Senator Carl Levin's,Arlen Specter's 'Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory' vs JFK 'Magic Bullet' Assassination Theory
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Senator Levin said: “Naked short selling enables unscrupulous traders
to manipulate the stock market and can directly damage U.S. companies
and the shareholders who own them. This report confirms that the SEC
should consider and implement an arsenal of weapons to combat abusive
short selling. A requirement that short sellers must borrow shares
before engaging in a short sale would go a long ways towards ending
this abusive practice. Although decreasing the number of failures to
deliver is certainly not the only measure for success in fighting
abusive short selling, I note that when the SEC issued a temporary
preborrow requirement last July on a limited number of stocks, the
number of new failures to deliver in those stocks dropped by 78%.â€
Arlen Specter, Assassination, Bud Burrell, James Dale Davidson, magic bullet theory, NAANSS, Naked Short Selling, NCANS, President John F. Kennedy, Senator Carl Levin,
Senator Carl Levin's,Arlen Specter's 'Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory' vs JFK 'Magic Bullet' Assassination Theory
Senator Levin said: “Naked short selling enables unscrupulous traders
to manipulate the stock market and can directly damage U.S. companies
and the shareholders who own them. This report confirms that the SEC
should consider and implement an arsenal of weapons to combat abusive
short selling. A requirement that short sellers must borrow shares
before engaging in a short sale would go a long ways towards ending
this abusive practice. Although decreasing the number of failures to
deliver is certainly not the only measure for success in fighting
abusive short selling, I note that when the SEC issued a temporary
preborrow requirement last July on a limited number of stocks, the
number of new failures to deliver in those stocks dropped by 78%.â€
I wonder if Carl Levin and Arlen 'Magic Bullet'Specter can tell us how to say 'naked shorting' or 'naked short selling' in Hebrew and how
long it has been a problem on the Israeli TASE stock market or is this
fraudulent term used by right wing Beltway protected scum like Steve
Forbes National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson only used
by Israelis in the U.S. to take attention from their illegal pump and
dump money laundering scams against Americans !?
I actually posed the question of how to say 'naked shorting' in Arabic
in 2006 when Al Jazeera began promoting the rumor.Since the Sheikh of
Dubai bought NASDAQ they also are better positioned to defraud
Americans who still believe NASDAQ is an American stock exchange
thanks to the non reporting of Rupert Murdoch's Fox News and the CNN
“If I were operating some sort of mafia in the United States, I would
be only too delighted to have the leading voices of the news media
insist to the public that many of my crimes could never have happened.
It might even be worth hiring some goofballs to spread preposterous
theories about nonexistent conspiracies in order to discredit persons
who might stumble upon evidence of the real thing.†— James Dale
Davidson, Strategic Investment Newsletter, 7/25/95, commenting on the
Susan Schmidt article in the Washington Post of 7/4/95.
Note James Dale Davidson quoted above is founder of National Taxpayers
Union of Alexandria, Virginia,(just a few blocks from Mary Schapiro's
Securities Exchange Commission or SEC) and VERY Beltway connected.
He has hinted at money laundering for Bill Clinton and addressed
Congress many times before that as president of National Taxpayers
Union that he founded in 1969.He eventually turned on Clinton with
billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife of Pennsylvania and accuses him of
killing Vince Foster.So like Robert Maheu mentioned below Arlen 'Magic
Bullet' Specter as well as Carl
'Naked Shorts' Levin probably know him.
He in fact is the one who began the very fraudulent 'naked short
selling' claim that Specter and Levin are now promoting and aiding to
cover up massive Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,etc,fraud and money
laundering just as the fraudulent claim was originally used only to
distract from multi million and billion dolar penny stock fraud .I can
only imagine Levin is out to cover for Israelis who have manipulated
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from offshore accounts that Barney Frank's
and his boyfriend Herb Moses' and Rahm Emanuel's positions with those
facilitated.I have personal mail
from him from 2004 in which he tells me the biotech penny stock fraud
Endovasc was 'naked shorted'!
This link is to ripoff report I began in 2003 after the official
complaint I sent to the SEC was ignored.:
Rip-off Report: James Dale Davidson chief promoter,inventor of ...12
Dec 2003 ... James Dale Davidson chief promoter,inventor of 'stop
naked short scam' cyberfraud Blaine,Washington.....
In my comments to the SEC of December 2003 regarding Reg Sho I took
the opportunity to complain about the group in Blaine,Washington
called ICI or 'NAANSS',(National Association Against Naked Short
Selling),located in the same office that housed James Dale Davidson's,
Brent Pierce's,and Grant Atkins' Genemax,(named for Davidson's ?),penny stock pump and dump operation.I cited Gary Weiss'
Businessweek article at the time,'Don't force the shorts to get
dressed',that pointed out the shared office space and phone between
Genemax and 'NAANSS'.....
Specter is reported to have coerced a witness to the Kennedy
assassination, Jean Hill:
''He kept trying to get me to change my story, particularly regarding
the number of shots. He said I had been told how many shots there were
and I figured he was talking about what the Secret Service told me
right after the assassination. His inflection and attitude was that I
knew what I was supposed to be saying, why wouldn't I just say it. I
asked him, 'Look, do you want the truth or just what you want me to
say?' He said he wanted the truth, so I said, 'The truth is that I
heard between four and six shots.' I told him, 'I'm not going to lie
for you.' So he starts talking off the record. He told me about my
life, my family, and even mentioned that my marriage was in trouble. I
said, 'What's the point of interviewing me if you already know
everything about me?' He got angrier and finally told me, 'Look, we
can even make you look as crazy as Marguerite Oswald [Lee Oswald's
mother] and everybody knows how crazy she is. We could have you put in
a mental institution if you don't cooperate with us.' I knew he was
trying to intimidate me....''
''All the autopsists testified strongly that the pristine bullet
(theory of Arlen Specter)alleged to have wounded both victims could
not have done so.Yet,Arlen Specter bullied and pushed the doctors when
they testified and finally ignored all their testimony when it did not
suit his magic bullet theory.'' - High Treason
Note below is letter from corrupt or stupid Senators whose names are on
this letter to SEC Chair Mary Schapiro and never mention the myriad
companies who fraudulently claim their own shares have been 'naked
shorted' or counterfeited by some unnamed or unknown entity.Just one
example of I believe hundreds of
worthless companies who live off stock fraud more than their companies
products or supposed products is Taser stun gun CEOs who faudulently
claim their shares are 'naked shorted' but really fall because scum
like Rudy Giuliani's ex New York Police Chief Bernie Kerik and so many
other insiders to the fraud are dumping millions of dollars in shares
on naive investors.Even John Kerry didn't investigate their stock
fraud after a college student was stun gunned right before his eyes in
Florida.. And now Kerry who calls Republican Democrat collusion to
protect their collective elite interests 'cooperation' and ignores
that Obama's U.S. China Ambassador Utah Governor Jon Huntsman RECEIVED
Cops Taser student who questioned John Kerry - On Deadline ...Original
posting at 7:44 am ET: Sparks flew during a townhall meeting that Sen.
