Seneca Army Depot prepares canned hunt
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Please send letters and make phone calls to the officials who can stop this blatant example of a canned hunt to save Handsome Hank and the other deer.
There were recent successful tours of the Seneca Army Depot (Seneca County, NY) to observe the white deer and other wildlife, as well as the habitat and the history. Over 2000 people participated over 3 weekends.
I took the tour on Saturday and it was clear that areas were being prepared for hunting and that hunting stands were being placed for the annual hunt that is organized to "manage" the deer population, which are all enclosed behind fences. On the way back to the start of the tours, we passed a handsome white buck posing for pictures along the fence. He had no fear of cars or people.
For pictures and more information:
There is a general impression that the hunting is being "professionally" managed, but the person actually in charge is one of the last 6-8 Army employees with no wildlife management expertise. I just received the following note from one of the organizers:
After yesterday's tours at the Seneca Depot, our last day of very successful tours, and seeing the new tree stand right in the middle of Handsome Hank's habitat at the Depot, it is very clear that the deer we have named Handsome Hank is being targeted to be killed in this year's hunt, which starts in about three weeks at the Depot.
This is a tragic situation; Hank is a 'domesticated' wild deer who will come up to the fence if you provide an apple. It would be like shooting your family dog. No ethical hunter would ever do this but....some of these 'hunters' only want a white deer trophy and don't care about that aspect. We do.
I need your help in trying to dissuade the Army Corps of Engineers from targeting Hank this fall. Hank is the most photographed white deer in America and is probably 3.5 years old. I think the new stand has been built in Hank's territory as we have made Hank a symbol of what we are trying to achieve at the Depot. We have a crown jewel of a natural resource, a world class tourism attraction that can benefit not only the economy of Seneca County but would also educate everyone about the value of wildlife and the need for habitat and open space.
Handsome Hank symbolizes what the Seneca Depot can become and what it could mean to educate the public about the value of wildlife and
habitat. Please make an effort to save Hank.
Local efforts to stop the hunting in the Depot and/or to acquire the land for a wildlife watching/cultural history park have not been successful. I had hoped that by now the herd would have professional managers and more humane methods, but that is not the case.
If we can't stop the hunting, please at least save Hank.
Here are the individuals with email addresses who have the authority to stop this (The Seneca County IDA owns the property, the EDC manages and "authorizes" the hunt; the Board of Supervisors oversees the IDA):
Robert Aronson, Executive Director
Seneca County Industrial Development Agency
One Di Pronio Drive
Waterloo, New York 13165-1681
Telephone: 315.539.1725
Fax: 315.539.4340
Thomas Kime, Chair
Seneca County Industrial Development Agency
One Di Pronio Drive
Waterloo, New York 13165-1681
Lee Patchen, Chair
Seneca County Economic Development Corporation
One Di Pronio Drive
Waterloo, New York 13165-1681
Board of Supervisors
Seneca County Office Building,
1 DiPronio Drive,
Waterloo, NY 13165
Phone: (315) 539-1700,
Suzanne Sinclair
County Manager
Seneca County Office Building,
1 DiPronio Drive,
Waterloo, NY 13165
Phone: (315) 539-1700
Senator Michael F. Nozzolio
Senatorial District 54th, R-I-C
119 Fall Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Internet E-Mail:
Assemblyman Brian Kolb
607 West Washington St.
Suite 2
Geneva, NY 14456
David Kaiser, Town Supervisor
Town of Romulus
1435 Prospect Street
P.O. Box 177
Willard, New York 14588
Phone: 607-869-9326
Bob Hayssen, Town Supervisor
Town of Varick
4782 Rt. 96
Romulus, NY 14541
Commissioner Pete Grannis
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Executive Offices:
625 Broadway,
Albany, NY 12207
Paul D'Amato, Regional Director
Region 8 Headquarters
6274 E. Avon-Lima Rd.,
Avon, NY 14414
Robin J. Yager, Director
Network Partners for Animals*
* We do not sanction any groups' ethics or actions and offer the Network Partners Group as a networking resource tool. (remove spacing)
Spring Farm CARES
3364 Route 12
Clinton, NY 13323
315-790-1404 (no spaces)
Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so
do other creatures. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama