her formative years, and often beyond. The source of this guidance is the adult's own experience of life; its motive power is parental love and concern for the child's well-being; and its teachings deal with such fundamental matters as the child's feelings about his/herself, relationships with others, system of values, standards of conduct, and goals and priorities in life. My capacity to parent was in no way related to a handicap- a 22 ft. RV. In such matters, a handicap may well be an asset.... few can pass through the crucible of a handicap without learning enduring lessons in patience and tolerance. All of this has occurred on Amy L. Neiman's watch: a court appointed attorney on behalf of two children. My children ARE HER CLIENTS: **Custody change, and disrupting a 50/50/visitation **The disrupting of a school year with only ten weeks to go in arguably the finest public school district available is reprehensible, abominable. These are all documented and filed accounts. **Putting the children back with the mother with this history of neglect: * fighting to keep the children out of counseling - and placing contempt charges against the father just for taking the children to free counseling offered by their school. Four months of court expenses and NO counseling at all for at risk children, only to comply at the drop of the contempt charges. * hiring (with the boyfriend) a 23 year-old babysitter over the period of MONTHS with a criminal record as this: arrested with heroin pipe possession, driving without a license, and arrest warrants in excess of $40,000. How do you leave a five and three year old in these hands for one minute? * a boyfriend accused, by name, by the three year old daughter, of inappropriate fondling and uncontrollable urination to go with the accusation. * a five year old boy who had been unable to control his bowels for at least over a two year period, hiding his dirty underwear from the adults in the household. * a three year old girl that screams "who do you think you are the fuck police" while chasing her five year old brother in play. "A mere recitation of the facts shows grounds for the trial court to find that the character and demeanor of the plaintiff [plaintiff/respondent/mother Tammy L. Williams] would be adverse to a proper raising of children under these circumstances." [Santens v. Santens 180 Cal. App. 2d 809,819 4 Cal. Rptr. 635] These malfeasant decisions that harmed myself and my two children are reviewable. I pray that the State Bar will find in their review the malpractice, abuse of discretion, and prejudicial errors committed by court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L. Nieman. I pray that she be held accountable for her actions. The very integrity of our courts, and in~arguably the defenseless children of tender years depend on this check and balance. LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING~POOR AMERICANS THAT CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY SEARCH ENGINE.(424-247-2013) **CERTAIN WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE CAUSED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO CONTINUE BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS BY THEIR MONETARY CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLES U.S.CONGRESS. LACK OF PROPER HEALTH*CARE FOR 45 MILLION POORER AMERICANS AND THE LACK OF PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN ALL AMERICAN COURTS OF LAW ARE REAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD COURT NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE. ***BIGDADDYJAZZANDMAYA.COM IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO START WHEN VIEWING OUR NATIONAL AMERICAN FAMILY COURT HORROR THAT IS AFFECTING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES (LIKE MR. DAMON DUVAL AND HIS TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN) WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN U.S.FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA. STEALING CHILDREN AWAY FROM POORER LOVING AMERICAN PARENTS WHO ARE BEING FORCED TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES IN OUR U.S.FAMILY COURTS HAS BECOME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF POORER U.S. FAMILY CHILDREN WILL BE BURDENED WITH FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. ***THESE TWO FAMILY COURT MISFITS WITH LAW DEGREES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY LEGAL COMMUNITY NEED REPLACEMENT SOS~BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO DESTROY OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES*** SANTA MONICA LAWYER AMY L. NEIMAN (THE DUVAL CHILDRENS COUNSEL) AND GAY SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER DAVID J. COWAN ARE BOTH CRUEL AND BIASED FAILURES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT LEGAL ARENA AND REALLY NEED TO FIND OTHER AVENUES TO VENT THEIR SICK MISDIRECTED ANGER OTHER THEN PUNISHING INNOCENT FAMILIES IN FAMILY COURTS ANYWHERE IN AMERICA. *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho kenya nigeria áfrica del sur Canada: hamilton london, ontario maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg Asia del Este: burma jakarta japón korea manila qc Europa: abruzzo alacant andorra anveres armenia atenas austria barcelona belarus bélgica belgrado bristol bulgaria calabria croacia chipre emilia-romagna estrecho euskal herria galiza alemania grenoble hungrÃa londres irlanda estanbul italia la plana liege liguria lille linksunten lombardia madrid malta marseille nantes napoli holanda niza noruega oost-vlaanderen c.m.i. indymedia paris/ÃŽle-de-france patras piemonte polonia portugal roma romania rusia saint-petersburg escocia suecia suiza tesalónica torun toscana toulouse ukraine gran bretaña valencia America Latina: argentina bolivia chiapas chile chile sur brasil colombia ecuador méxico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago tijuana uruguay valparaiso venezuela indimedia venezuela Oceania: adelaida aotearoa brisbane burma darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney Asia del Sur: india mumbai Estados Unidos: arizona arkansas asheville atlanta austin baltimore big muddy binghamton boston bufalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado columbus washington, dc hawaii houston ny capital ciudad de kansas los ángeles madison maine miami michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire nueva jersey nuevo méxico nueva orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma filadelfia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley st louis san diego san francisco bahÃa de san francisco santa barbara santa cruz, ca sarasota seattle tampa bay tennessee urbana-champaign vermont western mass worcester Asia del Oeste: armenia beirut israel palestina proceso: fbi/legal al dÃa listas de correo documentación técnico voluntarios proyectos: impresos radio tv satelital video regiones: oceanÃa estados unidos temas: biotech ~ WHEN MIDDLE ~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS BECAME EDUCATED TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR CRUEL AND ABUSIVE WEALTHY ELITE U.S. CITIZENS~
summary (NULL)
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 22909 characters ) <p>THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERI...
<p>THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERICAN BANKERS COMMUNITY SO CALLED BAILOUT ~ THEY CHEAT UNCLE SAM OF HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS $$$ WITH THEIR TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS~THEY DEMAND OUR U.S. CONGRESS VOTE THEM TAX DECREASES AND THEY ALL HAVE THE NERVE TO CONTROL OUR U.S.CONGERESS TAX EXPENDITURES WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES TO DENY OUR USA MIDDLE CLASS~AND WORKING POOR PROPER HEALTH ~CARE AND LEGAL CARE!!!</p> <!--break--><p> PRESIDENT OBAMA ~ TAX EXEMPT U.S. FOUNDATIONS OF OUR AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE HAVE BECOME TAX EVASION FOUNDATIONS THAT NEED NEW FEDERAL GUIDELINES.....FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR U.S. WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS ARE TOO COMMON AND COSTING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN POSSIBLE TAX REVENUE.</p> <p>**WHERE ARE THESE SO CALLED CHARITABLE BILLIONAIRES WHEN OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND COUNTRY TRULY NEED THEIR HELP AND LOBBY SUPPORT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS HEALTH~CARE &amp; LEGAL~CARE???</p> <p>***MANY OF THESE SAME AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE NOT ONLY HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER THEIR TAX EVADING FOUNDATIONS BILLIONS,BUT ALSO FIND IT NECESSARY TO HIRE LOBBYISTS TO ATTEMPT THE DIRECT CONTROL OVER VARIOUS USES OF AMERICAN TAX PAYERS TAX $$$ ???</p> <p>WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR U.S.CONGRESSIONAL TAX DOLLAR SPENDING WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES... AND ARE CONTINUING TO DENY MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS PROPER HEALTH ~ CARE , PROPER LEGAL PROTECTIONS IN AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS,CIVIL COURTS,&amp; FEDERAL APPEALS FROM STATE COURTS.</p> <p>**THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA ARE LOSING PARENTING AND VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN, ARE BEING FALSELY IMPRISONED, WRONGFULY EXECUTED,LOSING THEIR HOMES OR APARTMENTS ETC... ** IS THIS REALLY WHAT MANY SAY APPEARS TO BE THE FORMATION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER IN AMERICA THAT IS ATTEMPTING TO BREAK DOWN AND DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILIES AND ESTABLISHED FAMILY VALUES ACROSS OUR GREAT COUNTRY ???</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> FEATURED BELOW IS ONE SUCH FAMILY COURT LEGAL CASE FROM SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA THAT SHOULD SCARE US ALL WHO VALUE FAMILY AND FAMILY VALUES IN AMERICA. WHEN HONEST POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA SUCH AS DAMON DUVAL ARE HAVING THEIR FAMILIES DESTROYED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN OUR AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS, IT IS TIME TO BEGIN QUESTIONING WHY THE FUNDING MONIES ARE NOT BEING OFFERED ??? ***50 BILLION $$$ HAVE ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY OUR U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD TO BE SENT OUT OF OUR COUNTRY OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORLDS BATTLE AGAINST AIDS,BUT AGAIN POOR AMERICANS RIGHT HERE AT HOME ARE GOING WITHOUT ......</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> WE ASK ALL NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO PLEASE RESPECT THE BOYCOTT OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA UNTIL A PROPER INDEPENDENT PEDOPHILE INVESTIGATION IS CONDUCTED INTO THIS PREVIOUS REPORTED MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA AND UNTIL ALL PARENTING RIGHTS ARE AGAIN GIVEN BACK TO MR. DAMON DUVAL FOR HIS 2 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN JAZZ AND MAYA DUVAL.</p> <p>THE TOWN OF SANTA MONICA CAN NO LONGER CONDONE THEIR FAMILY COURTS CONTINUING TAKING AWAY POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES CHILDREN BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS CAN NOT AFFORD PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION. MR.DAMON DUVAL IS JUST ONE OF MANY POORER AMERICANS WHO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN AND ARE HAVING FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA DENY THEM THEIR GOD GIVEN PARENTAL RIGHTS..</p> <p>*** MR. DUVAL FINDING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ANYONE IN THE GREAT STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INVESTIGATE TO SEE IF THE MAN LIVING WITH HIS EX WIFE MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA IS STILL CONTINUING IN HIS PREVIOUS REPORTED DEVIATE WAYS WITH MR. DUVALS TRAPPED CHILDREN ???</p> <p>What has transpired so far in cases SD 023 958 in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, West District at 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90405, Dept. E, Room 111 is nothing short of a blatant abuse of discretion leading to prejudicial error. The Honorable Commissioner David J. Cowan, judge pro tem, has allowed the court-appointed Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, free reign to operate. Under proper conduct, I would not be filing this verified accusation. Since Ms. Neiman's appointment February 7th, 2007, anyone with a reasonable and unabashed account of what has transpired in this Family Court would find the same result: unfair bias against the natural father of two children - these being my, Damon A. Duval's children, Jazz(born 09/28/2001) and Maya(born 12/21/2003).</p> <p>The most destructive and persevering by product of such partiality is the emotional and physical well-being of children of tender years. California Family Law strictly encourages frequent and continuous contact by both natural parents. At an alarming rate, the exact opposite has been happening in this Santa Monica Courthouse. This court, unchecked in the prejudice against Mr. Duval, in this continuous course of partial conduct, has invoked the complete alienation of a loving, caring, and more than capable father. An appearance by a more than qualified psychiatrist, Dr. Willian C. Wirshing on July 20th, 2009, did nothing for the unchecked prejudice. Dr. Wirshing appeared on his own, free of charge, and on behalf of Mr. Duval and his two children. He considered there to be unfair decisions made by the court. Commissioner Cowan, unfortunately has always relied completely on the partial assessments of Ms. Neiman to influence all court orders. The fact that Dr. Wirshing's declaration was stricken from the record that day should provide more than an eye raising concern for this requested review.