John Kerry, D-Mass., held yesterday at the University of ...
Security nominee got rich on Tasers / Kerik's relationship with ...10
Dec 2004 ... At one point, Kerik referred Taser executives, seeking
more federal business, to a Customs and Border Protection official of
the Homeland ...
Taser Shareholders: Blame It on the Boogeyman -- Seeking Alpha29 May
2008 ... Taser has been a regular on the naked shorting conspiracy
circuit for such a long time that I'm surprised we had to wait so long
for this ...
The only logical source or legal source of so called 'naked short
selling' or share counterfeiting or 'phantom shares',as the U.S
government protected mafia who promote the idea call it,would be a
market maker who buys and sells shares for clients daily but no one
has been convicted there.In fact the rule has been that a market maker
must cover his shorts within 3 days of purchasing for a client. On the
other hand Patrick Byrne of Overstock.con in Utah claims a 'Sith Lord'
is the culprit that 'naked shorts' his Overstock.con shares and
presumeably those such as Lanny Davis' clients the Novastar Financial
ponzi scheme.Do Carl Levin
and Utah Moron Senator believe in Patrick Byrne's 'Sith Lord' ? Is it
perhaps a god or entity Jews and Mormons share in their religious
mythologies that somehow in my religious ignorance I never learned
about ?
It was Geico insurance billionaire Jack's corrupt perverted
son'Patrick Byrne of Overstock.con and Novastar Financial
fraud,as well Bud Burrell of CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network
and more stock frauds than one can mention here and who issues death
threats against me on thesanitycheck dot con website that their penny
stock frauds and NASDAQ etc. stock frauds pays for,besides right wing
propoganda and unending lieing about 'naked short selling' over the
internet to detract from their own illegal pump and dump frauds the
SEC seems to protect,who blame it all on the 'Sith Lord'.
SEC Inspector General H.David Kotz who these Senators treat with kid
gloves as though he were a child prodigy for playing along with their
and ex SEC Chair Chris Cox lie about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac being
'naked shorted' when it is precisely those stocks that prove the claim
of James Dale Davidson,Patrick Byrne,Senators Bob Bennett,Carl
Levin,Arlen Specter, is a lie - if shares issued by Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac were 'naked shorted'
meaning they were counterfeited according to the Senators and James
Dale Davidson and Byrne,,then many shareholders would have
complained of not receiving their dividends over the years.This never
occured so the only question is are these Senators purposely aiding
stock criminals or just mistaken and themselves manipulated to aid a
mafia like stock fraud that thanks nothing of threatening the lives of
those who criticise them whether they be journalisats are victims of
their fraud such as myself.
If Carl Levin and Arlen Specter will write another letter to
Mary Chapiro,Chairman SEC,and request she begin prosecuting all public
companies that have made a fraudulent naked short selling claim since
2002 when James Dale Davidson and Grant Atkins and Brent Pierce
started the NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling
at the same Blaine, Washington office they ran their international
Genemax penny stock pump and dump and money laundering operation using
a phoney 'cancer vaccine' biotech front to to do so.
And Endovasc that Jim or James Dale Davidson was connected with at the
same time with its Stanford University 'nicotine angiogenesis'
patents that also began to fraudulently claim they were 'naked
shorted' and included Charles Schwab and Tim Mahoney's vFinance and
the Austrian Jewish billionaire Martin Schlaff connected Grin brothers
of Israel with their Cayman,
Liechtenstein,Bawag Bank Austria, Union Bank Israel connections.These
scumbags were not 'naked shorted' they were running a money laundering
pump and dump fraud that AIPAC's Carl Levin and Arlen 'Magic Bullet'
Specter and Saxby B. Chambliss, all know about and protect as
they have for years including ICTS International and Securacom who
'guarded' Logan Airport Boston and Dulles Airport Washington D.C. on
Full text of the letter to SEC Chair Mary Schapiro
April 2, 2009
Dear Chairman Schapiro:
''....American investors are looking to the SEC's meeting on April 8 to
address these issues It is urgent that we restore the integrity,
efficiency and fairness of our securities markets by preventing
manipulative short selling. Investors need to know that the market
fairly values the actual shares issued by a company and that their
transactions will not be distorted by manipulative naked short sellers
creating "phantom shares
''Because of our concern about abusive short selling practices, we
were especially troubled by the response of the Division of
Enforcement(the "Division") to a recent report from the SEC's
Inspector General (the "IG") entitled "Practices Related to Naked
Short Selling Complaints and Referrals," which detailed the results of
an audit of the Division's policies, procedures, and practices for
complaints about naked short selling.
''In the report, the IG found that despite receiving more than 5,000
complaints about abusive short selling, the Division had brought no
enforcement actions. Further, the IG made eleven suggestions for
improvements in processing and analyzing naked short selling
complaints, yet the Division agreed with only one of those eleven
''Equally troubling is the Division's reluctance to agree with the IG
and the Commission itself that naked short selling is harmful. As the
IG notes, the "SEC has repeatedly recognized that naked short selling
can depress stock prices and have harmful effects on the market.In
adopting a naked short selling antifraud rule, Rule 10b-21, in October
2008, the Commission stated, ‘We have been concerned about ‘naked'
short selling and, in particular, abusive ‘naked' short selling, for
some time.
''In response to the IG report, however, the Division stated "there is
hardly unanimity in the investment community or the financial media on
either the prevalence, or the dangers, of ‘naked' short selling."
''As the new leader at the SEC, you have an opportunity to clarify the
Commission's commitment to end abusive short selling...''
(Note the Senators mis-inform or lie outright in the paragragh above.
