Health Justice Forum
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Come discuss how to resolve the disparities and inequities of the current health care delivery paradigm.
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)
and Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY)
Jeff Cohen, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Donna Smith, California Nurses Association
Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America
Dr. Emily Queenan, Physicians for a National Health Program
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Dryden Theatre
George Eastman House
900 East Avenue, Rochester, NY
FREE and Open to the Public
Please register and offer questions or comments at:
For more information, contact David Nevin at (585) 338-3849 or
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Sponsored by Progressive Democrats of Genesee Valley Foundation, Inc.
∙ Greater Rochester Community of Churches ∙ Healthcare-NOW! ∙ National Organization for Women, Greater Rochester Chapter ∙ Physicians for a National Health Program Finger Lakes Region ∙ Progressive Democrats of America ∙ Progressive Democrats of Genesee Valley ∙ Progressive Democrats of America, Ithaca ∙ Progressives In Action ∙ Rochester Interfaith Health Care Coalition ∙ Rochester and Genesee Valley Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO ∙ Single Payer New York ∙ Social Welfare Action Alliance ∙ Tompkins County Health Care Task Force