</p> <p>The incontrovertible evidence is unquestionably sufficient enough to show this abuse of discretion, prove the substantial emotional injury sustained by this father and two children, and allow the higher courts to apply the proper relief, and restore and uphold the integrity of the Superior Court. The concern right now is the safety and well being of two children through the malfeasant auspices of one court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L.Neiman. There has been a more than enough evidence to warrant a full investigation into Marcus Boesch and what has transpired between him and the children. Particularly of note the, at the time three year old Maya, who accused him BY NAME of improperly touching her. This was accompanied by the frequent uncontrollable urination by Mr. Duvals daughter, a red light warning in any female child abuse matter. The soft handed investigation by Ms. Neiman has not cleared this abuse from having occurred, nor has it assured me that this abuse has ceased. In West's Annotated California Codes Court Rules, Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1-100 note 6, "Attorneys must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity they are acting in a particular manner.</p> <p>"[Crawford v. State Bar of Cal.(1960) 7 Cal. Rptr. 746, 54 Cal 2d 659; 355 P. 2d 490] "One who is licensed to practice as an attorney must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity he may be acting in a particular matter[Alkow v. State Bar of Cal.(1952) 38 Cal. 2d 257; 239 P. 2d 871] Rule 1-710: A member who is serving as a temporary judge, referee, or court-appointed arbitrator, and is subject under the Code of Judicial Ethics to Canon 6D, shall comply with the terms of that canon. Canon 6(D): A temporary judge, a person serving as a referee pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 638 or 639, or a court-appointed arbitrator shall comply only with the following Code provisions: Canon 1:[integrity and independence of the judiciary] Canon 6(A):</p> <p>Anyone who is an officer of the state judicial system and who performs judicial functions ,including, but not limited to, a subordinate judicial officer, magistrate, court-appointed arbitrator, judge of the State Bar Court, temporary Judge, and special master, is a judge within the meaning of this Code. Canon 6(D)(3) A temporary judge shall, from the time of notice and acceptance of appointment until termination of the appointment, disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding as follows: (vii) for any reason: (A) the temporary judge believes his or her recusal would further the interests of justice; (B) the temporary judge believes there is a substantial doubt as to his or her capacity to be impartial; or (C) a person aware of the facts might reasonably entertain a doubt that the temporary judge would be able to be impartial. Bias or prejudice toward an attorney in the proceeding may be grounds for disqualification. Canon 3(B)(4)[patient, dignified, and courteous treatment] (6)[require lawyers to refrain from manifestations of any form of bias or prejudice] Canon 3(c)(2): </p> <p>A judge shall require "staff and personnel" under the judge's direction and control to observe appropriate standards of conduct and to refrain from manifesting bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status in the performance of their official duties. Canon 3(c)(5): A judge shall perform administrative duties without bias or prejudice. A judge shall not, in the performance of administrative duties, engage in speech, gestures, or other conduct that would reasonably be perceived as 1) bias or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, or 2) sexual harassment. Canon 3(D)(2):</p> <p>Whenever a judge has personal knowledge that a lawyer has violated any provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge shall take appropriate action. Custody of the two children, Jazz and Maya, were given back to the mother on February 7, 2008, one of many malfeasant opinions and suggestions by Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman and concurred by Comm. Cowan After months of stability and continuity in the full custody of their father[see 12/06/08 signed non court-ordered letter from mother granting father custody]. That custody had actually started in the summer of 2007, after the mother's boyfriend was accused by my daughter of touching her inappropriately(genitals).</p> <p>The El Segundo Police Dept. and Child Protective Services(reports made by both and filed with the court) were immediately notified by me. In the 2/7/08 proceedings, Ms. Nieman stated that "the love Mr. Duval has for his children is derived out of the hate he harbors for his ex-wife." She interviewed both parties, and was well aware that my now ex-wife had left the marriage in the middle of a move, children in tow, while we were traveling in a 22 foot RV that was purchased by both of us. Ms. Nieman made it clear that just because I lived in the RV(I had nowhere else to go) was cause for her decision. I wish I could provide the reporter's transcript. Therein it lies.</p> <p>"The issue in a case such as this is not the condition of the home but in the fitness of the parents to supervise the care, custody, and control of the child[children] and what is in the best interest of the child[children].[Prouty v. Pruty(1940) 16 Cal 2d 190,195; 105 P. 2d 295 Civil Code Sections 84, 138 subd.1 It seems that Comm. Cowan and Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, have been "narrowly" guided in scope by Civil Code Section 138 subdivision 2 which requires that "other things being equal" if the child[children] is of tender years, custody of the child should be given to the mother. The 2/27/08 decision was judicially erroneous and severely bias.</p> <p>This decision was so blatant an abuse of discretion that I, the father and my two children have suffered substantial emotional injury. If absent this reprehensible judicial error, the three of us would have obtained a more favorable result. On March 24th, 2008, completely aware of our joint legal custody status, plaintiff/respondent/mother in complete defiance of two signed court orders(a Conciliation Agreement and a Divorce Judgment) and without my consent, pulled the children out of school, hid out for two days without allowing any contact. She re-enrolled one of the children, my son, Jazz, back in school in El Segundo. Also without my consent, the younger child, Maya, 4 yrs., never even completed her very first year of preschool. Both children having had near perfect attendance, had completed 3/4 of their respective school years in the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. "Averment in contempt affidavit that custodial parent[mother] "removed the children from the state[school that they were enrolled in] without my knowledge or consent and with the intent of preventing the exercise of my visitation and communication rights with the minor children is allegation of fact... not mere conclusion." [Rosin v. Sup. Ct.