To be fair it was the corrupt SEC Inspector General H.David Kotz,
appointed by the corrupt ex SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked
Shorts' Cox,who lied about the individuals who posted 'more than 5,000
complaints' on the SEC's naked short selling complaint board.Kotz
knows and the SEC knows they are part of an organized group of stock
fraud insiders such as Bud Burell,Patrick Byrne,David Patch,Mark
Faulk and so many others mainly anonymous who all work together
because in case the Senators didn't notice - STOCK FRAUD IS A BIG
SEC Inspector Genaral H.David Kotz in charge of the Madoff cover up
should be removed from his position for the very reason that he has
ignored my complaints and I was the only one posting on the
naked short message board that was exposing their fraud.The SEC KNOWS
So now AIPAC(American Israel Public Affairs
Committee)representatives, Michigan Senator Carl Levin,(who should be
removed from Armed Services Committee and himself investigated for
colluding with far right wingnut Dick Armey in the cover up of
Israelis Menachem Atzmon's,Ezra Harel's,'s ICTS Internaional
'guarding' Logan Airport,Boston on 9/11/01),and Pennsylvania Senator
Arlen Specter, (who should apoligise to American public for his
disproven 'magic bullet' theory and intimidation of witnesses during
Warren Commission John F. Kennedy assassination) are teaming up with
Mormon Republicans and penny stock criminal underworld of Bob Bennett
and Orrin Hatch to fraudulently promote James Dale Davidson's lie
about'naked short selling' of stock frauds he and others promote and
claim that'naked shorting'or some unexplainable 'counterfeitting' is
the blame for the share price collapse of illegal pump and dump scams
such as Lanny Davis' and Patrick Byrne's,'s Novastar Financial
or NFI pump and dump ponzi scheme or Overstock.con shares themselves
audited and unaudited and pumped and dumped and manipulated by Byrne
himself.Or Mark Faulk and Bud Burrell,'s CMKX Diamonds that had
the underworld and CIA assassin figure Robert Maheu who Arlen Specter
may remember from John Kennedy or Fidel Castro assassination
days..Note also Bud Burrell who operates CFRN or Christian Financial
Radio Network to lure Christians into their frauds also threatens my
life on Patrick Byrne's thesanitycheck dot con that is the source of
the lies about 'naked shorting' that Specter and Levin are now
aiding.I guess the 'Jews',(white people who believe or lie about being
'semites'),Levin and Specter,think its cute to help Mormons who even
use the term Christianity in their frauds to lure them into fraud,
(i.e.Christian Financial Radio Network of Bud Burrell,
Carl Levin also lauds Chabad Lubavitz a far right messianic cult of
Judaism that even claims its founder is the 'messiah' which goes
against established Judaism itself.
They have been found to have 'mad cow' in their Iowa feedlot which can
only occur when cows are fed brains or spinal cords - a VERY
'un-kosher' thing to do.They also employ illegal rabbis from East
Europe or Israel and and are suspect of methamphetamine production on
Iowa 'kosher' plant property.And yet somehow even with their own stock
frauds for money laundering only their Guatemalan slave labor gets in
trouble and they are protected by the likes of Carl Levin and ex
Homeland Security Czar Michael Chertoff !
Kosher slaughterhouse in Iowa dumps CEO May 28, 2008
The Jewish Journal of greater L.A - May 28, 2008
The Brooklyn butcher and Chabad-Lubavitcher, who founded the company
in 1987, ... such as that methamphetamine was being produced at the
plant or that the ...
Now I wonder if Carl Levin and Arlen 'Magic Bullet'Specter can tell us
how to say 'naked shorting' or 'naked short selling' in Hebrew and how
long it has been a problem on the Israeli TASE stock market or is this
fraudulent term used by right wing Beltway protected scum like Steve
Forbes National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson only used
by Israelis in the U.S. to take attention from their illegal pump and
dump money laundering scams against Americans !?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
by Tony Ryals Saturday, Nov. 12,2005
A: ''Someone complained to the registrar that I had used false
information to register the first domain. Did you? A: Sure. I didn’t
realize that anyone cared or that it violated any rule. I listed the
Cheetah Club in Vegas, a strip club –internet servers, “topless
servers†– get it? A joke.'' - from WSJ interview of 'Bob O'Brien' who
some suspect is the Beltway's James Dale Davidson of the National
Taxpayers Union of Alexandria, Virginia and propagator of the smear
rumor,'Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster',(and also founder of Agora
Inc penny stock fraud lobbyists and NAANSS or 'National Association
Against Naked Short Selling' in 2002)
Carl Levin:
Cerberus Capital Management $35,650 $25,650 $10,000
Pro-Israel $366,378 $295,528 $70,850
The story below written by Carol Remond of Wall Street Journal about
Senator Bob Bennett's naked shorting lies about the Global Links penny
stock pump and dump fraud basically sums up Carl Levin's and Arlen
Specter's naked short selling delusions as well that harm defrauded
investors such as myself who were taken in a fraudulent naked short
selling scam.So Carl Levin had every chance to know his colleague
Senator Bob Bennett Utah Moron Republican was aiding fraud in his
claim that Global Links was 'naked shorted':
1 April 2005
Dow Jones News Service
(c) 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
By Carol S. Remond
A Dow Jones Newswires Column
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)---You've probably never heard of Global Links
Corp. (GLKCE), a tiny real estate developer in Las Vegas.
But this little over-the-counter bulletin board company got some big
attention recently when a powerful member of the Senate banking
committee referred to the company as a potential victim of abusive
short selling.
Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, used the Global Links example to harangue
Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson about
the inefficacy of Regulation SHO, a new short selling rule put in
place earlier this year.
A close look at Global Links, however, makes one wonder why the
senator held it up as a POSTER-CHILD for abusive short selling. There
are questions about the accuracy of the story used by Sen. Bennett to
show how Global Links was victimized by short sellers.....
SEC filings show that Paul Floto, an Oregon investor, bought 180,000
shares of Global Links stock in early March. Floto said in filing that
he bought what he thought was 15.5% of Global Links' outstanding
shares, "to point out the complete failure of government and exchange
regulatory bodies to maintain honest, orderly markets, and the corrupt
actions of market makers and securities clearing bodies, which
facilitate the sale of unissued, unregistered, counterfeit, or simply
nonexistent securities."
Like Simpson, Floto's plan was to show how millions of non-existent
shares are traded every day when brokers fail to borrow shares before
selling short shares.
Unfortunetly, likely unknown to Floto, Global Links had already issued
3 million shares by the first week of March, bringing its shares
outstanding to about 4 million. That means that it's likely that Floto
never held the 15.5% of Global Links that he claimed in his March 9
ownership filing with the SEC.
