Pick up the Pieces and Resist
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Friday, May 9
3pm Freestyle Friday, Open mike for beats and spoken word (Liberty Pole, Corner of East Ave and Main Street in the City)
4pm Gathering at the Liberty Pole
5pm Discussion/Ideas session at St. Joes (402 South Ave.)
May 8, 2003
At last week’s “Rally at the Liberty Pole” there were about 30 people milling about having conversations about how to move forward in anti-war activism. The days of 1500 Rochesterians taking the street are but a lingering memory. But that’s Ok, there’s a rise and fall to things. The thing that strikes the remaining few at these demonstrations is how ready everyone was to declare the war over. Is this war over? Every piece of evidence points to NO. The Pillaging of Iraq by US Oil (Halliburton) , the US alternating threats/ patronizing admonitions to all the countries on its “bad list”; these are but a couple examples. We’re in a strange stage of the struggle, a lull in the action before the US strikes next. How do we organize to fight empire effectively? Lets reflect on what happened and is happening to the anti-war movement (which is really much broader than anti-war) in Rochester.
Friday, May 9
3pm Freestyle Friday, Open mike for beats and spoken word (Liberty Pole, Corner of East Ave and Main Street in the City)
4pm Gathering at the Liberty Pole
5pm Discussion/Ideas session at St. Joes