(1960) 181 Cal. App. 2d 486, 490 5 Cal. Rptr. 421]</p> <p>Had the children been allowed to stay at their schools, undisturbed, the consistency and stability provided by their father over the last eight months would have achieved a continuity so stressed by any program for any child of tender years, and was stringently so in both court-appointed programs(P.A.C.T. and Parenting without Conflict), attended by both parents. However this malfeasant decision was based on the three officers of the court's determined intention of depriving myself, the children's biological father, of the pleasure and of the company and necessary parental association with my two children. As if the destructive and punitive nature of all these decisions weren't enough, it was seen fit to place a six month restraining order on me from the beginning of June through December(2008). There has never been any threat of violence by myself towards the ex-wife or my children.</p> <p>The mother of the children said through her attorney that she feared Mr. Duval might buy a gun. The only place the exchange of the children had been taking place over the previous year was the El Segundo Police Station. Take a gun to the Police Station to exchange the children? Would not that be suicide by cop? This restraining order kept me completely away from every aspect of my children's educational process, not even being able to so much as contact the schools in which they are enrolled. I would miss my son's first grade graduation in June of 2008, his 2nd grade graduation in 2009, and my daughter's graduation from pre-school. I still to this day do not know where my two children reside with their mother and the boyfriend.</p> <p>In deciding a matter so vital to the welfare and emotional stability of children it is imperative that the trial court, in order to make as wise decision as possible, should have as complete a picture of the whole background as possible, all of which would aid the court, if remaining true to set rules, in determining the probabilities of either parent meeting the basic needs for a balanced existence for the children. It may be that if some of the factors are missing or conveniently overlooked, the the trial court may not arrive at the best decision.</p> <p>"To be entrusted with the rearing of children a mother[parent] should be possessed of such character and conduct that by the force of his/her example he/she can train them in the paths of morality, righteousness, and rectitude."[Currin v. Currin 125 Cal. App. 2d 644; 271 P. 2d 61] [in accord with Kelly v. Kelly 173 Cal. App. 2d 469, 474; 343 P. 2d 391] Contemporary psychology confirms what wise families have perhaps always known- that the essence of parenting is not to be found in the harried rounds of daily carpooling endemic to modern suburban life, or even in the doggedly dutiful acts of togetherness committed every weekend by well-meaning fathers and mothers across America. Rather its essence lies in the ethical, emotional, and intellectual guidance the parent gives to the child throughout his/her formative years, and often beyond. </p> <p>The source of this guidance is the adult's own experience of life; its motive power is parental love and concern for the child's well-being; and its teachings deal with such fundamental matters as the child's feelings about his/herself, relationships with others, system of values, standards of conduct, and goals and priorities in life. My capacity to parent was in no way related to a handicap- a 22 ft. RV. In such matters, a handicap may well be an asset.... few can pass through the crucible of a handicap without learning enduring lessons in patience and tolerance.</p> <p> All of this has occurred on Amy L. Neiman's watch: a court appointed attorney on behalf of two children. My children ARE HER CLIENTS: **Custody change, and disrupting a 50/50/visitation **The disrupting of a school year with only ten weeks to go in arguably the finest public school district available is reprehensible, abominable. These are all documented and filed accounts. **Putting the children back with the mother with this history of neglect: * fighting to keep the children out of counseling - and placing contempt charges against the father just for taking the children to free counseling offered by their school. Four months of court expenses and NO counseling at all for at risk children, only to comply at the drop of the contempt charges. * hiring (with the boyfriend) a 23 year-old babysitter over the period of MONTHS with a criminal record as this: arrested with heroin pipe possession, driving without a license, and arrest warrants in excess of $40,000. How do you leave a five and three year old in these hands for one minute? * a boyfriend accused, by name, by the three year old daughter, of inappropriate fondling and uncontrollable urination to go with the accusation. * a five year old boy who had been unable to control his bowels for at least over a two year period, hiding his dirty underwear from the adults in the household. * a three year old girl that screams "who do you think you are the fuck police" while chasing her five year old brother in play. "A mere recitation of the facts shows grounds for the trial court to find that the character and demeanor of the plaintiff [plaintiff/respondent/mother Tammy L. Williams] would be adverse to a proper raising of children under these circumstances." [Santens v. Santens 180 Cal. App. 2d 809,819 4 Cal. Rptr. 635] These malfeasant decisions that harmed myself and my two children are reviewable. I pray that the State Bar will find in their review the malpractice, abuse of discretion, and prejudicial errors committed by court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L. Nieman. I pray that she be held accountable for her actions. The very integrity of our courts, and in~arguably the defenseless children of tender years depend on this check and balance.</p> <p>LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING~POOR AMERICANS THAT CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY SEARCH ENGINE.(424-247-2013)</p> <p>**CERTAIN WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE CAUSED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO CONTINUE BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS BY THEIR MONETARY CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLES U.S.CONGRESS. LACK OF PROPER HEALTH*CARE FOR 45 MILLION POORER AMERICANS AND THE LACK OF PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN ALL AMERICAN COURTS OF LAW ARE REAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD COURT NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE.</p> <p>***BIGDADDYJAZZANDMAYA.COM IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO START WHEN VIEWING OUR NATIONAL AMERICAN FAMILY COURT HORROR THAT IS AFFECTING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES (LIKE MR. DAMON DUVAL AND HIS TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN) WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN U.S.FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA. STEALING CHILDREN AWAY FROM POORER LOVING AMERICAN PARENTS WHO ARE BEING FORCED TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES IN OUR U.S.FAMILY COURTS HAS BECOME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF POORER U.S. FAMILY CHILDREN WILL BE BURDENED WITH FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.</p> <p>***THESE TWO FAMILY COURT MISFITS WITH LAW DEGREES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY LEGAL COMMUNITY NEED REPLACEMENT SOS~BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO DESTROY OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES*** SANTA MONICA LAWYER AMY L. NEIMAN (THE DUVAL CHILDRENS COUNSEL) AND GAY SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER DAVID J. COWAN ARE BOTH CRUEL AND BIASED FAILURES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT LEGAL ARENA AND REALLY NEED TO FIND OTHER AVENUES TO VENT THEIR SICK MISDIRECTED ANGER OTHER THEN PUNISHING INNOCENT FAMILIES IN FAMILY COURTS ANYWHERE IN AMERICA. ***</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho kenya nigeria áfrica del sur Canada: hamilton london, ontario maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg Asia del Este: burma jakarta japón korea manila qc Europa: abruzzo alacant andorra anveres armenia atenas austria barcelona belarus bélgica belgrado bristol bulgaria calabria croacia chipre emilia-romagna estrecho euskal herria galiza alemania grenoble hungrÃa londres irlanda estanbul italia la plana liege liguria lille linksunten lombardia madrid malta marseille nantes napoli holanda niza noruega oost-vlaanderen c.m.i. indymedia paris/ÃŽle-de-france patras piemonte polonia portugal roma romania rusia saint-petersburg escocia suecia suiza tesalónica torun toscana toulouse ukraine gran bretaña valencia America Latina: argentina bolivia chiapas chile chile sur brasil colombia ecuador méxico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago tijuana uruguay valparaiso venezuela indimedia venezuela Oceania: adelaida aotearoa brisbane burma darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney Asia del Sur: india mumbai Estados Unidos: arizona arkansas asheville atlanta austin baltimore big muddy binghamton boston bufalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado columbus washington, dc hawaii houston ny capital ciudad de kansas los ángeles madison maine miami michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire nueva jersey nuevo méxico nueva orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma filadelfia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley st louis san diego san francisco bahÃa de san francisco santa barbara santa cruz, ca sarasota seattle tampa bay tennessee urbana-champaign vermont western mass worcester Asia del Oeste: armenia beirut israel palestina proceso: fbi/legal al dÃa listas de correo documentación técnico voluntarios proyectos: impresos radio tv satelital video regiones: oceanÃa estados unidos temas: biotech</p> <p>~ WHEN MIDDLE ~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS BECAME EDUCATED TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR CRUEL AND ABUSIVE WEALTHY ELITE U.S. CITIZENS~</p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
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#markup (String, 22909 characters ) <p>THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERI...
<p>THEY GRABBED 750 BILLION $$$ FOR THEIR AMERICAN BANKERS COMMUNITY SO CALLED BAILOUT ~ THEY CHEAT UNCLE SAM OF HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS $$$ WITH THEIR TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS~THEY DEMAND OUR U.S. CONGRESS VOTE THEM TAX DECREASES AND THEY ALL HAVE THE NERVE TO CONTROL OUR U.S.CONGERESS TAX EXPENDITURES WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES TO DENY OUR USA MIDDLE CLASS~AND WORKING POOR PROPER HEALTH ~CARE AND LEGAL CARE!!!</p> <!--break--><p> PRESIDENT OBAMA ~ TAX EXEMPT U.S. FOUNDATIONS OF OUR AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE HAVE BECOME TAX EVASION FOUNDATIONS THAT NEED NEW FEDERAL GUIDELINES.....FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAX EXEMPT SLUSH FUND FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR U.S. WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS ARE TOO COMMON AND COSTING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN POSSIBLE TAX REVENUE.</p> <p>**WHERE ARE THESE SO CALLED CHARITABLE BILLIONAIRES WHEN OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND COUNTRY TRULY NEED THEIR HELP AND LOBBY SUPPORT FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS HEALTH~CARE &amp; LEGAL~CARE???</p> <p>***MANY OF THESE SAME AMERICAN WEALTHY ELITE NOT ONLY HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER THEIR TAX EVADING FOUNDATIONS BILLIONS,BUT ALSO FIND IT NECESSARY TO HIRE LOBBYISTS TO ATTEMPT THE DIRECT CONTROL OVER VARIOUS USES OF AMERICAN TAX PAYERS TAX $$$ ???</p> <p>WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER OUR U.S.CONGRESSIONAL TAX DOLLAR SPENDING WITH THEIR BEHIND THE SCENE LOBBY MONIES... AND ARE CONTINUING TO DENY MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS PROPER HEALTH ~ CARE , PROPER LEGAL PROTECTIONS IN AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS,CIVIL COURTS,&amp; FEDERAL APPEALS FROM STATE COURTS.</p> <p>**THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA ARE LOSING PARENTING AND VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN, ARE BEING FALSELY IMPRISONED, WRONGFULY EXECUTED,LOSING THEIR HOMES OR APARTMENTS ETC... ** IS THIS REALLY WHAT MANY SAY APPEARS TO BE THE FORMATION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER IN AMERICA THAT IS ATTEMPTING TO BREAK DOWN AND DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILIES AND ESTABLISHED FAMILY VALUES ACROSS OUR GREAT COUNTRY ???</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> FEATURED BELOW IS ONE SUCH FAMILY COURT LEGAL CASE FROM SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA THAT SHOULD SCARE US ALL WHO VALUE FAMILY AND FAMILY VALUES IN AMERICA. WHEN HONEST POORER AMERICANS ALL ACROSS AMERICA SUCH AS DAMON DUVAL ARE HAVING THEIR FAMILIES DESTROYED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BEING PROVIDED PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN OUR AMERICAN FAMILY COURTS, IT IS TIME TO BEGIN QUESTIONING WHY THE FUNDING MONIES ARE NOT BEING OFFERED ??? ***50 BILLION $$$ HAVE ALREADY BEEN APPROVED BY OUR U.S. CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD TO BE SENT OUT OF OUR COUNTRY OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORLDS BATTLE AGAINST AIDS,BUT AGAIN POOR AMERICANS RIGHT HERE AT HOME ARE GOING WITHOUT ......