-By Carol S. Remond; Dow Jones Newswires; 201 938 2074 ;
And anyone,except Carl Levin, Arlen
'Magic Bullet' Specter or Utah Moron
Senator Bob Bennett or the U.S.SEC and Inspector H.David Kotz could
figure that Paul Floto like all the other scum,David Patch and his Jag
Media or Bud Burrell with his
'private stock trading' penny stock scam and Altomare's USXP and CMKX
Diamonds or Mark Faulk and his anti naked short site thefaulkingtruth
and CFRN or Christian Financial Radio
Network are repeat securities or stock fraud criminals.In fact even
their pretense at ignorance appears a fraud after a while.:
Comments of T. Ryals on S7-19-076 Sep 2007 ... Senator Bob
Bennett,Dave Patch,Paul Floto,Conseco,Global Links ... (And this is
what you see typed at bottom of Paul Floto's SEC comment of ...
Conseco Inc CNO Securities Fraud7 Aug 2009 ... Conseco Inc CNO
securities fraud class action lawsuit filed.
Paul Floto(Johnstone?) -part of Conseco fraud,not just an investor ?
'' Paul Floto, who had obtained power of attorney on behalf of a large
group of retail investors who owned the interest-bearing shares..
successfully petitioned the trustee overseeing Conseco to recognize
the preferred holders as an official committee with a say in the
reorganization -- a power rarely granted to equity holders.''
Who pays Carl Levin,Jane Harman,Arlen Specter, to represent
Israel ? We Americans do with the money from U.S incorporated Israeli
stock frauds such as ICTS International that 'guarded' Logan Airport
Boston and Newark on 911 against us and corporate sabotage that people
like them in Congress permit and encourage !
G7 nations threaten sanctions for Israeli money laundering
Monday, February 19, 2001 -- Israel is among 15 blacklisted countries
and territories which finance ministers from the seven most
industrialized nations threatened to sanction this weekend......
SENATOR Carl Levin no. 1 recipient of AIPAC money « Suzie-Q Cheney
referred approvingly to the fact that “Carl Levin, who's chairman of
the Senate Armed Services Committee, has indicated that they
definitely do want ...
Good News(to Carl Levin and Arlen Specter)
Russian crime fuelling Israeli money laundering.
4:59AM Tuesday Jun 27, 2000
New Zealand Herald - Jun 27, 2000
JERUSALEM - Money laundering in Israel has reached colossal
proportions in the last few years, fuelled by the rise of Russian
organised crime in the ...
Virginia Israel Advisory Board
Actionable information about Israeli companies that want to use
Virginia as a gateway ... VITTS has opened some incredible doors for
Xybernaut into Israel, ...
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News, Xybernaut Israeli us Penny Stock
Fraud ,Terrorism ... Ambassador to Morocco,(and the first
Jewish-American ambassador of ...
New York rabbis had Israeli money connection
Saturday 25th July, 2009
Albuquerque News.Net - Jul 25, 2009
... has reported that the source of millions of dollars involved in
alleged money-laundering by five arrested New Jersey rabbis, came from
Israeli sources. ...
Mark Lane went to interview Richard Sprague(around 1976) in
Philidelphia for the job as Chief Council and Staff Director,(to the
Committee To Investigate Assassinations).Sprague said,'the first thing
you should know is that I worked for Arlen Specter(former Philidelphia
District Attorney and ex-Warren Commission lawyer,who authored the
single (or 'magic')bullet theory. Lane said,'I don't see that as a
problem at all.In one
week you're going to be up to your hips in evidence of conspiracy'.
''Sprague has even avoided talking about his job,particularly as it
relates to the Kennedy assassination,with his friend and one time boss
Arlen Specter.'I did not talk to Arlen before I took this
thing',Sprague says...
On January 2,1977 Sprague came under full assault from David Burnham
of the New York Times,who detailed some of the many scandals Sprague
had been involved in while in Philadelphia....''- from High Treason by
Robert J.Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone
Arlen Specter's 'magic bullet' theory used to 'explain' the Warren
Commission's inexplicable 'Oswald acted alone'
Interesting that Mark Lane mentioned above was the recruiter of Arlen
Specter's Richard Sprague who did his part to sabotage the second
official JFK assassination of the 1970's and mantain Arlen Specter's
lies about Oswald being a 'lone gunman'.Lane wrote a book in the
1960's on CIA involvement in the Kennedy assassination titled 'Rush To
Judgement' and was later an attorney for the Reverend Jim Jones'
People's Temple and strangely one of the only survivers of Jim
Jones'Jonestown,Guyana 'white night' suicide or massacre that
triggered SF 'WHITE KNIGHT' Dan White's murder of San Francisco Mayor
George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk that brought Dianne
Feinstein to power as unelected SF Mayor.Mark Lane appears to have
made his Kennedy assassination job offer to Specter's cover up man
Sprague almost as if representing the CIA itself - working with a
Bernard Fensterwald,who besides having been an attorney for Martin
Luther King's accused assassin James Earl Ray was also an attorney in
law offices where CIA were major clients.
And so Richard Sprague's appointment to the government's official John
F Kennedy assassination investigation of the 1970's guaranteed that
regardless of denial, Arlen Specter's Warren Commission cover up and
framing of Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone gunman was alive and well at
this second inquest.
Below is part of my email message sent to Montana Democrat Senator Jon
Tester regarding his involvement with the erroneous 'naked short
selling' letter of Carl Levin to SEC Chair Mary Schapiro.:
Your correspondence has been sent. Thank you for sharing your views
with Senator Tester.Thank You:
Dear Senator Jon Tester,
I am only now beginning to put together an article post re Carl
Levin,Senator Specter,Bob Bennett, Orrin Hatch,, and sadly to
say yourself for promoting the fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim
that I have been fighting and reporting to the SEC since 2003 with no
results.Levin misleads to say the least in claiming the SEC has done
nothing about 'naked short selling' because Chris Cox was lieing about
the same thing and particularly when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,AIG,
Lehman Brothers,etc. share price collapsed in 2008.His statement re
them is on the website for your perusal.Inspector General
I was defrauded in a scam called Endovasc and by googling my name with
that scam or my name with Bob Bennett or Patrick Byrne or James Dale
Davidson or David P Summers or Israeli Grin brothers or Bud Burrell
you would have some idea of what I've been going through since before
and after 9/11.....
Tony Ryals
Below note that Zami Aberman of Israel and his U.S. penny stock
fraud Pluristem(that claims to use stem cells from placentas for
medicine but steals all money investors place in their shares)
and its promoters and money launderers including U.S.National
Taxpayers Union's James Dale Davidson(founder of NAANSS or National
Association Against Naked Short Selling in 2002) and Carlyle's Frank
Carlucci,(CIA suspect in Congo
murder of Patrice Lumumba shortly before Kennedy assassination),
promote a complete lie about a meeting between them and 'W Bush and
Tony Blair and President George W. Bush, Former British Prime Minister
Tony Blair; Former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev; Former US
Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger; New York Times columnist
Thomas L. Friedman; Chairman and CEO of News Corporation Rupert
Murdoch; and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz' all meeting in
Israel in May,2008...
Reuters itself appears to be controlled by some real dirtbags who aid
stock fraud because they could verify Pluristem did not meet with
those mentioned and is an Israeli corporate fraud against American
investors that should not
be incorporated in the U.S. but in Israel although commiting this kind
of fraud against Israelis could land them in trouble.:
Pluristem to Present to President Bush and Others at the First Annual
Israeli Presidential Conference
Wednesday April 23, 10:53 am ET
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:PSTI -
News) (DAX:PJT), a bio-therapeutics company dedicated to the
commercialization of unrelated donor-patient (allogeneic) cell therapy
products for a variety of degenerative, ischemic and autoimmune
indications, announced today that it has been chosen to present at the
First Annual Israeli Presidential Conference termed “Facing Tomorrow",
to be held on May 13-15, 2008 in Jerusalem.
The conference will focus on Jewish and Israeli contributions to
humanity and will showcase 60 (for the 60th anniversary of the State
of Israel), meticulously selected out of hundreds, inventions and
innovations developed by Israeli scientists, researchers and
inventors, that have the potential to revolutionize the future for
Israel and the world community alike.
World leaders, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs will take part in
the event. Confirmed conference participants include President George
W. Bush, Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair; Former President of
the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev; Former US Secretary of State Dr. Henry
Kissinger; New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman; Chairman and
CEO of News Corporation Rupert Murdoch; and Harvard Law Professor Alan
Zami Aberman, Pluristem’s President & CEO, stated: “Pluristem is
pleased to be invited to this high level international conference to
present its business and products in development to world-renowned
business leaders, technology thought leaders and entrepreneurs.â€
Also note Pluristem uses convicted securities fraudster Thomas Ronk's
'naked short list' to claim their pump and dump fraud is a victim of
'naked shorting'.:
PLRS removed from the Naked Short List
posted on May 30, 07 02:55PM
Note here that the only ones applauding Senators Levin,Specter,
Bennett,Hatch,Tester,Saxby Chambliss,
Hatch,'s letter to Mary Schapiro are the very ones who are
operating penny stock frauds and claiming-lieing that the money
laundering frauds they run or victims of 'naked shorting' when they
are the ones who hide the shares they themselves pump and dump to
defraud investors !Also note
that CMKX Diamonds hired mafia and CIA assassination team connected
Robert Maheu(now deceased) who Arlen Specter may have known from
Kennedy assassination days.....Also note Bud Burrell who threatens my
life while these 'U.S. leaders'remain silent is part of the long
ongoing CMKX Diamonds pump and dump money laundering operation that
they claim is a victim of 'naked short sellinging'.Ha.
scam penny stock website:
Raging Bull: Member Forums: Post 1676 on CMKX PAYOUT"a belief that
naked short selling played a major role in the current financial
crisis. ... and Jon Tester (D-Mont.). Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N...
scam penny stock website:
CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc. - New CEO Mark Faulk Speaks Out ...26 Sep
2008 ... In reference to information sent out by Bud Burrell, Bud was
a middleman to ... CMKX - CMKM Diamonds - SEC Enforcement Blows Off
Inspector ...
scam penny stock website:
Levin, Grassley, Specter Release GAO Report on SEC Actions to Curb
...Today, Senator Carl Levin, D-Mich., Chairman of the Permanent
Subcommittee on ... Ranking Member of the Finance Committee; and
Senator Arlen Specter, D-Penn., ... Senator Levin said: “Naked short
selling enables unscrupulous traders to ...
Below is from Mark Cuban's from a poster
who discusses Bud Burrell who threatens my life on his
thesanitycheck.con. 'anti-naked short selling' website.Senators Carl
Levin and Arlen Specter, have written to the SEC Chair Mary
Schapiro in defense of his fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim even
though they must know he is mafia and probably CIA connected because
he promotes the fraudulent money laundering scam called CMKX Diamonds
that Robert Maheu was part of before his recent death.
Endovasc also mentioned by the poster is the fraud that ripped me off
with its connections to James Dale Davidson founder of the National
Taxpayers Union near the SEC's office in Alexandria,Virginia.
SEC Inspector General H.David Kotz has lied to the Senators and the
public in claiming the SEC's 5,000 complaints about 'naked shorting'
prove it is occuring when in fact it is an organized and well financed
criminal group who writes to them and most anonymously.
But when one has the chance to identify the individuals making the
naked short selling claims such as Bud Burrell you find as the poster
below documents,that they are
'professional' securities criminals who have been at it for decades,
not inexperienced investors as I was when I became involved with
them.Yet this person Bud Burrell as described below who threatens my
life at the apparent'pleasure' of our 'anti-terrorist' Senators is
connected to other criminals using U.S.stocks for fraud and money
laundering around the world and it seems unlikely these Senators and
particularly H.David Kotz of the SEC doesn't know that.Kotz is also
involved in covering up for Bernie Madoff's associates such as Senator
Carl Levin's clients who operate Cerberus hedge fund that includes
Stephen Feinberg,ex Treasury Secretary John Snow,Dan Quayle and a
Mr.Swindle from Cheney's Kellogg, Brown and Root among others.
This means that Carl Levin is protecting Dick Cheney's own
associates because KBR was and may still be part of Haliburton and
they actually are the U.S. government's biggest recipient of Iraq
contracts.Levin helps Cerberus in their Chrysler and GMAC frauds in
his own states knowing full well their connections to Bernie Madoff as
well as Leumi Bank of Israel !
A few weeks ago, I learned that shares of one such company, Private
Trading Systems Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz. (Pink sheets: PVTM), were
being offered to European investors by an apparently fictitious
brokerage calling itself Anglo Swiss Consulting (fictitious in the
sense that it is not registered with any nations regulatory agency and
that its Internet site is something of a Potemkin storefront.)