</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> WE ASK ALL NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO PLEASE RESPECT THE BOYCOTT OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA UNTIL A PROPER INDEPENDENT PEDOPHILE INVESTIGATION IS CONDUCTED INTO THIS PREVIOUS REPORTED MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA AND UNTIL ALL PARENTING RIGHTS ARE AGAIN GIVEN BACK TO MR. DAMON DUVAL FOR HIS 2 BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN JAZZ AND MAYA DUVAL.</p> <p>THE TOWN OF SANTA MONICA CAN NO LONGER CONDONE THEIR FAMILY COURTS CONTINUING TAKING AWAY POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES CHILDREN BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS CAN NOT AFFORD PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION. MR.DAMON DUVAL IS JUST ONE OF MANY POORER AMERICANS WHO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN AND ARE HAVING FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA DENY THEM THEIR GOD GIVEN PARENTAL RIGHTS..</p> <p>*** MR. DUVAL FINDING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND ANYONE IN THE GREAT STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INVESTIGATE TO SEE IF THE MAN LIVING WITH HIS EX WIFE MARCUS BOESCH OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA IS STILL CONTINUING IN HIS PREVIOUS REPORTED DEVIATE WAYS WITH MR. DUVALS TRAPPED CHILDREN ???</p> <p>What has transpired so far in cases SD 023 958 in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, West District at 1725 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA, 90405, Dept. E, Room 111 is nothing short of a blatant abuse of discretion leading to prejudicial error. The Honorable Commissioner David J. Cowan, judge pro tem, has allowed the court-appointed Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, free reign to operate. Under proper conduct, I would not be filing this verified accusation. Since Ms. Neiman's appointment February 7th, 2007, anyone with a reasonable and unabashed account of what has transpired in this Family Court would find the same result: unfair bias against the natural father of two children - these being my, Damon A. Duval's children, Jazz(born 09/28/2001) and Maya(born 12/21/2003).</p> <p>The most destructive and persevering by product of such partiality is the emotional and physical well-being of children of tender years. California Family Law strictly encourages frequent and continuous contact by both natural parents. At an alarming rate, the exact opposite has been happening in this Santa Monica Courthouse. This court, unchecked in the prejudice against Mr. Duval, in this continuous course of partial conduct, has invoked the complete alienation of a loving, caring, and more than capable father. An appearance by a more than qualified psychiatrist, Dr. Willian C. Wirshing on July 20th, 2009, did nothing for the unchecked prejudice. Dr. Wirshing appeared on his own, free of charge, and on behalf of Mr. Duval and his two children. He considered there to be unfair decisions made by the court. Commissioner Cowan, unfortunately has always relied completely on the partial assessments of Ms. Neiman to influence all court orders. The fact that Dr. Wirshing's declaration was stricken from the record that day should provide more than an eye raising concern for this requested review.</p> <p>The incontrovertible evidence is unquestionably sufficient enough to show this abuse of discretion, prove the substantial emotional injury sustained by this father and two children, and allow the higher courts to apply the proper relief, and restore and uphold the integrity of the Superior Court. The concern right now is the safety and well being of two children through the malfeasant auspices of one court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L.Neiman. There has been a more than enough evidence to warrant a full investigation into Marcus Boesch and what has transpired between him and the children. Particularly of note the, at the time three year old Maya, who accused him BY NAME of improperly touching her. This was accompanied by the frequent uncontrollable urination by Mr. Duvals daughter, a red light warning in any female child abuse matter. The soft handed investigation by Ms. Neiman has not cleared this abuse from having occurred, nor has it assured me that this abuse has ceased. In West's Annotated California Codes Court Rules, Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1-100 note 6, "Attorneys must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity they are acting in a particular manner.</p> <p>"[Crawford v. State Bar of Cal.(1960) 7 Cal. Rptr. 746, 54 Cal 2d 659; 355 P. 2d 490] "One who is licensed to practice as an attorney must conform to professional standards in whatever capacity he may be acting in a particular matter[Alkow v. State Bar of Cal.(1952) 38 Cal. 2d 257; 239 P. 2d 871] Rule 1-710: A member who is serving as a temporary judge, referee, or court-appointed arbitrator, and is subject under the Code of Judicial Ethics to Canon 6D, shall comply with the terms of that canon. Canon 6(D): A temporary judge, a person serving as a referee pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 638 or 639, or a court-appointed arbitrator shall comply only with the following Code provisions: Canon 1:[integrity and independence of the judiciary] Canon 6(A):</p> <p>Anyone who is an officer of the state judicial system and who performs judicial functions ,including, but not limited to, a subordinate judicial officer, magistrate, court-appointed arbitrator, judge of the State Bar Court, temporary Judge, and special master, is a judge within the meaning of this Code. Canon 6(D)(3) A temporary judge shall, from the time of notice and acceptance of appointment until termination of the appointment, disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding as follows: (vii) for any reason: (A) the temporary judge believes his or her recusal would further the interests of justice; (B) the temporary judge believes there is a substantial doubt as to his or her capacity to be impartial; or (C) a person aware of the facts might reasonably entertain a doubt that the temporary judge would be able to be impartial. Bias or prejudice toward an attorney in the proceeding may be grounds for disqualification. Canon 3(B)(4)[patient, dignified, and courteous treatment] (6)[require lawyers to refrain from manifestations of any form of bias or prejudice] Canon 3(c)(2): </p> <p>A judge shall require "staff and personnel" under the judge's direction and control to observe appropriate standards of conduct and to refrain from manifesting bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status in the performance of their official duties. Canon 3(c)(5): A judge shall perform administrative duties without bias or prejudice. A judge shall not, in the performance of administrative duties, engage in speech, gestures, or other conduct that would reasonably be perceived as 1) bias or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based upon race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, or 2) sexual harassment. Canon 3(D)(2):</p> <p>Whenever a judge has personal knowledge that a lawyer has violated any provisions of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge shall take appropriate action. Custody of the two children, Jazz and Maya, were given back to the mother on February 7, 2008, one of many malfeasant opinions and suggestions by Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman and concurred by Comm. Cowan After months of stability and continuity in the full custody of their father[see 12/06/08 signed non court-ordered letter from mother granting father custody]. That custody had actually started in the summer of 2007, after the mother's boyfriend was accused by my daughter of touching her inappropriately(genitals).