When I looked into Private Trading Systems, I noted that its chairman,
chief executive, treasurer and corporate secretary is none other than
C. Austin Bud Burrell, whose dire warnings about naked shorting have
been featured at, on the Bob OBrien blog and similar
Internet sites.
Burrell also has been a litigation consultant for John OQuinn, the
Texas lawyer(paid by many penny stock operators to litigate the
fraudulent claim in court who loses everytime because his and Carl
Levin's and Arlen 'Magic Bullet' Specter's claim is a lie)....
Its worth noting that shares of Endovasc Inc., another company that is
part of the anti-naked shorting coalition, also were sold by a foreign
boiler room known as Bellador Advisory Services.
Dealing in securities and providing investment advice without a licence
Bellador Advisory Services (Labuan) Ltd....
Below in I replace Bud Burrell's
copywrited death threat to me I replce my name with that of Arlen
Specter whose encouragement of such criminals is in many ways the
cause of such threats to me.It is poetic justice because Robert Maheu
whose association in and around the CIA and mafia as well as attempted
assassination against Fidel Castro and the very real one perpetrated
against John F Kennedy was something both Arlen Specter and Robert
Maheu were part of.Now Arlen Specter defends a penny stock fraud and money
laundering operation called CMKX Diamonds that was connected to Maheu
before his death and now to Bud Burrell who threatens my life on the
fraudluemt supposed 'anti naked short selling' cyberfraud site called
Arlen Specter, Notorious Basher, NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert,
Convicted Fraud Felon, Confidential Informant
Feb 22
Written by: bburrell
2/22/2008 7:55 PM
AKA Arlen Specter has been rumored to be everything from a transexual
imposter, to a serial pervert and worse, to a member of NAMBLA (North
American Man Boy Love Association), to a convicted felon, to a roll
Confidential Informant (the USG never met a felon they didn't love if
he was a roll), and far worse. These many malicious and vicious
rumors are unfortunate even if proven not precisely or completely
true. That is no different than his stories.
He/She slanders with the rough and unhewn skills of a second rate
tabloid journalist, without regard to who he/she harms, and certainly
without resort to facts. He/She should be working with The New York
Times. He/She isn't worthy of a good glass of piss, but no one ever
gets to tell him/her to his/her face, because, surprise, surprise,
he/she is never seen.
I know many would love to have very rough conversation (look up this
in a dictionary) with him/her over about a week, or a month, but it
would be a waste of time in any event. Besides, it would be too much
fun, very undisciplined.
Someday in the future, his/her veil will be ripped away, and the enemy
predators can feed on his/her liver. That would be more fun than a
barrel of monkeys to watch. The clock ticks every moment on this dirt
bag's very existence.
There will be no universality to this outcome. No one will mourn his
loss. John Donne will be damned.
Years ago, I developed a little Buddhist displacement concept called
"My Short List". Being a rather high risk bet for an untimely death,
I took the names of the small number of people I have found to be
without redeeming human virtue, to be used in the last few weeks of my
time, with the plan to send some scouts on ahead to check out the
terrain. Of the nine men and one woman on that list, only two
survive. I can't claim credit for this, since God has beaten me to
them. It is the nature of the physical risks faced by all really
negative borderline sociopaths (the 1% that are so broken they can't
be fixed) that their own bodies tend to turn on them very hard.
Enjoy your perversions while you can. The clock is ticking on your
worthless existence. You have chosen the worst enemy of all, God.
You can't win. Where you are headed, they don't read wills.
Ms. Arlen, With hugs and kisses from all your admirers and detractors, ESAD.
Everyone re-post this link as many places as you can. It is the key
to good search engine positioning/standing and we certainly want to
get to the empty bottom of this barrel of waste that represents
Specter's life.
Copyright ©2008 Bud Burrell
Senator Carl Levin's,Arlen Specter's 'Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory'
vs RFK 'Magic Bullet' Assasination Theory
Senator Carl Levin, NORAD, and
Chabad Lubavitch
by Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
Copyright, June, 2002
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes
June 15, 2002: My colleague Dick Eastman has noticed, as a number of
us have, that Sen. Carl Levin (D.-Mich.), chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, is a strange bird.
In September and October, Levin's Armed Services Committee held
hearings that touched directly on the events of 9-11. On September
13, 2001, Levin allowed Gen. Richard B. Myers, former NORAD commander
and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9-11, to bob and
weave and lie about 9-11 events. Then, on October 25, 2001, Levin
allowed Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, commander of NORAD on 9-11, to bob and
weave and lie about 9-11 events. Read an analysis here:
Carl Levin does not want anyone to understand what happened on 9-11.
That's because he was part of the team that pulled it off. As I
explain in "Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" the 9-11 terror
was the kickoff event in the War for Jewish Supremacy.
The aim of this war is to establish a world-wide Jewish theocratic
state, where rabbinical courts will rule every country. The current
vanguard of this Jewish empire is an organization called Chabad
Lubavitch. Carl Levin has publicly endorsed Chabad Lubavitch from the
floor of the Senate.
cached at:
Carl Levin is not going to blow the whistle on NORAD. Please
understand Carl Levin. He is a patriotic Jew. He is not a patriotic
American. Levin allowed Myers and Eberhart to get away with murder
because 9-11 furthers his nation's plan for world domination....
Think about it. There is no way you could pull off 9-11 without
having Levin in your pocket.
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch, Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,ICE ...17
Jun 2008 ... the same Chabad Lubavitch that G.W. Bush praised and
celebrated .... Carl Levin (D) of Michigan and Norm Coleman (R) of
Minnesota. ...... NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin
Bush on 9/11 ...
In 1963 when President John F Kennedy was assassinated it was Arlen
Specter and Gerald Ford's 'Magic Bullet' theory that covered it up.And
now he and his fellow Senator Carl Levin would like to sell us their
and James Dale Davidson's and Patrick Byrne's and ex SEC Chairman
Christopher Cox's's 'Naked Short Selling' or 'naked shorting'
theory to explain the collapse of Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac and even AIG
and Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs that weren't 'naked shorted' at
all ! James Dale Davidson besides pioneering the fraudulent 'naked
short selling' claim to distract from the monotony of his many illegal
penny stock pumps and dumps that the U.S.SEC has ptretended not to
notice all these decades -particularly beginning with Genemax and
Endovasc biotech frauds.However now the fraudulent claim is being used
to lend the excuse that dividend paying stocks were naked shorted'
which is a lie.According to the scamsters who define this term they
themselves make up as they go along is share counterfeiting but if
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac really were 'naked shorted' then some
shareholders would have come forward to prove they bought false shares
and didn't get a dividend. This never happened so the claim of ex SEC
Chairman Christopher Cox was itself a fraudulent claim or an
embarrassing mistake.The same applies to the new new promoters of
James Dale Davidson and NAANSS or National Association Against Naked
Short Selling lie - Senators Carl 'Cerberus hedge fund' Levin and
Arlen 'Magic Bullet' Specter - i.e. they are either aiding and
abetting scum like James Dale Davidson, Beltway banker David
P Summers,(who posed as biotch CEO)the Grin brothers of Israel and
thus Martin Schlaff or Bud
Burrell who posts death threats to me from Patrick Byrne's and spouts the same 'naked shorting' nonesense as
Levin and Specter while admitting involvement in a number of penny
stock frauds from Robert Maheu's,
(now deceased)connected CMKX Diamonds
to Richard Altomare's USXP.
And let's not forget that ex Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has
taken money from Rabbi Morris Talansky who was involved with NY
Wolfson family in the IFEN and Global Resources stock fraud and
inflight gambling and entertainment operation whose wiring on Swissair
111 is suspected of killing all on board off Nova Scotia while
disconnecting the black box ! The Wolfson penny stock money laundering
crime family support far right Israeli causes in great part with
money defrauded from his fellow Americans - the Sulphco penny stock
fraud being a very smelly example.
Ex Israeli PM Ehud Olmert when he was Minister of Industry personally
thanked British Israeli mafiosi Michael Zwebner for bringing
'business' to Israel and claimed to have visited his non existent
'air water machine' factory outside Jerusalem !
Zwebner 'invested' some of his proceeds in U.S.penny stock fraud
Universal Communications Systems or Air Water Corp in male prostitutes
in Miami being the good 'Orthodox Jew' he claims to be as well as
using the U.S. legal system to fight Americans freedom of speech
including a $100 million litigation against his fellow Orthodox Jew
Wolf Blitzer and CNN all because I - Tony Ryals - criticised him and
his 'water from air machine' penny stock fraud on ragingbull.con UCSY
or AWTI message board using wolfblitzzer0 as my alias !
Executive Faces Uphill Battle in His Suits Over Anonymous Web Attacks
Like clockwork each day, someone who calls himself or herself
Wolfblitzzer0 logs on to, a stock-talk Internet message
board, and posts slurs about Michael J. Zwebner, the chief executive
of Miami Beach-based Universal Communication Systems.
Wolfblitzzer0's allegations have covered business practices, political
conspiracies, and personal misdemeanors. In many posts, Wolfblitzzer0
accuses Zwebner of dirty business dealings and nefarious interactions
with the Israeli government......
It should be added that Michael Zwebner's and Ehud Olmert's and
Mohamed Hadid's and Alexander Walker's and Moshe Katsav's Air Water
Machine fraud(or 'UCSY' or AWTI or Air Water Corp) mainly against
Americans also has had a Martin Schlaff connection by way of the Grin
brothers Cayman offshore accounts and
Liechtenstein and Bawag Bank of Austria..
And it was the convicted(in Israel) Likud Party money launderer
Menachem Atzmon,and Ezra Harel and ex Israeli military who took
control of Huntleigh through a stock fraud called CTS International
and 'guarded' Logan Airport Boston on 9/11!
However now the term 'naked shorting' is not being applied just to a
huge number of penny stocks but is being used to cover up what appears
to be organized racketeering with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac etc.,
shares just as there was racketeering with oil price speculation among
international elites with their offshore anonymous or semi-anonymous
Below are links that shows a Cerberus and Bernie Madoff connections
.And of course that means Leumi Bank of Israel connections as well
because some Kellogg, Brown and Root old boys as well as Stephen
Feinberg, Dan Quayle and ex Treasury Secretary John Snow who spied on
Bawag Bank of Austria,etc., with CIA at Brussels,Belgium's SWIFT that
monitors international
financial transactions,before resigning and becoming part of
Cerberus and then buying Martin Schlaff's's Bawag Bank of
Austria and part of Leumi Bank....It goes on....Why doesn't Carl Levin
invesigate these banks and their involvement with these carpetbaggers
and war profiteers rather than distract Mary Schapiro with chasing
'naked shorts' or 'phantom shares' produced as Patrick Byrne predicted
by a 'Sith Lord' to judge from Carl 'Naked Shorts' Levin's and Arlen
'Magic Bullet' Specter's'
investigations'. Ha.
Cerberus,Carl Levin's clients connected to Bernie Madoff:
Secretive Cerberus keeps a high profile on K Street
By Laurie Bennett
September 4, 2008
Cerberus Capital Management, once touted for its daring investments in
Chrysler and GMAC, is now struggling to avoid tremendous losses,
according to The New York Times...
But in Washington, Cerberus maintains a major presence...
They have also given to two Michigan Democrats who hold sway on auto
legislation: Sen. Carl Levin and Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of
Azrieli bids for Cerberus',
Gabriel's Leumi stake
Sun May 3, 2009 7:48am EDT
JERUSALEM, May 3 (Reuters) - The Azrieli Group said on Sunday it had
bid for part of Cerberus Capital Management's [CBS.UL] and Gabriel
Capital Corp's 9.8 percent stake in Bank Leumi (LUMI.TA)....
Newspapers have said the firms decided to sell their stake jointly to
boost liquidity in the wake of the global financial crisis and the
Bernard Madoff scandal.....
Where did Madoff stash his cash?
Most importantly to the Madoff scheme, both Bank Leumi and Israel
Discount Bank have branches in Switzerland where Swiss banking secrecy
laws apply. Bank Leumi has its main office in Zurich and a branch in
Geneva. It should be noted that Bank Leumi's Swiss banking operation
has "representative offices" in Budapest and Israel. Banking secrecy
is the first point of Bank Leumi's Swiss branch...IDB has its Swiss
branch in Geneva, Switzerland.....