</p> <p>The El Segundo Police Dept. and Child Protective Services(reports made by both and filed with the court) were immediately notified by me. In the 2/7/08 proceedings, Ms. Nieman stated that "the love Mr. Duval has for his children is derived out of the hate he harbors for his ex-wife." She interviewed both parties, and was well aware that my now ex-wife had left the marriage in the middle of a move, children in tow, while we were traveling in a 22 foot RV that was purchased by both of us. Ms. Nieman made it clear that just because I lived in the RV(I had nowhere else to go) was cause for her decision. I wish I could provide the reporter's transcript. Therein it lies.</p> <p>"The issue in a case such as this is not the condition of the home but in the fitness of the parents to supervise the care, custody, and control of the child[children] and what is in the best interest of the child[children].[Prouty v. Pruty(1940) 16 Cal 2d 190,195; 105 P. 2d 295 Civil Code Sections 84, 138 subd.1 It seems that Comm. Cowan and Minors Council, Amy L. Nieman, have been "narrowly" guided in scope by Civil Code Section 138 subdivision 2 which requires that "other things being equal" if the child[children] is of tender years, custody of the child should be given to the mother. The 2/27/08 decision was judicially erroneous and severely bias.</p> <p>This decision was so blatant an abuse of discretion that I, the father and my two children have suffered substantial emotional injury. If absent this reprehensible judicial error, the three of us would have obtained a more favorable result. On March 24th, 2008, completely aware of our joint legal custody status, plaintiff/respondent/mother in complete defiance of two signed court orders(a Conciliation Agreement and a Divorce Judgment) and without my consent, pulled the children out of school, hid out for two days without allowing any contact. She re-enrolled one of the children, my son, Jazz, back in school in El Segundo. Also without my consent, the younger child, Maya, 4 yrs., never even completed her very first year of preschool. Both children having had near perfect attendance, had completed 3/4 of their respective school years in the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District. "Averment in contempt affidavit that custodial parent[mother] "removed the children from the state[school that they were enrolled in] without my knowledge or consent and with the intent of preventing the exercise of my visitation and communication rights with the minor children is allegation of fact... not mere conclusion." [Rosin v. Sup. Ct.(1960) 181 Cal. App. 2d 486, 490 5 Cal. Rptr. 421]</p> <p>Had the children been allowed to stay at their schools, undisturbed, the consistency and stability provided by their father over the last eight months would have achieved a continuity so stressed by any program for any child of tender years, and was stringently so in both court-appointed programs(P.A.C.T. and Parenting without Conflict), attended by both parents. However this malfeasant decision was based on the three officers of the court's determined intention of depriving myself, the children's biological father, of the pleasure and of the company and necessary parental association with my two children. As if the destructive and punitive nature of all these decisions weren't enough, it was seen fit to place a six month restraining order on me from the beginning of June through December(2008). There has never been any threat of violence by myself towards the ex-wife or my children.</p> <p>The mother of the children said through her attorney that she feared Mr. Duval might buy a gun. The only place the exchange of the children had been taking place over the previous year was the El Segundo Police Station. Take a gun to the Police Station to exchange the children? Would not that be suicide by cop? This restraining order kept me completely away from every aspect of my children's educational process, not even being able to so much as contact the schools in which they are enrolled. I would miss my son's first grade graduation in June of 2008, his 2nd grade graduation in 2009, and my daughter's graduation from pre-school. I still to this day do not know where my two children reside with their mother and the boyfriend.</p> <p>In deciding a matter so vital to the welfare and emotional stability of children it is imperative that the trial court, in order to make as wise decision as possible, should have as complete a picture of the whole background as possible, all of which would aid the court, if remaining true to set rules, in determining the probabilities of either parent meeting the basic needs for a balanced existence for the children. It may be that if some of the factors are missing or conveniently overlooked, the the trial court may not arrive at the best decision.</p> <p>"To be entrusted with the rearing of children a mother[parent] should be possessed of such character and conduct that by the force of his/her example he/she can train them in the paths of morality, righteousness, and rectitude."[Currin v. Currin 125 Cal. App. 2d 644; 271 P. 2d 61] [in accord with Kelly v. Kelly 173 Cal. App. 2d 469, 474; 343 P. 2d 391] Contemporary psychology confirms what wise families have perhaps always known- that the essence of parenting is not to be found in the harried rounds of daily carpooling endemic to modern suburban life, or even in the doggedly dutiful acts of togetherness committed every weekend by well-meaning fathers and mothers across America. Rather its essence lies in the ethical, emotional, and intellectual guidance the parent gives to the child throughout his/her formative years, and often beyond. </p> <p>The source of this guidance is the adult's own experience of life; its motive power is parental love and concern for the child's well-being; and its teachings deal with such fundamental matters as the child's feelings about his/herself, relationships with others, system of values, standards of conduct, and goals and priorities in life. My capacity to parent was in no way related to a handicap- a 22 ft. RV. In such matters, a handicap may well be an asset.... few can pass through the crucible of a handicap without learning enduring lessons in patience and tolerance.</p> <p> All of this has occurred on Amy L. Neiman's watch: a court appointed attorney on behalf of two children. My children ARE HER CLIENTS: **Custody change, and disrupting a 50/50/visitation **The disrupting of a school year with only ten weeks to go in arguably the finest public school district available is reprehensible, abominable. These are all documented and filed accounts. **Putting the children back with the mother with this history of neglect: * fighting to keep the children out of counseling - and placing contempt charges against the father just for taking the children to free counseling offered by their school. Four months of court expenses and NO counseling at all for at risk children, only to comply at the drop of the contempt charges. * hiring (with the boyfriend) a 23 year-old babysitter over the period of MONTHS with a criminal record as this: arrested with heroin pipe possession, driving without a license, and arrest warrants in excess of $40,000. How do you leave a five and three year old in these hands for one minute? * a boyfriend accused, by name, by the three year old daughter, of inappropriate fondling and uncontrollable urination to go with the accusation. * a five year old boy who had been unable to control his bowels for at least over a two year period, hiding his dirty underwear from the adults in the household. * a three year old girl that screams "who do you think you are the fuck police" while chasing her five year old brother in play. "A mere recitation of the facts shows grounds for the trial court to find that the character and demeanor of the plaintiff [plaintiff/respondent/mother Tammy L. Williams] would be adverse to a proper raising of children under these circumstances." [Santens v. Santens 180 Cal. App. 2d 809,819 4 Cal. Rptr. 635] These malfeasant decisions that harmed myself and my two children are reviewable. I pray that the State Bar will find in their review the malpractice, abuse of discretion, and prejudicial errors committed by court appointed Minors Counsel, Amy L. Nieman. I pray that she be held accountable for her actions. The very integrity of our courts, and in~arguably the defenseless children of tender years depend on this check and balance.</p> <p>LAWYERS FOR POOR AMERICANS IS A WWW VOLUNTEER LOBBY FOR MIDDLE~CLASS AND WORKING~POOR AMERICANS THAT CAN BE FOUND WITH ANY SEARCH ENGINE.(424-247-2013)</p> <p>**CERTAIN WEALTHY ELITE AMERICANS HAVE CAUSED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO CONTINUE BEING INFLICTED ON OUR POOR AMERICANS BY THEIR MONETARY CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLES U.S.CONGRESS. LACK OF PROPER HEALTH*CARE FOR 45 MILLION POORER AMERICANS AND THE LACK OF PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN ALL AMERICAN COURTS OF LAW ARE REAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD COURT NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE.</p> <p>***BIGDADDYJAZZANDMAYA.COM IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO START WHEN VIEWING OUR NATIONAL AMERICAN FAMILY COURT HORROR THAT IS AFFECTING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POORER AMERICAN FAMILIES (LIKE MR. DAMON DUVAL AND HIS TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN) WITHOUT PROPER LEGAL COUNSEL IN U.S.FAMILY COURTS ALL ACROSS AMERICA. STEALING CHILDREN AWAY FROM POORER LOVING AMERICAN PARENTS WHO ARE BEING FORCED TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES IN OUR U.S.FAMILY COURTS HAS BECOME CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ISSUES THAT OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF POORER U.S. FAMILY CHILDREN WILL BE BURDENED WITH FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.</p> <p>***THESE TWO FAMILY COURT MISFITS WITH LAW DEGREES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY LEGAL COMMUNITY NEED REPLACEMENT SOS~BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO DESTROY OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES*** SANTA MONICA LAWYER AMY L. NEIMAN (THE DUVAL CHILDRENS COUNSEL) AND GAY SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER DAVID J. COWAN ARE BOTH CRUEL AND BIASED FAILURES IN THE SANTA MONICA FAMILY COURT LEGAL ARENA AND REALLY NEED TO FIND OTHER AVENUES TO VENT THEIR SICK MISDIRECTED ANGER OTHER THEN PUNISHING INNOCENT FAMILIES IN FAMILY COURTS ANYWHERE IN AMERICA. ***</p> <p>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Africa: ambazonia canarias estrecho kenya nigeria áfrica del sur Canada: hamilton london, ontario maritimes montreal ontario ottawa quebec thunder bay vancouver victoria windsor winnipeg Asia del Este: burma jakarta japón korea manila qc Europa: abruzzo alacant andorra anveres armenia atenas austria barcelona belarus bélgica belgrado bristol bulgaria calabria croacia chipre emilia-romagna estrecho euskal herria galiza alemania grenoble hungrÃa londres irlanda estanbul italia la plana liege liguria lille linksunten lombardia madrid malta marseille nantes napoli holanda niza noruega oost-vlaanderen c.m.i. indymedia paris/ÃŽle-de-france patras piemonte polonia portugal roma romania rusia saint-petersburg escocia suecia suiza tesalónica torun toscana toulouse ukraine gran bretaña valencia America Latina: argentina bolivia chiapas chile chile sur brasil colombia ecuador méxico peru puerto rico qollasuyu rosario santiago tijuana uruguay valparaiso venezuela indimedia venezuela Oceania: adelaida aotearoa brisbane burma darwin jakarta manila melbourne perth qc sydney Asia del Sur: india mumbai Estados Unidos: arizona arkansas asheville atlanta austin baltimore big muddy binghamton boston bufalo charlottesville chicago cleveland colorado columbus washington, dc hawaii houston ny capital ciudad de kansas los ángeles madison maine miami michigan milwaukee minneapolis/st. paul new hampshire nueva jersey nuevo méxico nueva orleans north carolina north texas nyc oklahoma filadelfia pittsburgh portland richmond rochester rogue valley st louis san diego san francisco bahÃa de san francisco santa barbara santa cruz, ca sarasota seattle tampa bay tennessee urbana-champaign vermont western mass worcester Asia del Oeste: armenia beirut israel palestina proceso: fbi/legal al dÃa listas de correo documentación técnico voluntarios proyectos: impresos radio tv satelital video regiones: oceanÃa estados unidos temas: biotech</p> <p>~ WHEN MIDDLE ~CLASS AND WORKING POOR AMERICANS BECAME EDUCATED TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR CRUEL AND ABUSIVE WEALTHY ELITE U.S. CITIZENS~</p>
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