Note if Carl Levin and Arlen Specter are serious about cracking down
on those who are supposedly 'naked shorting'(in my experience every
company that has claimed to be a victim of 'naked shorting' is more
often illegally 'pumping and dumping' their own shares and
manipulating the share price themselves just as California
Representative Jane Harman's Harman International and its
'underwriter' J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. admit below in SEC
filing),then they had better investigate California Representative
Jane Harman.Also note her
and husband Sidney's shares turn up in Kuwait and were being
promoted(pumped)by a securities dealer connected to the Sheikh Al
Sabah himself whose family also ran the Securacom fraud with Marvin
Bush that 'guarded' Dulles Airport(unsuccessfully)on 9/11/01.But of
course Carl 'Naked Shorts' Levin and Arlen 'Magic Bullet' Specter no
nothing about that or Israelis Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel
'guarding' Logan Airport Boston with their ICTS International
corporate espionage or sabotage and stock fraud.(ha):
We are offering the shares of common stock described in this
prospectus supplement through a number of underwriters. J.P. Morgan
Securities Inc. is acting as book-running manager of the offering and
as representative of the underwriters....
Our common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the
symbol “HAR.â€
Short sales may be “covered†shorts, which are short positions in an
amount not greater than the underwriters’ over-allotment option
referred to above, or may
be “NAKED†SHORTS.....A NAKED SHORT position is more likely to be
created if the underwriters are concerned that there may be downward
pressure on the price of the common stock in the open market that
could adversely affect investors who purchase in this offering. To the
extent that the underwriters create a NAKED SHORT position, they will
purchase shares in the open market to cover the position......
Levin, Grassley, Specter Release GAO Report on SEC Actions to Curb
Stock Failures to Deliver and Manipulative Naked Short Selling
Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 -
Today, Senator Carl Levin, D-Mich., Chairman of the Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations; Senator Charles Grassley, R-Iowa,
Ranking Member of the Finance Committee; and Senator Arlen Specter,
D-Penn., Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs,
released a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report analyzing
recent actions taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)to
curb failures to deliver securities and manipulative naked short
Senators Propose an ID System to Block Naked Shorts
Seven U.S. Senators this week announced their support for a method of
protecting against ‘naked’ short selling that involves requiring the
clear identification of shares to be borrowed in a trade.
Sens. Ted Kaufman (D-DE), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Carl Levin (D-MI),
Jon Tester (D-MT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) proposed a prohibition on prohibit short sales
unless the executing broker first gets an identification number for
the shares to be borrowed. This would block naked sales,which occur
when an investor sells short a security without ever borrowing shares
to cover the trade.
Senator Carl Levin's,Arlen Specter's 'Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory'
vs RFK 'Magic Bullet' Assasination Theory
From Arlen Specter,the same Philadelphia and Warren Commission John
F.Kennedy assassination attorney and now Pennsylvania Senator who
brought us the 'magic bullet theory' to explain or cover up the
assassination of U.S. Presient John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas,Texas
on November 23,1963,
comes the ingenious 'naked short selling theory' parroted from
Pittsburgh Richard Mellon Schaife's 'Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster'
colleague James Dale Davidson! Do these stooges Specter and Levin even
know where their bad idea about the threat of 'naked short
selling'comes from ? Scaiffe and Davidson(founder of Steve
Forbes','s NTU,(National Taxpayers Union),also fostered the
rumor together that Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster and now Carl
Levin and Arlen Specter are fostering the rumor of James Dale Davidson
and his NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling
that unnamed stock issuing public companies are victims of 'naked
shorting' which they define as counterfeiting of stock or shares .
Note below is proof that the U.S.SEC and its ex Chairman Christopher
Cox were doing exactly what Arlen 'Magic Bullet' Specter and Carl
'Naked Shorts' Levin were pretending the SEC was not doing - i.e.
blaming every collapse of every stock on 'naked short selling' as an
excuse for not investigating the serious organized crime feraud
probably behind the crash.
SEC Enhances Investor Protections Against Naked Short Selling
Washington, D.C., July 15, 2008 - The Securities and Exchange
Commission today issued an emergency order to enhance investor
protections against "naked" short selling in the securities of Fannie
Mae, Freddie Mac, and primary dealers at commercial and investment
Freddie Mac FRE
Fannie Mae FNM
The listed stocks were not naked shorted or counterfeited and
all shareholders investors got their dividend.Proof that Carl Levin is
lieing outright to aid his Mormon Senators and their penny stock fraud
constituents or he simply does not know what he is talikndg about and
should learn or shut up for te good of investers such as myself who
were ripped off in pump and dump scams that fraudulentl blamed the
stock value collapse on 'naked shorting'.
9/11,Carl Levin,Senator Jane Harman International,Kuwait Securacom,
Marvin Bush,Al Sabah,Dulles,WTC
Jane Harman's Zionist Chicken Hawk Lanny Davis of Nova Star Financial
Fraud against Americans sees Honduras Poor as Palestinians
Barack Obama,U.S.China Ambassador Jon Huntsman Jr,Bud Burrell Death
Threats,Stock Fraud
Barack Obama,U.S.Ambassador to China Utah Gov.Jon Huntsman,Patrick
Byrne Campaign Fraud, Melamine, Chemicals Mass of Destruction
Pataxte,(Theobroma Bicolor): Real White Chocolate,Macademia Nut Of The
Guatemala Maya ?
9/11,Daniel Pearl,Barack Obama,Joe Biden,Mansoor Ijaz,Asra Nomani,ICTS
Israel, Crescent Hydropolis,Fox News,Stock Fraud and Bloody Murder
Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High
School Students
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds Bill Clinton's
Washington,D.C. Stock Fraud Money Launderer James Dale Davidson !
SEC Cyber Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig, Joshua A Ridless,Image
Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack On
Barack Obama
Fannie Mae Naked Short Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale
Davidson, Lord Rees-Mogg LOM Bermuda,Schwab,vFinance Stock Fraud
Fannie Mae:Congessman Barney Frank Goes Down On Moses,Tim Mahoney
Pimps Mistress,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts'
SEC,Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,'Naked Shorting' Lie:John McCain, Chris
Cox,James Dale Davidson Massive Stock Fraud
First U.S.Government Censored 9/11 Al Qaeda Video:Fox News' War Porn
Star Jack Idema Tortures In Afghanistan
Nazi Pope Benedict XVI,Sarah Palin's UnWed Pregnant Teenager,Nancy
Pelosi's Papal Smear
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware
Corp ICTS International
Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC
Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up
Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor
Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ?
India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian
Fellowship Ministries
Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox
News-Frank Luntz Connection
Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing
White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud,
Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New
Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece
Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud
Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On......
9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities
Exchange Commission Filings
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,
Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes
Israeli 'Security' Fraud
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown
University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News
Critic,,Friend To Fraud
California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy
Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering
University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless
Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement'
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud
promotes pedophilia Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death
Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas
Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster
Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution